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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 09 September

Thursday 1 September 1892

DIED at Grahamstown August 31 1892, James Joseph COGAN, aged 76 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Cape Corps Camp, tomorrow (Friday) morning at half past 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker.

At Maritzburg the other day a terribly sudden death overtook Mr. J.W. FORD, of the Natal Government Railways. He was walking up Church Street when he broke a blood vessel and died in a few minutes.

DIED at St.Bartholomew’s Rectory, September 1, Victor James Morice, born August 4 1886, youngest son of the Rev. C.H.L. and A.C. PACKMAN.

A most tragic episode occurred yesterday afternoon about half past three, by which an old and respected fellow-citizen, Mr. J. COGAN Sen., lost his life. It appears that some natives must have been tinkering with Mr. COGAN’s huge bee-hive during his short absence from the house, but being disturbed had fled the scene. Mr. COGAN returning from his son’s house nearby, found the whole atmosphere full of maddened bees, and muffling his head with his waistcoat, rushed to loosen the watch-dog chained up near the hive. He had managed to half undo the buckle, apparently, when the infuriated insects attacked him on every side, and he lost his head. He tried to beat them off with his handkerchief, but to no avail; he called for help, and they poured into his mouth, piercing his tongue and throat with a hundred stings. He then lost consciousness, and when Mr. PANKHURST (his brother-in-law) came upon the scene it was only at great personal peril that he could drag him into the house. The poor old gentleman, who was 76 years of age, died in a few minutes from suffocation, dur to the stings on his tongue and in his mouth. His head was so thickly covered with the tiny darts that not a pin’s point could be anywhere inserted between them. When Dr. CHEW arrived, life was quite extinct. Mr. A. COGAN and his mother arrived from town in the phaeton, and had their first intimation of anything wrong when the bees forced them to make the horses bolt for life right up West Hill. The bees killed all the fowls about the place, as well as the watch-dog (which was swollen to the size of a small mule) and stung numbers of passers-by into the bargain. Mr. R.J. COGAN was telegraphed for from Cradock, and returned at once to town. We tender our sincere sympathy with the bereaved family in this terrible and unexpected affliction. Professor COGAN (the youngest son) is away on a trip.

We regret to learn of the death at an early hour this morning of young Victor PACKMAN, a most promising youth, son of the Rev. C.H.L. PACKMAN. We tender our sincere sympathies with the parents.

Saturday 3 September 1892

DIED on September 2 1892, Robert WEBBER, in the 76th year of his age.
The Funeral will leave deceased’s late residence tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends invited.

At Capetown, Captain ARMSTRONG, a well-known Mashonaland explorer, died suddenly last week from an overdose of morphia.

Mr. Ebenezer BIGGS, late of Wellfound, died recently at Oak House in Cradock Street, Graaff-Reinet. Some months ago he got an attack of paralysis from which he never rallied. He was in his 72nd year. Mr. BIGGS had a Frontier and Karoo farmer’s history.

A cable has been received at Durban announcing the death, after an operation had been performed, of Mr. W.E. SHEPSTONE, son of Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE, and long established as a lawyer there. The late Mr. SHEPSTONE formerly represented Durban County in the Natal House of Assembly, and was very highly esteemed.

In the early hours of the morning (says the Star) a young white man, named SAMPSON, who had for some time been an inmate of Rev. Mr. KELLY’s Home, in Pritchard-street, engaged as cook, died outside that institution. It appears SAMPSON’s father, who is in Kimberley, heard of his son’s destitute condition and sent him £5to enable him to go to Kimberley. Instead of using it for the object intended, young SAMPSON went on the spree and lay down outside the Home last night in a deplorable state of intoxication, his death occurring shortly after.

At Naauwpoort, Tarka, a Mr. Christian HATTINGH lost two little sons in a most painful manner last week. Mrs. HATTINGH being out, the father, having some work to do on the lands, first extinguished the kitchen fire, and placed the matches out of reach before leaving. Most unfortunately, however, he must have left a few live coals among the ashes, which the boys extracted, and in some unknown manner set fire to the kitchen, with the terrible result that one was burnt to a cinder, presenting an awful sight. The other, also frightfully burnt, was brought into town in an unconscious state, and despite all that was done, reports the Tarka Herald, died the following day.

The D.F. Advertiser announces the death of Mrs. C.M. CROFT (a daughter-in-law of Mr. CROFT, the discoverer of the renowned South Africa “snake tincture” bearing his name) which sad event took place on Monday morning last. The deceased came to Kimberley on a visit to her son, Mr. J.H. CROFT, residing in Woodley-street, about three months ago, and some time afterwards was laid up with an affliction of the bone in one foot. Eventually this had to be amputated, and blood-poisoning set in, and after suffering for several days Mrs. CROFT, who was 64 years of age, succumbed. The deceased leaves two sons, one in Kimberley and one at Thaba ‘Nchu, and a daughter at Port Elizabeth.

