Daily News 2015 07 July
1 July 2015
GROOM Harold + 28 June in Somerset West. Formaly from Durban, The Old Mutual and Durban Chamber of Commerce. He has joined his beloved Sheila. Father of Sue, Kevin, Dawn, Brian, Margie and grandchildren.
MURUGAS Nyanamba (Nyanam) 15 Dec 1936 ----1 July 2000. Daughter, sister, relative. Daughter of + Mrs Angamma & Mr P MURUGAS. Sister of Narain MURUGAS and your Canine Brother Dino MURUGAS. Your housekeeper Mrs Thandi BUTHELEZI.
2 July 2015
HUNTER /TUCK Troye & Casey a boy Carter John * 1 July 2015. Johnny would have been so proud. Love from Desiree, Kelly, Clint, Sienna and Riley.
TUTU Desmond & Leah SHENXANE x 2 July 1955. Desmond is Archbishop Emiritus. They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren.
BUTLER Frank Marchant 4 July 1932 ----30 June 2015 x Phyllis. Father to Robyne, Gail and Bruce and grandfather. Memorial Tea at Amberglen Howick on 7 July 2015 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
CLIFFORD Edward Arthur (Eddy) 26 Aug 1942 ----30 June 2015 x Margaret. He joined his beloved son Ian. Grandfather to Tristan and Travis. Father to Carole and Brad.
DOOLABH Manibhen x + Gangaram DOOLABH. Her funeral will take place on 2 July 2015 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 12:45 ----1:30 pm.
LIEBICH Harold . Brother of Monica and Dianne (Snoeks).
MUIRHEAD Paul William 7 Feb 1968------30 June 2015. Father of Ryan and partner to Robyn. Son of Peter and Maggie. Thank you to nursing staff at St Anne's ICU. Service to Celebrate his life on 3 July 2015 at the Victoria Hall Maritzburg College. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
NEWBY-FRASER Olga + 30 June 2015. Mother to Frank, Robert and Colin and families. Memorial at Mildene Park Durban North on 2 July 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
O'CONNOR Stephen 14 June 1954 ---11 June 2015 x Patricia. Father to Sean, Dean, Pamela and Andrew, father-in-law to Michelle and Hannah. Grandfather to Issabella and Grace. Funeral on 3 July 2015 at St Catherines Catholic Church Escombe at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
POWELL Rosemary 22 Nov 1931 ----30 June 2015. Mother of Diane and Jenny. Grandmother of Shaun, Ally and Georgie. Memorial at Doon Village Sanctuary Pinetown on 3 July 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
ROSSLIEN CLARK PATRICK CRAIG ( Clark) 21 Nov 1941 ------+ 29 June 2015 x Susi. Father of Sarah. Brother of Charmaine.
ROWSELL Maguire Lynne (Lynne) . Memorial on 3 July 2015 at The Rock Church, Umhlanga at 2pm. RIP.
VAN DER MERWE Conroy John 20 June 1934 -----27 June 2015 x Marian. Father of Jill, Leanne and Anton. Father-in-law of Garth. Grandfather of Kendyl, Jordan, Cara-Ann and Tamryn. Memorial at St Maty's Anglican Church Warner Beach on 4 July 2015 at 2:30pm.
ABBOTT Lorraine .Gone 2 years now. Mother of your baby Jolene & family.
DELLIUS Louis + 2 July 2005. Remembered by Gladys, Fiona , Les, Lee-Ann and Matthew.
REDDY Mr S.K.23 Nov 1933 ---9 Sept 2014 & Mrs Kam REDDY 22 March 1934 -----4 July 1999. Memorial Service for late parents on 5 July 2015 at Resmount Primary School Hall Reservoir Hills Durban. Inserted by the sons Segs, Ruben and Thevendren.
3 July 2015
ZETLE/MOSKOVITZ Deena & Arik a son Omer* 24 June 2015 in Tel Aviv. Grandchild for Louis & Arlene and great-grandson of Minnie ZETS.
GOVENDER Thangavelu (Ganas) 1922 ----2015 x Govindsamy. Father of Devi, Vimla, Cookie, Thuven. Father-in-law and grandfather and great-grandfather. Funeral on 4 July 2015 at 38 Clubside Close Phoenix from 10am ---1pm. Proceedng to Clare Estate Crematorium. Body will lie in state from 2----3:30pm. WYEBANK 031 705 7321.
IRVING BROWN Christian Allen Justian ID 240517 5003 08 4 + 13 March 2014 of 62 Vivian Rd, Highlands Hills, Pinetown 3610 x Shirley Catherine Romaine IRVING BROWN ID 250327 0026 08 2. ESTATE No 2817/2014/PMB. BRANDON KEITH MINNIE 62 Vivien Rd, Highland Hills, Pinetown 3610. TEL:- 031 7010588.
MACDUGAL Mary ID 370605 0019 18 0 + 30 May 2015 of 22 Palmsprings, Mount Edgecombe, Durban. ESTATE No 7617/2015/DBN. LEGATOR MCKENNA INCORPORATED 2100 Eagle Building 357 Dr Pixey Kaseme Street, Durban 4000, TEL:- 031 3051571.
