The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1874 2 July - December
Thursday, 2 July, 1874
OVERLEDEN te Boshof, op Zondag den 28sten Juny 1874, de Heer Pieter Jacob de VILLIERS, in den ouderdom van 33 jaren en 6 maanden, geliefde echtgenoot.
Mr. Pieter Jacob de VILLIERS, formerly Landdrost of Boshof, died suddenly at that place on Sunday last, he having been found dead in his bed. Mr. de VILLIERS leaves a young widow and family to mourn their loss. Deceased was at one time the Landdrost of Winburg, where a few years since, he married a daughter of Mr. VLOTMAN. He was in his thirty third year.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 30th June, 1874, Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, of a son
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 12th June, Mrs. E.D. BRADFIELD, of a son.
BIRTH at Bethlehem, O.F.S., on the 17th June, 1874, Mrs. A.P.J. van der POST, of a son
BIRTH, Mrs. Thomas HOLMES, Nooitgedagt, of a son. 1st July, 1874
BIRTH at Ladybrand, of a daughter, the wife of the Rev. L. HUGO.
Ladybrand, 27th June, 1874
DIED at Modder River, district Bloemfontein, on 20th inst., of liver complaint, Frederick MULLETT, third son of John F. M. and Elizabeth ROESCH, aged 13 years 10 months, and 2 days. Relatives and friends will please accept this intimation.
From Smithfield, under date 21st ult., we have the following: - “We hear today that a Mr. Edwin KIRK has been crushed to death between two wagons, at the mill at Jammersdrift near Wepener.” Deceased was doubtless a member of a family at one time resident here, and who have relatives in this town. [See next edition]
De ondergeteekende, behoorlyk daartoe gelast zynde door de exectrise testamantaire des boedels van wylen Louis Jacobus van AARDT, zal publiek doen verkoopen ter plaatse Caprira, Veroverd grondgebied, op Woensdag, 19 Augustus, a.s.,
1. De welbekendee plaats, genaamd “Caprira” gelegen in het veroverd grondgebied, 21/2 uur van Landybrand, en groot min of meer 15000 morgen. Is bebouwd met een stevig en net woonhuis, kralen, landeryen, enz.
2. De geheele plaats, genaamd “Vendutiespruit” gelegen in het verovered grondgebied, en groot min of meer 2500 morgen. Is bebouwd met een groot woonhuis, kralen, landeryen, enz.
Verder: 8 Slagt- en trek en Aanteelbeesten, 400 Schapen, 140 Bokken, 50 Ry-Kar- en Aanteelpaarden, 1 Bokwagen complete, 1 Tentwagen complete.
Huismeubelen, zoo als bedden, Tafels, Stoelen, Kasten, Potten, Pannen, Messen, Vorken, enz.
Boederijgereedschap rn wat verder op dien dag zal aangeboden worden.
Crediet ruim.
C.BREDELL, Vendu-Afslager. Vendukantoor, Winburg, 22 Juny 1874.
Thursday, 9 July, 1874
The undersigned having been duly instructed, will sell by auction at the residence of the late Edwin BULL, Esq., on Tuesday, 14th July, 1874, the following valuable property, dining room, drawing-room and bed-room furniture, comprising
Beautiful cottage piano, in mahogany case, What-not tables, Sofa, chairs, easy chairs, sideboard, cupboards. A handsome dinner service, containing 124 pieces, Beds and bedding, washing stands, &c., and new air bed.
Also stoves, and the usual assortment of kitchen furniture and utensils,
A travelling bullock wagon, comfortably fitted up.
A pair of handsome carriage horses and harness
Ladies Saddle & Bridles
&c., &c., &c.
The furniture &c. will be on view the day proceeding the sale.
Sale to commence at 10 o’clock.
O.C. KAYS, Auctioneer Bloemfontein, 22nd June, 1874
DIED at Harrismith, on the 17th June, 1874, Mr. Joseph MANDY, aged 77 years
DIED at Mr. Thomas ROBERTSON’S residence, on the Caledon River, near Wepener, on the 28th ultimo, my dearly beloved husband, Edward KIRK, in his 27th year, leaving a wife, two children, and a large circle of friends to deplore his untimely end. The widow avails herself of this opportunity to convey her heartfelt thanks to those who so kindly assisted the deceased during his illness.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Sarah KIRK, born HARBIN.
Jammersberg’s Drift, Caledon River, 1 July, 1874.
Yesterday (24th ultimo) there was quite a gala scene at St. George’s Cathedral, at the celebration of the wedding of Mr. Advocate REITZ, the chief Justice-elect of the Free State, with Miss THIESSEN, of the Knysna. The cathedral was quite crowded on the occasion; and nothing could be more fascinating than the appearance of the charming bride and the almost equally charming bridesmaids. Very heartily we give our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. REITZ, and wish them all the happiness they can desire for themselves in the country to which they are now about to proceed, and in which they will occupy so important and influential in position. - Cape Argus.
Thursday, 16 July, 1874
Sale of a valuable and extensive Agricultural and grazing farm in the district of Bethlehem. Will be offered to public competition on a day hereafter to be notified “Kranspunt,” or “Brunswick” no. 259, Situated on Liebenberg’s Vley, district Bethlehem, in extent at least 6600 morgen, abundantly supplied with water and pasturage of every description. The Liebenberg’s Vley, a constantly flowing stream, runs right through the centre of the farm. It is bounded on one side by Vogeldraai; on the second by Zwartkoppies; on the third by Waterval; and on the fourth by Kaalpunt and Slootfontein. This is one of the old British Land Certificate Farms, having been granted , in the year 1850, by the Sovereignty Government, to William MORROW, and sold by him to Adolph COGIN, on the 9th May, 1851, and by the latter to the late D.C. GRANT, on 2nd October, same year; thus there can be no dispute about the boundaries. The beacons are, moreover, clearly defined and written down in the land-book kept by the Civil Commissioner of that district, Mr. Paul M. BESTER, who inspected the farm. This is without exception, one of the best farms now in the market.
Terms:- One fourth of the purchase money payable in cash, and the balance in 6, 12 and 18 months.
For further particulars, apply to Thomas WHITE, Executor Dative.
Bloemfontein13th July, 1874.
NB - The purchaser of the farm “Kranspunt: or “Brunswick” can, at the same time, become the purchaser of the adjoining farm “Vogeldraai” No. 292. In extent, as per diagram, 6,445 morgen and 170 square roods, making one square block of about 13300 morgen in extent, with the stream of Liebenberg’s Vley running through the centre of the whole. Few such chances of obtaining an equal extent of really good ground will again occur.
Terwijl de heer Edwin KIRK, Maandag, 22 Junij, een gelljnden ossenwagern, digt naast een tweede rijdende naar de molen van dern heer LOESCH, te Jammerbergsdrift, aan de Caledon, nabij Wepener, dreef, schrikten de ossen en renden met zulk on vaart naar de andere wagen toe, dat de ongelukkige man geen tijd had, tusschen de wagens uit te geraken, en tusschen beide word ingedrukt op zulk een wijze dat beide wagens op zij doorgezaagd meesten worden op hem lost e doen geraken, dat veet tij nam, doordien siechte een zang voorhanden was. Onmiddelijk daarna word hij naar een geschikte plaats gebragt, waar hem de naaste mediesche hulp- verschaft word, en den volgenden morgen vroeg, was Dr. BROWN, uit Rouxville, om wien men had gezonden, ter zijner hulp daar, doch hoewel alles in werk word gestold on zijn leven te redden, en men zelf aan de mogelijkheid daarvan durfde denken, word hij Zondag 28 Junij orger, en stierf des avonds tusschen 7 en 8 uur. Zijn stoffelijk overschot word Dinsdag, 30 Junij, door een tarlike schare gevolgd, naar de laaste rustplaats geleid – (Medddegedeeld)
Thursday, 23 July, 1874
MARRIED at Thaba ‘Nchu, on the 16th July, 1874, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. J. PRIESTLEY, Arthur William CAMERON, third son of the Reverend James CAMERON, General-Superintendent of Wesleyan Mission in Natal, to Olive Isabel Eleanor DANIEL, second daughter of the Rev. J.T. DANIEL, Wesleyan Minister Thaba ‘Nchu
DIED at Springfield, near Bloemfontein on the 9th of July, 1874, Mr. Patrick LYNCH, Sen., formerly of County Clare, Ireland, aged 93 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
Thursday, 30 July, 1874
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 22nd July, 1874, Mrs. Geo. D. PAGE of a son.