At Braamfontein, Johannesburg, Mrs. Jacoba SCHOONRAAD, a European, [48] years old, whose husband is in the service of the Tramway Company, was in her house the other morning, in company with Miss MILLER, one of her sisters, when a Kafir boy employed to do odd work called at the house. Mrs. SCHOONRAAD sent the boy for some water, and set him about other house-work, and then requested him to fill the tank. Miss MILLER showed the boy how to do this last work and then went out, leaving the Kafir and Mrs. SCHOONRAAD in the house. Just previously Mrs. SCHOONRAAD, who is spoken of as having always been kind-hearted to the boy, gave him some food. What happened while the murderer, whoever he may be, and his victim were alone, it is of course impossible to say, but Mrs. SCHOONRAAD was last seen alive a few minutes past ten o’clock. About an hour afterwards a neighbour’s child went into the house and was horrified to find the poor woman lying in a pool of blood on the floor. The little one ran screaming out, and Mrs. PETERSON, who is also a sister of Mrs. SCHOONRAAD and Miss MILLER, and Mr. SALMON and some others were brought. The murdered woman was found lying on the floor near the bed. Her throat was cut right across, and she had evidently been dead some time. The boy has since been arrested and is a powerful-looking Kafir, apparently about 30 years old. From the appearance of his clothing he is suspected of having committed the crime.

We regret having to add to the already too long list of deaths this year the respected names of Robert WEBBER and Geo. EATON Sen, two of our oldest and best-known citizens, and whose children and grandchildren are all filling important positions in Grahamstown business establishments. We condole sincerely with the bereaved families.

DIED at Kimberley from Pneumonia, August 29th 1892, Mrs. C.M. CROFT (nee MORGAN). Deeply regretted.

Mr. George EATON, who died at Grahamstown on Friday morning, Sept. the 2nd 1892, aged 55 years.
Jesus, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the nearer waters roll,
While the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide;
O receive my soul at last.

Other refuge have I none,
Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me.
All my trust on thee is stayed,
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head
With the shadow of thy wing.

The family wish to convey their sincere thanks to Drs. ATHERSTONE and SAUNDERS, Revs. CROSS and COTTON, and Mrs. BLACKBEARD, for their kind and unremitting attendance; also to many kind friends for their sympathy.
The Funeral of the late Mr. EATON will leave his late residence, Queen-street, this afternoon at four o’clock. Friends are invited.
The Brothers of St.Andrew’s Lodge No. 654 will meet at the Temple, Hill-street, at 2:30 pm today (Saturday) to attend the Funeral of their late Brother, George EATON. Brethren from Sister Lodges are invited to attend.
B. SOUTH, Secretary.

Tuesday 6 September 1892

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on September 2nd 1892, Robert WEBBER, in the 76th year of his age.
I’ll praise my Maker with my breath,
And, when my voice is lost in death,
Praise shall employ my nobler powers;
My days of praise shall ne’er be past,
While life and thought and being last,
Or immortality endures.
The above were his favourite lines.

At Grahamstown on Sunday September 4 1892, Sarah BOOTH, the beloved wife of Brooke ATTWELL.
Father in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now Thy servant sleeping.

Yesterday afternoon at about 4 o’clock the funeral took place of the late Mrs. Brooke ATTWELL, wife of our venerable and esteemed fellow-townsman, who is himself lying very ill at his residence, and mother of Mr. B.B. ATWELL, the well-known Grahamstown Agent of the Castle Packets Company. The painful circumstances under which the late Mrs. ATTWELL, while attending with loving care upon her husband, met with the sad accident to which she eventually succumbed, have roused the sympathy of all citizens, and a large number followed the hearse to the cemetery yesterday afternoon. The Revs. Theo. CHUBB and H. COTTON conducted the solemn service at the Church and by the graveside. The deceased lady was a Christian in every sense of the term, and during her long and blameless life was justly esteemed and loved as an exemplary wife and a model mother. Our sympathies and those of the entire city are with the bereaved family in their affliction.

Thursday 8 September 1892

The Herald records the death of Mr. Geo. Owen SMITH, of the firm of John Owen Smith & Co., Port Elizabeth. He was the third son of the founder of that well-known firm, and had married Miss GILBERT of this city. He died on Tuesday at the age of 55, of an illness resulting from a severe attack of influenza, and leaves a widow and a large family to lament his loss.

Saturday 10 September 1892

Mr. and Mrs. BRITZ, an elderly couple, who with their family left the district of Victoria to settle at Kimberley some years ago, have four sons, every one of whom is now a convict under a comparatively long sentence of hard labour for illicit diamond stealing.

