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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1876 - 3 - July to September

Monday 3 July 1876

BIRTH at Wilson’s Party. District of Bathurst, on the 18th June, the wife of Chas. PURDON of a daughter.

On Wednesday morning departed this life J.A. LE SUEUR Esq, a highly respected and pious man. He was born on the 11th January 1803, and was descended from one of those French families to whom “Lettres de Noblesse” were granted by Jean le Bon, King of France, on the 10th May 1360.[He served in various capacities…] Secretary of the late Court of Justice. On the 1st November 1818 he was appointed Clerk to the Inspector of Lands and Woods. On the 1st October 1820 he was removed to the office of Her Majesty’s Fiscal, and was on the 1st August 1821 again transferred to the Colonial Office, where he remained for thirty years, attaining the office, and discharging the important duties of chief clerk in that department during the critical period from 1846 to 1852, and during that time had the satisfaction of receiving the unqualified approbation of several distinguished officers under whom he served. On the 21st January 1852 he was selected by Government to fill the office of Postmaster-General, which he occupied until 1866, thus completing nearly a life of service of forty-eight years, solely spent in the interests and for the promotion of the welfare of the Government and the public. – Argus

Wednesday 5 July 1876

On Thursday Mr. GEARY of The Journal was married to Miss Annie SPOLANDER, daughter of Mr. J. SPOLANDER of this city. There was a large assemblage of spectators in St.George’s Cathedral to witness the ceremony. The bridesmaids were Miss Fanny SPOLANDER, sister of the bride, and Miss GILMORE, daughter of Mr. GILMORE of Constantia. Mr. [MAYER] MLA and Mr. MAASDORP MLA were best men. After the wedding breakfast, which was given at the residence of the bride’s father, the happy couple proceeded to the residence of Mr. GILMORE at Constantia, where they will spend the honeymoon. The dresses of the bride and her maids were much admired. – Argus.

Monday 10 July 1876

We (Uitenhage Times) regret to have to announce the death of Mr. James WOOD, one of the oldest inhabitants of this town. He had reached the mature age of 74.

XYZ has withdrawn his advertisement from the Uitenhage Times. He was so inundated with photographic representations of female loveliness that he has filled several albums, and in the absence of any other satisfactory means of arriving at a decision, he says he will go add man for his choice. We knew a man who did this once in England and it answered admirably – he was divorced six months afterwards.

Edward EARLE, a man who has known to have been for some time loafing about the streets of Port Elizabeth and drinking, was on Thursday morning found dead from the cold in North Union-street.

Mr. A. GEARY, of The Journal, is a town topic. He is said to have been captivated by a Cape lady and is married; that he is going to the Fields to edit the News; that he is to stay in Capetown to edit the new illustrated paper; that he is going back to Grahamstown; and that he is not. – Observer

Friday 14 July 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th July 1876, the wife of E.C. FLETCHER of a daughter.

The remains of the late Mr. W. CHADWICK will be borne from his house, Dundas Bridge, on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. All friends are respectfully invited to attend and join in the Procession.

With great sorrow and deep regret I have to announce that it pleased the Almighty to take from me my dearly beloved sister, Elsie Sophia BEKKER, aged 18 years and [6] months, on the 8th June, after a short but severe illness of 30 hours.
My parents wish to take this opportunity of expressing their sincere thanks to their friends, especially to Mr. and Mrs. Hans BEKKER, Dr. REES and Dr. DE MORGAN, who so kindly and faithfully assisted them during her illness.
Pieter J. BEKKER
Branspruit, district Aliwal North
29th June 1876
“As for man his days are as grass: as a flower of the field so he flourisheth, for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more” Psalm 103, 15,16.

Donald James STEWART, of this town, died on Tuesday night last, at about half past ten o’clock, at the age of 38 years. Some thirteen years ago the late Mr. STEWART came to reside in Aliwal North. At that time he was poor and friendless, and accepted service in the employ of Messrs. HALSE and O[..]. Previous to that he had served his Queen in the Navy, and had taken an active part in the war in the Crimea. By industry, frugality and uprightness, Mr. STEWART gradually rose to a position of comparative affluence. Some of the finest buildings of the town were built by him, and at one time he served as a Municipal Commissioner. He died without issue, and we understand the bulk of his estate goes to his brother’s children in England. He leaves behind a large circle of friends, who deeply regret his departure. – Northern Post.

