The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1872 1 January - June
Thursday, 4 January, 1872
The death of Mrs. DENYSSON, wife of Mr. Justice DENYSSON of Cape Town, at the early age of 33, is announced in the papers received this morning. The venerable missionary, the Rev. J. BROWNLEE, of King William’s Town, is no more. He departed this life on Christmas Eve – fifty-five years after his first landing in South Africa.
A most melancholy death took place at Mr. MARTIN’s Hotel on Christmas night. In the morning a German, of the name of ELSHOR or ALSCHOL, was admitted to the hotel evidently in a sinking condition. He was shown every attention throughout the day, but his case was hopeless, and just while the merriment of the evening was at its height, the unfortunate man expired, A certain officious individual took upon himself to make an inventory of the deceased man’s goods, before even his body was cold, in the hope doubtless of making some profit, but his persuading was not countenanced and he had to restore all he had, ticketed off. Mr. MARTIN very generously guaranteed the expenses of the funeral – the unfortunate deceased being well-nigh destitute, and Government acting with its usual parsimony even at Christmas Time. – Digger Gazette.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 1st January, 1872, from the effects of inflammation of the lungs, aged 2 years 2 months and 20 days, Clara Jessie, the beloved youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NIEMEYER of Boshof.
The bereaved parents tender their sincerest thanks to all who have shown them so much kindness and sympathy during this sore trial.
OVERLEED Op 19 December, 1871, overleed op zyne woonplaats, Koppieskraal, district Jacobsdal, Oranjiestaat, des avonds ten ure, de heer David Hermanus JACOBS, Senior, na een veer kort ziek bed van naanwelyks zes dagen,in den onderdom van 83 jaren, 1 maand, en tien dagen, diep betreurd door zyne weduwe, kinderen, behuwd kinderen en verdure bloedverwanten, zynde hy zeer zacht en naar wy hopen in vrede met zynen Schepper ontslapen. Namens de Weduwe, kinderen enbehuwd kinderen. C.J. JACOBS, DHzoon.
Koppieskraal, 22 December, 1871
Thursday, 11 January, 1872
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on the 8th Inst., the wife of Mr. W.A. DICKSON, of a daughter
A melancholy piece of news comes to us from Pniel. On New Year’s Day it appears that three or four young men were bathing in the Vaal-river, not many yards above the wagon drift, when seeing a boat in the middle of the stream, they resolved to make for it. Two of the bathers succeeded; but the third, a Mr. John COLEMAN, from Queen’s Town district, who was slightly in the rear of his outspanloss, was either seized with cramp or become exhausted, and sank to rise a corpse. We have not heard whether the body was recovered. The deceased appears to have been a tolerably good swimmer, and the probability is that he was taken with cramp and rendered powerless in the water – Diamond News
One of the most distressing accidents that has ever occurred in these waters we have to report. At eleven o’clock yesterday Mr. POLLARD, a coach-builder of Cape Town, with his wife, five children, servant, maid and apprentice, left the Central Wharf in the boat Lyra for a sail. The boat was in charge of Henry LINCOLN, an old boatman, and another white man named ALEXANDER. At one o’clock the boat was standing towards Robben Island with a light westerly breeze, and was distant about three miles from the Green Point lighthouse. LICOLN, who was steering the boat, was wearing her when all the people in her rushed to one side, and she went down almost immediately. LINCOLNB, the only men saved, says that it was so sudden that there was no noise whatever. He swam about for some while, and then seeing an oar, floated himself by it. The cutter Ruby, coming in to the Bay, had passed the boat, and the captain, when nearly abreast of the Breakwater, noticed that the boat could not be seen. He therefore put about, and was the means of saving LINCOLN’s life, and picked up the bodies of POLLARD and a child of about four years of age. Nothing could be found of the boat, or any of the others that had been in her. We understand that the whole POLLARD family is drowned, and that there is not a single relation in the colony. – Standard & Mail
In the estate of the late Mr. H, P.C. SWANEPOEL.
The undersigned, duly authorized thereto, will sell by public auction on the farm Tweefontein, district Bloemfontein, on Thursday, 25 Jan., 1872, the following property, namely, the farm Tweefontein, being No. 122, in the district of Bloemfontein, near Reddersburg, and is about 2700 morgen in extent. Upon said farm there are three strong fountains, two dams, and an enclosed land large enough to sow four muids of grain, with a commodious dwelling house containing twelve apartments, a wagon-house for four wagons, and is abundantly supplied with firewood.
12 Draught Oxen, 6 Breeding Cattle, A few Horses, 450 Sheep, 2 Carts, 1 Secondhand Ox Wagon, 1000 bundles of Forage and 115 muids of Corn.
Also furniture consisting of tables, chairs, Sofa, and several other articles too numerous to particularize
And also at the same time will be offered for sale:-
10 Ewes, and 15 Well-bred Mares, covered by the celebrated station “Garibaldi”
Immediately after the above, will be offered in the estate of Matthijs Steph. BOOYSEN, and Sanna van der BERG,
60 Sheep, 1 Mare, 1 Cow and calf, Household furniture, &c, &c.
Edwd. S. HANGER, Auctioneer
Bloemfontein, 29 December, 1871
Thursday, 18 January, 1872
If Samuel LLOYD (formerly residing pro tem, with M.J. OTTO, at Tempe) will apply to J. ARROWSMITH, he will be enlightened as to what’s what hereaway. It is worth knowing
Address, J.ARROWSMITH, N.W. half of Kopje Alleen, District Winburg
BIRTH at Jacobsdal, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. J.J. RAAFF, Junr., of a son.
DIED at Bultfontein, Middleveld, Orange Free State, on the 7th January, 1872, of consumption, Mr. John HOLGATE, aged 27 years. The deceased was a native of Manchester, England; he arrived in Natal about three years ago, expecting a change of climate to do him good. After staying sometime in Kroonstad he went to Bultfontein, where he has resided for the last two and half years. He was much respected by all who knew him. Friends will please accept of this intimation.
Thursday, 25 January, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 25th inst. C. STOCK, of a daughter
DIED on the 18th inst., at the residence of Mr. Thos WEBSTER, Diamond-fields, after a brief illness, Mr. Sampson DANIEL, aged 86 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
This week it is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. Sampson DANIEL, an old resident of this town and district, and one of the British Settlers of 1820. Mr. DANIELS passed away at the good old age of 86 years, leaving behind him a very large number of descendants and relatives, in children, grandchildren, and their connections. Mr. DANIEL, after spending 51 years in various towns of South Africa, finished his career at the newest and most busy white settlement of all, viz., the New Rush (de Beer’s) where he died on the 18th instant., at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Thomas WEBSTER, Mr. DANIEL was the father of Messrs. F. and C. DANIEL, of this place.
In the insolvent estate of Cornelius Johannes BOTHMA
On Saturday, 2nd March, 1872, at 12 o’clock noon, on the farm-steading of Twijfelaar, the undersigned, thereto duly authorized, will sell by public auction, the excellent farm Twijelaar, No.548, situated on the Vaal-river, district Harrismith, in extent about 2100 morgen, provided with a substantial dwelling house, outbuildings, kraal and enclosed land, abundantly supplied with water both from Vaal-river and strong fountains, and suitable for all kinds of stock. Also a gun, and whatever further may be exposed on the day of sale.
Terms easy.
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 19th January, 1872
Thursday, 1 February, 1872
BIRTH on Tuesday, 9th January, in Cape Town, at the residence of A.J. van der POEL, Esq., the wife of Dr. EXTON, prematurely, of a daughter – still-born.
We have this week to record, with deep regret, the death of Mr. Julius FICHARDT of Wildfontein, near Edenburg, district Fauresmith. Mr. FICHARDT leaves a widow and young family to lament their loss. Deceased was latterly one of our most persevering and enterprising sheep farmers, and was formerly engaged in a business in Bethany. Mr. F. was the brother of the Free State Consul in Berlin, of Mr. G.A. FICHARDT, of his town; and of Mr. E. FICHARDT of Bethany, -
It is reported on good authority, that the Rev. J.D.M. LUDORF died at Klipdroft, Vaal-river, about fourteen days since. Our informant saw Mr. F. LUDORF, of Potchefstroom, passing through Bloemhof for Klipdrift, in order to fetch his sister, and likewise any property his father (the Rev. J.D.M. LUDORF) may have left behind him there. Miss LUDORF was with her father at the time of his death. Mr. LUDORF, formerly Wesleyan Missionary of Thaba ‘Nchu, and afterwards of Potchefstroom, was latterly acting as political agent or chief adviser of the native Baralong and other chieftains in the disputed territory since guaranteed to them by the award of Lt. Governor KENIN. Mr. LUDORF was much esteemed as a medical man – though we believe a self-taught one – by the Dutch Boers and others throughout this country and the Transvaal.
Thursday, 8 February, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on 6th inst., the wife of Mr. H. WILSON, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Klipdrift, Vaal-river (Diamond-fields) on the 24th ultimo, Mrs. Charles BRAUN, of a daughter.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 7th February, 1872, Charles POUNTNEY, printer of Philadelphia, U.S.A, aged 50 years.
