The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1871 1 January - June
Thursday, 5 January, 1871
DIED of haemorrhage, at Bloemfontein, on the 1st January, 1871, the beloved wife of John DONALDSON, aged forty two years and five months.
2 January, 1871
DIED at Bloemfontein, on Sunday, 1st January, Annie Ida Frances, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis RASCHER, aged five months.
DIED of Inflammation of the larynx, in Bloemfontein, on the 6th inst., Edith Alice Maude, infant daughter of Mr. George PAGE, aged 2 years.
21 December, 1870
BIRTH at Fauresmith, on Friday, the 23rd December, 1870, the wife of Mr. G.[?]. MARTIN, of a daughter.
Mr. A. SIRECKER, late clerk to Mr. A. FORESMAN, of Potchefstroom, and formerly of the Mercury offices, Durban, Natal was recently found drowned in the Vaal-river at Hebron. How he came into the river is not known.
On Sunday last (New Year’s Day), we regret to record, two deaths occurred in our small community. About midday Mrs. DONALDSON, wife of Mr. John M. DONALDSON, departed this life after a comparatively short but painful illness, leaving a husband and eight children, most of them quite young, to mourn their loss. Mrs. DONALDSON was an old resident of this town, having first settled here upwards of twenty years since, and was much esteemed by all who knew her. Late in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Louis RASCHER had the misfortune to lose their infant daughter at the age of five months, being the second child removed from them by death during the past year. By the post from the Diamond-fields, on Tuesday afternoon, intelligence was received of the death of Mr. George S. HIGSON, an old resident of this town and district. Mr. HIGSON was a native of Manchester, England, in which place he was very well and respectably connected, but came to and settled in South Africa now some thirty years since. Deceased had some little knowledge of geology and was the first, shortly after discovery of the Vaal-river diamonds-fields, to communicate to our column an interesting sketch from a geological point of view thereon. Mr. HIGSON died at the residence of Mr. William ADCOCK, at Pniel, on the 30th December, and was about fifty years of age. Deceased for some years past, obtained a livelihood in families in the immediate neighbourhood of this town, in the capacity of a private tutor, in which profession he displayed great zeal and ability.
Thursday, 12 January, 1871
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 11 inst., Mrs. Thos. HOLMES, jr. of a daughter.
MARRIED at Smithsfield. O.F. State, on Thursday 5th inst., by the Rev. J. BELL, assisted by the Rev. BEVAN, Mr. J.J. RAAFF, jr. to Miss C. BROAD
In den ab-intestate boedel van wylen Hermanus Johannes LUBBE en sinds overledene echtgenoote Elizabeth Johanna LUBBE, geb. VISSER.
De ondergeteekende, daartoe behoorlyk gemagtigd door de executeuren datief is bovengemelde boedel, zal per publieke veiling verkoopen, op Woensdag, 8 Maart, te 9 ure’s morgen, ter plaats Treurfontein, district Fauresmith, de volgende vaste en loss goederen:-
Vaste Goederen: De welbekende plats Treurfontein, No. 92, gelegen in het veldkornetschap Vanzylspruit, district Fauresmith, groot naar gissig 4500 morgen. Deze plaats is goed bebouwd en vas geode kralen voorsien, heft twee Windemmen, Molenhuis met Molen complete – Er is ook een groote Boomgaard met allerlei soorten van vruchtboomen en druivenstokken beplant. Deze plaats is zoo bysonder geschikt voor voeteelt, dat verdure beschryving onmoedig gescht wordt.
Losse Goedereen:
1750 goede Merino Schapen, 550 extra Mofhamels, 500 Kaapsche schapen, 250 bokken waarby een klomp, die met de angeran gebasterd is, 220 opregte Schapen, 50 jonge opregte Rammen, 1 ingevoerde opregte Ram, 70 Afrikaaansche beesten, waaronder 16 groote en vette slagt-ossenzyn, 30 Ry-Trek en aanteel paarden, 1 nieuwe bokwagen complete, 1 kapkr op veeren, met twee tuigen, 1 oude open wagen, 2 ploegen waaronder 1 Howard’s ploeg is, 1 sleepblok.
En Voorts:- eene hoeveelheid geelhout planken, Kapstellen 50 mud koorn, 3000 havergerven. 14 mud garet.
Eene hoeveelheid huissraad bestaande uit: Veeren bedden, ledekasten, stinkhouten stoelen, glas- en aardewerk, kenkengereedschap, en lles wat verder ten dage van verkoop zal worden voorgebrgt. Een ruim crediet zal worden verleend.Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft,
A.P. LUBBE, J.J.P. LUBBE, Executeren Datief.
O.C. Kays, Vendu-Afslager,
Fauresmith, 8 January, 1871
In den boedel van wijlen Z.H. CLOETE, en nagebleven echtgenoot Aletta Elizabeth du TOOIJ, zal de ondergeteekende publiek aan de meestbiedende verkoopenop Februarij den 8sten, 1871, om 18 uur in den voormiddag, op de plaats Bethel, district Fauresmith, bestaande uit 840 Merino Hamels, 1633 Merino anteel Schapen, 10 Trek ossen, 16 Anteel Beesten, 6 Trek en Rijpaarden, 7 Anteel Paarden, 1 Paardenwagen op veeren, 2 ploegen, 1 scrap blok.
Huisrad bestaande uit stoel, tafels, en andere meubels en kuiken grereedschap, as wat verder op den dag der verkooping zal worden voorgebragt.
