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The Sunday Tribune

The Sunday Tribune 2014 1 January - March

5 January 2014


WATSON Shane & Laura a girl Hallie-Jayne Laura WATSON * 1 Jan 2014 in Brisbane. 1st Granddaughter for Mike & Lynn.

ENGAGEMENT:- PARRY Mike & Terry and Henry & Sharon VAN DER HEIM announce engagement of Lauren and Brad.


DYER Roger 1918 -1 Jan 2014 at age 95. Father of Marie-Claude and Nicole. Grandand great-grandfather. "Mayor of Cerf Island"

EVERLY Phil + 3 Jan 2014 at age 74 in Los Angeles. He use to sing in close harmony with his brother Don. They sang under the name of Everly Brothers in 1950 and the 1960's. Reuters.

MILLIGAN Robin Bruce 31 July 1985 ----1 Jan 2014 tragically x Kerry father of Jaden and Crystal ;Son and brother of Ma Pearl, Nikita and Jady; Son, brother and uncle from Dad, Mom, Ouma JANSEN, Graeme, Taryn and Hayley.; Memorial on 6 Jan 2014 at Hillcrest Methodist Church at 11:30am

ROBERTS Marleen + 30 Dec 2013 x Howard. Mother of Luke and Jake FLEMMER.

WILKINSON Geoffrey 16 April 1935 ----26 Dec 2013. Father of Lee. Private family Memorial to be held.


CLARKE Hilda North. Mother of Tony and Alice.

NORRIS Tom + 2 Jan 1983. Father, father-in-law and grandfather of Nina, Estelle and family.

12 January 2014


BEAN Mark Edward , son of Jeanette & + Selwyn and Alia Rose, daughter of Frank & Elham DEMERY.


COUTAUD Marius (25years) x 29 Dec 2013 to Sisanda QWABE (26 years) in a traditional wedding in KwaNhwanase. He is from France.


DALY nee GEDDES Dennis & Jessie. Celebrating 60 years of marriage on 9 Jan.


HIRALALL HARALALL Roshanlall (Acting Principal of Greyville School.) x Jeromi. Father of Roshelle GOVENDER and Luanshya NAIDOO. Funeral service at St Johns at 12noon. Cremation at 3pm.

MDLALOSE Vusumuzi Senzo + 8 Dec 2014 (12), Body was found on 11 Jan 2014 in The Tugela river.

PILLAY George (Candasamy) 18 Jan 1945 ----4 Jan 2014. 16th Day Memorial on 18 Jan 2014 at 7pm at Phoenix Youth Centre. Supper will be served.

SHARON Ariel (The Bulldozer) + 11 Jan 2014 at age 85 years in Jerusalem. He was one of Israel's most skilled but controversial political and military leaders. He went into a coma in 2006 and never recovered. Sapa-AFP.


JACKSON Edna + 12 Jan 2012. Mum, mum-in-law and granny. From Colin, Serena, Erin and Chad.

19 January 2014


CHISHOLM Nic & Martina twins Max & Mila born in Alabama. Grandchildren for Peter & Helene

PHILLIPS Zara x Mike TINDALL a daughter *18 Jan 2014 in London. Daughter of Princess Anne.

WILL nee MARTIN Grant & Steph a boy Ethan Grant * 14 Jan 2014. 1st Grandchild for Alan & Coral WILL and Graham & Judy MARTIN.


BRISSETT Gareth George John 40 years today. From Mom, Dad and family.


CHAPLIN /NEWMARK Jem & Sandy and Patsy & Tom announce engagement of Greg & Jess.

GILLITT /HAYNES Beth ,daughter of Dave & Wendy to Anthony, son of Ian & Wendy.

VAN DER MERWE /VAN WYK Stephen & Cheryl announce engagement of their only daughter Janine Lee to Ryan Michael, son of Allan & Karin and Lynn.


