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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1886 06 June

Thursday 3 June 1886

DIED at East London 25th May after a lingering illness, Henry GOLDING, eldest son of the late George and Sarah GOLDING of Grahamstown, British Settlers of 1820, aged 59 years 17 days.
He has gone to find the rest
That earth can never give,
That sweet repose is his at last
Where no disturbers come,
The toil, the grief, the pain are past
And he is safely home.

Friday 4 June 1886

“The driver cracked his whip and drove away, leaving us to our reflections. My wife sat on one box and I on another: the beautiful blue sky was above us and the green grass beneath our feet.”
Rev. Wm. SHAW

Come take my arm, my dear old wife
To yonder shady seat,
And let us talk of bygone life
So bitter and so sweet,
Since first we sat with children four,
On boxes filled with all our store,
The bright blue sky above our heads
And green grass ‘neath our feet.

Let us recall the anxious day,
When drenched with surf we trod
The sandy shore of Algoa Bay,
With thankful hearts to God
For safe deliv’rance from the deep,
In whose dark bed so many sleep;
For bright blue sky above our heads,
And firm earth ‘neath our feet.

Let memory paint the chilling hush,
The tremulous alarms,
While slow we toiled through Addo Bush,
A baby in your arms,
The wolf’s deep howl, the night-hawk’s scream,
The evening “uitspan” near a stream;
Clear starry skies still glowed o’erhead,
Though rough roads galled our feet.

Our hearts still feel the grateful thrill,
As sod by sod applied,
Our rush-thatched cottage ‘neath the hill
With welcome shelter smiled,
Our little ones as spring-bucks free,
The crowning hailed in shouts of glee;
While bright blue sky beamed high o’erhead
And flowers bloomed round our feet.

Can ought obliterate the scene,
When war like prairie foam
Swept all our cattle from the green
And fired our cottage home?
In trembling fear and anguish sore,
We saw the wreck of all our store;
Blue sky was still our shield o’erhead,
Though sharp thorn pierced our feet.

Again we toiled, and God hath sped,
With solace for our fears,
Glad health and peace their blooms have shed
On our declining years.
Our sons will sail on Fortune’s wave,
When soft we slumber in the grave;
May bright sky canopy their heads
When grass grows o’er our feet.

William SELWYN, Port Elizabeth, 2nd June 1886

Saturday 5 June 1886

It is with extreme regret that we record the death of Mr. George Montague COLE, which took place in his 59th year, at Bourke in Australia, on the 7th December 1885. Mr. COLE, who at the time of his decease was editor of the Central Australian newspaper, formerly occupied the position of Manager of the Bank of South Africa, both in Port Elizabeth and in Kimberley, and has a son and several daughters, besides his brother Mr. Advocate COLE, of Capetown, still living in this Colony. But although Mr. COLE’s death took place so far away from his family, yet it must be a great satisfaction and consolation to them to learn – as we do from a leading article in the Central Australian – that he had no lack of kind friends in Bourke, that his death was deeply regretted there, and that his funeral was very largely attended.

Monday 7 June 1886

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 5th inst, the wife of Angus FRASER of a daughter

Wednesday 9 June 1886

Mr. STEGMANN of tempo in the Orange Free State has been gored to death by a bull he recently imported at great cost. The bull’s nose was “ringed” in the usual manner of dangerous bulls, and Mr. STEGMANN was leading his new purchase around the homestead preparatory to tying him up. Following his master, the bull suddenly made a rush at him, and though Mr. [B..], from some distance off, called out to Mr. STEGMANN that the bull was going at him, it was too late to escape, and he was pushed by the furious bull against a wall about 3½ feet high. The shock was severe, and was followed by the bull tossing him over a lower branch of one of the blue gums. On touching ground he was again attacked, but help now arrived, and he was liberated from the horns of his powerful antagonist. Mr. STEGMANN was of course insensible, and had to be carried in to the house. Dr. STOLLREITHER, who arrived there late at night, found him still unconscious, with three ribs on the left side completely broken, and generally very much shaken. He regained consciousness during the night, but lingered on in dreadful pain until the next afternoon at about [?] o’clock, when death put an end to his sufferings.

