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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 10 October

Thursday 1 October 1885

The Cape Times to hand writes: An accident, resulting in the death of Mr. TIEDEMANN, of Newmarket-street, occurred yesterday morning just in front of his residence. The deceased and three of Mr. O. BERNSTEIN’s children were driving in a cart, when the vehicle suddenly turned over, throwing the occupants out. Mr. TIEDEMANN received such severe injuries that he died a few hours afterwards. The children were badly hurt, one of them having his arm broken, and another receiving some severe wounds on the scalp. All the children, however, are doing well under medical care.

Mr. Walter GREATHEAD has returned to Grahamstown after having qualified himself in England as an Engineer. Mr. GREATHEAD is a brother of Dr. GREATHEAD, and was for some time at the Public School.

Friday 2 October 1885

We regret to hear that news has been received from Graaffreinet of the death of Mr. Edward NATHAN, one of the oldest and most respected and useful members of that community. The sad event (says the P.E. Telegraph) occurred very suddenly, and has occasioned a very painful surprise to those members of his family here, who had received no intimation that he was dangerously ill. The late Mr. NATHAN was universally esteemed by all who knew him as a man of high integrity and generous disposition. His death will cast a gloom over Graaffreinet, where he resided many years and enjoyed the esteem of every inhabitant. To his widow and numerous family we tender our heartfelt sympathy in their deep affliction.

Monday 5 October 1885

Another of our old citizens has gone. On Saturday night Mr. Walter SMITH died at his residence in Bathurst Street, after a short but severe illness, at the good old age of 74. Mr. SMITH had been prostrated from an internal complaint, which necessitated a very delicate operation, and in the performance of this lost a large quantity of blood. At one time his system was so low that his pulse sank to 4, but recovering rose again to 10, and after having been given up by his friends he began to revive. His marvellous recovery was due in a great measure to the skill and constant attention of Dr. HAMILTON. On Friday he was apparently improving rapidly, and in the evening jumped out of bed to prevent troubling his friends. The weather being chilly he was seized with a severe cold, which immediately increased in violence, and on Saturday night he died from congestion of the lungs.
Mr. SMITH arrived in the Colony in 1845 from Australia, and made his home in Grahamstown, where he married Miss SHEPHERD. The second daughter by this marriage is the wife of our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. George REYNOLDS. Mr. SMITH had a love for trees almost amounting to a passion, and his great hobby, as he was often wont to style it, was to improve and beautify the town. The beauty which Grahamstown derives from its trees is due in a great measure to the untiring efforts of Mr. Walter SMITH. In the early days of tree-planting he worked in co-operation with Mr. HUNTLY, and latterly, since he joined the Council for the third time in February 1883, he has devoted much of his time and energies to carry out tree-planting on a larger scale than it had ever been previously attempted. As a member of the Tree-planting Committee he advised Mr. W.A. SMITH, who was acting Chairman, some three years ago to bring forward a proposal in Council to plant 25,000 trees on the commonage. This proposal was accepted by the Council and today the wisdom of that scheme is seen in the thousands of healthy pines and gums springing up on the surrounding heights. He lent a ready assistance to Messrs. W.A. SMITH, LESTER and PREDDY in their pet work of beautifying the mountain drive, and in hundreds of ways placed his valuable experience at the disposal of the town. He superintended the planting of trees at the back of the Municipal stable, below the Railway Station, at the Wesleyan High School, the hill above St.Aidan’s and elsewhere. The work he had last in contemplation was to plant a couple of thousand of Lombardy poplars on the hill above the Location. The young plants are flourishing in the nursery below the Grey Reservoir, and will be fit to plant out next year. It would be a fitting memorial to the name of the deceased to call the poplar grove, when planted, after his name. Next to the encouragement of tree-planting, his strongest wish was to see Grahamstown plentifully supplied with water, and gave his support in Council to an outside scheme. He first became a member of the Council some years ago, and was returned several times. Yesterday the flags were half-mast high. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, but though the notice was so short, there was a large gathering of mourners. The Mayor and members of the Town Council followed. The pall-bearers were Messrs. C.H. HUNTLY, J. STANTEN, A.E. NELSON, F. HEPBURN, R.W. NELSON and T. SHEFFIELD. Mr. Geo. REYNOLDS was chief mourner. The service at the cemetery was conducted by the Rev. B. Wharton SMITH.