LAMBIE Pat x 18 Jan 2014 Kate SYMONS at Michael House Midlands. Pat is a Springbok and Sharks star. (photo front page )


ALLEAUME Annie x + Paul. Mother of Josette, Francoise, Noel, Gervais and Pauline. Grand and great-grandmother. Requiem Mass at St Catherine's Catholic Church Escombe on 24 Jan 2014 at 11am. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.

BALL Lorna Daisy * 24 July 1926 in South Africa + 13 Jan 2014 at age 87 years.

BARNES George John 26 Nov 1926 ----15 Jan 2014 in Hillcrest at home.

CUNNINGHAM John Clarence. Memorial at St Thomas Anglican off Essenwood Rd Berea on 24 Jan 2014 at 2pm. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

HOGGARD George Robert (Kell) + 18 Jan 2014 in Australia x Bobsie. Father of Judy and Denzil. Grandfather and brother-in-law of Anna, Philip, Jerry and Anette.

ILLING Michael 31 Aug 1956 ---15 Jan 2014 after illness. Missed by Jenny and ILLING family. Memorial at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 21 Jan 2014 DOVES 0860025500.

MACKAY Ron. Sympathies to family from all at Contract Hardware (KZN).;Sympathy to Aunty Bren, boys and families from Trevor, Rhiannon, Jeneva, Julie, Sherry, Les, Graham and Lee.

TOOLEY Carol Elizabeth + 16 Jan 2014. Sympathy to sons Craig and James and their families and her brother Andrew. From Brian, Simone and David.; Friend of Peter WILLIS and family. She is now with her dear friend Chippy.

TUCKER Malcolm + 13 Jan 2014. . Oupa, Dada and friend. Funeral at The Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Umbilo on 21 Jan 2014 at 1pm. DOVES 0860025500.

MEMORIAM:- BUCHANAN Gladys + 19 Jan 1994. Mother, grand and great-grandmother.

DAVID Daryl Kevin 22 Dec 1971 ----19 Jan 1998 . RIP from Mum, Dad, Nesa, Ian, Caleb and Jayden.

GODDARD Derek + 20 Jan 2012. Brother and uncle of Brian, Pat , Chatal and Tarryn.

MOMSEN Dave. Husband, father and grandfather.

NAIDU Neela 20 Sept 1939 ---6 April 2013. Remembered by Rojini, Veni, Sandra, Geevan, Romona, Katherine and spouses, Gan, Pushpa and grandchildren. 1 Year Memorial at Asoka Hotel Reservoir Hills on26 Jan 2014 at 12 noon.

NEEL Pamela Anne + 22 Jan 1998 .Wife and mother of Brian, Ryan and Mark.

NORRIS Violet . Gone 27 years now. From Doreen, Sheila, Eric, Arthur and Alan.

PILLAY Sunny 12 Nov 1929 ---18 Jan 1994. Our Dad is gone but not forgotten. Inserted by Preggie PILLAY

SANSON Michael George 6 Dec 1955 ----18 Jan 2009. We miss you from Tracy and Brent.

SING Lillian Helen. From your family..


APPLEBY Elizabeth Waveney Thank you for assistance, and sympathy. Thank you to Pastors Dean MEISTRE, REDDY, John HORNE and Les GREEN, Mrs Lynn REILY and Salvation Army, Mrs Colleen FREYENSCHLAG and ladies of the Glenwood Community Church.

26 January 2014


MEYER (HOLD) Lance & Simone a son Cullum * 21 Jan 2014 at Parklands. Brother for Taine and Ella.

MUTCH Ashleigh & Matthew a girl Kate Elizabeth * 17 Jan 2014. Sister for Luke.


CLARKE /VOSLOO Melanie youngest daughter of Wendy & + Steve CLARKE to Morne, eldest son of Arrie & Leonie VOSLOO.


BROWN Suzanne (Zanne) 21 July 1929 ----23 Jan 2014. Memorial at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 28 Jan 2014 at 12 noon. BELL 031 3014793.