Thursday, 6 August, 1874
In the district of Winburg
The undersigned being favoured with instructions from the executors Dative in the estate of the late Ms. Aletta Jacomina OOSTHUIZEN, born du PLESSIS, will sell by public action on Thursday. 8th of October next, at 9 a.m., on the farm Strydfontein, two hours from Winburg, the following valuable immovable and movable properties, viz:-
I One third share of the valuable agricultural and grazing farm “Strydfontein” No.3, situated only 2 hours from Winberg, in extent (more or less) 8000 morgan, on which is built a splendid new dwelling-house (lately built), containing 6 room, with iron roof, outside buildings, stables, good kraals, garden, orchard and enclosed by walls; has fountain, dams, and the best grazing veld for cattle and sheep.
II One third of the farm “Leeuwkop” No.77, situated near Messrs. Theron and Meyer, ward Vetriver, district Winberg, in extent (more or less) 8000 morgen or 6000 acres: is an excellent farm for grazing and agricultural purposes, and well watered.
III The whole of the beautiful farm “Boschrand” No 837, situated on the line of Winburg and Cronstadt, in extent (more or less) 400 morgan or 8000 acres, The same is surveyed, and diagram can be seen at the undersigned in a fortnight’s time. Several families have lived on it for years. The farm is well wooded and watered; also some houses built on it, and is one of the best grazing and agricultural farms in that neighbourhood.
IV 2000 sheep: 160 slaughter, trek and breeding cattle: 8 Draught and saddle horses: 25 Mares: 1 Buckwagon: 1 Horsewagon: 2 Tent carts on springs: 1 Plough: Tables, Stinkwood and other chairs: 4 Bedsteads, plates, Knives and forks: Pots and pans: Buckets and tubs: Lots of tools: Poultry and guns
A large quantity of other articles
A long credit will given!
Refreshments in Abundance
Let not this rare opportunity be allowed to pass, because anybody who knows the farming of Mr. OOSHUIZEN is aware that he is in possession of good ground and the best stock.
C.BREDELL, Auctioneer. Auction–room, Winburg, 4th August, 1874
Het heft den heer behaagd myn seder geliefde Echtgenoote Hester Alberta Johanna van SCHALKWIJK, geboren du PLESSIS, van my door den doodte ontnemin, in den ouderdom van 45 jaren, 3 maanden en 6 dagen, op de 30sten July 1974, op de plaats Kuilput, district Bloemfontein. Ik seg hiermede dun heer Dr. B.O. KELLNER dank voor de moeite en aangewende vlyt en liefde, waarmede hy myne echtgenoote seven Jaren trouw, sacht en liefdlyk behandeld heft
Myn teeder en geliefde pand, is door God hand
Van my gesomen, en sal niet wederkomed.
De Heer neemt haar al door den dood tot Hem in zyn Vaders schoot. in zyn Vaders schoot
Ons Heer daar boven, te prysen en te leven.
Ons na een vreeslyklyden, haar siel te verblyden.
Zeven jaar en acht maanden, heft zy gelegen in smart en tranen.
De Heer laat geen bidder staan,
De Heer laat geen bidder gaan,
En die hier met tranen zaalt,
Zeker daar met vreugde malt.
Andries Jac. van SCHALKWYK, de oude. Kuilput, 31 July 1874
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 25th July, 1874, Mrs. James BEVAN, jnr., of a daughter
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 1st August, 1874, Mrs. W.J. HANGER, of a daughter
Thursday, 13 August, 1874
Landed Property
In the Estate of the late Colonel A.J. FRASER
1st:: Tharfield or Karreefontein, No.265, district Bloemfontein. A portion of this beautiful farm, containing about 1500 morgen, and with a large river boundary on the Modder-river, is still for sale out of hand at the Board of executors, where the diagrams (of this portion) can be seen and all particulars learned regarding purchase amount, terms.
2nd: Glengarry or Bosmansfontein, No. 285, district Bloemfontein.This magniffcent firm, containing nearly 8000 morgen, will be cut up in portions to suit the convenience of purchases on the 15th October next by Mr. G.F.STEGMANN, Government Surveyor. On that day (the 15th October) application can be made to Mr. STEGMANN, on the farm, for purchase of any or all of the different portions, as he empowered to sell and there and then to close with purchasers. Afterwards – should the farm or portion of it not be then sold diagrams of the different lots will be on view at the office of the Board of Executors, and will be sold out of hand by the Secretary, to whom early application for purchase should be made.
James B. BROWN, Secretary, Bloemfontein,
11th August, 1874
Ik ondergeteekende, Christoffel Erasmus VISSER, gevolg gevende aan het vonnis vab het district Fauresmith, dd. 5 Augustus 1874, verklaar hiermede, dat ik met de woorden, door my op 14 April 1874, tegen Jacobus Johannes van der MERWE gebezigd, volstrekt geen kwadw bedoeling, heb gehad, dat ek niet gemeend heb hom te injuieren, dat ik din woorden terug trek, en hom houd voor een eerlyk en regtschapen man, op wiens karakter ik niets te zeggen weet.
(get) C.J.VISSER.
Getuigen:- (get.) D.B. van der HAER, (get) J.A. SCHICKERLING,
Copy Conform, VILLIERS, Landdrost. Fauresmith
BIRTH at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 31st July, 1874, the wife of H.K.H.D’ARCY, Esq., of Kimberly, Griqualand West, of a son
DIED at Slangfontein, Eland’s River, district of Uitenhage on Thursday, the 30th July, 1874, Thomas Brown PALMER Esq., J.P., aged 64 years, after a lingering illness.
DIED at Fauresmith, on Sunday, 2nd August, 1874, the wife of Mr. N.C. RAAFF, aged 17 years, 2 months and 27 days. Deeply regretted
DIED at Boshof, on the 5th August Sophia Alida youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. van RYNEVELD, aged 16 months
DIED at Bloemfontein, on Friday, the 7th inst, the infant son of John and Mary Jane le CLUS, aged one year, one month, and eight days.
OVERLEDEN te Waterkloof, district Philippolis, O.V.S. op den 12 July ll., aan witte zeere keel, myn geliefden zoon Daniel Joseph ROUX, in het jeugdige onderdoen van slechts 9 jaren. Familie en vrienden worden verzocht dit as kennisgeving te accepteren.
D.J. ROUX. Philippolis, 4den Augustus, 1874
Het heft den Almagtigen God van leven en dood behaagd op den 26 July jl, door eenen schiclyken doch zaligen dood tot zichte nemen, myne teeder geliefde echtgenoote Isabella Elizabeth Johanna MOCKE, in die ouderdom van 34 jaren 9 maanden en 7 dagen, my nalatende met [vier] onmondige kinderen, om myn smartelyk verlies te betreuren.
