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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1876 - 2 - April to June

Monday 3 April 1876

The Proprietors beg to announce that Mr. Alfred A. GEARY has been appointed to the Editorship of “The Journal” and they have reason to believe that under his management it will maintain the character it has always held for consistent and faithful representation of public opinion in the Eastern Province, and for consistent watchfulness over, and advocacy of all Colonial interests.
With a view to increasing the importance of “The Journal” as a public organ, and commending it to their numerous subscribers, they have made arrangements with a gentleman well known on the Press in England, as an elegant and facile writer, to furnish them with a London Letter by every mail, and other improvements have been, and are in contemplation, with the object of rendering “The Journal” the most readable and entertaining newspaper in South Africa.
In future “The Journal” will appear as a Full Sheet three times a week, the Wednesday’s Edition being uniform in size and form with those of Monday and Friday.
During the ensuing Parliamentary Session the Editor will give his personal attention, and furnish to “The Journal” full reports of all debates in the House, the paper meanwhile being placed under efficient supervision here. Parties wishing to subscribe for the period of the Session only can do so on remitting a Post-office order for 10s, in advance, which will include postage.
Special arrangements with regards to the receipt of telegraphic intelligence are being made, and in other respects no expense will be spared to maintain “The Journal” the first in importance as it is the first in origin of any newspaper in the Cape Colony.

Wednesday 5 April 1876

A day or two ago a number of boys were bathing at Ballaat Wharf, Capetown, and young PIETRSON, a son of the chemist of that name, swam out to a raft, a short distance off, and reached it safely. On returning he became exhausted, and cried out for assistance. The boys thought he was joking, but young A. SOLOMON, a son of H. SOLOMON Esq, did not think so, and swimming out to him, rescued him just after he had sunk for the first time.

This morning the discovery was made that a Hottentot woman had met her death by drowning in a manner that ought not to have been possible in this city. At the back of Africa-street, between that situation and St.Andrew’s College, there is a paddock with sheds in one corner and several cottages in the immediate neighbourhood. Close by the sheds but in the open field, a big pit had been some time ago constructed by Mr. James ROBERTS, the occupier, to catch a water supply. The dimensions of the sides are about 14 by 14 feet, and the depth is some 16 feet. This morning there were 11 feet of water and floating on the top face downwards was the discoloured body of a young native woman, fairly well dressed. It took some time for the Resident Magistrate, who came to the spot on hearing the information, to arrive at any particulars from the little group of persons on the ground. Presently an elderly native woman was brought running along in s state of dreadful anticipation, and went into a terrible fit of grief on looking down and recognising the form of her daughter. She had been missing since last Thursday evening, when she took some drink at one of the canteens. Her husband has been looking for her ever since; he is in the employ of Mr. GIBSON at the quarry. The Magistrate has known the old lady for 20 years as being very respectable. It is pretty clear that the poor creature got out of the footpath – there is one just on the other side of the adjoining bank in constant use – and fell into the pit simply because it was quite unprotected. She may have been in liquor, but anyone quite sober who happened to go that way might have met with the same fate, nor would it be easy for the strongest man to save himself from drowning if once in, the sides being as smooth as glass. Four trunks of trees lie across the top of the pit at equal distance, but are no protection against accidents, as, without tumbling, the wayfarer would simply step straight in. The body, which had one bruise over the right eye, was removed to the prison by direction of the Magistrate, preceding a further investigation.

Burg-street, Capetown presented a gay appearance on Thursday last, on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. B.T. LAWTON, of this city, to Miss EDWARDS, daughter of the late Rev E. EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister of Stellenbosch for many years. The bride was given away by the Rev W.F. EDWARDS, her brother, and the ceremony was performed by the Rev S. HARDEY, assisted by the Rev R. RIDGILL.

Monday 10 April 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday April 6th 1876, the wife of George W. WINTER Jun of a son.

BIRTH on the 4th inst in Grahamstown, the wife of the Hon. Mr. Justice SMITH of a son.

The marriage of Dr. OTTO to Miss Nellie POTGIETER, of Adelaide, is announced in Diamond Fields papers.

