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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 07 July

Monday 5 July 1886

BIRTH at Grahamstown on July 4th 1886, the wife of T.F. HUTCHINSON of a son.

We (N.M. Advertiser) grieve to learn as we go to press that Mr. Courtney ACUTT has today (June 30th) lost his child, a fine boy of 9 years of age. All was well when Mr. ACUTT left home this morning for town, but on his reaching Durban a telegram awaited him stating that his son Renaud had been run over by a wagon and that the worst was feared. Mr. ACUTT took the 11:15 train to Verulam but a few minutes after it had started another telegram arrived in Durban to say that the boy had died from the effects of the accident. We deeply sympathise with the parents in their sad and sudden bereavement.

Thursday 8 July 1886

Yesterday Mr. HUME met with a nasty accident near S. Bartholomew’s Church. From what we have heard he fell down in the street, and the crying of two children he had with him attracted the attention of some passers-by. Mrs. WATKINS, a lady in the neighbourhood, was called upon, and she sent for some assistance to lift the unfortunate man up, and then sent for Dr. STANLEY. On removing Mr. HUME’s hat it was found he had cut his face and temple in a frightful manner. Dr. STANLEY at once had him removed to his (Dr. STANLEY’s) house, where he now lies.

This morning at 8 o’clock, Wm. TURNER, a painter in the employ of Mr. EATON, was on a ladder about 10 feet above the road, working at one of the upstairs windows of the house in Dundas-street lately occupied by Mr. MEREDITH, when he suddenly fell backwards on to the road below. He raised himself on one elbow, but was insensible, and has remained so ever since. He was at once removed to the Hospital. It appears that last night he was attacked with fainting and giddiness, and it is supposed that the fall from the ladder was occasioned by a seizure of some sort.

Friday 9 July 1886

Most of our readers, says a contemporary, remember the sad and sorrowful incidents connected with the history of young GIESEN, clerk to the Provident Insurance Company. Information reached the Magistrate yesterday morning that GIESEN died at the Storm’s River Station on Tuesday morning.

Early on Saturday morning (says the Watchman) Kei Road was quite astir, for people in vehicles, on horseback and on foot were to be seen wending their way towards the church, where at 8 o’clock Mr. CALDECOTT of Kokstad was married to the second daughter of Mr. WARREN M.L.A. After the ceremony was over, and the happy couple were leaving the Church, the usual shower of rice was plentifully scattered over them. Mr. and Mrs. CALDECOTT, I understand, intend proceeding to their new home, Kokstad, at once, where Mr. CALDECOTT intends carrying on sheep farming.

Saturday 10 July 1886

DIED at Port Alfred on the 9th July 1886, Abel HAWKEN, second son of the late M. HAWKEN Sen, of this city, in his 34th year.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HAWKEN will move from the residence of Mrs. HAWKEN Sen, George-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. No special invitations. Friends are invited to attend.

Friday 16 July 1886

A serious accident occurred at Beaufort West on Friday evening last whereby a railway employee named FLEMING lost one of his legs. On the arrival of the train from Capetown, FLEMING was engaged in attending to the wheel-boxes of the carriages, when the engine came up behind him from the loop-line, and the wheel of the tender passed over his foot. The leg was fearfully mutilated, and had to be amputated without delay. FLEMING has been in the Government employ for many years.

Saturday 17 July 1886

We believe (says the Uitenhage Times) that had this unfortunate young man been the inmate of an English penitentiary, subject to the strictest discipline, instead of a member of a South African convict gang, he might have lived, repented of his youthful indiscretion, won the forgiveness of society, and become a respectable member of society. A few weeks ago, a party who had known him as an amiable companion and an ornament to the cricket field, saw him working between two black criminals. He had been heard to say that he would far rather have died than be subject to the degradation and disgust which continued contact with the lowest of the low inflicted upon him; and there is no doubt that a broken heart was one of the most prominent causes of his death. He has, in fact, been judicially murdered; although it is said that he was treated with as much consideration as the system allows.

Monday 19 July 1886

BIRTH at Lyndenburg, Transvaal, on the 7th July 1886, the wife of J.H. COWAN of a daughter.

