Written by Rita Quebbemann on . Posted in The Sunday Tribune.
The Sunday Tribune 2014 4 October - December
5 October 2014
BREYTENBACH Frederik Gerhardus 30 Oct 1922 -----28 Sept 2014 x + Pearl. Talle huldeblyke is gelewer deur sy kinders, kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders. Sy eggenote Pearl het onlangs hom na 'n huwelik van 68 jaar ontval.'n Dankdiens is op 2 Oktober 2014 by die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk in Oos-Moot 2 Oct 2014 at Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk Oos-Moot. Ingestuur deur C.J.NŐTHNAGEL.
CRAIG Margaret Ann 22 April 1930 ---30 Sept 2014.Sister and aunt of Tom and John RUSSEL, Betty GERRARD and their families.Memorial at Amberglen Sanctuary Howick on 7 Oct 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
DITCHBURN Roy Graham + 1 Oct 2014 in Parklands Hospital x Sheryl for 43 years. Father of Graham and Ian,father-in-law and grandfather of 4. Memorial on 7 Oct 2014 at Pinetown Methodist Church at 10:30am. Refreshments after Service in Church Hall. Cremation private.
FRIEDEMANN Robin. Memorial on 29 Nov 2014 at 1st Hillcrest Scouts Grounds.
GOVENDER Dhanalutchmee. 16th Day Memorial at Dravida Hall Reservoir Hills on 6 Oct 2014 at 7pm.Supper at 5:30pm
KNIPE Sidney 11 July 1935 ----3 Oct 2014 x Anita. Father of Vernon, Mervyn and Colleen and grandfather. Requiem Mass at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham. Mass at 2pm. Cremation private.
MOODLEY Patchappen (Pat) + 26 Sept 2014 .16th Day Memorial at Pesco Hall, 184 Sunford Drive Unit 15 Phoenix at 7pm-8pm Supper at 5:30pm.
MOODLEY Rajagopal (Sadha) . 16th Day Memorial on 6 Oct 2014 at 26 Herman Drive Moorton Chatsworth (Wyebank Funeral Parlour) from7-8pm Supper at 5:30-6:30pm.
PILLAY G (Sagie) x + Patrick PILLAY. Mother of Danny. Dolly, Shirley and Rosy. Sister of Thumba and Tolsea. Mother-in-law of Roy, Krish and + Siva. Grandmother of Kashen, Goshalen, Libesh, Karessa, Karen and Kevin. Funeral on 6 Oct 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 11-1pm Crematon 1pm.
PILLAY Vassie + 3 Oct 2014. Mother of Sharen, Hazel, Merle and Beryl. Mother-in-law and grandmother and sister. Funeral on 11 Oct 2014 .
TIEGHI Lome .Memorial on 7 Oct 2014 at The Albert Bauman Chapel, Natal Settlers Umbilo at 11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
VORSTER Hendrik Petrus 18 Dec 1930----16 Sept 2014. Husband, father and grandfather. Funeral at Old Apostolic Church Malvern. [Private]
BRUCE Susanna Maria (Sannie) 1 June 1946 ---2 Oct 2008. Wife mother and grandmother of Lionel, Sean, Michael, Cherene and grandchildren.
LAWLER Harry Michael 4 Oct 1914. You would have been 100 today. RIP from Norman, Wendy and family.
PILLAY Elizabeth. 1 year gone now. Wife,mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.
RILEY Quinton Craig 11 Sept 1976 ---5 Oct 2003. Remembered by Mother, sister and brother.
STEAD Joe + 4 Oct 2010 x Rae and the family.
12 October 2014
NORMAN JOHN + 11 Oct 2014. He was Warrant Officer at age 44. He was shot by a detainee who disarmed him. The detainee was shot dead. He was MNDUNGE Siyabonga age 33 years. John was in the police for 25 years. He was married to Radha and has 2 children. Nephew of Paster Luke JOSEPH. He will be buried on Monday.
NAREEN Emmanuel Paul x Margaret. Father of Derek, Evrille, Delia and + Sean. Grandfather. Body will lie in state at Anglican Church of the Epiphany, 159 Greenvale Ave, Westcliffe Chatsworth from 11:30 ----1:30pm on 13 Oct 2014 Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 4pm.
