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The Sunday Tribune

The Sunday Tribune 2012 4 October - December

7 October 2012


PRIOR -ALLAN Stephan & Jenna a son Owen Robert * 26 Sept 2012 in the UK. 2nd grandson for Robert & Nadine.

STUART Rob & Kelly a son Connor Blake. Brother for Tayla.

WALKER (Correction of surname) Luke & Natasha a son * 3 Oct 2012. Grandchild for Correen.


HANSEN Amy .21 years today Love from Dad.


CONWAY-POWELL Heather ,daugter of Sandra & Stephan, to Jason, son of Glynis & Clive.

LEITCH Stuart , son of Malcolm, to Ana, daughter of Zoran & Tammy MIJICH of Arlington Virginia.


OSLER -SMITH John & Betty x 6 Oct 1962 at St Margaret's Church Leicester, England. Parents of Simon, Nicola and families.


ABBOTT Hazel Phyllis of Sydenham. Funeral on 6 Oct 2012 at 10am at Conquering Through Prayer Church Overport. DURBAN BURIEL 031 5002815.

DE GOEDE Sue 20 April 1943---- + 4 Oct 2012 x Nick. Mother of Tony and Belinda. Mother-in-law of Charmaine . Granny of Keagan. Funeral at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church on 9 Oct 2012 at 10am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

GELDENHUYS Philip (Phil) 1 May 1937 ----4 Oct 2012 x Marion. Father of Chantal and Amanda. Granny and aunt. Wake at Kloof Country Club on 10 Oct 2012 at 18:30pm.

HAMILTON James Anthony 24 Feb 1954 ---4 Oct 2012 x Fran. Father of Kieran. Brother of Margaret.

HUTTON Aileen Jean 24 Feb 1954 ----23 Sept 2012. From Mom, Dad, Allen, Heather and family, Trevor, Yvonne and family.

LUCAS NORMAN (Lukie) . Memorial on 10 Oct 2012 at 15h00 at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church Durban.

PAUL nee FRANCOURT-MILLER Wendy. Memorial at Musgrave Methodiste Church on 12 Oct 2012 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.

RAMBARRAN Cathlene Hansrajh x + Hansraj RAMBARRAN . Mother of Ranjl, Roy, Ashwin, Kenneth, Stanley and Arnold. Sister of Rhoda and George. Funeral on 7 Oct 2012 at Full Gospell Tabernacle Church Musgrave from 1430 ---1545pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium. Missed by Sons ,daughters- in-law and grandchildren.

WALLACE formarly HOLLINGTON /KING/ born LIVESEY Phillippa Ann (Ann) * 1 Dec 1923 in UK. ----25 Sept 2012. Mother of Jonathan (Jomo), Rupert, Penelope, Giles, Thomas, Jacqueline and Nicholas.


GOVENDER Mariamma. 16th Day Memorial on 10 Oct 2012 at Sungham Hall Chatsworth from 5:30pm TEL:- 031 4002624 - 0834433101.

MOONSAMY Nadasen ( Bala GOVENDER ) Africa Brothers. + 25 Sept 2012. 16th day Memorial on 9 Oct 2012 at 59 Almond Rd Chatsworth Supper 5:30 ---6:30pm Service 7-8.

RATALI Vernon 5 June 1957 ----2 Oct 2012 . 11th Day ceremony at Jooma Rd Temple Hall in Isipingo Rail on 14 Oct 2012 .Satsang at 11am than lunch.


AKKERS Wayne 31 March 1987 ----7 Oct 2007. Missed by Mum, Dad, Callan en Ma CRESSWELL.

CHISHOLM Jackie . 2 Years now. From Maggie and Family.

GORDON Lettie. 5 Years now. Missed by family.

GRANEY Jean. 1 year gone now. Mother of Jenny and Geraldine.

JAMES David (Jimmy) . 13 Years now x + Emily JAMES. Remembered by Charmaine, Emmanuel and family. Jenny , Ramesch and family.

NAIDOO Nishalan (Giggs) 4 May 1988 ---8 Oct 2004. Missed by Dad Dhaya, Mum Venilla, brother Venolan, Grandparents and family.

REINHARDT nee MOBEY Rae 14 April 1947 ---8 Oct 2010. Wife of Len and Mother of Tracey.

SHARP Jane 1962 -----8 Oct 2002. Remembered by Siobhan, Brendan, Ciara and Malcolm.

THOMPSON Vivian Elizabeth (Viv) . 1 Year now. Granny of Warren, Heidi and Casey, Pete, Jackie, Callan and Michelle.; From your family Cliff, Carol, Lynette, Des, grand and great grandchildren.

TODD Shirley June. 10 Years now on 8 Oct 2002. From Sue, Jen, Mike and family.


BUCHANAN Robin H Family would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time.

14 October 2012


OSLER nee SMITH Betty. * 13 Oct 1942 in Leicester England. ( 70 years today). Now you can remove the L plate from John. Mother of Simon, Nicola and families.

REHAAD Ahmed K. 21 Years today .Happy Birthday from Dees, Rehana, Judaid, Ahmed and familie.


BEZUIDENHOU - ELLIS Judy & Brian , Tony & Sheugnet announce the engagement of their daughter Jaclyn to Richard, son of Malcolm and Norma.


ANGLES Ian + 13 Oct 2012. Car accident. He was 56 years. X Lundie. Father of Alexis (4 years old) ANGLES & BEZUIDENHOUT couples travelled in 1 car. They came from a wedding at North Coast Ballito area.

ANGLES Lundie + 13 Oct 2012 Car accident (29 Years) x Ian. Mother of Alexis ( 4 years) Daughter of Doreen VAN NIEKERK

BEZUIDENHOUT Michael-John + 13 Oct 2012. Car accident (30 Years) financial advisor. Adopted (when he was 1 month old) son of Willa & Michael BEZUIDENHOUT . Michael-John x Alri DU PLESSIS for 6 years.

BEZUIDENHOUT nee DU PLESSIS Alri + 13 Oct 2012 Car accident (30 years) Daughter of Albertus & Rina DU PLESSIS. X Michael-John for 6 years. Sister of Tiaan DU PLESSIS.

CHETTY Daniel x Pam. Father of Prischaen, Natasha and Mishan. Son of Mrs Rungasamy and + Mr. Rungasamy CHETTY. Funeral on 14 Oct 2012 at Verulam Day Care Centre from 12 ---15:30 pm. Proceeding to Verulam Crematorium. VERULAM Funerals 032 5331602.

GOVENDER Mahalutchmi (Queenie). Mother of Gonny, Allan and Dolson. Mother-in-law of Banu, Surie and Nerik. Grandmother of Nerushka, Thavashen, Shaheen and Darsheen. 16th day Memorial on 20 Oct 2012 from 3---4pm at Dhoorga Hall Mobeni Heights. TEL:- Gonny 0824500267.

HAMILTON Derek Temple 1919 ----+ 11 Oct 2012 x Esme Alice HAMILTON . Father of Graham, Jennifer and Barry. Grandfather of Glen, Gaylene, Natalie and Owen. Great Grandfather to Jett Madison and Alice. Cremation Private. AVBOB 031 2061831.