Zalig zija de dooden, die in den Heer sterben.
E.A. ALLEMAN. Knapelaar, district Boshof, 30 July 1874
Thursday, 20 August, 1874
DIED at Rouxville, on Wednesday, 12th August, 1874, Eliza Elizabeth Jane ANDERSON, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ANDERSON, aged 1 year and 24 days, after a long and painful illness of 20 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice,
DIED at Carolinensiel, Oost Friesland, Germany, on the 5th July, 1874, Johannes FIMMER, aged 24 years
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 18th inst., PIETER A.J. van DIJK, infant son of Mr. C.C. MATHEY, at the age of 10 months and 8 days. Deeply regretted.
Mr. and Mrs. MATHEY sincerely thank the kind friends who so kindly assisted and consoled them in their sad affliction.
Thursday, 27 August, 1874
De ondergetekende hiertoe behoorlyk gelaat zynde, zal in den boedel van wylen Francois HATTINGH en nagelaten echtegenoote Alletta Sisanna STEYN op 9 October, 1874 des voomiddags 10 uur, op de plaats Tweefontein, aan Onde-Valschrivier, district Kroonstad, publiek aan den meestbiedenden doen verkoopen:-
Ten Eerste. Deel van de plaats “Tweefontein,” gelegen an Valschrivier, groot omtrent 3100 morgen. Op deza plaats bevindt zich een nieuw, stevig woonhuis, onder ijzer dak, met 4 vertrekken en kombuis, een nieuw gerinfelyk buitenhuis, klipkralen en een tuin, ommuurd met een klipmuur, en beplant met uitgezochte vrughteboomen, klipkoppies en rantjes, goed weideveld voor groot en klein vee. Valschrivier, 2 sterke fonteinen en 2 groote dammen leveren water in overvloed.
Verder ten tweede.
300 Schapen en bokken, meer of min, 1 Beesten, 1 extra Rypaard, met Zadel en toom, 1 Geweer, 2 Ganzen, 1 Rustbank.
Tafels, Stoelen, Kisten, Kare, Potten, Ketel met komfoer, messen, vorken, lepels, bedden, katels,enz., te veel om alles te melden in ‘t kort: al hetgeen voor eene Boerdery vereischt wordt.
1 halfsieten Wagen met Zeil en Trekgoed voor 8 ossen. Schrynwerkers gereedscappen, scroef, enz., enz. En wat nog verder op den dag der verkooping zal voorgebragt worden. Terme zeer gunstig !!!
Verversehingen zullen verschaft worden, zegt het voort!!!
P.W.SMIT, Venduafslager
De ondergetekende daartoe behoorlyk gelaat door den executeur testamentair in den boedel van wylen den Wel.Ed. heer D.H.JACOBS, de oude, zal ter plaatse Koppieskraal, district Jacobsdal, op Woensdag, den 3den September, 1874, publiek aan den meestebieden verkoopen.
1sten 100 Beesten, min of meer, wooronder 18 goede makgeleerde Trekossen vrij van roodwater, alzee vrij van longziekte, zybde alle geȅent en in gode conditie, onder deze zyn goee melkkoeyen.
2den 6 ongeleerde Merriepaarden
Te gelyket tyd zal worden opgeveild droog erf no. 3 te Jacobsdal, met het daaropstande hecht en sterk woonhuis bevatiende ruime en gemakkelyke kamers, buiten kamers enz., enz., alles wat tot een geriefelyk woonhuis behoort, en verder andere dingen te veel om te noemen, wat op den dag der verkoopding zullen worden voorgebrugt.
Alsmede 1 Bokwagen complete, en 1 Tent-kar, met 2 lampen en 2 Achtertuigen
De Conditien van verkoop zullen dien dag hekend gemaakt worden
Terme Liberaal
Verversehingen zullen verschaft worden.
Kom zie en overtuigd u zelven!!
JACOBS & Co. Vendumeesters, Jacobsdal, 15 Augustus, 1874
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 24th August, 1874, Mrs H.A. J. BIER of a son.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 22nd August, of inflammation of the lungs, Martha Eleanora Maria, second daughter of Dr. and Mrs. KELLNER, aged 1 year and 5 months
DIED. Suddenly, from the result of a cart accident, near Bloemfontein, on the 20th instant, Mr. John F.M. ROESCH, aged 40 years and 7 months, leaving a widow and eight children to lament their loss
Martha Elizabeth ROESCH, Geb. du PLOOY
De ondergetekende daartoe behoorlyk geauthoriseerd door den Heer L.J. WEPENER, zal by publieke veiling te koop aanbieden, op Woensdag, den 21sten October, 1874, op de welbekende plaate “Bornmansdrift” gelegen in het district Ladybrand, veroverd grondgebied.
Ten Eerste:- De kostbare plaats Bornmansdrift, voorneemd, groot 2300 morgen, voorzien van goede standhoudende water, en uitmuntend weiveld voor alle soorten van groot en klein vee, wel bebouwd, en beplant met alle soorten vruchteboomen, en voorzien van een goed woonhis, enz.
Ten Tweede:- 37 goedgeleerde Trekossen,
Ten Derde:- 25 Aanteelbeesten van goed ras,
Ten Vierde:- 6 uitmuntende Paarden,
Ten Vijfde:- 60 Kaapsche Schapen,
En Verder:- Eene goede piano, Huisraad van alle soorten. Smids- en Timmerman Gereedschappen, graven, pikken, enz. Een kar met tuigen, complete. Een Wagen, en wat verder ten verkoop zal worden aangeboden
Termen zeer liberal.
C.S. RADEMEYER, Venduafslager. Ladybrand, 21 Augustus, 1874
Thursday, 3 September, 1874
In den boedel van wijlen Hendrik Izaak David du PLESSIS.
De ondergeteekende, daartoe gelaat door de executrien testamentaire, zal op Woensdag, 7 October, 1874, publiek verkoopen op de plaats Joachimsfontein, gelegen in de wyk Kaapzakrivier, district Philippolis, groot, volgens Land-Commission-kaart, 3500 morgen: waarop pas voltooid is een geriefelijk huis, dat nog niet in gebruikis, met 5 vertrekken, benevens twee andere huizen en een wagenhuis, en twee groote dammen.
Voorts: 2000 goede Merino Schapen, 40 Aanteelbeesten, 16 Ry-enTrekpaarden, extra geleerd, 30 Aanteelpaarden.
Benevens de noodige Huismeubelen en gereedschappen, voor een groot huis en ruime plaats.
Hendrik BOTHA, Afslager. Philippolis, 24 Aug., 1874
MARRIED on the 1st September, 1874, at the Catherdral, Bloemfontein, by the Right Revd. the Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon CROGHAN, Arthur William BECK to Annie TYRRELL
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 30th August, 1874, Arthur Cumming, infant son of George D. and Emma PAGE, aged five weeks.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 30th August, Ada Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James BEVAN Jr., aged 2 years and 5 months.
DIED at Driefontein, district Smithfield, on the 17th August, 1874, Thomas Holmes, youngest son of E.D. and H. BRADFIELD, aged 2 months and 5 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Het heft den Heer behaagd hier uit he: tydelyke naar de eeuwigheid te doen verwisselen myn geliefde en teedere echtgenoot, my met zeven kinderen nalatende om dat verlies te betreuren, Jan Adriaan VENTER, in den ouderdom van 54 jaren en 20 dagen. Nagelaten echtgenoote Maria Jacoba VENTER, geboren VAN JAARSVELD.
