Grahamstown Journal 1849 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 7 July 1849
To be SOLD by auction, on Wednesday, 1st Aug., Two Erven, situated in this Township. By order of the Civ. Com.
Gordon YOUNG & Co. Auctioneers. Bloemfontein, 11th June, 1849
MARRIED, at Port Francis Kowie River, 27th ultimo, Mr. Cornelius COCK, second Son of the Hon'ble William COCK to Miss L.E. SMITH, eldest daughter of the late Ass. Com.-General J.J. SMITH.
BIRTH, on the 4th instant, Mrs. WEDDERBURN Sen., of a Son, who survived 26 hours, and Died on the 5th instant.
DIED, as his Residence, on Tuesday the 3rd instant, after a lingering illness, Mr. James LAMONT, aged 40 years, deeply regretted by his Friends and Relatives.
Saturday 14 July 1849
In the ESTATE of Thomas PITT.
Will be sold, on Monday, the 16th Instant by Public Sale, in front of the Stores lately occupied by Mr. M.B. SHAW, a quantity of Grindery, Leather Boots, Shoes, &c., &c.
F. LUCAS, Sole Trustee.
Mr. W. PILKINGTON has arrived by the Steamer with a few artificers. Their first work will be to put up at Cape Receif a wooden House which they have brought with them from Cape Town. A singular fancy seems to prevail in some of the Departments that a House may be made and brought up from Cape Town at less expense than it could be put together here.
P.E. Telegraph, July 5
The Phoenix, steamer, has brought 127 emigrants, who appear to be of a respectable class : they are described as, 5 carpenters, 1 wheelwright, 3 masons, 2 bricklayers, 2 sawyers, 2 blacksmiths, 1 ploughman, 2 shepherds, 1 baker, 1 groom, 28 laborers, in all 48 men, 24 women, and 55 children. Many persons who would be employers are unfortunately deterred from making application for servants, in consequence of these emigrant ships going to Table Bay, instead of coming direct to this place. The idea, whether well founded or not, it everywhere prevalent that the best are selected and detained in Cape Town: neither is the accommodation afforded by a deck passage in the steamer, very conducive to the health of the emigrants. –Ibid.
FORT BEAUFORT. – A letter received from the Winterberg states that an Englishman named WEBB, is in the employ of Mrs. EDWARDS, of Post Retief, had attempted to destroy himself by cutting his throat. He had inflicted on himself a frightful wound, but it was hoped not a mortal one. Dr. WAY immediately started from Beaufort for the spot; the result we have not heard, nor have we heard any cause assigned for the insane act.
CATTLE DEPREDATION. – A report has been made to us of five cows having been taken about 12 days ago out of the kraal of Mr. J. CARLISLE, about 3 miles S. of Graham's Town.
Saturday 21 July 1849
Catholic Missals. GODLONTON & WHITE have just unpacked a beautiful assortment, elegantly bound in Morocco.
BIRTH, at Graham's Town, on Sunday, the 15th instant, the Lady of Capt. RAWSTORNE, 91st Regt., of a Son.
Stephen SMITH, Fort Beaufort, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, (Late of Graham's Town) Invites his Friends to his new Establishment in Church Street, where a discerning Public will find a larger assortment of very far superior Goods, Colonial-make, ever before offered to their notice.
Also, on the shortest notice, families can be supplied with all sorts and sizes in Beaufort and its vicinity.
N.B. Repairs neatly executed, prices moderate.
S.S. has on hand a large assortment of Gents, and Ladies English Goods, and will, as opportunity serves, increase the same.
21st July
A wagon left with the Undersigned by one Jacob ADONIS, of Blink Water, will be sold to pay expenses, if not released before the 8th of August.
Saturday 28 July 1849
TO LET. – The House lately occupied by Mr. EDKIN, in King-street. Likewise the House occupied by Mr. McKELVEY, Bathurst-street. Also several Stores. Apply to A. EDKINS, Market-square.
DIED, at Graham's Town, on the 12th July, 1849, Maria DICKS, the beloved wife of B. DICKS, aged 52 years, deeply regretted by a numerous family and large circle of friends.
DIED, at Graham's Town, on the 26th July, 1849 Mary PITT, wife of William PITT, aged 73 years.
Saturday 4 August 1849
Just received a consignment of the above in prime condition. W.M. JAFFRAY
MARRIED, by Special License, on the 22nd instant, by the Reverend F. McCleland, A. B. Captain BAWDEN, of the Brigantine Sans Pareil, to Frances, Third Daughter of Mr. BRUTON, of this place.
BIRTH, - At Eden Grove, on the 29th instant, the Wife of Alex. WARES, Esq., of Port Elizabeth, of a Daughter.