NAIDOO Dharmar ID 700916 5196 08 4 + 18 Aug 2012 of 12 Eland Court, 31 Eland Street, Ballito. ESTATE No 15027/2012/DBN. ANAND -NEPAUL 9th Floor, Royal Towers 30 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban 4001.TEL:- 031 3274600
NAIDOO Jonathan ID 661224 5223 08 2 + 12 March 2015 of 30 Zintex Street, Havenside, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 7557/2015. ANAND -NEPAUL 9th Floor, Royal Towers 30 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban 4001.TEL:- 031 3274600
NAIDOO Murudaye ID 320108 0200 08 3 + 21 Nov 2011 of 22 Juggernaut Rd, Merebank. ESTATE No 5538/2015/DBN. D.PILLAY & COMPANY Suite 1702, 17th Floor, Nedbank House, 30 Ingcuce (Albert) Street 4001. TEL:- 031 3010522
NAICKER Kanniappen ID 370611 5323 08 0 + 25 Sept 2013 of 91 Democrats Street Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. Spouce pre deceased. ESTATE No022619/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05N109 001.
PEARSON Susan Caroline ID 320626 0039 08 6 + 12 May 2015 of Apartment DG 16, Rob Roy Lifestyle Village , Bothas Hill. ESTATE No 004241/2015. NEIL GERBER for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY P O Box1098, Westville 3630.
TOD Michael Gordon ID 640303 5138 08 0 + 21 May 2015 of 43 Umvoti Drive, Blythdale Beach KZN. ATKINSON , TURNER & DE WET ATTORNEYS. REF:- Mr Atkinson/gr/06/T0845, 478 Lillian Ngoyi Rd, Morningside Durban 4001.TEL:- 031 3121303.
BASS Royston Clifford ID 251127 5046 08 8 + 30 Jan 2015 of 74 Milldene Park, 65 Prospect Hall Rd, Durban . ESTATE No 2165/2015/DBN. MERVYN MILLAR PO Box 1357 Hyper By The Sea 4053 . TEL:- 031 5647276.
EBRAHIM Ismail ID 300602 5011 08 5 + 10 Aug 2013 of 12 Gelder Rd, Clare Estate, Durban. Spouce deceased. ESTATE No 12879/2013/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E289 001.
GIRDHARI Arukumar ID 550419 5110 08 1 + 9 May 2014 of 32 Gowran Gardens, Avoco Hills Durban x Kumarasundrie NAICKER ID 551121 0165 08 1. ESTATE No 25148/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 G102 001
PERSHAD Chintamani ID 520209 0163 08 4 + 25 Sept 2013 of 5 Windsor Rd Burlington Heights Shallcross x Birjanand PERSHAD ID 451113 5148 08 0. ESTATE No 23432/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 P097 001
SHOEBUX Deoduth ID 411102 5086 08 4 + 4 Oct 2014 of 3 Moorcross Drive Moorton Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 29406/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth, Durban. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 S179 001
THOMPSON Barry Raymond ID 371231 5063 08 8 + 24 July 2011 of 5 King George Ave, Forest Hills Kloof Natal x Sheila Jean THOMPSON ID 440710 0019 08 5. ESTATE No 14539/2011. KARLA STRYDOM ATTORNEYS PO Box 75506 Garden View 2047.
YOKO Valerie Gwen Merl ID 350923 0044 08 0 + 24 Dec 2015 of 35 Wager Ave, Prestondale KZN. ESTATE No 842/2015. SHARON MARGARET EMMERICH PO Box 35653 Northway 4065.
7 July 2015
BREMNER nee TATE nee DRAKE Joan Avril + 3 July 2015 x Don. Mother of David, Darryl and Deborah. Mother-in-law, grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of 9. Memorial on 9 July 2015 at 10am at Room 2 Amberfield Retirement Village.
CARRUTHERS nee UPPINK Megan .Memorial at Bill Buchanan Park Social Room Morningside on 9 July 2015 at 10:30am.
CESCUTTI Renzo 24 Jan 1935 ---- 4 July 2015. Husband, father and grandfather.
HENSTRA Rob + 1 July 2015 .Husband of Barbara. Father of Tarryn and Kirsten. Father-in-law to Clive and Scott. Grandfather of Hannah. Celebration of his life on 7 July 2015 at St Winifreds Methodist Church Warner Beach.
HORVATH Shandor Miklos . Funeral on 8 July 2015 at the Old Apostolic Church Woodlands at 11am. MARTIN'S 031 3128095.
LESLIE Gwen + 3 July 2015. Now with beloved Bob, Michael and Graham. Grandmother RIP.
McCALLUM Beryl. Friend of Moira, Maureen and Elaine.
RISELY Ross Gordon x Zoe. Father of Adrienne, Nicky and Michelle. Father-in-law ,grand and great-grandfather. Memorial at Waterfall Methodist Church on 8 July 2015 at 11am.
THORNTON Paddy + 26 June 2015. Family wishes to thant all for their help and hard work these last 2 months. Oldest sister of Lyn and sister-in-law of John (LOTRIET). Aunt of Gary and Tracey. Great-aunt of Jason , Brittany and Ryan. Memorial Service (NO MASS) at Nazareth House Chapel Ridge Rd on 10 July 2015 at 11am.
UPFORD June Mary + 3 July 2015 . Finally with Dad. No more confusion. Mother of david, Wendy, Samantha, Jenna and Michael. ; Mother and grandmother of Pete, Rose, Brandon, Rich & Ash; and mother and grandmother of Chris, Andrea, Nicole and Jenny.
WILLIAMS David Arthur (Boyce) x Sheila. Father of Desiree, Glenys, Vanessa, Marcel, Delton,. Grand and great-grandfather. Funeral at The Full Gospel Church Austerville on 8 July 2015 at 11am. Service will be conducted by Pastor Ronnie VISAGIE.