DIED at Bloemfontein of consumption, on the 5th February, Mr. John SMITH, leaving a widow and six children to deplore their loss. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation.
DIED at Winburg on the 23rd January, 1872, aged 10 years, 5 months and 14 days, Jacobus, the dearly beloved eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. STUART, of Winburg.
The bereaved parents tender their sincerest thanks to all who have shown them so much kind assistance and sympathy during this sore trial.
A correspondent writes under date January 28: “Our quiet little village was startled on Tuesday afternoon when intelligence reached it that Mr. Attorney STUART’s oldest son, Jacobus, was drowned. It appears that Mr. S. and his two sons went on the afternoon of Tuesday last, the 23rd inst., about 5 o’clock for a bath, accompanied by his clerk, Mr. de VILLIERS. Arriving at the spruit, about fifteen minutes’ walk from the village, they undressed themselves – Messrs. STUART and de VILLIERS going to an adjoining hole or pool, leaving the boys to bathe in another close by. Mr. de VILLIERS, while swimming, said to Mr. STUART: ‘The water is rater cold – I shall get out,’ which he did accordingly. On looking along the bank for the lads and not seeing them, he immediately examined the water, when he saw something floating. Without more ado he jumped in, and – lo and behold- it was the one of the boys, Henri, the youngest, half drowned. Mr. de VILLIERS, with great difficulty, brought him to his senses by rolling him about; and at the same time apprised Mr. STUART of the accident. Search was at once made for the missing youth, by the distracted father and his clerk. In wading, something touched the feet of Mr. de VILLIERS; he dived, and found the body of poor Jacobus. Drs. DUNLOP and GIBSON were soon in attendance, and did their utmost to resuscitate the corpse; but alas! Without success. It is surmised that cramp was the cause of the unfortunate boy’s untimely fate. The two lads, it seems, bathed several hours before this mishap in the very same hole in which the one was subsequently drowned. Great sympathy is felt by all classes for the bereaved and grief-stricken parents. The deceased was a very promising youth. The funeral took place the day following (Wednesday) and was attended by nearly all the villagers – the Rev. van HOIJNISGEN performing the last and solemnities, during which he delivered au eloquent ornition. Thus Jacobus STUART ended his earthly pilgrimage at the tender age of ten years and five months.”
Death has again been busy in our midst. We have two instances to record; first being that of a father of a large family, cut off in the prime of life; the second that of a stranger and foreigner who only came here to finish on a sick bed his earthly cares. Mr. John Richard SMITH, son of an old and well known resident of Graham’s Town. Mr. William SMITH (at one time a government surveyor, and afterwards, for many years, a clerk in the commissariat Department) died here, after a lingering illness, on Monday morning last in the 66th year of his age, leaving a widow and six young children to lament their loss. The late Mr. J.R. SMITH came to Bloemfontein from Bloemhof almost nine months ago, and after a short stay here went to the Diamond fields at Dutoitspan, whence he returned stricken for death with a complication of disorders upon him. The mortal remains of deceased were interred in the English Burial Ground here on Tuesday last, the funeral service being performed at the grave by the funeral service being performed at the grave by the Rev. James SCOTT, Wesleyan Minister of this town –
The second instance was that of Mr. POUNTNEY, a printer by trade, and a native of Philadelphia, United States of America, who died here after a painful and lingering illness on Wednesday morning. Deceased had for a time acted as a schoolmaster on a farm in Harrismith district, and had previously worked as a printer in a Natal office.
Thursday, 15 February, 1872
Public Sale at Winburg
In the insolvent estate of the late Wilhelm WOHLITZ of Winburg on Saturday, the 30th March next, (being Nachtmaal) the following valuable movable and immovable property will be sold in front of the deceased’s store at Winburg, at 11 o’clock precisely:-
1st A fine assortment of shop goods, Particulars of which will be given in a future advertisement
2nd. All the Valuable Furniture belonging is the late WOHLITZ comprising tables, chairs, sofa, Easy Chair, Sideboards (one of which is a very handsome Rosewood) one with fitted-glass mirror behind), lamps, a double bedstead with bedding, washhandstands, mirrors, wardrobe, &c., &c., &c. also a shot gun, 2 rifles, watches and many other things too numerous to mention
3rd Erf No.7 Southey-terrace, Winburg together with the large store and dwelling house, and other buildings thereon. This site is one of the best business stands in Winbrug. There is a large Wool-store behind, and the dwelling hose is commodiously built. The whole is under iron roof, and too well-known to require further particulars.
4th- Erf No.1, Winburg, with the buildings thereon, which are at present occupied by Mr. SONDRINE as a store and dwelling house. This being at the corner of Victoria and Albert Streets, is also considered a fine business stand. The whole is covered with corrugated iron roof.
5th- The farm Braunschweig, No. 471, district Winburg. This splendid farm of about 4000 morgen according to Inspection Report, lies on the high road to Natal, and about 8 hours from Winburg, just where a thriving hotel business can be carried on. It is bounded by the farms Groot Saxony, Nooitgedacht, Druipfontein, and Rietkraal
6th- The farm Weltevreden, No.455, Winburb district, ward Onder Vet-rivier, containing 3000 morgen per sketch chart. Is on the district line between Winburg and Kroonstad and is bounded by Welfontein, Kalkkuil, and open ground.
Condition of Sale will be favourable to the purchaser. All particulars can be had on application to either of the undersigned. James B.BROWN, Secretary, C.BREDELL, Winburg.
Messrs. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers.
Bloemfontein, 13 February, 1872
DIED on Monday morning 28th January, 1872 of inflammation of the stomach, Mr. Julius FICHARDT, of Wildfontein, district, Fauresmith, leaving a widow and seven children (the youngest being but 11 days old) to deplore their loss. Aged 42 years and 7 months.
From the Diamond News 7th inst., we regret to learn that Mr. James CHAPMAN, F.R.C.S., the well known traveller and hunter, died at Dutoitspan on the 6th inst., after a lingering illness from […], attended with diarrhoea. Deceased was the author of “Travels in the Interior of South Africa, comprising fifteen years hunting and trading” a work published in London, in two vols, by Bell and Daldy, in 1868. Mr. CHAPMAN closed his career in the English Church fold, to which place he had been removed shortly before his death through the thoughtful kindness of the Rev. Mr. RICKARDS, who had been constant in his attendance and ministrations to him throughout his whole illness. Deceased, we are glad to learn, received every care and attention, both physically and religiously. Mr. CHAPMAN leaves a widow and two children in Cape Town to lament their loss.
DIED at his farm Rhenosterdraai, district Cronstadt, Orange Free State, James COLLINS, Esq., formerly a resident of Whittlesea, in the Cape Colony, of a sudden fit of apoplexy, aged 67 years, 5 months, and 14 days, deeply lamented by his widow, children and a large circle of friends. Friends and relatives at a distance will be pleased to accept this notice.
Requiescat in pace.
Isabella Elizabeth Maria COLLINS (born BESTER)
Of valuable grazing and agricultural farms, &c.
The undersigned duly instructed thereto by the trustees in various insolvent estates, will sell by public auction to the highest bidder, at Smithfield, on Saturday, 9 March, 1872, at noon,
1st-The undivided two-thirds of that valuable and well known farm Ketelfontein, No.97, in the Caledon River district (less a small portion sold by a former owner) in extent about 2050 morgen, with dwelling house, kraals, and enclosed arable land and garden. This farm is situated on the main road about half way between Smithfield and Bethulie and adjoining the farms Haasfontein, Klippontein, Uitkijk, &c., one of the best sheep, runs in the district.
2nd- In the insolvent estate of E.W. PITT.
The farm Corunna, No. 615 in the conquered territory, situated between Langberg and Oliphantsbeen, is the new district of Rouxville, and adjoining the farm Klaarwater, Cronstadt, Houtconstant and Brandewijn. This farm has fountain and has been occupied and improved with dwelling house, dam, kraals, &c. Its extract according to Land Commission Report is 1700 morgen, and as a grazing and agricultural farm is unsurpassed by any in the district.
Also in the same estate, Erf No.14, in the rapidly improving town of Rouxville, now the seat of magistracy
3rd – In the insolvent estate of the late Alfred WHITE the farm Zonnebloem, in extent about 2000 morgen, situated in the ward of Bovenrhenosterrivier, and being No.195, in the land register of the district of Cronstadt; bounded by the farms Jackhalsfontein, Visserszorg, Nelskraal, Bloemhof, &c., &c.
Also the farm Rooidraai, in the same ward, No 185, in the district of Cronstadt, in extent according to Land Commission Report, 2300 Morgen, bounded by Driefontein, Gunstvlakte, Sterkfontein, Sanssouci, Voorspoed, Vaalkrans, &c., &c. The two farms forming a splendid property for any person desirous of obtaining an extensive grazing area
4th- In the insolvent estate of L.M. ENGELBRECHT, the farm Vinkelfontein, No. 371 formerly Caledon River district (now Rouxville), a small compact and fertile farm of about 603 morgen. And also the adjoining half farm Nonpariel, No.244, in the same district of about 740 morgen. These two farms (adjoining) are situated near the Orange River, and are bounded by the farm Knoffelspruit, Vlakplaats, Driefontein and Lichtenstein and either together or separately offer a desirable opportunity for investment or occupation to small capitalists. The climate for agriculture is most favourable, and the pasture is of the best description both for large and small stock.