LE ROUX Johannes + 13 Oct 2012 (drowned at age 63 years) x Magdalene LE ROUX (age 57 years) at Amanzimtoti Beach. They are from Pretoria.

MAARTENS Willem +11 Oct 2012. We miss you from Willie Wallie, Tersia, Greg, Trent and Jake. Our thoughts are with Irene, Bret, Loren and families. Friend of George & Ina.

NAICKER Latchmy Poorunam 3 Feb 1917 ----12 Oct 2012. Mother of Ruby, George and Danny. Body will lie in state at Shallcross Community Hall on 13 Oct 2012 from 12----3pm then proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 4pm.

NAIDOO Munsami (Babs, Vishnu) 29 Jan 1952 -----5 Oct 2012 x Seemla. Father of Ashnee x Deneshan. 11th day Memorial on 15 Oct 2012 at The Ridge Function Hall, Shallcross Mall at 6 pm. TEL:- Ashnee 031 4093192 or 083 545 4021.

SAGNELI Marilyn + 11 Oct 2012. Wife and mother of Chen and Gareth. ZIMMERMANN Raine 13 Jan 1932 ---11 Oct 2012. Mother of Martin, Paul, Conrad, Richard. Memorial at St Paul's Anglican Church Scottburgh on 16 Oct 2012 at 11pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.


DAVY Doris (Dee). 1 year without you. Mother of Suzanne, Heather, Clive and Bryan.

FERNANDEZ Nelson 15 Feb 1914 ----16 Oct 1984 x Alice.

INGLIS Syd + 14 Oct 2002. From your daughter Sylvia x Barry and grandaughter Taryn.

NAIDOO Kistiah x Sarojini . Father of Rubendra and Mogantheran. 1Year Memorial on 21 Oct 2012 at Arupta Khazagham Hall Chatsworth from 11 am.

THAVAR Jaypalan (Jiggy) + 13 Oct 2011. From Vasie and Evashan THAVAR.


BUCHANAN Robin H . Family would like to say thank you for outpouring of love and support during this difficult time.

21 October 2012


THURMAN Uma. Had a daughter Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence THURMAN-BUSSON. Child is 3 months old and will be known as Luna. It comes from London DAILY MAIL.

BROUGHTON nee DIANA Ryan & Bianca a 1st Child James Shaun * 10 Oct 2012 at Albertino Hospital.

DE RAUVILLE RIDGWAY Angelique & Tod a twin , Erin Olivia and Keira Lily. Sister for Gemma Paige.

TERBLANCHE nee CONSTANTINOU Blaike & Janine a daughter Trinity. Grandchild of Billy & Julie.

WILLIAMS Matt & Chrisna a daughter Olivia Alison *16 Oct 2012. Love from Dad, Andy, Jacques, Tam & Mike.


SMALL Lee-Anne. 21 Years. Happy Birthday From Mom, Dad and family.


BROOKS-MORRIS born DIXON Marjorie 25 Sept 1949 in Wepener Free-State-----10 Oct 2012. Beloved aunt. RIP Skattie. Private Memorial on 10 Oct 2012 in Bloemfontein. For familie and friends date wil be confirmed.

BURGER Margie (Marge) + 12 Oct 2012. Mother of Anette, Wilna and Karin. Mother-in -law of Weppie, Mark and Dickie. Grandmother of Burger, Cherece, Gisele, John-Louis. Great grandmother of Reece.

GOSS Anna Kathleen . Memorial on 22 Oct 2012 at Kloof Katholic Church Kloof at 11 am.

GOVENDER Krishna. Missed by your Mother, daughters Kamini & Pamela. Granddaughter Thavanya, Son-in-law Joey, sisters Lilly, Sushir, Lutchmee, Savy, Val, Sheila, Indrani. 40th day Memorial on 20 Oct 2012 at SRS Hall Overport at 4pm.

HOLTZHAUSEN Lynten (Lynt )26 Jan 1972 -----17 Oct 2012. Son of Martha. Father of Raistlin. Brother of Chantal, uncle of Juan, Santana and Jadene. Brother-in-law of John. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Umbilo on 22 Oct 2012 at 11 am.

KESBY Rodney + 18 Oct 2012. From Moth Michael SCHULT and Ingrid, Peter SHATTOCK 0825126056 and Gordon HASLEWOOD, Tina SHATTOCK and Judy STEEDMAN.

KISTEN Chris + 2 Oct 2012 (U.S.A) x Wendy. Broter of Brian, Logan, Vincent, Desiree and Daphne. Brother-in-law of Stanley, Robbie, Kumaran and Desiree. Immersing of cremated ashes on 24 Oct 2012 at 2pm at Ghat, Clare Estate.

LIPINSKI Sadie + 14 Oct 2012. Mother and grandmother of Jonathan, Karen, Daniel and Kira.

MARTIN Peter Derick 18 Oct 1948 ---4 May 2012. Father of Leslee, Adelle, Reece and Vaughan. Grand and greatgrandchildren.

MITCHELL Patcia Jean (Pat) 31 March 1935 -----18 Oct 2012. Funeral on 24 Oct 2012 at 09h00 at St Paul's Church Scottburgh. Cremation private. KZN Funerals Schottburgh 039 9760200.

PILLAY Mark + 19 Oct 2012 on pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel . Senior

Pastor of AFM Merebank Freeway Family Fellowship. Mourned by Wife, Children and Church members.

RAMSAY Douglas Allen 26 May 1923 ----17 Oct 2012 x + Norma. Father of John and Miles. Father-in-law to Hilary and Ivana. Grandfather to Lucinda, Bruce, Candice and Natasha.

RICHARDS Paul Michael + 19 Oct 2012 x Lynne. Father of Jason, Bronwen and Sean. Grandfather to Luke, Benjamin and Ryan.

SMITH Fivel. Sympathy from daughters of + Jack SANDLER, Andrea, Paula and Jenny.

STEYN Daniel Jesse + 11 Oct 2012 at age 12 years. Young son of Gavin & Colleen. Brother of Matthew. Memorial on 22 Oct 2012 at Hillcrest Methodist Church at 14:30pm.


MAISTRY Lingamma 6 June 1956 ----21 Oct 2011 x + Ronnie. From your daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren.

MAZZARO Luigi . 1 Aug 1952 ----21 Oct 2011. From Patty, Gregg and Michela.

NAIDOO Savy. 1 Dec 1936 ---23 Oct 2011 x + N.A.NAIDOO. Mother of Prema, Neethie, Sivan and Devian. Mother-in-law of Rodney. Grandmother of Lichklyn, Tamsyn, Karis, Corrine, Azriel, Bryony and Talion.

NAIDOO Uvashan 10 June 1993 -----23 Oct 2005 and MOODLEY Tryslien 10 March 1999 ----23 Oct 2005 . Missed by the NAIDOO and MOODLEY families.

SCARROTT Julie. 18 years dead now. Mom of Sandra and Sharon.

