Grahamstown Journal 1848 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 1 July 1848
DIED at his residence in Uitenhage on the 20th June 1848, aged 52 years, Mr. Jonathan KENNERLEY, leaving a wife and two children and a numerous circle of relatives and friends to lament his loss.
Charles RHODES
Watch and Clock Maker
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham’s Town and the public in general that he has just received by the
Lady Clarke
A superior assortment of eight day clocks, in long mahogany cases with moving figures in the arch
Table spring clocks
Mound spring dials
Patent lever double case hunting watches with maintaining power
1, 2 and 3 sizes silver curb, guard chains
Gold watch keys
Wedding rings &c
C. RHODES, Church Square
Just Unpacked
An extensive assortment of TOYS, consisting not only of the usual kinds but a great variety both
Such as Dissected Maps, Magic Lanterns, Transparent Slates, Camera Obscuras, Building Toys and a Miniature Printing Press in Metal Types and Apparatus Complete.
Gold, silver and steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, concave and convex.
Glass and Plated Ware, Crushed Sugar in 200lbs casks, Yorkshire Hams, Bottled Fruits, Pickles, Sauces &c
Benjamin HADLEY
Opposite the Court House
Graham's Town
The Grocery Department
is receiving
Turkey figs
Muscate raisins
Good cheese
Robertson's Barley and Groots
Very superior quality
1st July 1848
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and vicinity that he has commenced business as
Apothecary, Chemist and Druggist
In the Market Place, next door to Messrs. SHEPPERSON's, Fort Beaufort, where the public can be supplied with genuine Hallish and English Patent Medicines, in addition to the usual Drugs, Perfumery &c
Saturday 8 July 1848
DIED on the 31st May last at De [Tamy] de Draai, Sunday's River, John RAFFERTY, aged 53 years, leaving six children to deplore his loss.
Saturday 15 July 1848
MARRIED on the 4th July at Spitalfields Chapel, London by the Rev. P. Duncan, the Rev. Thornley SMITH of Dartford to Catherine, only daughter of the late Mr. James STEPHENS, builder, of Ryde, Isle of Wight.
MARRIED on the 19th June in the Dutch Reformed Church at Uitenhage by the Rev. Alexander Smith, Anna, third daughter of the late James SWAN Esq to George Frederik BOTHA Esq, both of the Division of Uitenhage.
MARRIED on the 19th June in the Dutch Reformed Church at Uitenhage, Sarah Margaret, youngest daughter of the late James SWAN Esq to David Hercules MARX Esq, both of the Division of Uitenhage.
DIED at his residence, Graham's Town, on Wednesday 12th July 1848, Alexander BISSET Esq, Commander Royal Navy, aged 61 years.
Saturday 22 July 1848
William SMITH of Graham's Town gives notice that he will receive proposals from persons who may be inclined to purchase or hire the HOUSE and PREMISES now occupied by him, next door to the Eastern Province Bank. And also to purchase the DWELLING HOUSE and STORES occupied by Messrs. HERRON & Co near St.George's Church.
An extended credit can be given.
DIED at the Farm Lindale, July 18th, Christopher WEDDERBURN Sen, one of the British Settlers of 1820, much regretted by his family and a numerous circle of friends – aged 76 years and 5 months. As he lived, so he died, in full assurance of a glorious immortality through the merits of Christ his Redeemer.
1st Race Criterion Stakes, value £20, 1 mile race
1 J.C.VOGEL's b c Anatole, 2yrs
2 J.BUTLER's b g Skipper, 2 yrs
3 J.PULLEN's ch f Amelia, 2 yrs
4 G.PALMER's br f Remnant, 2 yrs
A good race between the two first, Anatole winning by only half a head; Amelia one length behind for third, Remnant beaten several lengths.