Tuesday 6 October 1885

DIED on October 3rd at his residence, Bathurst-street, Walter SMITH, aged 74 years.
The family tender their thanks to Dr. HAMILTON for his kind and constant attention, also for the great skill displayed in relieving the sufferings of their late Father.

Wednesday 7 October 1885

The finding of a dead body in the main shaft of the French Company in an advanced state of decomposition caused intense anxiety, especially when it became known it was a European. Enquiries instituted led to the finding of a verdict that the unfortunate man was no other than Captain EAST, a man who was much respected. And the conclusion is that he must have committed suicide. This (says a Field contemporary) is another sad proof of the distress existing on the Fields through want of employment. Accidents in the Mines have not been quite so frequent this week, and it is hoped that the precautions taken will result in minimising this fruitful source of disaster.

Friday 9 October 1885

(E.L. Advertiser, Oct 6)
It is with feelings of very deep regret that we have to record one of the saddest accidents that has occurred in this district for a very long time. On Saturday afternoon a mounted messenger arrived in town with the intelligence that Mr. W.M.E. WELBY of the [….ary] Farm, about twelve miles from town, had been accidentally shot that afternoon. Dr. PALEY at once started for the scene of the disaster, and several of Mr. WELBY’s friends also left for the purposes of rendering any assistance that might be required. From enquiries we have made, we learn that Mr. WELBY had organised a hunting party for that day, but owing to the threatening state of the weather all the gentlemen in town who were invited decided not to go. The weather clearing up in the middle of the day, Mr. WELBY and his brother-in-law Mr. POCKLY made up their minds to go out themselves. When near the bush, about two miles from the house, it was arranged that Mr. WELBY should go into the bush and that Mr. POCKLY should remain outside on the look-out for bucks. It appears that Mr. WELBY must have gone some distance down the kloof as arranged, and then have turned back without giving any warning, and Mr. POCKLY had not been on the watch for very long before he noticed a rustling of the long grass and bushes at the edge of the kloof. Seeing an object which he thought was a buck he raised his gun and fired at a distance of about forty yards, when to his horror he saw Mr. WELBY stand up and then suddenly fall. On coming up to the spot he found that he had shot his friend, the charge of loopers having entered the back. The nearest assistance at hand was Mr. ARNOLD’s, and with the help of that neighbour the unfortunate gentleman was placed on a stretcher and carried home, and a messenger at once despatched for medical assistance. When Dr. PALEY reached the house he found the sufferer in excruciating agony, owing to the internal haemorrhage, and at once arrived at the conclusion that all he could do was to relieve suffering, the nature of the wounds rendering surgical skill unavailing. Dr. PALEY, however, remained with his patient the whole night, and until half past nine on Sunday morning, when death relieved him of his sufferings. The news of Mr. WELBY’s death reached town about two hours afterwards, and we need hardly say it cast a sad gloom over the entire community, amongst whom he has been known for several years past, and by whom he has always been sincerely respected as one of the most honourable and upright of our citizens during his residence in this town as a wool-presser, and a member of the East London Co; Mr. WELBY having only gone to live on his farm at the beginning of the present year. The keenest sympathy is also felt for the young widow and four small children, who have thus been so suddenly and awfully deprived of their natural support and protector. Much sympathy is also expressed for Mr. POCKLY, who has been inadvertently the cause of plunging a family into grief. We are not at all surprised to hear that this gentleman is in a state of excitement bordering on insanity, and it can easily be understood that his distress is almost more than he can bear. As soon as the sad news reached town on Sunday several flags were hoisted half-mast, in token of respect, and they remained so all day yesterday. In the evening Archdeacon KITTON at the conclusion of his sermon at St.John’s Church alluded to the melancholy occurrence in feeling terms, the rev. gentleman being almost inaudible through grief, which was shared by numbers in the congregation. He announced his intention of remaining in town to perform the funeral service, which took place in the church yesterday at four o’clock. At that hour the body having been brought into town early in the morning, St.John’s Church was crowded by all creeds and [obscured] in the town. The service, which was partly choral, was conducted by the Venerable Archdeacon and Rev J. ALDRED of St.Peter’s, and as the cortege left the church for the cemetery it was noticed that it was the largest that has been seen in East London for [obscured]. At the conclusion of the service Mr. [CO…] played the dead march. We may add to the painful duty [two lines rubbed away].
The deceased gentleman was a son of the late Bishop of St.Helena.