Wy kunnen niet nalaten dank te betuigen aan onze vrienden, die gedurig ons zoo behulpzaam waren gedurende het korte ziekbed van slechts 5 dagen.
Wy zoggen u hartelyk dank voor uwe hulp en getrouwheid, nl J.J. RABIE, C. VISSER, I. PRETORIUS, A. van HEVER, D. MAARTENS, C. van HEEVER, en R. PARKENS, alsmede zeggen wy hartelyk dank aan de andere vrienden, die ook hunne hulp by dag bewezen hebben aan den sieke.
Echtgenoote M.J. VENTER, geboren VAN JAARSVELD
24 Augustus, 1874
Namens de bedroefde ouders en betrekkingen van wylen Johannes Christiaan MAREE, van Wildebeestpan, district Harrismith, wordt hiermede kennis gegeven dat het dan Almagtigen God behaagd heft, (doer een noodlottigaangeval met een geweer dat hem op Vrydag den 14 Augustus, toen hy uit jagten was, daar ter plaatse overkwam), hem tot zich te nemen, in den jeugdigen ouderdom van 19 jaren en 7 maanden. Betrekkingen en vrienden die elderswoon achtig zyn, gelieven dita ls kennisgeving aan te nemen.
Namens de bedroefde ouders,
Harrismith, O.V.S.,
25 Augustus, 1874
On Tuesday morning last, Mr. Arthur William BECK was united in the bounds of holy matrimony to Miss Annie TYRRELL. The marriage took place in St. Andrew’s Cathedral Church, which was tensely crowded by friends and well wishers of the youthful couple. The Bishop of Bloemfontein, assisted by the venerable the Archdeacon, performed the ceremony, which was a fully choral one, Mr. S. BARRETT presiding at the organ, which he manipulated with his well-known ability. Miss BECK waited upon the bride in the capacity of chief bridesmaid, and Mr. W.F. BARLOW, as best-man, did his “best” for the bridegroom. The following young ladies likewise officiated as bridesmaids on this auspicious occasion: viz,. Miss BAUMANN, Miss S. TRUTER, Miss C. LOUW, Miss. M. SMELLEKAMP, Miss A. KRAUS and Miss Jane BAUMANN. This bevy of youth and beauty was escorted by seven gallant groomsmen: viz. Messrs. H. BARLOW, Jno BECK, L. BECK, C.P. BECK, W.A. ROBINSON, M. LEVISEUR, and Charles FICHARDT. The Misses BRAND and Mr. Jno. BRAND were prevented taking an active part in the interesting and all-absorbing ceremonial, by sickness in the household of His Honour the President. The same cause debarred the Head of the State and Mrs. BRAND from attending and offering their congratulations to the newly wedded pair. The scene inside the Catherdral was an extremely picturesque one; and we only wish we could adequately describe the toilette of the bride and bridesmaids in order to convince readers at a distance how closely the fashion of the Free State capital approximates to that of Paris. Suffice it to say that the dresses were “[tastefiully] and wonderfully made”, but whether they were trimmed with Honi or Brussels lace, we honestly confess our inability authoritively to declare, albeit we are impudent and bold enough to [claim] that the effect was astoundingly pretty, so enchantingly did the bride and bridesmaids adorn their costumes. Mr. W.F. HEIDEMAN gave the bride away with that incomparable grace for which he is so justly celebrated, and as the accomplished young lady did not appear to entertain any objection to being presented to the gentleman to whom she had plighted her troth, we consider it was an “understood thing” beforehand. If it was not a preconceived plan, it looked very much like one. The bride, who was suitably and charmingly attired, went through the trying ceremony with quite as much composure and nerve as could be expected from one in a position so novel to her, with the consciousness that she was the centre of attraction upon which a hundred and fifty pairs of eyes brought their focus to bear. Of the bridegroom we need only say that he performed his party nobly – like one, in fact, who has made up his mind to do a wise action, and accordingly does it in a manly, determined spirit. After the silken knot had been duly and irrevocably tied by the dignitaries of the Cathedral, the happy couple, accompanied by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, with other friends and relatives, proceeded to Miss TYRRELL’s residence, where a goodly company assembled to felicitate Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BECK, and to partake of wine and cake. The toasts honored on the occasion were “The Bride and Bridegroom” (proposed by the Bishop, responded to by the bridegroom), “The Clergy” (given by Mr. F.K. HOHNE, acknowledged by Archdeacon CROGHAN), and “The Bridesmaids” (Proposed by Mr. G.A. FICHARDT, and responded to by Mr. W.F. BARLOW, as the mouthpiece of the bevy of beauty, to gaze upon which he evidently imagined was a joy for ever). The happy pair were thereafter driven off to Tampa, the country residence of Mr. G.F. STEGMANN, and thence proceeded the next day to Aliwal North, where they propose spending their honeymoon.
Thursday, 10 September, 1874
The undersigned in his capacity as executor dative in the estate in the late Henry PHILIPS, will sell by public auction, on Friday, the second day of October, 1874 at 11 o’clock a.m., a portion of erf, No.79, situated in the above village, in extent about 60x60 feet, on which portion is erected in dwelling house (20x34 feet) containing three rooms, passage and kitchen.
At the same time will be sold by the undersigned, in his capacity as executor dative in the estate of the late Carl Rudolf ROGGENKAMP : Sixteen head of cattle.
H.J. MORKEL, Auctioneer
Cronstadt, 29th August, 1874
BIRTH at Mafeking, Basutoland, on the 1st September, 1874, the widow of the late Edwin KIRK, of a son
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 5th Sept., 1874 Mrs. George KEELER, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 9th September, 1874, a well-born [dream] the [6th] son of Ernest STERN. Officials and members of the Volksrand please accept this notice. The likeness of the youngster, together with a good many of his juvenile friends, may be obtained at the office of this paper at 10s 6d.
MARRIED at Ladybrand on the 31st August 1874, by the Rev Cannon F. BECKETT, of Modderpoort, Mentha, widow of the late I.H.M. VALEKENNER, L.L.D., to Edward PHIPPS, second son of the late Fred. von Blucher SCRATTON, of Swellendam.
Thursday, 17 September, 1874
BIRTH on Sunday morning, the 13th inst., Mrs. J.W. MARKUS, of a son. Winburg 14th September, 1874
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 14th inst, from Bronchitis, Maud Emmeline, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs James BEVAN jr.
DIED at Delefontein, district Smithfield, on the 17th August, 1874, Thomas Holmes, youngest so of E.D. and H. BRADFIELD, aged 2 months and 5 days. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Aan vrienden en bloedverwanten wordt bekend gemaakt, dat het den Almagtige behangel heft ons teeder geliefd zoontje Frederik Johannes van BILJON tot zich te nemen, in den onderdom van 22 dagen, op den 15den Sept.ll.
C.F. van BIJON, C.H.van ZYL.
Brandfontein, 10 Sept., 1874
Aan bloedverwanten en vrienden, myne geliefde moeder Martha Jacoba van ROOIJEN, weduwee van ROOIJEN, is den 5den Augustusjl, in den ouderdom van 60 jaren en 1 maand overleden, na eene langdurige en smartelyke ziekte.
