Grahamstown Journal 1849 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 6 October 1849
BIRTH at Robson’s Post, 2nd Oct 1849, the wife of Donald MACKAY, late Color-Sergeant in Her Majesty’s 1st Btn 91st Regt of a daughter.
Saturday 13 October 1849
BIRTH At Somerset, on Friday the 5th October the wife of Mr. Benjamin SERJEANT, of a Son.
MARRIED on the 2nd of October, 1849, at St.George's Church, Graham's Town, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Samuel LARTER, the only Son of Samuel LARTER, to Sophia Augusta BROOKS, the fourth daughter of Henry BROOKS, Collingham.
DIED near Mancazana Post, on 1st October, 1849, Catherine, wife of R. HUDSON aged 33 years and 8 months, leaving six small children to lament her loss.
Saturday 20 October 1849
The undersigned, intending to relinquish farming, begs to offer for private sale about fifty head of superior Fatherland Cattle, amongst which are 30 Cows now in milk. Also a first-rate Bull bred by Wm. PULLEN, Esq., Quagga's Flat. These Cattle may be seen at Bushman's River, until the 4th of next month, when if not disposed of they will be removed to Cypher Fontein – Terms reasonable.
Roode Draai, 15th Oct. P. FEAGAN
WOOL. The undersigned will ship Wool and other Produce, on consignment to the English Markets, on the most favourable terms.
BIRTH at Graham's Town, on Wednesday, the 10th inst, the Lady of Capt. C. SOMERSET, of a Son.
DIED, at Cradock, on Sunday Evening, the 7th Oct., 1849, Benjamin ROWLES, sixth son of the late Thomas Stephen ROWLES, aged 28 years and 6 months, deeply regretted by his Relatives and Friends.
Saturday 27 October 1849
The Annual exhibition of Stock in connection with the Somerset and Albany Agricultural Society, took place on the 27th ultimo, at Mr. JELLIMAN's farm, Lieuw Fontein. Owing to the drought the Stock was not in first-rate condition, but it was nevertheless admitted to be the best show that has taken place at the Kaga. There were above 100 persons present.
The list of Prizes awarded to this Meeting we give below :-
SHEEP – The 1st prize to Mr. W. ROBERTS, Glencliff, for the five best rams, £5 ; 2nd prize, to Mr. J. GOLDSWAIN, for the twenty best ewes, £5 ; 3rd prize, to Mr. W. JELLIMAN, for the twenty-five best slaughter wethers, £1 10s.
HORSES – 4th prize, to Mr. H. PEDLAR, for the best entire horse, £5 ; 5th prize, to Mr. B. DE CLERK, for the best mare, £5 ; 6th prize, to Mr. H. BROWN, for the best farmer's saddle horse, £4.
CATTLE – 7th prize, to Mr. T.J. CALDECOTT, for the best bull above two-years-old, £3 ; 8th prize, to Mr. John CARLISLE, for the best yearling bull, £2 ; 9th prize, to Mr. E.D. WIENAND, for the two best cows, £3 ; 10th prize, to Mr. W. ROBERTS, for the two best heifers, £3 ; 11th prize to Mr. L. TREEGART, for the two best slaughter oxen, £1 10s.
SWINE – 12th prize, premiums to Mr. T.J. CALDECOTT, for the best boar and sow.
Saturday 3 November 1849
NOTICE is hereby given that TENDERS will be received by "the Chairman of the Board of Public Roads", for the Division of Albany, until 12 o'clock, at noon, on Saturday, the 10th of November next, from persons willing to contract with the said Board, to put into and keep in a thorough state of repair for the term of Five Years from the date of completion, the undermentioned several lines of Roads, viz, :-
1st – From Lake's near Howison's Poort to Salem
2nd – From Salem to Long's Lower Drift on Bushman's River
3rd – From Graham's Town to Robey's, Manley's Flat, either by the Road of Hope's Garden or by the present line of Road passing by Fort England.
4th – From Robey's to Bathurst, through Lushington Valley.
5th – For putting and keeping in repair for One Year the following line of Roads, viz.:-
From Graham's Town to Niemand's Kraal, (Potters)
From Potter's to Fish River, including the repair of Espag's Drift with stones.
Security will be required for the due fulfilment of the several Contracts.
Further particulars may be obtained on application to the Secretary.
By Order of the Board
C.H. HUNTLEY, Secretary
Graham's Town, 12th October, 1849.
Saturday 10 November 1849
DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Sunday last, the 4th of November, Edward John, aged 18 months, only child of Mr. Edward MINTO, of Alice. Friends will be pleased to accept this intimation.