Saturday 10 October 1885

The Uitenhage Times writes: On Sunday morning last a lad named John CAMPBELL, who lived with Mr. NEWTON, Sunnyside, met with an accident at Thornhill, which terminated fatally. He and a lad named Isaac NICHOLS with M. GRIFFITHS, aged 14, were proceeding in a Scotch cart drawn with two oxen to church at Thornhill, intending to overtake two young ladies who had walked on. All went well till they reached a spot where a bye road turns off to Mr. PARKIN’s, but then the oxen turned sharply off the main road and ran up a bank. NICHOLS called out to CAMPBELL to jump out; but he did not do so, and the cart capsized, falling on the poor boy’s back. He rose to his feet for a short time, but was obliged to sit down. NICOLS then got assistance, and had him conveyed to Sunnyside, the residence of Mr. F. NEWTON. Mr. and Mrs. NEWTON did all in their power, and he seemed to get better; but in the night grew suddenly worse and expired in about a quarter of an hour. The bruises showed that he had been badly injured about the loins, and the right ankle.

Wednesday 14 October 1885

Miss DANIELL has removed her Private Boarding Establishment from Prospect House, Castle Hill to Sidbury House, No.44 Havelock-street, Port Elizabeth.

The Tarka Herald to hand says:- Mr. James SAYERS, of Nettle Grove, when returning from Cradock on Tuesday 29th ult, met with a very serious accident, at the upper end of Paling Kloof. His horse fell with him, breaking both bones of his right leg, below the knee. It appears that Dr. FERGUD did not see him till 6th October, and as the foot and leg, as far as the knee, were in an extremely inflamed condition, and it seemed as if there was every fear of mortification of the limb taking place, he ordered his removal to town. He is now lying at Passmore’s Hotel, and we are glad to hear is making marked improvement.

Friday 16 October 1885

MARRIED on the 14th October at St.Michael’s Pro-Cathedral, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. Canon Espin, Owen Robert, eldest son of the late H.J. DUNELL Esq to Marion Isabel, youngest daughter of C.H. HUNTLY Esq.

The P.E. Telegraph has the following: Yesterday an interesting event was celebrated in Grahamstown, when our respected townsman Mr. O.R. DUNELL (of the firm of Messrs. DUNELL, EBDEN & Co) was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to May, youngest daughter of C.H. HUNTLY Esq, lately C.C. and R.M. of Grahamstown. Several of the Consular and other flags were hoisted in honour of the occasion. We heartily wish the young couple every happiness. [In our report yesterday we omitted to say that the bridegroom was attended by Mr. Owen CHRISTIAN and Mr. Charles HUNTLY.]

The Dispatch writes: An unfortunate accident occurred on the railway at Toise River on Friday last to the well known driver Frederick ROLFE. He was leaning against a truck talking to some other men whilst shunting was going on, and on the engine being backed he was thrown off his feet and underneath the wheels, which passed over his left arm, crushing it at the shoulder, and also damaging the collar-bone. A chemist who was travelling at the time rendered valuable assistance, and the patient was then promptly removed to the Grey Hospital, Kingwilliamstown, where amputation was performed by Dr. ROSS. The operation required great skill on account of the crushed condition of the bones and the neighbourhood of an artery, and it is said to have been performed admirably by the doctor in question. We have since heard that the sufferer, who is a man of splendid constitution and physique, is doing as well as can be expected. He has a wife and several children living at Blaney.