Turf Club Plate, value £20, 1 mile heats
P.FEAGAN's b g Victor 1 1
T.BOTHA's ch h Robin 2 2
G.PALMER's br h St.Clair 3 3
Both heats won easy
Quagga's Flat Plate, value £30, 2 mile heats
Mr.FEAGAN's blk h Sir John, 3 yrs 1 1
Capt.CODRINGTON's b h Sweep, 6 yrs 2 dis
Mr.PALMER's b h Wolfe, 6 yrs 3 2
First heat won by half a length, second heat by four lengths. Mr.BOTHA's Robin also ran but was declared distanced for striking the rider of Wolfe in the first heat.
Ladies' Plate, value £7;7s;6d, 1½ mile heats was easily won by Mr.ISEMONGER's br h Bob, beating three others.
Hack Plate, value £7:10s, 1½ mile heats, was won in a canter by Mr.J.SMITH's gr gelding Cigar, beating four others.
Saturday 29 July 1848
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 18th inst, Mrs. S. PROBART of a son
DIED of croup on the 12th inst, at the residence of W.C.HOBSON Esq, JP, Samuel Joseph Tucker, aged 14 months and 9 days, youngest child of the Rev. John EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister of Somerset.
July 21st 1848
Notice is hereby given that all persons found trespassing, cutting wood or outspanning upon the farm of the undersigned, in HOWARD's Party, formerly belonging to Mrs. LAMONT, and the adjoining one, will be dealt with according to law; and all cattle not belonging to the party will be sent to the pound. Those persons that have taken the windows and doors from out of the School House will oblige by returning them.
Wanted immediately, a second teacher, competent to assist in conducting the Junior Classes
Address (including postage)
Saturday 12 August 1848
DIED in Uitenhage on Monday 7th August 1848, Henry Collis CARTER MD, Half Pay Hospital Assistant Surgeon to the Forces and District Surgeon for the Division of Uitenhage, Cape of Good Hope, lately of Mayo, near the town of Carlow, Ireland. Aged 66 years and 3 days. His loss is deeply regretted by his family and a numerous circle of his friends, but by none will his loss be more extensively felt and regretted than by the poor of every class, to whom he was always the ready and disinterested friend.
By Her Majesty's Royal Letter Patent
Ice Machinists and Patentees
11 Princess Street, Leicester Square, London
The undersigned has just received, direct from the above, supplies of their celebrated
by means of which wine, or any other liquid, can, in a very few minutes and at a moderate cost, be deliciously iced, which it is hoped will be felt by the public at large as a most desirable accommodation. The undersigned has likewise received prospectuses containing particulars, with engravings and tariff of prices of Ling's Patent Ice Safes, for the preservation of all kinds of provisions requiring a cool temperature. Lings and Keith's Domestic and Economical Apparatus, for making ice creams; the Patent Metal Ice Box, apparatus for generating ice with the freezing powder in any state of atmosphere; butter coolers; Cellaret for taverns for iceing wines, soda water &c with water tank and tap; Master's Patent Freezing Apparatus for ice creams and ice from spring water for table use &c.
These articles are admirably adapted for the Cape climate during the summer months and are indispensable for the Mansion, and equally available for every Family Residence, Club, Hotel, Confectionary &c.
Information given and orders received at the Agency Office, 47 St.Georges Street
Cape Town 29th July 1848
Begs to intimate to her customers that she has removed to Bathurst Street, next door to W. MONRO, in the premises formerly occupied by Mr. C. WHITE, and while she desires to thank those who have favoured her with their custom begs to state that she will continue to keep her usual great variety of stock, haberdashery, hosiery &c and tin ware, and hopes by assiduity and an endeavour to please to obtain a share of the public support.
Saturday 19 August 1848
DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday 17th August 1848, Lucy, wife of Mr. Henry VOKINS, aged 60 years.
The undersigned offers for sale one of his valuable farms on the Kroome River, formerly known by the name of
Baboon Krantz
This property is situated between that of Mr. M.B. SHAW on one side and on the other by that of Mr. PEDLAR Sen, and is about 12 miles distant from Fort Beaufort. It is densely covered with the very best pasture, including grass, spek boom and other succulent herbage, and for grazing purposes is surpassed by none in the colony and equalled by few.
