South Africa 1920 1 January - March
3 January 1920
BARNATO—On December 3, at Scarsdale, New York, U.S.A., to Mr. and Mrs. Woolf BARNATO, of “Kingsmead,” Elsworthy Road, N.W. 3, a daughter.
BAYLIS—On November 12, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. C. BAYLIS, a son.
BENNEE—On December 15, at Durban, to Dr. and Mrs. A. J. BENNEE, a son.
BOWIE—On November 18, at Springs, Transvaal, the wife of John Simpson BOWIE, architect, a son.
BYRON—On December 17, at Malvern, Natal, the wife of Captain Lewis BYRON, M.P.C., a daughter.
CLEWLOW—On November 15, at Bloemfontein, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. CLEWLOW, a daughter.
EVANS—On November 22, at Cape Town, the wife of C. F. EVANS, a daughter.
EWING—On November 19, at Brakpan Power Station, to Mr. and Mrs. Loftus EWING, a daughter.
GIBBONS—On December 23rd, at Kensington, the wife of Captain C. C. GIBBONS (grandson of the late John HAYTON, Esq., of Grahamstown), of a daughter.
HUNTLEY—On November 14, at Malvern, to Mr. and Mrs. H. B. HUNTLEY, a son.
WATSON—On November 21, at Walvis Bay, to Mr. and Mrs. Willie WATSON, a daughter.
WILSON—On December 6, at Morogoro, the wife of J. J. Vernon WILSON, District Political Officer, Morogoro, East Africa, a son.
BECK-BECK—On November 18, at Tulbagh, Captain Frank BECK, R.E., A.M.I.C.E., of Bloemfontein, to Joan, daughter of the late Hon. Sir Meiring BECK and Lady BECK.
FAURE-FOSTER—On December 1, at Wynberg, James John FAURE to Winifred FOSTER.
THEUNISSEN-HANBURY-KING—On November 4, at Durban, Leonard Bernard THEUNNISEN to Marjorie Ellen HANBURY-KING.
WALDOCK-SCOTT—On December 2, at Cape Town, Charles WALDOCK to Ruby SCOTT.
BALL—On December 1, at Wynberg, Eliza, widow of Captain W. BALL, in her 96th year.
BARNATO—On December 11, at Scarsdale, New York, U.S.A., Jacqueline, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woolf BARNATO, of London, England, aged 8 days.
FIFE—On December 20, John FIFE, Master Mariner, of Bermondsey, aged 73.
GALLETLY—On November 13, at Durban, Agnes, widow of David GALLETLY.
HALLOWELL—On November 19, at Nigel, Thomas HALLOWELL, aged 36.
HAZELL—On December 1, at Mossel Bay, Dr. Frederick HAZELL, in his 60th year.
JACKSON, Robert (Bobbie)—On December 27th, at Bournemouth, aged 58. African papers, please copy.
MUIR—On November 17, at Burnside, Natal, David MUIR, aged 48.
NIMMO—On November 12, at Nairobi, Stuart Milne, wife of Johnston NIMMO.
CALLAGHAN—On December 1, at the International Hotel, Cape Town, William Thomas O’CALLAGHAN, in his 75th year.
STANSELL—On November 15, at Greenwood Park, John Henry STANSELL, aged 56.
THORSEN—On November 16, at Durban, Ellen, wife of Wilfrid THORSEN, aged 21.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
“SOUTH AFRICA,” twenty-five years ago - Jan. 5, 1895
Mr. Rhodes made a P.C.
Kruger’s speech on Swaziland.
The Wilson Memorial at Fochabers.
Captain Oats’s address at St. Just.
A peep at the Purple Islands, No. 111.
Mr. Selous on South African big game.
Mr. A. L. Lawley on the Beira Railway.
The Transvaal Mortgage Company, Limited.
Sketch and portrait of Mr. John Noble, C.M.G.
No. 11 of the Rand Record, a supplement to South Africa.
Mr. Rhodes has been presented to the Sultan of Turkey.
Prospectus of the South-West Africa Company, Limited.
What Mr. D. J. Pullinger said about the Buffelsdoorn Company.
“Prince Cetewayo” fined 5s. for being drunk and disorderly in Manchester.
Plan of the property of the African Gold Concessions and Development Company, Limited.