Terms Liberal. For further particulars apply to Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer, Government Appraiser, and Valuation for the Orphan Chamber.
Smithfield, Jan. 15, 1872.
Thursday, 22 February, 1872
In den insolventen boedel van Christoffel J.W. LOTZ, veeboer.
In bovengenomden insolvente boedel sullen de aanvolgende boerende en ontroerende goederen bij publike veiling, op Woensdag, den 3den April aanstaande, der plaatse van den insolvent, Diepleegte, nabij Winburg, verkocht worden.
1sten- De plaats Diepleegte, No. 530, district Winburg, Veldkornetschap Taalhoedspruit, groot naar gissing 2675 morgen volgens Inspectie rapport, en goed voorsien van hout. Deze plaats ligt omtrent 6 uren van Winburg, heft een huis, dam, kralen, ens., ens.., en ligt aan de platsen John’s Gift, Mooiplaats, Rietfontein en Leeuwkuil
2dens – 2 Ossen, 1 Zadel en Toom, en een hoeveelheid huismeubelen
Termen Gemakkelyk! James B. BROWN Secretarie, Eenigste Curator.
VOIGT & VELS, Venduafslagers.
In den Boedel van wijlen Johannes Jacobus Mathijs BRITS, en nageblevene echtegenoot Magdelena BRITS.
De ondergeteekenden daartoe behoorlyk gemaagtig zynde, door de executise en made executeuren sullen op Woensdag, den 20sten Maart, 1872, om 9 ure des voormiddags, publiek verkoopen op de plaats Rietvleij district Boshof, de hieronder vermelde vaste-en-losse goederen.
1sten – De plaats Rietvleij, No. 15, groot omtrent 3000 morgen, uitmuntend geschikt voor groot en klein vee, en goed voorsien van water en hout.
2den – De Plaats Doornpan, gedeelte van Putfontein, No 207, omtrent 2000 morgen.
3- Water erf No. 140, dorp Boshof, (ommuurd.)
4- Droog Erf No. 14 dorp Boshof
5den. 40 Trekossen, 18 Aanteel Beesten, 1 Goedgeteelde Mof Bul, 1200 Merino Schapen, 350 Kaapsche Schapen, 100 Bokken, 2 Kar Paarden, (goed gedresseerd), 1 Hengst, 7 Merries, 1 Bed, 2 Katels, 1 Bokwagen complete, 2 Varken, 1 Geweer, 1 Ploeg, 1 Pomp, 1 Kruiwagen, 1 lot Planken, 1 Kist, 1 Kleederkast, 1 Horologie, 2 Tafels, 6 Stoelen. Pikken, Graven, Timmermansgereedschap, Schotels, Messen, Vorken,etc. En wat verder op den dag der verkooping sal te voorschijn worde bebragt.
Ruim Credit. Ververschingen zullen woren verschaft.
P.J. de VILLIERS & Co., Vendu-afslagers.
Boshof, 15 Feb., 1872
DIED at Bloemfontein, on February 19th, Edith Maud Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. RASCHER, aged 6 month and 20 days.
Thursday, 29 February, 1872
BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 12th inst., the wife of Nathaniel HARVEY, Esq., of twin sons.
DIED near Modder-river district, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, suddenly, of heart disease, on Friday evening, 23rd February, Francis McCABE, Esq., Landdrost of Bloemfontein, aged 54 years, Deeply regretted by a sorrowing widow and large family of children and stepchildren, besides many attached friends and acquaintances, as well as by the public of this town and district whom he long and faithfully served.
DIED at Paardeberg, (Ladybrand) on the 21st February, Mr. Fritz OELRICH, aged 22 years, deeply deplored by his bereaved parents and family.
Cart Accident Indirect Cause of Death.
Adjutant VAN RENSBURG of the Free State Artillery gives the subjoined painful narrative of events which befell him and his travelling companion (the late Mr. Francis McCABE), and apparently led to the death of the latter gentleman, on Friday last, the 23rd February (the Anniversary of this State’s Independence). In the morning of the day above named, the late Mr. McCABE had been busily engaged in the discharge of his public duties in directing or superintending the Annual Target Shooting by the Burghers for the Government prize in Bloemfontein, but late in the afternoon, about 5:15 pm, he, together with Adjt. VAN RENSBURG and a native servant, started in a spring-cart, drawn by four horses, on a trip to the Diamond-fields, intending to make the distance to Mr. McCABE’s farm homestead, known as “Uitvlugt”, on Modder-river, and to sleep there, starting early the following morning. (Alas, this was not to be. It was the decree of the All-wise Providence that one of the two was not destined to see the light of another day.) At about 7:30 in the evening, as Adjutant VAN RENSBURG states, they had reached a spot on one of the open flats, one hour’s ride on this side of the farm of Mr. G.F. ENSLIN, where the late heavy rains had washed out, as is common in this country, deep sluits or gullies in the road, and where, in consequence, a sort of new or so-called road (wagon spoors) had by the farmers recently been made alongside – running parallel to the old one. The light, however, at that time in the evening, though moonlight, being deceptive or uncertain, neither the new road through the veld nor the dangerous places in the old one could be discerned by the travellers, who drove on little imagining the risk they ran on what seemed an open flat, till cart and horses all at once came right into one of the sluits, or deep holes, as above described. The deceased had at the time the reins of the hind horses in his hand, but had just before given the reins of the front horses to VAN RENSBURG. The cart then fell over on its side in the sluit, and simultaneously deceased either jumped out or fell out, dropping or letting the hind reins fall from his hands. RENSBURG cannot say whether deceased fell out or jumped, as when he (RENSBURG) looked the latter was already on the ground. Deceased at same moment called out to RENSBURG that he (R) must hold the horses fast [(… …)]. By doing so, and thus pulling up the front horses, all four fell at once into an almost inextricable heap of confusion; the two fron tones falling on their backs, one of the hind horses half on his side, and one only remaining standing. Deceased at once sprang to his feet and came to the assistance of RENSBURG (who by the way, as it will be remembered, has long been a cripple, and at least some three times all but killed). Both, without loss of time, proceeded with the native servant to make the horses loose from the harness. Deceased then looked all right – no sign of his being injured by the fall being visible in his countenance or gait. So soon as they had succeeded in getting one hind horse loose, the brute ran away in the veld. This, of course, excited deceased and his companion, and caused them additional annoyance and trouble. They then loosened the other hind horse, and put the boy (servant) on him to fetch back the runaway out of the veld, so that RENSBURG and deceased were then left entirely alone. Deceased with RENSBURG proceeded to loosen the front horses, but finding them, of couse, still on their backs, deceased, after examining them, suggested that it would be better first to push back the cart in order to make ample room to work with them. Deceased accordingly took hold of one wheel, and RENSBURG the other, to push back the vehicle. They had pushed it back about far enough when RENSBURG heard deceased call to him, “Wacht non beetje, Jan” (Wait a little, John), Thinking deceased would shortly speak further, and explain what he required, RENSBURG listened attentively; but not another word or sound came. At this a strage, uneasy feeling crept over the mind of RENSBURG, and he went round to the other side of the cart to find out what was the matter, when, to his dismay, he discovered deceased lying alongside the wheel, with his feet hanging loosely down the bank. RENSBURG knowing there was water in the cart, at once looked for it there and quickly found it. He then, supporting deceased’s head on his arm, washed his face, temples and head copiously, at the same time calling upon him by name, but not a sound escaped poor Frank’s lips. RENSBURG then, for the first time, fully realized the painful fact that his friend and travelling companion was no more, and that he was alone with the dead on a large open flat, with no human aid at hand to assist him in extricating the cart or the horses, or to remove all that remained earthly of his late companion in toil and difficulty. Fortunately, it being a fine still clear night, RENSBURG, by shouting at the top of his voice, managed to make the boy hear and understand that he was to return to the cart without delay, and not to trouble further about the horse. RENSBURG and the boy then set about extricating the fron horses, and afterwards putting them in place of the hind ones. This being accomplished, the cart was pulled out of the one sluit only to get it into another. Out of this the two horses utterly failed or refused to move it, and thus RENSBURG was again in an inextricable fix, but providentially just then RENSBURG and the boy heard the sound of two wood wagons of Mr. G.F. ENSLIN approaching, loaded with firewood for the Bloemfontein morning market, and from these the required assistance was happily obtained. The drivers and leaders of the wagons helped to get the cart out, and put the body of the deceased therein, whereupon RENSBURG drove on to Mr. G. ENSLIN’s homestead, which he reached at 10 o’clock at night, and whence he hastened to make a written report of the sad occurrence to the widow and to the Government here. An express was despatched on horseback, which arrived in Bloemfontein at 4 o’clock on Saturday morning, the messenger having been delayed somewhat on the road. On the receipt of the melancholy and startling intelligence, the town was paralyzed; but after a brief interval the flags at the Fort and the Landdrost office were half-masted; and presently the like token of a public loss was hoisted at several stores, private residences and institutions. Not till the corpse of the lamented and respected Landdrost had been consigned to the tomb, were the emblems of grief withdrawn. In the morning early an express was sent off to the sons of the deceased at the Diamond-fields (Colesberg Kopje), and travelled so quickly that one of the sons (the third – Frank), poor young fellow, actually reached this on Sunday morning in ample time to be present at the funeral in the afternoon. On Saturday morning the Government here, with praiseworthy alacrity, despatcherd a wagon drawn by the artillery horses, under the charge of Lieut. VAN ROOIJEN and RENSBURG, jr., of the Artillery, which arrived at ENSLIN’s place at 11 o’clock a.m. The mortal remains of the deceased were at once deposited in the wagon, and reached his late residence between 3 and 4 o’clock p.m. the same day. Adjutant VAN RENSBURG is clearly of opinion that deceased received no actual hurt or internal injury from the accident itself, but that the hurry, anxiety and extra exertions attendant thereon, added to the fatigue and excitement consequent on the shooting match of the morning, brought the disease under which had long been suffering to a crisis, and hence the sad and much-to-be-regretted result. Dr. KRAUSE, who had long been the medical attendant of deceased, fully confirms, we hear, this view of the case. In addition to the above mournful particulars, for which we are principally idebted to Adjutant VAN RENSBURG, we may annex the following.