(Standard and Mail)
It is our painful duty to record several deaths during the week, namely that of Miss CRUYWAGEN, Mrs. HOHN, Mr. Louis SERRURIER, Mrs. G.C. GLE[..], Mrs. FLOWER, Mrs. HEWITT (relict of the late Mr. Henry HEWITT Sen) Mr. J.P. DE JONGH, Mr. W.S. CROOKE, Mr. Joseph LAWTON, a well-known and much respected inhabitant of this city, and others. Mr. LAWTON had reached the good old age of 80 years and was distinguished no less for his quiet and unostentatious manner than for his warmth of heart and his sterling benevolence.
The most unexpected of the above is the sudden departure of Mr. J.P. DE JONGH on Wednesday night (after a short illness of twenty five hours), aged about twenty-five years. Deceased was upwards of four years a most efficient clerk in the warehouse department of Messrs. VAN DER RYL & Co, who are exceedingly sorry to lose his faithful service, whilst his death is a terrible blow to his widowed mother, whose sole support he was, and for whose sake he refused to leave Capetown for a good home in the country. She feels it more keenly, having lost her husband in January 1875, and a son of eighteen years in August 1874, then a promising youth.
Mr. W.S. COOKE departed this life yesterday morning, aged seventy-five years. He was accountant of the Cape of Good Hope Bank for upwards of thirty years, having joined that bank from its establishment in 1856, on retiring as a partner from the late firm of Messrs. R. JONES, Son & Co. After a most faithful service he retired from the bank on a well [obscured] pension. At this season of the year the death rate is usually high, but the gaps which have lately been made are more numerous even than usual. To the survivors we can only tender the expression of our heartfelt sympathy for their loss.

Monday 17 July 1876

MARRIED at Somerset East on Wednesday the 12th instant, by the Rev Arthur Brigg, P.J. MADER of Grahamstown to Isabella, youngest daughter of C.P. WEBBER Esq of Somerset East.

DIED on Monday the 10th July 1876 at Sweet Fountain, near Bathurst, the residence of his nephew A.R. HUMPHREYS, in the [70]th year of his age, Edward BRUCE of Grahamstown, second son of the late John BRUCE of Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland and son-in-law to the late Richard RALPH of Fort Beaufort.
“Though dead, he yet speaketh”.

It is with the deepest regret we (Fort Beaufort Advocate) have to announce the death of the Rev John DORRINGTON, Minister of the Independent Congregation of this town, which sad event occurred on Monday forenoon about 11 o’clock. For some time past the deceased had suffered more or less from a painful malady, from which he had obtained temporary relief, when he was attacked by the prevailing epidemic, which settled in the lungs and caused congestion, from the effects of which death resulted. The Rev Mr. DORRINGTON had ministered to the Independent Congregation here for about twenty years, during the whole of which period he proved himself a kind and zealous pastor, highly esteemed and reverenced by his flock, as well as by the whole community. The deceased was nearly 70 years of age. The funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon, when a very large number of inhabitants of town and country, including the Good Templars and True Templars in regalia, followed the remains to the grave. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev Mr. DAVIDSON, assisted by the Rev Mr. BROTHERTON.

Wednesday 19 July 1876

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 16th July 1876, in the 71st year of her age, Mrs. Bennetta Sarah DOLD, widow of the late Mr. John Matthew DOLD.

One of the saddest bereavements that it has been our (Kaffrarian Watchman) lot to record for many a long day happened last Wednesday in the sudden death of the amiable and young wife of L.G. RAWSTORNE Esq, clerk to the Civil Commissioner of this Division. The deceased lady was at the Tickey Readings on the previous Monday, ad had promised to sing on the following Friday at the [Solren] given to Archdeacon and Mrs. KITTON. But alas! Death, with appallingly by swift steps, visited her about midnight on Wednesday, leaving her afflicted husband panic-stricken with his unexpected and terrible loss. She leaves two children behind as mementoes of her virtues. The deepest, most heartfelt sympathy is expressed on all sides for Mr. RAWSTORNE.