TOMLINSON Rachel Francis 6 Oct 1942 ----7 Oct 2014. Mother, grandmother sister and aunt.
EMSLIE Anne 27 Nov 1954 ------12 Oct 2012 x Peter. Mother of Natalie. Missed by Dad Johnny .
JUGDHAW Amarnath 4 April 1948 ----10 Oct 2012 x Sita. Father of Nitesh, Avesti , Rishav, Arisha, father-in-law and grandfather.
MAHARAJ Mrs D. 7 Aug 1938 -----10 Oct 2004. Remembered by Children and family.
26 October 2014
BREVIARIO -NEIL Joan + 19 Oct 2014. Mother of Mark, Robert , Paul, Grant and Angela. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at The Holy Trinity Catholic Church Musgrave Rd Durban on 29 Oct 2014 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.
EDWARDS Ada Grace + 22 Oct 2014 at Somerset Valley Care Centre x Vernon. Mother of Diane.
GRIMETT. Husband, father of a girl, father-in-law and grandfather of a girl.; Funeral on 26 Oct 2014 at DCC Church Phoenix at 1:30pm Cremation private.
KISTADU Pravashnee Serina. From Mum, Dad ,Justin, Nerina. 16th Day Memorial on 28 Oct 2014 at 5 Strawberry Rd, Mulberry Park , Northdene. Supper at 5pm Service from 19h00.
MULAUDZI Mbulani + 24 Oct 2014 at age 34 years in Car accident on the R555 from Ogies to Emalahleni. He was a multiworld champion, an Olympic silver medallist and the first black South African athlete to be ranked as number one in the world. He retired last year, 2013. (800 m runner.)
PRATTEN Garth. To Hayley and children our condolences from Anni and Warren EISELE & & SEEF Umhlanga. ;RIP from David. Business partner of Antony ,Business partner of Jenny.; Also RIP from FedMeats staff.
SMITH John Spencer 5 Nov 1927 -----23 Oct 2014 x + Cecelia. Father of Jane, Ruth and Joanne. Grandfather of Deanne , Daniella, Scott, Russell, Evan and Claire, Liam and great-grandfather of Ryan. Father-in-law of Ben, Charlie and Manie. Cremation on 29 Oct 2014 at 2pm at St Thomas Anglican Church Musgrave Rd. AVBOB 031 2061831.
SMITH John Spence . Sympathy to Jane, Ruth, Joanne and family, from the Headmaster, Staff, Governing Body , DPHF Association Trustees and the boys. "Smithy" arrived in South Africa in 1955 when he joined the DPHS School staff. He became the School's ninth Headmaster from 1976-1987.
WHITE Valerie Joan 22 Nov 1939 -----24 Oct 2014. Sister of + Ted and Charlie. Sister-in-law of Gloria and Pam and aunt of Julie, Jacque and Shaun.
APPANA Narrain (Krish) 9 Sept 1940 ----25 Dec 2013. Remembered by his Wife. Yearly Memorial on 1 Nov 2014 at Dravida Hall Reservoir Hills from 3 -4pm.
CLARK Mavis Theresa Ann. 34 years gone now. Mother of Andre and grandson Jarrod.
DAVIDSON William (Bill) + 26 Oct 2006. Remembered by Mary, Bob and Gina, Glynnis and Peter.
DE GAYE Jo-Anne . Love from Dad.
FREEGUARD Steven + 26 Oct 2002. Remembered by Dad and Marion.
GAILLARD nee DE LANGE Eva 25 Oct 1958. Mother of Alice FERNANDEZ.
MUNSHI Sunitha D . Wife , mother. 15 years gone now. From Herman, Urisha, Isheksha and Neshika MUNSHI.
PASTELLIDES Maria . 1 year gone now. Mother of Joy, Sophia, Phillip, Angela, Stephen and Andrew.
PHOENIX Ann . Mother of Kim. Also remembered by the rest of your PHOENIX family.
RUTTER Trevor. Remembered by Mom.
SANDER Glenn Always loved and missed From Jenny SANDER and children.
STAFFORD MAYER Fenn 23 Oct 07 ----31 Jan 10. RIP from Mum and missed by all.