A sad accident occurred at this port on Monday last (the Telegraph tells us). During the strong S.W. gale which prevailed here at the commencement of the week several seamen were employed on the forecastle head of the coolie ship Jorawar in getting the third anchor ready, when a huge sea broke over the bows of the vessel and swept overboard a man named M.S. HANSON, one of the crew. The poor fellow was seen to float for a few minutes, but as a boat was being lowered he sank, and did not rise again. The body has not yet been recovered.

The [….] Mail says: By the death of Mr. John GRIFFITH, at Richmond, Tasmania has lost one more of her old and respected Colonists. Mr. GRIFFITH was born at Grahamstown, Cape of Good Hope, on October 10th 1832, being a son of the late Lieutenant C.D. GRIFFITH of H.M. Royal Marine Artillery and younger brother of Colonel C.D. GRIFFITH C.M.G., late Governor’s Agent in Basutoland.

Wednesday 21 July 1886

The Queenstown papers announce the death of Mr. GERRARD, who formerly was on the staff of the Journal, herald, and other colonial papers.

Thursday 22 July 1886

The Advocate says: Fort Beaufort has been in a state of excitement during the week, owing to the disappearance of Mr. H.R. GIDDY, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate. He was last seen on Monday evening, and not turning up to the office the next morning, some alarm was felt, as he was known to be most punctual in attendance at his work. The alarm increased when no trace of the missing man could be found up to Wednesday morning. Searching parties went out in every direction. Footprints, which were recognised as those of Mr. GIDDY, were found leading to the river, immediately below Henrietta-street. They were traced some distance in the same direction, but owing to the heavy rain that had fallen the spoor became indistinct, and was soon lost. It is feared that he had fallen into the river, which was in a flooded state. Searching parties were dispatched along the river, with the result that on Wednesday afternoon the missing man’s hat was found on the banks, about three miles down the river.

Friday 23 July 1886

The body of a white man named John AKERBURG was found lying in a yard at the corner of Waterkant and Dixon-streets, at about six on Monday morning. A man named Frederick JONES, with whom deceased had been lodging at the house adjoining, discovered the body. It is believed, says the Argus, to be an ordinary case of sudden death.

It is with much regret that we have to record the sudden death of Dr. DILLON, which occurred at his residence in Beaufort Street between 9 and 10 o’clock this morning. We understand that on the seizure taking place, and in the absence from home of Dr. ATHERSTONE, assistance was sent for to the house of Bishop RICARDS, which is next door, and that the Rev. Father TROY at once went to the house of the deceased gentleman, but as it proved too late to render any assistance. Universal sympathy is felt for the widow and family in their trouble.

Saturday 24 July 1886

The Funeral of the late Dr. DILLON will leave the residence of Dr. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE, Beaufort-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Old colonists (says the Natal Mercury) will regret to learn of the death, at the Umzinto last Wednesday, of the Rev. A. TENNESSON, who for some years resided near the Lower Umkomas, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. Death resulted from some poisonous sting, from the effects of which Mr. TENNESSON never recovered.

Tuesday 27 July 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on the 23rd July 1886, Dr. Thomas Joseph Lamb DILLON, Surgeon of Albany, in his 43rd year. Deeply regretted.

Wednesday 28 July 1886

Mr. Thomas HARTLEY of Bathurst, an old Settler, died this morning at his residence there, at the age, we believe, of about 83. Though he was little under the age of 18 which was considered necessary for a settler, when he came out to this country in 1880 [sic – should be 1820], yet as he was an allottee, and shared in all the labours and vicissitudes of the Settlers from the first, he fully deserves, we think, to rank with the Settlers. We offer our sincere condolence to the friends of the deceased gentleman.

A young man named Charles SMITH, formerly of Port Elizabeth (says the E.P. Herald) has been killed at De Beer’s Mine in attempting to jump off the descending gear at a point where the blue ground projected. He missed his footing and fell a distance of 50 feet, receiving injuries which terminated fatally in the Kimberley Hospital.

Friday 30 July 1886

BIRTH at Belmont Cottage, St.Bart’s street, July 27th 1886, the wife of Alfred C. GALPIN of a daughter.

DIED at Walsingham, Southwell, Elizabeth, widow of the late Commandant William GRAY, Field-cornet of Albany, in the 76th year of her age.

Saturday 31 July 1886

DIED at Bathurst on the 28th July, Thomas HARTLEY Sen, aged 83 years and 2 months. He was an Albany Settler.

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