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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1891 09 September

Tuesday 1 September 1891

DIED at Grahamstown on 30 Aug 1891, Susanna GREENLEES, relict of the late Gavin GREENLEES.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday August 30th 1891, Mrs. C. SMITH, lately of Port Elizabeth. Aged [53] years and 1 month.

We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. C. SMITH, widow of the late Mr. W.H. SMITH of Port Elizabeth, which sad event took place at the Albany General Hospital on Sunday morning last, Aug. 30th. The deceased lady had been suffering for some time from bronchitis and asthma, and three weeks ago it was found necessary to remove her to the Albany Hospital, where, in spite of all that care and skill could do, she died as stated above. Mrs. SMITH spoke very highly of the kindness she experienced at the Hospital, especially at the hands of Dr. CHEW, the Matron (Miss MAGEE) and Miss ELLIOTT, and one of her last requests was that the above-named might be thanked for their great kindness to her.

Thursday 3 September 1891

Many Colonists will hear with deep regret of the sudden death of the Rev. Thornley SMITH, which took place on Sunday Aug. 2, after preaching and administering the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at Hornsey Road Wesleyan Church, London. Mr. SMITH entered the ministry in 1838, and was 79 years of age. [sic – GRO death index says he was 77] He had laboured with much success both in England and in South Africa, and will be well remembered by many in Grahamstown as a former pastor of the Wesleyan Church here. He was also the author of several interesting works, the latest of which, Sunny Fountains and Golden Sands, was published a few years ago. The funeral will take place on Saturday at 12:30 in Highgate Cemetery, and will be preceded by a brief service in the Holly-park Wesleyan Church at 11 o’clock.

Saturday 5 September 1891

On Wednesday afternoon after Stock Fair Mr. Geo. FARNDELL, a farmer well known here, left town for home on a horse he had purchased at the Fair. He arrived ar Stowe’s Hotel, Howieson’s Poort, at about half past five in the afternoon, and left again between 8 and 9. In the morning young PARR found Mr. FARNDELL’s dead body lying in the road, about 400 yards beyond Mrs. PARR’s house at Kareiga. He had evidently fallen from his horse and been dragged a little way before becoming disentangled from the stirrup. We believe, though the District Surgeon’s evidence has not yet been taken, that injuries to the skull were the cause of death. Mr. GR. ATTWELL, Fieldcornet, found 30s in silver on the body and a packet containing 5s. The body was by his orders conveyed to the farm for interment. We condole sincerely with the family thus sadly bereaved of its head.

Tuesday 8 September 1891

BIRTH at Sarnia Cottage Sept. 3rd, the wife of Mr. D. KNIGHT of a son.

BIRTH at Brakfontein, Victoria East, on the 3rd inst, the wife of S. Carey SLATER of a son.

At Durban on Thursday last, Dr. ROSS, of Kingwilliamstown, who was temporarily acting as a doctor on board the Courland, was found dead in his berth. The cause is supposed to be congestion of the lungs. The body was brought to Kingwilliamstown and interred this morning (Tuesday).

Some further particulars respecting this sad fatal accident are supplied by a friend, who states that Mr. FARNDELL left the Hotel in Howieson’s Poort between 4 and 5 last Wednesday, in company with Mr.John GRAY, but returned and had a conversation with Mrs. STOWE about some matters, leaving again between 7 and 8 on his way home. About 350 yards on the other side of the late Mr. H. PARR’s, on the old Bay [obscured] water-sluit crosses the road, which there is downhill, and the horse which was weak (it was a three-year-old, bred by Mr. FARNDELL, and was not in very good condition) tripped in this sluit, and the rider lost his seat. Unfortunately the girth was loose, the saddle twisted round, and in the effort to save himself Mr. FARNDELL caught at the mane, a lock of which came off in his hands, and was found there in the morning. He fell heavily, fracturing the left temple, but death was not instantaneous, as there were signs that he had changed his position, as he was found lying across the road the next morning by Mr. PARR jun., having been probably ten hours dead. The District Surgeon has reported the matter, and papers have been sent to the Solicitor-General.

Saturday 12 September 1891

BIRTH at cape Corps Camp, Grahamstown, on Tuesday Sept. 8th 1891, the wife of Chris. S. WEBB of a son.

A few nights ago (says the Tarkastad Chronicle) a son of Mr. J.C. LOMBAARD, of [Blesboklaagte], near Middelburg, was suffocated by the fumes of burning coal. It appears that the unfortunate youth, before he went to bed, placed a pan containing live coals in his room, and after closing the door and window securely, went to sleep. The usual result happened, and the boy was suffocated. It may be as well to state that glowing wood-embers are just as dangerous as coal cinders when made use of in the same way.

