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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1891 10 October

Thursday 1 October 1891

An inquest was held on Wednesday touching the death of Janes PENNY, who died suddenly on Monday morning at an hotel in Port Elizabeth. Verdict: died from acute alcoholism.

The Bedford Enterprise reports that a little white girl, named BOTHA, not seven years old, was brutally outraged by a young Kafir on Thursday morning last. The child was returning home from Mr. MAPHAM’s (in the Cowie), where she had been for milk, when she was met by the native, who seized hold of her and carried her a distance of fifty yards into the dry bed of the river, and then outraged her. A native was subsequently arrested on the information given by the child, and is now in the local gaol. A preliminary examination has been held, and the prisoner stands committed for trial.

Saturday 3 October 1891

It is stated that the eldest daughter of Sir Gordon SPRIGG is engaged to be married to Mr. Spencer WALTON.

A London paper says that South African readers will be interested to learn that a marriage has been arranged to take place on October 20 between Mr. Hercules ROBINSON, Lieutenant Royal Irish Fusiliers (only son of the Right Hon. Sir Hercules ROBINSON Bart.) and the Hon. Edith Louisa HANDCOCK, third daughter of Lord and Lady CASTLEMAINE of Moydrum Castle, Athlone.

Tuesday 6 October 1891

BIRTH at Oak Lawn, Grahamstown, on the 5th inst, the wife of E.J.B. GARDNER, of Barkly West, of a son.

At Johannesburg on Wednesday Tom HAYTON, a miner in the Gardiner Mine, was blown to pieces by the explosion of dynamite. The deceased leaves a wife and twelve children.

A fatal accident occurred at Kleinpoort Station on Friday. While a truck was being unloaded a son of the Stationmaster (Mr. SKINNER) got in the way (reports the Telegraph) and his head was so badly crushed as to cause instant death.

Thursday 8 October 1891

ENTERED INTO REST at Dagga Boer’s Nek on 5th October, Martha TROLLIP, dearly beloved wife of John TROLLIP Esq., of Dagga Boer’s Nek, aged 60 years.

Mr. SUMNER (says the Advocate) was returning home from the Circuit Court, Fort Beaufort, which he attended as a juror, when he became suddenly ill and delirious. As he did not reach home a search was made, resulting in the poor fellow being found insensible in the veld, and he has since died.

At Kimberley on Saturday an employee of the British United Diamond Mining Company was killed in the DuToit’s Pan Mine by an explosion of dynamite. The body was frightfully mangled. The name of the deceased is Benjamin COLE. He was highly respected, and was a member of the Diamond Field Horse.

It seems only the other day that Grahamstown was sorrowing with Mrs. PREW over the death of her esteemed and popular husband, and commiserating her hard lot in being left alone with eight young children to face the troubles and trials of life. Only a few days ago it seems, and now the loving wife has gone to join her husband. Yesterday about midday the fatal news arrived by telegram from Johannesburg, whither Mrs. PREW had recently journeyed for the purpose of spending a little time with her sister, Mrs. BENNETT. To those many people who knew Mr. and Mrs. PREW in their domestic life, who had frequent intercourse with them, it is inexpressibly saddening to think in what a brief space of time both husband and wife have been taken away from this world, leaving their young children orphans. No stereotyped expressions of condolence can comfort the bereaved relatives, and we shall employ none, nor is there any need to assure them that legions of friends are mourning with them, grieving almost as deeply and quite as sincerely as themselves.

Yesterday afternoon Mrs. C. RENSBURG left her three-year-old child playing in the yard whilst she went to give her husband some assistance in the shop. Her horror at finding her little one head-foremost in a tub containing water can be imagined. She at once pulled it out; but too late; life had already departed.

Saturday 10 October 1891

We (Register) regret to record the death of Mr. P. BIRKETT at Cradock on Monday afternoon. Mr. BIRKETT was a young man of sterling merit and ability; and weas greatly respected by every member of the telegraph staff. He was sent from Capetown to Queenstown in the hope that the change would be beneficial; and from Queenstown to Cradock. Consumption, however, claimed him as a victim. To his bereaved family and large circle of relatives and friends we tender our sympathy.