SOOKOOL Fred + 17 Oct 2009 . From Mervyn and Bernie. We miss you grandpa from Adrian and Gizelle.

STEPHENS Eddie + 21 Oct 2008. From Edward and Coral.

28 October 2012


GOLDMAN / MUNDELL Rob & Sally are delighted that Jo and Marc, son of Oliver and Priz are engaged.


NAIDU Krish (Parasuraman) x Vigie NAIDU .Father of Garsen, Kershlin, Mayuri afily and friends. Funeral on 28 Oct 2012 at 12 noon till 14h00 at Mhlatuzana Civic Hall proceeding to Mobeni Crematorium Cemetery at 14:30 pm.


NAICKER Desigan. Youngest son of Dan & Lizzy. Brother of Kevin .Brother-in-Law of Tashni .Uncle of Baby Desana. Yearley Memorial on 4 Nov 2012 from 10:30am ---11:30 am at Shree Veeraboga Emperumal Temple Hall Tongaat.

4 November 2012


GOVENDER Shivani . 21 Years now. Daughter of Deena & Manoshnee Narisa, Patsy Ma, Salatchie Ma and family.

PILLAY Sagren (Reggie) . From all at Independent Newspapers Clissifieds.


FARAO Chooks & Andre. 25 years married now.


ADARI VEERASAMI (Richie) x Rooks. Father of Dheshini and Nalisha .Father-in-law of Vaugh. 13th day Memorial on 10 Nov 2012 at Dhoorga Hall Mobeni Heights at 4:30----5:30pm. TEL:- Gonny 0824500267

ANDREWS Agnes . Van Newlands East x + Ronnie. Mother of Alex. Mother-in-law of Dino. Sister of Clara, Boetie, Lloyd en Ann. Grand and greatgranny. Funeral on 5 Nov 2012 at 10:30am at Holy Family Parish. Cremation private.

BENNIE Yenkamah (Sheila). Mother of Jean, Eileen and Sybil. Mother-in-law of Mark, Johnson and Pastor Louie. Granny of Gregory, Jade, Candice, Jarryd, Warren and Elida. Great-grandmother of Liam.Funeral at the Evangelical Bible Church Queensburgh on 4 Nov 2012 from 11:30am ---2:30pm. Body will lie in state at home 29 Gainsford Rd Hillary. From 10am. Buriel and commital at Mobeni Heights Cemetery at 14:30 pm.

BONNIFACE Charles Benjamin 17 June 1920 -----1 Nov 2012 x Jessie GAULT for 68 years. Father of Geoffrey, Charmain, Frank, Diane and Dean. Service at Christ Church Pinetown on 6 Nov 2012 at 11am.

CABALLERO Annalize 9 Dec 1977 ---2 Nov 2012 x Angel. Mother of Angelize. Daughter of Moira SCHONKEN and Joseph Hendrick CRADDOCK. Sister of Janine and Nadia and Juan CRADDOCK. DOVES 0860025500.

EDWARDS Belinda. Love from Mum and Craig. Will remember you from Carlo, Recce, Tyrelle and Aliyah.

GOVENDER Morgan x Ragini . Father of Aleshna GOVENDER. 15th Day Memorial on 8 Nov 2012 at Woodview Hindu Dharma Sabha Ramayan Mundal at 18:30 pm. Supper at 17:30pm.

LIASIDES Margarete 28 Oct 1924 -----1 Nov 2012. Mother of Charles & Frederike LIASIDES. Grandmother of Phillipa. Funeral at New Germany Lutheran Church New Germany at 14:30 on 5 Nov 2012. DOVES 0860025500.

McKIRDY John + 1 Nov 2012 (tragically) x Frances. Father of Ross, Tarryn and his two grandchildren. Will be missed by Cannon's Auctioneers. Funeral at Northfield Methodist Church Benoni on 8 Nov 2012 at 11 am.

MILLS Graham Victor 1 Oct 1936 ---1 Nov 2012 x Rosemonde. Father of Denise, Tracy and Linda . Father-in-law of Trevor, Kevin and Kevin. Grandfather of Michelle, Caitlyn, Andrea, Kieran, Jordan and Erin.

NAIDOO Jayshree. 11th Day Memorial at Pathajuranni Andhra Hall Woodhurst on 4 Nov 2012 at 3pm.

NAIDOO Subadra. (Owner of Naidoo 's Pet Shop) . Mother of Deven x Devi, grannie of Atindra, Heshana and Satendra. Sister of Radhskrishna, Rajis. Sister-in-law Soranum (wife of + AR NAIDOO ) and Jay (wife of Gerry).Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium between 4pm and 5:30 pm.

NAIDOO Pragalathan ( Preggie) 30 April 1962 ----2 Nov 2012. Son of Saras.Will be missed by Elisha, Annie, Christine.Brother of Vis, Surie. Funeral at Umhlatuzana Temple Hall from 11am ----13:15pm. Thereafter to Mobeni Heights Crematoriam.

O'CONNOR Celine + yesterday morning [3 Nov 2012] . Mother of Colleen, Kevin, Garth, Leanne and Danielle(Dindy). Mother-in-law of Clyde and + Lee, Graham and Wayne. Grand and greatgrandmother.

POTTER nee KINRADE Enid . Devoted to and x Bill. They teached Ballroom dancing. Arranged weddings and running King's Stylist Hair Saloons. Cousin of John & Megan FOSTER and Louise KINRADE.; Memorial by The Pineville Junction Chapel in Pinetown on7 Nov 2012 at 2pm. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

RATHANIAH Leela 19 March 1943 -----31 Oct 2012. Mother of Dev, Amarason, Devi, Sandra and Cynthia. Funeral on 4 Nov 2012 at Morningstar Church Verulam at 12:30pm.


BANG Severin x Sandy.

JOHNSON Sue , Cameron and Thomas. Died 16 years ago.

NAIDOO Doorgamah (Devi) of La Mercy Village. 1Year Memorial on 1 Dec 2012 at Asherville Andhra Hall Clayton Rd from 11am -12 noon. TEL:- Kamala 031 9023985 and Lutchmi 031 3038894.

SHIRRA Jeanne 5 Oct 1950 ---4 Nov 2007 x Tom.; Sister and aunt of Joe, Glynn, Matt & Grace.; Sister and aunt of Trish, Kelly and Jared.

SQUIBB Blanche Thora. 32 years gone now. Mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother of June, Gail, Tarryn ,Leanne and Jayden.

STAINBANK Jackie + 3 Nov 2002. Sister of Faye WOOD.

STEVENS I. M. J. (Lily) Previously VAN ROOYEN, DULSEAR nee KEMP. 4 Nov 1898 ---26 May 1996. Mother of Elsa , Manie en Johnny.

STOLTENKAMP Des. One day I will never forget. From Andre.

11 November 2012


MACKAY nee FRASER Carryn & + Grant a 2nd son Sean * 5 Nov 2012. Brother to Neil.

