Grahamstown Journal 1859 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 1 January 1859
Mr. Edward BOOTH has this day been admitted a Partner in our Business at Graham’s Town.
N.P. KROHN & Co.
Graham’s Town
1st January 1859
In the Assigned Estate of Mark COCKCROFT
Persons claiming to be creditors are requested to file their claims at the office of the undersigned without delay, preparatory to the declaration of a Dividend.
F. CARLISLE q.q. Assignees
Dec 30 1858
DIED at her residence, Trapp[e]s Valley, in the District of Bathurst, two hours and a half after giving birth to a Daughter, the beloved wife of John RICHARDSON (born Emma TARR) in the 35th year of her age, leaving a Husband and seven Children to deplore their loss.
In the Estate of R. READ Insolvent
Chemists and Druggists
For Sale by Tender, the whole of the Extensive Stock, Utensils &c, Fittings-up of a Wholesale Druggist’s Business situate in Graham’s Town.
The undersigned Trustees, by order of Creditors, offer the whole of the remaining Stock in Trade, consisting of a vast quantity of Drugs and Chemicals, together with the necessary Utensils and Apparatus belonging to the Laboratory, so long successfully conducted by the Insolvent, and his predecessor Mr. J.W. EARLE, for the whole Stock &c, or part tenders will be received until Tuesday 2 February next.
Also complete Snuff Manufactory
With all the necessary apparatus for preparing the article on the best and most economic principles. This portion of the Estate may be tendered for separately or together with the rest of the Establishment.
Joint Trustees
24 Dec 1858
In the Insolvent Estate of Robert READ
The Retail Business at the Shop in Hill Street
Is still carried on and will continue to be so for the present. A constant supply of the Best Medicines on hand and dispensed on reduced terms.
Prescriptions and Orders promptly executed.
Parties indebted to the Estate for purchases made at the Retail Shop are respectfully requested to settle the same with Mr. READ or his assistant for the Trustees as soon after the New Year as may suit their convenience.
24 Dec 1858
Tuesday 4 January 1859
Sales by Auction
Notice of Partnership
Mr. Peter POTE is admitted a Partner in this Establishment from the First of January 1859. The Style of the Firm will be POTE & BROTHER.
All Promissory Notes, Acceptances or Bills of Exchange will be drawn in the name of the Firm by the first undersigned.
All Sales by Auction from and after the first day of January will be held by the second undersigned.
Charles POTE
Peter POTE
Important Sale of House and Ground
For Sale by Public Auction on Thursday January 20th next
Immediately after the sale of property in the Estate of the late George LEE will be submitted to Public Auction that very desirable, commodious and valuable property belonging to Mr. Benjamin TROLLIP, situated in Beaufort Street, opposite the residence of Mr. Jos. GREEN the Baker. This property forming as it does one of the most comfortable, convenient and substantial block of buildings on Settler’s Hill.
There are sixteen rooms in the principal building, all of which are fitted up with a degree of comfort and taste rarely met with.
No property therefore in Graham’s Town can be said to possess better arrangements for either a large Family Residence or a Private Boarding Establishment. The roof under which 12 rooms are [covered] of the main building is of Slate, and the remaining 4 are under Zinc Covering.
In order to facilitate the convenience of intending buyers, the property will be divided into 3 sections, securing at once from its eligible position (being that of a Corner Erf) separate and distinct advantages to each allotment.
To Speculators or Town Capitalists wishing to secure a safe investment, this opportunity affords one of the very best.
A substantial stone wall built in lime encloses the whole Property – portion of which could be easily converted into a Row of Cottages, thereby securing a profitable tenantry. The premises may be at any time examined and the plan on which it is proposed to sell the same seen at the Auction Rooms of POTE and Brother.
MARRIED in St.George’s Cathedral Grahamstown on the 13th December 1858, by the Rev. J. Heavyside [MA]. Gerrard Ewout Overbeek BRINK, [..]th son of the late [illegible….] Capetown to Catherine Ann PALMER, second daughter of George PALMER Esq of Grahamstown.
[Transcriber’s Note: The groom’s name was not very clear, but would seem to match his gravestone.]
