Daily News 2015 08 August
4 August 2015
ALLAN Vincent Paul 17 Jan 1950 ----21 July 2015. Memorial on 5 Aug 2016 at DOVES Greyville at 2pm.
CAROSIN Claude 22 Nov 1918 ----1 Aug 2015 x + Aline. Father of Marie-Anne and Neville, Henry and Zoe, Marguerite and John, Francoise and Fanie, Dominique. Grandfather and great-grandfather.
COOPER Rina (Chinks) (Mrs Coops) + 2 Aug 2015 at age 92. Mother of Dawn, Greta, Ron and Steph. Grandmother of + Sean, Grant, Justen, Cameron, Marlon, Christina. Great-grandmother Liam, Georgia, Bradley, Tayla, Ryan, Ty, Rourke, Casey, Matthew, Emma and Hunter. Funeral at Westville Baptist Church on 7 Aug 2015 at 11am.; Condolences to family from Estelle and Jose, Charl, Pippa, Jean-Marc, Tessa, Pierre and all TOSTEE family.
GERRARD Lilian Denise 18 Jan 1935 -----28 July 2015. Cremation on 5 Aug 2015 at 2pm at Fynnlands Hall. Father grandfather and family.
GOVENDER Rajenderan. Funeral on 4 Aug 2015 at Clare Estate Hall. Body will lie in state from 11am ----1pm. Cremation therafter.
GOVENDER Savi x Thumba. Mother of Indran and Sueven. Mother-in-law of Lalenthra. Grandmother of Kaelin and Revanya. Funeral on 5 Aug 2015 at Clairwood Madras (Assembly Hall) Clairwood. Body will lie in State from 11am ----2:30pm for burial thereafter. CONTACT :- 074 495 9004 D GOVENDER. CENTURIAN Funeral 082 704 7497.
HULLEY Beverley. Sister and aunt of Cavell, Leigh, Taryn, Mike, Siya and Cyril.
JEFFERY Junette Denise (Jackie) 12 June 1937 ----30 July 2015 x + Bernard. Mother of Dudley and Kim. Mother-in-law to Mark and Portia. Grandmother of Nicole, Hannah and Jay. Memorial at Christ Church Queensburgh on 6 Aug 2015 at 11am.
MATTHEE John 27 June 1923 -----2 Aug 2015 x Jane. Father to Brian, Kevin and Gary. Father-in-law of Bev. Grandfather to Kyle, Travis, Natasha and Vernon. No Service on request.
MCINTYRE Linda Marie + 29 July 2015 x Duncan. Mother of Laura and Kerry,sister of Karen and Cheryl, Mark and Albert. Daughter of Mary Jane. Memorial at Randjiesfontein St Saviour's Presbyterian Church Midrand Gauteng on 6 Aug 2015 at 13h00.
MOOLLAN Ivan George + 1 Aug 2015. Father and grandfather.Requiem Mass on 7 Aug 2015 at St Anne's Catholic Parish Sydenham. Viewing from 11:30am. Mass at 12noon. Cremation private.
MUIR Everan x Ruth. Father of Mark. Funeral at Westville Methodist Church Westville on 5 Aug 2015 at 2:30pm. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
NAIDOO (Vasu) Darren x Ronica . Father of Niven and Tarryn. Son of Cheecky & + Boya NAIDOO(AROO). Brother to Pooven. Funeral on 4 Aug 2015. Body will lie in state at his residence 11 Daspalla Place Merebank from 10:30am ---3pm. Proceeding to Stellawood Crematorium. Cremation at 4pm.
NAIDOO Deva. Funeral at Residence Harinagar. Body will lie in state from 10:30---11:30pm. Proceeding to Wyebank Funeral Parlour Moorton from 12pm ---3pm. Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium at 15:30pm. WYEBANK Funeral Home. 031 705 7321.
NAIDOO Rosemary Grace + 31 July 2015 x Ronnie. Mother of Jared NAIDOO. Mother of Jared NAIDOO. Daughter of C. PETER. Sister to Victor, Elaine and Edith. Funeral Service on 6 Aug 2015 at Bethesda Temple Durban. Body will lie in state from 11am. Service from 12----1:30pm. Proceeding to The Stellawood Crematorium. DOVES 0860025500.
PATHER Anusia x Daya MOODLEY. Mother of Derisa. Sister of Ruban, Preva and Senzo. Daughter of + Goin & Rani CHETTY. Widdow of + Udeshan PATHER. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium on 5 Aug 2015 from 2---3:30pm.
PHIPSON Elizabeth Margaret (Lil) 16 April 1934 ----2 Aug 2015. Mother of Wendy, Shaun, Linda and Kim. Grandmother of Gavin, Tracey, Warren, Byron, Cheryl, Wesley, Jaide and Rance. Great-grandmother to Lily-Mae, Zack and Logan.
SELBY Ronny + 2 Aug 2015. Socker and musician. Missed by Ed and Coral, Cliff and Dot.; Principal Lloyed WING . The SGB, Staffa and pupils extend sympathy to Lynn and Ron's family at the passing of Ron. RIP.
TUCKER nee KING Clare-Louise 20 Feb 1973 ---31 July 2015 x Jonathan. Mother to Nicola and Matthew. Daughter to Ken & Sandy and sister to Douglas. Funeral at Chantilly Resort Darnall on 6 Aug 2015 at 10am.
