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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 11 November

Monday 2 November 1885

ENTERED INTO REST at Grahamstown on Nov 1st 1885, Mary Julia, the beloved wife of Herman BECKER MD, aged 64 years.
The Funeral will leave the residence of Dr. BECKER at 3:30 tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon.

Wednesday 4 November 1885

DIED on 31st October, Herbert George Gordon, infant son of William and S.J. MOULD, aged 5 months and 12 days.
Yes, there he lies, in white robes dressed,
Calm and serenely sleeping,
His little [….] are hushed to rest,
His eyes have ceased their weeping.
[B….] beyond the bright blue skies,
Where beauty fadeth never,
He blooms afresh in Paradise
For ever and for ever.

The Volkstem records the death by lightning on the 24th September, in the Rustenberg district, of four people in one house. A Mrs. VAN AARDE, aged thirty-four years, with her daughter twelve years of age, and an infant, had gone to visit their cousins on a neighbouring farm. While on this visit a terrible thunderstorm broke over the houses. A flash of lightning struck the apartment in which Mrs. VAN AARDE and her daughter with their two cousins were seated, killing the two first named on the spot, but not injuring the others. Even the infant on Mrs. VAN AARDE’s lap escaped injury. In the kitchen a lad of 15 years and a coloured person were also killed at the same instant. It is appalling to think that four people were snatched away at one and the same instant in the way described, and all we can do is tender our sympathy to the very [obscured] relatives. Surely it is high time that people in the country should take precautions against the frequently fatal effects of the lightning.

Friday 6 November 1885

PASSED AWAY at her late residence (Mechanic’s Retreat), after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation and fortitude, Annie Maria, widow of the late Edward Henry MARSHALL. For her to live was Christ, but to die was gain. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. MARSHALL will leave her late residence at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon. Friends are kindly invited to attend.

We regret to learn from the Dordrecht Guardian that Mr. Paul PAECH, brother of Sub-Inspector PAECH of the Cape Police, died somewhat suddenly on his farm near Slang River. He had been ploughing, and feeling thirsty, drank heartily at the river. The cold water must have caused some inflammation of the stomach, as after two days the illness proved fatal.

Considering the severe heat to which we are frequently exposed, it is a matter of surprise that cases of sunstroke are not more frequently reported than they are. Dr. IMPEY informs us (Northern Post) that last week he was called in to attend an undoubted case of sunstroke to which the little patient, an infant child of Mr. DU TOIT, succumbed after some hours’ suffering.

Saturday 7 November 1885

BIRD. Of your charity, pray for the soul of Frank BIRD of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, who died at Grahamstown on November 6th, aged 28 years. R.I.P.
The Funeral will leave the R.C. Church tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o’clock.

Monday 9 November 1885

The funeral service in connection with the late Mr. KAMPFLER took place (records the P.E. Telegraph) on Thursday afternoon, the body being taken to the cemetery of the Congregational Church. There was a very large attendance, which included most of our leading townsmen, English as well as German, the deceased gentleman having been greatly respected by all classes of the inhabitants. The officiating minister was the Rev. J.C. McINTOSH. The coffin was literally covered with flowers and wreaths of immortelle. The Germans present sang a hymn with sadly solemn effect, and the greatest sympathy and sorrow prevailed – sorrow for the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved family. In fact all classes endeavoured to show how greatly they felt the loss of a useful citizen, and one whose name will be long remembered in Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 10 November 1885

DIED at his residence, Grahamstown, on the 10th November, George PALMER, aged 73 years and 11 months. Deceased came to the Colony with the British Settlers of 1820.
The Funeral of the Deceased Mr. George PALMER will leave his residence tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.

Friday 13 November 1885

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 11th November 1885, the wife of Herbert H. PARKER of a daughter.

Tommy DRAYCOTT, the pugilist, has died suddenly at Kimberley. It is supposed (says the Independent) that his death was caused by a blow received under the heart some little time since, while giving some boxing lessons.

Saturday 14 November 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. J.W. PEMBERTON of a son.

A successful operation for cancer in the left breast was performed upon Mrs. S.L. COOPER on Wednesday week last by Dr. HARTELY V.C., P.M.O., O.F., assisted by Dr. ROSS, resident practitioner. Every vestige of the morbid enlargement with which the sufferer had been in great pain for the last eight months was speedily removed, and on the following Monday afternoon (reports the Cape Mercury) the patient was able to get up for a short period, and is now making a rapid recovery.

The Oudtshoorn Courant reports that Mr. John O’CONNELL, who had been an invalid for several years, died on Saturday last at the age of 74, and was buried on Sunday afternoon. His daughter, the widow Mrs. BOURGES, who had been nursing her father during his last moments, was taken ill suddenly on Monday, complaining of a pain in her side. She reclined on a sofa and within a few minutes died. Both father and daughter were interred in the cemetery of the Catholic denomination.