OUR OBITUARY today contains a notice of the death of Mrs. J.M. DOLD, at the age of 71 years 7 months. The deceased lady came to this colony with the Salem Party in 1820, and was always known as one of the unblemished and Christian character. She was a member of the Wesleyan Church. She was connected with many of our well-known frontier families, and she has had the satisfaction of seeing her children grow up enjoying the respect of all who know them.

We (Standard and Mail) regret to chronicle the death of the mother of John NOBLE Esq (Clerk to the House of Assembly), relict of the late Roderick NOBLE Esq of Inverness, Scotland, aged 74 years. She died on the 7th June last, deeply regretted. The sad intelligence must have been doubly painful to Mr. NOBLE so soon after the death of Professor Roderick NOBLE, in December last.

Friday 21 July 1876

DIED on Wednesday the 19 July 1876, at Grahamstown, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. George BISHOP, Gaoler, aged 36 years.

DIED at Adelaide on Friday the 14th inst, Hugh Lionel, aged six weeks, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOLLAND.

A farmer named John STYSOL met with his death on Monday week by the accidental discharge of his gun. He left his home in the Gamtos River District for the purpose of shooting baboons. He had not proceeded very far before the report of his gun was heard, and his family hurrying to ascertain the cause found him dead. His foot had apparently slipped going down a strong decline.

Wednesday 26 July 1876

DIED at her residence, Howard’s Party, near Grahamstown, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of William GODDARD, aged 52 years and one month. She was an affectionate wife, a devoted mother, a kind and sympathizing friend and neighbour.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”.

From the Paarl we (Argus) learn that a fearful accident happened there on Wednesday last. A youth named Carolus ENALIN, fourteen years old, was tilling on a horse, leading another by a strap. Suddenly the horse bolted, and meeting a tree in their mad career, one horse tried to pass on one and the other on the other side, the consequence being that poor ENALIN, whose hands seem to have been entangled in the strap, so that he could not get loose, was thrown with such violence against the tree that he was killed on the spot.

Friday 4 August 1876



At West Hill, Grahamstown on the 1st August, the wife of J. GAU Esq of a daughter.

On Friday 28th July at Oatlands, the wife of Mr. T.H. PARKER of a daughter.

On Wednesday the 26th, the wife of Mr. J.A. MUIRE of a daughter.

At Grahamstown on the 29th July, Mrs. W.T. LUCAS of a daughter.

At Burghersdorp on Saturday the 15th July 1876, the wife of Mr. Otto [NIESEN] of a daughter.

On the 20th July at Mona Place, Durban, the wife of Mr. S. GRANT of a daughter.

On the [14]th July at Umbilo, the wife of Mr. R. PENINGTON of a son.


On Tuesday the 18th July by Special Licence, at the house of the bride’s father, by the Rev R. Johnston, Mr. John Fox SMITH, formerly of Bristol, England, to Rachel Kerr, eldest daughter of Mr. John WILSON, Port Elizabeth.

At Uitenhage on Tuesday the 18th July, by the Rev Wm. Sargent, Mr. Thomas PANNELL, third son of Capt. PANNELL JP, to Annie Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. John DOLLEY.

At St.Bartholomew’s Church on the 20th July, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, the Rev Wm. VERITY, Incumbent of Fort Peddie, to Miss Katharine TILDESLEY of Grahamstown.

By Special Licence at St. John’s Church, Capetown on Thursday the 27th July, by the Rev Thomas Browning, William SMITH to Margaret Louisa [BARCHFIELD].


At Grahamstown, Fort England, on the 1st August 1876, after a short illness, Hannah NUNN, the beloved wife of Mr. John NUNN, aged 48 years and 2 months. The family of the deceased tender their thanks to all those kind friends who so kindly assisted them during their severe affliction, and for the great respect shown to the memory of their mother by the very large number who attended her funeral.

At Oatlands on Saturday morning, 29th July, Mary WOOD, daughter of Henry WOOD, aged 6 years.

At Fort Peddie on Thursday 27th July, in the 78th year of her age, Helen HADLEY, widow of the late Benjamin HADLEY, late of Birmingham, England.