We regret to learn tidings of the death of this much esteemed lady, which took place on Monday last at Cradock, where she has long resided with her daughter, Mrs. GREY. Mrs. COOK came to the Colony in 1820 with the Settlers, her father C. THORNHILL Esq being the head of a party which was located near the coast. She was married to the Rev. Edward COOK, a Wesleyan Missionary, and proceeded with him to Great Namaqualand, where they occupied the station called Uisbet Bath [sic – should be Nisbett Bath]. The devoted Missionary’s labours, travels and hardships in that wild region amongst a people as yet but little softened by the influence of Christianity, proved fatal to a constitution originally robust; and his widow, left in the wilderness with a little family, returned to Capetown, and thence to England where she resided many years. The climate of South Africa, however, again attracted her to this Colony; and she took up her abode at Cradock, in or near which town many of her children and relatives settled. She was held in universal respect and affection by those who knew her, on account of her kindness, amiability and true piety. Although of somewhat feeble constitution, she had great strength of character, which enabled her to bear successfully the trials of a solitary mission-life, amid the dangers of heathenism, wild beasts and frequent tribal wars. The evening of her life was passed peacefully though with gradually increasing infirmities; and she quietly passed away on Monday last to a better world, after some slight symptoms of a paralytic attack, at the age of over 76 years. A large circle of friends will lament her loss, and will offer their sympathy to the bereaved family.

Thursday 10 June 1886

BIRTH at Cradock on 7th June, the wife of Victor SAMPSON of a son.

DIED at Cradock on Monday June 7th at the house of her daughter, Mrs. G. GREY, after a brief illness, at the age of 76 years, Mrs. Mary Frances COOK, widow of the Rev. Edward COOK, of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, and daughter of Christopher THORNHILL Esq of “Thornhill’s Party” of the Albany Settlers, with whom she came to this country in 1820.

Friday 11 June 1886

At St.Bartholomew’s Church yesterday afternoon Mr. William Montague HAW was married to Miss Mary Eliza COPELAND, second daughter of Mr. T.H. COPELAND, of this city. The ceremony was performed by the rector, the Rev. C.H. PACKMAN. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by her eldest sister as bridesmaid, Mr. Harry COPELAND acting as best man. A few friends of the two families were present, and a number of parishioners came into Church to witness the interesting ceremony. The bride was dressed in travelling costume, and on the wedding party arriving at the house of the bride’s father the happy couple at once drove off for Highlands.

Thursday 17 June 1886

On Saturday last the German and most of the Consulate and other flags in this town were hoisted half-mast, and on enquiry we (Telegraph) learnt that news had been received by the last English mail of the death of Mr. Gustav SCHUNHOFF, a partner in the firm of Messrs. POPPE, SCHUNHOFF & GUTTERY. The sad event took place at Aix-la-Chapelle on the 15th May last, after a lingering illness of some years. Mr.SCHUNHOFF, who was a native of Hanover, came to the Colony about the year 1860, and after a very severe illness returned home in 1875. He was a quiet, unobtrusive man, much respected by his fellow-countrymen, and indeed by all who knew him. Though he took no part in public affairs, he was an enterprising man of business. The deceased was about 55 years of age, and his death will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends in this Colony.

We regret to learn the decease of Mrs. REYNOLDS, wife of Dr. REYNOLDS of Cradock, which sad event took place on Tuesday morning. The deceased lady (remarks the local paper) was only 27 years of age, and was a great favourite with all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.

The culprit Abraham MISSENT was executed on Thursday for the murder of his wife. He was attended to the scaffold by the Rev. Mr. JOUBERT. After he had ascended it he admitted his guilt, and said a short prayer. The executioner allowed a drop of nine and a half feet, and death was almost instantaneous. A large crowd assembled at the gaol, but only a few were admitted.