We hear that Miss LAIRD, the Lady Principal of the Bloemfontein Ladies’ Seminary, who broke her collar bone in the recent upset of COBB & Co’s coach at Baviaan’s River, has nearly recovered, and expects to be able to proceed to her destination on Thursday. The Rev Mr SOLOMON, of Bedford, found the lady at the hotel at Baviaan’s River, and had her removed to his house, where, under Mrs. SOLOMON’s kind care and nursing, she has so happily recovered from the effects of her unfortunate accident.

An investigation has been held by the Resident Magistrate in this case, reported in our Wednesday’s issue. The conclusion was that the death was from accident. Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE produced his certificate of post mortem examination. It stated that there was no injury discernible with the exception of the bruise over the left eye, and that decomposition set in a few hours after the recovery of the body from the pit. The brain and lungs were both congested, and the doctor’s opinion was that death resulted from asphyxia by drowning. The pit where the accident took place being on private property, no proceedings will lie against the occupier, who of course is as sorry as everyone else for this occurrence, and will no doubt show it by at once making the place safe for wayfarers. The woman is stated to have been seen with a man, not her husband, on the evening when she was missing from home.

Wednesday 12 April 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown, April 9th 1876, the wife of H. DIXON of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 12th April 1876, the wife of Mr. Thos. HOLLAND of a daughter.

The following appeared in the Gazette of the 7th inst: “I, hitherto known as Hyman LEVISON, beg to inform all it may concern that it is my intention on and after this date to be known and addressed by the name of H.S. LYONS, this being my true and lawful name, the name of H. LEVISON having been only temporarily assumed.”

Friday 14 April 1876

The Natal papers confirm the following account given by a Ladysmith correspondent to Gold Fields Mercury. “Clarence WYLDE and his wife, with his child and a native girl, were coming from a farm named ‘Hope’, about an hour’s ride from here, and had to cross a spruit near the burial ground, just before it enters Klip River, and close to the town. The spruit had a great deal of water in it, and might have been just passable, but as they got into the water one of the traces broke and the horse fell. The cart turned half round. WYLDE tried to save his wife, but at the moment he had her in his arms the cart capsized and they were all under water and under the cart. WYLDE and the Kafir girl extricated themselves and were washed on to the bank, but his wife and child were drowned. WYLDE is nearly frantic with grief. Both horses were drowned, and the cart, imported from Perth, made a complete wreck.

Wednesday 19 April 1876

BIRTH at Peddie Barracks on the 11th April 1876, the wife of F.W.K. WYLDE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Seymour on the 7th April, the wife of Mr. H.O. MILLS, of Kimberley, of a daughter.

Friday 21 April 1876

BIRTH at Bloemfontein Farm, District of Fort Peddie, on the 14th April, the wife of Mr.John PEVERETT Junr of a son.

DIED at Port Alfred, Sunday April 16th 1876, after a short but severe illness, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of James JONSON, aged 50 years.
The family of the late Mrs. JONSON beg to tender their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who rendered their willing aid during her illness.

Monday 24 April 1876

MARRIED on the 12th April at Sidbury, by the Rev W.S. Caldecott, Etherington Edward, second son of E.J. WILMOT Esq of Hebron, New Years River, to Margaret, second daughter of W. THOMAS Esq of Hillary Farm, Bushman’s River.

Wednesday 3 May 1876

BIRTH on Monday the 1st inst, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. F.M. GILFILLAN of a son

BIRTH at Rustenburg, South African Republic, on Monday 10th April 1876, the wife of Mr. E.J LEPPAN of a son.

The Natal Mercury, in its last issue, announces with deep regret the death of Mr. W.B. BAXTER, the surviving partner in the firm BLACK, BAXTER & Co. Mr. BLACK died suddenly and unexpectedly some months ago. Mr. BAXTER came to Natal as a youth 13 years ago, and owed his marked mercantile success to his own good fortune and personal enterprise. He and his partners worked up from a comparatively humble standing to the position of one of the largest and most important houses in the place. They had acted as agents for the Donald Currie line, and for many of the Aberdeen liners, and their general business tact had earned for them a wide reputation. Mr. BAXTER is spoken of as having a largehearted freehanded nature, and his death is deplored by a large circle of friends.