DIED at her residence, Willow Tree, Daggaboer’s Neck, on the 29th July 1876, Patience, relict of the late William TROLLIP, aged 78 years 4 months and 25 days, born in Somersetshire, England. Came out to this colony with the British Settlers in 1820., She had been a great sufferer for the last 20 odd years, and none but a true Christian – as she was - could have exemplified such patience. Her children, though grown up and settled in life, feel they have lost the counsel of a kind and affectionate mother.

At Vlakplaats, district of Harrismith, on the 20th June 1876, William Hamilton McPHERSON, aged 37 years.

At Wolvefontein on the 4th July, Mary WATSON (born ALLISON), widow of the late Henry WATSON, in her 67th year.

On Friday the 21st July, near Breakfast Vlei, Peddie, Harriet Evelyn Anne Cumberland, second daughter of John and Sarah Anne McAULIFF, aged 6 years 11 months and 21 days.

At Papendorp on Friday evening, 21st July, [Marian] Rhoda, wife of Whitmore ELLIOTT, aged 42 years.

At [Edingight] Rondebosch on Friday morning, 28th inst, James Cameron, eldest son of Mr. John PHILIP, aged 18 years.

On Sunday 30th July at Bathurst, Mr. Harding COOPER, aged 49 years and 4 months.

Wednesday 9 August 1876

MARRIED on the 1st August 1876, by Special Licence, at Pembroke, by the Rev R. Birt, Charles Edward, third son of Sir William WRIGHT MA JP DL CE, of Sigglesthorne Hall, Yorkshire, to Catherine Agnes, fifth daughter of Bertram Egerton BARKER Esq JP of Pembroke, King Williamstown, British Kaffraria.

DIED on Friday 4th August, at his residence, Carnarvon Dale, Bushman’s River, John F. SLATER, aged 59 years, leaving a wife and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Friday 11 August 1876

MARRIED on the 9th inst by the Revd Samuel Rappaport, Isaac Haxton FRANK, of Smithfield, Orange Free State, to Maryann, third daughter of Joseph LAWRANCE Esq of Grahamstown

Monday 14 August 1876

In the beginning of the week a young man, a German, named BRILL, or BRUHL, came into town from Aberdeen and put up at Elgar’s Hotel. On Thursday evening he was found by a visitor at the hotel, whose bed was in the same room as his, in a fit. Dr. LILLENFELD was sent for, but when he came the fit was over and the man was quiet and calm. The doctor went for some medicine, but before he could return the man was dead. Those who saw him die said he had died from poison, and the authorities were made acquainted with what had happened. On Friday morning a little bottle which had contained strychnine was found in one of his pockets. Dr. MAASDORP, district surgeon, held a post-mortem examination, and he says, as we are informed, that the man had died of poisoning. The deceased was for some months in the employ of Messrs.SCHULZ & [BROOK] of Aberdeen; but some papers found on him showed he had left their services. He was married here about six weeks ago. – Graaff-Reinet Advertiser.

We understand that Mr. SOLOMON yesterday became the father of a second child, a daughter, and that mother and child are doing well. We congratulate him and wife on the happy event. – Standard and Mail

Wednesday 16 August 1876

BIRTH on Sunday the 13th instant, the wife of Mr. C.J. LEPPAN of a daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 13th August, the wife of Mr. A.F. GIBSON of a daughter.

We have pleasure to notice the marriage which took place today at the Wesleyan Chapel between Mr. Christopher WEBB, son of our esteemed townsman Mr. William WEBB, and Miss Gertrude WEDDERBURN, eldest daughter of Mr. John WEDDERBURN of Grahamstown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Wm. TYSON; after which the assembled company, to the number of some 60 or 70 ladies and gentlemen, adjourned to the house of the bride’s father, where a sumptuous déjeuner was partaken of, after which the bride and bridegroom left town for their honeymoon. Among the presents was a silver salver, bearing an appropriate inscription, presented to the bride by the children of the West Hill Wesleyan Sunday School, in which she has for many years taken a lively interest. We wish the happy pair long life and happiness.

This assumes larger proportions daily. Only yesterday more than 200 working men flitted. 100 of these started from the Market Square. Their departure excited some interest, nearly 250 persons – equally unhappy and idle – assembled to bid them farewell. – Independent.

BIRTH at Eijelo, near Alice, on the 15th inst, Mrs. Carrey SLATER of a son.

