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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1885 06 June

Tuesday 2 June 1885

We regret to hear of the death of Mr. WHITING, which sad event took place yesterday at the Hospital. Mr. WHITING’s recent failure in business preyed upon his spirits, and he has been gradually sinking.

Wednesday 3 June 1885

DIED on May 26th 1885, at Askeaton, N’Duana, Tembuland, the residence of her son, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of the Rev. John WILSON, Wesleyan Minister, aged 65 years.

The Tarka Herald writes: Mr. W.E.E. PASSMORE, the Mayor of Tarkastad, died suddenly on Sunday last, the 24th instant. For some time past he had been suffering from ill-health, partly due to repeated attacks of inflammation of the lungs. A few days ago he was again attacked with congestion of the lungs and liver, which reduced him to an extremely weak state, and death resulted from sudden collapse at about 1:30 pm on Sunday last. The funeral which took place on Tuesday, with Masonic honours, the deceased gentleman having been Past Junior Warden of the White Hope Lodge, was largely attended. Much sympathy is felt by the community for the bereaved family.

The D.F. Advertiser has the following: The marriage of Mr. BRINSTEIN to Miss LAZARUS was celebrated recently at the Synagogue, in the presence of a number of people. The Rev. Abraham ORNSTEIN officiated. His address having been made extempore, we are unable to procure a copy, but among his remarks we noted as follows: “You stand this day under the canopy – symbol of the all-surrounding love of God – to ask His blessing at this now period of your lives. It is not sufficient, however, to ask God’s blessing at the commencement of this new era. His merciful [pro]tection must be prayed for throughout your whole life. Even as the Tabernacle of old, must your home be made holy and sacred to the Lord; nothing which can contaminate or defile must be allowed to enter; and the glorious light of religion, the strongly glowing lamp of love, must be lighted therein, whose beams travel we know not how far! We cannot expect happiness unless we try to deserve it. We cannot all hope to make great names – but we can leave behind us good names. Never forget your loyalty to your God, who is your staff of life, on Whom you may rest in the hour of trouble.” The bride and bridegroom left amidst the usual shower of rice.

The Aliwal North Post writes: On Tuesday last, the 26th instant, before F. SCHORMBRACKER, Acting Resident Magistrate, in his capacity as coroner, an inquest was held upon the body of Percy James Edward HURST, lately a private in the C.M. Rifles, who met his death through the accidental discharging of a revolver. Henry ONKEN stated that he was a private in the Cape Mounted Rifles, and occupied the same room with deceased; and that on the evening of Monday he was in the room with deceased and three comrades. All were engaged in conversation on general topics of a light nature. During the conversation the deceased took up a revolver belonging to a comrade named CAVANAGH, when he (witness) told him to be careful, as it was loaded and an accident might happen, to which deceased replied that he knew it was loaded and struck out three cartridges. After this deceased was skylarking with it for some time, pointing it towards the window. During this interval he snapped the revolver 12 times. On deceased continuing to skylark and point the revolver around the room, the witness remonstrated with him, saying the revolver might go off. On this remonstrance the deceased said: “No, the revolver can’t go off; look here,” putting it to his head at the same time and snapping it two or three times, whereupon it suddenly exploded. Deceased fell, and with a gasp, died. The coroner, in summing up, stated that this was clearly a most deplorable accident, caused by the handling of a firearm without due precaution, and the verdict was that the deceased, Percy James Edward HURST, met his death by shooting himself accidentally with a revolver. The sad affair has cast a gloom over the town, where the deceased young fellow was liked, and looked upon generally as one of the smartest men in the corps.

Thursday 4 June 1885

BIRTH at Grahamstown on June 1 1885, the wife of Mr. Albert LAWRANCE of a son.

Monday 8 June 1885

BIRTH on 6th June 1885, at Myrtle Villa, Albany Road, the wife of F.L. BILLINGHURST Esq of a daughter.