MAINSTRY Appasamy Kasavelu 5 July 1926 ----7 July 2010 x Baby. Missed by entire MAINSTRY, NAIDOO and CHETTY family.
HARPER Caren 5 June 1943 -----6 July 2014. Wife and mother of Willie and Pamela.
PAUL Angelina (Lolly) 6 May 1944 -----7 July 2000. From your little boy Shafo.
SUTTON Ivy Stella. 13 years gone now. Brom Bully, Carol, Shannah and Tyrel.
WILLIAMS Philip Harry (Bob) 2 June 1934 -----6 July 2012 Father of Diane, grandfather of Dane and Kristen; Father of Maureen, Sean, Nikita and Kiara.; Grandfather of Dane, Desre, and great-granddaughters.; Father of Ashley, Wendy and grandfather of Tamryn and Caitlyn.
9 July 2015
DEWLOK Yuveera. 13 years old now. Happy birthday. From your grandparents Moon & Pat NAIR and your brother Shavay.
COELHO Valentim. Service at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 13 July 2015 at 12 pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
GIRONI Elena. Simpathy to Gian Piero and family from ANTIGLEVIC Family.
GLASS Leon + 6 July 2015 in London x Melanie. Father of Liane and Warren HETZ, Saul and Tamsin. Grandfather to 2week old Maya; Our hearts go out to Melanie, Saul, Warren, Liane and Maya. From Stephen and Jill and family.
MKHWANAZI Hlengiwe (30) was found dead on 7 July 2015 at Mahatma Gandi Memorial Hospital in the toilets. She was in labour pains.
SMITH nee VENTER Beatrice Hendrika Maria 22 March 1927 -----7 July 2015. Mother and grandmother. Funeral on 10 July 2015 at the Dutch Reform Church, Pinetown at 11am DOVES 0860025500.
TRUEBODY Lloyd + 6 July 2015 (tragically) Memorial at City Hill Church Sunningdale, uMhlanga on 11 July 2015 at 11am. BELL 031 301 4793.
WETTELAND Max + 5 July 2015. Condolences to Lynn, Tanya, Lee and rest of the family. From his Suncoast Pirates family. Will be remembered in The Annals of the Club's History.
WETTELAND Maxwell Thormod 29 Aug 1938 ---- 5 July 2015 x Lyn. Father of Leigh, Tanya and + Mark. Grandfather of Aidan, Grace, Robbie, Jocelyn and Anabel. Father-in-law of Ewan, Chad and Justine. Brother of Peter and + Astrid. Uncle of Lorraine, Derrick and Alec.
McLAUGHLIN Merle. Mother, grand and great-grandmother.
SMALE Penelope + 15 July 2005. From the children, aunt, uncle, sisters, brothers etc.
TUNGUY-DESMARAIS Adrian. From Mum and Dad.
10 July 2015
MASHABA Thulani + 9 July 2015 in a car crash in Ballito on his way to Richards Bay . He was 43. He was Deputy Mayor of the uThungulu District Municipslity. NOSIPHO MNGOMA.
MASONDO David + 5 July 2015 at Garden City Hospital Johannesburg at age 67.He was the leader of "Soul Brothers" singers (mbaqanga). Father of Nokukhanya and Dumisile MASONDO. Celebration of his life was held on 9 July 2015 at Mpumalanga, Hammersdale. Funeral on 11 July 2015. NOSIPHO MNGOMA
WAKEFORD Harry + 4 July 2015 of Ballito. Killed in a robbery in Karonga, Malawi. Body arrived home on 9 July 2015. Father-in-law of Barry, younger brother of Warwick CHAPMAN. NOSIPHO MNGOMA
DANNALEE Mahomed Haniff ID 410508 5072 08 3 + 25 Aug 2014 x Ayesha Bi DANNALEE ID 450501 0117 08 7 of 45 Morewood Rd, Palmiet, Reservoir Hills. ESTATE No 004442/2015/DBN. D.SOMA & COMPANY 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.
DUNCAN David Andrew ID 440712 5084 08 0 + 22 May 2015 of 5 Jacaranda Hill, 7 Meadow Lane, Kloof 3610. ESTATE No 7298/2015/DBN. RSM BETTY & DICKSON PO Box 2120, Westville 3630.
GRINDROD Walter Murray ID 351109 5044 08 0 + 16 May 2015 of 52 Sir Arthur Rd, Durban 4001. ESTATE No 7195/2015. RSM BETTY & DICKSON PO Box 2120, Westville 3630.
MORRISON Bridget ID 330310 0015 08 5 + 18 May 2015 of 43 Mentone Rd, Durnam 4001. ESTATE No 7190/2015. RSM BETTY & DICKSON POBox 2120, Westville 3630.
PERSAD Brijraj ID 420112 5086 08 2 + 17 May 2015 of 29-28th Ave, Umhlatuzana Township KZN. ESTATE No 002421/2015 /DBN. LARSON FALCONER HASSAN PARSEE INC, 93 Richefond Circle Ridgeside Office Park Umhlanga Rocks 4319. TEL:- 031 5341634.
PILLAY Perumal ID 550725 5090 08 5 + 30 Aug 2009 x Rangini PILLAY ID 620220 0856 08 2 of 97 Nelite Place, Pinetown. ESTATE No. 14887/2009/DBN. D.SOMA & COMPANY 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.
SEWNARAIN Sharitha ID 600514 0123 08 7 + 23 Oct 2014 x Girdhari SEWNARAIN ID 491001 5135 08 6 of 11 Eiderwood Close, Woodview, Phoenix. ESTATE No. D.SOMA & COMPANY 1003 Nedbank House, 30 Albert Street, Durban.