WATSON Sylvia "Zebbie" + 1 Aug 2015 with her daughters by her side. From stacey, Simone, Barend, Schalk and David. Memorial at The Beverly Hills Hotel Umhlanga on 7 Aug 2015 at 2pm.
WESTBROOK Roger + 31 July 2015. Brother and brother-in-law and Uncle. From Michael, Ingrid andJulia and family.; Celebration of his life at Kloof Country Club in form of a wake on 6 Aug 2015 at 15:30pm.
CROWIE Elizabeth Kate. A mother. Remembered by all the family.
DAVIS Graham Howard x Kim .Father of Janine and Deanin RIP.
PAUL . In Memoriam of Aunts, uncles, grand aunts and uncles - Harriet, Evelyn, Alice, Hannah, Sarah, Isaih, Joel and Philip. From Amy, Esme, Trevor and Dorothy.
RICHARDS Tiffany-Rae. Niece and cousin. Love from Aunty Estelle, Uncle Ivan and family.
SYLVESTER nee CONRADIE Lesley-Anne .(Darling Bim.) 16 years gone now. From Mom, Desiree, Hayden, Murray and family.
5 August 2015
RANDLES Malcolm & Didi a son Alexandre Valdemar * 31 July 2015 in Cape Town.
BEAR Phillip . Unveiling and solemnly consecrated of tombstone on 9 Aug 2015 at Redhill Cemetery at 09:30am
BALRAM Dharamraj (Levy) + 2 Aug 2015 x Romila, of 11 Naderi Rd Belvedere Tongaat, father of Rakhee, Rakesh, Sharika and Shashi. Funeral on 6 Aug 2015 at Presbyterian and Methodist Church Buffelsdale, Tongaat from 11:30am ----2:15pm. Cremation at 3pm at The Tongaat Crematorium.
BLACKLER Debbie. Memorial on 7 Aug 2015 at St Olavs Church, St Thomas Rd at 11:30am. Wake at Hillary Bowling Club.
BLAINE Marj + 2 Aug 2015 x Jumbo. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Paul's Church Rondebosch on 7 Aug 2015 at 11am. Donations to Tape Aids for the Blind 021 6895983 or Mannenberg Pre School. 021 6910371. Private cremation.
CAROSIN Marie Henri Claude 22 Nov 1918 ------1 Aug 2015. Father of Marie-Anne and Neville, Henri and Zoё,Margurite and John, Francoise and Fanie and Dominique. Grand en great-grandfather. Requiem Mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church on 7 Aug 2015 at 10am. BELL 031 3014793.
DE BOER Aafke 24 July 1923 -----25 July 2015. She will be missed by family and friends. Memorial at Hillcrest Baptist Church. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
GERRARD Denise Lilian + 28 July 2015 (Correction as well). Mother, grandmother and sister. RIP mom Cher & John, Sharon & Kevin, John & Sandi, Bradley, Roan, Alan & Marchelle.
HARISON Joyce Gertrude 23 Dec 1923 -----29 July 2015 x + Ted. Mother of Viv, Pam, Jenny and Jill. Mother-in-law ,grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Doone Village Sanctuary Pinetown on 8 Aug 2015 at 9am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
HESSELMAN Leslie Michael . Father of Monique and Montana. Brother to Lorraine. Funeral Service at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church Glenwood on 6 Aug 2015 at 11am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
HULLEY Beverley. Sister , sister-in-law and aunt of Meryl, Keith, Emmylou, Levon and Carric.
LOBLEY Jack Stanley Vernon + 2 Aug 2015 at age 96. Father of Victor and Clive. Father-in-law of Robynne & Judy. Grandfather of Sarah, Caryn, Michael and Kirsten.
MASOJADA Miloslaw Edmund 12 May 1929 ----2 Aug 2015 at Bajka (in his house) x Shirley. Brother of Bozena (Lala). 'Tatus' Father of Jola, Bronek, Janina, Marek and Maryla. Father-in-law of Edward, Jane, Bruce, Janine. D'zadzio (Grandfather ) of Adam, Michaela, Lara, Joshua, Nina, Dominik, Thomas, Maks, Janek, William, Marek, Aleks and Klara.Memorial Service and Requiem Mass on 7 Aug 2015 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church at 10:30am. After ceremony tea will be served at his home Bajka during the day.
MCMASTER Donald 13 May 1927 ----30 July 2015 . Missed by Stanley, Marlene, John and Vernon. Memorial Service at Poinsettia Park Amanzimtoti on 7 Aug 2015 at 10am. DOVES 0860 025500.
NAIDOO Nagammah 5 Nov 1933 ----29 July 2015 x + Papiah NAIDOO. Mother of Queenie, Roy, Ronnie, Ronald and Miranda. Mother-in-law of Smiley, Lulu (Nelani), Kogi, Neeru and Vee. Grand and great-grandmother. 11th Day Memorial on 8 Aug 2015 at Om Hari Sabha Temple Verulam at 11am.