DEVOS Daniel + 21 Jan 2014 . Son of Georgette DEVOS. Brother of + Robert. Wife of June and father. Funeral on 27 Jan 2014 at 11am at The House of Prayer Malvern. [Private and Press]

DUDLEY nee SMINK Ansje + 21 Jan 2014. Mother of Angela, Glen and Shaun.

GRIFFITHS Roger + 16 Dec 2013 in Charlotte USA x Margie. Father of Kerryn and Brendon. Father-in-law of Jono, Janine and grandfather of Jasper, Gabriel and Keagan. Remembrance later. 

HESP Bonita June . Mother of Angelique, Pamela and Jauneen. Funeral at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church Umbilo on 28 Jan 2014 at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.

MOODLEY Senba . Mother of Nirvash and Lushan ,mother-in-law of Praveen and Suri. Grandmother of Parushan, Thejevan, Kashreya and Ariv. Sister of Selva, Pullen, Maggie,Angie, Logie and + Vasagie. Funeral at Durban North Conference Centre Chapel on 27 Jan 2014 from 11am ---1pm.

PILLAY RS x Cogie. Father of Anusha, Anthony. Father-in-law of Rishen and grandfather of Kamira. Funeral 26 Jan 2014 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 2pm----3:30pm.

SAUNDERS Dave + 24 Jan 2014. Condolences to family from District Grand Master and Officers and Bretheren of the District Grand Lodge of KZN.


ELLIS (RILEY) Doris. 1 year gone now. Mother of Elaine and granny of Craig, Tammy and families.

GOPICHUND Deresh (Melvin) 5 April 1979 ----31 Jan 2011 Son of Dan & Priscilla. Brother of Sandy, Vishan (Shaun) and Jackie. Brother-in-law of Raymond. Uncle of Jody and Tyrese.

MAIN-BAILLIE nee MURRAY Lynette + 24 Jan 2004. Remembered by Dad and Diana.

PITMAN Jean 26 Jan 2009. 5 years gone now. Wife and mother of Phillip, Warren and Jody.

ROBSON Mark James 20 July 1984 ----25 Jan 2012. From Mom, Dad and girls.

2 February 2014


GRIFFITHS Keith & Jenny x 2 Feb 1974. 40 years married. Parents of Barbs, Dan, Karen and Shaun; Also parents of + Gilli and + Connor.


BADENHORST Bouwer + 1 Feb 2014. Son of Louis. Car accident in Nelspruit. RAPPORT

DEVI Annu (22) and baby girl was set alight to burn to death by her husband Gunjan MASAT, and his family, in New Delhi. She failed to pay dowry.

HEATH William Robert + 30 Jan 2014. Memorial at home on 4 Feb 2014 at 2pm. Contact Alison at 082 7838855. Missed by Greg, Lindy, Rachel, Jessica, Jonathan and Alison, Phil, Oliver and Sean.

NEL Laurie + 1 Feb 2014 age 15 years Car accident. From Nelspruit . RAPPORT

SCHELL Maximilian +31 Jan 2014 in Innsbruck at age 83 years. Austrian Actor who won an Oscar for best actor for "Judgment a Nuremberg " in 1961.


BARLOW Stephen. From Shaun and Carolyn.

9 February 2014


BROKENSHA Wayne & Nicki a girl Elle * 6 Feb 2014.


ROBERTSON George. 80 years today. From your family in UK, South Africa, Canada, Qatar and the Falklands.


ANTICEVICH John + 6 Feb 2014 at age 91 years x Flo for 64 years. Father of John, Anne and June x Gavin (grandfather of Hayleigh & Ross). Father-in-law of Anna, Brian and Gavin. Grandfather of Kieran, Rachel, Sean, Conor, Hayleigh and Ross.; Brother, uncle and great-uncle of Margaret,
Desmond and all the family.Funeral on 13 Feb 2014 at Kloof Catholic Church at 10am MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 7092142

BLACKBURN John Charles Trevail 26 Aprtil 1933----5 Feb 2014. Brother of Mary. Uncle and great-uncle. Service at St Cyprians Church Umbilo on 10 Feb 2014 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.

