Grahamstown Journal 1839 - 1 - January to June
Thursday 3 January 1839
The Undersigned respectfully begs leave to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and its Vicinity for the liberal support he has hitherto received since he commenced Butchering at this place. He also begs to inform the Public that it is his intention to continue business in that line, and intends selling the best Merino Mutton at 2½d per lb; Beef accordingly: and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favors.
NB – Families supplied with live stock at reduced prices.
Thursday 10 January 1839
MARRIED at Glen Avon, Somerset on the 19th Dec 1838, by the Rev G Morgan, Robert Mitford BOWKER, fifth son of Miles BOWKER Esq of Tharfield, to Sarah Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Robert HART Esquire.
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 26th ult, Maria Henriette, daughter of Charles Hudson GRISBROOK Esq, Deputy Sheriff for the district, aged 10 months and 7 days.
Graaff-Reinet, Dec 31 1838.
Thursday 17 January 1839
BIRTH at Somerset on Tuesday the 8th Jan, Mrs. James O'REILLY of a daughter.
Thursday 24 January 1839
DIED on the 12th instant at Belmont, Helen, daughter of F. CARLISLE Esq, aged 7 weeks
Thursday 7 February 1839
Whereas Francis ALLISON and his wife, Elizabeth ALLISON, have executed before me, the Notary, and witnesses, on the 24th January 1839, a Deed of Separation from Bed, Board and Community of Property, notice whereof is hereby given to the public, - and likewise that from henceforth they shall not, nor will be, answerable or accountable for each other’s Debts and Engagements, but that the same will run for account and risk of him or her who shall or may contract the same, from the date of the aforesaid Deed of Separation.
C. WHITCOMB, Notary Public
Port Elizabeth, 25th Jan 1839
Thursday 14 February 1839
MARRIED on Tuesday the 12th inst, by the Rev W. Shaw, the Rev George Hale GREEN, Wesleyan Missionary, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Arthur TOZER of Sheffield, Yorkshire.
BIRTH at Kariega on the 11th inst, Mrs. W.T. BROWN of a son.
Celebrated in St.George's Church, Graham's Town
Jan 12 H.J. VOGEL, bachelor to Elizabeth KEW, spinster
Jan 16 P.L. VOGEL, bachelor to G.F. BOUWER, spinster
Jan 22 James BERRY, bachelor to Mary Ann YOUNG, spinster
By the Rev.W.Shaw
Jan 12 John N. DANIEL, widower to Rhoda URRY, spinster
By the Rev. J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain
Jan 8 A son of Joseph CLAYTON baptised John Thomas
Jan 10 A daughter of J.W. LEONARD baptised Tryphena
Jan 10 A son of do. baptised Francis Phips
Jan 10 A daughter of do. baptised Frances Hannah
Jan 10 A daughter of do. baptised Jane
Arrangements have been made to keep a constant supply of Soda Water in the Fountain and also in Bottles. Families may be supplied with it at 4s6d per dozen.
The Undersigned being desirous of turning his attention to Sheep Farming, offers to dispose of his old established business in Graham's Town. The purchaser will be required to take the whole of the stock at 50 percent advance on the London Invoice prices, which percentage is calculated to cover expenses of freight, duties etc, and allow a small overplus for the good will of the business. None need apply who cannot command £1,000 cash. The remainder of the purchase money can be paid in equal instalments at one, two and three years.
Wm. John EARLE, Apothecary
Chemist and Wholesale Druggist
Thursday 21 February 1839
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 18th inst, Alexander HOWISON aged 46 years
DIED on Tuesday the 10th instant, Richard DANIELL Esq JP of Sidbury Park, Albany
Thursday 7 March 1839
DIED on the 3rd March, Dorothy SAUNDER, daughter of Mr. SAUNDER, Deputy Ordnance Storekeeper
Dr. Ambrose George CAMPBELL, finding himself, from his late indisposition, incapable of paying due attention to his extensive practice without assistance, has therefore made arrangements with Mr. COLE, Apothecary, to attend for him during his absence, or where he is engaged. Dr. C. informs his patients that all medicines will from this date be dispensed at Mr. COLE’s, and that gentleman will be ready at all hours to afford his undivided attendance on Dr. CAMPBELL’s patients.
Graham’s Town, March 1st 1839
Thursday 14 March 1839
MARRIED on the 5th inst by the Rev J. Barrow, at Riet Fontein, Albany, Mr. Alexander Charles BISSET, eldest son of Lieut. A. BISSET RN, to Sarah, third daughter of the late Lieut. Richard LAMONT of the 1st Royals.
BIRTH on Sunday morning the 10th inst, Mrs. L.H. MEURANT of a son
Thursday 21 March 1839
Whereas William Gregg SHEPHERD and Elizabeth Algoa SHEPHERD (born ADCOCK) his wife have executed before me, the Notary, and Witnesses, on the 14th March 1839, a deed of separation, from bed, board and community of property, Notice thereof is hereby given to the public, and, likewise, that from henceforth they shall not be answerable, or liable, for each other's debts, but that the same shall run for account and risk of him, or her, who shall or may contract the same from the date of the aforementioned deed.