In the sudden death of poor Frank McCABE – for that was the familiar name by which he was best, we may say universally, known everywhere throughout this country and Natal – the Governme has lost an able, honest, faithful, fearless and painstakingupporter and official, and the town and district a thoroughly good, useful and much-esteemed Landdrost – one that cannot readily, if ever, be replaced. Frank McCABE, without hauteur, affecting stupid officialism and what is known as red-tapeism, made his court and office sincerely respected, and even more than respected, yea, positively liked, if such be possible. His decisions, too, were generally approved, and commended themselves even to the losing party, for in pronouncing them he was manifestly actuated by an earnest desire to give every man his due, and allowed himself, within certain bounds, to be guided by the equity of the case rather than by the mere letter of the law. In his personal intercourse with the inhabitants of the town, as well as with the Dutch Afrikanders of the district, and with all with whom he came in contact, both in the office and out of it, he was all that could be desired. He had a friendly word and genial look of recognition for all. And his thorough and familiar acquaintance with the English and at the same time the vernacular or spoken Dutch of this country, enabled him to do this with such perfect ease and heartiness. Frank McCABE as a friend, was ever warm-hearted, earnest and sincere – in his affection “True as steel”, we may almost write. Hot and impetuous perhaps to a fault, he knew no middle course in his dealings with his fellow men. Irish by descent, he inherited much of the hot-headedness and large generosity of that warm-hearted people. As a husband and father he was ever indulgent and kind. In his youth and early manhood he had been a keen sportsman, hunter and good horseman, and retained a warm interest in “the turf”, even to the end of his career. Poor Frank McCABE had doubtless his faults. Who has not? But even these were to be ascribed more to the heade than the heart. If he heard of a real case of distress, he was, we believe, ever ready to relieve it. But enough. A friend who knew the deceased better and more intimately perhaps than we did (and we knew him for twenty-one years) has given us some reason to hope that he will supply us with a small tribute to his memory in the shape of a biographical sketch in time for our next issue. The mortal remains of the late Mr. F. McCABE were interred in the public cemetery here on Sunday afternoon at 6 o’clock, in the presence of the State President and upwards of two hundred who followed in the procession, besides a large concourse of sympathizing men, women and children assembled in the graveyard. The Commandant of the district, Mr. Louis WESSELS; the resident members of the Volksraad, and the principal Government officers, bore the coffin from the house to the hearse, and from the latter to the grave. The funeral service was performed, in the Dutch language, by the Rev. James SCOTT, Wesleyan Minister of this town. Orations were afterwards delivered by His Honor the President and the above rev. gentleman, both of whom spoke in warm and almost unmeasured terms of the worth of the deceased. The late Francis McCABE was the son of Dr. McCABE, a Staff-Assistant Surgeon, attached to the British Army on the Cape Frontier, and was born at one of the Military Posts, in what is now known as British Kaffraria, on the 29th September 1817, He married his second wife about ten months since – the widow of the late Commandant J.G.E. KOLBE, of Kafirberg, near this town. He leaves a widow, four sons and two daughters, besides a large family of step-children, to mourn their loss. His brother Joseph, the well known traveller and hunter, died, it will be remembered, at SECHELI’s, in the interior of this country, and his brother John died here in 1860. One sister only survives – Miss McCABE – resident in this town.
It has not hitherto been reported in the papers that the body of a white man, respectably connected, named LOUW, was accidently discovered at a spot within sight of the village of Boshof, at about one and a half miles from that place. This occurred now some six or eight weeks since. LOUW is said to have come up to this country from the Cape with Rev. Andrew MURRAY, a few years since. He resided hereabouts for a time, and then left for the Transvaal, where he married, and has now, it is said, left a widow and family at the New Rush, Colesberg Kop. The body, which was in an advanced state of decomposition, was buried where found, after being inspected by the landdrost, Mr. HAUPT, and Mr. A.H. BAIN. Mr. BAIN’s herds were the discoverers of the body, having come upon it by chance in going for or bringing home their stock. The unfortunate man must have wandered away from the New Rush, and laid down and perished from exhaustion when within sight of the houses.
This wretched man was hanged at Coleberg, on 22nd inst., for the murder of his wife in Albania, earnestly protesting his innocence to last: though apparently there could not, according to the evidence, be the slightest doubt of his guilt. His wife, it will be remembered was a Miss ALLING, of Paarl. SCHALKWYK was condemned so long ago as September last, and thus was kept five long months in suspense awaiting his awful doom. This must appear to all to be heartless and needless cruelty.
In den boedel van wylen Maggel Maria SWANEPOEL, geboren PELSER, en nageblevene echtgenoot Frederik Hendrik SWANEPOEL.
De ondergeteekende, daartoe bebeloorlyk geauthoriseerd door den executeur testamentaire in bovengemlden boedel, zal by publieke veiling aan den hoogsten bieder, op Woensdag, 13 Maart, 1872, ten 10 ure in den voormiddag op der werf de plaats Hermitage, verkoopen:-
1stens – De welbekende en beroemd plaats Hermitage vroeger No.169, district Caledonrivier, [..] No. 56 district Rouxville, groot volgens opgemeten kaart 2200 morgen, gelegen omtrent 2 ure afstand van Rouxville, en 1½ Ure afstand van Aliwal Noord. Deze plaats groot aan de plaatsen Kalkfontein, Boschberg, Kraaifonteinenz. En is bebouwd met een stewig woonhuis, buitengebouwen, kralen en ontmuurd land, mede overvloedig voorsien van water, zoowel uit Grootrivier als uit sterke fonteinen en wordt door geen plaats in het district overtroffen.
2den - Levende have: 300 Schapen, 100 Bokken, 13 Aanteelbeesten, 5 Rijpaarden, 8 Trekossen, 9 Aanteelpaarden
3den - Huisraad: Bestaande uiy bedden, potieu, passen, enz., enz., en wat nog verder ten dage ter verkoopinh zal worden ten voorschyn gebragt.
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden.
Voor verdure informative vervorge men zich ten kantore van Jacob SELIGMANN , Venduafslager.
Rouxville, 5 Feb, 1872
Te Smithfield van Kostbare vee-en Zaaiplltsen. De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyk geauthoriseed door de curatoren in verschillend insolvente boedels, zal by publieke veiling, aan den hoogsten bieder Zaturdag, 9 Maart, 1872 te Smithfield, verkoopen
1sten De onverdeelde twee-derde gedeelten der kostbare en welbekende plaats Ketelfontein, No.93, in het district Caledonrivier (min een klein gedeelte door eenen vorigen eigenaar daarvan verkochtt) groot omtrent 2050 morgen, met woonhuis, kralen, onmuurd land en tuin. Deze plaats is gelegen aan het groote pad, omstreeks half weg tusschen Smithfield en Bethulie, en grenstande plaatsen “waaifontein” “klipfontein” “uitkyk”enz., en is een der beste schapenplaatsen in het district.
2. In den insolventen boedel van E.W. PITT de plaats Corunna, No. 615 in het veroverd grondgebied, gelegen tusschen Langeberg en Oliphantsbeen in het nieuwe district Rouwville, grensende aan de plaatsen klaarwater, Cronstad, Houtconstant en Brandewyn. Deze plaats heft een starke fontein en was behoorlyk georeupeerd, is verbeterd door een woonhuis, dam, kralen, enz. Groot volgens landcommissierapport 1700 morgen, en wordt geen plaate in het district overtreffen
Vooten in denzelfden boedel
Erf. No 14, in het bloijend dorp Rouxville, na een districts-dorp
3’ In den insolventen boedel van wijlen Alfred WHITE de plaats Zonnebloem, groot ongeveer 2000 morgen, gelegen in de wyk Bovenrenosterrivier, zyndeno.105 in het landregister van het district Kroonstad, grenzende aan de plaatsen Jakkalsfontein, Visserssorg, Nelskraal, Bloemhof, enz.