DIED at “Langeverwacht”, District of Cathcart, on June 3rd 1885, Charles Henry MORGAN, leaving a Widow and fourteen Children to mourn their painful bereavement.

We are glad to hear that Mr. J. SPEAR of Grasslands, who met with a severe accident recently from the bursting of his gun, has recovered the use of his eyesight and is rapidly progressing towards complete recovery.
[see entry for 28 April 1885]

Mr. Frederick M. GILFILLAN, lately practising as a surveyor amongst us, has passed away from our midst and rests in an honourable grave. He leaves behind him a bereaved widow and children, and a large circle of sorrowing friends. Under the training of his gallant father, formerly Civil Commissioner of Cradock, he ever found it his duty to assist in the defence of our border. He was one of the bravest of that brave band of men usually termed “the Cradock bricks”. How they earned the gratitude of all true colonists by their deeds of heroism and cool endurance has become a matter of Colonial history. The remaining comrades of “Fred GILFILLAN” will think over and narrate again the tales of border warfare in which they were united in the defence of Whittlesea and the rugged country around and beyond. They will, we are sure, in spirit, droop their heads and mourn over his rustic grave. And we believe that, as a humble follower of our Saviour, he has also gained a higher commendation than that of man. His sacred dust awaits the sounding of the trumpet on the morning of the Resurrection, that with joy he may go forth and meet his Lord.

Wednesday 10 June 1885

MARRIED by Special Licence by the Rev. R. Matterson, on the 9th June, Thos. H. HUMPHREY to Diana WEBB, both of Fort Brown.

The Natal Witness says: Through a sad accident, which happened at York on Saturday, a young lad, son of Mr. E. PECKHAM, met with an untimely death. Deceased was out bird shooting with George MERRYWEATHER, of Maritzburg, and as the two were returning home the gun, which was loaded with dust or very small shot, suddenly exploded in MERRYWEATHER’s hand. The result was that PECKHAM, who was then but two yards in front, turning his head at the same moment to address his friend, received the whole charge in his eye, causing instantaneous death. Dr. [BOAST], who was sent for, certifies that the affair was a pure accident, and much sympathy is expressed for the parties concerned.

An accident which happened to Private KIRCHNER, of the Cape Police, has proved fatal. The Kimberley Independent says: It appears that the deceased was on Wednesday evening, between 7 and 8, practising gymnastic exercise in Mr. THERON’s store, for the purpose of taking part in the assault-at-arms the following night. While in the act of performing a revolution on the flying rings he let go his hold, intentionally, with the expectation of coming down on his feet. He let go too soon, however, and as a consequence fell on the back of his neck on a mattress that had been placed underneath for purpose of safety. This unfortunately did not prove a safeguard in this instance, and KIRCHNER was so badly injured in the neck that he had to be at once removed to the Hospital, where he expired as stated above. The unfortunate man was only 22 years old.

Friday 12 June 1885

On Sunday morning an elderly man named SHAW, in the employ of Mr. H.C. BELL, as caretaker of that gentleman’s residence at Port Alfred, was found dead in his bed. The evening previous he appeared to be in good health and spirits. Not making his appearance on the morning in question, Mr. BELL visited his room, and found him dead. The Budget believes the circumstances were reported to the Resident Magistrate, but has not heard whether a post mortem examination was made and the cause of death ascertained, or whether an inquest was held on the body.

Monday 15 June 1885

It is with feelings of deep regret we (Alice Times) record the death today of Mrs. William ATTWELL of Battlesden. The late Mrs. ATTWELL, we hear, had been ill for some months, and on Sunday last her illness took a serious turn. On Monday she died, deeply regretted by all who knew her. The late Mrs. ATTWELL was a niece of Mr. R. FIELDING of Middle Drift. All who knew the deceased, we are sure, will feel very great sorrow at her death.

Wednesday 17 June 1885

DIED at Lovedale 8th June, Mr. John A. BENNIE, Missionary of the Free Church of Scotland. Aged 45 years.