Thursday 15 October 1891

The death of a useful and respected citizen of Port Elizabeth, Capt. SKEAD RN, is recorded by the Bay papers. It took place on Saturday night from heart disease.

Saturday 17 October 1891

The staff and other employees of the Grahamstown Journal, many members of which have long been associated together, met round the “stone” in the large composing-room yesterday afternoon to take part by their presence in a very pleasing little ceremony. Mr. Edward T. SLATER, Sub-Editor and Reporter on the staff of the Journal, is about to take unto himself a bride, and on Tuesday next will enter into the most important phase of social life. To mark this event, the staff presented their friend and colleague with an address, and a beautiful silver-gilt Egg-stand and also a handsome silver breakfast Cruet, the chasing and workmanship of both of which render them very handsome specimens of handicraft.
Mr. T.F. HUTCHINSON, Foreman Printer, who has been connected with the establishment for nearly thirty years, prefaced the reading of the address with a few words, stating the pleasure with which all had joined in obtaining the articles which formed the presentation gifts, and the desire of all to testify to the goodwill and kindly feeling which had always existed between the donors and the recipient. He then read the following address to Mr. SLATER, who seemed to be quite surprised at the demonstration:-
Journal Office, Grahamstown
17 October 1891
To Mr. Edwd. T. SLATER
Sub-Editor and Reporter
Grahamstown Journal
Dear Sir,
On the eve of your approaching marriage, we, the Comps. And other employees of the Journal Staff, beg to offer you our sincere congratulations on the auspicious and happy occasion. We have long been associated with you in the various departments of our work and have reason to express our sense of appreciation of the constant courtesy and consideration we have always met with at your hands. We would desire to express our warm hopes for the future happiness of your bride and yourself, and as a small token or evidence of our esteem, and the personal regard in which your many good qualities are estimated by us, we beg to offer the accompanying small gifts of goodwill for your acceptance. With every wish for your future prosperity
We beg to remain,
Yours sincerely,
(Signed by the whole strength of the establishment)
Mr. HUTCHINSON, at the close of the reading, said that he was only repeating the wishes of all hands in expressing the hope that the future life and prospects of the recipient, with his bride, might be bright with the sunshine of happiness and contentment, and undimmed by any cloud of trouble or difficulty.
Mr. Edward SLATER, who was evidently moved by the sudden ceremony sprung upon him, said that he was unable adequately to express his grateful appreciation of the kind feeling which had prompted their handsome gift. He had not the most remote inkling that such a ceremony to do him honour was in existence; the secret had been well and faithfully kept among them. He highly valued the kindness they had shown him, but if he were to talk from then to St.Wiener’s Day he could say no more than that the expression of the appreciation of their mutual association they had manifested in their handsome presentation had touched him deeply, and the ceremony of that day would never be forgotten by him. He should ever value through his future life the token of their goodwill, and trusted that the pleasant association of the past would be continued in the future.
Three cheers were then called for Mr. SLATER, and heartily responded to, and the little ceremony closed.
[Transcriber’s Note: I was unable to find a report of the actual marriage, but it took place on 20 October between Edward Thornhill SLATER and Cicely Maude NORTON – see here]

A Johannesburg telegram states that a lad aged 16, named COUUTS, the son of a Transvaal burgher, was murdered near Booysen’s on Sunday night. The wounds on the head were apparently inflicted with a hunting crop, and robbery is supposed to be the motive.

At the Magistrate’s Court, Dordrecht, J.J. VAN DER MERWE (European) underwent a preliminary examination on a charge of attempting to kill Corporal LLOYD, of the cape Police, at Waterfall. The circumstances were recently reported. The Frontier Guardian says that the accused was born in the Somerset East district, 46 years of age, and is a farmer by occupation. He asked to be admitted to bail, but his Worship said he would first communicate with the Solicitor-General and the Magistrate of Tarkastad, and the amount of bail would not be less than £2000. Prisoner, who is a tall, well-built man, was then removed to gaol.

