CPUT - successor to GISA
The collection of books formerly housed in the Genealogical Society of South Afric at Stellenbosch, was moved during 2019 to the Library of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (KSUT/CPUT), Pentz Street, Wellington. Microfilms that only GISA had are also part of the collection donated to CPUT.
The library has extended hours with plenty of parking outside. It is important to note that the library staff will assist researchers in finding a specific item on the shelf but they are not available to do the actual research. If you cannot visit in person, contact one of the private researchers.
The message to take home is that there is life after GISA. In fact, the CPUT Library in Wellington took the challenge on and raised the bar! The GISA collection is being taken care of and treasured. I did not hear of one person at the meeting who was not impressed with what was achieved in such a short time. They all seem to agree that it is the right place for the collection. Best of all, there is no more “you are not allowed in there” – we can now explore, scratch and discover at leisure!
Books transferred to CPUT from GISA
CPUT-Local History and Genealogy new additional material
Lorna Olivier
Anne Clarkson
Heather MacAlister
- All appointments for visits should be scheduled well in advance so that your details can be communicated with the security officers at the gate for access and permission prior to visits.
- No walk-ins will be allowed without a scheduled appointment.
- Library opening hours will be 09:00 am - 14:00 pm (Monday - Friday).
- You are required to schedule your appointments between 09:30 am - 13:30 pm
- One scheduled visit of approximately 1 - 3 hours at a time by prior appointment during operational hours will be allowed.
- Only limited time will be allowed per visit (not longer than 3 hours)
- All appointments to be made with Vuyiseka via
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephonically: 021 864 5261 - Your proof of identification will be required at all times and details should also be provided via email in advance for access permission.
- Research material that you will need should be communicated so that we can prepare and set them aside in advance.
- Only a limited number of people will be allowed in the film room (maximum - 2 people).
- Should you decide to bring a second person, you will be required to provide the details of that person when scheduling your appointment.
- Wearing masks is mandatory.
- Hits: 15533