UTHAM Natverlal ID 371229 5062 08 4 + 3 Sept 2014 of 312 Parkstation Rd, Greenwood Park Durban. ESTATE No 28058/2014/DBN. GARACH & GARACH 80 Armstrong Ave, La Lucia 4051.
13 July 2015
CHINNAPPA Sarojini Murugan x + Dickson. Mother of Mano, Rajen, Surrie, Poovie and Amy. Mother-in-law of Rajan, Shaamla, Jan and Selvan. Sister of Teddy, Indra, Uthira and + Dolly, Jones and Premi. Funeral at 150 Hyacinth Rd Red Hill from 11----1pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2---3:30 for cremation at 4pm.
GREEN Brian George . Memorial at Bluff Methodist Church on 15 July 2015 at 11am. Cremation private.
MASHABA Thulani + 9 July 2015 in a accident. A former youth leader. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.
14 July 2015
ACKERMANN Marcélle 17 April 1973 -----7 July 2015. Verassingsdiens vind plaas on 15 Julie 2015 om 11vm vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk Hillcrest. Word betreur deur haar Ouers, Seun, Broer, Suster, Familie en vriende. AVBOB 031 2061831.
BIGNOUX Darrell Stewart 12 Jan 1933-----24 June 2015 x Judy. Father of Shane , Denzil, Brett and families. No funeral by request.
COBB Maureen of Overport. Funeral on 16 July 2015 at Christ Kingdom Ministries Asherville. Viewing at 11am. Service at 11:30am proceeding to Dudley Street cemetery.
CRAMER Kevin + 11 July 2015. Father of Jordan. Brother of Debbie. Son of Kathy and uncle of Bianca, Andrew and Nicola. RIP Boet. Memorial on 16 July 2015 at The Gateway Church Mount Edgecombe at 2pm.
DRABBLE Caleb Sean of Sydenham. Funeral on 15 July 2015 at The Holy Trinity Catholic Church Musgrave Durban. Mass at 10:30am. Cremation private.
DUFFIELD Denis Reginald + 9 July 2015 at age 82. Father of Mavis, Gail, Jessica, Paul and Stephen. Funeral at St John the Evangelist Church Benmore on 15 July 2015 at 2pm.
GRAHAM Dennis + 12 July 2015. Condolences to the family from Work Colleagues from Max and Dee.
JOSEPH Ashley Colin x Sumi. Father to Jamie, Jodie and Kelsie. Brother to Gavin and Dennis JOSEPH. Requiem Mass at St Anthony's Catholic Church Greyville on 15 July 2015. Body will lie in state from 10am ----12pm. Holy Mass at 11am. Cremation private.
KNIGHT Gregory John 28 Feb 1954 ----4 July 2015. Memorial on 17 July 2015 at Selbourne Golf Estate , Pennington at 10am. Private cremation. KZN Funerals. LAMBERT Wayne Paul + 12 July 2015. Twin of Wendy and youngest brother of Jennifer, Steven, Peter, Derek, David, Arlene and Leon.
LEWIS Margaret Elizabeth 26 Nov 1946 ----12 July 2015. Mother of Marcel, Children, daughters-in-laws, grandchildren and great-grandchild. Funeral on 15 July 2015 at St Michaels Church Blackburn Rd, Viewing at 10am. Service at 11am. Private cremation.
MALCOLM BRETT MCKENZIE 1932 ---- + 10 July 2015 at Hillcrest Private Hospital x Denise. Father of Paula, Belinda and Rowena. Father-in-law of Duncan and Richard. Grandfather of Gregory, Chloe and Benjamin. Funeral at Holy Trinity Church Hillcrest on 14 July 2015 at 2pm.
MARTIN Joseph Sidney 1920 ---2015 x Margie. Also father. Memorial at Christ Church Waterfall at 11am on 16 July 2015.
OSBORN Carmynowe Trevan 6 May 1921 ----9 July 2015 x + David. Mother of Lynn, Donovan, Rosemary and Michael. Mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother. Service at St Luke's Anglican Church Howick on 15 July 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116
PICKERS Frank . 9 July 1935 ----10 July 2015 (80) in The Drakensberg. Father, father-in-law , grand and great-grandfather. From Teresa, Celia, Annette and families; Will miss him from John, Annette, Kim, Bruce, Liz and great-grandchildren.; Memorial at DOVES Greyville on 14 July 2015 at 10am.
PILLAY Dheenadayalan Ganesh. Funeral on 14 July 2015. Body will lie in state at hs resident 45 Brown Drift Rd, Durban North from 12----3pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 4---6pm. WYEBANK Funeral Home 031 7057321.
REDDIAR Carole Pamela 6 Dec 1938 ------11 July 2015 in Johannesburg at home x Cecil. Mother of Nesan, Neera, Chaun, Annicia, Phillip and Samrita. Grandmother to Jeffrey, Tahlia, Wesley and Sherwin. Funeral on 15 July 2015 at St Martins-in-the-Veld, Rosebank. Body will lie in state from 11:30. Service at 12:30pm. Donations to Parkinson's research.
SACK Richard + 10 July 2015. Brother of Barbara and Robyn, brother-in-law, Geoff, nephews Andrew and Paul and their families.
SCHOEMAN Lester. Condolences to the family from the Bluff National Park Members. Memorial Service at Bluff National Park Bluff Durban on 17 July 2015 at 2pm.