WELLS Allan & Leza a son Charlie * 3 Nov 2012 in Cape Town. 10th Grandchild for Ted & Monique.


ADAMS Alfred Patrick . Funeral on 12 Nov 2012. Body will lie in state at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham from 13:15 pm ----15h00. TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL Funeral Services TEL:- 032 5333917.

CLAUDIUS Victor 27 July 1933 -----4 Nov 2012 at Blessed Gerard's Care Centre Mandini. Victor was well known for his lifetime service dedicated to the underpriveleged. [ Well known in and around Durban for his stands at shopping Centre 's selling Card for all occations and collecting for the good of other people.] Requiem Mass on 16 Nov 2012 at the Assumption Catholic Church Glenwood at 11:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

DOOKIE Mr K H. (Munesh).He was from Pietermaritzburg. Memorial at Dravida Hall, Clare Estate Crematorium from 12pm ----3pm. Cremation at 4pm.

HEAVEN-POPA Florentina + of headinjuries received when scaffolding collapsed at Linkin Park concert in Cape Town. He was 32 years old and manager at One & Only Hotel where a Memorial tea will be held after funeral service in Houtbay on 12 Nov 2012 . [Written up by Shanaaz EGGINGTON for Sunday Times]

HICKMAN Errol x Cheryl, father toElton, Kyle , Jared and Taylor. Memorial Service at Glenridge Church Durban on 14 Nov 2012 at1:30pm.

LIASIDES Margarete 28 Oct 1924 ------1 Nov 2012. Funeral at New Germany Lutheran Church New Germany on 5 Nov 2012 at 14:30pm.

MOLLOY Tyrone Craig 14 Nov 1959 ----8 Nov 2012. Brother of Glenn and Daryl. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel on 14 Nov 2012 at 15h00pm. DOVES 0860025500.

NAIDOO Pragalathan " Preggie" 30 April 1962 ----2 Nov 2012. Son of Saras. Missed by Elisha, Annie, Christine. Brother of Vis , Surie. Body will lie in state at Umhlatuzana Temple Hall on 4 Nov 2012 from 11am ---1:15 pm proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 2pm.

RYDER (LONDT) Evelyn Joan 6 Jan 1913 ----7 Nov 2012 Mother of Digby, Jason and Deborah. Granny of 11 and greatgran of 20.

SADLER Tolbert + 8 Nov 2012 x Charlotte. Father of Hope, Joy, Alberta and Tom. Grand and greatgrandchildren. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

SANDERSON Rob. Sympathy to Steph, Kevin, Shaun and Grant from Pam, Rob, Heather , Richard and Stuart.

SEGAL Edna (Bobsie)+ 4 Nov 2012 x Hylton. Mother of Deborah and Uriel and families. [Sunday Times]

VISSER Dr.Lex passed away this week. He made valuable contributions to the healthcare and did work for the IPA Forum. From his friends and colleagues at Medscheme. [Sunday Times]

WALTON nee HAY Marian + 7 Nov 2012 at Riverside Park. Wife, mother and grandmother of Bob, Greg and Alison, Debbie and Kevin, Rod and Pam, Kaylee, Cameron and Jason, Maddison and Reegan. Memorial on 14 Nov 2012 at Wesley Methodist Church PMB at 11pm.


LOGANATHAN DUTCHANNA (Logan) Ex mamager of Game Merebank and Shallcross. Husband of Prea. Father of Yegan ,Prishanta ,father-in-law of Nathan . Grandfather of Sarian. Yearley Memorium on 17 Nov 2012 at Wyebank Funeral Parlour Chatsworth at 2pm on 17 Nov 2012.

GOVENDER Perumal (Bobby) 11 March 1955 ----26 Jan 2012 .Yearley Memorial on 18 Nov 2012 at Isipingo Shree Siva Soobramanier Temple Isipingo Rail at 11am.


JONES Shirley Natalie . Mother of Denise, Gayle, Lorraine, Shirley Janine. Grand and greatgrandchildren.

MURRAY Cameron 11 Nov 1989. Remembered by Mum,Dad, Brother to Glen.

REDDY Rajen 1 Feb 1967 -----6 Nov 1988. Remembered by REDDY & MOODLEY family.

WEST Tony + 11 Nov 2011. Little brother remembered by family and spesially by Lally.

18 November 2012


GILLBANKS /STACEY Marc & Kim a second son * 12 Nov 2012 in London. Stuart, Althea , Keith and Jane are thrilled.

MORRIS nee HICKMAN Jarvis & Anne a girl Holly May * 12 Nov 2012 in Westville Hospital.

STOPS Rodney & Amanda a girl Madison Paige * 10 Nov 2012. Sister for Keagan Bryce.

TWEEDIE / JENNINGS Brent & Patty a boy Jonathan Clive * 16 Nov 2012 in UK. Brother for Nancy and Sidney.

WOODROFFE Stuart & Tarryn a son Rory Stuart . Brother for Zac. Grandson to Hugh & Diane.


McMANUS Calvin . 21 Years today. Happy Birthday from Grandma Janis.

SANSKAAR Bhanprakash. Happy Birthday from Mum & Dad, Nanie and Lari.


50 Years. JINA Carrim & Joyce x 17 Nov 1962.Parens of 7 children Fatima, Abida, Yasmin, Abraham, Kathija ,Carshena and Joshua. Grandparents of 18 and great-grandparents of 1 boy.


AUGUSTA Peter Anthony (Pedro). Funeral at St Theresa Catholic Church Sydenham on 19 Nov 2012 at 11 am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.

BEAVON Henry Arthur. Memorial on 19 Nov 2012 at 10 am at The Dutch Reform Church Durban North.

BHOOLA C T 20 Dec 1926 -----15 Nov 2012 x Savitaben. Father of Bharath, Raksha, Usha, Taria and Ashok. Grandfather of Himal, Nischal, Anoop, Vivek, Keval, Bhavik, Dharmik, Nikhil, Kyneta, Milan and Benika. Funeral on 18 Nov 2012 at Clare Estate Crematorium. Body will lie in state from 11am-12:30pm. From the T.N BHOLLA family.

CARDO Richard Neil (Rich) + 14 Nov 2012 x Helen. Father of Rich, Julia and Michael. Father-in-law of Larry and Renee. Grandfather of Benjamin, Matthew, Catherine, Erin and Christopher. ; Son of Jennie. Brother of Antoinette.

DE BRUYN nee KNIGHT Tristen Jade x Brian .Daughter of Bridget & Ralph. Mother of Rodger. Sister of Blayne. Funeral at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church Umbilo on 19 Nov 2012 at 11 am. BELL Funerals. 031 3014793

DUNLOP Anthony Douglas + 14 Nov 2012. Brother of Denise, Patricia, Claire and brother-in-law Peter. Memorial at Durban Bowling Club Greyville on 22 Nov 2012 at 11 am.

EVA Captain Neville + 17 Nov 2012 .He was a detective. He died in New Germany. Charlene ,Ashton and Dale we wish you strength and love from a Durban Organised Crime Unit KZN. --Jeff WICKS reported.