C. WHITCOMB, Notary Public
Port Elizabeth 14th March
Thursday 28 March 1839
DIED at 3 o'clock am on Monday the 25th inst after one hours illness, Miles BOWKER Esq of Tharfield, Albany in his Eighty-first year.
DIED at Graham's Town on the 14th inst, Mr. William Albert MORGAN, aged 39 years, deeply regretted by his widow and a family of 6 young children, and by a numerous circle of friends.
Thursday 4 April 1839
Whereas Henry BROWN and Elizabeth BROWN, his wife, formerly Widow of John WOODLAND, deceased, have this day executed before me, the Notary, and witnesses, a Deed of Separation from Bed and Board (the said parties having declared that previous to their marriage they had executed an Antenuptial Contract, before the late Notary J.A. CHABAUD, and witnesses, excluding Community of Property), Notice hereof is hereby given to the Public.
Given under my hand at Port Elizabeth this 27th day of February 1839
C. WHITCOMB, Not. Pub.
Thursday 11 April 1839
DIED on the 31st March 1839, Mr. Geo. McNAUGHTEN, aged 44, leaving a disconsolate Widow to lament his loss.
Mrs BIGGAR takes this opportunity of returning her sincere and heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kindness she has received from all her good friends on the occasion of her late sorrow and bereavement, and begs to acquaint them, and the Public in general, that her daughters have opened a School for the Instruction of Young ladies in good plain education, and sincerely hopes they may meet with a share of public favour. Mrs BIGGAR has accommodation for two or three Young Ladies as Boarders, where the comforts of Home may be joined to Instruction.
Terms:- £30 per Annum, if Two of a Family £50 Medical advice, Books, Stationery and Music extra.
Port Elizabeth April 2 1839
Thursday 25 April 1839
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday the 6th April, at the residence of the Civil Commissioner, the lady of Lorenzo CHIAPPINI Esq of a daughter.
Thursday 2 May 1839
DIED at Graham's Town on the 27th ult after a painful and lingering illness of seven months, Catherine WATHALL, relict of the late William WATHALL, in her 52nd year. The loss of this truly charitable individual will be felt by many, as numbers still exist who were the objects of her bounty. Alike in prosperity and adversity she was never found to relax in her benevolent
intentions, or to turn a deaf ear when the voice of misfortune and distress cried pitifully for relief. To the orphan and the friendless she has in several instances been more than a mother, as many will be ready to bear witness; but the pride of her heart was that her benevolence should only be known to the objects of her generosity; and though many among those who knew her may refuse a tear to her memory, yet they will not withhold that tribute to departed worth her extensive charities so unassumingly entitle her to. [sic] Peace to her manes! May she never be forgotten!
CHRISTENING in Union Chapel on Sunday the 28th ult, by the Rev J Locke, a son of Mr. L.H. MEURANT baptised George Greig
Thursday 16 May 1839
BIRTH on Sunday the 12th inst, at Fort England, Graham's Town, Mrs. McLEAN, Lady of Captain McLEAN 27th Regt of a daughter.
DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday the 12th inst, Mrs. Martha PAINTER, aged 29 years, leaving a bereaved Husband with two young children to deplore her loss. She was a most faithful affectionate Wife and Mother, a sincere friend, and is deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends.
Thursday 23 May 1839
DIED at Graham's Town on the 19th May 1839, Petrus Borchardus BORCHERDS, son of Mr. J.H. BORCHERDS Esq, Clerk of the Peace, aged 4 months and 12 days.
Thursday 6 June 1839
Fresh sausages, Bologna and German do.
The Undersigned having erected a chopping Machine are enabled to supply the above Articles in any quantity. Fresh Sausages every day, Bologna and German Sausages Warranted to keep good in any climate, may be had packed in boxes containing 10 lb each, suitable for the outposts, for Shipping and for Exportation.
DIED in the Village of Colesberg on Monday the 20th inst, Eliza Henrietta, aged 24 years, wife of Fleetwood RAWSTORNE Esq, Resident Magistrate for Colesberg.
Thursday 13 June 1839
DIED at this Village on the evening of the 29th inst, James St.Leger DEVENISH, only son of James Goldsbury DEVENISH Esq., aged 9 months and 5 days.
Beaufort 31 May 1839
Thursday 27 June 1839
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 11th inst, the Lady of Eldred Mowbray COLE Esq. of a son
DIED at his estate, Cradock's Town, Port Elizabeth, on 16th June 1839, Frederick KORSTEN Esq aged 66 years and 10 months, of which notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends
Cradock's Town 17 June 1839
DIED on Sunday last after an illness of nine days, Julia Sophia, eldest daughter of Adolphus BARNES Esq of Graham's Town.
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