PEDDIE Rose 18 June 1922 ----4 Aug 2015 x Norman. Mother to Mark and Sharon. Grandmother to Natasha, and Julian. Requiem Mass on 6 Aug 2015 at St Dominic's Catholic Church Hillcrest at 11am. Tea after Service at the Church Hall. Donations to Church. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
PEEK Aubrey x Desire. Father and grandfather. Son of Angie. Funeral Service at The Musgrave Church Musgrave on 7 Aug 2015 at 11am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
SIMKINS Colin John 27 Nov 1932 ----2 Aug 2015 x Jean. Father of Kevin and Wayne. Father-in-law of Joanne and Jean. Grandfather (Papa) of Lauren, Jemma, Matthew and Sean. Memorial at The Durban North Methodist Church on 7 Aug 2015 at 10:30am BELL 031 3014793.
TOOZE Malcolm John 20 Feb 1943 ----31 Julie 2015. Funeral Service at DOVES Greyville on 7 Aug 2015 at 14:30pm. DOVES 0860025500.
VAN AARDT nee GREEFF Anita . Mother of Sondra, Milinda, Esther. Grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 12. DOVES 0860025500.
COWAN Jean 24 June 1928 ------5 Aug 2007 x Aub.
HAMILTON Gerald Clive . 11 years gone now. From wife Syb.
JACKSON Terry 8 Jan 1929 ----5 Aug 1994. Father. RIP.From family.
ODGERT Bruce. Remembered by Dean.
7 August 2015
NAIDOO Krishnambal ID 460604 0259 08 7 + 25 May 2014 x Thamothra Pragalathan ID 400128 5051 08 6 of 7 Olympia Street Shallcross. ESTATE No 28785/2014/DBN. KANHAI-MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES, Suite 5A, 2nd Floor, Joy'deen Centre, 18 Everest Street, Shallcross 4093. TEL:- 031 409 7695/7 .REF:- Mr Moodley/nb/N511.
PILLAY Moonsamy ID 261206 5087 08 2 + 3 Aug 2015 of 101 Greenvale Ave, Westcliff, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 1357/2015/DBN. KASINDREE CHETTY 54 Plantain Ave, Bayview Chatsworth . TEL:- 031 4000729.
CHETTY Rosemary ID 490916 0168 08 2 + 28 April 2008 of 9 Litford Rd, Sunford Phoenix 4068. ESTATE No 12347/2008/DBN. SAL GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES. PO Box 48120, Qualbert, Durban 4078. TEL:- 031 3055357.
NAYAGER Soobramoney ID 270620 5050 08 1 + none of 44 Lyttleton Ave, Reservoir Hills, Durban. ESTATE No 11491/2009/DBN DEKER GOVENDER ATTORNEYS, 77 Blackburn Rd, Durban North.
VASAN Nanalal ID 350131 5066 08 8 + none x Lalithkumarie VASAN ID 380422 0087 08 6 of 11 Fiesta Rd, Silverglen. ESTATE No. 12558/2013. DINESH A. RANIGA, 440
10 August 2015
KHOMO Sibusiso "R Mashesha" + 7 Aug 2015 (34) of uMlazi.He died after throught surgery He was a band member of "Big Nuz". They are a Durban kwaito group. DAILY NEWS Reporter.
VAWDA Ahmed (25) + 9 Aug 2015 was shot dead in parking area in Durban (Kingsford Flats). His brother came down to see what happened and was killed as well. He was Mohamed VAWDA (31) + 9 Aug 2015. DAILY NEWS Zainul Dawood.
11 August 2015
Dentist drowns in Berg Resort dam:- KHAN Dr Muhammed Quadir (31) + 8 Aug 2015 . He was kayaking with his teenage cousin in the Midlands when the canoe capsized. He was a Denist in Ladysmith. He was single. Left his parents and 3 siblings.
GOUNDEN Dr Selvan of Umkomaas x Kasthuri. Father of Anika, Purveshni and Pebinita. Funeral on 11 Aug 2015 at Orissa Inn Hall Umkomaas from 11:30 ---2:30pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium No 3, from 4----5:30pm.
NAICKER Sunny x Salome. Father of Nelson and Jane. Father-in-law of Valerie and grandfather of Kimberley and Jordan. Funeral on 13 Aug 2015 Body will lie in state at Bethesda Temple Durban from 12----1pm .Service from 1 untill 2:15 proceeding to Stellawood Crematorium.
TYS Ivy Linda of Wentworth. Funeral on 12 Aug 2015 at Grace Tabernacle Full Gospel Church Wentworth. Viewing at 10am. Service at 10:30am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
RIBEIRO Hernani 15 Oct 1930 ----11 Aug 2014. Partner of Maruga Pam.
12 August 2015
HASSANI Samul (39) + 11 Aug 2015 . He was shot dead in Manning Rd last night after dropping people off in a parking lot of a block of flats. NOELENE BARBEAU
ROSSOUW Louis Jacobus . Funeral on 13 Aug 2015 at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel at 12noon. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
13 August 2015
BRITZ Emmarentia (Tia) + 7 Aug 2015. Mother, grand and great-grandmother.From Donald, + Charmaine, Michelle, Rebecca, Jonathan, Jenna, Lara, Bevan, Benjamin, Nic, Darren, Naomi, Isia, Brody.
CALLANAN Harry 1 March 1926 -----28 July 2015. Memorial 17 Aug 2015 at 2pm at Westville Baptist Church. AVBOB 031 2061831.
CHETTY Cooposamy (Krish) . Father of Aden, Mandy and Shantel. Father-in-law of Lawson. Grandfather of Llewllyn, Lushen and Melita. Funeral on 13 Aug 2015 at late residence 6 Wren Court, Tangerine Grove Orient Park from 10 ---1pm Proceeding to Clairwood Cemetery.