Een ruim credit zal worden verleend. Ververschingen sullen verschaft worden.
Gert CLOETE, Executeur.
Wildebeestfontein, 28 Dec.,1870
Thursday, 19 January, 1871
In the estate of the late Hendrik Johannes SCHUTTE. Debtors and Creditors in the above estate re requested to pay their respective debts or send in their claims, as the case may be, to the Office of the undersigned within the period of six weeks from date.
Jacob SELIGMANN qq., Executrix testamentary.
Rouxville, 16th January, 1871
MARRIED at Bethlehem, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. McMILLAN minister of the D.R. Church, Joseph James AVERY to Maria Petronella, widow of the late Samuel R.J. HARE, of Bethulie. Bethlehem, January, 12th 1871.
Thursday, 26 January, 1871
We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. Advocate J.A. Baart de la FAILLE, which and event occurred at Winburg on the 19th inst., Mr. de la FAILLE was a sound scholar and an able lawyer. He had just completed his 40th year
Overleden te Winburg, op 19 January, 1971, Mr. Johannes Arius Baart de la FAILLE, in leven Advocaat te Winburg, Oranje Vrystaat, in den ouderdom van 40 jaren en 9 dagen. Diep betreurd door zyne vele vrienden.
Executeuren Testamentair.
Winburg, 23 Jan., 1871
Thursday, 02 February, 1871
DIED at Bloemhof, Transvaal Republic on 22nd January, 1871, of Consumption, Willem A. van den MEER, aged 33 years. Deeply regretted by his widowed mother and many friends.
Thursday, 09 February, 1871
Sale of farm, live stock and leases of sheep in the Caledon-river district. The undersigned has been favored with instructions to sell by auction on Wednesday, 8th March, 1871 at 10 a.m., at the homestead of the undermentioned farm Driefontein,
First: In the estate of the late Edmund BRADFIELD, and surviving spouse Isabella BRADFIELD, born DANIEL, of Cradock. That valuable agricultural and grazing farm Driefontein, no 193, in the district of Caledonriver, immediately adjoining the well known farm Daspoort, at the foot of Paulsmithberg, and on the border of the Bloemfontein district; comprising 2886morgen of first class land suitable for the depasturing of large and small stock; whilst from its proximity to the mountain ranges, and the consequent copious rainfalls, agriculture on an extensive scale may be profitably carried on irrespective of irrigation.
The foregoing property will be sold at a credit extending over two years subject to the conditions of a lease whereof a term less than four years remains unexpired.
In the partnership Estate of the late Edmund BRADFIELD and Edmund Dennis BRADFIELD, in liquidation.
1. 116 well-bred Merino Sheep, 100 valuable Angora Goats, 10 superior Oxen, 20 head of Breeding Cattle.
2. The Reversionary interest in and present rents and profits of a lease of 500 Merino Sheep failing in on 1st January, 1873
3. The Reversionary interest in and present rents and profits of a lease of 200 Merino sheep, failing in on 3rd February, 1872.
4. The Reversionary interest in and present rents and profits of a lease of 100 Merino sheep, failing in immediately, with rents and profits there from accruing from 4th February, 1869.
The foregoing will be sold on approved bills at 5 and 6 months; offering an opportunity for investment to small capitalists to be met with.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. SCANLEN & GILFILLAN, Cradock; Mr. C.S. ORPEN, General Agent, Smithfield; and to the auctioneer.
Henry D. HODGSON, Auctioneer and Appraiser to the Government and Orphan Chamber. Smithfield, 30 January, 1871.
DIED at Boshof, on 30 January, 1871, Captain HOOPER, from Durban, Natal, of Dysentery. Deceased was on his return journey from the Diamond-fields at Pniel to Natal.
DIED at Boshof, on 31st January, 1871, Mr. Charles COLLIER, formerly of King William’s Town. Deceased arrived here a short time ago from the Diamond-fields. Relatives and friends will please communicate with the undersigned.
4th February 1871
DIED at Bloemhof, Transvaal Republic on 22nd January, 1871, of Consumption, Willem A. van den MEER, aged 33 years.
The mother of the deceased takes this opportunity of thanking the kind friends in Bloemhof for the unremitting attention to her son during his last illness.
The death of the Hon. J. BARRY M.L.C., of Capetown, we learn from our Special Correspondent in the Diamond-fields, caused much consternation there. We can well believe it. It will be regarded with sorrow throughout the whole of Africa; and the more so that it comes upon us with such shocking suddenness.
The deceased gentleman was at the time of his death the principal member of one of the oldest, largest, wealthiest, and most important mercantile firms in South Africa, and he, who had filled a seat in the Cape Parliament from the time the Constitution was first introduced, was regarded as the most able financier in it, and his addresses were always listened to with deep respect.
The firm of BARRY & NEPHEWS has an immense [political] as well as commercial interest in the Western Province of the Colony. It has had a vast share of the brandy and wine trade and colonial produce in its hands for years. In the provincial [towns] of the West – from Caledon to Oudtshoorn and Mossel Bay – they have branch establishments of a most extensive character. The firm has opened up more of the Western country for agricultural and trading purposes than any existing firm. They stood the shock of the long droughts which well-nigh swamped some of the districts in which their capital was invested; and the kindness shown by the BARRYs to the suffering agriculturists throughout that trying period has made the name a household word in the West. The late Hon. Joseph BARRY, who died about two years since, was known and regarded as “The Father of Swellenddam” and adjoining districts; and the estimation in which these gentlemen brothers was regarded throughout the West is shown in the fact that they were always returned at the top of the poll when the whole province was polled as one constituency, and we remember that the gentleman whose death we now deplore stood at the last election over his colleagues by over 10,000 votes.