SEWNARAIN Ashin. Son of Sookdeo SEWNARAIN. Brother of Ishara, Balika, Ashina and Ashok. Funeral on 15 July 2015 from 11h00 ---13h00 at 1 Cherron Ave, La Lucia. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 14:00 ---15:30. WYEBANK Funeral 031 -7057321.
SINGH Jaiveer + 9 July 2015. One of our Grade 10 learners. He will be missed and remembered by the DNC (Durban North College) family. Condolences to his family.
SMITH Beatrice Hendrika Maria + 7 July 2015 Our mother and our son
SMITH Petrus Marthinus + 10 July 2015. Church Service at the NG Kerk (Dutch Reform Church) on 15 July 2015 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
WHITTLE Esme x + Norman. Mother of Yvonne, Carol and + Peter and Brian. Grandmother and great- grandmother. Funeral at Essenwood Residential Home on 16 July 2015 at 10:30am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
NAIDOO A (Kitty) 22 May 1950 ------14 July 2014 x Shomilla. Father of Sean, Raj, Calvin, Cheryl. Father-in-law of Prishina and your honey-baby Shreya.
15 July 2015
REDMAN Eunice. Funeral on 18 July 2015 at St Peters Church Newlands East, Durban. Body will lie in state from 0945 ---10:30am.
SACK Richard +10 July 2015. Missed by his sisters Barbara and Robyn. Brother-in-law Geoff. Nephews Andrew and Paul and their families.
16 July 2015
MARTIN Des & Marie-Olga married in16 June 1955 at Durban Emmanuel Cathedral. Parents of Matthew * Oct 1956. Paul born 3 years later and Mary * 1963 and Ann who just turned 50. 7 Grandchildren and great-grandchild. First grandchild ,Louise, died just before her 2nd birthday and her brother Merron ,(21) died saving his co-pilot instructor, when he saved him from a burning helicopter. Des competed 15 Comrades. (photo with article in BEREA MAIL.)
BARBOUR Bill 14 Feb 1923 ----13 July 2015. Uncle to Celia and Bernice. Brother to Ivy. Service at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 17 July 2015 at 10am.
GREEN Donald (Don) 25 Jan 1945 ----12 July 2015 Moira GREEN. Father of Venica, Cheryl, Carmel & Karen. Grandchildren Joey, Eric and Boswel GREEN,Doris, Ruth and Faith. Funeral on 18 July 2015 at St John Parish Sydenham at 0930am.
LAMBERT Wayne Paul 30 June 1971 ----12 July 2010. Brother of Jennifer, Stephen, Peter, Derek, David , + Penny, Arlene, Leon and Wendy (Twin) and Lance. Funeral on 17 Jully 2015 at Souls Outreach Church Sydenham at 12 noon. Cremation Service thereafter.
NAIDOO Applesamy Appana (Alec) x + Devarani (Dids). Brother of A.K. (Kurni), Poet Shepton and Chinna of Lenasia. Father of Praveen, Veena, Nalin. Father-in-law of Yegan, Fawzia and Tina. Grandfather of Tina. Grandfather Micara, Devashka, Davashka, Johara, Tashmira and Siaien. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium from 18 July 2015 from 11am ----13 hours. PHOENIX Funeral 031 5073 all hours.
OOSTHUIZEN Johannes Frederic. Husband , father and grandchuldrenRoudiens op 17 Julie 2016 by NG Kerk Pinetown. AVBOB 031 2061831.
SCHOEMAN Lester. "James James Morrison, Morrison Weatherby George DuPree" From Jim, & Sally KAYSER.
SHORT Graham + 15 July 2015 in Deal in the UK. Missed by Brian, Carmen, Jayne, Susan , Peter and family.
TATHAM nee McBEAN Marjorie Anne 29 July 1929 ----5 July 2015. Mother of Chris TATHAM and Gill FOURIE nee TATHAM. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Luke's Anglican Church Howick on 17 July 2015 at 10:15. Donations to SOS Children's Village PMB or Alzheimers Accociation.
WETTELAND Max + 5 July 2015 at age 76 x Lyn. Father of Leigh, Tanya and + Mark. Grandmother to Aidan, Grace, Robbie, Jocelan and Anabel.; Also Ewan, Chad, Justina and his sister + Astrid, Peter (brother). Niece Lorraine and nephews Derrick and Alec.
ABRAHAM Mariamma. 25 years gone now.Mother of Theresa, Joy, Priscilla, Elaine, Denise and Melanie.
CHETTY Sadha (SV) 10 My 1932 ----16 July 2014. Miss you from the your loving family.
JORDAAN Stephen Michael. From Mom.
MOODLEY Patchappen (Pat). 1 year Memorial on 18 Julie 2015 at Sunford Primary School Hall. Lunch at 12:30 ----13:40pm Service at 14:00----15:30pm.
17 July 2015
SEGERS Claire +10 July 2015 . Mother and grandmother. Memorial Service on 19 July 2015. Details phone 021 6712400.
20 July 2015
STEVENS Kaylan (28) + 18 July 2015. He was hit with a baseball bat during an argument over a pair of boots in Wentworth. Son of Deon STEVENS. Brother of Kendall (sister). Kaylan is father of a daughter of nearly 8 and his girlfriend is expecting another baby. Nephew of Leverne BUKES. ZAINUL DAWOOD.
21 July 2015
SKEVINGTON- KEMP Michelle (daughter of Liz & + Richard) and Craig (son of Jen and Rob) announce their engagement on 10 July 2015 in Malta.
CARPEDE Donna Geraldine + 19 July 2015. Will be missed by family and friends.
