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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1848 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 7 October 1848

BIRTH at King Williams Town on Saturday 30th instant, Mrs. W. SIMPSON of a son
2nd October 1848

DIED at Morley in the country of the Abatembu on the 10th Sep 1848, Mrs. THOMAS, wife of the Rev. J.S. THOMAS, Wesleyan Missionary. She had given birth to an infant a few days before, which still survives, and thus her husband is left with four children to mourn this painful bereavement. Mrs. THOMAS was a truly devoted woman, zealous and useful in her calling as the wife of a missionary. Her end – of the approach of which she was fully conscious – was more than peaceful, it was triumphant, through a sure trust and confidence in God's mercy by our Lord Jesus Christ.

DIED on the 30th Sept, Sophia, the beloved wife of W. PIKE of Graham's Town, after a very lingering and painful illness. Aged 38 years, leaving a husband and nine children, with a numerous circle of relations and friends to lament their loss. As a professor of Religion she adorned it by a Holy life. Her end was peace.

James BLACK & Co continue to make liberal advances upon Wool, consigned to them for sale by their London Agents, Messrs. PHILLIPS, KING & Co.
Graham's Town 23 Sept 1848

George SWAIN, bricklayer, plasterer and mason, slater, oven builder and all kind of fire work done in all its branches. Smokey chimnies cured. No cure, no pay. Enquire of W.E. CROUT, near the old Wesleyan Chapel.

Saturday 14 October 1848

MARRIED at her residence, Graham's Town on Friday the 13th inst. by the Rev. W.Y. Thomson, Alfred TAYLOR Esq, third son of Mr. William TAYLOR of Stratford, to Miss Georgina Lucretia BENNETT, third daughter of the late G. BENNETT Esq of Austria.

BIRTH at Somerset on the 28th ultimo, the lady of E.M. COLE Esq of a daughter

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 11th inst, Mrs. J. DICK of a daughter

BIRTH on Tuesday morning Oct 3rd, the wife of Mr. Robert READ, chemist, of this place [print of last line rubbed away]

Saturday 21 October 1848

The undersigned will graze on his farm any number of cattle or horses on moderate terms. This affords an excellent opportunity to wagon drivers. The farm being extensive and abundantly supplied with grass and water, they may graze in perfect safety night and day. Any further particulars may be known on application to

MARRIED at Rondebosch on Wednesday 11th Oct by the Rev T.L. Hodgson, John AYLIFF Esq of Fort Beaufort to Jane Butler SHAW, second daughter of Rev. Barnabas SHAW, Wesleyan Minister of Rondebosch.

BIRTH at Alice Town on Thursday 13th inst, Mrs. H. L. WEBB of a son

Wishing to concentrate his affairs, intends to dispose on favourable terms his well known dispensary in Uitenhage Town, established June 1820, either by private sale or on lease, a most favourable opportunity for a practitioner who understands the business. In the meantime he calls on all those indebted to him to pay their overdue accounts, otherwise they will be handed over to his attorney for recovery.
Uitenhage, 7th July 1848

J. GILLAM begs to give notice to his friends and the public that he has opened an Hotel and Accommodation House at King William's Town, where he will always keep on hand a good supply of forage, and every convenience for travellers.
Good stabling for horses.

John ANNAN, at present residing in the Gwaarna of the Fort Beaufort Division of Albany, being about to leave off all business connected with his present Establishment at the end of this year, requests all persons indebted to him to pay their respective accounts on or before the 1st December next.

Saturday 28 October 1848

BIRTH, Mission House, Salem on the 23rd instant, Mrs. E.D. HEPBURN of a daughter

In the Village of Smithfield
Will take place on the 1st December 1848
Offering an opportunity to Capitalists and Speculators of making money rarely to be met with. Smithfield is the Seat of Magistracy for this thickly populated District, is pleasantly situated, and prettily laid out. The climate is salubrious and soil fertile. This Village will possess advantage over every other on this side the border in a commercial point of view – being the nearest to the Colony, and the inhabitants generally in easy circumstances. The Township will be well supplied with an abundance of the purest Water from eight strong fountains. Wood is plentiful in the vicinity for all household purposes.
Charles Smith HALSE, Auctioneer

Saturday 4 November 1848

MARRIED at the residence of the Hon. W. COCK Esq, on Monday 30th October, Edward DAVIES Esq, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, to Eliza RICKARD, second daughter of Mr. Thomas RICKARD of Penryn, Cornwall.