Saturday 17 October 1885

Edward DOLD, aged 42, described as a shop-keeper, of Somerset East, was indicted on the 9th for the murder of Robert Christopher DOYLE, a carpenter, of Somerset East, on the 9th May last. The prisoner walked into Court smiling.
The Registrar (Mr. MUNG...) asked: “Is your name Edward DOLD?”
The prisoner: Yes
Mr. BROWN said he had been requested by some of the prisoner’s friends to appear for him, and applied, under the Rule of Court 95, to have a jury impannelled to try whether the prisoner was sane enough to plead.
Mr. SOLOMON objected, that the prisoner being able to understand the nature of the proceedings, should plead.
His Lordship referred to Act 20 1879, Secs 3,4 (as to insane prisoners committed for trial, and prisoners found insane by a jury). Did not the provisions of that Act practically repeal Rule of Court 95?
Mr. SOLOMON said the prisoner should first plead, and then from the way he pleaded an opinion could be formed as to whether he ought to be tried.
His Lordship suggested a curator ad litem to inquire into prisoner’s mind and report.
Mr. BROWN said there were no means to defray any expenses; he only appeared pro dia.
His Lordship: I have to determine whether the prisoner is sane enough to be tried. And every magistrate ought to do so also. Let the prisoner plead.
The Registrar then read the indictment, adding “Are you guilty or not guilty?”
The prisoner: Not guilty. I am not guilty of wilful murder. (After a pause) I killed Mr. DOYLE.
His Lordship: Why?
The prisoner: To go to Heaven.
His Lordship: Why?
The prisoner: To let the dead rise. (After an interval) If you don’t do it let the dead rest. Don’t trouble the dead. (The prisoner added some incoherent rambling remarks).
A jury was then impannelled to try whether the prisoner was sane or not. The learned Judge expressing the opinion that Rule of Court 95 was not repealed by the Lunatic Law Amendment Act 1870.
Mrs. DOYLE was called, and in answer to Mr. BROWN, said she was the widow of deceased, and the prisoner was her son. His mind had for some time been much affected. About three years ago Dr. CLARK had attended him, when he seemed to have neither mental nor bodily strength. After this Dr. ATHERSTONE saw (him) in Grahamstown. Prisoner was then suffering from melancholy. Asked by Dr. ATHERSTONE what he would like best, he replied “To go straight up to Heaven”. After this he went back to his farm with his wife, but got worse, and wandered about the country. He had never been under restraint. Mrs. DOYLE was going on with her evidence when the prisoner exclaimed: “Wasn’t it harmonious in the house?”
Mrs. DOYLE added that prisoner had been making reference to Zulus, Mr. GLADSTONE and other matters. About ten days before the murder prisoner read a letter which drove him raving. On one occasion he was running to kill the Zulus when he seized his mother (witness) by the wrists. He had hallucinations on other subjects. Mrs. DOYLE described the committing of the murder. She said about 4 o’clock in the morning she heard a noise from the room in which the prisoner and the deceased were sleeping. The prisoner ran out and said “I have killed DOYLE for Rachel’s sake.” Rachel was his wife’s name. Deceased was lying in the passage outside the door, having evidently been laid out.
The prisoner: Mr. DOYLE told you that
Mr. John Matthew DOLD, of Port Elizabeth, (prisoner’s brother) gave confirmatory evidence as to prisoner’s ravings. Amongst other things prisoner had said he had a commission to kill children to send them to Heaven. Both witnesses concurred in stating that prisoner and Mr. DOYLE lived upon affectionate terms.
The prisoner: You have no right to say that. I think you are wrong about killing children; I have no recollection of that.
Dr. T.E. BUTLER, District Surgeon, said prisoner was of unsound mind – not responsible for his actions. Dr. BUTLER instanced expressions used by prisoner.
His Lordship summed up, directing the jury to consider whether the prisoner was able to plead to the indictments, without reference to his sanity when he committed the act.
After a few minutes deliberation the jury retired.
They presently returned, finding the prisoner to be of unsound mind.
His Lordship ordered the prisoner to be detained until the pleasure of His Excellency the Governor should be known respecting him. – E.P. Herald.