Saturday 15 January 1859
Graham’s Town
This school, which offers Tuition in all the elementary branches of Education to children of both sexes, and also instruction in Plain Needlework, is now under the management of two Trained Teachers from the Westminster Training College.
A higher class for girls only in which a superior class of instruction will be afforded, both in tuition and needlework, is under the immediate care of the senior Teacher.
The Wesleyan Ministers
Under 7 years of age 4d, and above 7 years 6d per week.
The school re-opens on January 17th.
In the Estate of the late John FINAUGHTY
All persons having claims on the above Estate will please send them to the undersigned immediately, or not later than six weeks from this date.
Ann FINAUGHTY, Executrix
January 12 1859
BIRTH at Somerset East Jan 1st, the wife of Benj. HALL Esq of a son.
DIED at Middelburg on the 23rd December 1858, Caroline Elizabeth SCHEMPER, widow of the late John SCHEMPER Sen, aged [42] years and 6 months. Leaving a family and numerous friends to lament their irreparable loss.
The friends who so kindly assisted in attending on the deceased during her illness are sincerely thanked for their kind attention.
Tuesday 18 January 1859
DIED of fever on the 22nd instant on the Farm Mulberry Grove, near Cradock, Thomas ARNOTT, aged 53 years, leaving a disconsolate widow and one son to lament their irreparable loss; a man respected by all who knew him for honesty and industry. Deceased was a native of South Wales; born at Bridgend, Glamorganshire, he immigrated to this colony near 20 years ago, and from which time he has laboured incessantly with unwearied diligence and toil to beautify and improve the several different farms whereon he has resided, both as Proprietor and Tenant, and has left behind him a standing memento of his indomitable perseverance, indefatigable industry and skill as an Agriculturalist, unsurpassed by any, and equalled by very few, and thus his [adopted] country has lost in his death one who has aided very materially in the development of its vast resources and great capabilities. That his spirit is now numbered with the blest in Heaven is the most fervent wish of his Brother-in-law,
Stonemason and Gravestone Cutter
Late Emigrated from the County of Kent, England
Respectfully informs the inhabitants of Grahamstown and vicinity that he has commenced business near Dundas Bridge.
Monuments, Tombs, Headstones &c
Executed on the most reasonable terms. All orders will be thankfully received and completed to give every [satisfaction].
Saturday 29 January 1859
MARRIED on Wednesday the 19th inst at Commemoration Chapel by the Rev. W. Impey, Mr. James COLLETT, second son of James COLLETT Esq. J.P. of [Zout] Park Drift near Cradock to Mary, third daughter of Wm. SIMPSON Esq of Grahamstown.
DIED 24th Nov 1858 at Chelsea, near London, Mr. C. GRUBB, aged 57 years, one of the settlers of 1820, being on a visit to his fatherland [illegible…] His remains were buried in his native village, Streatly, Berkshire. Leaving a wife and younger daughter [to mourn their loss] and to return [illegible] family and friends who deeply sympathise their loss.
DIED at Bathurst on Tuesday last, the 25th January, Mr. John PHILLIPS, aged 60 years.
[one further totally illegible BMD notice]
Tuesday 8 February 1859
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, Mrs. Thos. E. PASSMORE of a son.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 5th February 1859, after s short illness, Stephen, the youngest son of Mr. Thomas Francis KING, aged 13 years 8 months and 5 days.
The undersigned having observed that for a long time past many persons have made an outspanning on the grazing land belonging to Collingham, and this liberty having been practised to a much greater extent since a Toll has been erected at Botha’s Hill, they hereby give notice that all Cattle, Horses and Sheep found trespassing on the said land will be sent to the pound.
George WOOD Jun.
William PIKE
5th February 1859
[Page 2 of this issue gives a printed list of all the registered voters in Grahamstown, but sadly the print is too small on the digitised image to be read].
Saturday 12 February 1859
MARRIED by Special Licence at Cradock, on Thursday the 27th January, by the Rev. A.J. Urquhart, James MURRAY Esq to Marian, second daughter of William Lovell HEATHCOTE Esq and granddaughter of the late Admiral Sir Henry HEATHCOTE.