2 November 2014
ROGERS Dylan & Rose a daughter Isabella Grace * 21 Oct 2014 in Johannesburg. Grandchild for Adrian & Bryony.
WELGEMOED nee GRIFFITHS Shaun & Karin a daughter Peyton Gillian * none given. Sister for Christina and Eythan. ;Grandaughter for Keith & Jenny GRIFFITHS; Great-grandaughter for Bob GRIFFITHS. ; Cousin for Maddy and Courtney. ;Niece for Dan and Barbs.
BLOOMER Robert Edward 30 Nov 1953 -----23 Oct 2014 in Johannesburg x + Anita. Son of + Rodney & Beryl. Father of Janine and Shane. Brother of Sally, Mandy and + Neil.
DAVY Lola (Gogs) . Wife ,mother and granny. Funeral on 3 Nov 2014 at DOVES Greyville at 12noon.
HALL Peter + 28 Oct 2014 Celebration of his life at Trinity Methodist Church La Lucia on 5 Nov 2014 at 2:30pm.
HINES Hylton William 26 May 1980 -----Oct 2014 in Dar-Es -Salaam. Only son of Annette and brother of Jeanene. RIP. Memorial Service for Hylton and Roxane at St Luke's United Congregational Church Glenashley on 4 Nov 2014 at 12noon.
HILLIER Roxane 22 May 1987 --- Oct 2014 in Dar-Es-Salaam. Eldest daughter of Freddie and Ina. Sister of Maxine. RIP. Memorial Service for Hylton and Roxane at St Luke's United Congregational Church Glenashley on 4 Nov 2014 at 12noon.
INDURJITH Shanilnand (Military Health Unit Regimental Sergeant-Major) of Phoenix was stabbed to death 28 Oct 2014 x Shamilla.Father of Chiara and Yasdika. Brother of Sharman and and brother-in-law of Misisha PILLAY. He had a military funeral on 1 Nov 2014.Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium on 2 Nov 2014.
JACKSON Mary Esme. Mother, grandmother of Bev and Dave, Mike and Vanessa, Nicky and Johnny and great-grandmother of Ruby, Harry and Isabella. ; Mother and grandmother of Russ, Arina and Christopher.
McCLELLAND Raymond (HRN) (Ray) + 27 oct 2014 x Iris for 64 years. Father, father-in-law, grand and great-grandfather of Mark, Sharon, Michael, Shelly, Gavin, Martin ,Kate and all your little girls Molly, Abigail, Kayleigh and Olivia. ;Memorial Service on 6 Nov 2014 at the Full Gospel Tabernacle in
Currie Rd Durban at 11am.
MOODLEY L C . Son of + Mr & Mrs MC MOODLEY. Husband of + Saroj MOODLEY. 16th Day Memorial at Shri Emperumal Temple Mt Edgecombe on 6 Nov 2014 from 5pm ----8pm.
NAIDU Naylin ( Nalin /Cookie) 7 Aug 1967---+ 29 Oct 2014 x Seelan. She was 47 years old. Mother of Tyron and Tyrese. She was murdered. Body was found at Shongweni Dam. She was dropped off to do shopping at Malvern Park. Funeral at residence on 1 Nov 2014 at 17 Mount Edgecombe Drive, 124 Mt Edgecombe Estate, Broadlands. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 4:20pm.
PILLAY Marimuthu (Arjoon) 1930 ----24 Oct 2014 x Sindha. Father of Sally and Sandra. Father-in-law of Vincent, Gonie and Boyce and Prema. Grandfather and familymember. 16th Day Memorial at Shri Mariammen Temple Hall in Mt Edgecombe on 7 Nov 2014 at 7pm Supper between 5-7pm.
SMITH Chris 18 March 1937 ---29 Oct 2014. Memorial at Full Gospel Church Woodlands on 4 Nov 2014 at 10am.
WIPPICH Susanna (+ of South Ridge Rd. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 3 Nov 2014 at 2pm. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
WOODROFFE June + 30 Oct 2014 . Sister of Karin. Aunt of Daniel, Michelle, Tayla and Reece.
