Grahamstown Journal 1839 - 2 - July to December
Thursday 4 July 1839
DIED at Cuyler Manor, Uitenhage, on the 20th inst. in the 51st year of her age, Maria Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Col. J.G. CUYLER, after a lingering illness of many years, which she bore with Christian resignation, and after an uninterrupted and happy union of 32 years. She was a loving Wife, kind and affectionate Mother and a sincere Friend
June 1839
DIED on Sunday 30 June 1839 at 'the Residency' on Zwart Kei, Ann, the Wife of H.F. FYNN Esq., British Resident with the Tambookie tribes, after a short illness originating with Measles.
Thursday 11 July 1839
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 1st inst Ann Shaw HADDY aged 2 years and 6 months.
And on the 2nd inst Georgiana Maria Soundy, aged 11 months, daughter of Robert and Rosalie HARE
Thursday 25 July 1839
DIED at Oatlands on the 22nd inst, Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of George HEATHCOTE Esq, aged 16 months
The Undersigned having declined business in Graham's Town gives notice to all indebted to him to settle their accounts on or before the 30th August next at the usual place. All accounts unsettled after the above date will be handed over for recovery.
The Store and Dwelling House containing 5 Rooms and a Kitchen, belonging to the above, is to let. Enquiries of Alfred TROLLIP, Beaufort Street, Graham's Town.
Thursday 1 August 1839
DIED on Tuesday 23 July at Calmus Fontein, Upper Bushman's River, Thomas Everitt, the third son of Mr. Alfred MURRAY, aged 4 years.
DIED on the 12th March last, sincerely and deservedly lamented by a numerous circle of Relations and Friends, Roger HARRIES Esq of Regent-square, London, aged 79 years.
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday 29th July Henry Colbourn BOYS, fifth son of Capt. BOYES, Barrack Master, aged 4 years and 9 months.
Thursday 8 August 1839
MARRIED in St.George's Church, Graham's Town on Tuesday the 9th ultimo by the Rev Henry Frazer AB, Geo. Charles SANFORD Esq, Assistant Commissary General to the Forces, to Ann Forbes, fourth daughter of Vice Admiral Sir Henry HEATHCOTE Knt.
Graham's Town, 8th August 1839
DIED in Graham's Town on Saturday morning last, at half past 9 o' clock, at the residence of his brother-in-law Major ARMSTRONG, Cape Mounted Rifles, The Rev.Henry FRAZER A.B., late Colonial Chaplain of Simon's Town, aged 40 years. By his Relatives and Friends, among whom his private worth and virtues were known, this sudden and unexpected bereavement will be long and deeply felt; and the Church, of which he was an ornament as well as an able and zealous supporter, will, by this melancholy event, sustain an irreparable loss.
Graham's Town, 8th August 1839
Thursday 15 August 1839
DIED at her residence near Graham's Town, Mrs. T.H. HALSE, aged 40 years, leaving her bereaved husband and a family of eight children, three of whom are in infancy, to deplore the loss of a most affectionate and tender parent.
Thursday 29 August 1839
The Undersigned takes leave to inform the inhabitants of Graham’s Town and vicinity that, having taken over the Baking and Confectionery Establishments lately carried on by Mr. Jeremiah HARTLEY, he will continue the Business on the same Premises, corner of Bathurst and Beaufort-streets, commencing on the 2nd September next, and trusts by strict attention and punctuality in the execution of all orders with which he may be favored to ensure a share of Public Patronage.
MARRIED at Somerset by the Rev. George Morgan, on the 27th August 1839, John Robert O’REILLY Esq, Lieutenant in the Cape Mounted Riflemen, to Miss Catherine Henrietta HENDRICKS
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate gives the date of marriage as 28th August and the bride’s middle names as Geerta Anebrina]
Thursday 5 September 1839
MARRIED in Graham’s Town on the 2nd September 1839, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Frederick REX of the Knysna, to Miss Johannah Elizabeth BAIN, of Graham’s Town.
Thursday 12 September 1839
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 7th inst, the lady of Captain HERBERT, Her Majesty's 75th Regiment, of a son
Fort Beaufort 10th Sept 1839
MARRIED by Special Licence at Graham's Town, on the 10th instant by the Rev John Heavyside, Lieut. Walter J.P. WADE, Royal Artillery, to Sarah Thomasine, eldest daughter of Major ARMSTRONG, Cape Mounted Riflemen.
Thursday Afternoon
Information has just been received in town of the death, by accident, of Capt. COX, late Commander of the Hope Steamer. The circumstances attending his death are most distressing. He was travelling between Cradock and Colesberg, in company with Mr. Louis NORTON, of this place, when the fatal catastrophe occurred, the particulars of which are stated as follows, in a letter before us:- "Messrs. NORTON and COX had left the wagon for the purpose of shooting, and the former having fired at some bucks, dismounted to reload his gun. Capt. COX was then close by his side. Having loaded, NORTON handed COX an orange, and was in the act of remounting his horse when the hammer of his gun caught the flap of his saddle and it went off. COX was at this moment about four yards in front, and the ball entered his back and completely fractured the back-bone. He did not live five minutes after he received the shot. He was buried here (Cradock) on Friday last."