Friday 5 May 1876

MARRIED by Special Licence on Wednesday May 3 1876, at Commemoration Chapel, by the Rev William Tyson, Arthur, youngest son of Rev M. JUBB of Caistor, Lincolnshire, to Marriam Thackwray, daughter of Mr. B. ATTWELL of this city.

This event occurred on Sunday the 23rd, at Kimberley, amid universal expressions of regret. The funeral was the largest ever witnessed at Kimberley, being attended by His Excellency the Administrator, the officers of Government, a firing party and an armed guard of honour, 780 men and about 1,000 spectators. He was buried in Kimberley graveyard at 5pm on the day of his death, the funeral service being most impressively read by the Rev Neville A.B. NORTON, and joined in by all present.

Monday 8 May 1876

MARRIED at Herschel on the 15th April 1876, by the Rev Richard Giddy, Herbert Harding GREATHEAD, third son of the late Hon’ble James H. GREATHEAD, to Eliza Frances HALSE, third daughter of H.J. HALSE Esquire, RM of Herschel, District of Aliwel North.

A contemporary learns with great regret of the death of Dr. GREY, which took place at Kruidfontein, in the Middleburgh district, on Sunday week. The deceased was known throughout the length and breadth of South Africa as one of the cleverest doctors and geologists that ever made it his home, and very many will learn with regret and astonishment of his premature death. As a medical man he was remarkably successful, and this combined with his general kindliness of manner and thorough gentlemanliness will cause his memory to be cherished in the vicinity for many long years.

The E.P. Herald says:- “There have been three marriages since our last issue, each of which created some excitement, and a flutter among the fair sex. On Wednesday last Mr. E.H. CAITHNESS was married to Miss Mary J. WHITEHEAD, the ceremony being performed by the Rev A.T. WISEMAN, Colonial Chaplain, at St.Mary’s Church. Yesterday at Trinity Church Dr. A.H. WATKINS was married to Miss E.M. FULLER by the Rev C.F. OVERTON MA, and at the Wesleyan Church, Russel Road, Mr. J. [LANNEY] was married to Mrs. James HAYLEY. The ceremony was solemnised by the Rev Rob’t LAMPLOUGH, assisted by the Rev G. [PARSONSON]. Of course at each there was the usual wedding breakfast, with the bridecake and champagne, toasts and good wishes. In the last two named marriages the guests were photographed. We cordially wish the newly married couples every happiness this world can afford them.

Wednesday 10 May 1876

DIED at Kruidfontein, near Cradock, George GREY Esq MD, after a lingering and painful illness, regretted by all who knew him.

“Cathcart” is the name of the new township situated at Windvogelberg, about midway between Kin Williamstown and Queenstown, recently surveyed and laid out by Captain Otto MEHLISS, Government Surveyor. There are in all 272 erven; a large plot (4 acres) has been reserved for public gardens; the chief square is to be called Molteno-square, and the other thoroughfares are to be named Merriman-street, Marquad-street, Hemming-street, Fleischer-street, Barkly-street, Brownlee-street, DeVal-street &c, and the line of railway from East London to Queenstown will skirt the township. Water from a never-failing stream can be led over every erf. The sale will soon take place.

Monday 15 May 1876

BIRTH at Fern Rocks, May 2nd, the wife of Mr. D.R. TROLLIP of a son.

Mr. C.B. HUTCHINS, for many years general agent at Fort Beaufort, died on Sunday last, after a lingering and painful illness. His remains were followed to the grave on Monday by a large number including the Good Templars in regalia.

Wednesday 17 May 1876

MARRIED by Special Licence at Grahamstown on the 4th May 1876, by the Rev J. Edwards, J. CHOLWICK of the Nazaar to Margaret Ann Shaw FISHER, widow of the late J.P. FISHER of Salem.

The Queenstown papers announce the death of Mr. Christoffel MULLER, of the missionary church, Murraysburg. He died almost suddenly last Monday morning from disease of the liver.

Friday 19 May 1876

DIED at Panmure on Friday the 12th instant, Edith Mabel, infant daughter of Mr. Alfred WEBB, aged 5 months and [?] days.