GREEN George Wilkinson (Wilkie) 15 March 1926 ----16 Nov 2012. X Maureen. Father to Gaynor, Marlene and Grant. Father-in-law to Johan and Murray. Grandfather of Michaela, Olivia, Anthony, Nicole and Guy. Great-grandfather of Harry. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

HARDING Cecil Deane 24 Oct 1934 ----15 Nov 2012 x Moira. Father of Leanne, Terry and Thea. Memorial at Umdoni Retirement Village Pennington on 21 Nov 2012 at 2pm. KZN Funerals Scottburgh 039 9760200.

MARIMUTHOO Ruthnum (Daddy) 19 Nov 1941 ----15 Nov 2012. Body will lie in state at his residence 100 Rockford Phoenix on 17 Nov 2012 at 10:30am. Thereafter proceeding to Mountedgecombe Cemetry at 14:30pm.

MARITZ Sean David died +/- 2 weeks ago in Mozambique at age 46 years. Son of Natalie MARITZ ( 72). He has a 23 year old son in Johannesburg. Inserted by Carmel BOWMAN

MONTGOMERY Mariam 1 Nov 1947 ----12 Nov 2012. Funeral at 10 am on 20 Nov 2012 at St Thomas Anglican Church Musgrave Rd Durban.

RICHARDS-EDWARDS Denise + 3 Nov 2012 x + Bill RICHARD-EDWARDS. Mother, Grandmother and great-grandmother. Tea at 339 Ridge Rd Berea on 24 Nov 2012.

SPICER Phylis Dorothy. Memorial at St Elizabeth's Anglican Church Westville at 2:30pm on 20 Nov 2012. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

SWANEPOEL Charles Heny (Charlie) x + Maggie and partner of Pinky. Father of Jaqui, Karl and Nicky. Grandfather of Jo, Wes and Cade. Memorial at St Olav Church Musgrave on 19 Nov 2012 at 2pm. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.

TURNBULL Terry. RIP from the KEMP family.

WHITTAKER Robin E B 25 Nov 1934 ----15 Nov 2012. Husband , father and grandfather of Heather, Jean and Derrick, Colin and Janet, Greg and Bev, Linda and Greg, Brett, Ryan and Ross, Holly, Chloe, Luc and Jace and Grace. Memorial at Congregational Church Berea on 23 Nov 2012 at 2pm.


MOODLEY Mr G S x Panjalay. Father of Davis, Perry, Vassy, Danny, Savy. Brother of DG an GK. All the in-laws and grandchildren. 1 year Memorial at Shree Veeraboga Cultural Centre Tongaat on 25 Nov 2012 at 10:30am.

PREGAN PERUMALSWAMI of Havenside.Father of Kirk. 1 Year Memorial on 29 Nov 2012 at 5:30pm at Sri Vishnu Temple Hall Havenside (Unit 1).


COCKERILL (ROBERTS) Edna + 18 Nov 2001 Mother, Mother-in-law and granny of Pat, Glen, Allen and families.

COOK Shirley Ann 5 Dec 1952 ----18 Nov 2006. Love from Tammy, Tayla and family.

DOYLE Audrey . 11 Years now. From the BEARD family.

EDOM Ian + 18 Nov 2011 Friend and Colleague of Management and Colleague of Pipe-Mech.

LEE Dennis 17 Nov 1927 ----15 Nov 2011 x Val.

McCANN Gregory Michael + 18 Nov 2010. Remembered by Mom, Gerald and Maureen, Kristi-Lee, Michael, Danielle and Jordan.

PATHER Jagathambal 9 Feb 1937 -----16 Nov 1996. Mom of Thivian x Veronica and Gran of Mikayla and Jayden.

SMITH Michael Anthony. RIP from your buddy Carol and Godson Casey.

ZIJDERVELD Keith. 2 years gone now. All my love Denyse.

25 November 2012


GREENAWAY /FUIDGE John & Claire a girl Jordan, sister for Kaylea. 2nd granddaughter for Marlene and Peter.

PAULUS (SOBEY). Roderick, Abigail and Callie a daughter and sister Cara Abigail * 20 Nov 2012 at Parklands Hospital.

RADFORD Sue (37 years) gave birth to her 16th child Casper. Her husband is Noel. Her oldest child is Christopher (23years) Their 18 year old daughter also gave birth recently to their first grandchild Daisy. (Britain's biggest family it is believed )

RONALD Gareth & Kelly a daughter Emma Elizabeth * 17 Nov 2012 in New Zealand. Grandchild for Pete and Lyn, Don & Rozy.


CLAYTON Lee & Gary got married on 3 Nov 2012.


ARNOLD Rita + 23 Nov 2012 x John. Mother of Jane x James. Granny of Nicholas KEIM. Cremation private. Gathering of friends at Caister Lodge Musgrave on 26 Nov 2012 at 0945 am.

CAMACHO Hector (Macho) + 24 Nov 2012 . 4 day before he was shot in the face in a drive-by-shooting in San Juan suburb of Bayamon. He was a 3 x world boxing champion. He was 50 years old. REUTERS.

DANNEWITZ Werner Hans 8 Jan 1948 -----22 Nov 2012. Husband of Marlene, father and father-in-law of Antoinette, Craig Renate and Nicky and grandfather of Levi. Funeral at Holy Trinity Catholic Church Musgrave on 28 Nov 2012 at 3:30pm

FERREIRA DA FONSECA Jose + 23 Nov 2012. Father of Jose, Victor and Helder. Father-in-law of Nadine, Ricardo, Chinee and Jacques. Great-grandfather of Jade , Chastin, Kade and Joshua. Funeral at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Northway on 29 Nov 2012 at 3.30pm.

GREEN George Wilkinson (Wilkie) 15 March 1926 -----16 Nov 2012 . Memorial at The Nazareth House Chapel Glenwood on 30 Nov 2012 at 11 am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

HAGMAN Larry AKA JR EWING (of soap-opera Dallas) 21 Sept 1931 in Weatherford Texas---+ 23 Nov 2012 at age 81 year in a Dallas Hospital. Son of movie star Mary MARTIN. His father was a lawyer. 1st married Maj AXELSSON. He has 2 children Heidi and Preston. Article by Bill TROTT.

JANUARY Mervyn Charles + 22 Nov 2012. Missed by La-Rae, Aaron, Moses and Kemeshree. For more information Call 0722163463.

JOHNSON Ray + 22 Nov 2012 x Jeanine. Father of Darron, Kerryne, Marco, Shaileen. Also grandfather. RIP from Dave, Joyce, Lea-Anne, Carolyn, Chris and Kurt. Wake at La Storia Restaurant Westville on 27 Nov 2012 at 4pm. Donations to theatre/music foundation.

KAPP Nicolas Ernest (Nic) 3 May 1969 ----21 Nov 2012 (tragically) x Juanita. Father of Graeme an Callynn . Friend of Alexa, Craig and aunt Madge. Sympathy to Lynda, Leonie , Greame and family.

