Grahamstown Journal 1858 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 2 October 1858
Grahamstown Total Abstinence Society
The monthly Public Meeting will be held D.V. (in the rooms of the L & S Medical Society) on Friday evening next
A lecture will be delivered by Mr. G.A.ROSE
Subject: “The Moderate Use of Intoxicating Drinks and Immorality”
Chair to be taken at 7 o’clock. Members Tickets will be issued at the close of the meeting on application.
John E. DAVIS, Hon Secretary
BIRTH at Grahamstown this morning (Saturday Oct 2) the wife of Mr. G.A. ROSE of a son
MARRIED on the 22nd Sept at the residence of Mr. BEST, by the Rev. E.P. Green MA, Charles Kember, second son of Lieut. WHITE RN, to Jane Joana, eldest daughter of the late Mr. John BEST.
DIED at the residence of his eldest son, at Woodbury, on the 29th September, in the 70th year of his age, Mr. Richard GUSH, Member of the Society of Friends, and of the original settlers of 1820.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 27th September 1858, Sidney William, infant son of Jonathan and Susannah AYLIFF, aged 21 days.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Thursday the 30th inst, Stephen Gradwell, second son of Mr. and Mrs. GUNN, aged 1 year 3 months 14 days.
DIED at Grahamstown at the house of her brother-in-law, Mr. W. KEYS, on Monday last, September 27th, Frances Maria (born FEAGAN), the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas HOLMES of Bloemfontein, aged 46 years. Deceased was a member of the Wesleyan Society, and in her last moments religion proved her only hope and comfort. She leaves a large family of eight children to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother.
We regret to hear of the rather sudden death of Mr. R. GUSH Sen, of Salem. The deceased was on a visit to his son, and about 6 o’clock on Wednesday evening he complained of slight pains, which speedily, however, increased to such an extent as to cause alarm, and to warn the subject of them that his end was fast approaching; at about 9 o’clock he breathed his last. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820; he came out with the Salem party, at which village he has continued to reside, more or less, since that period. By industry and perseverance he succeeded in overcoming the difficulties that attended the early history of the first settlers, and has creditably brought up a large family of sons and daughters. Amongst the former are some of our most enterprising colonists and intrepid defenders, and to some of the [illegible] and most daring exploits with Kafirs in time of war, the name of GUSH stands conspicuous. Mr. GUSH Sen. had run out the allotted course of three score years and ten, and his sudden departure from amongst us will remind those who remain that there is but a step betwixt life and death. As a mark of respect to the deceased we believe several persons will ride out from town to follow his remains to the grave.
We regret to hear of the death of Dr. BRYAN, the lately appointed District Surgeon of Bathurst. Deceased died last Monday of ague and fever caused by a cold brought on through getting wet. He leaves a wife and four children totally unprovided for, and without a relative in the country. Deceased had only resided in Bathurst a few weeks, but he had gained the esteem of all classes, and the advantage of a physician on the spot was daily becoming more apparent. His loss will be keenly felt in the district.
Tuesday 5 October 1858
DIED at King William’s Town on the 1st October 1858, Jane Straton, aged 52, wife of Assistant-Commissary-General DE SMIDT
DIED at Grahamstown on the morning of the 4th day of October 1858, after a few days illness, Paymaster Henry HALFDAY, 1st Regt. German Legion, aged 24 years, sincerely regretted by his friends and brother officers.
Saturday 9 October 1858
MARRIED on the 30th September in St.John’s Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. J. Henchman, Mr. Gilbert William AYTON, of Alpheton, eldest son of the late Mr. William AYTON, to Jane Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr. G.F. STOKES of Sipton Manor Farm.
DIED at her residence in Grahamstown on the 5th October 1858, Mrs. John McCABE. Deceased leaves a husband and small family to deplore their loss.
DIED at Queenstown on the morning of the 23rd Sept 1858, after a painful illness, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. John McMASTER, aged 53 years.
DIED at [Borde Shut], Tarka, of croup, on the 22nd Sept, Emily Jane, daughter of Henry and Sarah KEW, aged 4 years and 6 months.