[two totally illegible death notices, one of which may be for an infant named Arthur Goldswain]
Tuesday 15 February 1859
DIED on Monday morning the 14th [instant], Thomas Hay, the infant son of C.H. NELSON, aged six months.
Grahamstown, 15th Feb 1859
The undersigned has moved from Hill Street to Bathurst Street, near the Bridge
Grahamstown, Feb 12th 1859
Saturday 19 February 1859
DIED February 15th 1859 at Hackney [….kraal], District of Queenstown, after a short and painful illness, the Rev. John Van der Kemp READ, Missionary of the London Missionary Society, youngest son of the late Rev. James READ of [illegible], aged 27 years and 7 months, deeply regretted by his relations, people and neighbours.
BIRTH at Queenstown on Thursday the 10th inst, Mrs. Herman C. BELL of a son.
BIRTH on the 16th [inst], the wife of John SHORT of a daughter [rest illegible]
MARRIED on Wednesday the 16th inst at Trinity Church by the Rev W. Thompson, Mr. Thomas HUMPHREY to Mary, widow of the late William PIKE.
Tuesday 22 February 1859
In the Estate of the late Bradshaw Daniel BELL of Fort Beaufort
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same at the office of the second undersigned within six weeks from this date, and those indebted thereto to pay their debts within the same period.
Rosina BELL, Executrix
S.H. ROBERTS, Executor
Fort Beaufort
Feb 17th 1859
Saturday 26 February 1859
DIED at Port Louis on the 22nd Dec 1858, aged 64 years, William Henry RAWSTORNE Esq, for 12 years Assistant Surveyor General, and Civil Engineer, and 4 years HM Postmaster General for the Island of Mauritius.
Fort Beaufort Feb 22 1859
[An otherwise illegible death notice appears to be for the youngest son of John CAMPBELL, Civil Commissioner of Port Elizabeth – there is a tombstone in St.Mary’s Cemetery, Port Elizabeth which reads “Sacred to the memory of Stuart Frederick, born at Grahams Town on the 9th August 1852 died at Port Elizabeth on 20th Feb 1859, youngest son of John CAMPBELL Esq, Civil Commissioner of Port Elizabeth.”]
Saturday 5 March 1859
DIED suddenly on the morning of the 26th February 1859 at her residence, Paljas Fontein, Orange Free State, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry HARVEY (born WEBBER) aged 39. Friends will please to accept this notice.
[See supplementary notice for 12 March]
For Sale
That valuable little Portable Water Mill
(Made by John HILL Esq, Market-square, Grahamstown)
Any persons desirous of purchasing the same can see it at work and in good repair at Mr. Jas. USHER’s, Nurney Hill, near Fort Peddie.
Price £60.
The Undersigned tenders his sincere thanks to those Friends and the public in general to have afforded him their support for nearly twenty-three years, and respectfully informs them that during his temporary absence from the Colony the business will be conducted by Mr. J.S. GARDNER, under whose management he feels assured they will meet with that attention and civility, and be supplied with articles of such quality and prices in the Pastry, Confectionary and General Grocery line as has commended this Establishment to their liberal patronage during so many years.
Tuesday 8 March 1859
DIED at Queenstown on Thursday 24th January [sic] Robert John [B..K] aged [39] years. Deceased leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.
Saturday 12 March 1859
BIRTH on the 11th instant, Mrs. J. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
MARRIED at Bathurst on the 24rd [sic, should be 23rd] February by the Rev. James Barrow, Colonial Chaplain, Mr. Henry Seanar [sic, should be Senior] DENTON, eldest son of Mr. William DENTON, Mount Pleasant, Bushman’s River, to Maria, second daughter of the late Mr. William BARTLETT, near Bathurst.
DIED at her residence, Waterloo Place, on Monday the 7th inst, after a lingering and painful illness, which she bore with Christian forbearance and humble submission to the will of her Maker, Mrs. Elizabeth EVERLEY, aged 48 years and 7 months.
DIED at Graham’s Town on Friday 11th inst, Isaac Falkner SLATER Esq.
DIED Feb 21st 1859, at the residence of Mr. Jos. TROLLIP Jun, Brak River, Jacob TROLLIP, fifth son of Jos. TROLLIP Sen. of this town. Aged 50 years.