DIED, on the 27th July, 1849, at his residence near Fort England, Thomas GLASS, Sen., aged 69 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Saturday 11 August 1849
LOST. A few days since, between Fort Peddie and King William's Town, A Purple Morocco Case of Tooth Instruments. Whoever has found the same and will return it to Mr. R. READ, Chemist, &c., Graham's Town, or to Mr. Thos. MATHEW, King William's Town, shall be well rewarded.
BIRTH, at Hammonds, near Fort Beaufort, on Tuesday morning, the 7th Last, Mrs. B. BOOTH, of a Son.
The undersigned, begs to return his sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Graham's Town, and the Frontier Inhabitants generally, for that support he has received since from them, as
WHEELWRIGHT SMITH & WAGON MAKER, during a period of ten years, and begs to state that he has taken into Partnership Mr. John ORSMOND, who will, in conjunction with himself, continue to carry on the Business as heretofore, in all its various branches.
Beg to acquaint the Inhabitants of Graham's Town, and Farmers of the Eastern Province, that they will continue to carry on Business of
WHEELWRIGHT SMITHS AND WAGON MAKERS on the Premises, on the Market-square, Graham's Town, as heretofore,
Where they trust by assiduity and sound Workmanship, to continue to merit that support, which has ever been given to the first undersigned
Quick Conveyance for PASSENGERS between Uitenhage and Graham's Town.
The Undersigned having extra Horses on the Road between the above places, will take a Passenger either way, in his Mail Cart , at the following rates :-
From Graham's Town to Sidbury £0 10 6
From Graham's Town to Quaggae Flat £0 16 0
From Graham's Town to Sunday's River £1 5 0
From Graham's Town to Uitenhage £1 15 0
From Uitenhage to Sunday's River £0 10 0
From Uitenhage to Quaggas Flat £1 5 0
From Uitenhage to Sidbury £1 10 0
From Uitenhage to Graham's Town £2 0 0
Passage both ways up and down £3 0 0
The Mail starts from Graham's Town Tuesdays and Saturdays at 5 o'clock p.m. – From Uitenhage on Sundays and Thursday p.m., ten minutes after the Mail arrives from the Cape.
The undersigned cautions the public from employing his postriders in carrying parcels or letters, as it is contrary to the Post Office Regulations.
Saturday 18 August 1849
DIED, on the 3rd day of August, 1849, at his residence, Little Grove, Tarka, in the District of Cradock, Mr. George WEBSTER, born March 4th, 1791, in the Parish of Dim Church, Rumney Marsh, County of Kent, England.
Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, and has left a beloved wife and six children to lament their bereavement. The last rite of burial was performed by the Rev. Mr. WILSON of Winterberg. The Funeral was conducted by Mr. QUINN of Fort Beaufort, much to the satisfaction of all his followers, who were very numerous, both English and Dutch neighbouring farmers attending, the Dutch portion of whom expressed their surprise at the solemn service, and manner in which the Funeral was conducted, never having seen anything of the kind before.
Saturday 25 August 1849
Mosely's Celebrated GOLD PENS.
GODLONTON & WHITE have just received a few of the above celebrated Pens warranted made of the finest Gold. Also a few of Mosely's Silver Pencil Cases and Penholders, made to suit the gold pen.
MARRIED, at St. George's Church, Graham's Town, on Wednesday, the 15th instant, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Lt.–Colonel William SUTTON, Cape Mounted Rifles, second son of the late Rear-Admiral SUTTON, R.N., to Frances, third daughter of Colonel SOMERSET, C.B., K.H., Cape Mounted Rifles, Commanding Eastern Frontier.
MARRIED, at Groot Vley, in the District of Victoria, on the 1st of August, by the Rev. Mr. WARNER, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Charles STONE to Mary Anne Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of Mr. George COLEMAN.
A method for "Dressing a Wife" which cannot fail to preserve her in her first affections through all changes of life.
"Take equal quantities of manly affection, refinement, and generosity; place them on Hymen's flame; a full cup of perfect confidence, with the root of the plant good temper; avoid particularly the least of distrust or deceit. When thoroughly heated, put the mixture in a jar of consistency, in which tenderly place the Wife, surrounding her with such particles of comfort as grow on the evergreen kindness. The nature of the wife should be consulted, and leaves of those innocent pleasures to which she inclines be plentifully strewed around her. Garnish the dish abundantly with the most perfect blossoms of that sweet flower delicacy, which will preserve it in its original beauty and attraction. Serve with it the sauce of affectionate politeness, which is indispensably necessary to it at all times. By following this receipt, there are few wives who will not repay tenfold the care bestowed, by the brightness and fragrance they shed over the domestic hearth."
I only wish my husband had pickled or preserved me in this manner.