DIED in the Lord on 22nd April, Mrs. A.M. BUTLER, born STEIJNBERG, widow of the late Mr. BUTLER, aged 63 years 10 months and 18 days. The relations take this opportunity to express their sincerest thanks to their friends for their kind assistance and sympathy shown during the illness and death of the late Mrs. BUTLER, especially to the Revds. W. ROSSITER and H. KRIEL who frequently visited her during her late illness. They would also thank Dr. De MORGAN, who unweariedly, both day and night, attended the deceased, and who, by his kindness and medical skill, rendered very great comfort and relief in the circumstances.
Aliwal North, 5th of May 1876.

The death is announced of Mr. Wm. McKECHNIE, a member of the Volksraad, at Bloemfontein, on the 12th inst, from inflammation of the lungs. Mr. McKECHNIE was 38 years of age. He was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland. The deceased was honoured with a public funeral by the Raad.

We record with sincere regret the death on Sunday evening last of the Rev J. SMITH. He was for many years Pastor here, and was much beloved by all his congregation, and respected by the entire community for his consistent piety and the earnest zeal and devotion in which he laboured for the cause. In his death a truly good man has gone from among us. – Burgersdorp Gazette.
[The rev. gentleman came out from England in 1840 and, with the exception of one year, has been in the Colony ever since, during which time he has been universally respected by all with whom he has come in contact. Ed.- Journal]

Monday 22 May 1876

DIED at Allen on the 12th instant, Wallace, youngest son of George and Jane E. MURRAY, aged 6 months and 25 days.

A party of four of the Grahamstown Oddfellows, Bros. John ROGERS, John PASSMORE, OGILVIE and W. HILL, left the city at four o’clock on Saturday morning and proceeded to Fish River at Committee’s Drift to do their best to recover the body of their unfortunate Brother, BROWNHILL, who was drowned on Thursday by the capsizing of Newny’s pontoon. They explored six miles of the bank without success, and returned to the city on Sunday evening. It is rather remarkable that about twenty of the Brethren undertook to join in this search, but only four were faithful and went; and the more credit is to be given to these four true Oddfellows. The usual funds will be at the disposal of the nearest relatives of the deceased, but all these are in England. It is curious that poor BROWNHILL should only a day or two previously have expressed his desire to learn to swim, saying he feared the possible capsizing of the pontoon whilst he might be upon it.

Mr. James W. MORRIS was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss RYDER, daughter of Mrs. KILFOIL of this town. The young lady was very popular for her affability and pleasant manners. Mr. MORRIS holds a most responsible position in the house of Messrs. J.J. IRVINE & Co, and is, we understand, highly esteemed by his employers. We wish the young couple a long life of wedded happiness. – Watchman.

Friday 26 May 1876

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 22nd May, at Shaw Park Chapel, district of Bathurst, by the Rev G. Rose, Walter Simpson COCKCROFT, youngest son of T. COCKCROFT of Myrtle Grove, to Letitia WAKEFORD, youngest daughter of the late Mr. W. WAKEFORD of the Hope Farm.

DIED at Rustenburg, Transvaal Republic, on the 28th ult, John George, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest John LEPPAN, aged 18 days.

DIED at Rustenburg, Transvaal Republic, on Tuesday the 2nd inst, aged 27 years, Louisa (born DU TOIT) the beloved wife of Ernest John LEPPAN, deeply regretted by her family and numerous friends.
May 9h 1876.

Wednesday 31 May 1876

DIED at London on the 12th April 1876, Lieut. Col. Joseph CROWE, late 10th Regiment, after a lingering illness. Aged 50 years.

We (Frontier Guardian) deeply regret to record the death, at his residence “The Falls” near Barkly, in this division, of Mr. William Calvert DIXON, which melancholy event took place on the 25th inst. Mr. DIXON had been ailing for some past, and recently proceeded on a visit to Queenstown for the benefit of his health; but it was never thought that his end was so near. The news cast quite a gloom over the Dordrecht community when it was made known, as Mr. DIXON was highly respected and esteemed. Both as a farmer and a man of business, he was enterprising and spirited and he did much to improve the flocks and herds of the district, by the introduction of first class livestock. We believe that death was caused by congestion of the lungs, he had ruptured a blood vessel while coughing, and which prevented his breathing. A few minutes before he died he was apparently quite well, although he was conscious that the attack would kill him for he said “Ah, I am dying” and fell back dead.