BARKER Craig 1 Nov 1981 ----31 Dec 2013. Remembered by Dad and Mom.
BECKLEY Brian Arthur 11 Jan 1940 ----3 Nov 2013 x Wendy for 50 years. Father and grandfather of Terry, Peter, Mike, Liesl, Tyla, Ayla and Kirsty.
GERVAIS GEORGE. 2 years gone now, x Lillian and your children.
GOVENDER Nagamah (Devi). Yearly Memorial at 8 Nov 2014 at Shree Emperumal Hindu Temple Hallat 5:30pm .Early supper and Service thereafter. Service at 7pm.
HARRIPERSAD Maharaj Jugtheesh (Jackie) 1 Aug 1939 -28 Oct 1994 x Rajmoney MAHARAJ. Father of Raychand, Omichand (sons), and Ashika (daughter). Father-in-law of Sapna, Molly, Rathi and grandchildren.
HELENA CAWS (ROOME) Sister of Renier and Thinus SCHOEMAN. Sister-in-law and aunt of Vida, Retha and Le Roux and Meryl, Nicole and Andre.
NAIDOO (CHINNAMMA) Appamma + 29 Oct 1987. Mother of Ronnie NAIDOO and family.
NAIDOO Shanti + 29 Oct 2009 x K .A. NAIDOO. Mother of Nancy, Devan, Selvan, Sharon. Brother-in-law , and grandfather.
NAIDOO A.V. + 2 Jan 1968 & Parvathy Dhanum + 31 Oct 1989. Parents, grand and great-grandparents from + Chin, +Daddy, +Bobby, +Benny,+ Poobalan also the surviving children Roy, Siva, Mummy, Dolly ,Devi, Pam, Shumba and families.
REDDY Ashlee & Deepika. Our children we remember you from the REDDY & SIRBADHOO families. Yearly Memorial on 9 Nov 2014 at Kharwastan Civic Hall, 5 Oak Street Kharwastan from 10:30---11:30. Lunch and Tea after.
SUBRAYADOO Clinton Brett 19 May 1987 ---30 Oct 2010.
9 November 2014
THAMMIAH -PILLAY Rochelle & Vasanthan a boy Joshua Luke * 23 Oct 2014. 5th grandchild for Vijay & Franklin.
COWLEY John Winston 31 Aug 1942 ---3 Oct 2014 in Pinetown (heart attack) Father of Brendon, Clinton, John and Ans. Memorial on 11 Nov 2014 at NG Church Pinetown. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
FRITSCH Roland + 5 Nov 2014 at age 83 x Jutta. Father and father-in-law to 8 children and 21 grandchildren. [Herr Fritsch I remember you from the Deutche Schule Durban. Every School function you and your wife were there, and at the October Fest. And your children attended the Deutche Schule as well. I remember from Rita Quebbemann (private)]
GEORGE (KING & LORTAN) Audrey Faith 14 Sept 1928 ----3 Nov 2014. Funeral at St Annes Parish Sydenham on 10 Nov 2014 at 10:30am.
HUDSON Alan Raymond + 6 Nov 2014 in Ballito. Husband, Father and grandfather. Memorial at Umhlali Methodist Church on 11 Nov 2014 at 2:30pm.
JINKS Dee 28 Feb 1920 ----1 Nov 2014 x + Cyril . Died at age 94 years. Mother and mother-in-law of Sheila & Anthony, Mike & Sue .Grandmother of Tandi & Isak, Jeremy & Michele, Sean & Rebecca and Maeve & Rob and 9 great-grandchildren. Private gathering for the close family.
LINEE Tinus + 3 Nov 2014 at age 45 years. Funeral was 8 Nov 2014 at the Huguenot URC Church Paarl.
NAIDU Nalin (Cookie) 7 Aug 1967 ---29 Oct 2014 x Seelan. Mother of Tyron and Tyrese. 16th Day Memorial on 12 Nov 2014 at 17 Mount Edgecombe Drive, Mount Edgemount Estate Broadlands. Supper at 5pm. Service from 7---8pm.
POWER Michael St George 16 July 1931 ----6 Nov 2014 at Riverside Park PMB. Son of + Jack and Patricia and brother of Jane WHITEHOUSE. Requiem Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Umhlanga on 10 Nov 2014 at 11:30am. BELL 031 3014793.
