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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1935 2 April - June

Wednesday, April 3, 1935
In Memoriam
ORSMOND.- In loving memory of Richard Churchill ORSMOND, who died April 3rd, 1931.
Friday, April 5, 1935
PETTMAN.- Passed peacefully away at 45, Prince Alfred Stret, on the 4th April, 1935, Charles PETTMAN, in his 84th year.
Monday, April 8, 1935
PETTMAN.- Passed peacefully away at 45, Prince Alfred Street, on the 4th April, 1935, Charles PETTMAN, in his 84th year.
KIRTON.- Died on the 7th instant, Roland Hadfield, the dearly beloved infant son of Henry and Agnes KIRTON.  Aged 2 years.
Thursday, April 11, 1935
In Memoriam
WEBSTER-WRIGHT.- In memory of our beloved Mother and Granny who passed away on 11th April, 1934.
(Ever remembered by Binnie, Charles, George and Jack.)
Monday, April 15, 1935
To be married
ANDERSON-RANDELL.- On April 30th in the Church of the Sacred Heart, King Williamstown, Stanley ANDERSON of Queenstown, to Doreen RANDELL, of King Williamstown.  No cards.  14, Beatrice Street, King Williamstown.
REYNARD.- Passed peacefully away at "Orel," Lady Frere, on April 8th, 1935, Charles REYNARD, in his 84th year.
Thursday, April 18, 1935
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. L.B. ROBINS will celebrate their golden wedding on Sunday, 21st.  "At home," Central Hotel, Sunday afternoon, 4-6 p.m.
Saturday, April 20, 1935
GOLDING.- To Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Golding, of Lady Frere, on April 20th at 108, Berry Street, a daughter.
Tuesday, April 23, 1935
BAKER.- Born at Sister Morgan's Nursing Home, to Dorothy, wife of Stanley BAKER, on April 20th, a daughter.
In Memoriam
GRANT.- In loving memory of our dearly beloved daughter and sister, Aileen Joan, who died at East London, April 23rd, 1928.
(Fondly remembered by Dad, Mum and Edith.)
Thursday, April 25, 1935
FERNER-QUICK.- On 22nd April, at Wesley Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, Frederick Ernest David, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. H. FERNER, Capetown to Thora Rosann, younger daughter of Captain and Mrs. Hedley QUICK, Maywand, Queenstwon.
Friday, April 26, 1935
EGGELING-MATTUSHEK. - At St. Michael and All Angels' Church by the Ven. Archdeacon ROWLEY, on 24th inst., Nils Percival Fredrik EGGELING, son of Mr. Nils EGGELING, of Germiston, to Eileen Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. MATTUSHEK.
Saturday, April 27, 1935
In Memoriam
BRUNSKILL.- In loving memory of Kivas Richardson BRUNSKILL, who died at Queenstown, on April 27th, 1926.

Thursday, May 2, 1935
KING.- To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil N. KING, Wheatlands, Tarkastad (nee Dorothy TAYLOR) at St. Catherine's Nursing home, on Wednesday, 1st May, a son.
Thursday, May 9, 1935
MOKAWEM.- To Mr. anD Mrs. G. MOKOWEM, at St. Catherine,s Nursing Home on the 7th May, 1935, a daughter.  
Tuesday, May 14, 1935
In Memoriam
DAVISON.- In loving memory of our darling babe, Zaida.
Thursday, May 16, 1935
McCOMB.- To Mr. (Kotie) and Mrs. N.S. McCOMB (nee Sister SELLICK), at St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on 15th May, 1935, a daughter.
In Memoriam
FULLER.- In affectionate memory of our dear Daddy, Arthur FULLER, who died May 16th, 1933.
(Loving remembered by Mammie and Ivor.)
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear father.  Arthur Richard FULLER, who died on May 16th, 1933
(Every remembered by Molly, Charlie and Stanley)
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear dad, Arthur Richard FULLER, who passed away, 16th May, 1933.
(Fondly remembered by Fanny and Charles)
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear dad, Arthur FULLER, who passed away on May 16th, 1933.
Ever rembered by Emily, Reg and Norman)
Monday, May 27, 1935
BENTLEY.- To Rev. and Mrs. R. BENTLEY, of Queenstown, on May 26th, a daughter
In Memoriam
MULLER.- In loving memory of William Arthur MULLEr, aged 16 years 8 months 24 days, who as accidentally killed on the Railway on May 26th, 1922.
SCHMIDT.- In loving memory of our dear son and brother Charlie, who fell asleep, May 27th, 1934.
Saturday, June 1, 1935
GARRETT.- Died at Queenstown, on the 31st May, 1935, after a long illness patiently borne, Mary GARRETT, relict of the late Mr. J.W. GARRETT, of Lady Frere.  Age 77 years.
Monday, June 3, 1935
ADDLESON-GESSNER. - The engagement is anoununces of Meyer, eldest son of Mr. and mrs. A. ADDLESON, of Queenstown, and Fanny, onlye daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. GESSNER, of Prince Alfred Road.
TEMLETT.- Passed away peacefully at Keylock, at her daughter's residence, Sarah TEMLETT, widow of the late James TEMLETT, on Sunday, 2nd June, 1935, Age. 81
Thursday, June 6, 1935
COUTTS.- Robert Henry, son of the late James COUTTS, of East London, passed away at his residence, Gosforth Park, Germiston on the 2nd inst.,after a long and painful illness.
(Deeply mourned by his loving wife and sons, Donald and Kingsley)
SELLERS-SMITH.- The marriage will take place at West Hill Church on 8th June at 2.30 p.m. between Sydney Lionel, elder son of Mr. and the late Mrs. G.L. SELLERS, of Queenstown, and Irene Marion, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert E. SMITH, of Grahamstown,...
Tuesday, June 11, 1935
COOK.- At 46, Ebden Street, on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Harold COOK, a son.  Both well.
Wednesday, June 12, 1935
WAINWRIGHT.- Passed away at Mfuliva, Rhodesia, on June 10th, Edward Robert WAINWRIGHT, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edmund WAINWRIGHT, Westbourne, Queenstown.
Wednesday, June 19, 1935
MORROW.- Passed peacefully away at 110, Ebden Street, Queenstown, on June 19th, 1935, Bernard MORROW, in his 73rd year.
Friday, June 21, 1935
POWELl.- Passed away on the 20th June, 1935, at his daughter's residence (Mrs. U. McDOWELL, 53, St Mark's Road, East London), John POWELL, Jeweller, late of Queenstown.
Saturday, June 22, 1935
Silver Wedding
WIGGILL-REYNOLDS.- Married at Wesley Church, Van Ryn, Benoni, on the 22nd June, 1910 by the Rev. Frederick COX, Alfred Garnet WIGGILL to Sophia Elizabeth REYNOLDS.
DICKINSON-PETER.- Married at St. Michael and All Angel's Church, Queenstown, on the 22nd June, 1910, by the Rev. E.F. Aymas HEXT, Thomas Bernard DICKENSON to Susie PETER.
Monday, June 24, 1935
PARSONSON.- Passed peacefully away at Queenstown, on 19th June, 1935, after a long illness, Laurence Bach PARSONSON, in his 56th year.
Friday, June 28, 1935
MACLEAN.- To Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy MACLEAN (nee Alice KOHLER) at St. Catherine's Nursing Home, on Thursday, 26th inst., a boy.
In Memoriam
WATKINS.- In loving memory of our beloved daughter Iris WATKINS (born KLETTE), who passed peacefully away at the 28th June, 1934.

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