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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1847 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 3 July 1847

Begs to inform the Public and his Friends that he has commenced Business in the Shop formerly occupied by Mr. William SURMAN, at the back of Mr. STYLE's Hotel, where he intends carrying on
and hopes by strict attention to merit a portion of the public patronage.
Graham's Town 3 July 1847

Saturday 10 July 1847

Mr. J.W. WILLIAMS' academy for young gentlemen will re-open on Wednesday 14th inst.

MARRIED on the 7th inst. by the Rev. A. Hay, Baptist Minister, Mr. C. ADCOCK Jun to Miss Ann SMITH of Graham's Town.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 2nd inst, deeply regretted by his numerous relatives and friends, John DUDLEY, aged 64 years, after an illness of upwards of three months. Deceased was a native of Birmingham, and one of the early settlers of 1820.

DIED at the Mancazana Post on the 29th June, Edward Nielen, eldest child of Captain RAWSTORNE, Reserved Battalion 91st Regt.

Saturday 17 July 1847

For Sale at the stores of W. WRIGHT

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday 4th July, aged 70 years, Mr. Jas. WITHERIDGE. Deceased was one of the old settlers of 1820.

DIED at Uitenhage Town on Sunday morning 4th July 1847, after a few days illness, Andrew, fifth son of S.H. DU TOIT Esq. JP, aged 19 years, 3 months and 11 days, deeply regretted by his relatives and friends. Deceased served as Field Captain in the Uitenhage Native Levy.

Saturday 24 July 1847

MARRIED at Fort Peddie on Wednesday July 21st 1847 by the Rev. John W. Appleyard, Mr. John CROSS, Assist. Com. Clerk, to Mary Lydia, second daughter of Mr. Richard TAINTON.

BIRTH at Somerset on the 15th inst, Mrs. J. O'REILLY of a son

BIRTH at Graham's Town on Sunday evening, 19th July 1847, Mrs. J.C. HOOLE of a son

DIED at their residence in New Street on the 22nd inst, after an illness of nine days, Georgina, wife of Charles MAYNARD Esq. JP, aged 40 years.

DIED at Bushy Park near Port Elizabeth on the 16th July last, at the age of 47 years, Mary Ann, the beloved and lamented wife of Henry LOVEMORE Esquire, after a painful and protracted illness, deeply regretted by her husband and family, and by a very extensive circle of friends, to whom she was endeared by her affectionate, amiable and hospitable manners.
Bushy Park, 19th July 1847

Saturday 7 August 1847

Yesterday, an Eastern Province bank note for £20, and also a bank receipt for a deposit of £400. A reward of £2 will be given on the above being restored to Mr. COLE, Postmaster, or the Undersigned
John F. POHL

LOST at Mancazana Post in December last, a Commissariat Draft for £7:10 No.2,872, dated on or about the 13th Dec 1846. As it is only payable to order of the Undersigned, it is of no value to anyone but the owner. A reward of TWO POUNDS will be given to anyone returning the same to
Mancazana Post

Auctioneer and Appraiser
Begs respectfully to inform the Public that by the termination of the Partnership hitherto subsisting between himself and Mr. John MASKELL, he intends to confine himself in future entirely to the Auctioneering Business; and from his local knowledge, and long experience in the value of Moveable and Immoveable Property generally, that he is well qualified for the successful management of this branch of Trade; and the advertiser trusts the knowledge the public have had of him during the several years he has practised as an Auctioneer, that increased confidence will be placed in his exertions for the benefit of those gentlemen who may employ him.
Sales of every description of Livestock, Moveable and Immoveable Property, held on the shortest notice, and the Vendue Rolls discounted at a moderate percentage.
Graham's Town, 3rd July 1847

Saturday 21 August 1847

For Disease in Cattle
The Undersigned having discovered a SPECIFIC for the disease incident to cattle brought into the zuurveldt from the Orange River, the perfect and almost instantaneous efficacy of which has been proved in many recent instances, is induced to offer the same to the public and which may be obtained of the subscriber in Graham's Town, or in Salem, for cash only, ready prepared in quart bottles, at 3s 3d per bottle.
C.T. CROFT, Beaufort Street

DIED at Graham's Town on the 17th August, Colin Robert Francis, son of Capt. Colin CAMPBELL, RB 91st Regt, aged 11 months and 19 days.

Saturday 4 September 1847

DIED at the residence of Mr. W. POTTER, Graham's Town, of hoping cough and inflammation of the lungs, after a lingering illness of upwards of five weeks, Lydia Ann Potter, infant daughter of William and Sarah HYDE, and great grand daughter of Mr. William POTTER, aged 15 months.
Graham's Town, Sept. 2 1847

Saturday 11 September 1847

On Monday morning the well known stallion JACK, formerly the property of Messrs. McMASTER & PAKENHAM, unless previously sold. To be seen at Mr. PAKENHAM's stables.

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 19th August 1847 by the Rev. H. Beaver, Field Captain H.L. WEBB to Elizabeth Sarah Price ADAMS, daughter of the late T. P. ADAMS, Lower Albany

Saturday 18 September 1847

BIRTH at Blinkwater Post 10th September 1847 the wife of Mr. Wm. SLADE of a son

DIED on Wednesday 16th instant at King William's Town, British Kaffraria, Mr. Richard FORRESTER, aged 60 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, since which period he has ever maintained the character of an honest man, a good neighbour and an affectionate husband and parent. As a Frontier farmer he has been a severe sufferer by the inroads of the Kaffirs. After being twice driven from his home, his cattle carried off, fields trodden down and dwelling fired, he was compelled to seek subsistence by working his wagon, until he sunk far from his family, under the effects of exposure and those privations incident to the rough and harassing employment in which, at his advanced period of life, he found it necessary to engage.

Saturday 25 September 1847

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 22nd instant, by the Rev. Alexander Smith, Johan Lodewyk LEEB Esq. JP of Richmond, the eldest son of the late J.L. LEEB Esq. JP, Land Surveyor of Graaff-Reinet, to Martha Jacoba, the only daughter of the late C.J. MULLER Esq of Uitenhage.

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Sunday 5th inst, the lady of Herbert RUBIDGE Esq of a daughter

DIED at Cumber, Lower Albany, on the 14th inst, Mrs. Mary BRADFIELD, in the 77th year of her age, deeply and sincerely regretted by her numerous family. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, her family consisting at that period of seven individuals. During the 27 years which have since elapsed this family has sustained material loss by death, and yet at the present moment it is found to have increased from seven to nearly fifty souls, a striking instance of the rapid growth of population in this country. The memory of deceased, the venerated mother of this family, will ever be cherished as a tender parent, good neighbour and a decided Christian.

DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 20th instant, Mary DEVINE, wife of Jeremiah DEVINE, of Sea Field near Cawood's Bay, of inflammation of the lungs, caused by the disturbance of the present Kaffir War, after a lingering illness of five months, leaving her husband, three young brothers and a numerous circle of friends to deplore her loss. She was a kind and affectionate wife and died a good Christian, aged 23 years and 4 months. Requiescant in Pace.

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