The body of the unfortunate BROWNHILL, who was drowned at Committee’s Drift, was discovered on Monday about four miles below the spot where the accident occurred. Deceased was brought into the city last evening by Bros. READY, N.G, GRADY, V.G. and J. ROGERS, members of the Ancient Order of Oddfellows, of which body he was a member. It was laid in the Lodge-room, where it remained until 3 o’clock this afternoon, when the funeral took place at 4 o’clock in the presence of a large number of his fraternal brethren and other friends. He was very much respected by all who knew him.

Friday 2 June 1876

DIED on Thursday the 25th inst, of bronchitis, at Bathurst, Septimus Levi, the beloved child of Henry and Mary ESTMENT, aged 1 year 1 month and 13 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Mr. and Mrs. ESTMENT desire to return their sincere thanks to the kind friends who assisted them during their baby’s painful illness.

Application has been made at the Colonial Office for information respecting the whereabouts &c of one Robert STOTT of Rochdale, Lancashire, England. Mr. STOTT is now about [24] years of age, a joiner by occupation; left England for Port Elizabeth accompanied by Wm. and George HARTLEY, and Gilbert FOX, in April 1874, and was last heard of in April 1875 at Kimberley, Diamond-fields.

An outrage of a most revolting character was committed at Panmure on Wednesday evening last shortly after the finish of the Cricket Match. A daughter of Mr. NAGEL, about ten years of age, was sent to purchase some candles by her parents, and while proceeding on her errand was overtaken near the vlei on the Square by a white man, who seized and carried her across the pontoon road into the bush, covering the child’s mouth with his hand to prevent her screaming. He took the unfortunate child some little distance into the bush and proceeded to violate her in the most atrocious and brutal manner. The statement of the girl, who is seriously ill, has been taken, and energetic steps have been adopted in order to race the perpetrator. The District Surgeon’s statement is to the effect that violence of a most brutal and revolting nature had been perpetrated upon the little girl, and we since hear that she is in a very precarious condition. A Hollander has been brought before the Magistrate on suspicion.

Yesterday at the Baptist Chapel, Bathurst-street, the marriage took place of Mr.Thomas KING, of this city, with Miss Charlotte HAY, daughter of the late Rev Alexander HAY. A large company witnessed the ceremony, and after breakfast at the residence of Mrs. HAY the happy pair left en route for England.

Friday 9 June 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday the 3rd June 1876, the wife of Mr. John LOCKE of a son.

MARRIED on the 1st June (by Special Licence) at the Wesleyan Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev R. Lamplough, Mr. Henry [BI…ER] of Port Elizabeth to Fanny, eldest daughter of James RICHARDS Esq of Sydenham.

MARRIED on Thursday 1 June at the Baptist Chapel, by the Rev H.M. Foot MA LLB, Thomas KING Esq to Charlotte, eldest daughter of the late Alexander HAY, Baptist Minister.

MARRIED at Adelaide on the 1st June 1876, by the Rev G.W. Stegmann, assisted by the Rev E. Solomon of Bedford, Sir G.H. STOCKENSTROM, Baronet, of Maastrom, to Harriet Kate, eldest daughter of William FULLER Esq of Rockwood.

DIED at Clarkebury, Transkei, on the 30th May 1876, after a short but severe illness, Charles KIDD, late of King Williamstown, aged 47 years and 11 months. Leaving a widow and five children, with a large circle of relatives and friends, to mourn their irreparable loss.

Wednesday 14 June 1876

DIED on Sunday the 11th inst, of Bronchitis, at Eschol, Bushman’s River, Eva Emma Richardson, the beloved child of Jeremiah and Maria E. LONG, aged 2 years 5 months and 11 days. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
[Followed by eight line poem which is too faint to read]

We regret to have this week to record the death of Mr. HUMPHREYS, our late fellow townsman. The sad event took place on Sunday evening last, and though it had been known for some time that deceased was in a precarious state of health, still his death seemed at the last to come suddenly upon all. The family of the deceased have for years been known in and around Alice, and he himself has spent most of his life in this neighbourhood, where he was very generally respected. He had a long and painful illness, which he bore with Christian resignation. Deceased leaves a widow and a little boy, and a numerous circle of relatives, to whom we tender our sincere sympathy. The funeral took place on Monday last, and was numerously attended. The Rev R.H. BROTHERTON (Baptist Minister) conducted the funeral service, which was at once simple and impressive. We were glad to notice that the ministers of the different denominations were all present on the occasion. – Alice Times.