Byna 20 jaren lang leed zy aan de kanker en gedurende de laatste 5 jaren aan haar lyden gedurig toe en was somtyds onbeschryfelyk zwaar. Doch zy was geduldig en gelater, en toonde altyd te weten door wien die zware beproeving haar werd toegezonder. Zy wunschte den Heiland het kruis geduldig na dragen. Haar sterfbed was kalm. Haar was waarlyk het geloof een vaste grond van hetgeen zy hoopte, en een bewys van hetgeen zyniet zur. Zy gevoelde zich gelukkig in haar kalm vertrouwen op haren God en haren Verlosser, en zy besteelde hare laatste krachten, om hare kinderen op te wekken tot een leven waardig de chrictelyk belydenis en roeping, op tot ook eenmaal hun einde vrede zyn magt.
Zoo treuren de nageblevenen over het groote verlies dat hun trop, doch niet zonder hoop en niet zonder dankbaarheid, omdat zy vertrouwenenfogen dat hunne geode moeder in de geweteen der eenwige zaligheid is ingegaan, om daar van haren arbeid en van haar liven te rusten.
Aan de vrienden, die de kranke in bare ziekte hebben bygestaan wordt door deze hartelyken dank toegebragt. Wegens onvermydelyke omstanigheden, kan deze kennis geving en rat heden geschieden.
In naam der kinderen, G.T. van ROOIJEN, Czoon.
Kafferfontein, 12 Sept., 1874
Thursday, 24 September, 1874
In the estate of the late William Alfred JOHNSTONE
The undersigned duly authorized will sell by public auction, in front of his office on Saturday, October 24, 1874 at 12 O’clock noon, the valuable farm Lincolnshire, No 720, district Harrismith.
A mixed lot of Superior Cattle, 412 Sheep (more or less), 1 old wagon, 1 Corn Mill, , 1 Horse, saddle and bridle
Household furniture, &c.
R. MacFARLANE, Auctioneer, Harrismith, 14th September, 1874
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 24th September, 1874, Mrs. R.E. RUSHBY, of a son
BIRTH at Rouxville, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. J.J.L. HAMELBERD, of a son.
DIED at Winburg, on Thursday 17 Sept., 1874, after a short illness, Antonie, the beloved wife of Joseph BOBBERT, aged 44 years, leaving a husband and four children to morn their loss. REQUIESCAT IN PACE!
Op den 2den September, 1874 onverleed op de plaats “Alpha” in het Veroverd Grondgebied, district Ladybrand, ten gevolge van een noodlottig ongeluk, door het omslaan van een schotsche-kar , ons geliefd zoontje Ferdinand Edward, in den jeugdigen ouderdom van 2 jaren, 2 maanden en 15 dagen.
Wy trachten met christyke gelatenheid te berusten in den wil van de Alwyze Voorzienigheid. De vrienden en geburen, voornamelyk de heeren Pieter BEZUIDENHOUT en STANTON met hunne echtgenooten, brengen wy hiermede onzen hartelyken dank toe, voor de christelyke en welwilende wyze, waarop zy ons in onze zware hepooeving hebben bygestaan.
Dezen dienende als algemeene en eenige kennisgewing aan familie en vrienden
F.P.J. de BEER,
Alpha, dist Ladybrand, 10 Sept., 1874
Thursday, 8 October, 1874
In de Gouvernemant Courant verschijnt een kennisgeving in de Engelsche taal, onderteekend door ZEd. den Staatsprocurour van den O.V.Staat, waarin gezegd wordt, dat na beschouwing van de rapporten van den Landdrost van Boshof, en van Dr. KRAUSE te Bloemfontein, ZEd. tot het besluit is gekomen, dat wije de heer P.J. de VILLIERS niet anders dan zijn natuurlijken dood is gestorven.
Dr. GRANDPIERRE, one of the truest friends, and most earnest labourers in the Mission cause, has been called to his rest on the 10th of July last when in his 76th year. During nearly 50 years in which he held the pastoral office he has been ever held in the highest estimation by the Christian Church, and has occupied the most distinguished and honourable offices in the direction of the French Reform Church. In France his name will long be remembered as one of the most eloquent preachers, sound theologians and distinguished writers, and also a loving, faithful pastor. For several years, DR. GRANDPIERRE was the director of this mission house in Paris. Most worthily did he fill that most arduous position: several of his pupils are still carrying on the work, ever remembering and acting upon the loving council of their noble-minded director, whilst some of them have entered the joy their Lord after years of useful labours and rejoicing in knowing that many souls had been brought to Christ by their instrumentality. Well may Dr. GRANDPIERRE be held in affectionate remembrance in Basutoland, for it is greatly owing to his unwearied zeal that the mission there has been so greatly developed and sustained – Little Light of Basutoland.
The Hon. Robert GODLONTON, M.L.C. attained the age of fourscore years on Thursday last, the 25th inst, and though we can scarcely wish him many happy returns of the day, we may be permitted to congratulate him on the wonderful health and vigour which at his age he enjoys. He is far more active than many men a dozen years younger, and seems never to relax the interest he has taken in political affairs. Few men are permitted so long to retain the use of all their faculties, or to be able to use them with such a freshness and vigour. We most heartily wish him continued health and happiness. – EP. Herald.
The ”Queenstown Representative” appears in mourning for the death of its late proprietor, Mr. W.R. LINWOOD, who died in England on the 10th August last. Writing on the subject The Representative says: “It is our painful duty to record the eath of Mr. W.R. LINWOOD, for the past three years the proprietor of this paper. Suffering as he had done, for some time, from a lingering consumption, the event could not be said to be entirely unexpected. Owing to strict integrity in business, nited with courteous manners in private life, the deceased gentleman was greatly respected by all with whom he came in contact. As before stated the cause of his decease was consumption, contracted it is believed by unfortunately neglecting a cold Mr. LINWOOD bore his sufferings with the greatest fortitude, but the disease had obtained so complete a mastery over him, that a short time back he had determined on going to England. Leaving Queenstown on the 1st June, Mr. LINWOOD reached his native country on the 4th July. By this time he had become rapidly worse, but he lingered on till the 10th August, when death released him from further trouble. Perhaps the best tribute that could be paid to his worth and the esteem in which he was held, is the fact that in Queenstown, at the early age of twenty-eight, he is regretted by all.”
Death has again taken from us one of our fellow inhabitatnts, Mr. P.C. SMITH, formerly of Graaff-Reinet and Burghersdorp. He succumbed on Monday last to that fell disease consumption. Mr. SMITH, who was aged 27, leaves a widow and two children. He was an MM and desired to have a Masonic funeral, but owing to our Lodge having collapsed, the BB, who would willingly have complied, did not know that they could lawfully do so, and therefore presferred avoiding any breach of Masonic law.
In Capetown, has been noticed by the press, and articles reviewing his character and career have reviewing his character and career have appeared in all the papers. His history is intimately woven with history of Natal, where he filled many offices, followed many pursuits, and stood forward often as a public champion to oppose the “powers that be,” when he considered them unjust and tyrannical. There are some who think that that life has been successful which has accumulated riches and reposed on them in their declining days; but there are others who prefer the fame which follows good deals such as mark the life of our late fellow-colonist; there are others who prefer a good name to riches, and whose lives will be counted successful because they embody that vital principle of Christianity “No man liveth to himself.”
Mr. David EVANS also died last Sunday, very suddenly; abscess on the brain is said to have been the cause of death. For a long time Mr. EVANS was known on the road as a transport rider, and latterly as the proprietor and manager of a line of post-carts. He was most indefatigable, industrious man. His energy and enterprise were only limited by his means. He was of the right stuff to make a good pioneer in any part of the world, and contributed his quota to the progress and development of the trade of this colony.