SINGH Ashwin x Sandheya SINGH .Father of Nirdosh, Shravan, Shailesh & Avinash. Funeral on 9 Nov 2014 at the Clare Estate from 11am ---1pm. Cremation thereafter.
SLATTER Alfred 1 Nov 1928 ------ + 8 or 9 Nov 2014 at Wentworth Hospital x Marilyn.
BULLOCK Myra + 8 Nov 2010. Remembered by Arnold, Robert, Yvonne and family.
CARLSTON Brian 28 June 1931 ---8 Nov 2013 Father of Karen.; Miss you so much from Marie (Maria)
COHEN Jack 16 Feb 1930 ----10 Nov 2013 x Jeanette and your pet Mitzi.
DIXON Ian + 9 Nov 2011. Father of daughter Lesley.; Also Lesley, John, Nicholas and Max.
REDDY Rajen 1 Feb 1967 ----6 Nov 1988 . From REDDY & MOODLEY family.
THAVER Anand 23 Sept 1946 ---9 Nov 1998 . Remembered by your family. POMPAY THAVER and Family.
BERRY Anton. Sympathy to Sally BERRY and family. Anton was a Life Member of Durban Surf Lifesavers Club who was awarded the Pristigious Meritorious Award For Service to the Club. He was Instructor for over 20 years. From the Durban Surf Lifesaving Club Family.
16 November 2014
HAYES Greg & Jo a triplet, Ethan, Isabella & Cloe * in Westville Hospital. Grandchildren for Paddy & Glynnis.
FOURIE Ben 12 May 1932 -----13 Nov 2014. Will be missed by the family. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
JAMESON Bobby. Friend of David & Sandra.
SIX DIE in M4 crash inferno. Article by Nabeelah SHAIKH , Mervyn NAIDOO & Charmel PAYET.:- They were all students.
DAYA Sahish (20)
JUGGATH Kapil (20)
JUGGATH Sanvir (16) they were brothers.
MOODLEY Shaylan (20)
NAIDOO Luke (20)
One still not identified.
23 November 2014
KLUSENER nee COLEY Quinn & Jane a boy Luke Jonathan KLUSENER * 5 Nov 2014. 1st Grandchild for Rosemary, Jonathan, Wendy & Derek.
LUE Ken & Vilma . Married for 65 years. Congratulations from Shirley, Millard, Kaeden and Tarris.
ATKINSON Sybil Mary. Memorial at Umbilo Congregational Church Umbilo on Sunday 23 Nov 2014 at 11:45pm.
BALDOCK Mark 10 Jan 1932 ---20 Nov 2014 x Rose. Father of Sarah and Mark, Jen and Rob, Gubs to Grant and grandfather. Memorial at Breezie Brae, Nottingham Rd on 27 Nov 2014 at 11:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
ENGELS Johan + 8 Nov 2014 at age 62. He was Designer. Brother of Margie SPAUMER.(Webpage on HANSEN Neels)
HANSEN Neels --- 17 Nov 2014 at age 78. Founder and father of Gauteng Opera (Black Tie Ensemble) No funeral as per his wish. (RSG Mentioned in Opera Program & Webpage on HANSEN Neels)
HAYES Gwendoline Sheila (Gwen) 5 April 1920 ------20 Nov 2014. Mother, mother-in-law, Grand and great-grandmother of Philip, Barbara (Bun), Heather, Morgan, Amy and Benjamin
JELLIS Leslie George (Les) + 19 Nov 2014 at 4pm. Father of Alan and grandfather.
MOODLEY Rookmoney x + Mike MOODLEY. Mother of Ravi and Mona. Mother-in-law of Vishal and grandmother of Ishana and Dushaan. Daughter of Mrs PILLAY and + Ganson PILLAY. Sister of Benny (Benrite), Pat, Savy and Vicky. Funeral on 23 Nov 2014 at The Veda Dharma Sabha Hall from 11am---2pm proceeding to The Verulam Crematorium at 2:30 VERULAM Funerals. 032 5331602.