MARRIED at Grahamstown in the Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev W. Tyson, Wesleyan Minister, Christopher Shaw, second son of William WEBB Esq JP, to Gertrude Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John WEDDERBURN Esq. No cards.

Friday 18 August 1876

The Watchman’s correspondent at Queenstown writes on the 13th: Last evening Mr. MAULLIN, a gunmaker of this town, who has been suffering for some days under mental depression, attempted suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. The ball entered the forehead and has not yet been extracted. He has been unconscious ever since, and the medical men entertain but slight hopes of his recovery. Himself and his family were to have left tomorrow for England.

We regret to record a fatal accident as having occurred to Mr. John SHERBLOOM, painter, a well-known resident of this city, and whose name was before the public a short time since in connection with the Signal Hill road agitation. Mr. SHERBLOOM fell from the front of a wagon in coming up from the Kowie with a load on Wednesday, and the wheel passing over his head he was killed instantly.

Monday 21 August 1876

BIRTH on the 21st inst, at Fort England, the wife of Robert HULLAH Esq, Superintendent of the Lunatic Asylum, of a son.

DIED at the Drostdy, Grahamstown, on Monday the 14th August, Mary Elizabeth, the beloved wife of the Rev R. TEMPLETON, aged 36 years and 5 months.

Friday 25 August 1876

DIED at Annshaw, Middle Drift, on August 17th, Mary Griffin, eldest daughter of the Rev. Ben. and Mrs. IMPEY, aged 2 years and 3 months.

We regret to learn from the neighbourhood of Maclean the death of Mr. James TAYLOR, which took place on the 17th instant. The deceased was well known in the Gonubie as well as around Maclean, and highly respected as a useful and energetic country schoolmaster.

Monday 28 August 1876

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday afternoon, the 27th August 1876, Charles Frederick Leon BELIN, the beloved son of Mrs. W.W. SIMKINS, and nephew of Lieut-General R.N. TINLEY, lately commanding the Cape Mounted Rifles.
The Funeral is appointed to take place tomorrow (Tuesday) morning and will leave the residence of Inspector SIMKINS, Oatlands, at 8:30am. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Mr. Field-cornet NIEKERK reports that a German named August Joachim Carl OLDORP was drowned at the Gamtoos River ferry on the 20th inst. It seems that deceased went down to the pontoon on Sunday morning to bathe; he jumped off the pont into the river, and after swimming a short distance turned over on his back, and suddenly disappeared.

From Longkloof we (Telegraph) hear of the death of three persons within three days at Keurboom’s River, near the Vlagt, from influenza, - namely, on the 7th August, of Fransina BARKHUYSEN, aged 21 years; on the morning of the 9th, Sophia Catherina BARKHUYSEN, aged 20 years and 6 months; and, in the evening of the same day, Renier JANSE VAN NIEKERK, aged about 40 years, all three children of Mr. and Mrs. John F. BARKHUYSEN.

Wednesday 30 August 1876

DIED on the 27th instant, Caroline Langford, daughter of the Rev Jno. and Caroline EDWARDS, aged 7 months and 13 days.

Friday 1 September 1876

DIED suddenly at Tharfield, Peddie on the 26th July 1876, Mr. Robert TILDESLEY, aged 57 years, leaving a wife and three children to mourn their loss.

To the Field-Cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken on oath before me, C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, Resident Magistrate for the District of Albany, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against G. GARTNER, late of Grahamstown, that he did on or about the 9th day of August 1876 commit the Crime of Forgery.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof, you do apprehend or bring the said G. GARTNER, or cause him to be apprehended or brought before me, to be examined and answer to the said information and be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand at Grahamstown this 16th day of August 1876
Resident Magistrate, Albany
About 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, dark complexion, dark hair, dark whiskers and dark eyes. He had on a black pair of cloth trowsers, a black cloth vest, a black cloth frock-coat, a small soft black cap, and he speaks with a foreign accent.

