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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 08 August

Tuesday 2 August 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 29th July 1892, the wife of W.H. NUNN of a daughter.

DIED at Market-square, Grahamstown on Sunday July 31st 1892, Maria, the beloved wife of Edward TRIBE, aged 50 years. R.I.P.

We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. TRIBE, of Market-square, after a somewhat protracted illness, during which all the medical skill available was unable to save her to a large and sorrowing family. She was long known and respected in Grahamstown as a good mother and kind-hearted friend, and was the first pupil of the Convent Schools when they opened here over 40 years ago.

Yesterday our esteemed fellow citizen and Mrs. ATTWELL received the congratulations of their family and friends on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. We are sorry to learn that Mr. ATTWELL’s health is at present very feeble, but we are sure he has the congratulations and good wishes of the community. We trust he may yet gain strength again.

Thursday 4 August 1892

In the office of the R.M. Clerk are piled a massive travelling clothes chest, a handsome and substantial portmanteau, a tin hat box and some walking sticks. The name of J.R. EVANS is written on some of the above articles. A death notice came down to the Magistrate reporting that J.R. EVANS, aged 21 years, had died at the Hospital. That was all that was known about the unfortunate young man. Subsequently it transpired that he had come a few days before from Cradock, and had been almost at once admitted to the Hospital, where he died. An examination of papers in the baggage showed that the young man, who seems to be of good family, came to this country from Wales for the sake of his health and also that there was “another – not a sister” waiting for him in the Principality, and willing to wait 10 or 15 years for her lover if necessary. Deceased had also an unpresented letter of introduction to the Most Rev. Bishop JONES of Capetown, which has been forwarded.

A sad accident, which terminated fatally, occurred at Buffelskloof on the farm of Mr. Edwin EDMEADS on Saturday week. Mr. EDMEADS was driving a cart in which were Mr. A. YOUNG, Miss YOUNG and two children, when the vehicle caught on a stone, which capsized the vehicle, and Mr. YOUNG received such severe injuries that he died next day. Mr. YOUNG was one of the earliest residents at Oudtshoorn, where he settled in 1858, and was much respected. He was a member of the Town Council and a deacon in the D.R. Church at the time of his death.

The Advertiser records the sudden death of Dr. CALLENDER, senior house surgeon of the Kimberley Hospital, early on Sunday last, from injuries received the preceding day. The deceased, who was Surgeon Lieutenant to the Diamond Fields Horse, had been out to shell practice with the artillery at the Currey ranges. While returning, at a walk, his horse, a restive animal, gave two sharp bounds forward and bolted, and coming to a sudden stop in Dutoitspan Road, near the Railway House, threw the doctor heavily to the ground. He fell on his head, sustaining a fracture at the base of the skull, and was picked up unconscious. Blood was issuing freely from the ears, and the injured man was immediately conveyed to the Hospital, where he received every possible care and attention from the medical staff and the nurses. About midnight his condition appeared to be improving, but this did not last, and shortly before [6] o’clock he died, without having recovered consciousness.

Saturday 6 August 1892

We have to record the sad news of the death of Mr. Geo. Archibald WRIGHT, eldest son of our esteemed fellow citizen Mr. Attorney G.G. WRIGHT. The deceased was only 32 years of age, and during his short and blameless life had made many friends, who will join the bereaved family and the young widow in mourning his departure. His health had for some time been unsatisfactory, but his death came as a great shock to the family. The funeral takes place this afternoon at 3:30, the Rev. M. NORTON, Incumbent of Christ Church, officiating.

Tuesday 9 August 1892

BIRTH at Oatlands on Sunday August 7, the wife of Inspector RAYNOR of a son.

Mr. C.J. LEPPAN, of Mimosa vale, died at Somerset on the 28th. Deceased was seventy-five years of age, and was accorded (says the Bedford paper) a Masonic funeral.

Mr. William H. SCHROEDER, the popular artist to the Press newspaper and widely known throughout South Africa, had died at Pretoria from acute inflammation of the lungs, after about five days illness, surrounded by his most intimate friends. The deceased artist leaves a wife and five children in England.

The Johannesburg papers report another shocking murder, very similar to the ADAMSON case, on Wednesday night at the Heights township. Two brothers, Maurice and Charles FRIEDMAN, it appears, keep a Kafir store at the township in question. About seven o’clock Maurice came into Johannesburg, and on returning home from the theatre found his brother Charles lying in a pool of blood on the floor of the store. Suspicion rests on a Kafir who was thrashed by the murdered man for being found in his bedroom. It is surmised that FRIEDMAN was walking up and down in front of his door, when he was struck with terrible force from behind the ear with an axe, and afterwards dragged by the murderer into the store, when further wounds were inflicted. Death must have been instantaneous, as when FRIEDMAN’s body was found his hands were in his trousers pockets. The murderer then took the lamp from the wall and dashed it on the ground, hoping to set fire to the place, but was unsuccessful. The axe used is an ordinary kitchen one, and has a loose handle. It had been newly fixed, and the blade sharpened. It was evident that the murder was a premeditated one. The detectives have arrived at the conclusion that robbery was not the motive, as nothing had been taken save a bottle of brandy, which was afterwards found hidden nearby. Two Kafirs have been arrested this afternoon on suspicion, but the detectives have doubts as to their being the actual delinquents.