It is our melancholy duty to record a case of sudden death which took place at Bloemfontein on Sunday morning last, at about 11 o’clock. Mr. Louis HAAS, the senior partner of the firm HAAS Brothers, of this town, was speaking to his wife in the presence of his brother and maid servant, when he complained of not being quite well, and fell dead at the feet of his wife. We need scarcely say that the sudden death caused great consternation in the town when it became known to the people as they came out of church. Drs. KELLNER and KRAUSE were at once called in and they pronounced apoplexy to be the immediate cause of death. Mr. HAAS was buried on Monday at 4 o’clock, according to the Jewish rite, in the burial ground of the religious community. A great number of Freemasons and numerous townspeople followed him to his last resting place. We sincerely sympathise with the widow who has been thus so suddenly bereaved of her husband. – Friend of the Free State.

Friday 16 June 1876

BIRTH at Blinkwater, district of Fort Beaufort, on the 30th, the wife of Mr. A.B. SAMPSON of a daughter.

DIED at St.George’s Hotel, Capetown, on the 9th June 1876, Herbert Edward, youngest child of Thomas Charles and Sarah SCANLEN, aged 1 year 9 months.

We (Telegraph) regret to notice the death, on the 9th instant, of Mr. Frederick E. HEAD, for many years a resident of Port Elizabeth. About eight or nine months ago the deceased, whilst on board one of the Union steamers, on duty as Customs Officer, had the misfortune to fall down the hold, and receive very severe injuries.

We regret to record the death of Wm. SHAW Esq at the Zwaart Kie. We can ill afford to lose men of his stamp. Mr. SHAW was a man who in a quiet unobtrusive way has done a great deal for South Africa, and his doings may be summed up in a few words. In times of war he was brave, in peace he was honest. We may all remember and follow his example. – Tarkastad Chronicle.

Wednesday 21 June 1876

Another respected and valued colonist has gone. Mr. William A. MURRAY, eldest son of Mr. A.K. MURRAY of Rugby House, Pinetown, and lately known as an honourable and enterprising merchant, was suddenly called away on Monday night, the 5th inst. He had suffered considerably for some years from the effects of a sunstroke, and for some weeks had endured great mental anxiety on account of the severe and dangerous illness of his wife. – Natal Mercury

Friday 23 June 1876

BIRTH at Committee’s Drift, June 19th, the wife of Mr. Joseph NEWEY of a son.

We (Frontier Guardian) regret to have to announce the death of Mr. Nicholas MEYER, which sad event took place on Tuesday morning. The deceased gentleman – formerly of Adelaide and Fort Beaufort – was well known and highly respected in these parts, where he has resided during the last three years. He leaves a widow and two children, who we believe are at present in Queenstown. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon and his remains were followed to the grave by the principal inhabitants of the town, the Rev Mr. LOMAX officiating.

Monday 26 June 1876

MARRIED by Special Licence on Monday June 26th, by the Rev H.M. Foot BA LLB, Mr. Albert PREDDY of London, England, to Hannah C. TEMLETT of this city.

It is our painful duty to record the death by drowning of Mr. Geo. Fred. SMITH. It would appear that deceased, who had been suffering from ill health for some weeks past, had walked to the Mool River drift for the purpose of bathing, and there can be no doubt that after partially undressing himself he must have fallen by accident into the river, where he was unfortunately drowned. Some persons saw the body floating on the river the same afternoon, and at once brought it into town. The following day the body was interred in the cemetery, Rev RICHARDSON performing the burial service of the Church of England. Deceased, when a lad, was apprenticed to the Journal office, in Grahamstown, where he learnt the trade of compositor, and has been working on the staff of this paper ever since it was established. Many a one will remember with regret the untimely end of poor “Barney” SMITH. – Transvaal Argus.

Wednesday 28 June 1876

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 26th inst, the wife of Mr. John William CHAPMAN of a son.