Mr. Hans WALDEK (says the G.R. Advertiser) was buried last Saturday. He died of cancer in the throat, from which he had long been suffering. Being an old inhabitant, though not an old man, and of a much respected family, his funeral was largely attended. Cancer appears to be greatly on the increase in these parts.

Tuesday 13 September 1892

DIED at Grahamstown Sept 10 1892, Ruth USHER (born POULTON) aged 74 years.

Maria FERREIRA, a young woman 22 years of age, residing with her father, Stephanus FERREIRA, on Holl’s Farm, Tanga, Komgha district, died on Sunday from the effect of a charge of shot which penetrated her brain, entering below the right eye. A loaded gun was in the house, and a youth, Johannes HOLL, aged about 11, took it from its place, put a cap on it, and playfully snapped it, aiming at a sister of deceased. Martina FERREIRA, aged 23 years. He placed two fresh caps in the gun, but each snapped. He was cautioned that the gun was loaded, but seemingly paid no heed, and shortly after a shot was heard, and deceased was found lying under the table with the wound on her face above mentioned. The poor girl never spoke, and died in half an hour. Mr. Martin SNYMAN, Field-cornet, visited the scene of the occurrence and took deposition as to the circumstances, and had made his report (says the Dispatch) to the authorities at Komgha.

Mr. BORRIUS, the editor of the Potchefstroomer, has committed suicide. It is said that this is the effect of an adverse judgement lately given in the Court of Potchefstroom.

At the May Consolidated Co’s mine on Wednesday, a miner named WILSOM entered his stope at blasting time and instructed a native to take back a bag of dynamite cartridges and carry them up to the ”face”. While doing so he let his candle fall, the flame coming in contact with the dynamite cartridges; they caught fire and, burning quickly, filled the stope with poisonous fumes. WILSON seeing what had occurred, at once ordered all natives out, and himself ran into the “face” and courageously pulled out some fuses. He emerged unharmed, and sent all his natives to the shaft, apparently little the worse for the accident. Immediately afterwards, however, some of them became suddenly ill, and altogether six died from the poisonous fumes. WILSON has suffered no ill effects.

Thursday 15 September 1892

The Telegraph has a telegram from Jagersfontein stating that Harry GOODALL advertised a balloon ascent and parachute descent for Sunday afternoon, and a large crowd assembled to see him; but as the wind was very strong the attempt was postponed till late in the afternoon. The balloon, when released, rose a short distance, and was then driven by the wind against the side of a hill. GOODALL struck the side with great violence and was dragged over boulders and bushes for nearly a quarter of a mile. When picked up his head was found to be battered in, and his body badly lacerated, all his clothing having been torn off.

The Midland News hears from Graaffreinet that a terrible double murder and suicide was perpetrated on Monday night by a man named RUSSOUW, employed as a confidential farm servant on the farm Bloemhof by Mr. BOTHA (son of the Hon. D.P. BOTHA M.L.C.) and treated like one of the family. Lately Mr. BOTHA had grounds for suspecting him of theft, and sent for Trooper SMITH (of the Police) to search RUSSOUW’s sister-in-law’s house across the river, to which RUSSOUW had removed his effects. On entering the second room BOTHA asked for RUSSOUW. The latter was sitting in the room, with his Winchester rifle in his hands, and immediately shot BOTHA dead. The policeman rushed forward and met the same fate. RUSSOUW then, it is said, turned the rifle on himself and committed suicide.
[See notice for 4 October 1892]

Saturday 17 September 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on September 16th 1892, the wife of J. WAHL of a son.

DIED at Collingham on Wednesday evening, September 15 [sic] 1892, after a long illness, James WALLACE, aged 68 years and 4 months.
[Transcriber’s Note: Death notice confirms date as 15th, which was a Thursday]

DIED at Korhaanfontein, Smithfield, Orange Free State, on September 1st 1892, Josiah Anderton SMITH, leaving a wife and large family to mourn his loss.

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on 16th September 1892, William BRITTEN, aged 26 years and 8 months.
The family desire to convey their sincere thanks to Dr. FITZGERALD for his kind and unremitting attention: also to the many kind friends for their sympathy.
The Funeral of William BRITTEN will leave the residence of his mother, in Francis Street, on Sunday afternoon at half past 3. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Tuesday 20 September 1892

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown on Tuesday September 20th 1892, by the Rev. M. Norton, Alfred Nevins, youngest son of John C. WHITE Esq, Johannesburg, to Mary (Pollie), only daughter of Thomas BARNSLEY Esq, of this city.