About 9am on Wednesday morning (reports the D.F. Advertiser) a white man named J. CONNELLY was found dead in bed in his house, which is situated on the debris heaps opposite Messrs. SALMON & WALKER, Chemists, Upper James Street. Deceased was last seen about 11 the previous evening and complained then of being bitterly cold, and of a pain in his side. A generous gentleman who carries on business in the vicinity heard the appeals of the poor sufferer, and attended to them not in vain; for he with praiseworthy consideration went with all haste to the nearest hotel and procured a mild stimulant, which he administered to him, and saw him lie down on the top of the bed with his clothes on, in which position he was found the following morning, when life was extinct. The Resident Magistrate commenced an enquiry into the circumstances in the afternoon, but did not conclude it, resolving to continue the examination this morning. Deceased had been drinking heavily for some time past, and that is supposed to have hastened his demise. Two empty bottles were picked up in the room, and these had recently contained Cape brandy. A box of matches was also found clasped tightly in one hand, when the body was being lifted for removal. He was about 45 years of age, lived alone, and had been in the service of Mr. LEWIS, tailor.

Thursday 18 June 1885

A man named HILL, one of those who recently received their discharge from Carrington’s Horse, was found dead in his bed at the Royal Hotel Kimberley on Saturday morning last, reports the D.F. Advertiser. The cause of death has not yet transpired, but it is thought to have been the effect of a fall which the deceased had from the cart while on his way from Barkly. An inquest was commenced on Saturday, and we understand a post mortem examination was made by the District Surgeon. The deceased, who was known in his regiment as “Corbie” HILL, was a resident of Grahamstown, where he leaves a widow and children to mourn their loss.

Friday 19 June 1885

A Mrs. ROSSOUW committed suicide on the 4th by taking strychnine. It is alleged that she was determined to put an end to her life, and took the opportunity while her husband was from home.

On Saturday a boy named THOMSON, a native of Poulton and in the employment of Dr. ROSS, who is now residing at East London for a few weeks, whilst in the act of washing the horses on the beach at the Limekilns was drowned, and the body immediately carried to sea, although every effort was made by the Doctor who was present when the accident happened, to recover it.

A young man named FORD has been found dead about six miles from Colesberg. He is supposed to have been murdered, a number of ugly wounds having been inflicted upon his neck.

Saturday 20 June 1885

DIED on June 18 1885, at Grahamstown, Mary, the beloved wife of Charles WATCHAM, aged 62 years and 6 months.

We (Cradock Register) learn that a farmer named NEL, living in the vicinity of Sutherland, District of Fraserburg, has just committed suicide by taking strychnine. Just before his death he confessed that he had murdered a Hottentot, and the matter had so preyed upon his mind that he had at last resolved to destroy himself.

Monday 22 June 1885

Deep regret was felt by the Jewish residents of Beaconsfield (says the D.F. Advertiser) yesterday afternoon when the death of the Rev. Mr. ORNSTEIN, Minister of the Jewish Congregation, Kimberley, became known. His kind and amiable disposition had endeared him to many in this district, by whom he will be long remembered. We have been requested by a large number of the Jewish community to tender their sincere regret and sympathy with the bereaved, and more intimate friends of the deceased.