Thursday, 15 October, 1874
MARRIED at Modderpoort, near Ladybrand, on the 22nd September, 1874 by the Rev. Canon H.J. BECKRIT, George William, oldest son of John BATTERSON, Esq., of the Cape Colony, to Letitia Jane, second daughter of Amos TROLLIP, Esq., - No Cards.
BIRTH at Winburg, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. William JOHNSTON, of a son.
BIRTH at Winburg, on the 11th inst., Mrs. H.W. McMASTER, of a son.
BIRTH at Rouxville, on 10th October, 1874, Mrs. Leopold REICHENBERG, of a son.
BIRTH at Fobanѐ, British Basutoland on the 1st October, 1874 Mrs. H. REEVES, of a daughter.
DIED at Vrolykfontein, district Cronstad, on the 1st October, of the Measles, my dearly beloved son Johannes Hendrik Sebastian, at the age of 5 years and 6 months. Relatives and friends will please accept this intimation.
With deep regret, we have this week to record the death of one of our oldest and most respected inhabitants, Miss F.C. CUMMING, at the comparatively early age of 65 years. This sad events occurred on Tuesday evening last. The late Miss CUMMING moved to this town from Fort Beaufort, in the Cape Colony, upwards of 25 years ago, and has resided here, with only a short interval, ever since. Deceased was the older sister of Mrs. G. PAGE, of this town, and on the removal of the latter and family from and family from the Colony to this place, she (the deceased) shortly afterwards followed them and took up her permanent abode here. The late Miss CUMMING filled a public appointment in the time of the Sovereignty Government, namely, that of Postmistress, which duty she at all times performed with great credit to herself and to the entire satisfaction of the public. Deceased had, for some little time, been confined to her room with an attack of rheumatic fever, but no serious consequence whatever were anticipated; in fact, her only surviving brother, Mr. T.A. CUMMING, Government Agent at the Idutywa Reserve, in the Transkeian Territory, who had been on a short visit here, had started that morning (Tuesday) on his homeward journey under the full impression that his sister was gradually recovering. A little before 9 o’clock on the same evening she died, and at 10 o’clock at night an express was started off on horseback to recall the brother from Reddersburg, to take part in the last sad obsequies. The immediate cause of death was, it is believed, a rheumatic seizure of the heart. The late Miss CUMMING had always been a staunch supporter of the Wesleyan cause in this town, and died a consistent member of that Church. She was, perhaps, more generally esteemed than any individual member of the community; in fact, she was looked upon as “the friend of all, enemy of none”: Her good deeds and manifold acts of kindness will long live in the remembrance of our citizens. Her bereaved relatives here, as well as in the Cape Colony, have our sincerest sympathy in this sad and sudden dispensation of an All-wise Providence
All claims against the above estate are to be sent in to Mr. Robert BALSPUR, of this town, within six weeks.
In die boedel van wylen Pieter William SMITH en nagelaten weduwee Anna Maria SMITH, geboren VORSTER
Alle, die in bovengemelden boedel iets te vorleren hebben of te betalen gelieven zulks te doen binnen zes weken van af helen, ten kantore van A. van SOELEN, General agent te Landybrand.
Namens de Executrice Testamentairs,
Ladybrand, 28 Sept., 1874
Thursday, 29 October, 1874
BIRTH at Edenburg, on the 26th inst., the wife of Walter G. HOLMES, of a daughter
MARRIED at Ficksburg, on the 21st October, 1874, by the Rev. CANON H.J. BECKETT, of Modderpoort, Thomas MITCHELL, to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of F. MITCHLEY, Esq.
With regret we learn from Ladybrand, that Mr. George HANGER, whilst in the act of mounting his horse on Friday last; was thrown off, sustaining a compound fracture of his left arm. We understand the limb is so severely injured that the surgeon feared it may be necessary to remove it by amputation. However, we hope matters are not so bad as they are represented.
On Sunday last the “Good Templars” of this town performed the painful duty of interring the mortal remains of one of their brethren, viz., Patrick FARLEY, who had died here on Saturday, after a long illness. During the last days pf his life he was, with fraternal love, sacred and cared for by the brethren of the order.
Several deaths of distinguished men had lately occurred.
First on the list is M. GUIZOT, aged eighty seven, who was too honest a statesman for the French, and who tried to establish constitutional government under Louis PHILLIPS. M.GUIZOT was a distinguished historian as well as politician. He died in exile, -- Lieut-General Sir Henry K STORKS is also dead. He was an officer of distinction, and was Assistant Adjutant-General at the Cape during the Kaffir war of ’46 ’47. Lord George MANNERS, late M.P., Mr. GILPIN, late M.P., and George RENNIE, R.E., are also deceased
Thursday, 5 November, 1874
Public Sale
In the estate of the late John Edward BUTLER
The undersigned, duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction on Saturday, 21st inst., in front of the stores of Messrs, ROBERTS and WALLACE, the household and personal effects belonging to the estate: also
8 Good Trek Oxen and 1 Spring Wagon.
Sale to commence at 12 O’clock.
R. ROBERT, Auctioneer.
Smithfield, 2nd November, 1874
In den boedel van wylen Lukas Albertus Teunis Johannes ERASMUS, en nagelatene echtegenoote Fanny Elizabeth ERASMUS:-
De ondergetekende daartoe behoorlyk gekwaliflceerd zynde, zal publiek verkoopen op de plaats “Wildebeesthoek,” district van Bethlehem, op Woensdag den 2den van December, 1874, de navolgende levende have, en verdure goederen; te weten:-
Zekere onderdeelen van water erven ten dorpe Harrismith, Oranjevrijstaat,
Een wapen complete, Trek- en jonge ossen, Aanteel Beesten en kalveren, Een hengst,
2 Goede gedresseerde kar paarden, Geleerde-en ongeleerde Merries en ander paarden, Cirka een duisend aanteel schapen, Boerdery gereedschap, zoo als pleegen, schroeven, schreppen, Koevoeten, Graven, enz., enz., enz.,
Ijzer molen- en molen steenen,Huismeubelen, zoo als bedden, katels, tafels, rustbaken, kasten, Keukengereedschap, van verschillende aard, 1 Watervat met kraan, Zadels, Toomen, Schaapscharen, Zikkels en Wolzakken, En diverse andere artikelen, te veel om te melden, de attentive van het publiek Welwaardig!
En wat verder tot cene gegelyke boedery behoort.
G.H.L. ROSA, q.q. Vendu-afslager.
Harrismith, 30 October, 1874
BIRTH at Bethany, on the 2nd November, 1874, the wife of S.W. TROLLIP, Esq. of Edenburg, of a daughter
BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 28th October, 1874, Mrs. W. BRAMLEY, of a son.
MR. Edward EAGAR - We regret having to record the death, on the 21st instant, at his residence in Wandel street, of Edward EAGAR, Esq. in the seventy fourth year of his age. The deceased gentleman was for several years an active member of the old and influential house of HORNE, EAGAR, & Co., which suspended payment severed years ago, owing to the losses sustained by the London house from extensive speculations in the Amsterdam trade. At the time of the stoppage of the Capetown house, Mr. EAGAR was on the direction of a large number of our public institutions, and was everywhere regarded as one of the best business men in the city. With Mr. EAGAR, the loss of social position did not entail a sacrifice of honor, or of the respect of those with whom he had been bought into contact, and after some time spent at Mossel Bay, he returned to the metropolis and commenced business as a broker. He here undertook the publication of a Trade Report and Price Current, which became a recognized guide to mercantile men, and others, and, in spite of his misfortunes, maintained an unblemished name until his death. His funeral, which took place on the 23rd, was attended by a large number of the mercantile community and leading citizens, amongst whom was the Hon. J.C. MOLENO, the Colonial Secretary. The pall bearers were Mr. F. PORTER (of PORTER, HODGSON & Co), Mr. J. Ross (of HAMILTON ROSS & Co.). Mr. A. van der BYL (of VAN DER BYL & Co.), and Mr. ARNOLD (of BARRY, DANVERS & Co.) The Dean of Capetown officiated at the grave.