"Some smother their husbands in hatred, contention, and variance, and some keep them in pickle all their lives. These ladies always serve them up with tongue sauce. Now it cannot be supposed that husbands will be tender and good if managed this way. But they are, on the contrary, very delicious when managed as follows :-
Get a large jar, called the jar of carefulness (which all good wives have on hand,) place your husband in it, and set him near the fire of conjugal love."
Saturday 1 September 1849
At the store of P.F. GATONBY, Church-square, 50 Bags Barley Meal, And he has also for Sale, Meal, Sugar light and brown, White Patna Rice, Coffee, &c. &c.
MARRIED on Saturday, the 18th August, by the Rev. Mr. Henchman of Sidbury, Mr. John LEACH, youngest Son of Benjamin LEACH, Esq., to Miss Sarah Ann, youngest Daughter of the late Mr. T.W. HINDS, of Bushman's River.
BIRTH – At King William's Town, on Sunday, the 26th August, the wife of J. CROSS of a Son.
DIED at Fatherland Willow Tree, District of Cradock, on the 16th Aug. 1849, James William TROLLIP, ages 23 years and 6 months, third son of Wm. And Patience TROLLIP.
AGRICULTURAL FARM. Adjoining Mr. John GRANT's on the Kasouga. The advertiser is desirous of engaging with a steady industrious person, with whom he has not objection either to enter into partnership or to hire the Farm. For further particulars enquire of E. DELL, Queen-street.
Gold, Silver and Steel
Concave and Convex, suitable for all ages.
The Undersigned has received a very superior assortment of the above articles, the remaining Stock of Mr. B. HADLEY, which he offers on the most reasonable Terms for Cash.
George LEE.
Saturday 8 September 1849
The Undersigned wishes to let a part of his Farm, capable of maintaining a few thousand sheep, on reasonable terms. 500 ewes and 300 lambs will be consigned to the tenant on certain conditions. The valley of the Eastern Kowie abounds in rich pasture.
BAPTISM. At Edengrove, on Sunday the 2nd instant, by the Rev. W.Y. Thomson, of Trinity Church, the daughter of Mr. Alexander WARES, Port Elizabeth – named Sarah Ann Howse.
Graham's Town, 6th September, 1849
Saturday 15 September 1849
SIDBURY. TO LET, A very large and commodious Blacksmith's Shop. For terms apply to William FREEMANTLE.
P.S. Also for Sale, a quantity of household furniture and Blacksmith's tools, Iron, Coals, &c., too numerous to particularize. These will be disposed of by private contract.
Sidbury, Sept. 6, 1849
Lieut. DYNELEY, Royal Artillery, being about to leave the Colony, requests all claims against him may be sent to the Barrack Ordnance Office, Graham's Town.
BIRTH at Fort Murray, on the 10th inst., the Lady of Captain MACLEAN, Commissioner to the H'lambie Tribes of a Daughter.
MARRIED, on Thursday, the 13th inst., at St George's Church, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, Henry, youngest son of the Assistant-Commissary General ROBERTSON, to Maria, third daughter of the late W.C. DAVIES, Esq., of Bridgenorth, County of Salop.
DIED at Uitenhage, on Thursday Morning, the 6th instant, Hercules TENNANT, Esq., late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage, aged 41 years and 20 days, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
DIED, at Theopolis, on the 10th instant, the Rev. Andrew Christopher SASS, aged 77 years and 5 months, after a long and tedious work of 38 years as a missionary in South Africa – leaving a wife and 7 children to lament his loss.
DIED, at Graham's Town, on Friday afternoon 14th inst., William LEE, Sen., aged 71 years. Deceased came to this Colony as a British Settler in 1820, and has ever since resided in the District of Albany, where he always maintained the character of an upright member of the community, and of a zealous devoted member, for near half a century, of the Wesleyan Church. From an accident which he suffered a few years ago he never rallied – his constitution received a severe shock, until it terminated his earthly career. He was sustained throughout his affliction by "the hope of the Gospel." " His end was peace."
DIED, in Salem, on Saturday, 8th inst., Thomas Palmer, aged 9 months – infant Son of Philip and Mary H. AMM.
Saturday 22 September 1849
MARRIED at Bathurst on Tuesday the 18th instant, by the Rev.Mr. Barrow, James, youngest son of Mr. S.T. JAMES of Dagga Boers Neck, to Sarah Ann, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James WEEKS.
BIRTH at King William’s Town, British Kaffraria, on the 10th instant, the lady of Major BISSETT, Cape Mounted Rifles, of a daughter.
DIED at Burghersdorp, Sept. 4 1849, after a lingering illness, Patience, the beloved wife of J.B. TEMLETT, aged 28 years – leaving a husband and 3 children, with a large circle of relatives and friends to deplore her loss. She was a believer in Jesus and her end was peace.
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