A gentleman occupying such a position as this can be ill-missed in a Colony like the Cape. But Mr. BARRY not only stood high as a merchant and [obscured], but he was also an excellent and exemplary Christian gentleman, generous to his fellow men in need of help, and one of the most energetic supporters of the Capetown Banks and other kindred institutions.
He leaves a large family behind him, and his children will cherish his memory as that of a kind and indulgent father, and the nephews who fill his place will for many years think of the face that they will see no more with unfeigned regret.
The Rev. Francois DAUMAS, passed away into the spirit land, at 10 o’clock on Sunday evening, the 22nd inst., at his residence near the city. The worthy missionary succumbed to the grief at the loss of his station, and the wrongs that were suffered by his people at the hands of two Christian Governments, for which he sought redress and relief in vain. His recent domestic affliction, in the loss of an amiable and highly talented daughter, increased the weight, until nature sank beneath the accumulation of sorrows, we have only now time for this passing remark, - Natal Witness
It is our painful duty this week to record the death of Mr. Charles COLLIER, late of King William’s Town, which sad even occurred at Boshof, in this state, on the 31st ult. Deceased spent several months of the past year in this town, but had left it for a time and rejoining his family in King William’s Town, till a few weeks since, when he once more passed through here for the Diamond-fields, as it now turns out, never more to return. The late Mr. COLLIER was well-known in Capetown, where he was for some years engaged in business, and where he was, it is said, at one time, in easy circumstances till through adverse events and unsuccessful speculations he sustained heavy losses and removed with his family to British Kaffraria there to commence the world anew. Deceased leaves, we hear, a large family of five daughters and three sons. He had, it is thought, almost completed his 56th year. The mortal remains of Mr. COLLIER were interred in the burial ground at Boshof, Mr. George ISRAEL, of that village, having we believe, kindly undertaken to make the necessary arrangements for that purpose, and to see that everything was properly and decently conducted. Mr ISRAEL has further, by public notice expressed his willingness to communicate with relatives and friends on this painful subject –
Capt. HOOPER, late of Natal, who was removed from the Diamond-fields to Boshof at the same time as Mr. COLLIER, in a very weak and enfeebled state from a severe attack of dysentery, died the day previously (30th ultimo), and was likewise buried there.
(From the Diamond News, February 4)
On Tuesday last two melancholy accidents occurred at this Upper and Lower Hebron camps. It appears from information received by us that at the former place a man named BURKE suddenly rose from the sorting table, and in the presence of a great many others, undressed himself, with the exception of his shirt, and plunging into the river, swam down the current for some three hundred yard and suddenly sank. He leaves a wife and large family. At the Upper Camp another man of the name of BROOKS also met his death, while trying in cross the river. Up to the time of our going to press the bodies had not been recovered.
Thursday, 16 February, 1871
The undersigned, thereto duly authorized by Charles Thomas WELSFORD Esq., Trustee in the insolvent estate of Johannes Christiaan KRUGER, of Bankfontein, district of Philippolis, will sell by public auction, on Saturday, 25th February, 1871, at 10 O’clock in the forenoon, in the town of Philippolis. The following movable and immovable property:-
Immovable Property: The well-known farm Bankfontein, situated in the district of Philippolis. One-fourth share in the farm Doornfontein also in the district of Philippolis.
Movable Property:120 Sheep,1 Cart with Harness, Household furniture, &c., &c.
O.C.KAYS, Auctioneer.
Auction Mart,
Fauresmith, 31 January, 1871.
BIRTH at Smithfield, Orange Free State, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr. Richard HARVEY, of a daughter.
The painful news has been received of the death, by drowning, of Mr. W.L. WILLIAMS, one of the gentlemen attached to Capt. FINLAYSON’s party of diamond diggers, who so lately passed through here en route to the Vaal-river. It appears that the wagons were outspanned on the banks of the Orange-river, awaiting their turn to be ponted over. Two of the party – Mr. B – and the deceased – availed themselves of the opportunity to take their morning bath, little thinking it would be the last in which one of them would participate. They were swimming with the stream when Mr. B, who was close to the bank, noticed that his companion was drawing too far into the current, and just as he was in the act of warning him, heard Mr. WILLIAMS cry out that he was fagged. Now, to return up stream was, of course, a sheer impossibility, so Mr. B., with cool judgment, awaited the moment when his friend was being carted by, and dashing into the stream, managed to break its force and reach him, extending his hand, which was at once grasped. We can imagine the joy of the intrepid friends as he called out, “hold on, old fellow, and I’ll swim you to the land.” But alas! This was not to be, for after a few strokes poor WILLIAMS let go, and crying out, “Oh! B.,” immediately sank. Mr. B. promptly dived, but of course the discoloured waters prevented his doing more than feeling; still however, he actually grasped the drowning man’s hair, and perhaps all might even then have been well, had not the cruel stream wrenched it from his unwilling hand, and Mr. WILLIAMS was seen no more. Perhaps the most painful part of the whole story is the fact that the deceased’s brother was an eye-witness of the sad tragedy, being on the bank of the river the whole time. He gave an alarm as soon as he perceived the danger, and Capt. FINLAYSON was immediately on the spot, but only in time to rescue the exhausted form of Mr. B., who had difficulty reaching the land. Our informant is most trustworthy, and was with Capt., FINLAYSON at the time. Every effort was being made to recover the body, the authorities were on the alert; and a large reward was offered. Mr. WILLIAMS was, we believe a native of Conway, North Wales, but had resided at Liverpool – Representative.