Verder de plaats Rooidraai, no. 185,
In dezelde wyk, in het district Kroonstad: volgens landcommissierapport groot 2300 morgen grensende aan de plaatsen Driefontein, Gunstvlakte, Sterkfontein, [….], Voorspoed, Vaalkrans enz. De heide bovenvermelde plaatsen zyn een kostebare eigendom voor personen die een uitgestrekt.
4. In den insolventen boedel van L.M. ENGELBREGT, de plaats Vinkelfontein, No. 371, eenege gelegen in Caledonrivier district, na Rouxville; eene klein deelt vruchtbare plaats van omstreeke 600 morgen groot; en de daaraan grenrende halve plaats Nonpariel, no. 244 in hetselfde district gelegend ongveer 710 morgen groot.
Deze twee aan elkander grenzende plaatzen zyn gelegen aan Oranje-rivier en worden begrensd deur de plaatsen Knoffelspruit, Vlakplaats, Driefontein, en Lichtenstein, en vormem tezamen of afzonderlyk een gode gelegenheid tot legging of bewoning voor kleine kapitalisten.
Termen Liberal
Voor verdure informative vervoege men zich ten kantore van Henry D HODGSON, Vendumeester, Gouvernmente Taxateur en Taxateur van de Weeskamer. Smithfield, 15 Jan. 1872
Thursday, 07 March, 1872
With deep regret we learn that Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON, late of Grahamstown, died at Fauresmith on Friday evening last, and that his mortal remains were interred at that place on Sunday afternoon, 3rd inst. The deceased gentleman was, for many years, one of the leading citizens of Grahamstown, and for a time represented that place in the Cape House of Assembly. He was the son-in-law of the Hon’ble R. GODLONTON M.L.C., but lost his first wife and married a second time some years since. He leaves a widow and young family.
Thursday, 14 March, 1872
In den boedel van wylen Sarel Gerhardus SMIT
De ondergeteekende daartoe behoorlyke gemagtig zynde door den Executeur, zullen op Dondrdag, den 25 April, 1872, om 9 ure in den voormiddags. Publiek verkoopen op de plaats Scheerpan, district Boshof, de hieronder vermelde vaste en losse goederen:-
1) De plaats Rietpoort, gelegen te Waterberg, district Nystroom, Z.A. Republiek; groot ruim 8000 morgen. Deze plaats is goed voorsien van water en hout; besit fraaye landen en tuinen, en is beplant met allerlei soorten van vruchtboomen.
2) De plaats Zuurvley, grenzende aan bovengemelde plaats Rietpoort; groot circa 8000 morgen, mede goed voorsien van water en hout
3) 50 Beesten, 10 Trekossen, 1 Bed, 1 Geweer, 1 Kleederkast, 6 Stoelen, 1 lot Boeken
Alsmede potten, schotels, en andere huisraad benoodigheden, en wat verder op den dag der verkooping te voorschijn zal worde gebragt.
Ruim Credit. Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft. P.J. de VILLIERS & Co., Vendu Afslagers.
Boshof, 6 Maart, 1872
DIED at Eland’s River on the 1st March 1872, Thomas Jenning BOWES, aged 42 years, 9 months and 16 days, leaving a sorrowing widow and seven young children to deplore their loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this as a notice.
Met diep leedwezen vernemen wij dat de heer B.M.SHEPPERSON onlangs van Grahamstad, te Fauresmith op Vrijdag avond laatstleden overleed end at zijn stoffelijk overschot op dien plaats op Zaturdag middag, den 3den, werd ter aarde besteld. De overledene heer was oor vele Jaren een van de voornaamde inwoners van Grahamstad, en voor eenigen tijd dier plaats vertegenwoordiger in het Kaapsche Parlement. Hij was de schoonzoon van Edelen R. GODLONTON M.L.C., maar verloor zijne eerste vrouw en trouwde wederom eenige jaren geleden. Hij laat eene weduwee en jonge familie na.
Thursday, 21 March, 1872
In den boedel van wijlen den Wel-Ed, Heer David Hermanus JACOBS, de oude, van Kopiieskraal, district Jacobsdal.
De ondergeteekenden, daartoe behoorllijk gelast, zullen op Woensdag, 24sten April, 1872,
Des morgens 10 uur, en indien noodig volgende dagen, op de plaats “Koppieskraal” publiek aan den meestbiedende verkoopen:-
Ten eerste: De welbekkende veeplaats “Wildebeestdam,” Groot omtrent 4500morgen. Op gemelde plaats is een groot sterke dam.
Ten tweede: Een gedeelte der plaats “Brulfontein” genaamd “Blaauwboschvlakte” Goed voor weiveld. Deze beide plaatsen zyn te goed bekend om meer aanbeveling te geven.
Ten derde: Het Droog erf, No.38, gelegen op het florisante dorp Jacobsdal, methet daaropstaand hecht en sterk woonhuis, bevattende vier kamers en kombuis.
Ten vierde: Omtrent 700 extra geteele beesten waaronder 90 goed geleerde trekossen, en een groot aantal jonge bullen (Afrikaansche) De stoetary van den overledene is te wel bekend voor verdere byzonderheden als hebbende hy altyd de beste Afrikaansche beesten van het district.
Ten vijfde: Omtrent 2700 goed wolgevende Merino schapen, waaronder een groot aantal puike slagthamels zyn. Alsmede 900 Afrikaansche schapen, waaronder vele extra hamels.
Ten zesde: 300 goede bokken, waarby omtrent 70 goede kapaters.
Ten zevende: 4 Kar en 2 rijpaarden, mak geleerde goed. 6 Jongepaarden, 13 Merries met veulen, 1 Paardenwagen, 1 Ossewagen complete.
Ten achtste: Den geheelen inboedel bestaande uit Mahoniehouten tafel, ijzeren ledikanten, koporen ledikant, en meer andere goederen te veel om te noemen. Koukengereedschap en verder alles wat tot eenen fatsoenlyken inboedel behoort.
Termen Liberaal. De condition van koop zullen verschaft worden. Kom zie, en doet uw voordeel.
C.J. JACOBS, J.A.D. SERFONTEIN Gezamentlyke Afslagers
C.J. JACOBS, D.H. zoon. Exec. Testam.
Koppieskraal, district Jacobsdal, 12 Maart, 1872
The body of the unfortunate young man, Thomas RYAN, who was accidently drowned in the Kaffir River, as last week described, was found, placed in a coffin, and decently interred on the farm of Samuel MARAIS on Friday last. The carpet bag with the money, some £300, besides promissory notes, and the small post packet from Reddersburg was discovered by Mr. S. MARAIS. Everything has now been recovered, except the horses which were of course drowned. Mr. CHASE, of Rouxville, the employer of the deceased young man, arrived here on Tuesday last to make enquiries about the missing property, and to learn from Government what was to be done in the matter. Mr. CHASE left the same day. We have not heard anything of the relatives of the deceased, and do not know where they reside. He was quite a young man and unmarried. He was, when he met with his death, on the road to the New Rush (de BEERS) to see his working party, and to purchase, it is said, a new claim for them.
DIED on the 8th inst., at Klipdrift, Griqualand West, Zema Constance, eldest daughter of John PALMER, aged nearly 7 months.
De ondergeteekende, daartoe door belanghebbenden in den boedel van wylen Samuel Jacobus de BEER, en nagelatene huisvrouw, J.I.J JORDAAN, gelaat zal op Maandag, den 25 Maart, 1872, op de plaats Kromvlei, gelegen aan Wilgenrivier, district Croonstadt, eigenaar Jacobus Frederick de BEER beginnende des morgens om 10 ure, aan de meestbiedenden in het openbaar verkoopen:-
48 Trek en Slagtossen, in goede conditie, 60 Aanteelbeesten in goede conditie, 148 Schapen en Bokken
1 Ossewagen, 1 Veldtent, 1 Kar, kompleet, 1 Ploeg, 3 Kisten, 1 Zadel, 1 Orgel, 1 Zadel, 2 Koevoeten, 1 vragt Geelhouten planken, Eenig gereedschap, Huisraad, 1 paar Molensteenen, 2 Geweren, 5 Stoelen, 5 Paarden
En wat verder ten dag der verkooping ter verschyn zal gebragt worden. Ruim Crediet, Ververschingen zullen verschaft worden.
H.J. MORKEL, Venduafslager.
In den insolventen boedel van Christoffel J.W. LOTZ, veeboer.
In bovengenoemden insolventen boedel zullen de navolgende roerende en onroerende goedere bij publieke veiling op Woensdag, den 3den April aanstaande te plaatse van den insolvent, Diepleegte, nabij Windburg, verkocht worden.
1sten - De plaats Diepleegte, no 530, district Winburg, veldkornetschap Taaiboschspruit, groot naar gissing 2875 morgen volgens inspectie rapport, en goedvoorsien van hout. Deze plaats ligt omtrent 6 uren van Winburg, heeft een huis, dam, kralen, ens., enz., en ligt aan de plaatsen John’s Gift, Mooiplaats, Rietfontein en Leeuwkuil.