Dr. BRYAN, the late district surgeon of Bathurst, whose death we reported in our issue of the 2nd, leaves a wife and four young children in positive destitution. Had it not been for the kindness of Mr. Joseph WOOD, and other inhabitants of the village, that lady, with her helpless family, would have been in absolute want. A subscription, it is understood, will be set in foot to assist her, and we feel assured that the inhabitants of the city with their usual liberality will readily respond to the call of distress. We hope this notice of the lady’s bereaved and destitute condition will draw the attention of some of our advertisers who can offer her a home.
We regret to hear by the Cape Mail of this morning of the death of Major HOPE, the Auditor-General. The deceased’s first connexion with this Colony was 1816, as Clerk of the Council; and upon the death of Mr. BRINK, the major was appointed Auditor-Gen., the duties of which office he discharged with the utmost fidelity. The frontier is closely associated with the memory of the deceased, as it is said that he never recovered the effects of fatigue and anxiety entailed upon him as Commissioner of Enquiry into the Cathcart system, and felt very keenly the discussion and somewhat harsh remarks that his mission produced.
Tuesday 12 October 1858
DEATH on the afternoon of Sunday the 10th inst, Rosina Petronella BERTRAM, relict of the late Johan BERTRAM of this Town, aged 65 years 10 months and 25 days, leaving a large family and numerous friends to lament her loss. Deceased was one of the earliest residents of this Town, having settled here in 1816, and since then constantly resided here.
To the friends who [illegible] such great kindness during their last distress the family are deeply grateful.
Graham’s Town
October 11th 1858
Saturday 16 October 1858
BIRTH at Mildenhall’s, near Fort Beaufort, on the 9th October 1858, Mrs. James AYLIFF of a son.
Saturday 23 October 1858
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd instant, the wife of Mr. Collin MARRON of a daughter.
BIRTH at Ludlow Park, near Alice, on the 20th inst, the wife of N. DOWELL of a daughter.
DIED at Fort Beaufort, Oct 7th, Mary Anne, wife of the Revd. Thomas HENCHMAN, Colonial Chaplain, Fort Beaufort.
DIED at [Halkerstein] Lodge, Inveresk, N.B., on the 6th August, Major-General W.B. DUNDAS C.B. M.A.
Dissolution of Partnership by Mutual Consent
All persons having any claims against the said Firm are required to send them in to the first undersigned within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted are required to settle the same to the first undersigned within the same time.
Caliegen Fontein, Stormberg
District of Queenstown
Oct 7th 1858
Saturday 30 October 1858
DIED at his residence in Graham’s Town on the 21st October 1858, Mr. John Henry FINNAUGHTY, aged 46 years and 9 months, leaving a wife and nine children to deplore his loss. Deceased came to the Colony with the settlers of 1820.
DIED at West Hill on Monday 25th October, James Garbett, the beloved son of George and Frances WOOD, aged 3 years 9 months and 3 days.
DIED at Queenstown on the [24]th inst, Frances Elizabeth Wright, daughter of R. and M.A. JEFFERSON, aged 1 year and 6 months.
DIED at Alexandria on the 24th inst, George, the youngest son of Mr. William and Ann COWIE, aged one year and [eleven] months.
DIED at Sea, in April last, on her passage from England to Australia, Theodosia, second daughter of the late Robert McDONALD, formerly Color Serjeant in the Cape Mounted Riflemen, deeply regretted by all who knew her. Relatives in the Colony will please accept this notice.
Tuesday 2 November 1858
Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL has removed from Bathurst-street to No. 18 Beaufort-street, near Rev. W. HAY’s Chapel.
Oct 30th 1858.
DIED at Stoke, near Devonport, England, the 27th August 1858, Anna, the beloved [wife] of Samuel TILDESLEY, late of this City.
Saturday 6 November 1858
BIRTH on the 5th inst, the wife of Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. STANDEN of a son.
MARRIED on the 27th October at her Father’s residence by the Rev. C.R. Lange, Lydia Mary, second daughter of Mr. R. TAINTON, of Fort Peddie, to Major W. LEE, late 6th Royal Regiment.
[See apparent correction in issue of 13 November, although DN for Richard TAINTON says her name was Mary Lydia]
DIED at King William’s Town, British Kaffraria, on Friday the 29th October 1858, in the 36th year of his age, Mr. Thomas HARVEY, after a long and painful illness from Dysentery.