DEREK GRADY x Pam. Father of Dean, Brett, Jay and Wes. Grandfather to Justine, Missy, Megan, Lilly, Warrick, Rourke and Carter. Funeral at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church at 2pm on 14 Aug 2015.
FLORENCE Judy + 10 Aug 2015. Mother and grandmother. Memorial on 14 Aug 2015 at 10:30am at Rosebank Union Church, Sandton.
GORDAN nee DUWAAL Mavis + 8 Aug 2015 in Johannesburg x Ronald (Ronnie) GORDAN of Greenwood Park. Mother of Jerome, Leeann, Neil, Gail and grandchildren. Condolences from Biggers & Gordan Family, Frans & Eureka.
HITCHCOCK Michael Patrick. Memorial at DOVES Greyville on 15 Aug 2015 at 10am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
LASSAK Fabian (Pat) + 8 Aug 2015 x + Joan. Father of Grant, Michelle and Tracey. Father-in-law of Helga, Greg and Quinton. Grandfather of Joshua, Matthew, Samuel, Sidney and Sebastian. Memorial on 14 Aug 2015 at St Anne's Church Umzumbe at 10am.
MOREL DU BOIL Christiane Jeanne 21 Aug 1931 ----11 Aug 2015 x + Numa. Mother of Kevin and Lyn. Mother-in-law of Alasdair. Grandmother of Kieran. Funeral at The Holy Trinity Catholic Church Durban on 14 Aug 2015 at 13:30pm. BELL Funeral 031 301 4793.
NAIR Saris x + Raj NAIR. Mother of Dion and Dean. Sister-in-law of Iris NAIDU and aunt, Granny and friend. Funeral on 13 Aug 2015 at 2pm at 52 Pumeria Place, Lotus Park. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 15:00 ----15:45pm.
OAKES Nelson Otto .Funeral on 14 Aug 2015 at 10:30pm at St Michaels Catholic Church Redhill.
ROTHBART Mary Jean 1917 + 11 Aug 2015 at Flame Lily Frail Care. Mother of Dudley and Graham. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother and Dorro.; Sister and Aunt .RIP from Dot and Marge. ; Memorial on 14 Aug 2015 at Flame Lily Park at 09:30am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
ROYSTON Kathleen Valencia. Mother of Denise, Basil, + Desmond, Valencia and Michael. Funeral at St Cyprians Anglican Church Umbilo on 14 Aug 2015 at 11am Cremation private SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
SCHAUERTE nee WINKLER Ursula Gertrud 25 May 1930 in Masama Tansania ---+ 24 July 2015 in Ibbenburen Germany. Mother of Dieter, Bernadette, Anneliese, Joseph, Julia. Memorial at Lutheran Church Hayfields Pietermaritzburg on 15 Aug 2015 at 11am.
SILVER John George David 22 Jan 1944 -----8 Aug 2015. Brother of Daphne, Ian and Neil. DOVES 0860025500.
SMITH Shirley 1934 ---9 Aug 2015 x Neil. Mother to Stuart, William, Juliette and Nigel. Grandmother of Lilly, Liam and Ella. Celebration of her life at Inchanga Park Country Village Hall on 21 Aug 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
JOHNSTON-WEBBER Ivy. 1 year gone now. From John.
RUGGER George . Remembered by your wife Maureen.
14 August 2015
COLLOPY Desmond (Des) 3 March 1928 in Port Elizabeth ----12 Aug 2015 age 87 in Durban x Moira. Father of Linda, Don and Brett. Grandfather of 5. (Springbok lifesaver) .He was regarded as the " father of lifesaving" in South Africa. Private cremation. Memorial Service will be next week at the Durban Surf Club.
CAMERON Judith Mavis ID 410416 0008 08 8 + 6 July 2015 of Hayfield House, Howick 3290. ESTATE No. 9792/2015/DBN. MERVYN MILLAR PO Box 1357, Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.
LYLE Sally Audrey ID 360906 0032 08 8 + 30 May 2015 of Le Domaine Retirement Village, 100 Acutt Street, Hillcrest, Durban 3626. ESTATE No 8725/2015. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800, Marine Parade 4056.
PILLAY Srinivan Subbiah ID 571104 5135 08 1 + 16 Aug 2011 of Waterboom Str Downside, Kwa-Dukuze, KZN. ESTATE No 28440/2014/DBN. Messrs RAVIN SINGH, ASHEENA SINGH AND COMPANY, Suite 2, Stanger Centre, King Shaka Street, Kwa-Dukuza 4450. TEL:- 032 5523505.
IRVING BROWN Christian Allen Justian ID 240517 5003 08 4 + 13 March 2014 of 62 Vivian Rd, Highlands Hills Pinetown x Shirley Catherine Romaine IRVING BROWN ID 250327 0026 08 2. ESTATE No 2817/2014/PMB. BRANDON KEITH MINNIE 62 Vivien Rd, Highlands Hills Pinetown 3610. TEL:- 031 7010588.
18 August 2015
BALKISSON Angeline (Lilla) x Amon (Dick). Mother of Judy, James, Annette SARABIJET and Dr Ivan BALKISSON. Body will lie in state at the Musgrave Methodist Church from 11am 12noon. Service at 12noon proceeding to The Redhill Cemetery. PHOENIX 031 5073925.