With reference to a recent announcement regarding a proposed representative organization in South Africa to look after the interests of United Kingdom manufacturers, and to bring their representatives together. H. M. Senior Trade Commissioner in South Africa, Mr. W. G. Wickham, has cabled that the Association has now been formed. The subscription is two guineas, and United Kingdom manufacturers interested should instruct their South African representatives to make application for membership to Mr. Wickham (P. O. Box 839, Johannesburg).
The wife of Mr. D. J. Dippenaar, of Overberg, in the Graaff-Reinet district, recently gave birth to three boys and one girl. The quadruplets were reported to be all fine children and doing well.
The death took place at Pretoria recently of Mr. James O’Reilly, in his 65th year. Mr. O’Reilly carried on business in Graaff-Reinet for many years, and arrived in Pretoria four years ago. Major T. L. O’Reilly, O.B.E., who died from pneumonic influenza in Cape Town, was his eldest son.
Mr. C. Forrest RIGG, J.P., of Bonnie Vale, is reported to have sold to a South African company property a million or more acres in extent on the north bank of the Orange River, in the South-West Protectorate, which he acquired from a British company during his visit to England shortly before the war.
It was recently reported to the police at Wessel’s Nek that a native girl had been buried without the necessary report of her death having first been made. The body was exhumed, and a post mortem held by the District Surgeon, who reported that in his opinion the deceased girl had been flogged so severely that she had died from injuries inflicted.
The “short statement” submitted by Mr. Dickinson, the General Manager of De Beers, to the Low-Grade Mines Commission at Johannesburg, is to hand by the mail, and throws interesting light upon labour conditions at the Great Kimberley diamond mine, where it is clear, the native finds himself very comfortably circumstanced. There is no legal bar in the Cape Province; but the relative spheres of employment of Whites and natives in De BEERS mines do not differ from those obtaining in the mines on the Rand. The White employee carries out all the duties of the White underground worker—just as in the Transvaal—while the native worker does all the manual labour and carries no responsibility regarding the safety of the operations. The Company has only two recruiting agents—one in Bechuanaland on a salaried basis, and one in Basutoland, on a capitation basis. About 60 per cent of the natives employed come voluntarily to the mine. It is usual for the boys to sign agreements either for four or six months’ service, the latter agreement carrying better conditions. Generally speaking the supply of natives is adequate—at present 11,000 natives are employed which is slightly under the normal The close compound system prevails for the purpose of coping with the illicit diamond traffic. The Company does not feed its boys, and the average earning is 3s. 5d. a shift, but some boys receive as much as 6s 6d. or 7s. 6d. per shift. All work is done under White supervision. Though there is no legal colour bar there has grown up a practical colour bar, and there is no likelihood of there being any attempt to infringe on the White man’s sphere.
Mr. Dickinson could offer no explanation as to why, while in the Transvaal there was a legal colour bar and the natives agitated for its removal, there was no agitation in Kimberley for the removal of the effective colour bar. The mine, said Mr. Dickinson, was in a comfortable position. It did not compare with a low-grade mine, and the question of profit was really one of sales. He could not contemplate the day when such a position as was occupied by a low-grade mine would hold good at Kimberley. Under the closed compound system goods were being sold to the natives at pre-war rates, while rates in other stores had increased largely. The mine spent from £12,000 to £15,000 annually in bonuses to natives who found diamonds, and that was a great attraction to natives to work at the mine. The natives in Kimberley had not asked for a higher status, nor had there been a demand by them to do semi-skilled work. The average pay in Kimberley was higher than on the Rand. For the time of their contract the natives were always in mining areas; the boys on the Rand obviously had more freedom. A 46-hour week is in operation, on the face to face principle.
The death has occurred of Mr. F. Z. S. PEREGRINO, a well-known member of the coloured community, in whose interests he conducted a weekly paper, The Spectator.
Dr. Arnold, formerly Medical Officer of Health for the Union, has purchased the farm in the Mara district, on the borders of Rhodesia of Colonel FERREIRA, C.M.G., who has bought a smaller farm adjoining his old homestead.
Dr. David Melville, M.D., M.C.H, who died at the Boksburg Hospital at the age of 38 years, succeeded the late Dr. Miller, taking charge of the E.R.P.M. Native Hospital in 1918. Dr. Melville had served in East Africa with the South African Medical Corps, and there contracted malaria. In December last deceased was admitted to the Boksburg Hospital suffering from a form of paralysis, from which he never recovered.