BOYCE Joseph Stanley. Father of Sandra, Melanie, Marcia and Tanya. Requiem Mass on 10 Feb 2014 at St Peter's Catholic Church Point Rd at 10am. DOVES 0860025500

COOK Derek Edward 21 Aug 1935 ----20 Jan 2014 in Johannesburg. X Dawn. Father of Gregory. Missed by Dandy Agencies Staff in Durban.

HITCHCOCK Gloria 26 June 1940-------30 Jan 2014 in London. Wife , mother and granny. Love from Jim, Eve, Tim, Oliver and Thomas.

LAMPRECHT Nick x Marcia. Father to Monique and Chantal. Grandfather to Tamlyn, Byron, Keagan, Scott, Simone, Tatum and Ella Grace. Memorial at Glenwood Presbyterian Church Frere Rd on 11 Feb 2014 at 2pm. BELL 031 3014793.

MARTENS Doreen . Memorial at The Chapel Villge of Happiness Margate at 11 am on 12 Feb 2014. Cremation Private.

McMAHON Florece Stella Grace 18 April 1937 -----5 Feb 2014. Mother of Veronica, Patrick, Karen and Peter. Grandmother to Shaun, Marc, Bridget, David, Garth, Michael, Lauren , Kelsey, and Nicky. Great-grandmother of Bianca, Lexi Grace and Allie Mae. Funeral at St Joseph's Catholic Church
Florida Rd, on 12 Feb 2014 at 9am.

MOODLEY Manogarie (Mano) 12 Oct 1944 ----3 Feb 2014 x Ganas MOODLEY. Mother of Indran and Santhiran. Mother-in-law of Krishnee and Loganee. Grandmother of Suraishnee, Nivadhini, Dia and Deenakaran. Sister of 3. Funeral at M.T.S.S. Hall from 12----2:20pm on 9 Feb 2014 Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 3:40pm.

PILLAY Mohambarry (George) . Husband ,father and grandfather. 16th Day Memorial at his Residence 19, 52nd Ave Umhlatuzane Township on 12 Feb 2014. Supper at 5.30pm Service at 7pm. TEL:- -083 2778515.

SOLIGRAM Patrick Raymond 22 July 1957 -----21 Feb 2013. You will be missed by your brothers and sisters Joseph, Martin, Floyd, Anthony, Linda, Joan, Constance.

TAYLOR Neilan (Neil) 4 Dec 1934 ----7 Feb 2014. Formerly from Eshowe and Pietermaritzburg. Married to Heather. Brother of Denise, Ivan, Tony, Geoff, Steve and family, Garth, Rhona, Sean, Kirsty and fam.

TAYLOR Treve Dawson 5 Jan 1946 --------6 Feb 2014. Husband, father and grandfather. From Linda, Paul, Leanne, Amanda, Ben, Duncan, Monique, Kerry and Robbie, Teona, Trevis, Keira, Madison and Tayla. DOVES 0860025500.

WINTER Derek 18 March 1937 -----3 Feb 2014 x Jenny. Father of Kim, Brent, Wayne and grandfather. Memorial at Margate Presbyterian Church on 11 Feb 2014 at 11 am.


DAVIS Dougie 28 Jan 1925 -----9 Feb 1993 Father of Fiona, Travis and Tevin.

HARDOUIN Joe & Sue + 8 Feb 1994. Love from Dors, Tony, Tess ,Craig El and

HARVEY Tom . 10 years gone now . From Wendy. Father of Brian, Merle, Stacey and Travis.

JAMES Nellie. 22 years gone now. Her 2 daughters always came first in her life. Mother of Cheryl , Beverley, John, Dylan and Lyndell.