CARLSOW Maureen + 15 Aug 2015. Mother of Howard and Martie, Lesley and Alistair, Jessica and Johnny. Grandmother , Nana, of Erica, Lara, Susan, L'Oreal, Judy, Kerry. Great-grandmother of Nakita, Tristan and Hayden. No funeral by requiest.
COETZEE Phillipus Arnoldus + 15 Aug 2015. Memorial at NG Church North, Pietermaritzburg on 19 Aug 2015 at 1pm. AVBOB. / also written in Afrikaans. AVBON 033 3423741.
MARESCIA Bazil Patrick (Bonny) + 14 Aug 2015. Husband , Dad, Grandfather and great-grandfather.
MATTHEWS Vic (Edward Victor) + 15 Aug 2015 at home x Jane. Father to Carla, Bruce, Andrea and dennis. Grandfather of Lucy, Thomas, Michael and Robert. Thanks to Highway Hospice and Rob GEMMELL for help to Vic.
NAIDOO Ruthnathavie (Lily) Daughter of + Mr & Mrs S.M. MOODLEY. Funeral on 19 Aug 2015 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 11am ---1pm. WYEBANK 031 7057321.
NAIDOO Morganathan 27 Jan 1959 ----14 Aug 2015 x Sadhna MOHABIR. Father of Sharlene and Tashmiev. Son of Dolly NAIDOO. Grandfather and his brothers and sisters. Funeral on 16 Aug 2015 WYEBANK 031 7057321
PASTOR MAURICE 18 Jan 1934 ---15 Aug 2015 x Jean. Father of Noel, Janine and Clifford. Grandfather of J'dean, Lameekah, Jenna and Benjamin. Great-grandfather of Jaylyn.
WEST Edward Selwyn + 8 Aug 2015. Father of Ashton, Anthony, and Luke and grandfather.
LLOYD Pat 12 March 1940 ----18 Aug 2014 Miss you from Les.
19 August 2015
BOZZONE Joan Zilla + 15 Aug 2015. Mother of Mario, Karena and Lisa. Mother-in-law of Keith, Pauline. Grandmother of Bianca, Lara, Danielle and Brett and great-grandmother. ;Memorial at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament Virginia on 21 Aug 2015 at 3pm.
CLARK Clinton Shaun + 9 Aug 2015 . Son of Miles & Robyn. Brother of Ashley and twin-sister Candice. Memorial at St Martins Church Durban North on 20 Aug 2015 at 2pm.
STAMROOD Duprecia + 14 Aug 2015. Breeder of Ridgeback dogs on the Breede River Farm. Condolences to Clive, Jason, Ryan, Melissa & Gillian. Elder sister of Erica, James, Caryn and Bradly RAWLINGS.
20 August 2015
MACGREGOR nee ELDRIDGE Colin & Julia a girl Skyla Brooke * 12 Aug 2015 at Northhampshire General Hospital Northhamptonshire UK.; Grandchild for Gillian.
QUINTAS Raul & Blanche were married 50 years ago on 7th Aug 1965. Raul was from Portugal. They have 2 sons and 2 daughters. Grandparents of 10.
BENJAMIN Joshua 5 Nov 1941 -----18 Aug 2015. Husband, father and grandfather. Funeral 20 Aug 2015 at Fynnlands Baptist Church Bluff at 11am proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 14:00pm.
BLOEM Basil Cedric (Bumpy) of Wentworth. Funeral at Christ The King Parish Wentworth on 21 Aug 2015. Viewing at 09:30am Service at 10am Cremation private.
CURACH Spaso + 17 Aug 2015. Father of Spaso and Natasha. Father-in-law of Trasi and Luca, Grandfather of Alexandra, Georgina, Spaso Rocco and Davor. Requiem Mass on 21 Aug 2015 at 1:30pm at Kloof Catholic Church.
DILLEY Arthur + 15 Aug 2015 at age 90. Father of Margaret and Arthur. Memorial at Ridgewood Retirement Village Mt Edgecombe on 20 Aug 2015 at 3pm.
HUGHES Gregory Patrick. Brother of Myrtle, Steven & Estelle & + Eugene. Father of Nicole, Mark, Justin & Jordan. Grandfather of Jaylin. Funeral on 22 Aug 2015 at Tileos Church Turfontein JHB at 09:00am.
REYNOLDS Sean Barry. Funeral Service to celebrate his life on 24 Aug 2015 at Stellawood Chapel at 1pm OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
RYAN Terence Patrick 4 Feb 1934 ----18 Aug 2015 x Meg. Father of Brett, Dean, Chad and Morag. Grandfather of Cerryn, Amber, Kacey, Roxy.
SMYTHE nee ADAMS Lynda Isabel 17 Dec 1956 ----19 Aug 2015. Wife, Mother and grandmother and sister.Memorial at St Annes Diocesan College Hilton on 22 Aug 2015 at 10:30am Donation to Hospice. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
TYSON John Evan 13 Sept 1931 ----19 Aug 2015 x Marie. Father of Trish and Peter, Grangor of Robert, Karen, Stephanie and Justin. Great-Grangor of Emma, Nathan, Caleb, Ashley and Asher. Memorial at Scottburgh Methodist Church on 21 Aug 2015 at 11am. KZN Funerals.
EDWARDS Maria. 2 years gone now. Wife of Doug.