10 January 1920
BALLANTINE—On December 22, at Wynberg, to Dr. and Mrs. A. J. BALLANTINE, a daughter.
COWLEY—On December 18, at Johannesburg, the wife of A. Stuart COWLEY, a daughter.
CRACKNELL—On November 13, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. CRACKNELL, a daughter.
DE VILLIERS—On November 29, at Plumstead, the wife of A. I. DE VILLIERS, a son.
DOIG—On November 28, at Florida, Transvaal, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. DOIG, a son.
DOWNES—On November 19, at Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, the wife of Captain R. E. DOWNES, a daughter.
KERR—On December 25, at the South African Native College, Fort Hare, Cape Province, the wife of Principal Alexander KERR, M.A., a son.
KNOTT—On November 30, to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. KNOTT, of Milner Station, a son.
LEVY—On November 20, at Hillbrow, to Mr. and Mrs. I. LEVY, a son.
SALZMANN—On New Year’s Day, in a nursing home in London, to Alfreda Maria, widow of F. W. SALZMANN, of Bloemfontein, the gift of a son.
SCOTT—On November 27, at Brakpan, the wife of Dr. Wilkie SCOTT, a daughter (stillborn).
SMART—On December 16, at Cape Town, to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. SMART, a daughter.
WATTS—On December 1, at Observatory, to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. WATTS, a son (stillborn).
COLMAN BROWN-KEAY—On November 13, at Kisumu, B.E.A., Edward COLMAN BROWN to Annie Fletcher Catherine KEAY.
CUNLIFFE-COLDSTREAM—On November 15, at Bangalore, Kenneth Vivian, R.E., son of W. G. CUNLIFFE, Johannesburg, to Margaret Anson COLDSTREAM.
JOSEPH-OZROVECH—On November 23, at Johannesburg, Abraham JOSEPH to Rose OZROVECH,
RICHES-ROBINSON—On November 4, at Ladysmith, George RICHES to Kathleen ROBINSON.
SMITH-MURISON—On December 2, J. N. SMITH, of Vredenburg, to Helen, widow of L. B. MURISON, of Rondebosch.
YOUNGHUSBAND-PAULING—On the 31st December, 1919, at St. Michael’s Church, Abergavenny, Lieutenant Frank Robert YOUNGHUSBAND, Royal Navy, only son of the late Captain Frank Campbell YOUNGHUSBAND and Mrs. YOUNGHUSBAND, of 15, Onslow Gardens, S.W., to Violet, only daughter of the late Henry Clarke PAULING and of Mrs. Hill KELLY, Llanfoist House, Abergavenny.
CHISHOLM—On December 2, at Mowbray, Jean CHISHOLM, aged 43.
COOPER—On November 30, at Muizenberg, Bessie, widow of Edward COOPER.
DAVIES—On December 2, at Cape Town, Joseph John DAVIES, aged 45.
JONES—On December 1, at Cape Town, Mary Anne JONES, in her 85th year.
PARKER—On December 1, Mrs. M. S. PARKER, recently of Beaufort West.
SMITH—On November 29, at Wynberg, Andrew SMITH, aged 64.
VAY—On November 27, at Cape Town, Joseph VAY, aged 45.
WENTZELL—On December 1, at Woodstock, Sophia Louisa WENTZELL, aged 69.
WINDRUM—On November 30, at Wynberg, James Alexander WINDRUM, in his 66th year.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Mr. W. Gladstone FRASER, returned from active service in France, has rejoined the staff of the National Bank of South Africa, and has been appointed to Mozambique.
Mr. T. MCWALTER, of the local staff of the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company, left by the Dunluce Castle recently for Mombasa for five months relief duty at the Company’s office there.
Mr. Eduardo Emilio Monteverde of Lisbon, has been appointed Sub-Director and Acting-Director of Public Works in the territory of the Cia. De Mocambique, at a salary or 315$00 monthly (at par, £70).
According to a special Lisbon cable in O Brado Africano, the industrialists at Guimaraes are organizing a big company, with a capital of hundreds of thousands of escudos, to exploit oil seeds and cotton in the Province of Mozambique.
Captain J. E. KRUSSE GOMES has joined the staff of the Beira military corps. Captain KRUSSE is the son of Commandant KRUSSE GOMES, who many years ago led the first Portuguese expedition which landed on the sand strip on which Beira is now situated.
