The Daily Representative 1935 1 January - March
Friday, January 4, 1935
PAGE-MOSS- Married at St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Queenstown, on the 1st January, 1935, William PAGE, second son of the late Mr. William PAGE, of King Williamstown, to Josephine, youngest daughter of Mr. Charles MOSS, late of Fort Beaufort.
Saturday, January 5, 1935
Birthday greetings to: Billy DEAN on the 5th (to-day), Everton WINNICOT, Daphne LOCKIE and Blanche DILLY on the 6th, Neville RANDALL, Ellen JORDAAN on the 9th, Jeanette HORNE, Gerry COETZER, Hazel ARNOLD on the 11th.
Monday, January 7, 1935
MOFFAT- At Kasuma, Northern Rhodesia, on 4th January, 1935, to Sheila (nee TOWNSEND), wife of Unwin MOFFAT, a daughter.
Tuesday, January 8, 1935
MOFFAT- At Kasuma, Northern Rhodesia, on 4th January, 1935, to Sheila (nee TOWNSEND), wife of Unwin MOFFAT, a daughter.
In Memoriam:
KLETTE.- In loving memory of my husband Albert KLETTE, who passed peacefully away at the "Gwatyu," January 8th, 1932.
Thursday, January 10, 1935
PYE.- at the Cathcart Cottage Hospital on Teusday, 8th January, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet PYE, a daughter. Both well.
MOFFAT.- At Kasama, Northern Rhodesia, on 4th January, 1935, to Sheila (nee TOWNSEND), wife of Unwin MOFFAT, a daughter.
Friday, January 11, 1935
Owing to service regulations, the marraige arranged to take place on the 14th inst. between J.C. COETZER and L. COETZEE has had to be postponed for two and a half years. Will all friends please note? The formal engagement will be celebrated tomorrow night.
Monday, January 21, 1935
CILLIERS.- To Mr. and Mrs. V.M. CILLIERS, of Queenstown, on the 21 instant, a daughter.
In Memoriam:
WILSON.- In loving memory of Colin who passed away 21st January, 1934.
Dearer to memory than words can tell are the thoughts to-day of a boy we loved so well.
Ever remembered by Mum, Pat and Granny.
WILSON.- In loving memory of our dear brother Colin, who passed away 21 January, 1934.
"Our hearts still ache with sadness. Thoughts creep to his far distant grave."
Ever remembered by Frank and Athleen (England)
Tuesday, January 23, 1935
We regret to have to record the passing of another Sterkstroom resident in the person of Mr. Johannes Lodewicus GEYER, a former road inspector of the local Deivisional Council, at its inception....
Saturday, January 24, 1935
SMITH- Leah died suddenly in Johannesburg on January 18th, aged 66. Deeply mourned by sorrowing daughters, son-in-law and grandchildren.
Friday, February 1, 1935
In the Estate of the late Walter Rapson BURBEROW, a Merchant, who died at Queenstown on 25 April, 1934....
Wednesday, February 6, 1935
FULLER.- Passed away at Frontier Hospital on 5th February, 1935, Andrew Frank FULLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert FULLER, Sterkstroom. Age 22 days.
In Memoriam:
WILSON.- In loving memory of the late E.J. WILSON, who passed away at 43, Grey Street,, on 6th February, 1931.
Saturday, February 9, 1935
In Memoriam
WINNICOTT.- In loving memory of my husband Robert and our Daddy, who passed away on the 10th February, 1933.
Thursday, February 14, 1935
MAYTHAM.- In loving memory of Mash, who passed away at Far East Rand Hospital, on February 14th, 1932.
Saturday, February 16, 1935
BERRINGTON.- Passed away peacefully at 10, Berry Street, Queenstown on the 15th inst., Evelina BERRINGTON, of Sidbury Park, Albany.
In Memoriam:
LOGAN.- In fond and loving memory of my darling son, and our dear brother Cecil, who lost his life in the Thomas River railway disaster. February 17th, 1930.
Dearer to memory than words can tell are our thoughts of a son and brother we loved so well.
Mother, Eric, Dick
Wednesday, February 20, 1935
In Memoriam
GREEF.- Sacred to the memory of my dear son John, who was called to rest on 20th February, 1930.
Friday, February 22, 1935
In Memoriam
FULLER.- In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Ann Rosina, who passed away 22nd February, 1916.
(Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles)
Tuesday, February 26, 1935
YANKEE LIANG.- Passed peacefully away at his residence in Derby Street, Queenstown, 26th February, 1935. James Hain YANKEE LIANG.-
Wednesday, February 27, 1935
MURRAY-WEIR- At St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Queenstown, on Saturday, February 23rd, 1935, by the Rev. W. JOHNSON, Bolotwa, Arthur Luscombe, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. MURRAY, of "Bloemhof", Graaff-Reinet, to Mercy Elaine, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.F. WEIR, of "Peuleni," Bolotwa.
YANKEE LIANG.- Passed peacefully away at his residence in Derby Street, Queenstown, 26th February, 1935. James Hain YANKEE LIANG
Friday, March 1, 1935
TAGGART.- Passed away 28th February, at her daughter's residence at Van Ryn Estates, Benoni, Anerieziena Hendricca TAGGART (widow), lately of Queenstown.
Friday, March 8, 1935
GODDEN-BUTLER. - The engagement is announced of Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. BUTLER of Queenstown, to Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. GODDEN, also of Queenstown.
STRYDOM.- To Mr. and Mrs. W.A. STRYDOM, of "Sherwood Forest" at St. Catherine's Nursing Home on 24th February, 1935, a son.
Monday, March 11, 1935
TIBSHRAENY-HADDAD. - The engagement is announced of Mary TIBSHRAENY, of Bloemfontein to K..(Guy) HADDAD, of Dordrecht.
SPANN.- Died at Zinja, District Indwe, on 7th March, 1935, Adolph Friedrich SPANN, at the age of 74 years.
Wednesday, March 13, 1935
In Memoriam
McCOMB.- In loving memory of my beloved son, Lyle, and our dear brother, who died at Boksburg, Transvaal, on 13th March, 1933. Result of motor accident...
(Inserted by his Mother, Nola, Kotie, Alan, Cliff and Harry.)
Thursday, March 14, 1935
In Memoriam
SAHD.- In memory of Aszaiah Mansour SAHD, who passed away at Queenstown on 14th March, 1934.
Saturday, March 16, 1935
In Memoriam
MILES.- In loving memory of my darling baby and our little Eric who died from the effects of enteric fever on 17th March, 1934.
(Ever remembered by Mum, Sisters and Brothers.)
Monday, March 18, 1935
PARSONS.- Passed peacefully away at Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, March 17th, 1935, Emily Maria PARSONS (born MOUNTFORT). Age 67 years.
Tuesday, March 19, 1935
In Memoriam
McCOMB.- In loving memory of my darling wife and our beloved mother who fell asleep on the 19th March, 1934.
Thursday - March 21, 1935
JAKOBI.- At Sister Morgan's Nursing Home on the 20th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. P.D. JAKOBI, a son. Both well.
Friday, March 22, 1935
CHEMALY.- Passed peacefully away at his residence, on the 21st inst. Antony Joseph CHEMALY, in his 61st year.
Thursday, 28 March, 1935
In Memoriam
KEMSLEY.- In loving memory of our beloved son, Otto, and our dear brother who passed away on 28th March, 1934.
(Inserted by his Mom, Dad, Stel and Wal)
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