[Transcriber's note: See original report of the murder in issue of 14 May 1885]

Monday 19 October 1885

We learn from the Witness that a very heavy wind storm visited the City on Saturday night and one man, a soldier, named Gunner H. SPENCER, was killed at the camp by the falling in of a hut. Several men received personal injuries in the town. As to damage to property, there is not a district in the City but bears traces of having borne the storm. Probably, however, the higher portions have fared worst, the lower lying parts having evidently been in the shelter….

On Wednesday, the 30th ultimo, a bazaar was held at this village for the purpose of raising funds to repair the Parsonage and Schoolroom. It was settled that it should come off about three months ago, but was postponed to the 30th September, to allow of more things being got together. Numbers of ladies and gentlemen from Grahamstown and other parts were present. In the afternoon some races were run. The first was a hurdle race, over three hurdles, which race had to be run over again, as there was a false start. Mr Beecher KEETON Sen. came in as winner in both heats. During the second heat of this race an accident happened which might have proved very serious, but luckily was not so. Mr. W. GRAY, who was riding a young mare, was thrown to the ground at the last hurdle. This fall was caused through his horse swerving to one side as it came up to the hurdle, and as he tried to guide it his stirrup leather broke just as the horse was going over the hurdle, the natural consequence being that he fell heavily in the ground. He was slightly stunned by the fall, but was so little hurt that he rode in one of the subsequent races. The next two were half-mile flat races. The first was won by Mr. S. FORD’s pony, and the second by Mr. Ben DELL’s horse Rock. The entrance to all those races was 1s, the proceeds being given to the funds of the bazaar. Last, but by no means least, of the announcements on the board, was the dance in the evening given by Mrs. W. P. KEETON. Tickets for this dance were sold at the bazaar, and the proceeds handed over to the treasurer of the bazaar. The dancing room was crowded. Everything was nicely arranged, and the dance was a brilliant success, the last of the dancers not leaving until after daylight. The thanks of the community are due to Mrs. KEETON for the trouble and inconvenience, not to mention expense, to which she put herself in order to further a good cause. The proceeds of the bazaar, dance and races amounted to something between £60 and £70. – Budget.

Wednesday 21 October 1885

The Marriage of Miss Annie Mary NORTON and Mr. Alfred WHITE was celebrated at the Pro-Cathedral this morning. Miss NORTON is the eldest daughter of John O. NORTON Esq of Junction Drift, and Mr. WHITE is the second son of Geo. WHITE Esq of Brak Kloof. The guests were very numerous, and the large Church crowded with spectators, and the weather was all that could be desired for the occasion. The bride was followed by seven bridesmaids, one of whom walked with Mr. Walter CURRIE, who appeared as best man, namely Miss Hettie NORTON (who walked with Mr. CURRIE as best man). Miss H. CLUTIE, Miss S. BOWKER, Miss F. WHITE, Miss N. CURRIE, Miss Mary ESPIN, and Miss E. CURRIE. The bride’s dress and train were of cream duchesse satin, draped with broché to correspond. The dresses of the bridesmaids were of cream yak lace, with drapings and sashes of Indian silk, the colour of the latter varying in each pair. They were respectively chartreuse, mandarin gold and art green. The hats, which matched the dresses, had puffed crowns of cream yak lace, gathered lace brims with a monteur of flowers in front, to correspond with the colour of the sashes. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Canon ESPIN, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon WHITE and Canon MULLINS.