Tuesday 15 September 1891

A most brutal murder was committed on Wednesday about three hours from Pietersburg, Transvaal. The murdered man, one BEZUIDENHOUT, was stabbed through the heart and also shot in the cheek by one CILLIERS. After the murderer had committed the crime, he came into Pietersburg and gave himself up, stating he had murdered the man in self-defence. The Public Prosecutor and District Surgeon have gone out to hold an examination. The murdered man was fifty years of age, and leaves a wife and family. The event has caused great excitement. The presumed murderer is 40 years old.

Tuesday 22 September 1891

The E.P. Herald hears from Baviaan’s Kloof that on the 1st inst. Stephen F. SMITH, the youngest son of Mr. Wm. SMITH JP, of Klipfontein, while proceeding along the main road, about 500 yards from the homestead, was unexpectedly attacked by a vicious ostrich. In defending himself he unfortunately raised the gun (a Winchester repeating rifle) and endeavoured to keep the bird off with the stock end of the gun, while a coloured boy was fetching a thorn branch. The bird unfortunately kicked the hammer of the gun, causing the gun to explode, entering young SMITH’s left side, severing the heart, and passing out behind the shoulder, causing instantaneous death.

A shocking fatality occurred the other day in the vicinity of Hankey. It appears, according to a contemporary, that Mr. BLACK, who had for several years resided with Mr. BEAN, on the farm [L..k Keniton], was sitting in front of his fire previous to turning in for the night. As this was among ordinary occurrences, the rest of the family retired to their rooms in due course without giving a thought to any danger in that direction. Abut two o’clock in the morning one of the inmates had occasion to get up, and on entering the kitchen was astonished to find Mr. BLACK lying on the floor. On closer inspection – for the unfortunate gentleman kept silent – it transpired that he had been shockingly burnt about his extremities, the bone in places even being exposed. Mr. BLACK was at once put to bed and medical aid sent for. In spite, however, of every attention, he succumbed to the fearful injuries, and was buried on the farm.

Saturday 26 September 1891

The E.P. herald has a “special” from Graaffreinet, giving further details of Mr. HARE’s death. We extract the following:-
The first people who ran into the house, hearing a shot and seeing Mrs. HARE in an excited condition on the stoep, saw a shocking sight. Mr. HARE was lying on the floor in the bedroom with his skull blown off, and the walls and ceiling were bespattered with his brains. A few convulsive movements were made by the limbs. Neither the Magistrate, who was among the first to see the body, nor the District Surgeon, nor Dr. WEICHMAN, who saw the deceased and his surroundings immediately after his death, have as yet made any report. The Magistrate has come to the conclusion that there is so much in the matter to leave room for doubt as to suicidal intention, and so much for the possibility of accident, that he cannot conscientiously say that the shot was an intentional one. The Inspector had started examining deceased’s books that morning, and is said to have since informed the R.M. that they are in perfect order.
The funeral was attended by a very large number of the chief inhabitants. Mrs. HARE goes back in a day or two to Willowmore, where her relatives reside.
Another account is contained in a letter which the Herald publishes:
Graaffreinet, September 22nd. I suppose you know by wire that poor old HARE committed suicide this morning in a most cool and deliberate manner. He went to the morning market as usual, had a conversation with his chief and others, then walked into Kreuzer’s Hotel, looked over the list of arrivals by train, ordered a glass of rum and milk as is his wont, and walked home. His wife was preparing breakfast, he walked up to her, kissed her and his only little boy of about six years, walked into the bedroom and shot himself with a gun, the ball entering under the chin and blowing away his skull completely. Mrs. HARE hearing the report rushed into the room and found her husband lying on the bed and the gun on the floor. All this happened within one minute. Her screams attracted, in no time, a large crowd, who found her senseless on the floor. You can imagine what a gloom has been cast over the town. There is no accounting for this act, as he was in his usual spirits both the evening previous and in the morning. The Government Inspector arrived the previous evening, and naturally people conclude that his visit had something to do with this sad affair, but I have been informed this morning that there is no deficiency in his cash and that his books are in order.

Tuesday 29 September 1891

DIED on Monday September 28th 1891, Arthur Burnett, eldest son of W. Burnett and Bertha STOCKS, aged [5] years and 5 months.

DIED at Grahamstown, South Africa on the 19th September 1891, Ann Esther SMITH, for some time Matron of the Albany General Hospital.

We deeply regret to hear that the little son of Mr. W.B. STOCKS has succumbed to a painful illness. Everybody’s sympathies will be with the bereaved parents in their sorrow.

The Cradock Register announces the death of an old and well-known resident of that town, Mr. Robert LESTER, who succumbed on Friday afternoon to an attack of inflammation of the lungs.

At Johannesburg last week a fearful accident happened at the Grand National Hotel, when the three-year-old son of Mr. [Z...COLS], manager of the hotel, fell into a cauldron of boiling water and sustained frightful injuries, which resulted in his dying at seven o’clock next morning.


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