KATHARD KISHORE 26 May 1952 -----10 Feb 2013 x Premilla.Father of Dishen, Kinal and Prishal. Father-in-law of Sharon and Jasmine.

PAUL C K Rev. 2 years gone now. Husband of Rafha. Father of Prunelle, Rochelle and Michelle.

SLATTER George Raymond. 1 year gone now. X Jean. Father and grandfather.

TAYLOR Arthur Jacob William Feb 1941 -----Feb 2011. Father of Quinn.

16 February 2014


MOHAMED Neelpha From all at Independent Newspapers Classifieds


BURDON Bob (Robert) + 8 Feb 2014 x + Karen. Father of Daniella, Scott and Samantha. Grandfather of Blake and Payton. Wake on 20 Feb 2014 at Durban Ski Boat Club from 2:30pm.

CROWDER Zikkah Doreen 24 Nov 1926 ----7 Feb 2014. Mother of sheila, Althea and Alan, Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

DROUIN Anne-Marie Caroline Alix (Alix) . Sister of Helene, Jeanne and + May Yardin. Aunt of Dominic and Marie-Anne. Requiem Mass at Nazareth House Chapel South Ridge Rd Durban on 17 Feb 2014 at 10am.BELL 031 3014793

GIBSON Norval Alexander William . Husband ,father and grandfather of Barbara, Iain, Norrie, Margia, Joyce, Christine , Jenny, Dylan, Ryan and Jade. Memorial at Edenroc Durban on 18 Feb 2014 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959

LALLI Jeewan x Vidya. Father of Praneil and Arvind, Anusha, and Ashika. Father-in- law and grandfather. 10th and 13th Memorial at 4 Dalebrook Place Brookdale Phoenix on 16 Feb 2014 and 19 Feb 2014 at 10am.

MESSINA Winnie. Memorial at Our Lady Star Of The Sea Amanzimtoti on 18 Feb 2014 at 11am. Cremation Private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

MOODLEY Manogarie (Mano) x Thiyagarajan (Ganas). 16th Day Memorial at MTSS Hall Merebank on 17 Feb 2014. Supper at 17:30. Prayer Service at 7pm.

RAMAN Saroja "Lilly' x Nolan RAMAN. Mother of Noelene, Julian and Sharral. Daughter of Mrs Manna & + Johnny MALLIYA . Sister of + Cyril, Cliffy MALLIYA and Vanitha PILLAY/ 15 Day Memorial at 44 Indore Rd Merebank on 19 Feb 2014 at 7pm. Supper at 5:30pm.

VAN DER MERWE Eugenie Olive. Funeral at The Living Waters Mission Redhill on 17 Feb 2014 at 11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644

VENKATASAMI Maglin . Condolences to family from Rob DRAKE and staff at Approved Auto.


CHETTY Grace Matilda + 12 Feb 2008. Daughter of + Benjamin & Evelyn MATTHEWS. Married to Raj, Mother of Mervyn and Kyle. Mother-in-law of Anisha. Grandmother of Nico, Nikki, Cameron and Antonio. Sister of Valeri, Rita, Joan and Rosiland.

DAVID Billy 15 March 1931 ----15 Feb 1997 Remembered by DAVID family and grandchildren.

GARDNER William Allibon + 16 Feb 2001. From family.

LANGE Frank Hilton + 10 Feb 2004. From Jean, Keith and Karen.

PATON Colleen 1967 ----2013. Love from Shawn, Savannah and Makayla..

WINIFRED Devi x Noel. Mother of Karmen and Keith. 1 Year Memorial on 22 Feb 2014 at Woodhurst Multiculturel Centre Woodhurst Chatsworth at 5pm. Supper at 16:30.

WOMACK Jodi . Remembered by Ashleigh, Mom, Scott and family.

YOUNG Dennis Colin + 16 Feb 1993. Husband of Iris , father, grand and great-grandfather.


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