NAIDU Jogiah Gengalu 1916 ---- 20 Nov 2012 in Canada x + Pydamma NAIDOO. Ex principal of Umzinto High School. Missed by Vijay, Sharmla & Dhaya. Cremation on 24 Nov 2012 in Canada at 10am. Inserted by his nephew Ramjogee RAMASAMY and Jayaram NAIDOO 031 2620940 / 031 4018802.


MANGARU Ramesh Nundkishoor . 10th day ceremony an 25 Nov 2012 and 13th day ceremony on 28 Nov 2012 at family's residence.

MOODLEY Sharon May. 40th day Memorial at St Anthony's Catholic Church Greyville on 2 Dec 2012 at 12 pm.

NAIDOO Subadra . 30 Day Prayer at S.V.E Alayam Hall on 2 Dec 2012 at 4pm. From Deven, Devi, Atindra, Heshana and Satendra.

SEW Sunjeeth (Sandy) 15 Dec 1948 ----19 Nov 2012. 10th day and 13th day ceremony at 87 Weycroft Longcroft Unit 8, Phoenix. Married to Rainuka, Father of Fahima, Shane, Leena and Shyma, Runesh. Grandfather of Naadhira, Rufaida, Ashane, Ashlen, Sashen, Rhae and Saien.


BIELOVICH Bruce Joseph 25 Nov 1959. Brother of Lisa

BOON John Malcolm 2 June 1944 ----25 Nov 2011 x Stella. Dad of John, Celeste and grandfather of Joshua.

DE JAGER Dorning Jean 23 Nov. Its your Birthday Mom. Mother of Sharon x Neill McCANN. Granny of Claire and Gie and Malcolm and great-granddaughter Kaycee.

DE JAGER Trevor Lawrence 9 Oct 1934 ----26 Nov 2011 x Elaine for 34 years. Father of Michael, Sharon and Trevor. Father-in-law Neil. Grandfather of Claire & Gie, Malcolm and great grandchild Kaycee.

DUNLOP Robbie + 24 Nov 2012 x Yvonne. Father of Desi Duck.

GASKIN Ray 1927 ----2008 .From Barbara.

LAPPER Les + 24 Nov 2011. Thinking of you Mrs LAPPER from Sister Wendy at VITAL CARE.

MOONEY Edwin 1922 ----1980 x Dawn. Father of Gavin, Anthea, Michael and Patrick and grandchildren.

NAIDOO Keaira 27 Feb 1999----24 Nov 2009 From Mum, Dad, Devarshin and NAIDOO family.

2 December 2012


BOWYER nee KEOGH Philip & Lucie a son James David Charles * 23 Nov 2012.

STRACHAN Greg & Nicola a daughter Hannah Paige * 29 Nov 2012 at Hillcrest Hospital. Sister for Amy Grace.

WILLIAMS nee GONZAGA Sheldon & Lisa a daughter * 29 Nov 2012 in Johannesburg.


APPALASAMY Balakisten (Benny) x Mullie. Father of Vanessa and Vernon and grandchildren. 16th day Memorial at 26 Rushbury Place Phoenix on 4 Dec 2012 at 5pm. Contact 031 5003211.

ARJUNAN Soobramoney (Bobby) x Rani.16th day Seremony will be held at Greenwood Park Shri Runganathar Temple Soceity Hall on 4 Dec 2012 at 17.30pm. Contact Daisy at 0788350425

BIRCHER Neville . Memorial at Norwegian Settlers Church Port Shepstone on 3 Dec at 11am.

BOTSIS Yvonne Alice . Funeral on 4 Dec 2012 at North Durban Presbyterian Church Sunningdale at 10am. Tea and eats after service.

BURNETT Bill x Jenny. Father of Bruce, Mark and Sherrene. Grandfather of Joshua, Nathan and Hayden. Memorial at HCC Pinetown on 3 Dec 2012 at 2pm.

CHASKALSON Arthur (Chief Justice ) + 1 Dec 2012 in Milpark Hospital Johannesburg at age of 81 years. Married to Lorraine and father of Matthew (49) and Jerome (45) [Tribune Reporter]

CLOUSTON Errol Clive 21 Feb 1944 ----28 Nov 2012 at Hospice. From Carol, Rozanne, Richard and Hylton. Brother of Phil & Jenny.

DE BRUYN Yvo 29 April 1930 in Rhodesia -----19 Nov 2012 in Pretoria. Brother-in-law of Sheila and uncle of Jock, Linda, Clive and Graeme. Great Uncle of Robyn and Jamie. Sympathy to my sister Ailsa and the girls and the family.

GRAND Auguste Arthur x + Johanna.Father of Lucien, Robin and Michele and grandfather. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church Durban North on4 Dec 2012 at 10am. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.

GREEN Bruce Leonard 14 July 1944 ----28 Nov 2012 x Ellie. Only brother of Lucy and Glynnis. Brother-in-law of James, Brad, Tommy. Uncle to Warren, Craig, Hayley and Travis, Russel and Graham. Brucie the light of Umbilo has gone out. Memorial at Glenwood Church on 4 Dec 2012 at 11am

HENRY Phyllida 16 Feb 1934 ----29 Nov 2012. Mom of Pam and Mike, Alan & Michelle, Mel and Richard. Grandmother of Bronwyn, Robyn, Jonathan, Megan, Rachelle, Jachin, Jethro and Luyanda. Memorial at Amanzimtoti Primary School on 4 Dec 2012 at 3pm.

MANGURU Ramesh Nundkishoor. 10th day ceremoney on 25 Nov 2012 and 13th day at 28 /11/12 at family residence.

MOODLEY Richard (Bob-Tool Trade Engineering). Funeral at 40 Simla Street Shallcross on 2 Dec 2012 from 11am ----1pm Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2-4pm.

REDDY Deenadayalan (Jeff) . 16th day Memorial on 4 Dec 2012 at 16 Cliffbury Place Unit 7 Phoenix between 7-8pm. Supper at 5:30---6:45 pm.

ROWE Gordon Stansbury (Gordy) + 29 Nov 2012 (Dusi Legend ). He died at North Shore Hospital in Auckland New Zealand at age 82 years. Husband of Margie. Father of Robbie x Toni. Grandfather of Bella.

THOMPSON nee FRIGGENS Lynne Gillian + 29 Nov 2012. No sevice on requiest.


ANTONIA CASIMIRO JOSE 7 May 1934 ----2 Dec 2004 Husband, father and grandfather. Missed by Daisy, Belinda, Bruce, Eurico, Sherezade, Jose, Leah and Zariah.

BARNARD Gloria + 1 Dec2009. Missed by husband and daughter Denny, sharon and Alan.

BINNEMAN Trevor. Happy Birthday Trevor. 45 years ago you crept into our hearts. 11 years you have left us. Son, brother and father. From Dad, Mom, sister Lynda and children Sade, Jarred and Jade.

BROUARD Maurice 11 March 1948 ---2 Dec 2010. Love from Adel, JP, Jonica and Melissa.

MOODLEY Siva + 1 Dec 2010 x Maliga. Also the MOODLEY & THAMBIRAN family. Ex Telkom /Ex Milnex .