Peddie, 1st Nov 1858
DIED at Wilsonton, Kat River Settlement, 29th Sept, aged 36 years, John PIKE, leaving a widow and 4 children to deplore their irreparable loss. Deceased has been a consistent member of the Wesleyan Methodist Society for years – His end was peace.
DIED on Thursday the 28th Oct inst, James O’REILLY, Civil Commissioner & Resident Magistrate of Middleburg, aged 50 years, leaving a large family and numerous friends to lament his loss.
Middleburg, 1st Nov 1858
Tuesday 9 November 1858
John SMITH, Brickmaker
Age 25 to 30. Height about 5 feet 5 inches.
Has a swelling over the right eye.
When last seen was dressed in blue trousers, brown blowse and brown felt hat.
Any person apprehending the above named and giving information to Mr. W. FINN, Settler’s Hill, or at the Police Office, shall receive the above reward.
Grahamstown, Nov 9th 1858
MARRIED on the 26th October at Clarkbury, by the Rev. P. Hargreaves, Mr. Henry MORTIMER to Harriet, widow of the late Richard CALVERLEY.
Saturday 13 November 1858
MARRIED on the 27th October at her Father’s residence by the Rev. C.R. Lange, Matilda Mary Cross, second daughter of Mr. R. TAINTON, of Fort Peddie, to Major W. LEE, late 6th Royal Regiment.
[See notice for 6 November]
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 6th November 1858, Mrs. S.H. ROBERTS of a son.
DIED on Tuesday the 2nd instant, Agnes Ann, only daughter of Mr. William HALL, of the Commissariat Department, aged 2 years and 9 days
Grahamstown Nov 8 1858
Tuesday 16 November 1858
DIED suddenly at his residence in Fort Beaufort, Nov 9th, Mr. B.D. BELL, aged 43 years.
Saturday 20 November 1858
To Wagonmakers and Carpenters
Deserted from Service, Thomas BAILEY, a contracted Emigrant to Mr. C. GRUBB, and for whose apprehension a warrant is issued. He is about 23 years of age, short stature, fair and very florid complexion, and of broad Yorkshire dialect. Anyone harbouring or employing the said T.B., after this notice, will be prosecuted. Any person giving information of his whereabouts, so as to secure his apprehension, will be rewarded.
MARRIED by Special Licence by the Rev. T.B. Glanville, Hannah Mary SHAW to Joseph COLLYER.
DIED at King William’s Town on the 14th Nov 1858, Harriet Kate Florence, daughter of Arnold and Harriet SHEPPERSON of Fort Hare, aged 4 months and 3 days.
Tuesday 23 November 1858
DIED of croup in Grobblar’s Kloof, November 18th 1858, Nathaniel George, son of William and Margaret BOWLES, aged six months and two days.
Saturday 27 November 1858
MARRIED in the Bonkolo, near Queenstown, 20th Nov 1858, by the Rev. Geo. Chapman, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Charles Wesley STAPLES to Miss Sarah Ann Susanah, third daughter of Mr. Eli WIGGLE of the Bonkolo.
BIRTH at Middelburg on the 13th November 1858, Mrs. A. [BENTON] of a son.
DIED on the 17th inst at his residence in Somerset East, after a lingering illness, Samuel TOLLEY, aged 35 years.
Tuesday 30 November 1858
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Sunday evening last, Mrs. J.WEBB of a son.
Saturday 4 December1858
In the Insolvent Estate of John Francis SMITH of Alexandria
The Undersigned will sell by Public Auction on the spot at noon precisely
On Friday the 10th day of December next
The immoveable property belonging to the Estate, viz:
1st: THE MILL, as it stands
2nd: THE ERF on which the same is situated. These two will be put up afterwards together in one lot.
3rd: THE ERF adjoining thereto
The Erven are the full size of those in this existing Village, namely 46 square Roods and 116 square Feet each, and form the angle of the roads to Port Elizabeth one way and to Grahamstown the other. Being unquestionably the very best situation in the whole Village for business.
Conditions of sale will be made favourable
Colin T. CAMPBELL, acting for the Trustees
C. POTE, Auctioneer
MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 1st inst, by the Rev. T. Henchman, Joseph Henry PEARSON Esq, Military Store Department, to Lydia Margaret, third daughter of Captain RORKE of [Danlo …..] Fort Beaufort.