NAIDOO Jamie Faith + 19/20 Nov 2014 at age 3 years. Allegedly murdered and abused. Grandmother 55 years has been arrested.
NELSON Cynthia Ann 15 Nov 1942 ----14 Nov 2014. Mother of Michelle, Michael, Brent, Allison and Jerome. Mother-in-law and grandmother. Funeral at St Michael's Catholic Church Blackburn Rd on 24 Nov 2014 at 2pm. Viewing at 1:15pm.
PETRIE Rosamond + 19 Nov 2014. Mother of John and Gail, Ian and Denise and + Neil. Grandmother of Mandy, Heilee, Brandon, Devon, Angela and Jason.
SHADWELL Gail + 19 Nov 2014 x James (Jimmy). Mother of Bradley and Lana, Daryl and Bronwyn, Greg and Julie. Grandmother of of 6 . Sister to Daphne CLENDENNEN.
CHURCHWARD Peter. Missed by family.
DENNIS Brett. Son , brother and Uncle. Love from Mum, Dad and family.
HILES Howie + 25 years ago. Dad and "Dampie" of Cherylynn, [name has white spot on could be Nigel], Jenna and Damon.
KESHWAR Maurice. 1 year gone now. From KESHWAR family.
LOWNDS Eric . Son and brother. You would have been 50 today. Miss you from
Mam, Dad, Yvonne, Tracey.
McKAY James x + Pam.Gone 6 years now. Father of Bruce, Keith and Andy and grandchildren.
MILOSZEWSKI Stanislaw (Stach) 10 June 1928 ----22 Nov 2008 x Danka. Father and grandfather. You made me proud to be a Pole, from Jescze POLSKA nie Zginela. Also from Jola and Dean.
NAIDOO Johnny . Miss you from Yurmilla Devi NAIDOO and family.
POLOA nee SCHWEGMANN Tamara Angel 31 Oct 1981 -23 Nov 2011. From Mommy and Daddy.
RAMDAS Sudesh 1966---2013 x Virgnia. Father of Suvir, Kavir ans Ashvir. 1 Year Memorial on 7 Dec 2014 at Joosab HallUDW (Durban Westville Campus) 11 for 1130am.
YUSUF Marilyn .4 years gone now. Miss you from Troy, Tia and family.
30 November 2014
CHURCHILL Frank & Sally. Ruby Wedding Anniversary. From Andrew, Louise, Ross, Megan, Emily, Jenna and Martin.
NAIDOO Jayshree x Dino. Daughter of Ronnie and Sabita. Sister and aunt. Memorial on 2 Dec 2014 at Umhlatuzane Community Centre. Dinner at 5pm ---6:30. Service at 7pm.
NAIDOO Muniamma (Poobathy) 21 May 1935 ----20 Nov 2014. Mother. 16th Day Memorial on 4th & 5th Dec 2014 at 40 Woodview Drive , Phoenix from 5pm ----8pm.
PLAYER Dr Ian + 30 Nov 2014 at age 87. Husband and father of 2 boys and a girl. Dr Ian PLAYER did a lot of conservation work to safe the white Rhino. Brother of Gary PLAYER (Golf). - RSG Radio.
PATHER Annaluchmee. Happy Birthday and remembered every day from Surie.
7 December 2014
DOMONEY Gwendoline May + 4 Dec 2014. Great-grandmother, grandmother and mother of Ted KERSHAW, Colleen ARMER, Barbara GOULD and their families.
GENGIAH VENKETAS Norman x Vino. Father of Ramanie MOODLEY and Poobalan. Father-in-law of of Anitha and Alvin MOODLEY. Grandfather of Trilochan, Vibhavari and Kanish. Funeral on 7 Dec 2014 at 61 Stoneham Ave Whetstone, Phoenix from 12noon ---14h00 proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 15h00 ----17h00.
KORKIE Pierre + 5 Dec 2014 in Yemen together with SOMERS Luke a US Journalist. Pierre was married to Yolande KORKIE. Father of Pieter-Ben (16) and Lize-Mari (14).
MCINTYRE Morag June 27 April 1944 -----3 Dec 2014. Mother of Ross. Grandmother of Aidan and Jonathan.