OLFSEN Lance + 1 Dec 1983. Son and brother. From Mom, Steven, Sylvia, Stewart and Shane.

PILLAY Linganayagee. 20 years now gone . Mother of Vigie PILLAY.

RAI nee GAILLARD Ivy Florence + 29 Nov 2006. Sister of Alice, Goo-goo and niece Joan.

TAYLOR Jeanette Julia 15 July 1945 ---2 Dec 2008. RIP from Reg.

TURNER Gerald. 3 years gone now. Husband, father and grandfather.

9 December 2012


VAN HUYSSTEEN Martin & Claire a daughter Keira Claire * 5 Dec 2012 at St Anne's. Granddaughter of Barbara CAMPBELL and Klip & Alison VAN HUYSSTEEN . Great-granddaughter of Timmy.


NAIDOO Shrey. 7 Years. Love from Mom, Dad, Chahail, Thatha, Ma, Uncles Shalen and Prenesh, aunties Nomashni, Jessie and Kaylen.


TOD/BOLTON Courtney , daughter of Kevin & Sue and Matthew, son of Derek & Liz are engaged.


KHUZWAYO Maureen Lucky+ 7 Dec 2012 (50 Years) Gun-Shot. [MURDER] Head of Department at Zephania Secondary School in Illembe District KwaMaphumulo. She was married to a principal of another school and had 4 children. Child of MaNgcobo NXUMALO.

MARTIN Steve Bruce Vernon 4 Mei 1948 ---5 Dec 2012 x Cheryl(Cher) for 38 years.; Father of Biggles, Jody, JP, Ty and Brooke;. Goodbuy Uncle Steve from Ken, Trace, Blake and Evan.; Simpaty to family from Roy, Gwen and family; From Staff of Martin Auctioneers you were a special boss. Funeral at St Josephs Catholic Church Morningside Durban on 13 Dec 2012 at 10:30 am.

NORMAN Constance (Connie) + 7 Dec 2012. Sister-in-law of Caren, Charles and family.

RAGBEER Navin + 6 Dec 2012 (Gun-shot by intruder) x Jessica. They both 37 years and deaf. Jessica is a teacher at St Martin 's School for the Deaf in Newlands. Jessica's mother is THOLSI Premmie.

16 December 2012


CAMPBELL Graham Daryl (tragic loss) Condolences to family and will be missed by CMCO Material Handling Group of Companies. From Roger DAY and staff.


BROWN Duncan. Gone 9 years now x Marie. Father of Craig, Vanesse, Lloyd, Nicole and families. .

KENTON Byron Dean 7 Aug 1971 -----16 Dec 2005. Son, brother and uncle of Clive, Viv, Lauren and Dylan.

23 December 2012


JAMES Butch & Julia a 1st child Jesse Michael * 14 Dec 2012 (last Friday) Butch is Sharks and former Springbok fly-half.

POOL nee VAN WYK Samuel and Julie a son Aidan John * 15 Dec 2012.


CHISHOLM Noel .80 Years today. Father and grandfather.

GOVENDOR Matthew Brandon. 1 year old today.Grandchild of Mike and Angie.


MITCHELL -SMITH Tim & Louise announce engagement of Nikki & Paul, son of Alex and Paula.

SOPER/ BRUCE Warren , only son of Steven and Toni, to Megan, daughter of Lois & Ronnie.


WOOD Ronnie (65) (Rolling Stone ) x Sally HUMPHREYS (34) in London on 21 Dec 2012. Ronnie's 3rd marriage.


THOMAS Harold & Brenda married 22 Dec 1962. Parents of Craig, Dean, Jill, Faried, Nicole and grandparents of Taariq, Ziyaana, Tasneem, Justin and Matthew.


BARNES Valerie x George (Barney) for 57 years. Mom, Mom-in-law and granny of Cindy, Mark and family. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644

DUNCAN Elizabeth (Lizzie) 12 March 1983 -----19 Dec 2012 in Cardiff, Wales. Thoughts and prayers are with Dave, Robyn and Daniel. From Graham, Sue, Kelly and Neil.

GOVENDER Perumal (Niney/Ticky) x Saras. Father of Loowen, Jayson, Yugeshin, Veno. 16th day Memorial on 25 Dec 2012 at 8 Blue Jill Crescent Chatsworth. Supper at 17h00 and Service at 19 hrs pm. TEL:- Yugeshin 031 4041410/ 074 6060 164.

LATCHMIAH Ricardo + 21 Dec 2012 at age 21 years. Son of Gabriel & Premilla. He was beaten by friends.

NAICKER Dhanasillian (Dan) . 16th day Ceremony on 26 Dec 2012 at Centenary Hall Umdhloti Drift Temple Hall Verulam at 5 pm with supper Service at 7pm.

POWYS Merlyn Edward 26 June 1942 ----19 Dec 2012 x Ionell. Father of Merilyn and Megan. Funeral at St John's Anglican Church Sydenham on 28 Dec 2012 after 10 0' Clock viewing Cremation private.

REDDY S (Former president of Andhra Maha Saba of South Africa) of 3 Victor Rd Redhill, Son of TM REDDY. Married to Venkamma. Father of Nanda, Vishnu, Dr NS REDDY and Prof PS REDDY . Father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall on 23 Dec 2012. Body will lie in state from 11am----1pm at crematorium hall Cremation at 1:30 pm.

ROSS nee POVEY Rosemary + 20 Dec 2012 x Malcolm. Mother of Kerry-Lynn, Craig, Tiffany-Ann and Samantha-Jayne. Mother-in-law to Jenny, Roland and Gary. Grandmother to James, Ethan and Aiden. Memorial on 27 Dec 2012 at Musgrave Rd Methodist Church at 11 am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

STALEY Rutha Thelma + 21 Dec 2012. Mother of Nevill, Yoland , Wendy and Trevor. Grandmother of Kim, Lisa, Tyran, Tania, Hoghan and Cayse'. Great-grandmother of Roxanne, Stacey, Tyson, Page, Josh and Megan.

THROSSELL Elizabeth "Nola" + 20 Dec 2012 in London. Cousin of Athalie QUINTON and nieces Leanne and Janis.

VEALE Anne Adeane (Tooks) Beloved of Dave. Mom, sister and granny of Dean, Brett, Lauryn, Greg, Ryan, Gabbi, Jock, Charles and Sue. Sympathy to family for loss of a colleague and teacher of Hillcrest Primary School. Memorial at City Hill Church Waterfall at 10am on 22 Dec 2012. Tea and drinks at Makaranga Logde Kloof. (as in paper)

MEMORIAM:- CHETTY Seelan 1 Aug 1968 ----26 Dec 2007 x Thiloshni. Father of Shaylan, Deshlan CHETTY.

De SISSING Margaret (Peggy) . Remembered by Harold, Brenda, Craig, Jill and Faried.