CROOKES Jean Dunsmore 19 Nov 1922 -----16 July 2015 x + T.C.B. (Charles) CROOKES. Mother of Jennifer, Elizabeth, Graeme. Grandmother and great-grandmother. Funeral at Renishaw Chapel, Renishaw on 23 July 2015 at 10:30am. Internment will follow at family cemetery.
CWELE Thandayiphi was killed (bullet) at Glebelands Hostel. Husband and father of 5. [Sihle MLAMBO]
GRUEBL Noreen + 18 July 2015 in Orange California. Love from Amy JENKINS and family.; Love from Brett STEWART and family.
HULETT Bryan Herbert 1 June 1932 ------18 July 2015 x Merle. Father of Warren, Gavin and Bruce. Grandfather of 8. Brother to Moira PAGE. Memorial on the farm " Cloud Hill "Eshowe on 22 July 2015 at 11am.
JACKSON Brian Michael 29 July 1932 -----15 July 2015 x Lyn. Stepfather of Cathy and Matthew and step-father-in-law of Candice and Mandi.Step-grandfather of Joshua and Rachel. Memorial at The Upper Umgeni Presbyterian Church Howick on 24 July 2015 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
KING Wayne .Son if Shimwell & Theresa. Brother of Brendan and Natasha. Brother-in-law and uncle . Funeral at Christ The King Catholic Church on 22 July 2015 at 11:30am.
LENNARD Nan Averilda Boyd + 18 July 2015. Mother, grandmother and great-granny of Pauline, Steve, Mark and families.
NKOSI Xolani was killed this weekend in Empangeni. He was bodyguard of Premier Senzo MCHUNU. [Mayibongwe MAQHINA]
PETERSEN Geoffrey David . Husband ,father and grandfather of Shirley, Tarryn, Shanelle and Tanae.
RICHEN Joseph Rodney. Father of Lester, Susanne and Robin. Requiem Mass at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham on 24 July 2015 at 10:30am.
ROBINSON David Edgcumbe x Ann. Father of Mark, Sarah, Beth. Grandfather of Andrew, Luca, Mikey, Tiago, Nicci. Funeral at St James Anglican Church Morningside on 23 July 2015 at 10am. BELL 031 3014793.
SANDIFORD Jeremy Lee 24 Aug 1961 ----15 July 2015 at Sunfield Home. Son of Enid & + Peter. Brother of Mark and Lyall. Memorial at Sunfield Home Chapel on 23 July 2015 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
UPTON Arthur Louis 20 Aug 1923 ---16 July 2015 x Anne. Uncle of Fiona. Brother to Jack. Donation to Coastal Horse Care Unit Kloof.
VAN SCHALKWYK Jerome. Chairman of The Savanna Body Corporate. Your walks with Malusi through the complex will be missed.From The Trustees and Residents of Savanna.
FISHER Iain + 21 July 2014. Reunited with Mother. Father of Julia, Chris, Nicola, Laura, James & Richard, Debra, Mathew and Andrew.
FYNN Secora Linda. 1 year gone now. From Andrew.
TWINE John Charles + 21 July 2015. Father, grand and great-grandfather.
22 July 2015
NTSHANGSSE Mbuyiseni (16) was stabbed to death at his Mkhwakhweni Pongola School. He died on the way to hospital. Sihle MLAMBO
23 July 2015
DE VILLIERS Danielle & AB a boy *22 July 2015. AB De VILLIERS is a cricket Star of the Proteas.
BENNETT Penelope Suzanne 11 Jan 1923 ----22 July 2015 x + Colin BENNETT. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Lynne & John SNEDDEN, Michael & Jeanette BENNETT, Peter BENNETT , grand and great-grandchildren. Memorial at Kloof Methodist Church on 27 July 2015 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BRIMBLE Elaine Emily 29 May 1935 ----22 July 2015. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Sally, Janice, Oscar, David Josephine, Joshua, Jordan, Jessica and Luca. Memorial on 24 July 2015 at Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Hillcrest at 3pm.
COLE Allen Lingard 21 March 1934 ----19 July 2015 x Shirley. Father to Richard, Kevin and Christopher. Father-in-law to Dennyl and Jackie. Pa to Laura, Daniel, Alec, Ashley and Adam. A service at Scottburgh Methodist Church on 24 July 2015 at 10:30am. KZN Funerals.
DE VLIEG Joshua John Pereira .Memorial for Joshua John DE PEREIRA VLIEG will be at Harvest Church Somerset Park on 24 July 2015 at 2pm. Son of Andrew & Ana. Brother of Luke and Luisa.
FERNANDEZ Janette Linda (Jenny). Funeral on 24 July 2015 at Durban Christian Centre Mayville. Viewing at 0945am Service at 10:15am Cremation private.
GOVENDER Dr Ganasen. 16th Day Memorial at The Shri Parasakthie Temple Merebank on 24 July 2015 .Service at 18:30pm 19:30pm. Supper/Refreshments from 19:30-----21:00pm
GREEFF (FLEETWOOD nee OLIVIER Jacoba Emmerentia (Rene) 1924 ----2015. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Eugene, Sandra, Estelle, Elsabé, Deon and families. Memorial at NG Kerk Escombe on 24 July 2015 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
KAMBARRAN Miguel Denver 12 May 1981 ----16 July 2015 x Tasneen. Father of Josh and Katelyn. Son of Michael KAMBARRAN. Brother to Colleen, Craig, Melissa, Xavier and Talia. Funeral on 25 July 2015. Body will lie in state at Berea Congregational Church Musgrave Rd. Viewing from 10---11am, Service at 12 noon proceeding to Redhill Cemetery.