NEWMAN Morgan Hercules of Newlands East x Brenda NEWMAN. Father of Anne, Sharon, Noelene, Tracey ,Marian, Alban and Gareth. Father-in-law, grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on on 9 Dec 2014 at Holy Family Parish Newlands East at 10:30. Cremation private.
TRUTER Barry 31 Oct 1947 ---3 Dec 2014 Tragically. Love from Christine, Beaujolais, Nick and the boys.
AHRENS Helen Joyce 26 Jan 1934 ---7 Dec 2013. Mother of Lyniece, Sheldyn, Sheniece, Lyschelle & Kapri.
ASHWORTH Muriel + 6 Dec 2013. Thank you for 53 years of unconditional Love from Bill 082 9216764; Also from Jen, Lyn, Johan, Paul & grandchildren.
BARRETT Marion + 5 Dec 2001. Remembered by Tony, Nicole & Kirsten.
HIGGS Alistair . We Miss you from Dad, Mumsy and Oliver.
HODGES Donald Lynton. 5 years gone now. Husband , father and grandfather. Love from Yvonne, David, Karen , Nicholas, Rachel, Michael, Alishea and Ella.
MURUGAN Latchmi 1923 ----1914. 1st Year Memorial on 13 Dec 2014 at 2:30pm at Wyebank Siva Sungum Hall, Evergreen Rd. From the MURUGAN Family.
NAIDOO Claude 14 April 1973 ----7 Dec 1998. Remembered by her loved ones.
SLATER Norman 12 Aug 1951 ----6 Dec 2013 x Merry. Father of Guy and Cara, father-in-law of Greg. Brother of Bill, Peter and John.
SUGDEN Marc 7 Dec 1976. On your Birthday.
14 December 2014
ELLIS nee BLAIR Kelly & Kentt a girl Brook.
NEUMANN Carl & Bianca a girl Clara-Jo. Sister for Lily-Grace. Grandchild for Carol & Ed and Trudy & Ian.Niece to Jono and Courtney.
PIRRIE Rory & Coraline a boy Cale Gordan * 2 Dec 2014. Grandchild for Bill & Monica PIRRIE and Vic & Christine HAUPT.
WATERMEYER nee RALFE Richard & Beatrice Marie -France a girl Monica Francoise.
WHITE Richard & Carla a girl Jude Crooks.
STRACHAN Jean & Walter announce engagement of their daughter Jade to Richard, son of Jill & + Jack DE OUDE.
ARMSTRONG Alec + 9 Dec 2014. Father of Warren and Linda, Brett and Anthia, Guy and Jinny, Tracey and Chris. Memorial at Hilton College Chapel on 17 Dec 2014 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
BERKENSTEIN Rodney (Rod) 29 May 1959 ----10 Dec 2014 . Sympathy to Sandy, Kev, Nikky, Matt and families. Brother and uncle to Martin, Lorna, Brett and Niques, Boyd and Berni, Dale and Jacqui, Lara and David and families.; Husband and father of Sandy, Kevin, Nicky, Matt, Abigail and Daniel.; Funeral at Epworth School Chapel Pietermaritzburg on 15 Dec 2014 at 12noon.
GREYLING Jan Hendrik 25 Oct 1943 ----10 Dec 2014. Service at St Patrick Catholic Church on 17 Dec 2014 at 08h00.
GUERIN Vicki x Michael. Mother of Grant, Warren, and Claire;. Aunt of Bron, Wayne, Matt, Hayden and Alexia; Sister of Les.; Daughter and sister. From Dad, Vicky, Jono and families.; Funeral at The Elm Tabernacle Church Fynnlands on 15 Dec 2014 at 10am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
KAPLAN David x + Betsy. Father and grandfather of Miriam, Norman, Juliet and families. Memorial at Bluff Methodist Church on 17 Dec 2014 at 12noon.
KISTEN Ronnie (Kasaval MUNSAMY) of 158 Parkside Drive Siverglen. Husband of Dolly and father of Reggie and Julian KASAVAL. Funeral at residence on 14 Dec 2014 from 10am. Service at Christian Revival Centre at 12:30pm proceeding to Mobeni Heights Cemetery at 15h00.