Thursday 11 August 1892

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday August 9th, the wife of Captain VAN RYNEVELD of a daughter.

A Border paper hears that Mrs. KELLY, wife of Mr. KELLY of lady Frere, has died from terrible injuries she received in a recent cart accident.

It is reported that farmers in the Cathcart district have been approached by men holding the rank of chiefs amongst the natives, and told that their flocks and herds would not be safe against thieves unless they gave them a beast, and that in may cases this blackmail has been paid.

Saturday 13 August 1892

The Barberton Herald records the death of a young girl named Mary BOURGONS, from blood-poisoning. It appears that on Sunday week last on the Berea, in the neighbourhood of the Catholic Church, she picked a bunch of the oleander flower, which is very milky, and placed some in her mouth. On the following day a small pimple appeared [at] the corner of her mouth, and later on her face began to swell. Dr. WOLFF was then called, and lanced the inside of the lip, but the swelling gradually made its way up the face and head, and notwithstanding the careful treatment received, death ensued. Parents should caution their children against picking the oleander, as the present case proves it to be very poisonous.

Dr. Jane WATERSTON has been appointed a visitor of the Robben Island, Old Somerset Hospital and Valkenburg Lunatic Asylum, under the provisions of the Lunacy Act.

At Adelaide on Monday, just before leaving for home (which is at Vielplaats in this division) Mr. POTGIETER spread some “Rough on Rats” on bread and butter, and left it in the pantry, which is infested with mice. Mrs. POTGIETER being unaware of this fact, went to the pantry for some bread and butter, and seeing it already out, took a slice and gave it to her youngest child, who at once became alarmingly ill. Both doctors were called in, but their efforts (the Enterprise says) were unavailing, and the little one died in less than an hour.

Tuesday 16 August 1892

The death is announced at Bedford of Miss Birdie BIRKETT, a young lady of great promise, who headed both the Elementary and School Higher, and in her 17th year was 29th in the Matriculations.

Thursday 18 August 1892

DIED August 16th 1892, at Taber’s Kraal, Albany, Robert GAME, aged 76 years and 7 months.

DIED at his residence, Chestnut Grove, District Bedford, on the 14th August 1892, John SHONE, aged 61 years 5 months and 24 days, youngest son of Thomas SHONE, British Settler of 1820.
The Doctor and kind friends who showed so much kindness and sympathy will please accept the sincere thanks of Mrs. SHONE and the children. The names of the friends are too numerous to mention.

The Free Press records the sudden death of Mr. COTTERELL, Town Clerk of Queenstown, at the age of 67. It is supposed that the bursting of an artery, followed by internal bleeding, was the immediate cause of death. Mr. COTTERELL was a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and was much respected in Queenstown.

On Thursday before the R.M. of East London the accused in this case, T.J.P. HART, P.O.J. SWART, R. MARTIN, T.J. BESTER, J.H. GRAVETT and J.O. PEACH appeared on remand.
The reports of the District Surgeon were put in, stating that he had examined the native Jack, and found sixteen cuts in his skin in different parts of his body, which appeared to have been inflicted with some blunt instrument. None of them were of a serious nature.
Hermanus had several wounds on buttocks, back of thighs and back.
Dubula had several wounds on face, head, back and buttocks, and large sloughing sores on back of both thighs.
Gosse had six wounds on back and legs, and both eyes swollen and bruised.
Jan had ten wounds on back and legs.
John had four wounds on buttocks and back, and both eyes swollen and bruised.
Dupu had two slight abrasions on right hip.
Tyokwana had two slight abrasions on buttocks.
Joseph had two abrasions on right hip and one on left arm.
Swaartboy had slight abrasions on left temple.
None of these were of a dangerous nature except the first two, Hermanus and Dubula, who were removed to the Frere Hospital. The latter has since died, and Hermanus has recovered from his injuries, but his mind is affected apparently by the death of Dubula.
The accused, duly cautioned, made no statement, but said that they reserved their defence. The magistrate then committed them for trial at the ensuing Circuit Court to be held on the 1st October next, with the exception of GRAVETT, who was discharged in this case.