One of the most cold-blooded murders committed of recent date in the neighbourhood (reports the D.F. Advertiser) was that which took place near Spytfontein on Friday evening, when an underganger on the Railway was beaten to death. The murdered man, whose name is Constant Petrus Jerders Tinas SEGARS [sic – DN listed on NAAIRS as Constant Petrus Jerdus Tinus CEQERS] was seated on a bench outside Cottage No. 129 on the Railway having his hair cut by a man named Friskey [KAVENNY] about 7 o’clock in the evening, when a native came round from behind the cottage with a pick handle in his hand, and without any provocation he went up to SEGARS and struck him an awful blow on the head, knocking him off the bench and rendering him insensible. Whilst lying on the ground the native struck the unfortunate man two blows with the shaft, one across the forehead and the other on the stomach. This assault was so suddenly made that before those around who witnessed it had recovered from their horror and astonishment, the native, whose name is Charley [FA...L], had run away. He was captured and brought back, but stupidly his captors left him unguarded in order to procure some rope to bind him, and the murderer seeing and seizing the opportunity, jumped the fence and ran up the railway line. Some natives pursued him. The unfortunate man, still alive, but growing weaker and weaker, was carried inside the cottage and put in bed. The head ganger, named [Josema] GERISE, who was in the cottage when the assault was committed, came out when SEGARS was lying on the ground, and seeing the state of affairs immediately left for Beaconsfield to procure medical assistance. When he got the length of Beaconsfield Station one of the natives who had gone after the murderer met him and told him that Charley was in one of the station closets. GERISE went to the place indicated, found the man cowering in the corner of one of them, and arrested him, handing him over to the Police. SEGARS died about four hours after he was assaulted. It is not known what cause the prisoner had for making the assault on SEGARS, and the information which has been filed by witnesses of the crime does not mention any probable cause he had for so doing. It is therefore supposed prisoner must have mistaken SEGARS for someone against whom he had some grievance.

Tuesday 20 October 1891

The Aliwal North paper records the somewhat sudden death of Mrs. G. VAN ZYL, who was on her way to Aliwal with her husband to attend the athletic sports. They put up for the night at Ackerman’s Kraal, where the unfortunate lady was seized with fits and died in a few hours.

The Midland News records the celebration of a double wedding at Grass Ridge, the home of the well-known and universally-respected John COLLETT Esq. JP. The brides were Mary Emma and Rosa Phoebe COLLETT, and the bridegrooms Charles BUTLER (our junior partner) and Joseph John MASKELL, of Bush Kraal, Hanover, and formerly of this district. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.B. RAYNER, assisted by the Rev. Theo. CHUBB, of Grahamstown. On [account] of the family bereavement reported last week the gathering was much smaller than had been originally intended; still there were some sixty present, and everything passed off very satisfactorily. There was a fine display of wedding presents. After the breakfast a number of carts escorted the happy couple some distance along the road, where they received their parting showers of rice, and proceeded on their way to the seaside, where they will spend their honeymoon. It is needless to add that we wish both couples every happiness and prosperity.
[Transcriber’s Note: The bereavement alluded to was the death of Martha TROLLIP, whose maiden name was COLLETT - she was the aunt of the brides].

We deeply regret to record the death of an old and respected citizen, Mr. F.W. HEPBURN, which occurred suddenly in London yesterday morning. Mr. HEPBURN, who was 61 years of age, had gone to England on a visit by the [Mexican], and arrived at Southampton on Sunday night, where he made no stay, but went on to town. It was not known that he was seriously ailing, and his bereaved family, who are thus plunged into distress, can but surmise the cause of his death. Our deep sympathy is with the widow and children in this great trouble.

Thursday 22 October 1891

MARRIED at Commemoration Church on Wednesday 21st October, by the Rev. H. Cotton, Robert Gill, third son of the late Mr. Edward IRVING C.E., to Harriet, eldest daughter of Mr. T.H. PARKER of this City.

DIED at Bond’s Hotel, London, Oct 19th, F.W. HEPBURN, in the 61st year of his age. Deeply regretted.