DIED at Tempe, near Bloemfontein, on the night of the 14th inst., Henry Bain, third son of the late Joseph ALLISON, Esq., aged 15 years and 5 months.
Thursday, 23 February, 1871
In den boedel van John VAUGHAN de ondergeteekende zal op Zaturdag, 25sten February, 1871, des voormiddags ten 10 ure, voor het landdrostkantoor te Philippolis, aan de meestbiedenden publiek verkoopen:-
De plaats Tweefontein, gelegen in het district Philippolis, in de wyk Dwarsrivier, gelegen tusschen de plaatsen Allemandrift van der heer John NORVAL, en Tweefontein van der heer Adriaan RIENAAR, groot volgens inspectie rapport p.m. 600 morgen.
Die stuk grond is eene extra winterplaats voor vee, heft veel hout, en is gelegen aan Groot-of Oranjeivier, terwyl de oover van gemelde rivier overal een goede zulping aanbiedt. Zonder Reserve te worden verkocht op ruim Crediet.
C.J. VELS, Afslager
C.T. WELSFORD, Executeur Datief.
BIRTH at Thaba ‘Nchu, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. A. CHRIST, of a son.
Thursday, 2 March, 1871
BIRTH at Smithfield, on 23 February, 1871, Mrs. C.S. ORPEN, of a son
MARRIED At Winburg, on the 27th February, 1871, by J.W. LOTZ, Esq., Landdrost of Winburg, Mr. D.J. de VILLIERS to Miss L.E.ROUX.
MARRIED at Wepener, 15th February, by the Rev. John DANIEL, Edward Charles TURVEY, Esq. of Queenstown, to Alicia Maria HARRISON, second daughter of George BISSET, Esq. of Bismark, Orange Free State.
BIRTH at Thaba ‘Nchu, on the 24th February, the wife of the Rev. James SCOTT, of a daughter.
Een der jongelingen van artillerie, genaamd STAPELBERG, had verledene week, juist toen wij ter perse gingen, het ongeluk om zijnen regter arm te verliezen door het te vroeg afgaan van het kanon, waaruit een saluut werd gevuurd ter eere van den Onafhankelijsdag, terwijl hij het zelve laadde. STAPELBERG is de zoon van eenen Kroonstadschen boer. Dan jongen die het zundgat bediende vloog zijne duim weg. Dit is de verjaarsdag van een dergelijk ongeluk aan David ROSE, dat in 1864 gebeurde.
DIED on the 18th February, 1871, at Klipdrift, Mrs. Hannah Mary RESTON, of Bloemfontein, at the age of [31] years. Relatives and friends will please accept this notice.
Intelligence (last week) reached this from Klipdrift of the death of Mrs. H.M. RESTON, wife of George RESTON, painter, formerly of this town. Mrs. RESTON only left this about two or three months since. All that attention and skillful medial treatment could do for her was done, but without avail. Mrs. RESTON was a niece of Mr. C. HOLLIDAY, of Fort Beauufort;-
Mr. BRENNAN, an old pensioner from the army, likewise from Fort Beaufort, has died of dysentery at Robinson’s diggings, opposite Hebron, and was buried there some 80 diggers attending the funeral.
The two lads, who, as last week recorded, met with the sad accident in firing the salute in honor of “Independence Day” (23rd February), are, we are glad to hear, progressing favorable. The one, STAPELBERG, has lost his hand and arm – a little below the elbow, the other, BREMNER, his thumb. The amputation was skillfully performed on the same day by Dr. KELLNER, assisted by Dr. KRAUSE. The doctor had just got out and settled himself down to the “Monster Picnic” at Tempe, when an express messenger had to be sent after him, but happily little time was lost.
Thursday, 9 March, 1871
MARRIED on the 21st February, at Pretoria, Transvaal Republic, by the Rev. W. RICHARDSON, curate of St. Mary’s Potchefstroom, the Rev. J. Harris WILLS, curate of St Alban’s Pretoria, to Sophia, eldest daughter of Charles J. BECKER, Esq.
Thursday, 16 March, 1871
De heer George PAKENHAM zoon van wijlen de heer C.W. PAKENHAM, van Port-Elizabeth, veloor ongelukkiglijk zijn leven in den nacht van den 19den Februaryij, door in den donker van eene krantz van 35 voet hoop de vallen, op den Platberg, en aldus zijn nek te breken, met zekeren heer GRIFFITHS van Ladybrand terug komende langs eenen korteren weg, in de rigting van “De Hoop”, eene plaats door het Gouvernement verleend aan den heer Richard CLARK, aan den voe van Platberg. Verdere bijzonderheden zullen later worden vermeld.
Thursday, 23 March, 1871
MARRIED at Bensonvale, Native Reserve, by the father of the bride, George Alexander, eldest son of R. FINLAY, Esq., to Henrietta Marion, oldest daughter of the Rev. J.T. DANIEL. Oliphantsheen, 15 March, 1871
MARRIED at Richmond, Cape Colony, on the 9th March, 1871, by Special Licence by the Rev. KOTZE, Mr. W.H. FRICKE, of Philippolis, O.F.S., to Miss J.A.H. MEM – No Cards
Thursday, 30 March, 1871
In den boedel van wijlen Philippus Johannes RAATH.