MARRIED at St.Bartholomew’s on the 27th June 1876, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, William Alexander SHARPE Esq LRCS &c, Surgeon F.A.M. Police, eldest son of James SHARPE Esq MD, Coote Hill, County Cavan, Ireland, to Bertha Louisa, youngest daughter of the late N.P. KROHN Esq of Grahamstown.

The Alice Times devotes a considerable space to a notice of the death and funeral of Mr. Donald McDOUGALL, who died at Alice on the 17th inst. We extract as follows: “On the evening of Sunday the 11th inst Mr. and Mrs. McDOUGALL attended service at the Baptist Chapel. On their way homeward they called at Mr. George MURRAY’s, and while there the deceased suddenly felt ill. A blood vessel had burst, and from that moment there was little or no hope of his life. He rallied indeed once or twice sufficiently to say a few words, but that was all. Until Saturday evening at 10 o’clock he lay about constantly in a state of unconsciousness, and then his spirit quietly and peacefully took its flight. The funeral on Sunday was the largest seen in Alice for many years. The Good Templars, of which society the deceased was a member, headed the procession to the grave, eight of the members carrying the coffin. The pall was borne by Messrs NIGHTINGALE, TEMLETT, THEAL and WYNNE. The Freemasons came next, and the inhabitants of Alice generally followed. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev Mr. MOIR, followed by one of the Good Templars, who read a short address and a prayer. And so, with all the respect that could be rendered, the remains of one who will long be missed were laid in the silent grave.
‘Blest is the memory of the just
It shineth when he sleeps in dust’
The deceased left a widow to mourn for him, and with her, we are sure, every man who knew the truth worth of her husband will sympathise.”

St.Bartholomew’s Church was crowded yesterday morning on the occasion of the marriage of Dr. William Alexander SHARPE, of King Williamstown, with Miss Bertha Louise KROHN, of Oatlands in this city. The ceremony was conducted by the Right Reverend Bishop MERRIMAN, and a large number of the [obscured] amongst the guests. The young and graceful bride looked charming, and was admirably supported in that way by her six bridesmaids, who once more did credit to the city as the queen of beauty in this colony. We wish the happy pair long life and all happiness.

Friday 30 June 1876

DIED suddenly at Port Alfred, Friday 30th June, Capt. W. BOLWIN, master of the brig Dido.

DIED on Monday the 19th June 1876, of asthma, at her residence, Lushington Valley, Ann PHILLIPS, the beloved wife of the late John PHILLIPS, aged 68 years and four months.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven”
The family of the deceased tender their sincere thanks to all those kind friends who so kindly assisted them during their severe affliction, and for the very great respect shown to the memory of their mother, by the very large number who attended her funeral.

A Special Correspondent of the Frontier Guardian writes: “The demise of the late Mr. W.C. DIXON, of “The Falls”, was announced at Barkly at 2:30 am, on Thursday, and although it was still so near midnight, sympathising visitors went to the deceased’s residence to condole with the bereaved family in the hour of their affliction and distress, and to offer their assistance. At nine o’clock the British ensigns were floating in the morning breeze half-mast high, both at The Falls and at the public places in Barkly. During the four days Mrs. DIXON and family were visited by their numerous friends, who came from all sides to offer their condolences, and did their utmost, by their sincere sympathies, to comfort and console them in their painful bereavement. The coffin, made of the best wood procurable, was lined with zinc and covered with black velvet. Both the ministers of Dordrecht and Lady Grey were sent for but neither could attend. On the 28th, at noon, the house was crowded and surrounded by a great throng of people, some of whom came from long distance; and when the bier was brought outside and the lid of the coffin removed, all expressed their surprise that the corpse had undergone no change. The coffin being taken up on the shoulders of the bearers, was preceded by two mutes, the friend who officiated at the grave, a choir of singers singing as they preceded the bier “Thy will be done”, “When our hearts are [obscured] with woe”, “The strife is o’er, the battle won” and the undertaker, then went the coffin borne by eight bearers, which was covered by a large heavy black velvet pall, bordered by a very broad white ribbon and having [illegible Latin tag] worked in the centre of it, and on which were also placed deceased’s Freemason’s apron, certificate and sword. Next in procession came Mrs. DIXON, in a cart drawn by two black horses, and lastly followed a procession of about one hundred and eighty four sympathising friends. The grave was cut out of the solid rock and there the deceased lies at rest.

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