Monday 16 November 1885

DIED at Cradock on the 12th inst, Mary Amelia, beloved wife of Geo. ARMSTRONG, and third daughter of the late Joseph THACKWRAY, aged 33 years.

The death of this lady, the wife of Mr. George ARMSTRONG, auctioneer, is reported from Cradock. The deceased had been suffering for some considerable time past from typhoid fever, but it was thought some ten days or so ago that a change had taken place for the better, and that she would recover. These hopes however were doomed to disappointment, peacefully and quietly she passed on Thursday away, leaving a husband and seven children to mourn her loss.

A sudden death took place recently at the Gouritz River. Mr. BURGERS, a well-to-do former of Riverdale, was accompanying a wagon laden with wool. While crossing the river the oxen stood still, and Mr. BUGERS went forward with the intention of urging them on; but he turned round suddenly, exclaiming “O God, how strange I feel”, and expired immediately. Our informant (says the M.B. Advertiser) who was present at the time, and did all he could to help the deceased, states that Mr. BURGERS left his wife at home seriously ill, and that his death will be a heavy blow to her and the family.

Tuesday 17 November 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th Nov, the wife of Jesse HARTWELL, watchmaker, of a son.

DIED of Consumption at Umtata, Transkei, on Tuesday November 10th 1885, George BAKER Jun, Headmaster of Buntingville Institution School, aged 23 years.

News has been received (says the E.L. Dispatch) of the death of Mr. Harry TUTTON, one of the TUTTON Brothers, well known at this port. He went to bathe with a couple of friends at the junction of the Riet and Modder Rivers. Mr. TUTTON, without knowing the [obscured] of the bottom, dived and hit his head, coming in contact with a rock, [and] death must have been instantaneously [obscured] as the poor fellow was dead when taken out of the water. Mr. TUTTON, who was aged about twenty-eight, was a member of a most industrious family, to whom we tender our sympathy in their bereavement.

At Capetown on Friday Mr. J.M. CROSBY R.M. held an inquest on the body of Robert COLLIER, late of the Clyde Hotel, who met his death by falling from a cab in Dorp-street on Wednesday. The evidence of Dr. George H.B. FISK, police surgeon, testified to his having made a post mortem examination of the body. There was some abrasion of the skin of the face and nose, but nowhere marks of external violence. Upon removing the skin he found a bruise on the right side of the body and, upon opening the body, it was found that the sixth, seventh and eighth ribs were broken, and that the abdomen was full of blood from a rupture of the liver. The rupture of the liver would be caused by the wheel of the cab passing over the body. It could not have been brought on by a fall. A verdict of accidental death was recorded.

Thursday 19 November 1885

The marriage of Miss JOHNSON and Mr. Maurice HOWE was solemnised at the Roman Catholic Pro-Cathedral yesterday morning. Miss Edith Kate JOHNSON is the only daughter of Mr. Stephen JOHNSON, M.L.A. Mr. Maurice HOWE is a merchant residing in Dutoitspan. The marriage service and the nuptial mass were celebrated by the Right Rev. Bishop RICARDS assisted by the Revs. Fathers FANNING, TROY and [QUICK]. At the conclusion of the ceremony the Bishop addressed a few impressive words to the bride and bridegroom on the new duties on which they had entered. The bridesmaids were Miss SCHERMBRUCKER and Miss Amy WOOD, Mr. George JOHNSON, eldest brother of the bride, being best man. The bride wore a white robe of Swiss embroidered muslin, a square train, with the customary wreath and veil. The bridesmaids wore white skirts of Indian muslin trimmed with lace, and chartreux velvet Zouave jackets, white lace gable-shaped hats, relieved with chartreux ribbon. At the close of the ceremony the bridal party drove to the Railway Hotel, in the banqueting room of which the wedding breakfast was laid, and at which forty guests were present. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. HOWE left for Manley’s Flats Hotel, where they will stay for a few days before leaving for Dutoitspan.

Friday 20 November 1885

Mr. Marcus DOTTER, a well known resident of Lyndenburg, was drowned in the river on October 30th. The deceased was not in very good health for some days previously, and stripped an plunged into the river immediately after a sharp walk. Dr.ASHTON is of opinion that the shock was too much for the weakened system, and that he died from drowning owing to congestion of blood to the brain, which would paralyse his well-known swimming powers. The body was only recovered on Saturday afternoon by drags. Dynamite had been used, but with no effect. Great excitement prevailed, and all the able-bodied men of the town exerted themselves to the utmost to recover the body, and worked late with lanterns. The body was at last recovered, and conveyed to the deceased’s dwelling. The drag had caught the body by an arm, but there were no lacerations, the drag being purposely made blunt.