March 11 1859.
DIED suddenly on the morning of the 26th February 1859 at her residence, Paljas Fontein, Orange Free State, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry HARVEY (born WEBBER) A native of London; aged 39 years and 7 months. Leaving a husband and two sons, and a numerous circle of relatives and friends, to mourn her irreparable loss. Friends will please to accept this notice.
In the Estate of the late George Vale SMITH of Smith’s Party in the District of Lower Albany
Will be sold by Public Auction on Tuesday the 29th March 1859
Before the Auction Rooms of Mr. Chas. POTE, afternoon, the following Land:-
1st: A certain piece of Land situated in the District of Bathurst, bounded on the East by the Read River, adjoining the Property at present occupied by Mr. Josh. WALKER Jun, in extent 92 morgen.
2nd: The Right and Interest of the said George SMITH as proprietor of the above Land in and to a certain other grant made to “the present and future proprietor in George SMITH’s Party”, in extent 259 morgen and 200 square roods, being a portion of the Grazing Ground of Smith’s Party.
The title Deed can be seen and all further information ascertained on application at the office of Mr. E. HAW, High-street, Graham’s Town.
C. DeW. SMITH, Executor Dative
Messrs. POTE & Brother, Auctioneers
Tuesday 15 March 1859
BIRTH at West Hill Villa in this City on Sunday morning, the 13th instant, Mrs. IRVING of a son.
BIRTH this morning at Grahamstown, Mrs. W.J. HOLMES of a daughter.
Saturday 19 March 1859
BIRTH at Adelaide on the 14th March 1859, Mrs. James CAMPBELL of a daughter.
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the [13]th March 1859, Mrs. W.T.L. EMETT of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th instant, Mrs. W. WEBB of a son.
DIED on the morning of Tuesday the 22nd February, at her residence in Cradock, Mrs. Elizabeth HARTLEY, aged 37 years and 6 months. Her sudden and unexpected end caused great grief to her family and friends. Deceased was the widow of the late Rev. Jeremiah HARTLEY, Wesleyan Missionary, and eldest daughter of the late Mr. James WEEKS of Grahamstown. She had been a respected member of the Methodist Church for upwards of twenty years and left an assurance that she has joined her beloved husband to sing the praise of God through all eternity in Heaven.
DIED 13th March 1859 at her residence in Graham’s Town, Elizabeth PETERS, wife of Alexander PETERS, late of 91st Regt, at the age of [33] years, leaving a husband and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
Notice to Shareholders
Whereas a vacancy in the Direction of this Company has been caused by the resignation of Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, who is about to leave the Colony, notice is hereby given that a Special general Meeting of the Shareholders in the said Company will be held at the Office of the Company in High-street, Grahamstown on Wednesday the 23rd day of March now next [ensuing] at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing a Director in the room of the said Mr. W.A. FLETCHER.
Also for the appointment of an Auditor in the room of Mr. G. IMPEY, resigned.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Colin T. CAMPBELL, Secretary
Frontier Fire Office
High-street, Grahamstown
Feb 23rd 1859
List of Shareholders qualified and eligible for the office of Director, and not being such already:-
BOOTH, Edward
GRANT, James
HAW, Edward
HALL, Henry
JARVIS, George
KING, Thos. F.
POTE, Chas.
RHODES, Charles
ROBERTS, William
WHITE, Robt.
Saturday 26 March 1859
DIED at Eland’s Post on the 16th March, Jane, the youngest daughter of Mr. J… BOYLE [illegible] aged 3 months.
DIED on the evening of the 31st January, at Cheltenham, Isabella Mary, widow of the late John FREESE Esq, Col-Commandant of the Madras Artillery, aged 73 years.
Tuesday 29 March 1859
MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 10th March in St.George’s Cathedral Church, by the Rev. J. Heavyside, James ALLISON of Baviaan’s River to Harriet KEW of Grahamstown.
BIRTH at Howison’s Poort on the 21st instant, the wife of J.R. MORGAN of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday 27th inst, the wife of Mr. W. HALL, Commissariat Department, of a son.
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