Wednesday 24 June 1885

Mr. James BLACK was born in Haddington, Scotland and came out to this Colony about 1830, when he settled in Grahamstown and commenced business as a merchant under the firm James BLACK & Co. He has thus been in business in connection with this city about 55 years. After a time he went Home, still continuing his connection with the firm here, which was then conducted by his resident partner, as W.R. THOMPSON & Co. After Mr. THOMPSON’s death, Mr. BLACK returned to Grahamstown and carried on the business under the firm of BLACK & DARVALL. Subsequently Mr. DARVALL returned to England, and the business has of late been carried on in partnership with Mr. BLACK’s son-in-law, Mr. J.B. BROWN, the firm reverting to its original title of James BLACK & Co. During this long commercial career Mr. BLACK has always been connected with the commercial institutions of the town, as for example as a shareholder and Director of the Eastern Province Bank, and also in the local Insurance Companies. He was a staunch supporter of the Kowie harbour, and though his devotion to its interests was attended with considerable sacrifice, he had the satisfaction in recent years of seeing the port developed and connected by rail with the general railway system of the Colony. Mr. BLACK was in religious matters a Presbyterian, and for a very long time one of the most prominent and respected members of Trinity Church. He took no great part in political or municipal affairs, but was universally esteemed for his upright and honourable character as a man of business and a citizen. He had been in somewhat feeble health for some time past, and on Saturday week, owing to the unusually cold weather, he took a chill, which developed into an attack of inflammation of the lungs, from which he died yesterday morning at the age of 77. His funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Thus has passed away from us one of our prominent commercial men, who was greatly beloved by those who enjoyed his intimacy, and was esteemed and respected by all his fellow citizens.

Friday 26 June 1885

DIED at Cradock on 24th June, Joseph TROLLIP, aged 75 years

DIED at Selwyn Castle, Grahamstown, on Tuesday 23rd inst, James BLACK, aged 77 years.

A very large number of citizens assembled at Selwyn Castle, the residence of the late Mr. BLACK, yesterday afternoon, in order to follow his remains to their last resting place. The Mayor and Council in procession, as a mark of respect for the deceased, preceded the hearse, as did also Rev. J.A. CHALMERS, Rev. Mr. JOHNSON Port Elizabeth and other Ministers. The pall was borne by C.H. HUNTLY Esq, Rev. R. TEMPLETON, Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE, Mr. TAMPLIN, Mr. H. WOOD, Mr. Thos. HOLLAND; and the chief mourners were his son Mr. Charles BLACK, his brother Mr. Robert BLACK, his sons-in-law Mr. J.B. BROWN and Col. MINTO, and two little grandchildren, Arthur and Harry BROWN, and W.H. HOLLAND. Following the bier we noticed many of the principal inhabitants of the city, clerical, professional and mercantile. On arriving at Trinity Church the coffin was brought in and placed on a bier in front of the pulpit, and the body of the Church was considerably filled with those who had joined in the procession, as well as others. The Rev. J.A. CHALMERS then announced the hymn, which was a version of the [98]th psalm, and was well sung by the choir and congregation. At its conclusion Mr. CHALMERS delivered the following address:
Fellow citizens, we are paying today the last tribute of respect to one who, while he lived among us, was an eminent example of truth and honesty; of faith and patience, of gentleness, meekness, and transparency of character. James BLACK was a man in whom there was no guile, and Grahamstown is all the poorer because he is no longer among its citizens. By birth he claimed to be what is called in his country “a son of the Manse”, and to him there seemed to be transmitted all the excellent characteristics which had made his ancestry famous in the country to which he belonged. For half a century he lived in this city, and preserved an unblemished reputation. His was a blameless life; and those who have known him longest tell us that they cannot recall a single word spoke by anyone which could even be construed into a reflection upon his character. This …
[the eulogy continues on the next column but the print is worn away too much to be legible]

Tuesday 30 June 1885

At the meeting of the Directors of the Union Insurance Company, held on the 27th June, it was unanimously resolved on the motion of the Chairman: “That the Directors desire to express their deep sense of the severe loss sustained by the Union Insurance and Trust Company by the death of Mr. James BLACK, who had for ten years occupied the onerous position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, rendering in that capacity most valuable service, and at all times carefully watching over, and fostering the best interests of the Company. They also desire to place on record their warm appreciation and acknowledgement of his uniform courtesy and consideration to his co-Directors.” It was also resolved that a copy of the above minute be forwarded to the family of the late Mr. BLACK, with an expression of respectful sympathy and condolence from the Board of Directors. – We learn that Mr. John E. WOOD has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr. J. SLATER a Trustee of the Company, to fill the vacancies caused by the lamented decease of Mr. J. BLACK.

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