Fort Beaufort, 5th Nov., 1849.
ORSMOND'S Commercial & Family HOTEL.
High-street, Graham's Town
(formerly the Auction Mart of the late J.D. NORDEN)
The Proprietor begs to express his grateful acknowledgements for the patronage he has received since the commencement of this Establishment, and at the same time solicits a continuance of the same, assuring those parties who may have occasion to visit town on commercial or other pursuits, as well as the public in general, that no exertion will be spared to promote the comfort of all those who may favor him with a call.
The premises are very commodious, and those who prefer it can be accommodated with private rooms.
Families visiting town will find at this Establishment all the comforts of a home.
Fine old Wines, Spirits, Liquers, Ale, Port,
&c., &c.
Well-Aired Beds.
Excellent and extensive stabling, with enclosed yard for carriages, &c.
An ordinary every day at 2 o'clock charge including wine 2s.
Private Dinners at any hour required.
Soups and Tiffins always ready.
The proprietor would particularly observe that the principles on which this Establishment is conducted are
Graham's Town, 27th October, 1849
Saturday 17 November 1849
MARRIED, at King William's Town, British Caffraria, 14th Nov. 1849, by the Rev. F.P. Fleming, Military Chaplain, Chas. J. LINDAM, Esq., Paymaster 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade, to Mary, youngest daughter of Lt.-Colonel ARMSTRONG, Cape Mounted Riflemen.
BIRTH, at Graaff-Reinet, on Sunday, the 4th instant, Mrs. Helperus VAN RYNEVELD of a daughter.
Saturday 24 November 1849
The "Workington", Captain BELL, daily expected, will, on the discharge of her inward Cargo, return to the above Port, presenting a favorable opportunity for both Passengers and Shippers of Produce, from Fort Beaufort, King William's Town, &c.
John SNOOKE, Agent.
Buffalo River Mouth, 21st November, 1849
BIRTH, at the Mancazana, on the 17th this month, Mrs. G.W. THOM, of a Son.
Saturday 1 December 1849
BIRTH, at Colesberg, on the 17th Inst. Mrs. W.P.R. DIXON, of a Son.
Saturday 8 December 1849
The Undersigned begs respectfully to inform all persons wishing to Build, that he will be at all times ready to undertake any kind of Mason work, either in Town or Country.
William FYNN
MARRIED on the 6th September, 1849, at Avening, Gloucestershire, by the Rev. J. Mills, George Bernard Anton BREHM, only son of Joachim BREHM, Esq., of Uitenhage, Cape of Good Hope, to Ellen SAUNDERS, second daughter of the late Mathew SAUNDERS, Esquire, of Avening.
DIED At Fort Beaufort, of Hooping Cough on the 5th instant, John Baxter, son of Mr. J.F. SHEPPERSON – aged two years and two months.
Saturday 15 December 1849
MARRIED, at All Saint's Church, Sandon, Isle of Wight, on the 26th July, by the Rev. J. Thomas, J. BLAKE, Esq., of Godshill, to Mary McARTHUR, widow of the late Dr. CAW, Medical Staff, and eldest daughter of Charles ROSS, Esq., of the Cape of Good Hope, late Captain in the Cape Mounted Rifles.
BIRTH, at Graham's Town, on 5th instant, Mrs. Joseph CAWOOD of a daughter.
BIRTH at Alice, on the 7th instant, the wife of Mr. S.J. ABINGTON of a daughter.
Saturday 22 December 1849
MARRIED, at Buck Kraal, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore, Mr. George S. TEKUSCH of Fort Peddie, to Frances, only daughter of Mr. Arthur GILSTAIN, of Cape Town.
BIRTH, at East London, on the 18th inst., the wife of the Rev. W. SARGEANT, of a Son.
BIRTH, at Graham's Town on the 18th inst., the lady of Dr. ATKINSON, Staff Surgeon, of a Daughter.
Saturday 29 December 1849
GODLONTON & WHITE have still on hand a great variety of the Latest and Most Popular Airs, arranged for The Piano-Forte at 6d. each or 4s. per dozen pieces.
MARRIED, at King William's Town, British Caffraria, 27th December, 1849, by the Rev. F.P. Fleming, B.A, Military Chaplain, Wyndam William KNIGHT, Esq., 1st Batt. Rifle Brigade to Henrietta Frances, second daughter of Lt.Colonel ARMSTRONG, Cape Mounted Riflemen.
BIRTH, at Colesburg, on the 17th inst., Mrs. HUTTON, of a Daughter.
Colesburg, 21st December, 1849
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