For terms apply to the undersigned at Fort Beaufort, or to Mr. John KIRKMAN, Yellow Wood Trees. If by letter, post paid.
Saturday 26 August 1848
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Graham's Town, on the 23rd instant by the Rev.W. Shaw, Wesleyan Minister, Alexander WARES Esq of Port Elizabeth to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of James HOWSE Esq of Graham's Town.
BIRTH at Eland's Post on the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. William HARRIS of a son and heir. Both mother and child are doing well.
DIED on the 16th inst at St. Lawrence Farm, Mrs. Catherine MUNDAL, the beloved wife of Mr. Jas. MUNDAL Sen, aged 58 years and 21 days. Her family are natives of the Isle of Wight.
To the Editor: Sir,
It has been my painful duty to send you for insertion in your paper the death of Mrs. MUNDAL, the wife of one of the original Settlers. It may interest some of your readers, and perhaps some distant friends, to learn that her end was peace. Mrs. M. was long afflicted, which she bore with Christian fortitude, and died trusting in her Redeemer, and a firm adherent to the Church of England.
Her funeral obsequies were attended by a long train of attached friends and relations, both Dutch and English, male and female, including her own children and some grandchildren. This funeral was rendered the more remarkable by the good arrangements of Mr. QUINN, the undertaker, and it being one of the first in the neighbourhood, conducted with all the solemnities customary in our Fatherland. The funeral service was read by Mr. BOON, the Catechist of the English Church, and in the evening he improved the solemn occasion by delivering a discourse, from the 16th chap. Of St.Luke, 31st verse, "And he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the Prophets neither will they be persuaded though one arise from the dead." Some present said it was good for them to be here, that it was better to go to the house of mourning rather than to the house of feasting. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. I send you this for insertion out of the high esteem I have for the family of the deceased. With all respect, Sir, I shall subscribe myself
An Attendant
Fort Beaufort
Saturday 2 September 1848
MARRIED at St.Georges Church, Graham's Town by the Rev. John Heavyside, on the 12th July 1848, Capt. BISSET CM Rifles, Brigade Major British Kaffraria, second son of the late Alex BISSET Esq, Commander Royal Navy, to Charlotte Elizabeth, eldest daughter of A.B. MORGAN Esq, Surgeon Half Pay HM 57th Regt.
MARRIED at Kluklu, the residence of Mr. W. GILBERT, on Wednesday 30th August, by the Rev. J. Ayliff, Mr. Charles George DYASON of the Konap, eldest son of George DYASON Esq, Resident Magistrate of Bathurst, to Emily Frances, fourth daughter of Mr. G. HOGBEN.
BIRTH on the 27th ult, the wife of H. HALL Esq R.E.D. of a son
DIED on the 25th instant, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. S. HAW of this town, aged 50 years. Deceased had only arrived in this colony about four months ago, and was on Friday evening last seized with a fit of spasm, which in about five minutes laid her a lifeless corpse.
Graham's Town 30th August 1848
DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday 30th Aug after a short illness, Elizabeth WEBSTER, aged 51 years, deeply and sincerely regretted by her husband, family and friends.
DIED at his residence in Graham's Town on the 30th inst, Mr. Joseph TRIMBLE, aged 39 years, a native of the County Tyrone, Ireland, deeply regretted by his wife and a large circle of friends.
Begs to return his sincere thanks to the public for the very liberal support he has received since he commenced business in this place and in connexion with his present establishment in Bathurst Street he has (by special request) opened a
Shop in New Street
Near to Messrs. HOOLE and opposite the late Mr. STENT's, Painter, where he trusts he will be able to supply the public with the best quality of butcher's meat.
J.B. flatters himself that he will be enabled to give general satisfaction in both shops, having procured the assistance of competent parties to supply him with the best stock the country can produce.