To the Field-Cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken on oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against William CUTTING, a constable upon the Convict Station of Port Alfred, that he did on the eleventh day of August commit the Crime of Absconding from Service, thereby contravening the 1st Sec. of Act No.1 of 1876.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof, you do apprehend or bring the said William CUTTING, or cause him to be apprehended or brought before me, to be examined and answer to the said information and be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand at Port Alfred this 12th day of August 1876
(Signed) J.R. INNES
Resident Magistrate for Bathurst
Age, 24 years; native place, Fordham, Peddie District; height, 5 feet 8 inches; eyes, dark brown; hair, dark brown; complexion, dark; slight whisker and moustache; clothing, tweed suit, light grey, and brown felt hat.

To the Field-Cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants
Whereas from information taken on oath before me, there are reasonable grounds of suspicion against Stephanus Benjamin JACKSON, a constable upon the Convict Station of Port Alfred, that he did on the eleventh day of August commit the Crime of Absconding from Service, thereby contravening the 1st Sec. of Act No.1 of 1876.
These are, therefore, in Her Majesty’s name, to command you that immediately upon sight hereof, you do apprehend or bring the said Stephanus Benjamin JACKSON, or cause him to be apprehended or brought before me, to be examined and answer to the said information and be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand at Port Alfred this 12th day of August 1876
(Signed) J.R. INNES
Resident Magistrate for Bathurst
Age, 33 years; native place, England; height, 5 feet 8 inches; eyes, blue; hair, light sandy; complexion, fresh sandy whiskers and moustache; clothing, faded mixed suit.

Monday 4 September 1876

BIRTH on the 29th August at Tugula farm, near Alice, the wife of Mr. Jno. E. SLATER of a daughter.

MARRIED at Alice, Victoria East, on Thursday the 31st ult, by special licence, at the residence of the bride’s parents, by the Rev W.J.B. Moir, Presbyterian Minister, John SCOTT, late of Galashiels, Scotland, to Isabella Constance, second daughter of Mr. Henry T. ROWLAND.

DIED this morning (Monday), after a long and painful affliction, borne with Christian patience and resignation, George Carver CLOUGH MLA, aged 63 years and 7 months.
The Funeral of the late Mr. G.C. CLOUGH will move from his residence, Bathurst-street, tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon at 3 o’clock precisely. No special invitations will be issued. Friends and the public are invited to attend.

The announcement we now make of the death of Mr G CLOUGH, the senior representative in Parliament of Grahamstown, will be read with extensive concern, and especially by those who best knew him. His demise took place at an early hour this morning, after painful and lingering suffering, which he bore with exemplary patience. The deceased, though not one of the emigrants of 1820, was so identified with them as to share fully in all their proceedings, to sympathise in all their drawbacks. This may be in great measure accounted for by the fact that he was a native of Nottingham, England, and that what is known as the Nottingham Party in this district is one of the few parties which hold intact their original locations. Mr. CLOUGH and family arrived in this country in the early part of 1844, since which period he has chiefly, if not constantly, resided in Grahamstown, where he has been engaged in business and brought up a much respected family. It is to his great credit to say that he was a self-made man, and that his credit financially has been maintained unchallenged throughout his career in this colony. For eighteen years he has been before the public as a representative for this city, and it may be safely averred that no member of our local Parliament ever discharged the trust committed to him with more fidelity or with greater singleness of purpose to promote the public good. The punctuality of his attendance in Parliament was most exemplary, and his recorded votes will abundantly show that on all important questions affecting the interests of the Eastern Province he was on the right side – that is, in full accord with the public sentiment. For a self-educated man he was remarkably well-informed, while his power of expressing himself clearly, as well in Parliament as in public meetings, was such as to give weight to his matured opinions. His punctilious attention to his public duty is strikingly seen by his attendance in Parliament last session. He was then suffering acutely under the complaint which terminated his life, but still he was found in his seat as usual. Though quite an invalid, a journey of six hundred miles was undertaken rather than not faithfully fulfil the public duty with which he was charged. As a public man deceased was eminently a true representative of what may be termed the middle class of the community, a class which must ever exercise a most important influence, both at Home and in this country. None has ever impeached his honesty of intention as a public man, while as a citizen he may be taken as a bright example of successful perseverance in overcoming difficulties and in continuous advance in his course of life. It is not our province, nor would it be becoming, to remark upon his social life, and it must suffice, therefore, to say that his family feel that in his death they have sustained an irreparable loss, while his more intimate friends deplore most sensibly that he should have been taken from their midst in the very zenith of his manhood. But ,
Friend after friend departs,
Who has not lost a friend?
the only consolation being that, however premature their death may seem, an honest discharge of duty is sufficient memorial that they have not lived in vain.
The funeral will, we understand, take place from his residence in Bathurst-street at 3 o’clock to-morrow afternoon.