Thursday 3 October 1839
Mr. EARLE begs to acquaint the Public that he has at length procured premises where he can conduct his Business much more conveniently than hitherto. He is perfectly aware that individuals have frequently expressed their dissatisfaction owing to his absence, when his dwelling house was at a distance from his Dispensatory; this difficulty is now removed, and he trusts the advantage of a very general selection of the best description of Medicines &c, which he can now arrange, will enable him to conduct business in a much more satisfactory manner.
Removed to the premises lately occupied by Mr. J.D. NORDEN, adjoining the Post Office.
Medicine chests supplied or refitted on the most reasonable terms; Physicians’ prescriptions and Family Recipes accurately dispensed; wholesale orders executed with promptness, and on terms which will insure approval.
To parties trading in the interior wishing to be supplied with genuine Dutch Medicines, Mr. E. flatters himself he can supply them as well as any House in the Colony.
Thursday 10 October 1839
DIED at Green Fountain, near Port Frances, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. Christopher WEDDERBURN, aged 28 years. While her memory will ever be affectionately cherished by her bereaved Parents and Family, and a numerous circle of friends, yet her uniform piety from her childhood, and the Christian fortitude and patience with which she bore for several years her severe affliction, inspire them with perfect confidence that she is now enjoying with her beloved Redeemer the fruits of her labour.
The Undersigned offers for Sale his well known Farm situated in a beautiful parklike country within two miles of the Village of Port Frances. This property presents advantages to the Agriculturalist and the Speculator which are seldom met with, as in the event of the Re-opening of the Kowie, and for which a Bill is now before the Legislative Council, it will enjoy all the benefits arising from the immediate adjacency of an Eligible and Secure Sea Port. This Farm contains a comfortable and substantial Dwelling-house with Kraals and Out-buildings; and also an excellent Wind-mill, in perfect repair, of sufficient power to grind ten muids of wheat per diem. Fifty Acres of Land are in a high state of cultivation, the crops consisting of Oats, of which 14 Muids have been sown, Wheat, Indian Corn, Beans, Potatoes &c. Further particulars may be known on application to the Undersigned, or at the Office of the Graham's Town Journal.
Samuel JAMES
Thursday 31 October 1839
MARRIED at Graham's Town on Thursday the 10th inst, by the Rev J Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. William SOUTHEY of the District of Graaff-Reinet, to Henrietta Geddes, third daughter of A.G. BAIN Esq.
Thursday 7 November 1839
BIRTH on Tuesday 5th inst, Mrs. R.H. CAFFYN of a daughter.
DIED at Port Elizabeth, Sept 22nd, James Laing CHALMERS, son of James and Mary CHALMERS, aged ten months and six days.
Dissolution of Partnership
We the Undersigned give Notice that the Business lately carried on under the Firm McKENZIE & MOORCROFT was by mutual consent dissolved on the 31st October last. All persons having claims against the above Firm are requested to send them in to the last undersigned, and all persons indebted are requested to pay the same forthwith.
Adam James McKENZIE
Graham's Town, Nov 6th 1839
Notice is hereby given that the Business lately carried on under the firm of McKENZIE & MOORCROFT will in future be carried on under the firm of James & John MOORCROFT.
Graham's Town, Nov 6th 1839
Thursday 14 November 1839
DIED on the 3rd inst at Graham's Town Mr.Wm.PENNY aged 49 years, youngest son of Mr.Philip PENNY of Marget end, Essex, England. [sic, should be Margaretting]
Thursday 21 November 1839
BIRTH at Oatlands on Tuesday 19th inst the lady of Col. SOMERSET of a son
DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday 9th November my dearly beloved husband Frans Michiel HITZEROTH, aged 33 years, 7 months and 9 days
Uitenhage Nov 15 1839
Thursday 5 December 1839
MARRIED at Graham’s Town on Wednesday the 27th ult, by the Rev. J. Locke, Mr. R.J. PAINTER to Miss Mary KIRKMAN, second daughter of the late Mr. John KIRKMAN.
Dec 5th 1839
Thursday 19 December 1839
DIED at Melkhout Kraal, Knysna, on the morning of Sunday the 1st inst, from the effects of the Measles, Anne, second daughter of the late George REX Esq, in the thirtieth year of her age, deeply and deservedly lamented by all who had the happiness of her acquaintance.
Thursday 26 December 1839
DIED at Colesberg on the 18th ult at the residence of F. RAWSTORNE Esq, Civil Commissioner, Miss Catharine REEDER, aged 31 years, sincerely and deeply regretted by her many attached friends.
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