We are sorry to learn that intelligence was received in town this morning of the death of Mr. ALEXANDER, formerly a resident here, but more recently of Johannesburg, where he has died. Mr. ALEXANDER married a daughter of Rev. W. IMPEY, and several families in this city are thrown into mourning by his decease.

(From a correspondent)
A week or two back a young Dutch lad was accidentally shot by a Mr. SCHEEPERS, who mistook him in the distance for a wild animal in the field. The services of Dr. DREW, who was himself only just recovering from a dangerous wound by a vicious boar, were at once obtained, but the injuries were too serious, and the young lad succumbed.
The influenza epidemic is very prevalent in a very severe form just now at Seven Fountains, and is treating some of the old folk very sorely.

Saturday 20 August 1892

At Capetown, Mr. WORSLEY, of the firm BARTON & WORSLEY, ironmongers, fell down stairs late on Thursday night, sustaining contusion of the brain. He is in the Hospital, and is not expected to recover.

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. R.W. NELSON Jun, last night, at his father’s residence. The deceased (who only reached the age of 27 years) was a clever, promising young man, and no one can help regretting that his career is thus untimely shortened. He had been lying ill for about ten months, in constant suffering, which he bore bravely. His malady followed a sever attack of fever contracted at the Rand. Dr. GREATHEAD did all that human skill could do to save him, but without avail. We offer to the parents and other relatives of the deceased our sincere sympathy in their bereavement.

DIED at Johannesburg on the 17th inst, at the residence of Mr. ACUTT, Alfred ALEXANDER, M.I.M.E., late of Cirencester, England, aged 43.

DIED at Grahamstown on 20th August 1892, Richard William, second son of Richard William and Rachel NELSON, in the 27th year of his age.
The Funeral of the late R.W. NELSON Jun. will leave the residence of his parents, Hodges Street, at 3:30 tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. All friends are kindly invited to attend, there being no special invitations.

Tuesday 23 August 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on the 21st August, Mary Jane, aged 84 years, relict of William WALLACE Sen., late of this city.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd August 1892, the wife of William WHITE-COOPER of a son.

PASSED AWAY on Monday morning, August 22nd, at six o’clock, Arthur George, second son of J. and M. DUFFIELD, in the 33rd year of his age.

Mr. Alfred ALEXANDER, whose death it was on Thursday our sad duty to chronicle, was one of the earliest arrivals upon these Goldfields. When he first came up here he took the management of the Zuurbelt G.M. Company and lately became manager of the Batjee G.M. Company, which position he held for several years until work ceased upon that property. He was a Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, and for about fourteen years carried on an engineering business in the Cape Colony. He was, previous to that, a partner in the firm of ALEXANDER & Son, Corinium Iron Works, Cirencester, England, until failing health necessitated his coming to South Africa. His death took place at the residence of Mr. Courtney ACUTT, Auckland Park, where he had gone at the kind invitation of Mr. ACUTT to recruit his strength after a short but severe attack of inflammation of the lungs. He was apparently recovering satisfactorily, but a change for the worse suddenly took place on Wednesday, and it was thought necessary to telegraph to Mrs. ALEXANDER, who is on a visit to her father, Rev. W. IMPEY, at Grahamstown in the Cape Colony. He sank very rapidly, and died in the course of that day – Mr. and Mrs. ACUTT and Miss THOMPSON (who had been nursing him) were with him to the end. He will be mourned by a large circle of friends, and will be remembered as a man of the highest integrity of character. He was buried on Thursday afternoon at the Braamfontein cemetery, and was followed to the grave by Mr. and Mrs. ACUTT and friends, and a number of his professional colleagues, amongst the latter being Messrs. A.S. BOUCHER, A.M. BROWN (of Cirencester, England), S.H. FARRAR and H.J. HUMBY. – Star.

Thursday 25 August 1892

A shocking case of suicide (says the Umtata paper) took place at Umzimkulu recently. A Mr. PEARCE, clerk to Mr. Guy WHYTE, cut his throat with a razor.

It was with deep regret that his many friends learned of the untimely death of Mr. Arthur DUFFIELD, of the well-known firm of Duffield Brothers. The deceased had legions of sincere friends in this city, to whom his many excellent qualities endeared him. Universal sympathy is expressed for the bereaved young wife and children. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, and afforded renewed proof of the esteem in which deceased was held. The procession was chiefly remarkable for the extraordinary number of young men following.

Saturday 27 August 1892

We regret very much to learn that a serious accident was sustained on Wednesday last by Mrs. Brook ATTWELL, who had a severe fall, causing a fracture of the thigh-bone. Every attention was at once rendered, but at this esteemed lady’s advanced age the accident necessarily causes her relatives and friends much anxiety. This trouble unfortunately comes at a time when Mr. ATTWELL is also very ill. On enquiry this morning we hear that both patients are in a depressed condition, but we trust to hear more favourable news shortly.