2dens – 2 Ossen, 1 Zadel en toom en een hoeveelheid huismeubelen.
Terme Gemakkelyk!
James B. BROWN, Secretaris, Eengste Curator,
VOIGT & VELS, Venduafslagers,
Public sale at Winburg in the insolvent estate of the late Wilhelm WOHLITZ of Winburg. On Saturday, the 30th March next, (being Nachtmaal), the following valuable movable and immovable property will be sold in front of deceased’s store at Winburg, at 11 o’clock precisely
1st. A fine assortment of shop goods. Iron safe, cart harness (different sets), Organ, Hats and bonnets, a quantity of clothing, dress pieces, silks, and the usual assortment of shop goods
2nd. All the valuable furniture belonging to the late WOHLITZ, comprising Tables, Chairs, Sofa, Easy chair, Sideboards (one of which is a very handsome Rosewood one, with plate glass mirror behind) Lamps, a double bedstead with bedding, Washhandstands, Mirrors, Wardrobe, &c., &c., &c. also a Shot Gun, 2 Rifles, Watches, and many other things too numerous to mention
3rd. Erf. No. 7, Southey-terrace, Winburg Together with the large store and dwelling house and other buildings thereon. This site is one of the last business stands in Winburg. There is a large wool store behind and the dwelling house is commodiously built. The whole is under iron roof and requires further particulars.
4th Erf No. 1, Winburg with the buildings thereon which are occupied by a Mr. [SCHRINK] as a store and dwelling house. This being at the at the corner of Victoria and Albert Streets, is also described as a fine business stand.
5th The farm Braunschweig, No. 471, district Winburg. This splendid farm of about 4000 morgen according to inspection report, has on the high road to Natal and about a hours from Winburg, just where a thriving hotel business can be carried on. It is bounded by the farms Groot Saxony, Nooitgedacht, Druipfontein and Rietkraal.
6th The farm Weltevreden, No.455.
Winburg district, ward Onder Vetrivier, containing 3000 morgen per sketch chart. Is in the district between Winburg and Kroonstad, and is bounded by Wolfontein, Kalkhout, and open ground
Conditions of Sale will be favourable to the purchaser. All particulars can be had on application to either of the undersigned
James B BROWN, Secretary, C. BREDELL, Winburg
Messrs. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers, Bloemfontein
13th March, 1872
Of the late Wm. WOHLITZ of Winburg
The following live stock will also be sold, at Winburg, on the 30th instant, belonging to the above insolvent estate:- About 11 (eleven) Oxen, 35 Sheep, 1 Heifer, 1 Horse.
At the same time other movable and immovable property will be sold.
James B BROWN, Sec., C. BREDELL, Joint Trustees
Messrs. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers, Bloemfontein.
12 March, 1872
The undersigned duly authorized thereto by Mr. Sarel Johannes CILLIERS jr., empowered by executrix in the estate of Sarel Arnoldus CILLIERS, and surviving spouse A.E. LOOTS will at the ensuing Nachtmal, sell by public auction to the highest bidder, at Cronstadt, on Saturday, 30th March, 1872, at 9 o’clock in the forenoon, the well-situated erf No, 12, in the erven register of the town of Cronstadt, with a commodious dwelling-house thereon, consisting of four capacious rooms and a kitchen. The above house is in one of the best stands in the town, and was formerly occupied by Messrs CLARK and PULLMAN, who carried on an extensive business there for several years. The house is 60 long by 20 feet broad. In the event of any one being desirous of opening a business now is their time to avail themselves of this opportunity. Erf No 12 is opposite the church, and is situated on the Church square.
A liberal credit will be given,
H.J. MORKEL, Auctioneer. Auctioneer’s Office, Cronstadt, 21 Feb., 1872
Thursday, 28 March, 1872
BIRTH t Bloemfontein on the 21st inst., the wife of Dr. C.J.G. KRAUSE, of a son
DEATH on the 22nd inst., at Thaba ‘Nchu, aged 2 years and 6 months, Charles GREY, son of George and Louisa his wife, and grandson of Chief MOBOKA
P.A. BRAND, Esq., late member for Richmond, in the Cape Colony, and under His Honour the President of the Orange Free State, died in Cape Town, on the 20th inst., in his 65th year.
Thursday, 04 April, 1872
In the district of Cronstadt in the estate of the late James COLLINS, and surviving spouse Isabella Elizabeth BESTER on Monday, the 15th day of April next, the following movable and immovable property will be sold by public auction, on the farm Rhenosterdraai, ward Bovenrhenoster-rivier, district Cronstadt, at 10 o’clock precisely:-
1st 1 Oxwagon, ploughs, harrows and other implements of husbandry
2nd. The household furniture, embracing many substantial, useful and elegant articles.
3rd. The farm, Rhenosterdraai, No, 266, Cronstadt, with that portion of the adjoining farm Lusthov bought by the late Mr. COLLINS and annexed to Rhenosterdraai. This farm is surveyed by Mr. FLECK, Government Land Surveyor, and, according to diagram, contains with the addition from Lusthof 2503 morgen. It is one of the best farms in Cronstadt district, abundantly supplied with wood and water. There is never-failing fountain and a large dam. Rhenoster-rivier runs right through it. There are a good dwelling house and outbuildings, six large stone kraals, an orchard, a vineyard, and about thirty acres of ground enclosed with a stone wall.
4th. About 500 sheep, of the best in the district
About 39 head of cattle, among which is a splendid young Fatherland bull
5th. Whatever further may be offered on the day of sale.
Conditions of sale will be made favorable to purchases. Refreshments will be provided. All particulars to be had on application to the undersigned, at Rhenosterdraai; or to William McKECHNIE, General agent, Cronstadt
William McKECHNIE Auctioneer
Dan COLLINS Executor Dative
Cronstadt, 18th March, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 30th March, Mrs BEVAN, jr., of a daughter.
Deze morgen vroeg berigte men dat twee passiers van Natal in de Liebenbergdvlei waren verdronken, end at slechts een ontkomen had van de drie welke toen in de postkar waren. Het do ons genoegen dat wij sinte op goed authoriteit vernomen hebben dat het rapport yalsch is, hoewel het geheel waar is, dat twee passagiers de heeren WULFF en KRANS, (twee jonge menschen onlangs van Duitschland) sens zoer naauwe ontkoming van den dood hadden door verdrinking aan de genoemde plaats. De heer WOODS van Pietermaritzburg , welke met hen in die kar was, is tans in het Vrijstaatsch Hotel (zijnde laatste nacht aangekomen) en hij deeld mede dat de twee bedoelde jonge menschen gelukkig goed konden zwemmen end at zij zich drijvende hielden totdat zij door eenige transportrijders worden gered of door personen, welke met wagens usbij de rivier lagen, wachtende om door te komen. De heer WOODS zegt dat de twee jonge menschen en drijver van de kar allen ver van de drift, waar zij ingingen uitkwanten. Wij hopen dat dit het laatste der postongelukken voor het tegenwoordige jaargetijde zul zijn daar hey weer schijnt opgeklaart te zijn.