De ondergetekeende behoorlyk daartoe geauthoriseerd zynde, zl by publieke veiling verkoopen voor zyn kantoor, op Zaturdag den 20sten Aril ek., om 3 ure p.m. De plaats Blaauwblommetjes Kloof, no. 452, volgens Landcommissie Rapport, groot omtrent 3000 morgen, gelegen aan de afloopen naar Liebenbergsvallei, district Harrismith.
Termen zeer gunstig.
Robert MacFARLANE, Vendu-Afslager.
Harrismith, 21 Maart, 1871
DIED on the night of the 29th March, 1871 Caroline Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Mr. Joseph ALLISON, of Tempe, near Bloemfontein, aged 18 years, 1 month, and 18days.
Mrs. Joseph ALLISON takes this opportunity of expressing her thanks to the many friends who evinced so much kindness during the illness of the late Miss C.E. ALLISON.
The funeral will proceed from Mrs. Joseph ALLISON’s dwelling in St Andrew’s Street here at 5 o’clock this afternoon. Friends are kindly invited to attend.
30 March, 1871
A correspondent under date 27th inst., send us the following: “I am sorry to have to report a sad accident which has just terminated fatally. On the 15th there was a sale at the farm Franskraal, distant from town about an hour’s ride. Several lads from town rode out to the sale of exercise, and on returning some racing commenced. Among the boys was Charles CASTRAY, a lad of about 17 years old, son of Mr. C.C. CASTRAY, who joined in the racing. His girths became loose, and on pulling up his horse the saddle turned, precipitating him to the ground with such violence that he lay for some time stunned. He was removed to town in Mr. HARVEY’s spider and had every assistance that medial men and the attention of parents could give, but after lingering in an unconscious state he at last (yesterday evening) succumbed to the concussion on the brain”
DIED at Smithfield on the evening of Sunday, the 26 March, 1871, in consequence of a fall from his horse, Charles William CASTRAY, only and beloved son of the undersigned, in the youthful age of 17 years, 10 months, and five days.
We hereby beg to tender our sincere thanks to the Revds BATT and ROUX, also doctors LAUTE, BORIJS and KREINGZIESSA, and all numerous friends for their kindness shown to deceased boy during the 18 days he lingered after the accident.
Smithfield, 27 March, 1871
In den boedel van wylen Catherina Elizabeth Getruida MEYER geboren FOURIE
Nabestaanden, en alle erfgenamen van wijlen Catherina Elizabeth Gertruida FOURIE, nageblevene weduwee van Lukas Johannes MEYER, en vroeer gehuwd met Frans ROBBERTSE overleden, die op den 30st n November, 1870, overleed, op de plaats Valschvleij, afdeeling van Newcastle, Natal, worden hierbij opgeroepen zich bekend te maken aan den ondergeteekende te zijnen woonplaatse Tafelkop, district Utrecht, Z.A. Republiek, binnen drie maanden van dezen datum, ten einde hem, den ondergeteekende, in staat te stellen bovenvoormelden boedel te liquideren. En alle personen aan gezegden daartegen hebbende worden hierbij verzocht hunne schulden te betalen aan, of hunne verderingen tegen den boedel inteleveren ook binnen drie maanden van heden, ten woonplaatse van den ondergeteekende voormeld.
T.J. MEYER, Executeur Testamentair.
Tafelkop, Utrecht, 22 Februarij, 1871.
Thursday, 6 April, 1871
BIRTH at Potchefstroom, on 23rd March, Mrs. Ben RICHARDSON, of a daughter
Thursday, 13 April, 1871
MARRIED at the farm Idmitskop, district of Hopetown, on the 30th March, 1871, by the Rev. G. NIEKERK, Mr. A. R. RADLOFF to Miss E.R. WRIGHT- No Cards.
Thursday, 20 April, 1871
DIED, yesterday morning, Wednesday, the 18th inst., in Bloemfontein, Rose ARROWSMITH, widow, aged about 70.
The kindness of those who contributed to her support in Bloemfontein, and to the expense of her funeral, is thankfully acknowledged.
Should this notice meet the eye of the son of the deceased, to whom two letters have lately been written, without success, he is requested to communicate with the Rev. D.G. CROGMAN, Bloemfontein, who will give him all the information he may require of his mother’s illness and death; and will send him all letters and papers found with her.
Thursday, 27 April, 1871
In den boedel van wylen Nicolaas Francois PRETORIUS, en nageletene weduwe Johanna Margaretha van NIEKERK.
De ondergeteekende behoorlyk daartoe gemagtigd zynde, zal op Dinsdag, 16 Mei a.s., publiek aan den meestbiedende en zonder reserve verkoopen:-
1sten - De uitmuntende en voorname veeplats De Dam, No.72, groot 3260 morgen volgens schete, wyk Onderietrivier, in dit district gelegen. Natuurlyk een leder kan begrypen dat deze plaats nimmer zou worden opgeveild het vermeden kos worden, maar dar de boedel geliquideerd plaatsen zyn de Diamunt Delveryen, en twyfelt de ondergeteekenden niet of er zyn ook Diamanten op deze plaats. De tegenwoordige bewoners leefden zoo goed van de opbrengsten van deze voorname plaats, dat net wouens tot het soeken naar edelgesteenten te bewogen. Op deze fraye plaats staat een groot en gerieflyk woonhuis (het begeerte van de buren); benevens dammen, de grootste in den omtrek.