Universal sympathy will be felt with Mr. and Mrs. SHEFFIELD and family (says the Star) in the bereavement which they have this morning sustained in the loss of their only and idolised little son – a bright, comely and captivating little fellow nearly three years of age. On Tuesday last one finger was badly crushed in a mangle. Drs. EATON and NEALE, who were called in, deemed amputation necessary; after which operation no serious symptoms displayed themselves, the wound healing favourably. Yesterday, however, symptoms of lockjaw supervened. The only remedy known to medical science, choral, was applied during the whole of last night on the advice of Drs. DUIRE, MURRAY, EATON and MACLEAN; but without any result other than giving relief during the spasms. This morning all hope was abandoned, and at 12:30 the poor child passed to his rest. Mere words of sympathy are useless under such a bitter affliction.

A terribly sudden death occurred at Newlands when Mrs. GOODMAN, wife of the stationmaster, expired at the dinner table. The family had just sat down to the midday meal when Mrs. GOODMAN fell back in her chair in a fainting condition, and died before she could be removed. The cause of death was heart disease.

A German named Frank HOMANN died suddenly on Friday morning (says the E.L. Dispatch) while at breakfast in our local prison. A post mortem examination showed that a piece of bread had stuck in his windpipe. HOMANN, who was about 60 years of age, was apprehended for being drunk. He had been well-to-do at one time.

We regret to learn that Mr. Henry MITCHELL, formerly a prominent broker in Kimberley, and before that well-known here as a man of business, died at Johannesburg on Tuesday.

It is stated that Stoffel ANGELBRECHT, the first man wounded on the Boer side in the independence war at Potchefstroom, has died at Venterskroon. The wound was the indirect cause of death.

The death of Mr. George BOTTOMLEY, aged 65, has taken away one of the earliest and most prominent figures in Diamond Fields life. He was at one time Mayor of Kimberley, and a large shareholder in the Central Company, of which he was Chairman, and an active member of the Mining Board in the palmiest days of the Fields. He was an eloquent advocate of temperance and a strong supporter of the Presbyterian Church.

The District Surgeon has gone out to inspect the body of a man called W.J. VAN NIEKERK, who was found dead on the main road near Fort Brown on Thursday last. It is believed that the unfortunate man, who had a wife and five children, died of a fit of some kind.

Tuesday 30 August 1892

BIRTH at Queenstown on 27th August, the wife of G. FITZGERALD of a daughter.

On the 28th August at the Drostdy, Grahamstown, Mary Emily Louise, the beloved wife of Dr. F.A. SAUNDERS, of Denburn, Crail, Fife, Scotland, and daughter of the late Captain Edmund BARNES, H.M. late St.Helena Regt.

We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. SAUNDERS, wife of our esteemed townsman Dr. SAUNDERS. The deceased lady had long suffered from consumption. Her mother arrived by the Moor, just in time for the funeral. We tender our sincere sympathy with the bereaved ones.

PASSED AWAY last night at 9 o’clock, Mary Ann, relict of the late Arthur KNIGHT, Captain of the 7th Dragoon Guards, aged 91 years.
Aug 30 1892
The Funeral will leave Mrs. MEATS’ residence, New-street, at 3pm tomorrow. Friend are invited.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

DIED at Grahamstown August 29 1892, Thomas GRANT, aged 23 years and 8 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of his Mother, African-street (opposite Mr. LARKIN’s) tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The third victim of the recent gunpowder explosion has died from the results of the deplorable accident. Mr. Tom GRANT, after many sanguine hopes for his recovery, sank from the injuries received, and after suffering much agony, found relief in death in the Albany Hospital last evening, despite the unremitting care and surgical skill bestowed upon him since his admission. We learn that he was terribly burned on the chest, right arm and head, and that though the pain had been somewhat assuaged, he was for a time delirious, but closed his life free from pain at last. Deceased was 23 years and 8 months old. Our sincere sympathy is with the bereaved members of his family and friends.

The death of this venerable gentleman, which occurred on Wednesday afternoon last at Glen Avon, will place many colonial families in mourning, and in him we lose one who throughout a long public career has maintained an irreproachable reputation for honesty of purpose and boldness of advocacy. Arrived at a grand old age, he had only within the last two or three years laid down his trust as representative of this Circle in the Upper House, whilst, till within the last few weeks before his death, our columns have born evidence of his zeal for the well-being of his brother-farmers and countrymen generally as a newspaper correspondent. He thus died, as one might say, in harness. The deceased gentleman, in accordance with his expressed wish, was buried at Craigie Burn by the side of his late wife. – Budget.

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