A whole family poisoned by a Bush-girl
Several of the Colonial papers received here on Tuesday evening last, give brief accounts of the poisoning of Dr. J. COWARD and family, of Middelburg, by a servant girl, and mention the death of Mr. REEVE, a guest and intended son-in-law of the family, from above cause. We have been kindly favored with a sight of a private letter, addressed to a near relative of the family, resident in this town, from which we glean the following most distressing particulars. The letter is dated at Middelburg, 30th March, at which time not only Mr. REEVE but an interesting boy of 10 years, known to his friends by the familiar name of Dottie, the youngest son of Dr. COWARD, was dead and buried, the first (Mr. REEVE) having died on Sunday morning at 7o’clock, and the child on Sunday night, or rather Monday morning, at half past one o’clock. The poison (some noxious African plant), it is now known, was administered on two separate occasions by a little Bush girl, named Fietje, who strange to say, had been almost brought up in the Doctor’s family. On the first occasion the poison was put into some curry, of which Mr. REEVE, the Doctor, and one daughter partook for breakfast on Friday morning, 22nd March. Immediately after partaking of this meal all three were affected with a violent retching, for which they could in no wise account, except by surmising that the dish was too rich for them, but even this supposition would not bear investigation, for several of the family had eaten some of the same curry for supper the previous evening. The retching went off, and all were well again till the next day, Saturday, 23rd March. On this day the family sat down to dinner at 1 o’clock, soup as usual being placed first on the table. All partook of the soup, and were almost immediately affected in the same way as on the previous day, only in a more violent and serious manner. All were soon completely knocked up lying prostrate, except the doctor, who by a strong effort of his will kept on his legs though all the time very ill. Some speedily became delirious. The poor little boy, Dottie, was quite delirious and raving for hours before his death. Mr. REEVE, a strong, healthy young man was the first to succumb. He died, as above stated, early next day (Sunday) so that the poison (whatever it was), in his case, did its cruel work effectively in about eighteen hours. The little boy, (the pet of the family) lasted just twice as long, or 36 hours. When the post left, Dr. COWARD and Miss Edith COWARD (the eldest daughter) were very ill and confined to their beds, the Doctor being at length completely proximate with grief and illness together. The death of his little son was, it is described, a terrible blow to him. Mrs. COWARD and Miss Maud COWARD had fortunately nearly recovered from the effects of the poison, and there was every reason to hope that Dr. Coward and Miss COWARD would speedily recover. Mr. REEVE and Master Herbert (Dottie) COWARD were buried together on Tuesday afternoon. It was a painful sight to witness the two coffins being borne out of the house at one time, the one containing all that was mortal of a talented young man just entering upon life, and on the eve of marriage to the young lady of his choice, prior to a trip to the Fatherland, and the other, the youngest child of the house, an engaging boy, who had completely entwined himself into the hearts of his parents and sisters. Mr. REEVE was a partner of the firm of ATKINSON, REEVE & SMITH, of Graaff-Reinet, and was, it is said, a well educated young man, and a first-rate performer on the violin. He was to have been married in May, and had left immediately thereafter for England. It is now known, for certain, that the poison was given to the Bushman girl, Fietje, by a colored man named April, who was, it seems, an admirer of hers. The wretched April declares that he had a spite, or had conceived a violent dislike to some of the COWARD family, and so he got the poison, brought it to the girl, and instructed her how to poison them by putting it in the food. April had, it appears, been in the habit of visiting the Bushman girl, Fietje, late at night, and had recently been caught in so doing – hence his enmity. When April found that the first dose of poison was not sufficient to effect his purpose, it is supposed that he brought more, and that the second time most of the sufferers got an overdose and that this, in all probability, saved their lives. The poison is described as not only causing a retching, but likewise a violent burning sensation in the throat and chest. The family express their deep gratitude to Mr. HAUPT, of Middelburg, for his kind attention, and prompt and active assistance. But for his timely aid, they feel that nearly all must have died, The Civil Commissioner of Middelburg, according to the Cradock Register, without delay sent an express to that place for Dr. GREY, but whether he (Dr. GREY) has arrived we have not heard. The above is all that as at present reached us relative to this, one of the most painful and tragic occurrences that has hitherto been heard of in this country.
Tuesday, March 19
Before J. CAMPBELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate
Sarah Sophia SEFTON, born MILLER, was brought up, charged with the crime of bigamy.
William Augustus ROBINSON deposed – I am an ordained clergyman and reside at Klipdrift. I know the prisoner. I published the banns of marriage between the prisoner and William Hamilton SEFTON three successive Sundays in the presence of the congregation which attended divine service in my tent at his place, I was in the habit of holding service in my tent when not officiating elsewhere. I produce the original register kept by me of the baptisms, banns, marriages and burials. The banns of marriage between prisoner and SEPHTON were published on January 21 and 28, and February 4, 1872. No objections whatever was made to the publication of the banns. I married three parties on February 10, 1972, in the tent of a friend of theirs named John PULLEN, and in the presence of PULLEN’s wife, who both signed as witnesses. I sent the banns for the clergyman to publish at de Beer’s where SEPHTON was then digging, and received them back certifying the banns had been duly published at that place, although it appears that the banns had only been published twice there. I have no hesitation in saying the prisoner is identical person whom I married in Feb.
Pierce CROABLE, messenger of the court, deposed that he had a process of the court to serve upon John PULLEN and his wife, and found that they had gone off to the Mooi River.
The following letters were put in and read:-
No.1 Klipdrift, July 18, 1871
Sarah Sophy MILLER
I the undersigned do hereby notify that I now give my hand to William MOORE, private of the N.B. Police force, now doing six months for deserting, and that when he comes out of prison I will marry him, and that, I love him alone, and will marry no other but him.
Sarah Sophy MILLER
No. 2. (No date) My sweetest love, Oh I am glad you have not thrown me away at the last, and accept your offer of marriage with thanks, and if you have the minister at Jack’s on Saturday morning, I will run over and get married to you. From your loving wife,
P.S. Burn this letter.
No. 3. (No date) ….etc
No.4. (No date)….etc
The Rev. H. SADLER, chaplain to the Diamond fields, said, I am an ordained clergyman. I know the prisoner. I published banns of marriage between her and Charles Marthinus BROOKSTEIN on three different Sundays, viz. the 11th, 18th and 25th February. After the publication of the banns on 11th I was called upon by Mr. SEPHTON who told me a long story about having been engaged to the prisoner, and having deserted from the Police force for her sake, and a great deal more. He said they had been married and exhibited a marriage certificate signed by W.A.ROBINSON. I had every reason to believe that Mr. ROBINSON was an ordain clergyman of the Church of England. I had no reason to doubt it…….
After going to the father and mother, and telling them what had occurred, the mother called the prisoner in to me. The prisoner called God to witness that there was no truth in her having been married. The mother said she could bring witnesses, and could swear positively that the prisoner was never out the house on that day on which it was alleged that the marriage took place. She said that prisoner had never left her house from sunrise to 2 o’clock p.m.
I then said I would publish the banns again to give the parties an opportunity of forbidding them. I did so, and they were not forbidden. On the Monday after the second publication, the Rev. Mr. ROBINSON called upon me and said he had married prisoner to SEPHTON and asked me why I published the banns. He asked me if I had not seen the certificate. I answered yes, it had been shown me, but as I was not acquainted with Mr. ROBINSON’s handwriting, and as the parents of the girl had denied that the marriage had ever taken place I thought it best to publish the banns again. I said I should not publish them a third time thus as the matter then stood. On the following Saturday I received a letter from the Public Prosecutor advising me that I ought to publish the banns again. This was late in the evening. I have not the letter with me but can produce it. He in the letter expressed it as his opinion that the prisoner had not been married. The banns were published a third time, and not forbidden. I then declined marrying them until the affair should be settled. She was married on the 19th March. I was not present. I produced the registry of marriage for this parish. The marriage is registered. F.W.DOXAT was the officiating clergyman. The witnesses are R.W. MILLER and F.S. MILLER. I know Mr. DOXAT’s handwriting, and signatures to the registry now produced is his.
William Charles MILLER, the father of the prisoner, said: The prisoner is my daughter, I was present when she was married in church to Charles M. BROOKSTEIN. It was on a Monday. I do not remember the date. The Rev. Mr. DOXAT performed the ceremony in the High Court room. It is used as a church. I signed as witness. (Reference to the register showed that instead of signature being R.W. MILLER it was R.W.MURRAY who signed)
R.W. MURRAY said he was present at the ceremony. He attended at the request of the Bishop. The signature to the register was his, and prisoner was the person married.
Prisoner was then committed to trial’
ENQUIRIES have been made for a person of the name of ANTHILL, or any connected with family of ANTHILL by ties of marriage. Any such person will greatly oblige by communicating, by letter, with E. ANTHILL, Bloemfontein, or to the office of this paper.
Thursday, 11 April, 1872
BIRTH at Jacobsdale, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr. Attorney H.A.J. [BIER], of a daughter
Thursday, 18 April, 1872
BIRTH at Cape Town, Mrs. E. FORSSMAN, born LANDBERG, of Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic, of a son.
DIED at Boshof, on the 1st April, 1872, Jane, aged 1 year and 11 months, only child of Mr. & Mrs. A.P. HAUPT. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at Bultfontein Diggings on Friday 23rd March 1872, Mr. D. VOORT-
[page torn]
Thursday, 25 April, 1872
In het district Cronstadt, op Dinsdag, den 14den Mei, 1872
In den insolventen boedel van wijlen A.M. VISSER, geboren LOTTERING
De ondergeteekende daartoe gelast door de belanghebbenden zal op de plaats Vlakspruit, in het district, Cronstadt, de volgende roerende en ontroereden goederen in het publieke verkoopen
I. De welbekende halve plaats Vlakspruit, gelegen in de wijk Onderrhenosterrivier, district Cronstadt, waarop zich bevindt: Een woonhuis met vier kamers en kombuis, twee geode klipkralen, en een boomgaard, geplant met allerlei soorten van vruchtboomen. De Plaats is bijzonder geschikt voor allerlei soorten vee, en goed voorsien van hout, en heft eenen strandhoudenden Fontein.
2.1 Ossewagen complete, 10 Ossen, gereedschappen, en wat verder ter dage der verkooping zal worden voorschijn gebragt.
N.B. Zoo iemand genegenmagt zijn op den 11 Mei e.k. eenige goederen van welken aard ook, hij deze gelegenheid te doen opveilen, is de ondergeteekende bereid zich ook met den verkoop daarvan te belasten en dezelve tot des morgen 10 ure, of ?ntloop der verkooping in ontvang te nemen.
H. J. MORKEL, Venduafslager.
Venduafslagers Kantoor, Cronstadt
16 April, 1872.
Yesterday morning some excitement was created by the marriage of Christian FLOOK Esq., formerly of the Cape, and cousin of the Dr. FLOOK, of Capetown, to the eldest daughter of our much respected friend Mr. Petrus PRETORIUS. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Dr. SCHUMMELKETEL. It is needless to say that the bride looked charming and the bridesmaids as fascinating as bridesmaids always do on such occasions. After the ceremony the guests partook of some refreshments when the health and happiness of the newly married couple was drunk, and other complimentary […..]. About 3 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. FLOOK left for “Vrolykfontein” on their wedding tour.