NB Live slaughter stock always on hand at moderate prices.
WANTED by the undersigned, a steady BUTCHER, one who has been accustomed to serve in a shop would be preferred, to whom liberal wages will be given.
Saturday 9 September 1848
MARRIED at Sidbury by the Rev. G.V.Thorpe MA, on Wednesday 6th September 1848, Henry LOVEMORE Esq of Bushy Park, District of Port Elizabeth, to Sarah, relict of the late Charles ANDERSON Esq of HM Excise, London.
DIED at Graham's Town on the morning of 8th instant, Barrack Sergeant John PENTLETON, late Quarter Master Sergeant 27th Regiment, after a service of 24 years, sincerely regretted by his friends, aged 42 years.
DIED on the 2nd inst, Emma Louisa, daughter of W. WEDDERBURN, aged 11 months.
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graham's Town that he has taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. C. HILTON in Beaufort Street and has this day re-opened the same as a
and hopes by strict attention, and supplying them with a good article, to merit a share of the public patronage.
NB To prevent disappointment RH begs that all bakings may be at the shop not later than 10 o'clock.
Saturday 16 September 1848
BIRTH at King Williams Town, the lady of Captain J. O'REILLEY of the CM Rifles of a son
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Friday 1st September 1848, the lady of Francis Elliott SIMES Esq of Newcastle upon Tyne (late of the Cape Mounted Rifles) of a daughter
DIED at Graham's Town on 12th September, Mrs. Mary Ann WEST, widow of the late Mr. T.A. WEST, aged 45 years, having seven children to lament her loss. Her end was peace.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 7th September, Maria AUSTEN, wife of Mr. John AUSTEN Sen, aged 38 years 3 months and 28 days, leaving a number of relations to lament the loss of their kind and affectionate parent – also deeply regretted by all her old friends.
Notice is hereby given that if any person or persons be found trespassing, outspanning their horses or oxen, or driving their wagons out of the public roads on any of the land around Sidbury belonging to the undersigned, without his permission, they will be forthwith prosecuted to the utmost extent the law allows.
Saturday 23 September 1848
MARRIED at Alice on Wednesday 13th Sept 1848 by the Rev. H. Beaver, Military Chaplain, Mr. Nathaniel DOWELL of Alice, carrier, to Miss Helen Emma Price ADAMS, second daughter of the late T.P. ADAMS Esq of Lower Albany.
MARRIED at Graham's Town on the 23rd Novr. 1847 by the Rev. J. Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, William George CORY, eldest son of W. CORY of Fort Brown, to Christiana S.E. COETSE.
Also at Fort Brown on the 31st August 1848 by the Rev. H. Pearse, Wesleyan Minister, Richard WEBB, second son of R. WEBB of the Royal Engineer Dept, to Mary Elizabeth CORY, eldest daughter of Wm. CORY.
BIRTH on the 22nd instant, the wife of George LEE of a daughter
Capital of £20,000
Charles HOLLIDAY, Chairman
Bradshaw Daniel BELL
William WYNNE
Interest will be allowed by this bank on fixed deposits in sums of £10 and upwards at the following rates:
For 3 months, and under 6 months, 3 per ct. per annum
For 6 months and under 12 months, 3½ per ct. per annum
For 12 months at 4 per cent per annum
Bank Post Bills will be granted for £5 and upwards, and arrangements are being made for facilitating remittances to Graham's Town and other parts of the Colony.
Saturday 30 September 1848
DIED at Cradock on the 23rd instant, Mr. Richard HAW, youngest son of Mr. S. HAW of this town, aged 24½ years. Deceased had just entered upon the active duties of life, soon after which symptoms of the fatal disease, consumption, made its appearance in his constitution, caused by anxiety of a peculiar mental kind, which quickly terminated his earthly career.
The corpse was removed to town and was yesterday committed to the silent tomb by the side of his mother and step mother. The remains were followed by a large concourse of his friends and acquaintances.
Graham's Town
30 September 1848
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