MARAIS Johannes Nicolas 23 Feb 1971 ----19 July 2015 x Maria. Father of Tiaan and Xander.; Sympathy from "The Boys in Blue" Independent Newspapers KZN.; Sympathy to Maria and her sons Tiaan & Xander on passing of husband and father from The Management and Staff at Independent Newspapers KZN Production Department; Celebration of his life at Westville Prison
Recreation Hall on 24 July 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MUNISAMY Mrs P (Neela) . Funeral on 24 July 2015 Will leave the Dravida Hall at 3pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium. Body will lie in state from 12noon.CENTRAL FUNERALS 083 775 8020.
NAIDU A.S. (Charles) x Chinpap. Father of Jay, Veni, Larry, Sally and Ravesh. Brother of Morris APPLESAMY. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall on 24 July 2015 from 11am ---1pm. PHOENIX Funeral 031 5073925.
REDMAN Marjorie Joy 7 July 1916 ----20 July 2015 in Pietermaritzburg. Mother of Ian and Norma. Mother-in-law of Moira and Mike. Grandmother of Warren, Toni, Laura, Kirsty and Kate. Great-grandmother of David and Joshua
RICHEN Joseph Rodney. Funeral on 24 July 2015 at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham. Viewing at 10am. Service at 11am. Cremation private.
STEVENS Kylan Troy. Funeral at Christ The King Parish Wentworth on 24 July 2015 . Viewing at 11:30am Service 12noon proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
SMITH Jeffrey Douglas. Remembered by Glen, Mary-Ann and family.
SWARTZ Steve + 23 July 2003 x Gail. Remembered by Alex, Neville, Pam, Kyle.
24 July 2015
NEWTON Emelda Rosetta. Daughter of Florence & + James NEWTON. Mother of Carey and Kealan. Sister and aunt. Funeral on 25 July 2015 at The Old Apostolic Church Newlands East 0930 for 10am. MARTIN'S 031 3128095.
GOVENDER Armugam Moonsamy ID 680804 5156 08 0 + 17 Oct 2014 x Senthamalay GOVENDER ID 760908 0050 08 2 of 67 Canna Rd, Windy Heights, Kwa Dukuza. ESTATE No 1958/2015/PMB. MESARS RAVIN SINGH, ASHEENA SINGH & COMPANY PO Box 1236 Kwa Dukuza 4450.
KIRKWOOD Neil Duncan ID 530221 5057 08 9 + 15 Oct 2013 of 9 Tarlton Rd Pinetown. ESTATE No 15862/2013/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & CO PO Box 20540, Durban North 4016. TEL:- 031 5637111.
NGEMA Sipho Sikhumbuza ID 620502 5639 08 8 + 1 Jan 2015 of 22 Bra Mbatha Ave KwaMakutha x Bongiwe Agattah NGEMA ID 751228 1155 08 2. ESTATE No 3533/2015/DBN. K SWART & CO 227 Stamford Hill Rd, Morningside, Durban.
PILLAY Wolganathan Subrmany ID 470818 5139 08 0 + 30 April 2015 of 16 Dunnottar Ave, Asherville Durban x Jayalutchmi PILLAY ID 430107 0094 08 9. ESTATE No 8780/2015/DBN. ANAND-NEPAUL 9th Floor, Royal Towers, 30 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 327 4600.
VAWDA Amod ID 341227 5116 08 9 + 3 Aug 2014 of 9/11 Sholapur Place Merewent Durban . ESTATE No 8112/2015/DBN. L.A. KHAN ATTORNEYS Suite 118 Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban 4001.
BACUS Fathima ID 800 423203A * 20 Aug 1918 -----12 Aug 2001 of 16 Primula Drive Mobeni Heights (Widow) .ESTATE No 15532/2010/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suites 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 B081 001.
BAHADHOOR Osman ID 800/409 527A * 6 Oct 1916 ---+ 8 Jan 1974 of 16 Primula Drive Mobeni Heights Durban . ESTATE No 2371/1974 PMB. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suites 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 B082 001.
MAHARAJ Precilla ID 621230 0006 08 2 + 25 Sept 2014 of 274 Castlehill Drive, Castlehill x Evesh MAHARAJ ID 751231 5044 08 8 of no address given. ESTATE No 29849/2014/DBN. TRISHAL SHARMA AND ASSOCIATES, 27 Linze Rd, Greyville 4001. PO Box 47301, Greyville 4023.
PILLAY Vengetas ID 540226 5727 08 1 + none x Kanniamah PILLAY ID 661118 0079 08 7 . ESTATE No 28280/2014. CHRISTEL MOODLEY ATTORNEYS PO Box 47127, Greyville 4023. Suite 4012 , 4th Floor, Doone House 379 Smith Street. TEL:- 031 3017552.
VAHED Zuleka Bee Bee ID 430808 0105 08 6 + 6 April 2014 of 62 Harris Street Sherwood. ESTATE No 025913/2014/DBN. TRISHAL SHARMA AND ASSOCIATES, 27 Linze Rd, Greyville 4001. PO Box 47301, Greyville 4023.
VALLY Abdulla ID 280115 5059 08 1 + 5 May 2014 of No 6 The Cobbles, 41 Monmauth Rd, Berea DBN x Khatja VALLY ID 330607 0097 08 2. ESTATE No 21990/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suites 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 B037
29 July 2015
COPE Sydney . Unveiling of the tombstone on 2 Aug 2015 at Pinelands 2 at 11am.