At Christ Church this morning the Rev. M. NORTON solemnised the wedding of Mr. Alfred Nevins WHITE, son of Mr. Jno. C. WHITE of Johannesburg, to Miss Mary BARNSLEY, daughter of our esteemed townsman Mr. T. BARNSLEY. Miss Carrie LEVINGS and Mr. B.D. WEBSTOCK were bridesmaid and best man respectively. The service was a very interesting one, and the musical part was well rendered, Mrs. E.T. SLATER presiding at the organ. The grand old Wedding March sent the whole party off to a sumptuous spread at the residence of the bride’s father, where a merry time was spent. The happy couple left by the morning train for the Zuurberg, whither a crowd of good wishes follow them.

Thursday 22 September 1892

Several cases of this distressing complaint (says a Kimberley paper) have made their appearance in the Barkly West district. Mr. Isaac HARRIS has two of his children down with it and there are other cases.

Tuesday 27 September 1892

DIED near Bloemfontein on the 17th Sept 1892, Elizabeth GREEN (sister of William and John WEBB of this city), aged 54 years, from inflammation of the lungs.

DIED at Market-square, Grahamstown, on Monday Sept 26th 1892, Clifford Mitchell, the beloved son of R.D. and M.I. DERSLEY, aged 3 years and 3 months.
Suffer little children to come unto Me,
For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Everybody will sympathise with Mr. and Mrs. DERSLEY in the trouble that has befallen them in the sad death of their little boy Clifford. He was being treated for croup, and succumbed notwithstanding all that medical care could suggest. It transpired afterwards that he had swallowed a bean, which had lodged in his windpipe and suffocated him.

On Sunday the 10th inst (says an exchange) two brothers, Ignatius and Jacobus MOGGEE, aged 27 and 21 years, entered the Louterwater River at the new drift on horseback, with the intention of crossing towards Krakeel River to attend Nachtmaal service; and it appears their horses were swept down the stream simultaneously. Ignatius was a good swimmer, but unfortunately his brother could not swim. A crowd soon collected. The elder brother could have saved himself, but called out to the people outside that if his brother must perish he would go with him. It further appears that Ignatius kept his brother above water for nearly four hours, holding fast with one hand to a small bush. At this time his strength failed him, and Jacobus first went down and then Ignatius. Every effort was made to save the drowning parties; a line was swam across by a man on horseback, and was floated down successfully and fastened round the body of Jacobus by his brother, but unfortunately this broke, and Ignatius had once more to swim to the rescue of his brother. On a second occasion Mr. Charlie MOGGEE swam towards them with the rope, but could not reach them, and they sank.

The will (dated the 15th September 1873) of Robert WEBBER of Grahamstown was filed on the 10th September 1892 by his son, Mr. John WEBBER, and Mr. James STANTON. The testator devised that all the property in the estate be divided equally between the children, John, Sarah, Martin and Naomi.

We regret that it is our mournful duty to announce that the painful illness from which our late esteemed townsman had been suffering so acutely, terminated fatally on Sunday afternoon. In recording Mr. Joseph WOOD’s death, we have to refer to one of the eventful lives of the Cape Colony. He was born in Grahamstown, educated at Salem, and after some years spent in his father’s important business here, commenced farming at Howieson’s Poort. He next removed to Bathurst, and was, during his stay in those parts, the great motive power of the district. The Bathurst Volunteer Force, with which he was so honourably connected, is remembered to this day by many still living in the district. He was then created Colonel of the powerful force raised, and never had this Commission taken from him. He proved himself during the Native War, not only a brave soldier but a wise Commander, ever thinking of the comfort and safety of his men and those in the Column more directly under his control. He certainly introduced into Lower Albany all the semi-tropical fruits now doing so well, and adding such a source of wealth to the district. As a Parliamentary Representative of the district he was ever ready to work, and to the best of his abilities rendered good service during the time of his representation. The power he possessed as a pioneer was exemplified by his marches into Mashonaland on two separate occasions. As one of this City’s Councillors he was ever prominent and zealous in safeguarding the interests of the ratepayers, and promoting work for the good of the town. During the whole period of his life he was known as a kind-hearted and most generous man, always ready to do anyone a service; and the Colony has lost in his death one of its noblemen, who will neither be easily replaced nor soon forgotten. He was the fourth son of the late Hon. Geo. WOOD M.L.C. and leaves a wife and six children to mourn for a very dear husband and father. We tender our sincere condolences with the bereaved family in their affliction.

Thursday 29 September 1892

THE LATE MR. J.G. WOOD’S FUNERAL was a most imposing ceremony, and the long line of mourners and mourning carriages formed a long-to-be-remembered scene. The Very Rev. the Dean conducted the solemn service in the Cathedral and at the graveside. There was a full choir for the service at the Cathedral, and the spacious building was nearly filled with the large congregation of mourners.

BIRTH on Sept 29th at Grahamstown, the wife of J.J. KE[R]LEY of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th Sept 1892, the wife of Arthur C. BARRAUD of a son.


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