Thursday 22 October 1885

Very painful surprise and regret were experienced yesterday throughout the City yesterday afternoon, when a telegram was received by the Hon. W. AYLIFF from Capetown, stating that Mr. SPRIGG had been informed by cable of the deceased of our senior member on the 20th, Tuesday. No further particulars were given; but it is known that Mr. AYLIFF was in a very precarious state, and that an operation was impending for the removal of a tumour on his side, which the medical adviser proposed to remove as soon as the patient’s strength would bear it. We can but suppose, in the absence of information, that this operation (as was feared by some of the skilful surgeons at St.Thomas’s Hospital) has had a fatal result. The hearty condolences and sympathy of all the citizens, and of everyone far and near who has had the opportunity of knowing Mr. AYLIFF, will be offered to his venerable mother and her family upon this severe bereavement. We speak the bare language of fact when we say that our late fellow-citizen and senior member was held in the highest respect and esteem, both as a man and in his professional and public capacity, by all who knew him. Such a death is a heavy loss to the Colony, which can ill spare men of such conspicuous integrity and ability as Mr. AYLIFF. We will endeavour tomorrow to offer a more extended notice of the life of our valued and beloved fellow-citizen.

A young man named CHAMBERLAIN, residing at Mowbray, died on Friday evening under circumstances which led to belief that he committed suicide. It is stated that some charge had recently been made against him, which preyed upon his mind. On Friday (reports the Cape Times) he was in his usual health, and nothing peculiar was noticed about him, but in the evening he was found dead, with a bottle containing a substance, supposed to be arsenic, by his side. The district surgeon and the Magistrate saw the body, and the inquest will be held on Monday.

Saturday 24 October 1885

DIED in England, on Tuesday the 20th October 1885, the Hon’ble Jonathan AYLIFF M.L.A., late Colonial Secretary, after acute protracted suffering, which for twelve long months he bore with Christian fortitude. The loss by his death, at the comparatively early age of 56, to his Family is simply irreparable.