LAWRENCE George. Remembererd by family.
McBEAN Olive / Jean . Remembered both by Dendy.
NAIDU Mrs Chinnamma . 11th Month Memorial on 22 Aug 2015 at 84 Newcastle Ave, Reservoir Hills at 3:30pm. Supper and tea after service.
PARSONS Hester. 5 years gone now. Mom you will be remembered. By Andrew, Cameron, Hylton and Ross.
ROMAINE BINKS . 15 years. Mom of Leighanne, Russ and Robs.; Love and miss you from Ray.
21 August 2015
GELB Julian. Condolences to Thelma, Wayne , Melanie and their families. Respected leader and friend. Wil be missed at Home Fabrics.
MCCLURE /GEORGE Maude. Funeral on 22 Aug 2015 at Jesus Dome Chapel Durban Christian Centre Mayville at 10am.
PARMISSAR Kathryn Lillian 15 Nov 1983 -----18 Aug 2015. Funeral at Grace Tabernackle Wentworth on 22 Aug 2015 . Viewing from 09:30am Service at 10am. Thereafter private cremation.
CORBETT Peter Llewellyn ID 400824 5061 08 9 + 23 May 2015 of 519 Umdoni Retirement Village Pennington. ESTATE No,8503/2015 WARRICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3 Plumstead. 7801.
DALY Peter Christopher ID 450625 5123 18 6 + 5 May 2015 of 31 Forest Hamlet, 51 King George Ave , Forest Hills. ESTATE No 7638/2015/DBN. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS PO Box 529, Westville REF:- Mr Lott/nn/W180.
DAVIES Maurice Lucky ID 550118 5013 08 5 + 10 July 2009 x Karen Wendy DAVIES ID 601127 0024 08 7 of 16 Petersen Rd, Sydenham, Durban. ESTATE No 6955/2011/DBN. LLOYD O'MEARA & CO 121 Helen Joseph Rd, Glenwood Durban 4001.
KEMP Susanna Margaretha ID 420503 0063 08 6 + 5 Feb 2015 of 31 Margate Mews, Margate. ESTATE No 8442/2015/DBN. WARRICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3 Plumstead. 7801.
MORARJEE Manklal ID 320927 5080 08 7 + 18 May 2015 of Flat 613, Manjee Centre, 320 Grey Street, Durban. ESTATE No 9673/2015/DBN. GARACH & GARACH PO Box 800, Umhlanga.
NADASEN Soobramoney ID 630215 5141 08 2 + 5 Oct 2012 of House 4, 2nd Crescent, Mount Edgecombe 4302 x Lutchmee PILLAY ID 671012 0151 08 7. ESTATE No 6457/2015/DBN.P.PILLAY & COMPANY Suite 1702, 17th Floor Nedbank House 30 Ingcube Street,Durban.
OLIVIER Michael Edward ID 520201 5146 08 4 + 22 June 2015 x Marie Rita Francoise OLIVIER ID 610111 0626 08 2 of 28 Bowden Rd, Malvern. ESTATE No 004653/2015 JOSEPH EDGAR ERIC TENNANT 1 Lancastor, Langford Estate, 33 Oakland Ave, Hillcrest 3610. TEL:- 082 4910907.
ROBINS Terence Arthur ID 510617 5052 08 3 + 13 May 2015 x in community of property to Lucinda Lynne ROBINS ID 580429 0039 08 0 of A169 Sabuti, 19 Tamboti Drive Simibithi Eco Estate, Chaka Road, Ballito. ESTATE No 8336/2015. WARRICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205, Private Bag X3 Plumstead. 7801.
RODEN Edward Frank ID 170916 5083 18 4 + 19 Jan 2015 of 446 Kingsway Amanzimtoti .ESTATE No 7959/2015/DBN. ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET ATTORNEYS, REF:- Mr. Atkinson/lp/03/T0842. 478 Lillian Ngoyi Rd, Morningside Durban 4001.
ALBERS Elizabeth Julia ID 320128 0047 08 6 + 12 Jan 2008 of 26 Hignett Rd, Bluff. ESTATE No 8069/2010/DBN. K SWART & CO 227 Stamford Hill Rd, Morningside. Durban.
ALLY Mahomes ID 321109 5176 08 7 + 26 March 2005 of 41 Dawnview Rd, Silverglen, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 976/2015. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive , Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 .REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E036 001.
ENGELBRECHT Rosina Elizabeth ID 250618 0014 08 0 + 24 Aug 2012 of 60 Bayswater Rd Hillary, Durban. ESTATE No. 9512/2012/PMB . LFH ACCOUNTANTS & ATTORNEYS INC 5 Park Lane Kloof 3610 TEL:- 031 76540066.
HAMAR Christina ID 450423 0055 08 6 + 8 Sept 2014 of 35 Nelson Rd, Pinetown 3610. ESTATE No 002050/2015/PMB. CAROLINE LOUISE HOLTZHAUSEN c/o FOURIE STOTT , 23 Jan Hofmeyr Rd, Westville 3629. REF:- VJ Stott.
HUGHES Alan ID 450910 5176 18 0 + none of 7 Kingswood Estate, 151 Inanda Rd, Waterfall.KZN. ESTATE No 11272/2013. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS PO Box 529, Westville.