TOMSON George Leo (Bud) 25 Nov 1943 ----24 July 2015. Son of Nan. Brother to Val, Gill, André and Bennie. Uncle to Brad, Mel, Angie and FEREIRA family. ; Now with his son Bryan. Husband of Sonja. Stepfather to Wayne, Angela, Robin, Laureen and Carey. Grandfather. AVBOB.031 2061831
30 July 2015
COOMBS MARCHANT Greg & Pravina announce engagement of their daughter Kamille to Andrew, son of Marcus & Susan MARCHANT.
BEACOM Owen Hamilton 22 Oct 1926 ----27 July 2015. Father of Jennifer, Colleen and Janet. Father-in-law of Allan, Mark and Chris. Grandfather of Tanith, Tyrone, Warren, Travis and Keegan. Great-grandfather of Keira and Roxie.; Memorial at Vineyard Church Morningside on 31 July 2015 at 14:00pm.
BLACKLER Debbie + 28 July 2015. Daughter, sister, aunt and cousin. From Mom, Dad, Kerry, Shelley, Paul, Wendy, David, Tammy, Arthur, Joclyn, Jason, Chris, Lucia, Michelle, Talisha, Taytum, Sascha, Harlee Jaime. Memorial Service to be announced.
BROOKS Lorraine . Cousin of Louise, Ed HORSFIELD and family, Bev, Watkins and family and Dave ,Ori and family.
CALLANAN Harry Ignatius 1 March 1926 ----28 July 2015. Father of Bev & Mark, Lauren & Michael. Memorial will be announced. AVBOB 031 2061831.
CAMERON Judith Mavis. Memorial at The Hillcrest Methodist Church on 31 July 2015 at 11am.
COOK Alicia 27 Jan 1937 -----24 July 2015 x + Roy. Mother of Graham, Jonathan, Michael. Mother-in-law of Felicity, Jackie and Christina. Grandmother of 6. Remembrance Service at St John's Catholic Church Howick on 31 July 2015 at 11am. Tea to follow at Yellowwood Café, Howick at 12 noon. No flowers donation to SPCA. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
FOUCHÉ Yvonne 17 Feb 1938 ----28 July 2015 x + Des. Mother to L'eann and + Nicole. Grandmmother and Goggs to Meghan, Aiden, Ethan and Maiya. Sister and aunt.
HORTON James 7 Jan 1952 ----26 July 2015. Funeral at St Joseph's Catholic Church on 4 Aug 2015 at 10:30am. Donations to SPCA. DOVES 0860025500
JAMES Jimmy x Nikky.; Father of Mark; Son-in-law of Bea & Bill; Brother of Bernard, brother-in-law of Rose, uncle to Gerard and Catherine. Missed by Jess; Friend of Bab & Sally.
JACKMAN (LEVY) Phoebe + 27 July 2015. Sister of Barbara LIPSCHITZ.
JACOB JOB MANUEL + 28 July 2015 x Kathy. Father of Mark, Michael and Judy. Grandfather. Funeral on 31 July 2015 at Our Lady of Vailankanni Church in Unit 5, Chatsworth . Body will lie in state from 11am ----12:20pm. Requiem Mass at 12:30pm. Cremation at 14:30pm.
KOSTER Marien of Wentworth . Funeral Service on 31 July 2015 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth .Body will lie in state at 11:30pm. Mass at 12:00noon Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
LEIH Kyle 1990 ----26 July 2015. Son of Phillip & Caroline. Grandson of granny and Joe;Love you always Shelly, Oli and Tyler.; Memorial at City Hill Church Waterfall on 31 July 2015 at 12noon. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MINNIE Nicol William Donald (Nick) 27 July 2015 x Rita. Father of Sharon & Mark. Father-in-law of Mike & Yvette. Brother to Alf & Joan. Grandfather Natalie, great-grandfather to Ashleigh & Ryan. Memorial of Nicol MINNIE at Seventh Adventist Church Farningham Ridge 31 Juy 2015 at 14:00 pm.
MOIR Sarah Alice 10 June 1918 -----27 July 2015 x + George MOIR. Memorial at Amberglen Retirement Village Howick on 31 July 2015 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
PRISLEY Victor Bryan x Jacqueline (Jaxx). Father of Caitlyn, Casey, Cade, Haydon and Calvin. Son of Carol and brother to The TOWING family. Funeral at Glenwood Presbyterian Church on 31 July 2015 at 1pm.
STANLEY Peter Ivan. Eldest son of Andy & + Elaine STANLEY. Father of Dale, Deniro. Grandfather of Tyra. Brother of Sheryl, Perine and Earl.Brother-in-law, uncle and cousin. Funeral on 31 July 2015 at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham. Viewing at 09:30am Mass at 10:00. Cremation private.
VILJOEN Rev Herman. Memorial at Hillary Baptist Church Hillary Durban on 1 Aug 2015 at 13:00pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
WILLIAMS Vernon. Brother of Shirley and Noelette. Father of Clive, father-in-law of Noeleen, uncle, stepfather, grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on 31 July 2015 at Christ The King Catholic Church. Viewing at 09:30am. Mass at 10:00. Cremation private.
BLACKFORD formaly REAY nee VOLKER Evelyn 11 March 1924 -----30 July 2014. Mother of Pam and Kathy. Grandmother of Dustin, Kim & Neil. Great-grandmother of Ethan, Thomas, Olivia-Jane and Jasmine Summer.
HINKS Veronica. Love from Bryan, Ingrid, Alan, Steven, Dominique and Byron.
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