Saturday 21 November 1885

A young man from Hopetown of respectable family, named Julius KEMFOR, shot himself on Monday at Orange River. He was arrested by the chief constable and locked up in the mounted police hut, in which there was a rifle and ammunition. The door was locked, and he was left alone in the room. Shortly afterwards the report of a gun was heard and, on entering, it was found that the deceased had taken the gun out of the socket, loaded it, lain down and shot himself, the ball passing through the heart and into the ground. No inquest was held, but the body was removed in an open Scotch cart to Hopetown, where a post mortem will be held. The unfortunate young man was arrested on a charge of horse-stealing.

Monday 23 November 1885

The Argus’s telegram from Swellendam, November 19th, states that notwithstanding every effort used by Drs. SHAND and WATSON, Mr. HODGES died while in an unconscious state at twenty minutes to eight this morning; and all the shops, stores and offices are closed, and the most profound grief is evinced by the public in general.

Wednesday 25 November 1885

DIED at Somerset East on the 17th inst, in the 63rd year of his age, Quinten SCOTT, second son of the late John SCOTT Esq, of Umgola, County Armagh, Ireland, Captain Royal Tyrone Fusiliers.

It is with profound sorrow that we (Native Opinion) have to announce the death of Mr. George BAKER Jun, headmaster of the Buntingville Institution, Pondoland. He died of consumption at Umtata on Tuesday the 10th instant, at the early age of twenty three years. The late Mr. BAKER was the eldest son of Mr. George BAKER, headmaster of [Ben…vale] Institution, the untiring and devoted friend of the native people of this country [last two lines rubbed away].

A few more particulars relating to the lamented death of Mr. AYLIFF have been received by the English mail.
Although he had been so seriously ill for so many months, the end seemed to come somewhat unexpectedly at last. Exhausted and weakened by continuous wearing pain, supported and propped by those who were dearer to him than life itself, he quietly breathed his last on Tuesday 20th October.
The following Friday all that remained of one of the tenderest of husbands, most indulgent of fathers, kindest of brothers, best of sons, and truest of friends, followed by mourning fellow-colonists, was borne to Willesden cemetery, near Paddington, London, and there, beneath a hawthorn tree which, red with its autumn berries, threw its shadow over the spot where his grave had been dug, he now rests under an English turf.
The coffin was covered with wreaths; some placed there by loving hands, while some had been sent from a distance. One with the tenderest sympathy of Mrs. John Owen SMITH; another one, most beautiful, with the love of a cousin, Mrs. William DUNN; one from Mrs. HUBBARD, and many others from relatives and friends, who in this way were desirous of shewing their sympathy; and [put] before the coffin was borne from the chapel one, if possible more beautiful than all the rest, made of everlasting flowers, gathered near Caledon, the scene of so much patient endurance, was laid upon the bier of his colleague by or Premier, the Hon. Mr. UPINGTON. Among those who followed him to the burial were the Rev. Mr. RHODES, the Rev. Mr. TELFORD, the Rev. Mr. McDONALD, the Rev. Mr. JOUBERT, the Hon. Mr. UPINGTON, Sir Charles MILLS, Sir J.P. DE WET, the Hon. Mr.HOFMEYR, Mr. William DUNN, Mr. G.M. KIELL, Mr. KNIGHTON, Mr. SIVEWRIGHT, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. GAU, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. MACALISTER, Mr. Felix MURRAY, Dr. JONES, Mr. BIRKENRUTH, Mr. MOLTENO, Mr. SYFRET, Mr. RICHARDS, Mr. RYALL, Mr. JACOBS, Mr. Alfred WOOD, the deceased’s youngest son (Henry) and others.
The Rev. Mr. RHODES, the good and kind Wesleyan clergyman who during his illness visited him, and afterwards buried him, writing to the Rev J. WALTON here, says: “At his bedside I have learned lessons of practical Christianity which I can never forget, and I feel deeply grateful for the grace made manifest in him. He was afraid lest the very thought of murmuring complaint should grieve his Lord. His sufferings were very, very great, but it was beautiful to see how he sought to humble himself under the mighty hand of God, and now He who can make no mistakes has exalted him for ever.”
In a recent issue of the London Times the following kind allusion to him is made:-
The death is announced of the Hon. Jonathan AYLIFF, member of the Legislative Assembly of the Cape Colony and up to a recent [date] Colonial Secretary in the Cape Cabinet. Mr. AYLIFF was widely esteemed in the Colony, where for many years he was engaged in [politics], and his death will cause deep regret to his fellow colonists generally.
[One further paragraph too faint to read]

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