ISMAIL Mahomed Hoosen ID * 19030410 + 30 May 1975 of 129 West Rd, Overport, Durban . ESTATE No 2686/1975/PMB ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive , Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 .REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E036 001.
24 August 2015
GOVINDSAMY Maligasaram (Mali) + 23 Aug 2015 x Siva. Mother of Cooks, Rojam and Magini. Mother-in-law of Patrick, Anand and Ajay and grandchildren. Funeral 25 Aug 2015 at RB Chetty Hall Phoenix between 12 &2pm. Proceeding to Verulam crematorium fir cremation at 2:30pm.
25 August 2015
BAKER Barry. Funeral on 28 Aug 2015 at Christ Church Pinetown at 11am.
BERRY Gavin (Gav) + 21 Aug 2015 x Leigh. Father of Steve and Shels, Bonnie and Kev, Dave , Meg and Wes. Grandfather of Jen, Ryan and Cade.; Brother and brother-in-law of Clive, Shane, Mandy (JONES) and their spouses. Uncle to Lee, Laurie, Tammie and Haydn. ;Funeral on 27 Aug 2015 at 10am at City Hill Church Hillcrest.
BEVIS Nigel Everard 27 Nov 1946 -----23 Aug 2015 . Husband, father and grandfather of Charmaine, Gregory, Sidney and Verushka, Seth and Jack. Memorial at Christ Church Pinetown on 27 Aug 2015 at 2pm. MARTIN'S 033 3421077.
ESSERS Clive. Passed away in Johannesburg after battle with cancer. Pioneer in Men's Fashion World and master on the trumpet.
GELB Julian. Condolences to Thelma, Wayne, Melanie and their families. Missed by all at Home Fabrics.
KIMBER Susanne Carolyn + 23 Auf 2015 in Arcadia. Daughter of Joan and + Tony. Sister to Erica and Paul, Brett and Jackie,. Aunt of Lara, Kerilyn, Michael, Jenna and Gaby. Service at St James Church Greytown on 31 Aug 2015 at 11am.
MATHONSI Mdu + 23 Aug 2015 (33) in Copesville, Pietermaritzburg. He was shot dead.
MORGAN Maurice Henry Ralph + 20 Aug 2015 at age 70 x Carol. Father of Nichola, Jocelyn and Katherine. Grandfather of Joshua and Gabriel and Harry. Forever Morrie. Service at St Agness Church Kloof at 10:30am. Donations to African Birds of Pray Sanctuary.
NAIDOO Morgan 4 Nov 1942 ----22 Aug 2015 x Dorothy. Father of Vanitha, Marianne and Jayson. Funeral at 730 Khan Crescent Benoni Johannesburg on 26 Aug 2015 from 12noon ---2pm followed by cremation at 3pm at Lala Ngoxolo Crematorium Crystal Park Johannesburg.
ROBINSON Howard 6 Dec 1945 ----21 Aug 2015. Husband. Father of Audrey and Julian. Grandfather to Chloe and Savannah. Service at Rosebank Catholic Church at 2 pm on 2 Sept 2015. Donations to Boys & Girls Town.
RYAN Terence Patrick (Terry) . Memorial at Kloof Methodist Church on 26 Aug 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
VAN ZYL Keith Hugh 5 Oct 1929 ----5 Aug 2015 x Monica. Father to Mia, David and Michael. Grandfather to JaneKate, Nicole, Brendan, Callan and Michelle
VON BERG Sylvia May + 13 Aug 2015 at age 75. Previously from the Buff. Died in Emmanuelle Nursing Home in England. Married to + Neville. Daughter of Mary. Missed by her sisters-in-law, nephews and nieces. Funeral on 4 Sept 2015 at the Salvation Army Church Haley Street at 11am Internment in The Northern Cemetery 12 noon. From Terru Caryl & family.
WELLBELOVED Stella 11 Oct 1927 ----21 Aug 2015. Mother of Gail and Debbie. Mother-in-law of Patrick. Grandmother of Mands, David, Brad, Wes and Duncan.
MILLAR Daniel. 10 years ago we celebrated your 21st. Two years later you were gone. Happy Birthday. Remembered by Dad, Mom, Christ, Steph, Kevin, Kerri, Mikes, Liza, Robz and Landie.
OVERALL Ian 16 June 1923 ---+ 25 Aug 2008. Father of David ; Father of Maggie.
26 August 2015
MALAN nee LANG Kevin & Tammy a son Jamie Michael * 24 Aug 2015. Grandchild for Andi, Allen, Linda, Etienne. Great-grandchild for Monica, Lorna and June.
NARAIN Kivash + 25 Aug 2015. Pilot of Cessna 172 Aircraft . They crashed eManzimtoti near the highway at +/- 2pm .
NUTMAN (ARMOUR) Vicky 24 May 1925 ----+ 23 Aug 2015. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Deryck & Mariette, Sandy & Neville, Denyce, Dean, Nikki, Robbie and families.
27 August 2015
BAKER Barry 1936 ---2015. Glenwood Old Boy, Member of VBA, Captain of The Brandy Team. From Ron & Christine.
BARICHIEVY Vera 19 March 1920 ----25 Aug 2015 in Eshowe. Mother of Jennifer, Winnie and Elaine . Grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of 10.