1400 beste fijne Merino wolschapen (meer of min), Een aantal Beesten van de beste ras, 15 goedgesteelde paarden, Benevens Huisraad, Landgoed, en een groot hoeveelheid andere dingente veel om nu te specificeren, maar die de moete waard zyn om gezien te worden.
Komt dus - een kansals deze gebeurt slechts eenmaal in een leeftyd. De verkooping zal precies om 10 ure in den voormiiddag op voormelden datum beginnen.
Terme Zeer Gunstig
H. REINACH, Vendu Afslager.
Jacobsdal, 15 April, 1871.
In den boedel van wylen Charles CLARKE. Alle degenem die its te vorderen hebben van af verschuldigd zyn in bovengemelden boedel worden verzocht hunne vorderingen in te leveren, of het door hen ver schuldigde te betalen binnen twee maanden van af heden ten kantore van den ondergeteekende te Smithfield.
C.S. ORPEN, Executeur Datief.
Smithfield, 20 April, 1871
Thursday, 04 May, 1871
BIRTH at Ladybrand, Conquered Territory, on the 22nd of April, 1871, the wife of Mr. J.W. SPRUIJT of a son.
Thursday, 11 May, 1871
Any information respecting two young men of the above names, who came to Natal from Aberdeen, Scotland, in or about the year 1860, would be thankfully received by the Rev. James SCOTT, Bloemfontein, with whom their anxious relatives have communicated.
BIRTH on May 3rd, at Douglas Street, Bloemfontein, the wife of Mr. C. PAVEY of a daughter.
DIED at Bloemfontein, of consumption, on Monday, 8th inst., Mr. James SCOTT, a native of Perthshire, Scotland, aged 28 years.
In den ouderdomvan 1 jaar en vyf maanden, Cornelia Magaretha, dochter van Cornelius en Antonette Dorothea FLOOKE.
Vrienden gelieve nozer dank te ontvangen voor hulp gedurig der siekte van onze geliefde overledene dochter.
Corunna, Veroverdn Grondgebied, 28 April, 1871
Thursday, 18 May, 1871
In den boedel van wylen Mina STRECKER, weduwe van Alexander STRECKER, overladen te Kafferstad, district Harrismith
De ondergetekeekende, behoorlyk gemaagtdzynde, zal voor publiek voor zijn kantoor verkoopen, op Zaturdag, den 1sten Julij aanstaande, ten 12ure dez middags, de volgende goederen, te veton:- Bed en beddegoed, Messene n Forken, Vrouw en Man’s klenderen, Aardewerk, potten
En diverse kostbare artikelen te veel om te melden, die ten dags der verkooping zullen worden te voorschyn gebragt.
Robert MacFARLANE, Vendu Afslager.
Harrismith, 12 Mei, 1871.
We regret to record a very sad accident which lately took place at Marico, resulting in the death of Mr. Hans J. WESSELS. It appears that he went out hunting large game on the 22nd of April, in company with Mr. O. OOSTHUIZEN, in the neighbourhood of Pampoenkuil, on the Marico river. While chasing a buck a stirrup leather broke. The unfortunate man fell from his horse: both barrels of his gun were discharged, and both bullets passed through his body, causing almost immediate death. He was buried at Pampoenkuil on the 23rd. Deceased leaves a widow and five children. He was a son of Mr. Jan WESSELS of the Free State, and son-in-law of Mr. Jurie WESSELS of Mooi River. We understand that the greater part of his family connections are residents in the Free State. – Transvaal Advertiser.
In the estate of the late Hermanus Jacobus BESTER,
The undersigned duly authorized thereto will sell by public auction in front of his office, on Saturday, 1st July next at 12 o’clock noon, the farm No. 816, Langverwacht, in extent, according to Land Commission 2000 morgen, situated in the ward Wittebergen, district Harrismith.
Terms Easy
Robert Mac FARLANE, Auctioneer.
Harrismith, 29th April, 1871.
Thursday, 25 May, 1871
The undersigned duly authorized thereto, by the executor Testamentary in the estate of the late Mr. J.J. van RENSBURG, will on Friday, the 2nd June, 1871, on the farm Ospoort, situated in the ward Dwars-river, district Philippolis, sell by public auction to the highest bidder, one third share in that superior grazing and agricultural farm, known as Ospoort, in the ward of Dwars-river, district Philippolis, in extent about 2000 morgen.
Further: 20 hamels; four cows; one horse; furniture, and what further may on the day of sale be brought forward belonging to the estate.
Credit will be given.
VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers.
Bloemfontein, 23 May, 1871
Thursday, 01 June, 1871
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Boshof, on the 23rd May, 1871, Edith Caroline, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, at the tender age of seven months and fourteen days.
MARRIED on 24th May, in St Andrew’s Cathedral, Bloemfontein, by the Rev. D.G. CROGHAN, B.A., George Eugene, third son of the Rev. R Money CHATFIELD, Rector of Woodford, Salisbury, England, to Francis Ann, eldest daughter of George PAGE, Bloemfontein.