Friday 18 June 1886

DIED at Middelburg on Sunday 13th June 1886, Charles George, infant son of Walter G. and Emily S. IMPEY aged 2 weeks and 4 days.

We (Argus) regret to learn that the illness of Dr. H.A. EBDEN terminated fatally yesterday at his residence, Haughley, Rondebosch. Dr. EBDEN, who was formerly of the Honourable East India Company’s Bengal Medical Establishment, had contracted malarial fever in India, and although he had been in this colony for many years, the effects never completely left him, the disorders which ended in his death being really due to climatic influences in India. Dr. EBDEN was sixty-two years of age at the time of his death, and had been President of the Medical Committee since 1862, and thus, in some sense, at the head of his profession in this country. At Rondebosch, where he resided and practised, he was held in the very highest respect. He was ever anxious to do all in his power for improving the condition of his neighbours, especially the poor, and he will be greatly missed in Church circles, as he was a liberal supporter and devoted adherent of the Church of England. The funeral will leave his late residence at Rondebosch at half past three this afternoon for St.Paul’s Church, and thence to Rondebosch Cemetery.

Monday 21 June 1886

We regret to hear that news has been received from Kimberley of the death of Mr. John LE CLUS, who was in charge of Messrs. BRISTER & Co’s business at the Diamond Fields. Congestion of the lungs was the cause of his demise and he had been ill for only a short time. Years ago deceased was a resident in Port Elizabeth, where he was well known. Owing to this unfortunate occurrence Mr. MARTIN, who has only been down here for a short time, will have to return to the Fields.

A distressing accident occurred on Saturday (says the Times of Natal) whereby a little boy, eight years of age, met with a fearful death. A Mr. COULING, who works on Mr. J. IRELAND’s farm up the Zwaartkop Valley near Sweetwaters, was in town on Saturday with his little son. They started for home about four o’clock, and on their way called at Mr. KNAPP’s house. They both alighted from the trap, and the father went inside the house. Mr. KNAPP is the owner of a tame springbok, which probably many people will remember having seen at the recent Agricultural Show. This animal, though quite friendly with Mr. KNAPP and his family, has a great aversion to strangers. As soon as it saw the little boy it charged at him, and before the little fellow had time to get out of the way the buck was upon him, and gored him so fearfully that within half an hour the poor child succumbed to the injuries he received.

Tuesday 22 June 1886

DIED at Doncaster, England, Sarah, the beloved wife of the Rev. Martin JUBB. Born 28th Dec 1816; died May 11th 1886.

Yesterday a wedding took place in the Cathedral, the Rev. C.B. JACKS officiating. The chiefs of the ceremony were Miss Lillie KNIGHT, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John KNIGHT, who was for many years a respected citizen of Grahamstown, and Mr. J.W. COOPER, chemist, of Kimberley. The bride, who is one of the prettiest we have had the pleasure of seeing, was tastefully dressed in white Indian muslin, trimmed with lace and satin ribbon, a wreath of orange blossoms, and tulle fall. The bridesmaids were Miss M. KNIGHT (the second sister of the bride) and Miss BLACKBEARD. They were dressed in cream nuns’ veiling trimmed with lace, hats and bouquets to match, and they both made a neat and pretty spectacle. Mr. T. SHEFFIELD gave away the bride, and Mr. L. LLOYD acted as best man. On the conclusion of the ceremony the parties drove home to the residence of the bride’s mother, w[h]ere cake and wine were discussed, and the usual toasts were proposed and responded to. The couple left by the mail train last evening for Kimberley, and we wish them a safe journey home, a long, happy and useful life.

Wednesday 23 June 1886

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on the 21st June, by the Rev. C.B. Jacks, John William, eldest son of Mr. John COOPER of Aberdeen, Scotland, to Hannah Elizabeth (Lillie), second daughter of the late Mr. J. KNIGHT of Grahamstown, formerly of Ipswich, Suffolk, England.