FOUND DEAD – The body of a white man, supposed to be a Hollander, about 45 years of age, has been discovered at Karee-pan, about 1 ½ hours from Boshof, on the main road between Boshof and Winburg. The deceased had on his person the sum of £18 9s 6d in money. He had a long red beard, was 5 feet 6 inches in height, and in figure well built.
Thursday, 12 November, 1874
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe zynde door den Execeuteur testamentair in den boedel van wylen Hendrik Egbertus du Toit FAUSTMAN, zal op Vrijdag, 4 December, 1874, ten 10 ure ‘s voormiddags, publick verkoopen, op de plaats Trommel van den WelEd. Heer J.F.J. van RENSBURG, Jr vereverd grondgebied naby Winburg,
40 extra goedgeteelde aanteel Beesten, 12 goed gedresserde Trekossen, 200 Aanteelschapen, 1 Bokwagen met tent er op, complete en goed. Assen veiling, spoken, tangen, Gereedschap, en eene menigte andere goederen.
By die gelegenheid zullen ook worden verkocht 100 of meer Angorabokken, uit een goed ras. % of meer Paarden. Rifles, enz., enz.
Een ieder. Die iets te verkoopen heft, kan sulks brengen.
Crediet Ruim
C. BREDELL, Afslager.
Vendukantoor, Winburg. 10 November, 1874
The undersigned, duly authorized thereto by the Executors Testamentairy in the estate of the late Christoffel J. VISSER of Platjesfontein, district Fauresmith will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, on Wednesday, 9 December, 1874, at 9 o’clock, a.m., on the farm “Platjesfontein” –
1. Immoveable Property:
Dry erf, No.120, situated in the village of Fauresmith, with the dwelling house thereon, containing 4 rooms and kitchen: also, Stable for 8 horses – said premises are in excellent order.
Dry erf, No.73, also in the village of Fauresmith, opposite the public offices
2. Moveable Property:
1100 Merino ewes and lambs, 500 Merino Hamels (extra fat), 100 Cape Sheep
150 Goats, 60 excllent Milk Cows and Calves, 16 Splendid well-trained Oxen (fit to be slaughtered), 6 Well-trained Horses, 2 Cart Horses (well-known), 2 Superior Riding & Draught Horses, 30 Head of Breeding horses amongst which are some well-bred young Horses, 1 Tent Cart on Springs, with Harness, 1 set of Brown Lather Harness for 6 horses, 1 Ox Wagon with gear, 1 Horse Mill, 4 Guns, amongst which is one Rifle,
8 Tables (large and small), 19 Stinkwood Chairs, 2 Stinkwood Sofas, 1 Brass Bedstead, 2 Iron Bedstead, 5 Wooden Bedstead, 2 Silver Candlesticks, Bedding and further household furniture, such as looking-glasses, wardrobes, lamp, plates, clocks, soap, pots, &c., &c., too numerous to mention and what further may be offered on the ay of sale.
As the late Mr. VISSERS Stock is so well-known, my further recommendation will be unnecessary. Terms liberal and refreshments will be provided.
D.B. van der HAER, Auctioneer. Fauresmith, 2nd November, 1874.
MARRIED at Edinburgh, N.B., on the 22nd September, 1874, by the Rev. Thos. McEWAN, Thomas WATERS, Esq., (of WATERS, JOHNSTON & Co., Winburg, O.F.S.) to Rachel GRIEVE, daughter of R. McFARLAN Esq., Viewforth Place, Edinburgh – No cards
MARRIED in the Garrison Church, Berlin, Prussia, on the 21st September, 1874, P. MÜRLMANN, Esq., Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, No.15, to Mary ROESCH, adopted daughter of C.E. FICHARDT, Esq., Consul General of the Orange Free State.
BIRTH at Winburg, on the 1st November, 1874, the wife of Mr. W.C. de VILLIERS, of a wellborn son.
Mr EDDY, the energetic Secretary of the Royal Colonial Institute, has we regret to learn, died very suddenly at Glasgow, The Cape Argus in alluding to his death speaks as follows: “ Many colonials who have recently visited England will regret to hear of the death of Mr. EDDY Secretary to the Royal Colonial Institute. He was attending the Social Selence Congress at Glasgow, and on the 3rd October there was an excursion to Loch Lomond. When Mr. EDDY got to the railway station he became suddenly ill, and died almost instantly. He was to have taken an important part in the proceedings of the congress.” We entirely concur in the remarks of the Argus. Colonials visiting the Old Country will greatly miss Mr. EDDY, who was ever ready to show them attention.
Thursday, 19 November, 1874
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 15th November, 1874, Anne Elizabeth, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs J.B. BELL, aged 7 months. Relatives and Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
DIED at Cronstadt, on the 12th inst., Charles Wiliiam, youngest child of Mr. P.J. BLIGNAUT.
Thursday, 3 December, 1874
BIRTH at Rouxville, Orange Free State, on the 26th November, 1874, the wife of P.J. ROBERTSON, Esq., of a daughter. Relatives and friends at a distance please accept of this notice.
Namens den curator in den insolventen boedel van wylen Johan Sebastiaan LEIBRANDT, zal de ondergeteekende op Zaturdag, 26 December, 1874 voor het landdrost-kantoor te Smithfield, verkoopen,
Deel van deel no. 1 van erf no. 8 Douglas-straat, te Smithfield, met daarop stand gebouw bevattende act vertrekken onder ijzern dak.
Deel No.3 van erf No. 3 Douglas-straat, te Smithfield, met daarop strand gebouw bevattende vier vertrekken onder ijzern dak, en twee vertrekken onder rieten dak.
Verder: Stoelen, 2 tafels, canape of rustbank, 2 Sideboards, 1 Harmonium, 1 Bedstede, Beddegoed, Waschtafel met toebehooren, Storren Spiegels, Razen, Klok, Potten, Pannen, Emmers, Kleeden, Matten, Kagchels, Rommelarr, enz.
Verder: Namens den Executeur Datief in boedel van wylen Hendrik Dawson HODGSON, deel 7 van erf no, 8 Urquhart Strrat te Smithfield, naby de winkel van de firma ROBERTS en WALLACE.
De Voorwaarden zullen op den dag van verkooping gelezen worden.
W.C. PEETERS, Jr. Vendu-Afslager. Smithfield, 29 November. 1874
Thursday, 10 December, 1874
BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 19th November, 1874, the wife of A.W.BRANDON, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Bethlehem, on Tuesday, the 1st December, 1874, the wife of Mr. Oliver TENNANT, of a daughter.
DIED at Winburg, on 29th November, 1874, Miss A. van HEIJNINGEN, aged 55 years.
DIED at Omdraai, near Ficksburg, district Ladybrand, on Saturday, 28th November, Mr. Charles WARD, aged 47 years
DIED at Harrismith, on the 4th December, 1874, Mr. Johann Heilberg RAAFF, aged 20 years.