KRUGER Hendrick Petrus (Boet) . Husband and father. Funeral at the Evangelis Reformed Church Hillary Durban on 17 Dec 2014 at 10am.
LEECH Brian Joe of Goble Rd Durban. Funeral Service at Lala Kahle Cemetery on 16 Dec 2014 at10am. No fowers.
MARAIS Mervin 3 Jan 1962 ----9 Dec 2014. Love from Sarah, Ashleigh, Alexandra, Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters. Funeral at St Dominica Catholic Church on 17 Dec 2014 at 11 am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
Mc MASTER nee TOD Catherine Amy 20 May 1961 ----8 Dec 2014. Little sister of Shirl, Lionel, Mike, Kate and Peter CASON.
NAIDOO V.G. 16th Day Memorial on 15 Dec 2014 at Dravida Hall Reservoir Hills Durban. Supper at 17:30pm. Service 19h00.
NULLIAH Roy of Reservoir Hills. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 14 Dec 2014 from 12---14h00 proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 3pm. DOVES 0860025500.
NULLIAH Roy. Funeral at Dravida Society Hll Reservoir Hills from 2pm on 14 Dec 2014 followed at 3pm at Clare Estate Crematorium.
NUNN Anita Myrtle of Bluff x Alvin . Mother of Ronlynne & Quade. Mother-in-law of Regan. Daughter of Edward TITUS. Sister and grandmother. Funeral at St Frances Xavier Catholic Church Bluff on 15 Dec 2014 at 11am Cremation private. No flowers.
STEPHENSON Eileen 16 June 1923 ----7 Dec 2014 at home in Kloof x + Steve. Mother, grnd and great-grandmother. As per requiest only private Mass was held on 12 Dec 2014. Thank you friends and family for support and assistance during this time. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
THOMAS Gregory Isaac 9 Feb 1959 ----11 Dec 2014 x Brenda. Father of Coralle, Steven, Merryl, Keagan. Son of + Andrew & Margaret THOMAS. Youngest brother of Anne, John, Elizabeth, Malcolm and Dawn.
TUCKER Stanley (Wentworth) Funeral on 15 Dec 2014 at Twelve Apostles Church Wentworth at 11am Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
MEMORIAMS:- GOVENDER Theresa Joyce 31 Dec 1935 ---13 Dec 2013. Mother of Judy & Glen, Preyen & Mariska, Sheila & Deena, Serena & Kevin, Camira, Darren & Cameron, Mary and Veronica.
MACHATTIE John . 9 years gone now. Husband ,father and grandfather of Bertha, Yvonne and Hayley.
SEW Sandy 15 Dec 1948 ---19 Nov 2012. Husband of Rainuka, father and grandfather. On your 66th Birthday.
SPIES Alan. 18 years gone now. Husband of Carole, Father of Lenore, Brinton, Allison, Claude and their family.
21 December 2014
HIGGS Alistair. You would have been 30 today. From Dad, Mumsy and Oliver.
NAIDOO Nithiananthan (Balan) x Sagree. Brother of Vee, Morgan, Danny, Salo and Tilly. Funeral: Body wil lie in state at Road 720, formerly Road 325, Unit 3B from 10:30---11:30am. Proceeding to Cornerstone Church, Rose Heights Rd Unit 6 and proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 3pm.
28 December 2014
MNTUNGWA Lizzie gave birth to a boy, Sonyazi Simethembile MCHUNU *25 Dec 2014 in City Hospital in Durban.
NKOMO Philile a baby sex unknown an no name given* 25 Dec 2014.
FOLEY Peter & Pat announce engagement of Susan to Crawford, son of Kim & Miranda TAYLOR.
NGUBANE Matsidiso "Brenda" + 21 Dec 2014 at age 51 at Mobeni Heights. She was sht by a male relative.Mother of Nontokoze. Brenda was a nursing sister.
SAMUEL Kumari + 26 Dec 2014 at age 42 years. She was shot. Wife of Reuben (51).Daughter of Pushpa GOVENDER and sister of Shunker (34). These people were also shot but are in hospital.
NAIDOO Poovesh (Preston) 16th Day Memorial on 1 Jan 2014 at Wyebank Funeral parlour Chatsworth at 11am.
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