MARRIED at Trinity Church, K.W.Town, by special licence, on the 18th April, 1871, by the Rev. J.J. ROWE, Military Chaplain, Charles James EGAN B.A., F.R.C.S.E., to Anne Maria, eldest daughter of the late Charles COLLIER, Esq., K.W. Town
De ondergeteekende gessumeerd executeur in den boedel van wylen Heer Schalk Willem MEINTJES, sal op Woensdag, 12 July, 1871 in het openbaar doen verkoopen op de plaats Zwavelfontein, aan Vetrivier, district Winburg:-
1st De algemeen bekende uitmuntende vee- en Zaaiplaats, Zwavelfontein, No. 268. Groot volgens landmeterskaart 7573 morgen, byzonder goed gelegen, en voor alle soorten vee uiterst geschikt, volop voorsien van water en hout, loopende Vetrivier midden door dezelve, alsmede eene standhoudende fontein; 2 groote dammen; wyngaard, vruchtboomen. benevens een hecht sterk woonhuis, niewilings gebouwd wagenhuis, en verdure buitengebouwen, paardenmolen in complete order, kralon, ens., in een word, de beste plaats van het district Winburg.
2d. De eerste klasse vee-en zaaiplaats Prynn’s-berg, No., 359, groot volgens inspectie-rapport 1550 morgen, gelegen in het veldcornetschap Ficksburg. Vereverd grondgebied ruim voorsien van standhoudende fonteinen, met huis, kralen, ens.,ens., zynde de tweede beste van het district.
3d. Vee, bestaande in ruim 500 beesten waaronder verscheidene spannen geleerde ossen, 2000 Merino Schapen, hamels en ooijen, 50 Bokkes, 8 Paarden, 1 Ezelbengst
4d. Wagens en gereedschappen Een complete bokwagen, een tentwagen, een paardewagen op veeren, eenopen kar, tuigen, ploeg, graven, bijlen, geweren, zadels, slagijzer, schrijnwerkers- en smids gereedschap, en hetgeen verder tot eene complete boarderij behoort,
5d. Huisraad. Tafels, stoelen, bedden, kisten, kasten, huisklok, Spiegel, handkoormelen, pepermolen, zeeppotten, karn, en verder keuken gereedschap. En al het geen verder op den dag van verkooping zal worden voorgebragt.
Crediet ruim. Ververschingen zullen worden verschaft. Voor verdure byzonderhedeen vervoege men zich by den vendu afslager, C. BREDELL, of by den ondergeteekende.
A.P.G. GOOSSENS, [Genssd.] Executeur.
Winburg, 27 Mei, 1871.
C. BREDELL, Vendu Afslager.
Thursday, 08 June, 1871
In the estate of the late A.J. FRASER on Saturday, the 22nd July, 1871, at 12 o’clock in the forenoon, will be sold to the highest bidder on the public market at Bloemfontein, the following erven situated in the town of Bloemfontein:-
Erf No. 5 Gordon-street, Erf No.5, Maitland-street, Erf No 4, West Burgher-street,
Erf No 5, West Burgher-street
Terms Liberal
Thos. PALMER, Executor Dative.
Bloemfontein, 3 June, 1871
Thursday, 15 June, 1871
DIED of fever, at Inyack Island, Delagoa Bay, on May 1st, 1871 Mr Alexander Mc CORKINDALE, of New Scotland, aged 52 years.
DIED at Bloemfontein, on 11th inst., David, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I. BAUMANN, aged 1 year and 4 months, deeply regretted by his fond parents. Mr. and Mrs. BAUMANN desire to express their gratitude for the extreme kindness and sympathy shown to them by so many during the illness and at the death of their darling child.
BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 15th inst., Mrs. J.N. BOSHOF, of a son.
Thursday, 22 June, 1871
In den insolventen boedel van Henry HARVEY van Philippolis van eigendommen. De ondergeteekende heeft instruction ontvangen van den WelEd. Heer George CRUICKSHANK, eenige curator in bovenstelden boedel, om volgende eigendommen by publieke veiling te verkoopen op Woensdag, 12den Julij, 1871, verkooping te worden gehouden op den stoep van het landdrost kantoor te Philippolis, te weten:
1. De plaats Paljasfontein, naby Philippolis, 4531 morgen groot, met groot winkel onder yzer dak geriefelyk woonhuis, wagen huis, wol schuur, stale n buitengebouwen. Dezeplaats is zoogoed bekend als eene handels static en eerste klas bezigheide plaats dat eenige verdure byzonderheden onnoodig zijn.
2. De plaats Kuilfontein, ‘B’ naby Philippolis, omstreeks 1100 morgen groot, gelegen aan den grooten weg van Philippolis naar Smithfields. Deze plaats is klein, Maar niet te min goed, waarvan het feit, dat het vee der aangrenzende-boeren aanhoudend op dezelve overloopen, een bewys is.
3. De plaats van Aswegenspoort, naby Philippolis, insluitende “Letthe” groot 6887 morgen, met groot woonhuis en buiten-gebouwen, dammen en groote bouwlanden. Deze plaats is gedurende vele jaren bewoond geweent door Edward HARVEY en is algemeen bekend al seen hoogst wenschelyk eigendom.
4. De plaats Kraalfontein, naby Philippolis, 3033 morgen, met woonhuis, dammen en bouwland, een goede plaats die met weining arbeid grootelyke konde verbeterd worden.
5. De plaats Dwaarsrivier, naby Philippolis, 5801 morgen groot- met woonhuis. Dit is ongetwyfeld de uitgezochste veeplaats in den omstrek.