GAILLARD Darren Kurt Joseph 3 Nov 1978 -----23 Dec 2007. Tragically taken .From Granny Dulcie, Bridger, DUNN and GEORGE family. Also from Mum, Dad, Reese, Jodi-Leigh, Quentin and baby Darren.

GOTHI John and Andrina . Remembered by Rose, Nicky, Prinolin and Leevin.

GOVENDER Vardarajalu + 19 Dec 1989. Missed by children.

HATTON Desmond Joseph + 26 Dec 2010. Husband ,father and Oupa. From Pat, Greg, Chantal and Tarryn.

NAIDOO Hibandaran Ramaloo * 26 Dec 1962. Dad you would have been 50 years. You left us 248 days ago. Nou with Papa. Julien's girls, Jui, Jen and Jamie.

PILLAY Morgan 9 Sept 1953 ---23 Dec 2002 . Father of Cheryl and Charmaine.

VEERASAMY George. Should have been your birthday. From your family.

30 December 2012


ARDE David & Lauren a boy Jesse Daniel * 20 Dec 2012 in Westville Hospital. Brother to Daniel.


MARTIN / VENNIKER Julie WILSON & Brett VENNIKER announce engagement of their daughter Alexandra to Andrew , son of Anthony & +Estelle MARTIN in Bruges Belgium.


SIBILANT Brain & Olive x 29 Dec 1962. Parents of Bron & Ikie; Michelle, Ricky , Lauren and Ryan.


COEN ACKERMAN 1 June 1940 ----25 Dec 2012 . Husband, father and grandfather of Lesley; Gay-Lynn, Brett, Jenna & Josh; Jo-Anne, Wayne, Tara-Lynn & Kate-Lynn; Robin, Jolene, Jonathan & Nicolas.

CHETTY Danpaul (Harry) Son of + Mr & Mrs Sarnaval CHETTY of Beatrice Street. Married to Shama. Father of Osmond, Shantal. Grandfather of Tiago. Father-in-law of Preston. Brother of Mealizza, Gono and Charles and +Snowy. Body will at home, B22 Dwyer Rd, Indian Village Stanger from 10am –1pm, Proceeding to Stanger Crematorium.

CHETTY Ossiree Subramony (Mike) 12 Aug 1959 ----17 Dec 2012. X Raagani. Father of Keshnie and Pryeshnie. Grandfather of Simmi, CHETTY family and friends. 16th Day Memorial on 31 Dec 2012 and 1st Jan 2013 at his late Residence 2 Malva Place Dundee at 7pm.

COX nee SHIRLEY Delsia Lorene (Big Gran) 29 Dec 1921 –25 Dec 2012. Mother of Danelda and Terry. Gran of Leigh-Anne and Wayne and great-gran of 8.

GRACIA Desmond Manuel . Brother of Barbara and Judy and uncle. Funeral at Assegai Methodist Church Wentworth on 31 Dec 2012 at 09am. Proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery for internment. DOVES 0860025500.

HARRISON Phyo Olga (Blue Eyes) + 26 Dec 2012 x Stan. Mom, Gran and greatgran of Mary, Rob, Andrew, Sue , Emma, Chloe and Duncan.

HARRISON Phyl Olga + 26 Dec 2012. Mom, Gran and greatgran of Bruce, Jo, Iggi, Lisa, Leila, Adriana, Grant, Mareli, David and Taggie.; Sympathy also from Pat, Barbs, Rob and Michael.

HENDLER Margaret (Margie) + 28 Dec 2012 x Ellie . Mother of Laurelle and Vanessa. Mother-in-law of Grant. ; Love from Frant and Lynda, Steve and Michelle, Greg and Sue and all the children.

HENNINGSEN Peter Heinrich .Partner of Lyn. Father and grandfather. Memorial at Lady of Mercy Catholic Church Kloof on 31 Dec 2012 at 10:30am. Cremation Private. AVBOB 031 2061831.

KLOSE Des + 25 Dec 2012. Remembered by wife ,children and families. Memorial at Pinetown Baptist Church on 31 Dec 2012 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.

MOONSAMY Subramoney (Moon) x Mullie. Father of Jay, Ruby, Raj, Devanie and Dennis. In-laws, grandchildren. 15th Day Memorial on 1st Jan 2013 at 31 Canehaven Drive Phoenix from 7-8pm and 2 Jan 2013. Service by V DHARMA.

MORRIS Brian Plunkett + 25 Dec 2012. Big Brother and uncle of Ron, Linda, Matthew, Catherine and Claire.

NAICKER Kajendran (Ravi) was laid to rest on 17 Dec 2012 x Marshini. Missed by mother (Ruby), father of Myan, Nerissa and Denelle. Also his 3 sisters. 16th Day Memorial on 31 Dec 2012 at 5pm at 92 Progress Ave Moorton Chatsworth.

PIENAAR Ronald (Ronnie) 30 Sept 1943 –26 Dec 2012. Memorial 31 Dec 2012 at 0900 am at Flame Lily Park Malvern.

PRINSLOO Emily 25 April 1930 ----21 Dec 2012. Funeral Conducted by Priest COLLEN & GAETZ in the Old Apostolic Church of Africa , Amanzimtoti on 28 Dec 2012 at 11 am. Words of thanks done by Cherry PRINSLOO. [Private info]

RANDALL Elaine Sylvia 28 March 1928 -----22 Dec 2012 (had Alzheimers ). Died at Edenroc Frail care. Mother of Gail, Rosemary, Jane & Wendy and their families.

ROSS nee POVEY Rosemary. Memorial at Musgrave Rd Methodist Church on 31 Dec 2012 at 11 am. Cremation Private . SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

SULLAPHEN Charmaine Diane of 49 Olive Grove Merewent x Marcel. Mother of Carol, Wayne and Lyndsy. Daughter of Yvonne. Sister of Timothy, Mabel, Myrna, David and Tyrone.Aunt and grandmother. Funeral on 31 Dec 2012 at Seventh Day Adventist Church Wentworth at 9:30am proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.

VILA BOA Shelach+ 26 Dec 2012 x Duarte .Mother of Mario and Kirsty. Funeral on 31 Dec 2012 at 11am at DOVES Greyville at 11 am. Cremation private.

WESSELS William Henry Mara 11 Oct 1918 ----24 Dec 2012 in his 94the year. X Susan. Father, grand and great-grandfather. Private cremation on 31 Dec 2012. Memorial on 3 Jan 2013 at Umhlanga Baptist Church, Umhlanga Rocks at 10am.

WILSON Denise Audrey 22 July 1926 ---27 Dec 2012 x + Kenneth . Mother of +Alison Mary. No funeral or memorial at at requiest.


GRIFFEN Heather + 30 Dec 2002. Wife and mother of Jon, Kyle, Charné, Bernard, Mary and family.

HIRSCH Roxanne Sarah (Roxy) 30 April 1988 ----30 Dec 2009. From ENSOR family.

MEYER Peter + 29 Dec 2008 x Caroline.

VAN NIEKERK Dan + 30 Dec 1990. Husband ,Father and grandfather of Jeanet, Danny, Thora, Christine, Maryna and grandchildren.

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