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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1847 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 2 October 1847

DEATH on the 20th ult at Port Elizabeth, William RAWLINSON, aged 65 years

MARRIED at Graham's Town by the Rev. W. Shaw on Monday 20th Sept, James PARKER, Ironmonger, Church Square, to Sarah, daughter of Mr. W. STIRK

Saturday 16 October 1847

MARRIED on the 7th October by the Rev. F. McCleland, Sampson MIDDLETON Esq, merchant, Port Elizabeth, to Janet Watson HENDERSON, youngest daughter of the late Henry Watson HENDERSON, merchant, Graham's Town.

BIRTH at 43 St.Georges Street, the lady of W.Y. ELDRIDGE Esq of a daughter
Cape Town 3rd October 1847

DIED on Friday October 8th at Fort Beaufort, in the faith and hope of the Gospel, after a short but severe affliction, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr. A.S. WHITE, aged 32. Her death is deeply lamented by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

Saturday 23 October 1847

BIRTH on Monday 11th instant at the residence of W.C. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. John VAN RYNEVELD of a daughter.

Saturday 30 October 1847

DIED on the 17th instant in the 74th year of her age, after an illness of ten weeks, Mrs. Sarah MOODY, relict of Mr. John MOODY, one of the British Settlers of 1820. Deceased was prevented by circumstances from proceeding to the colony in company with her husband, and did not join him till the year 1832, from which time to the period of her death she resided in the village of Bathurst, and enjoyed the affectionate regard of all to whom she was known.

DIED on Tuesday 27th inst, Mr. William STENT, of Graham's Town, aged 33 years. Deceased was on a journey from Port Elizabeth, when by a fatal accident his wagon fell over, and so severely injured him that he survived only two short hours, leaving an affectionate wife and three small children to mourn their sudden and irreparable loss. His death is deeply lamented by a numerous circle of friends and relatives.

Saturday 6 November 1847

DIED at Bellevue on 23rd October, Alice Ruth, wife of Mr. John BROWN, the youngest and last surviving daughter of Mr. T. BAINBRIDGE, one of the British Settlers of 1820. Aged 36 years.

DIED on the 16th October, Martin John BERESFORD Esq, formerly of Quarry Place, Boughton, Monchelsea in the County of Kent (England), after a lingering illness of several months. Aged 59 years, leaving a wife, four sons and three daughters to deeply lament his loss.

DIED on the 28th October 1847, Mrs. Charlotta HALLACK, wife of Mr. Russel HALLACK, and eldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. SANDS of Fort Beaufort, after a severe and protracted childbirth. Her loss has been severely felt by her relatives and all who knew her.

Saturday 13 November 1847

Croft Cottage, near Fort England, for a term of one year or more.
Apply to Proprietor

DIED at Salem on Monday the 8th instant from the effects of a stroke of lightning, Mr. John Cecil WRIGHT, aged 52 years, leaving a wife and family of eight children, the former to deplore, by this awful and severe dispensation, the loss of a most affectionate husband, and the latter of a parent ever solicitous of their best welfare.

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday morning, 7th Nov 1847, Mr. William BOND, aged 80 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

Saturday 20 November 1847

For sale by private agreement a fine Lot of Oat in the immediate vicinity of the Town, ready for cutting
Good stabling for one or more horses. For particulars apply to:
Mr. W. CHRISTIE, Roseville Cottage, opposite Mr. I'ONS

DIED at Bathurst on the 10th instant, aged 72 years, at the residence of his son-in-law W. ALLEN, Mr. Thos. TIMMS of the Nottingham Party. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820.

DIED at Assagai Boom, near Mooi Meijes Fontein, Nov 15, Mary, the wife of Mr. Benj. JAMES, after a severe affliction of twelve years. Aged 52 years and 8 months.

Returns his most sincere and heartfelt thanks to his friends in Cradock, who so readily, voluntarily, generously and ably assisted him in the recovery of his property, stolen from his premises on the night of the 9th ultimo. J.W. is aware that by many of his friends, the inconvenience, trouble and extreme hardship of watching by day and by night for three weeks, frequently in inclement weather, must have been severely felt. J.W. trusts that not one of those friends may ever require his aid on a similar occasion, but should circumstances require his services he pledges himself to be foremost in promoting the object required.
To the inhabitants of Cradock generally he begs to offer his thanks for their expressed good wishes.
Cradock, November 2 1847

Saturday 27 November 1847

Mr. Thomas NELSON
Begs to inform his friends that on the 1st January next his business will be transferred to his son
It being the intention of Mr. T. NELSON to leave the colony in January or February next, he requests that all open accounts and bills due will be settled
Graham's Town

WANTED at the Cheshire Cheese Inn, Manley's Flat, a man and wife, the man as ostler, the woman to make herself generally useful in the house. To an industrious couple this is a good opportunity, as liberal wages will be given, and the situation as ostler is a lucrative one.
Application to be made at the office of Mr. R.G. STONE or the undersigned
Sec Pro Tem

BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 19th inst, the wife of J.S. CHRISTOPHER Esq of a daughter

Begs to inform his friends and the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and its vicinity that he has opened a Wholesale and Retail Store in Church Street, where he will be happy to supply them at the lowest prices.
Church Street, Fort Beaufort, Nov 6 1847

Saturday 4 December 1847

DIED at Graham's Town on the 1st December 1847, Mr. Johan BERTRAM, aged 72 years, an old and respected inhabitant of this frontier, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

DIED of epidemic fever at Somerset on Friday 26th inst, Caroline, aged 20 months; and on Saturday 27th, Maria, aged 13 years and three months, daughters of G.E. JOSEPH Esq
Somerset, 30th November 1847

DIED at Graham's Town on 28th November of consumption, Margaret, daughter of [text rubbed away] THOMAS and surviving widow Margaret KEEN [text rubbed away] years. Deeply and deservedly regretted by her many friends.

Saturday 11 December 1847

DIED at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 1st Dec, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of J.P. MARSH, in the 35th year of her age, deeply and sincerely regretted by a numerous circle of friends and relatives, who have thus been called to deplore this afflictive and sudden bereavement.

DIED at Dinahore, Mary HARRADEN, the beloved wife of Thomas Harley HARRADEN, Bandmaster HM 98th Regt, who departed this life 2nd June 1847 aged 34 years and 10 months. She was a virtuous wife and a kind mother.
Sarah Elizabeth HARRADEN, daughter of the above, who departed this life 3rd June 1847, aged 8 years and 8 months.
William Arthur HARRADEN, son of the above, who departed this life 6th June 1847, aged 6 months and 6 days.
These lovely buds, so young, so fair,
Called hence by early doom,
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise may bloom.
Deceased was the daughter of Wm. MOUNTFORT and her premature death is much regretted by her aged parents and family.

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