Wednesday 6 September 1876

DIED at Grahamstown on Monday evening the 4th September 1876, after a lingering illness, Mrs. STONE, beloved wife of Mr. J.J.H. STONE of this city, Solicitor.

DIED at Balfour, Kat River on Friday the 25th August, suddenly, of heart disease, the Rev Gottlob SCHREINER, aged 62.
They that turn many to righteousness
Shall shine as the stars for ever and ever.

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday evening, the 5th September 1876, after a long and painful illness, Caroline, the beloved wife of Mr. John BRISLIN of this city.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. John BRISLIN will move from her residence tomorrow (Thursday) morning at half past 8 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend. No special invitations.

Our obituary contains the announcement of the death of Mrs. J.J.H. STONE, and also that of Mrs. John BRISLIN, both, we believe, after severe illnesses. They are each bereavements which will cause a large amount of sympathy for the respective families.

On Wednesday week the Rev Mr. MARAIS of Hanover was married at Cradock to Miss Hester Magdalene FEHRSEN, daughter of Dr. FEHRSEN. The ceremony took place in the D.R. Church in presence of a large number of town and country people, the officiating Minister being the Rev Mr. DU PLESSIS. The happy pair left the same afternoon for Hanover.

The remains of our departed Member were conveyed to their last resting place in the Wesleyan Cemetery yesterday afternoon. No special invitations to the funeral had been issued, but a very large company gathered at the residence in Bathurst-street at three o’clock to pay the last tribute of respect; and every shop and store along the route of Bathurst-street and High-street had its shutters closed. The members of the Native Benefit Society were first in the procession, and after them walked the clerical representatives of nearly all the churches in the city, viz Rev W. IMPEY, Very Rev Dean WILLIAMS, Rev W. TYSON, Rev H.M. FOOT, Rev J.A. CHALMERS, Rev W.H. PRICE, Rev J. EDWARDS, Rev J. SMIT. The pall bearers were the following:- Hon. R. GODLONTON, Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF, Mr. D.H. KENNELLY, Mr. G. WOOD Jun, Mr. FLETCHER and Mr. MACPHERSON. Among those who followed on foot – who must have numbered over a hundred – we noticed Hon. S. CAWOOD, Mr. Justice SMITH, T.H. PARKER Esq, the Mayor and some six Town Councillors; and C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, C.C. and R.M., was amongst those who followed in carriages in the rear. The first part of the Burial Service was conducted in Commemoration Chapel – where a halt was made and the body borne within – the Rev W. IMPEY and the Rev W. TYSON officiating. Mr.B.B. ATTWELL presided at the organ and played the Dead March in “Saul” as the procession left the chapel. The service was completed at the grave by the Rev W. IMPEY.

Monday 11 September 1876

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday night, 8th September 1876, after a long and painful illness, Catherine PAKENHAM, the beloved wife of James BLACK.

We regret to announce the death of this estimable lady, after a severe and painful illness. Mr. James BLACK is so well known in the colony, and such an old resident in this city, that he is sure to receive very general sympathy in his great bereavement. The funeral took place this afternoon and was numerously attended.

Wednesday 13 September 1876

DIED at Grahamstown September 12th 1876, after a lingering illness, Martin, beloved son of Robert and Mary WEBBER, aged 28 years and 6 months.
The Funeral of the late Mr. WEBBER will start from the residence of Mr. James STANTON, Oatlands, tomorrow afternoon at half-past 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited.

Monday 18 September 1876

MARRIED at St.Bart’s Church by the Rev Mr. Packman, on Wednesday September 13, J.T.E. BALES, only son of the late Mr. J.T. BALES of London, England to Bennetta Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. T. EMMS of this city.

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday 17th inst, Alice Caroline, fourth daughter of Nelson GIRDLESTONE Esq, aged 15 years and 4 months.

We (Uitenhage Times) have to record the death of Mr. Alexander GUNN, for some time past the superintendent of convicts at Zwartkops.

