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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 07 July

Thursday 2 July 1885

BIRTH on Thursday 2nd July 1885, the wife of Mr. E.J. STARKEY of a daughter.

Friday 3 July 1885

We (Budget) have to record a very sudden death, which occurred at Southwell on Monday evening last. It appears that Mr. Edward PARKER, a farmer, retired to rest about nine o’clock on the evening in question, apparently in the best of health, as during the evening he had been amusing his children, laughing and playing with them. A few minutes after the light was put out, Mrs. PARKER was startled by hearing a gurgling noise in her husband’s throat, and she at once lighted the candle, but only to see that her husband had already expired. Dr. HALL proceeded yesterday morning to Southwell, and made a post mortem examination, which proved that death was caused by heart disease. Deceased was a man very much respected, and his death has cast quite a gloom over the neighbourhood.

Thursday 9 July 1885

We (Cradock Register) regret to hear that another shunter has met his death whilst engaged on the line. On Friday afternoon last the shunter at Middelburg Road, named ERICKSON, fell between the trucks whilst they were in motion, and sustained such injury to his leg that he expired the following morning. He leaves a wife and six children (the last two are twins) totally unprovided for, and it is proposed to start a subscription list. Any donation will be gladly acknowledged by Mr.PATISON, Acting Stationmaster of Middelburg Road.

Friday 10 July 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday 7th inst, Mrs. Hugh HUNTLY of a daughter.

Tuesday 14 July 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th July, the wife of A. BEADLE of a daughter

MARRIED on the 13th inst at All Saints Church, Somerset East, by the Rev. Canon Woodrooffe MA, assisted by the Rev.J. Cookson BA, J. Richard BELL of Grahamstown, son of the late R.H. BELL Esq. MD, (Ex Army Med. Staff India) to Julia [Fenella], second daughter of Watson Ward HAYNE Esq, Croydon, Surrey, England.

DIED at Port Alfred on Monday July 13th, James JONSON Sen, in the 66th year of his age; deeply regretted by a large circle of Relatives and Friends.

Thursday 16 July 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on 16th July 1885, the wife of J.H. GREATHEAD MB Edin. of a son

Saturday 18 July 1885

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. A.W. THORN, which sad event occurred last night. Mr. THORN has been a prey to consumption, and after a long attack of this insidious disease was prostrated a few days ago. To his sister, Miss THORN, we beg to offer our deep sympathy.
We regret also to hear of the death of Mr. MACKAY of the firm Messrs CHOWLES & MACKAY of Alexandria. Mr. MACKAY is the son of our respected townsman at the Post Office.

Monday 20 July 1885

MARRIED at the Parish Church, Willesden, London on the 11th June 1885, T. Ramson WHITTY, Solicitor, eldest son of the late Thomas WHITTY Esq, of Nottingham, to Charlotte Frances, second daughter of the Rev. Martin E. SMIT, of Bridlington Quay, East Riding of Yorkshire, and granddaughter of the late Rev. N.H. SMIT of Grahamstown.

ENTERED INTO REST, at Grahamstown, July 18th, Arthur W. THORN, aged 33, son of the late – THORN Esq, Solicitor, London.

Tuesday 21 July 1885

DIED at Alexandria on the 18th July 1885, William, third son of David and Mary Elizabeth MACKAY, aged 32 years and 2 months, leaving a widow and four children to mourn their loss.
The parents and widow of the deceased desire to tender their sincere thanks to Dr. DREW for his unremitting attention, and to all the friends who rendered assistance and sympathy in their hour of trial.

Thursday 23 July 1885

BIRTH at Cradock, July 22nd, the wife of Mr. Garrett BROWN of a son

MARRIED at Maseru, Basutoland on the 15th inst by the Rev. H. Dyke, of Morija, James CUTHBERT Esq, Principal of the Public School, Cradock, to Judith S. TROWER, eldest daughter of Richard TROWER Esq, Maseru, Basutoland.

The Cape Times to hand writes: A sad and fatal accident from the effects of drink occurred early yesterday morning, when a woman named Catherine NOLAN was burnt to death under most shocking circumstances. It appears that PC 34, a mounted policeman, when passing at 135 Long-street, at about one o’clock on Sunday morning, noticed some smoke issuing from the door. He alighted and tried the door, which he found open. He then entered the house, and proceeded into the kitchen, whence the smell of fire was very strong, and therein a terrible sight was presented to his view. Lying upon the floor was a white woman, with nearly all her clothes burnt off her body, and one of her hands almost roasted, and portions of her dress still burning. On the other side of the room lay the husband of the woman in a drunken condition. The constable rendered what assistance he could to the woman, and then proceeded to the police station to report the case. Inspector LUCAS at once went to the house, and seeing that the woman was burnt severely in all parts of the body, had her removed to the New Somerset Hospital on the police stretcher. He then questioned the man as to how Mrs. NOLAN got so burned and learned that both the woman and her husband had been drinking, and had become intoxicated. They were proceeding to go to bed, and Mrs. NOLAN, carrying a lighted candle in her hand, went into the kitchen to fasten up the shutters, her husband following her. When there, she fell down, and the candle, still alight, fell alongside her, setting fire to her clothes. The husband attempted to go to her rescue, but was too drunk, and fell down before he reached her, and so the woman must have been burning for over an hour.

Saturday 25 July 1885

BIRTH at Colesberg on July 21st, the wife of the Rev. W. Woodman [THE…VEN] of a son

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 15th July 1885 by the Rev. W.M. Douglas, Walter H. HUMPHREY of Somerset East, son of Chas. HUMPHREY Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Charlotte E. CRAGE, daughter of the late Thomas CRAGE Esq of Louden.

Monday 27 July 1885

Under the above heading the Uitenhage Chronicle announces that “Mr. J.P. [DUSTLEIN], one of our oldest residents, who is almost eighty years of age, was married in St.Katherine’s Church yesterday morning to Mrs. EHRICH, a widow lady. We wish the happy couple joy.”

Wednesday 29 July 1885

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. J.W. CALLAGHAN of Alexandria, which sad event occurred on Sunday night after a painful illness of 6 months. Mr. CALLAGHAN was one of the oldest residents in Alexandria, and will be greatly missed.

This morning there was a large gathering at the Baptist Church to witness the marriage of Mr. W.G. COOPER, of Kei Road, and Miss Florence WHEELDON. The fair bride was dressed in mushroom coloured cashmere, trimmed with silk of the same, and with hat to match, gracefully trimmed with ostrich feathers. She was supported by her sister, Miss WHEELDON, the only bridesmaid, who was dressed in moss green cashmere trimmed with figured silk of the same shade and […] ribbons. The best man was Mr. Fred. WHEELDON. The bride was given away by her father, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. L. NUTTALL. The service was choral, the bride being a member of the choir. After the service the bridal party drove to the residence of Mr. WHEELDON, and thence to the railway station, where a large number of friends assembled to see the young couple leave for the Kowie. We join in wishing them happiness and prosperity.




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