DIED at Cradock of rheumatic fever, on the 28th November 1858, Henry Edward, only son of Samuel and Esther PENNY, aged 1 year two months and 10 days.
DIED on Monday morning the 22nd Nov 1858 at his residence Prospect Farm (District of Queenstown) in the 54th year of his age, Mr. Robert WALL, leaving a disconsolate family to mourn the loss of an affectionate father. Friends and relatives will please accept this notice.
Tuesday 7 December 1858
Departed this Life at King William’s Town on the morning of the 5th December 1858, after a short illness, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. John GILLAM of this Town, aged 41 years. Deeply regretted.
Saturday 11 December 1858
BIRTH at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. James WOOD of a daughter.
DIED at Bedford on the morning of the 5th instant, John Henry, youngest son of Wm. and Isabella SIMPSON Jun, aged 4 months.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on Saturday the 4th inst, after a protracted illness, Mary, the beloved wife of James SAVORY, aged 39 years; leaving a sorrowing husband with four children, and a large circle of friends, to mourn their loss. She had long been a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church, and was highly esteemed for her exemplary Christian deportment. Her remains were followed to the tomb by a large number of persons, who thus gave their last testimony to departed worth.
Mr. SAVORY takes this opportunity of conveying his most grateful thanks to those friends who showed so much kindness and attention to the late Mrs. SAVORY during her illness; trusting they will accept this intimation as a token of his appreciation of their truly Christian sympathy and affection.
Fort Beaufort
10th Dec 1858.
Tuesday 14 December 1858
BIRTH at Springfield on the 8th December 1858, the wife of W.H. DANIELL Esq. of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday morning, the 11th instant, the wife of Mr. James WOOD of a daughter.
DIED at Myrtle Grove, Bathurst, Lower Albany, after a long and painful illness, Dorothy, the beloved wife of Thomas COCKCROFT, aged 48 years and 7 months. She has left a disconsolate husband, family and friends to lament their irreparable loss.
13 Decr 1858
Saturday 18 December 1858
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 16th inst, the wife of Mr. Jas. Dunsmuir COWPER of a daughter.
BIRTH at the Winterberg, Dec 3rd 1858, the wife of Alfred MOORCROFT of twins, both girls, which after lingering the one till Sunday, the other till Tuesday afternoon following, both died.
The undersigned desires his friends to accept this notice, and also to thank those neighbours whose kindness was so great in their troubles, particularly Mrs. EDWARDS and Mrs. SIMS.
DIED at her residence, Myrtle Grove in the District of Bathurst, after a long and very painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Dorothy, the beloved wife of Thomas COCKCROFT, aged 48 years and seven months, leaving a disconsolate husband and eight children, together with a large circle of relations and friends, to lament their irreparable loss. She had long been a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church. Her last end was peace. Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord.
DIED at Bushman’s River, on Sunday Decr 12 1858, Wesley Richard, fourth son of Mr. John SLATER, aged 2 years – deeply lamented.
Tuesday 21 December 1858
Miss BIGGAR’s Day School for Young Ladies will re-open on Monday 15th Jan 1859. For terms apply to Miss BIGGAR, Hill street.
MARRIED by Special Licence at Uitenhage, on the 8th instant, at the residence of F. BERNARD Esq, by the Rev. Thomas Paterson, A.G. BAIN Esq, Inspector of Roads, to Theodora Cornelia, widow of the late Samuel KERR Esq of Uitenhage.
DIED in the 9th October 1858 in Oude, from the effects of his wounds, Isaac Arthur FREESE, 6th Madras Native Cavalry, only son of Arthur FREESE Esq, Madras Civil Service, and grandson of the late Colonel FREESE, Madras Artillery, aged 22 years.
DIED at Calcutta on the 13th September 1858, Anna Sophia Maria, the beloved wife of Dr. FRANKLYN, Surgeon 77th Regt, aged 22 years and 9 months, daughter of the late J. [….] BODET of Beausejour, [P…], Bermuda and stepdaughter of Colonel FREESE, C.B. Royal Artillery. Also at sea, on the 23rd, May, little infant daughter of Dr. FRANKLYN, 77th Regt.
Saturday 25 December 1858
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 21st inst, Mrs Arnold [ENGELS] of a son.
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