Another addition has to be made (says the Independent) to our obituary; the record of a death which is another startling illustration of the uncertainty of human life. The subject of this notice was in his usual good health on Monday last. On Tuesday morning he was taken ill with what proved to be inflammation of the lungs, and was removed to the hospital, where he died about 8 o’clock yesterday morning. He was a widower, and has left seven children totally unprovided for; and for whom Madame PEARMAIN is generously organising a benefit to take place at the Theatre Royal. Mr. LE CLUS was 48 years of age, was born at Uitenhage, and was for many years in a large way of business at Bloemfontein, being associated with the firm of Messrs. BRISTER & Co, of Kimberley and Port Elizabeth. He had been recently managing their local house of business. He was of a quiet, unassuming disposition, and his death will be widely mourned in the Colony and the Orange Free State, where he had many friends. The funeral took place from the Hospital at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, and was well attended.

Thursday 24 June 1886

Two children of Mrs. Cumberland HILL were playing yesterday afternoon on the bridge by which the Kowie-road crosses the ravine beyond Hope’s Garden. The daughter of nine was leading her little brother of two years old along the broad rough stone parapet of the bridge, when two horses came galloping round the corner at a furious rate. The girl being frightened and losing her presence of mind, let go her brother’s hand and jumped down into the road. The poor little boy who had been walking on the outer edge of the parapet fell over and came down on the boulders, through which the stream flows, thirty feet below. Some elder children went down to the spot and carried him insensible to his mother’s house, about four hundred yards away. For many hours no change was visible, but towards morning there were signs of returning consciousness, the child giving a faint cry occasionally, and rubbing its face with its hand. There is, we are told, a better chance for the little sufferer than there would have been for a child a few years older. Much sympathy is felt for the mother in a time of such anxious suspense.

Friday 25 June 1886

We are very sorry to have to record the death, which took place this morning, of Arthur HILL, whose fall from the bridge we noticed in our yesterday’s issue. We offer our sincere condolence to his mother on her sudden bereavement.

On Monday afternoon (says the Cape Times) Mr. H. DOREE, lithographic printer, for the last six months employed in the firm of Sau SOLOMON & Co, expired suddenly at his residence, Claremont. Deceased was on the point of leaving for his business when he fell in a fit. Medical aid was called in, but was of no avail. Mr. DOREE never again recovered consciousness, and expired about three hours after the seizure. He leaves a widow and four children totally unprovided for.

Monday 28 June 1886

DIED at the residence of Mr. John WEDDERBURN, Samuel HANCOCK, of Bushman’s River, aged 66 years.

Again we have to record the death of an old colonist. Mr. Samuel HANCOCK, who died on the 26th inst, had been ailing for several weeks at his farm, Bushman’s River, and was brought into town for medical advice. It was soon seen that his case was hopeless, as he suffered from paralysis of the brain. After much suffering he passed peacefully away. The deceased came to this colony in 1820, having been born on the voyage out. He was the youngest son of Mr. James HANCOCK, who came from Etruria, Staffordshire, as a Settler to South Africa. After a short stay in Albany the family removed to Port Elizabeth, where the father died, while the son was young. In the year 1845 Mr. Samuel HANCOCK was united in matrimony to Miss M. CYRUS, daughter of the late Mr. Samuel CYRUS of Grahamstown, one of the original Settlers. He leaves a sorrowing widow and family of eight children to mourn their loss. For many years he was engaged in the carrying business, and is well known in all the up-country towns. We beg to tender our sympathy to the bereaved family in their affliction.

Tuesday 29 June 1886

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 27th inst, aged 55 years and 5 months, after a short and painful illness, Bennetta Sarah, beloved wife of John Arthur MORGAN and eldest daughter of the late John Matthew DOLD.

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