The sad intelligence of the death in England last Tuesday, October 20th, of the late member for Grahamstown, the Hon. Jonathan AYLIFF, will have revived in the minds of his numerous friends not only in the City, but throughout the Colony, some recollections of his life, and a few additional circumstances relating to it, furnished by his family, will, it is anticipated, not be uninteresting to the many readers of the Journal.
He was born in Salem, where his father, the late Rev. John AYLIFF, was then stationed, on the 17th June 1829. Some of his earlier school-days were spent in the village of his birth; but his principal education he received at Glen Thorn, in the district of Bedford, at the hands of the Rev. P. WITHER, who at present resides at Somerset East, and is one of the many fine men which have been furnished by Scotland to the world as educators of youth. His love for his old tutor never abated, and up to the last he would speak with affection and esteem of him as one he always admired. His splendid abilities were soon discovered here, and in a short while he became one of the foremost boys in the school, not merely as a scholar, but altogether one of the most popular of the lads. Friendships commenced at that period have continued in after life, and many of the friends of those days, particularly among the HART, PRINGLE and BOWKER families, will hear of the death of their old friend with deep regret.
After leaving school he was articled to the late George JARVIS Esq, then the leading attorney in Grahamstown, who ever regarded him with great affection, and with whom he remained till his death, when he succeeded to his business. How this has ever since been conducted need not be told in a Grahamstown newspaper, and many an applicant at his office for assistance and advice, having entered cast down and sad, has left it cheerful and bright. When his public duties became more pressing he took into partnership Messrs. BELL and HUTTON, who have since conducted the business, not only to the satisfaction of their senior partner, but with undoubted advantage to the entire firm.
The extent of his charities will never be fully known in this world. No deserving object needing assistance ever appealed to him in vain, and many willing testimonies are cheerfully borne, not only in the city where he dwelt, but outside of it too, recognising his generosity. It is no uncommon thing to hear it said “Mr. AYLIFF started me in business” or “He lent me money to begin with”. Under such circumstances no considerations of Creed or colour ever entered his mind, and though to the last loyal in the extreme attachment to the noble Church of his Father, the Wesleyan Methodist Church, his assistance and advice were always available for religious denominations of every name. It was enough for him to be told that assistance was needed, and to the utmost of his ability it was rendered. As bearing upon this subject, the circumstance is brought to mind of an occasion when he had been erroneously blamed in the columns of one of the local papers under a misapprehension of his part in the matter. This drew forth a reply under the synonym of “Truth” from one who writing in his defence among other things said “search the Eastern Province and the Western too, and a man larger hearted, more single-minded, more honest or generous than Jonathan AYLIFF cannot be found. A man who in very truth ‘does good by stealth and blushes to find it fame.’ I know it – I have experienced it. I have been the recipient of that gentleman’s bounty, unsolicited and without either introduction or previous acquaintance, nor to this hour have I ever spoken to him. How many more such instances may there not be on silent record which no eye hath seen nor ear heard save His from whom the promptings of the heart, be they for good or evil, cannot be hid or concealed.”
When but a lad, his patriotism prompted him to respond to the call of duty, and in the war of 1846 as a member of the Grahamstown Yeomanry he went out with his fellow-citizens to resist the invasion of Lower Albany by the then hostile kafir tribes. On one occasion in a fight near Woest Hill, their captain, NORDEN, was shot and the yeomanry had to retire. During the retreat Mr. AYLIFF’s horse broke away from him, and it was with difficulty he escaped with his life holding to the stirrup of one of his comrades, thus reaching town. In the war of 1851 he was again engaged, and in command of a native levy was for some time stationed on the Fish River, to protect the stock of the farmers, and to keep open the lines of communication in that direction. He was at the same time, with the men he commanded, most useful in intercepting stolen stock.
He has been for many years one of the representatives of the people in Parliament, first for the district of Victoria East, and subsequently for the city of Grahamstown. His strong sense of duty rendered him a worthy, useful member, and by his unselfish, pure disinterestedness, he acquired the esteem of both sides of the House. On the retirement of the Ministry of Sir Thomas SCANLEN in 1884, and when the present Ministry was formed with Mr. UPINGTON as Premier, the office of Colonial Secretary was offered to him, and after some consideration he decided to accept it. Writing at the time to him who is now penning these lines, he said “It certainly is a strange turn of the wheel of fortune that places me in this office, and whether I stay in it a long time or short, it is gratifying to know that the leading men of our side thought me worthy of the position.” Ann all-wise Providence ordained his tenure of office should be short, yet while he held it, in spite of pain he performed the duties of the office with advantage to the country and to the complete satisfaction of his colleagues, till his health entirely broke down, and to the great regret of the other members of the Cabinet he was compelled to suspend his labours and eventually relinquish office. The uniform kindness and sympathy of these gentlemen much impressed him, and at Caledon, where he had gone hoping to benefit by using the Baths, he frequently spoke of their kind attention. After this it was hoped that a sea voyage would be beneficial and that good would result from being able to obtain the advice of some of England’s most able physicians, but although he had the advantage of great skill, and nursing more tender and kind than often falls to the lot of sufferers, to the inexpressible grief of all his family and friends, Heaven’s fist has gone forth, “come up higher.” Much might be said about his private life and character, which were pure and beyond reproach, and none but those who knew him whether as a son, father, or brother can adequately realise how affectionate and kind he was; but all is over now. The recollection of his goodness in the past is all that remains to us, and among some of the last words spoken to the write of these notes are these, which will never be forgotten. “I have tried to do right”

Thursday 29 October 1885

The Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has been dissolved by mutual consent. All sums of money due to the late firm must be paid to the first undersigned, who will liquidate all the liabilities thereof.
Grahamstown 28th October AD 1885
With reference to the above Notice, the undersigned begs to intimate that he will continue to practise as a Solicitor and Notary in the premises heretofore occupied by the late firm of COLDRIDGE & GRAY.

Friday 30 October 1885

We (Budget) regret to record the death of this gentleman, which took place at his farm Tharfield on Monday last, at the advanced age of seventy-six.[sic] Deceased was buried on Wednesday by the Rev.Mr. Dodd.

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