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 28th ult, Mrs. A.W. HOOLE of a daughter

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 3rd instant, Mrs. W.G. ATHERSTONE of a daughter

BIRTH on the 4th instant Mrs. Geo. J. NICHOLLS of a son

Medical Establishment
Not having disposed of his Dispensary, begs most respectfully to announce that he has engaged
William THOMPSON Esq
(late surgeon to the bark Foxhound)
to assist him in his business as an Apothecary, and in the usual branches of the Medical Profession.
Besides the usual course of professional education Mr. William THOMPSON has received the great advantage of residing with several eminent surgeons; of practising Midwifery at the Royal Lying-in Hospital, Waterloo Bridge Road, London, under the immediate superintendence of skilful physicians, and of filling the office of Assistant House Surgeon to St.Thomas' Hospital, which appointment was obtained by public competition.
Under the above arrangements and direction Mr. BREHM solicits a continuance of the kind patronage he has hitherto been favoured with during his long residence and continued experience of Medical Practice in the Colony.
Advice, gratis, every morning from 7 to 8 o'clock at the dispensary, No.16 Cuyler Street
Uitenhage 14th October 1848

Saturday 11 November 1848

I hereby certify that many of the lambs shorn by me last season, being the progeny of rams purchased by Mr. Robert WEBB from Messrs. GRAY & Co, with an eight months' fleece yielded 2lb 10 ounces of clean washed wool
Graham's Town 1st Feb 1845
Ellington, Winterberg, January 19th 1845
I the undersigned certify that I purchased ten French Merino rams of Wm.GRAY in 1843, which at the age of 18 months sheared 63 pounds of wool of the best quality.
Winterberg, February 19th 1844
To Mr. William GRAY of HOWARD's Party
This is to certify that in November 1842 I bought a ram of Mr. GRAY, and that the fleece of the said ram at 18 months old weighed five pounds two ounces Dutch weight, and that the wool of the said ram is of a good and even quality and that the said ram gets good stock.

Saturday 18 November 1848

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 17th inst, Mrs. S. CAWOOD of a son

BIRTH at Belmont on the 23rd inst, Mrs. Joseph CURRIE of a son

DIED at Graham's Town on the 15th inst, Mr. Geo. CLARK Sen, aged 70 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

Saturday 25 November 1848

The partnership hitherto existing between SMITH and WEBB being dissolved
Painter, Glazier, Paper Hanger &c
Begs to inform his friends and the public that he will in future carry on business on his own account, and trusts that he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may feel inclined to favour him with their work. Orders to be left at Mrs. JAY's, opposite the stores of Mr. G. WOOD

Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity, that having had long experience in the art of
Preparing and Mounting Quadrupeds, Reptiles, Birds and Fish
He will be happy to execute all orders that he may be favoured with on the most reasonable terms.
Orders to be left at Mr. J. WHILEY's, Confectioner, Hill Street

The undersigned will receive proposals from parties desirous of hiring for a term of years the Accommodation House and Ground on his Farm called the
(established for many years)
Situated about 20 miles from Fort Beaufort and on the direct line of road to Somerset, Baviaan's River, Cradock, Colesberg and Graaff-Reinet, where a profitable business has been carried on by the present occupant, whose lease expires on the 31st December next. Possession to be given on the 1st January 1849. For further particulars apply to Mr. J.J.H.STONE or by letter – post paid – to
Fort Beaufort

Saturday 2 December 1848

STYLE's Hotel
On Tuesday 5th December
Will be performed Goldsmith's Comedy
"She Stoops to Conquer"
Or "The Mistakes of a Night" in Five Acts
To conclude with the farce of "Raising the Wind" in Two Acts
Tickets 3s 6d each may be obtained of Mr. KIFT at the stores of Messrs. BIRKENRUTH & KIFT
Doors open at half past 6. Performance to commence at 7 o'clock

Saturday 9 December 1848

This Society will meet on Thursday evening the 14th inst. The Chair will be taken at 8 o'clock. Question for discussion: Ought the Irish political offenders, whom it is proposed by Earl Grey to send to this Colony, be admitted?

BIRTH at Fort England on the 2nd instant, Mrs. W. CARNELL of a daughter

Saturday 16 December 1848

I hereby authorise Mr. John WEBB to collect all accounts due to the co-partnership lately subsisting between SMITH and WEBB as Painters, Glaziers &c
Walter SMITH
Graham's Town 1 December 1848

MARRIED at Glenthorn on the 29th ult by the Rev J.F. Cumming, William AINSLIE of Cavers Cowie to Mary Anne PRINGLE, third daughter of John PRINGLE Esq of Glenthorn.

BIRTH at Fort Brown on Saturday 9th instant, Mrs. CORY, wife of Mr. W. CORY Sen, Innkeeper, of a daughter

DIED at Boom Plaats on the 30th Nov from the effects of wounds received in action on the 29th August last, Ensign M.B. STEELE, Cape Mounted Rifles, deeply lamented by all his brother officers.
Graham's Town 11 December 1848

Saturday 23 December 1848

MARRIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 7th December 1848, F.K. TEWATER Esq to Mrs. KREBS

CHRISTENED at King Williams Town on the 19th inst. by the Rev. W. Impey, the son of Captain O'REILLY, CMR, Harry George

DIED at Salem on the 15th instant, Mrs Catherine FANELL, after a long and lingering illness, leaving a husband and four small children to lament their loss.
J. FANELL takes this opportunity of returning thanks to the Minister and the inhabitants at large of Salem for their unremitting kindness during her illness.

Saturday 30 December 1848

MARRIED at Graham's Town on Christmas Day by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Uriah ESTMENT Esq to Miss Sarah Elizabeth BOWLES. Also at the same time and place John BOWLES Esq to Miss Ann MOUNTFORT

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