BARNABAS Samuel Sagathavan x Asothie. Father of Nicolette, Samantha, Elvin Seelan and Ranitha. Grandfather of Jadon, Kajal and Kezia. Brother of Sheila, Bernice , Loyce, Abigail and Eunice. Funeral on 29 Aug 2015. Body wil lie in state at Conquering Through Prayer Overport from 11am ---12noon Service 13:30pm Proceeding to Stellawood Crematorium.
BRUSSER Jansie. Memorial on 29 Aug 2015 at Flame Lily Park Resthome Queensburgh at 09:00am Memorial private. Tea in Hall after and all invited. Cremation private.
ENOCH Stephen Thavasahayum 1 June 1942 -----24 Aug 2015 x Rachel. Father of Dr Clive ENOCH and Michelle PADAYACHEE. Father-in-law of Synthie and Pastor Neville. Grandfather of Shaun, Carlin, Jeanine and Cole. Step-father of Mandy, Jeremy and Denver. Funeral on 29 Aug 2015 at 10am at Christian Revival Centre (CRC) Chatsworth proceeding to Stellawood Crematorium at 2pm. PINETOWN Funeral 031 401 4760.
JORDAAN Pat. Condolences to family from Di, Paul and Nicholas.
MAGWANYANA Nokuthula + 26 Aug 2015 age 45 .She was principal of Villa Maria School in Bishopstowe near Pietermaritzburg. She was attacked on her way home at +/- 4pm.
NAIDOO Jaganathan (Tad) x Premilla, Father of Kerosha, Aneshin and Prenisha. Brother of Nandha and Goin, Lutchmee and + Jaya and Fishy. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall on 27 Aug 2015 from 11:00 ---4:30pm.
PIENAAR Rhona Antoinette of Newlands East. Funeral on 28 Aug 2015 at The Holy Family Parish Catholic Church Newlands East . Viewing at 10am. Service 10:30 am proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
SINEK Paul born in Czechoslavakia ,escaped with his parents Otto & Helen + 18 Aug 2015 in Somerset West x + Hazel (+ 1985). Husband of Jackie (married 1989). Father of Jeremy (Laurel), Jacqui , Roger and Richard (Theresa); Second sons Anthony (Margie), Mark (Helen) and Peter (Bronwen); Grandson Benjamin. Step grandfather of Lara (Mahyar), Robert, Kaela and Luke;
Step-great-grandfather of Sophia. Brother of + Fred. Memorial Service 29 Aug 2015 at 11am at Kilberry, Heidelberg Village.
SMITH Vivian Ian + 25 Aug 2015 at age 90. Brother of Gwen; Uncle of Peter, Jill, Trevor an Helen.
THORPE Marie was found murdered in her flat in Durban. She was found last week. Body was decomposing already. She was 65 years old and an award winning author. Sister to Robert NORDIER and Janine JAMES. Daughter of Valerie FILMER who died 3 years ago. She was married to + Jim THORPE (+ 1990's). One of her books "Lucy's Games " won her bronze in the 1992 Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature. Nosipho MNGOMA
VAN ZYL Keith Hugh 5 Oct 1929 ---5 Aug 2015 x Monica. Father of Mia, David and Michael. Grandfather of Jane, Kate, Nicole, Brendan, Callan and Michelle.
WATKINS Stanley Victor 3 Jan 1954 ------24 Aug 2015. Husband, father and grandchildren. Cremation on 28 Aug 2015 at Stellawood Chapel at 12noon. AVBOB 031 2061831.
WICKHAM John . Memorial at Birdsong on 27 Aug 2015 at 10am.
WILDEY Walter Raymond. Funeral on 29 Aug 2015 a Grace Tabernacle Full Gospel Church Wentworth. Body will lie in state from 9am ----9:30am. Cremation private.
28 August 2015
ROBERTSON Ian (Sprinbok veteran rugby player) died in uMHLANGA Hospital this week at age 43 of myloidfribrosis (bone cancer). Married to Sonia.
GOVENDER Santharasan ID 680621 5205 08 3 + 10 May 2015 of 55 Meyer Rd Escombe 4093 x Aneshree GOVENDER ID 761027 0084 08 9. ESTATE No 7568/2015/DBN. ASHIEKA NAIDOO AND COMPANY PO Box 39962 Queensburgh 4070.
KUNENE Bongumusa Zakhele ID 680703 5665 08 4 + 1 May 2010 of 42 Louch Place 4094. ESTATE No 19727/2010/DBN. JAILALL YUSUPH & ASSOCIATES 103 Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave Rd, Musgrave Durban. TEL:- 031 2011967.
MADONDO Samson Bhekozayo ID 581104 5341 08 3 + 9 April 2015 of B135 Clermont Ext Clermont. ESTATE No 9235/2015/DBN. M.E MBHELE & CO P O BOX 2232, Pinetown 3600 TEL:- 031 7010271.
NXUMALO Gladys ID 370505 0419 08 5 + 9 Jan 2015 of 41 Nsingizi Rd, Kwandengezi, KZN. ESTATE No 5369/2015/DBN. M.E MBHELE & CO P O BOX 2232, Pinetown 3600 TEL:- 031 7010271.
VAN NIEKERK Linda Avril ID 540428 0105 08 0 + 16 June 2014 of 140 Everton Rd, Everton KZN. ESTATE No 25251/2014/DBN. MICHAEL CHARLES DINGLEY, 2 Ncondo Place, Ridge Side Umhlanga 4320.
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