6. De plaats Krielsfontein, naby Philippolis, 3132 morgen groot, deze plaats word vroeger bewoond door Barend VOSTER die een groot woonhuis bouwde, eenige groote dammen maakte en groot zaailanden omuurde, de opbrengst waarvan, indien behoorlykbewerkt, spoedig de koopsom behoort te betalen.
7. De plaats Houthaalberg, grenzende aan de gemeente gronden van Philippolis, omtrent 8000 morgen groot. Deze plaats word bewoond door Edward Geo. Wm. HARVEY, die een groot woonhuis er op bouwde, en kan verdeeld worden in twee afsonderlyke plaatsen, naar de verkiezing der koopers, die ook deelen kunnen verkrygen der andere nu geadverteerde plaatzen die er aan grenzen zoo dat de deelen die zy wensschen te hebben in grootte kunnen vernmeerderd worden.
8. De plaats Twello, district Fauresmith, omtrent 8000 morgen groot, gelegen tusschen de plaatzsn Roodepan Wolvekraal, Luiperskop en Boschjespan.
9. De volgende Zeven plaatsen in de wyk Kliprivier district Harrismith, alle aan elkande grenzende, en groot van 2500 tot 3000 morgen:-
10. Kalkspruit,
11. Kalverpruit,
12. Sugarloaf
13. Sweet Valley
14. Beginsel
15. Grootspruit
16. Wildealspoort
Dit zyn fraaye eigendommen enkele waarvan aan Wilgerivier komen en bieden eene gun stige gelegenheid aan voor iemand die begint te boeren met een middelmatig kapitaal. De volgende drie plaatsen in het district Kroonstad, wyk Ondervalschrivier:-
17. Victoriaspruit, 18. Kafferfontein, 19. Geluksfontein,
20. De Prachtige woonhuis, door den Insolvente bewoont, voorzien met alle gemakken en gerieven, met fraaye buiengebouwen en heerlyken tuin zynde op water erven 7,8,9 en 10 Kerkstraat, Philippolis.
Alle de eigendommen in het dorp Philippolis die in den boedel zyn, bestaande uit talryke huizen en erven, die reeds geadverteend zyn. Vele van deze huizen zonden gerieflyke woonhuizen zyn voor boeren die her dorp bezoeken.
De ondergetekeekende is ook gelaat door den heer George CRUICKSHANK, eenige curator in den insolventen boedel van Franz van GRANNOW, om terzelfder ty den plaatse als boven vermeld te verkoopen.
Drooge erven no 25 & 26, Kerkstraat, met gebouwen daarop, na gebezigd al seen pakhuis en woonhuis door den heer James ROBERTSON
Termen van crediet, die liberal zullen zyn zullen worden bekend gemaakt op den dag der verkooping.
W.A. DICKSON, Vendumeester, Gouvernements Taxateur van de Weeskamer.
Philippolis, 13 Juny, 1871
In den insolvente boedel van John KELLY,
De ondegeteekende is gegunstigd mat instuctien van den WelEd. Heer G.C.A. JONAS, curator in bovengemelden boedel, om in het openbaar te Smithfield aan te bieden, op den 8sten Julij, te 11 ure’s morgens, het volgende vrye landeigendom gelegen in bovengemeld opkomend dorp ;-
Een gemakkelijk en hecht woonhuis, onder gegalvanizeerd ijzeren dak en planken zolderingen, te zamen met de belendende buitengebouwen en stallingen.
De bovengenoemende woning is aangenaam gelegen met het front naar het Juanaplein, en seer gemukkelijk, hetziij, voor eene private wening of voor.
Bank of Hotel gebouwen, het huis bevat 2 ruime voorkamers elk van 16 voet X 18voet, gescheiden door eenen gang van 6 voet, eetkamer 18 X 16 voet, 3, een groote en twee kleinere slaapkamers, huis-houdkamer (of binnenkeuken) en provisiekamer. De buitegebouwen, bestaan uit keuken, 2 slaapkamers, voer-entuigkamers, (ook geschikt als slaapkamers) en een grooten stal of pakhuis.
Het voornoemde eigendom is oprigt op onderafdeeling 1 van deel A. van het stuk bekend als “De Poort” minder dan eene halve minunt loopens van de publiek kantore, en zal (in een geheel) worden aangeboden met onderafdeelingen (sub) 2,7,8,en 9, volgens nevensgaande afbeelding alzoo een front gevende naar het Juanaplein, van 180 by eene bereedte van 250 voet, en het voordeel aanbiedende van schteren zijlngangen in twee openbare straten.
Henry D, HODGSON, Vendumeester, Gouvernemts Taxateur van Weeskamer.
Smithfield, 9 Junij, 1871
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Harrismith, on the evening of the 7th June, 1871, Mr. Alfred William ALLISON, at the age of 26 years and one month, son of Mr. John ALLISON, of Capetown, and nephew of the Rev. James CAMERON, Wesleyan Minister, at Pietermaritzburg, and the late Joseph ALLISON, Esq. Government Secretary, O.F. State. Deceased died from gradual decline apparently caused by blows on his head, in December last, leaving a young widow to deplore her loss.
DIED at Bloemfontein, of consumption, on 25th inst., Mr. George MacKINTOSH, late of Natal, born in the parish Auldean, country of Nairnshire, Scotland, aged 51 years.
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