We (Argus) regret to hear that Mr. GROENEWALD Jr of Drakensberg committed suicide last week by taking poison. He has left a wife and child.

On Wednesday last Mr. C.J. HAWTHORNE, Manager of the Branch of the Oriental Bank at Steynsburg, was united in matrimony to Miss Agnes Mary NORTON, daughter of the late Rev M. NORTON, at St.Peter’s Church, Cradock.

On Friday last the Acting Magistrate (C.R. HAW Esq) of Cradock held a post mortem examination at [Schoongesigt] on the remains of Mr. A.W. RUSSOUW, who it would appear from the evidence met with his death under the following painful circumstances. He had taken a short fowling-piece with him and had seated himself on the ground where the accident happened. It is supposed that in rising up he must have struck the butt-end of the gun upon the ground; the concussion caused the weapon to explode, and the muzzle being within a few inches of the unfortunate man’s head the charge entered the right temple and blew the top part of the skull clean off. When discovered the body presented a ghastly appearance, and the gun was found at a distance of eight or ten paces from the corpse, where it had evidently been thrown by the deceased in his last convulsive moments. A verdict of accidental death was returned. – Middelburg Gazette.

A SAD ACCIDENT occurred on Sunday last, resulting in the death by drowning of two lads. It seems that one of them, James PRATT, aged 17 years, who had been staying at the house of Mr. Patrick BYRNE, went down on horseback with a coloured boy to a pool or dam left by the receding Mossel Banks River, and slipped off into the water. The other lad, Patrick BYRNE, who was standing on the bank, seeing that his companion was struggling and in danger, swam to him, but his efforts were useless, as PRATT caught hold of him in such a manner that both were drowned. BYRNE was only 15 years old. – Argus

Friday 22 September 1876

MARRIED at St.Peter’s Church, Cradock on 13th September instant, by the father of the bride, Charles Joseph HAWTHORNE of Steynsburg to Agnes Mary, third daughter of the Rev M. NORTON, Rector of Cradock.

DEATH: On Saturday last, September 16th 1876, departed this life in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection, Mr. David PAXTON, Baker and Confectioner, Somerset East, aged 58 years and 9 months, dearly beloved and deeply regretted by his family and friends.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord”

DEATH at Grahamstown on Thursday the 21st September 1876, after a lingering illness, John Samuel GARDNER; aged 74 years.
The Funeral of the late Mr. GARDNER will move from his late residence tomorrow, Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. No special invitations; but all friends are invited.

During this week two more of the oldest residents in this city have died – Mrs. SMITHSON in the early part of the week, and Mr. J.S. GARDNER this morning. The former was the mother of Mrs. C.R. GOWIE, who is at present at Kimberley. The deceased was very much beloved by those to whom she was known. The late Mr. GARDNER was very much respected, and was a most useful member of the Wesleyan Church. To him is due the success of the Wesleyan Interest at Fort England, which he kept together and watched over with a father’s eye. His last illness was prolonged and painful – his age at death being 74 years.

BIRTH at Port Alfred on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. W.H. SWAN of a daughter.

Monday 25 September 1876

We regret to report the awfully sudden death of a fine little boy, a son of Mr. W. DONNEL, saddler, of this town, on the afternoon of Tuesday last. It appears that he was playing beside an iron target, which stood near the old powder magazine, and that it fell over upon the child, causing him to be crushed to death in a few moments. Much sympathy is felt for the parents in this dreadful visitation. – Cradock papers.

Tuesday last was a day of misfortune. In addition to the accident whereby little DONNELL was killed, we hear that owing to the badness of the road near Burghersdorp the Cradock post cart was capsized and the driver had his hand and wrist severely hurt. Mr. WHILEY the contractor drove down himself from Steynsburg. Mr. LOYAL, who is here with his company, also had an accident. He had driven out in a spider to meet Mrs. LOYAL, and was outspanning at the wagons, and had got one horse out, when the other took unnecessary alarm at the sight of the wonderful pony Tom Thumb, and bolted with the spider up the hill, causing a deal of damage to the vehicle. Fortunately there was no one in it at the time.

Friday 29 September 1876

BIRTH on the 29th inst, the wife of W.F. LANCE of a daughter.

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