Tuesday 27 October 1891

The death of Mr. DAVIES, the Superintendent of the Albany General Hospital, will come as a sad surprise to most of our fellow citizens. He had been ailing, it appears, for some time, though he had relaxed nothing of his devotion to his duties, but during the last few weeks had been troubled with an abscess in the right side. This had been successfully operated on, and Mr. DAVIES’s own feeling was that he should now get better; but the symptoms of an internal complaint with feverishness became aggravated and confined him during the last fortnight to his bed. In spite of the unremitting and kind attention of Drs. ATHERSTONE, GREATHEAD and CHEW, and the matron, the patient gradually became weaker and expired early this morning. Mr. DAVIES was nearly 65 years of age, having been born in London in 1826, and at the age of 17 entered the army, and came out first to Mauritius, and then to this Colony. He saw active service at Fort Beaufort in the war of 1851-53 and received a medal for it. After leaving the Army he was in business for some years in Grahamstown and Port Alfred, finally accepting the office of Superintendent of the Hospital, which he has held for 17 years. He was remarkable for his orderly and punctual discharge of all his duties, and for his kindness and watchfulness in all cases of sickness. He was also entrusted by Government with the Meteorological Observations for this centre. The Institution loses in him a most valuable official, who has done very much towards raising it to the high position of efficiency and confidence which it now enjoys in the Colony. Mr. DAVIES was an attached and consistent member of the Wesleyan Church, and had been for 30 years an acceptable lay preacher. He will be universally lamented, and the sympathy of the whole community is with the widow and family in their sad and sudden bereavement.

Thursday 29 October 1891

BIRTH at [Glesthorpe] Cottage on 25th inst, the wife of Mr. Harry STIRK of a son.

MARRIED at Commemoration Church on 20th Oct 1891, by the Rev. H. Cotton, Alfred Charles, eldest son of Mr. John KENT of Kentucky, to Jacoba Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr. Geo. W. DUNBAR, of Lifford Park.

DIED at Grahamstown, Oct 27th 1891, John E. DAVIES, late Superintendent Albany General Hospital, aged 64 years and [9] months.

Mrs. PRINSLOO (born OELOFSE) of Brandekraal is stated by the George Herald to have reached her 101st year on the 3rd inst. She is in possession of all her mental faculties and as straight as a candle. She does the finest needlework without the aid of glasses. When unwell at any time she never took doctor’s medicine; she made her medicine herself. Her remedy for fever was brandy, and washing once a week with vinegar and water. For snakebite the remedy was brandy till the sufferer began to get “lekker”. Then the wound was [scrided] and held in running water; or applying the breast of a fowl. If there was no brandy at hand the patient was to chew tobacco and swallow the juice; and in that way she saved many from fever and the effects of snake bite.....[one further cure is described but is not legible, although I think the cure involved brandy!]

On Tuesday the 20th inst Commemoration Chapel was the scene of a very pretty and interesting wedding, when the Rev. H. COTTON united Mr. Alb. Chas. KENT, eldest son of Mr. John KENT, of Kentucky, and Jacoba Elizabeth DUNBAR, third daughter of Mr. Geo. W. DUNBAR, of Tifford Park, in the holy bonds of matrimony. It is almost needless to assert that the bride, who was attired in cream cashmere trimmed with orange blossoms, looked really charming, as did the bridesmaid, Miss Janie DUNBAR, sister of the bride. Mr. Archibald KENT acted as best man, and the Misses Florence and Edith ANSLEY as flower girls. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple moved off to the residence of Mr. Charles J. ANSLEY, where a breakfast had been prepared. On leaving the Chapel, they were greeted with showers of rice. After the breakfast Mr. and Mrs. KENT left by cart for the residence of the bride’s father, where great preparations had been made for them, two triumphal arches having been erected, in the centre of one of which was a banner bearing the inscription “Health and Prosperity”. Before ending we must mention that Mr. ANSLEY did the occasion further justice by giving a dance in the evening, which was kept up till 4 o’clock next morning, and a most enjoyable time was spent. We are sure everyone will join in wishing the newly married couple every joy and happiness in their future career.

Saturday 31 October 1891

The Rev. A.R.M. WILSHERE MA, formerly chaplain of Robben Island, and some years ago rector of Claremont, died a few years ago [sic] at Green Point. The Rev. gentleman served through the Crimean War in the position of chaplain to the forces.

Mr. Jabez COLLING, an old inhabitant, and for many years librarian at Uitenhage, died a few days ago from cancer.

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