DIED at de Beer’s New Rush, on the morning of Sunday the 14th inst., after a short but severe illness Letitia Alberta Maud, the beloved child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. HOLMES, jnr., aged 1 year 3 months and 3 days.
Thursday, 02 May, 1872
In the insolvent estate of Andries Johannes BRINK, formerly Storekeeper at Harrismith.
The undersigned duly authorized will sell by public action in front of his office, on Saturday, the 18th May next, at 9 o’clock p.m. Immediately after the sale of the farm Tamworth, 22 first-class trek oxen.
Terms Cash!
Robert MacFARLANE, Auctioneer
Harrismith, April 26, 1872
In den insolventen boedel van Charles Edwin WARD
De navolgende losse goederen aan den bovenstaanden boedel behoorende, zullen per publike vendutie, ten woonplaatse van den insolvent, district Winburg, worden verkocht en wel op Zaturdag, 18 Mei a.s.
1 Ossenwagen, 2 Ossen, 1 Koe en Kalf, 1 Bed met toebehooten, 3 Stoelen, 1 tafel.
James B. BROWN Eenige Curator
VOIGT & VELS Venduafslagests
15 April, 1872
Thursday, 09 May, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 21st April, Mrs. R.L. DALY, of a son
DIED at de Beer’s New Rush, Diamond fields on 18th April, Mr. P.E.P. ROCHER, aged 22 years. Deeply lamented by his family and friends.
Thursday, 16 May, 1872
CATHERINA ELIZABETH GERTRUIDA MEYER, geboren FOURIE, weduwee van Frans S. ROBERTSE, en nagelaten echtgenoote van Lucas Johannes MEYER, van Fourieskraal, Kliprivier, Natal, overleden:
Eenige kinderen of kleinkinderen van gereken Jan FOURIE, vroeger van het district Cradock, Kaapkolonie, Broeder of zusters zynde of hun kinderen, van bovengemelde overledene zullen iets tot hun voordeel hunnen hooren, door hun verwantschap te bewyzen en aanvrage te doen by
John C.WALTON, Ladysmith, Natal.
Ladysmith, Natal 9 Mei, 1872.
DIED in Cape Town, on the 1st May, 1872, Marthunus Andries GOETZ, Esq., of Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic, aged 57 years and 6 months.
DIED at Boshof on Wednesday, 8th May, 1872 Herman SYBOUTS, aged 2 years 8 months and 10 days, only and beloved son of P.J. de VILLIERS and J.H. de VILLIERS, born VLOTMAN.
OVERLEDEN te Jagerfpntein, op 22 April, 1872, Albert VENTER, oud 27 jaar, en op plaats Springfontein, op 1 Mei, 1872, Adriaan Jacobus VENTER, 18 jaar en 6 maanden oud. Beide de beminde zonen van W.A.J. VENTER
Mr. Rice JONES, the well known Cape auctioneer, died in Capetown, on the 8th instant.
In the insolvent estate of Schalk Willem van der MERWE.
The undersigned, duly authorized, will sell by public auction in front of his office, on Saturday, 1st June next, at 9:30a.m.,
1st – The right to the farm Uitkyk, No.184, situated in the district of Lydenburg, on Commatie, Transvaal Republic.
2nd – The right to the erf No. 145, in the new village of Frankfort on Wilge-river.
Terms easy! Robert MacFARLANE Auctioneer. Harrismith, 10 May, 1872
Thursday, 23 May, 1872
BIRTH at Colesberg Kopje, New Rush, Diamond-fields, on the 17th May, 1872, Mrs. C. [DA…..] of a daughter
BIRTH at Ladybrand, on the 12th May, 1872, Mrs. E.C.TURVEY, of a son
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Harrismith, on the evening of 11th May, 1872, after an illness of 6 days, at the age of 11 months, Johannes Hendricus, beloved infant son of J.N. BOSHOFF jnr., and M.M. BOSHOFF, born BEYERS.
Harrismith 15 May, 1872
DEPARTED THIS LIFE, on the farm Beginsel, district Harrismith, on 11th April, 1872, after an illness of 5 days, at the age of 71 years and 4 months, my beloved husband, Dirk Johannes de WITT.
Jacoba Magdalena de WITT, born DE CLERC.
Beginsel, 15 Mei, 1872
DIED at Boshof on Wednesday, 17th May, 1872, Maria Louisa, aged 8 months and 17 days, only beloved daughter of P.J. de VILLIERS and J.H. de VILLIERS
DIED at New Rush, De Beer’s, on Sunday 12th inst., after a long illness, Mary the beloved wife of Mr. David J. PAXTON, jnr., aged 22 years and 2 months.
Thursday, 30 May, 1872
MARRIED at Bloemfontein, on Saturday 25th May, at St Andrew’s Cathedral by the Venerable Archdeacon CROGHAN, John James, fourth son of the late John GRICE Esq., to Martha Louisa Natalie, second daughter of Samuel BENNINGFIELD ESQ., of Durban, Natal
DIED from fever, on 21st inst., after an illness of five days, at the residence of Mr. Jean ROCHER, New Rush, Joseph Henry, second son of the late Joseph ALLISON, of Tempe, near Bloemfontein, aged 21 years 8 months and 10 days.
29 May 1872
BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 28th inst., the wife of Mr. Richard HARVEY, of a daughter.
Thursday, 06 June, 1872
DIED, the 23rd May, 1872, at Grahamstown, Cape Colony, on his way to Europe, Dr. James GIBSON, aged 36 years, deeply lamented by his family and friends.
Winburg, 3 June, 1872
OVERLEDEN, in den ouderdom van een jaar en 21 dagen, Christina Elizabeth, eenigst geliefd kindje van J.S. van der WATT, en E.J. FERREIRA,
Mexico, district Winburg.
29 Mei, 1872
To be sold: The hire of three well-known and unrivalled farms in the Bloemfontein district belonging to the estate of the late Col. A.J. FRASER, C.B. will be submitted to public competition, in front of the office of the Board of Executors at Bloemfontein, on the 29th June, 1872 at 12 o’clock noon:
1,- That magnificent farm Tharfield, No. 265, Situated on the Modder-river, half way between Bloemfontein and Smithfield, as per Land Surveyors diagram 5499 morgen.
2,- The splendid farm Glengarry (Boesmansfontein) No. 285, adjoining the above farm Tharfield, and situated on the source of the Kaffir-river, as per Government Surveyor’s diagram 7728 morgen.
The foregoing farms are well watered, and deserve the attention of those who are anxious to possess themselves of the best veld.
3.- The farm Springkraal, No 20, situated about 2 hours from Bloemfontein, near the main line of road to the Diamond-fields, as per inspection report of the Land Commission, 2800 morgen
To be let with one year’s notice on either side. No greenwood will be allowed to be cut, and no sub-letting will be permitted. The lease to commence from 1st July next: and the rent to be paid half yearly at the office of the board of Executors and Trust Co., Bloemfontein.
For further particular apply to Thomas PALMER Executive Dative
VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers,
Bloemfontein, 27th May, 1872
Thursday, 13 June, 1872
DIED at Harrismith, on the 3rd inst., Francis John Bullen BRANDON, aged 3 years and 9 months, eldest son of Mr. Archi W. BRANDON and Catherine BRANDON, born van AARDT.
Harrismith 4th June, 1872
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, 9th instant, Mrs. W. D. SAVAGE, of a son.
BEVALLEN van een zoon, J.A. van BEEST van ANDEL, geb MERTENS.
Winburg, 4de Junij, 1872
DIED at Bruidegomspruit, on the 10th June, Maria Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. SALZMANN, aged 7 years and 9 months, deeply deplored by her bereaved parents and family.
By mail of yesterday, we regret to learn that Sir. Walter CURRIE, Knt., late commandant of the Colonial Mounted Police, died at his residence, Oatlands, near Grahamstown, on the 7th inst., at the comparatively early age of 54 years. Sir Walter’s illness had been of long duration, having been contracted during the operations against the Corannas in the Western Province, on the Orange-River, in 1868
In the estate of the late Sampson DANIEL
Notice is hereby given that all claims against the above estate must be sent to the office of Mr. Attorney TURVEY, New Rush, within 6 weeks from the date hereof, and all debts due to the estate be paid forthwith.
Thos. WEBSTER Executor Testamentary,
De Beer’s New Rush, 27 May, 1872
Thursday, 20 June, 1872
DIED on the 7th June, 1872, at Pretoria, S.A. Republic, after a long and painful illness, at the age of 40 years, Maria, the beloved wife of Herman JEPPE, Esq.
DIED yesterday, 19th June, at 11p.m., Getruida Catharina, aged 5 months and 20 days, only and dearly beloved daughter of VILLIERS, S.M. de VILLIERS.
Bloemfontein 20th June, 1872
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