In the estate of the late Mr. Willem van BILJON. The undersigned having being duly instructed by Mr. Jan MEIJNHARD, executor in the above estate, will offer for sale on the farm: ”Witwater” district Ladybrand, on Wednesday, 13th January, 1875:
80 Ewes with lambs, 1 Tent cart and harness, 2 Cart horses and a large assortment of household furniture on the same day, and at the same place, will be offered for and on account of whom it may concern:-
About 300 Angora Goats (a great portion of which are imported), A large number of oxen and breeding cattle, Scotch Cart, Buckwagen with gear complete, 200 Muids of mealies and kafir-corn, and a large and varied assortment of merchandize.
If the farm “Witwater: and part of the farm “Mooiplaats” are not sold out of hand before the date of this sale, they will be offered to public competition. MARILLAC, Auctioneer.
Witwater, District Ladybrand, 8th December, 1874
Thursday, 17 December, 1874
Zaturdag namiddag, 28 November, woedde een vreesselijke onweersstorm in de nabijheid van Ficksburg en Nicol’s Mill, die tot ons leedwezen een menschenleven kostte en veel schade veroorzaakte. De ongelukkige slagtoffers der electriciteit vloeistof zijn de heer Charles WARD, een oud en welbekend bewoner dezer streken, die onmiddelijk gedood werd, en een zekere heer MURRAY, binnen kort van Schotland naar hier gekomen, die ernstig gekweist werd. De heer WARD woonde op de plaats “Omdraai” die hij voor eenigen tijd van het Gouvernement huurde. Hij had op korten afstand – ongeveer 20 yard – van zijn huis hout gekapt. Voor het huis stonden zijn twee zonen, jonge lieden, en de heer MURRAY. De heer MURRAY was joist te paard van de plaats “Morgenzen,” (eigendom en woonplaats der heeren BOWIE en ANNANDALE), gekomen, en stond, na afgestegen te zijn met de beide jonge WARDS te praten. Het paard werd onmiddelijk door het weerlicht gedood, en de heer MURRAY sloeg tegen den grond, en zijn eene arm word verlamd, zijn zijde gekwetst, zijn zilveren horlogie dat hij in de zak had was swart en het werk afond stil, terwijl het lemment van zijn zakmes gemolten was. De straal ging direct door zijn laars baar den grond: de eene laars word daarbij verscheurd, hij kan zijn vingers een weinig bewegen, doch de arm is nog verlamd en onbruikbaar. De heer MURRAY is na langzaam bergtellende, hij kan zijn vingers een weinig bewegen, doch de arm is nog verland en onbruikbaar. De heer WARD word op het hoofd getroffen; hij had een gat in de hoed. Dr McDONALD die door den heer ANNADALE van Ficksburg gehaald was, verzekert dat de heer WARD door hersenschudding is overleden. Volgens zeggen ge leek hij meer in diepen rust gedompeld dan gestorven te zijn. Zijn lijk werd maar de plaats “Morgenzon” vervoerd om begraven te worden: de begrafenis had Maandag 30 Novenber plaats, en Dr. McDONALD las de kerkelijke begrafenis dienst voor. Mejufv. WARD die tijdens het ongeluk bij de keuken deur stond, ward nodergeslagen, doch alet gekweist. Nabij het huis van den heer WARD, worden 7 of 8 gatun in den grond gevonden. Een waarvan is ter diepte van vijt voed uitgegraven, en men vond een even lange pijp lavn, die nog [diep...] in den grond doorgedrogen was, [...illegible]. Op een plek tusschen het huis van den heer WARD en Nicol’s Mill is een regte groeve in den grond geploegd door het weerlicht of de electrise straal. Ook vernamen wij nog da teen Engelsman, HARPER genaamd, blikslager te Grahamstown, door het weerlicht werd getroffen terwijl hij hij Zandrivier onder een krantz schuilde. Hij werd tegen den grond geworpen, zijn oor afgeukt, zijn ligehnam hier en daar verband en gekweist, doch was spoedig in staat veder te loopen, Zijn veldschoen was ook vernield door den straal toen daze in den grond sloeg. Het dak van het huis van den heer Daniel PIETERSEN, hij Zandrivier, werd terzelder tijd door dan storm weggenomen.
BIRTH at Zypherfontein, near Reddersburg, on the 24th ultimo, Mrs. P. CARROLL, of Boshof, of a son.
DIED at Harrismith, of Bronchitis, Catherine Margaret, aged 28 days, youngest daughter of
Catherine M.L. BRANDON, borVAN AARDT
Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
We regret to notice by the King William’s Town papers the death, at East London, of the above gentleman. Colonel MACLEAN did good service in the Kaffir wars of 1846 and 1855, was [....] Commissioner for some time, then Chief Commissioner and Lieut-Governor of British Kaffraria, and ultimately Lieut–Govenor of Natal, from which latter office he retired owing to failing health.
Our Colonial readers will be grieved to hear that Mrs. Christian HEUGH died at Kimberley on Tuesday. She was well known and highly respected by a large circle of acquaintance here and in the Eastern Province of the Cape Colony. The deceased lady was the daughter of Mr. KIFT, of Port Elizabeth. Her funeral yesterday afternoon was largely attended, many old Colonial friends being present. - Diamond News
Thursday, 24 December, 1874
Speculateurs en Buren
De ondergeteekende, daartoe gelaat door de curateuren in den insolventen boedel van Robert FINLAY, senior, zal op Dinsdag, den 23sten Fenruary, 1875, voor het Landdrostkantoor te Smithfield publiek verkoopen, ‘s middags ten twaalf ure. Blaauboschfontein, No.359,
Van het landregister van het district Bloemfontein, uitgegeven blykens Britisch Landcertificast, dd 15 Augustus, 1850 door H.D. WARDEN, president van de Commissie, aan James Augustus POULTNEY, door deze getransporteurd aan H.J. DEALE, en door deze getranporteerd aan R. FINLAY, senior.
Daar Blaauwboschfontein geheel of grootendeels in dispuut is, en deur het onzeker is of dezelve een enkele duim of misschlen 9000 morgen heft, zoo zal dezelve verkocht worden onder voorwaarde, dat verkoopers tot geen vrywaring gehouden zyn voor bakens, lynen of het bestaan der gronden, zuillende de koopersgeacht op eigen bate en schade te hebben gekocht.
Tegen gode securiteit op ander vast eigendom zal een crediet van 6, 12 en 18 maanden verleend worden voor twee-derde van den koopschat.
Verdere voorwaarden kunnen ten mynen kantore vernomen worden.
W.C. PEETERS, Jr., Vendu-afslager.
Smithfield, 9 Dec., 1874
With regret we learn of the death of MR. John BARRABLE, brother of the editor and proprietor of the Queen’s Town Free Press, which sad event occurred at Queen’s Town. Mr. BARRABLE, at that time suffering from consumption, resided here for a short time some nine months since. Deceased was in the 28th year of his age. He was a printer by trade, and for a time had charge of the King William’s Town Gazette.
Thursday, 31 December, 1874
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 24th inst., Mrs. F.A.J. HAMELBERG, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Harrismith, O.F. State, on the 14th inst., Mrs., G.H.L. ROSS, of a daughter
BIRTH at Ladybrand. On the 23rd December, 1874, Mrs. E.C. TURVEY, of a daughter.
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on 20th December, 1874, by the Rev. Samuel RAPSPORT, Rabbi of the Jewish community for the Eastern Province of the Cape Colony and Orange Free State Henry ADLER, of ADLER Brothers, Winburg, Orange Free State, to Bertha, eldest daughter of Isaac BAUMANN, Esq., of Bloemfontein.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 21st inst., William WOOLLEY, aged 18 months and 21 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. MUNROE, Pietersdaal, near Ficksburg
DIED at Boshof, on the 25th December, 1874, Robert Charles, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, aged 5 months and 25 days.
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