The Beira Portland Cement Company has been registered at Beira with a capital of £100,000 in £1 shares for the purpose of carrying on the manufacture of cement and “other products of identical composition or nature.” The chief subscribers are Reuben George HAMMERSLEY (66,662 shares) and Antonio Gaspar Dias PEREIRA (33,281 shares). The headquarters are at Beira, and the factory will be at Silluvo Hills (Chiruvo Hills) in the circumscription of Neves Ferreira.
A New Company, the Commercial and Industrial Company, Limited, has been registered at Lourenco Marques, “to carry on shipping and other business.” The subscribers are Messrs. T. C. KNIGHT, of Beckett’s, Pretoria, £40,000, Mr. C. F. MCDORNAN, General Manager, Mozambique Agencies, Lourenco Marques, and Mr. Harold KISCH, £5000 each. Mr. MCDORNAN is Manager. The Company has purchased the coasting steamer Beira from the Sena Sugar Factory, and will shortly put it into commission along the East coast.
The first number of O Oriente, which, as its name implies, is issued in the interests of the people of the East resident in Lourenco Marques, made its appearance recently. Its objects are stated as the defence of “the Rights, the Justice, the Liberty, the Equality and Fraternity, as they are set forth in the Constitution of our Humanitarian Republic, demanding the impartial and equitable application of the fundamental Law which is equal to all.” O Oriente is of four pages, is partly printed in English, is edited by Mr. Luiz V. ALVARES, and is a weekly.
A Pioneers’ Society has been formed at Lourenco Marques. The founder, in a report to be presented at the first meeting, advocates the raising of a loan of £100,000 for starting a school of arts and crafts for teaching natives. He observes that the Government has guaranteed interest on money being expended by the Delagoa Bay Lands Syndicate on the construction of a big hotel at Polana, “which without doubt is not any more useful than this scheme of ours.” He asks the Government to guarantee interest on this loan, and municipal and similar bodies throughout the Province to grant subsidies wherewith to pay it off.
The Lourenco Marques Guardian refers with favourable comment to the appointment of Mr. Errol MACDONELL, C.M.G., as Consul-General, stating that the British Foreign Office did the right thing in placing him in office. “We can say,” the journal states, “that the result gives the utmost satisfaction to those interests which have to rely on the British Consulate-General for the due completion of their several businesses.” This is not because of any particular popularity on the part of Mr. MACDONELL. It is simply because Mr. MACDONELL is an official who manages to cut his way through red tape and achieve results before other officials would have succeeded in getting the tape unwound.
17 January 1920
ANDERSON—On December 11, at Durban, the wife of Adam R. ANDERSON, H.M. Government Inspector of Machinery, Natal, a son.
ANDREWS—On December 17, at Johannesburg, the wife of W. O. ANDREWS, a son.
BARNES—On December 3, at Durban, the wife of C. V. BARNES, a daughter (premature).
BARNET—On December 8, at Parktown, to Mr. and Mrs. B. J. BARNET, a daughter.
BERKMAN—On December 12, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. M. BERKMAN, a son.
CAMPBELL—On December 15, at Observatory, the wife of Walter CAMPBELL, a son.
GOLDBERG—On December 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Hymie GOLDBERG, of Judith Paarl, a son.
HENDERSON—On December 7, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HENDERSON, a daughter.
HOWIE—On December 30, at Lydenburg, the wife of Capt. A. M. HOWIE, O.B.E., M.R.C.V.S., Government Veterinary Officer, a daughter.
MCKENDRY—On December 6, at Johannesburg, the wife of Jack H. MCKENDRY, a son.
MORRIS—On the 1st January, at Brackley House, Francis Street, Luton, the wife of William J. MORRIS (INWOOD), of a son. Australian and South African papers, please copy.
ORTON—On December 12, at Robertson, the wife of P. M. ORTON, a son.
ROSS—On December 30, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart ROSS, a son.
RUCH—On December 16, to Mr. and Mrs. S. RUCH, of Wynberg, a daughter.
WILSON—On December 31, at East London, the wife of H. WILSON, a daughter.
CUSSANS-MONTGOMERIE—On December 3, at Livingstone, Captain A. C. de C. CUSSANS, M.C., R.P.F., to Kate Elizabeth Montgomerie, widow of Captain W. G. MONTGOMERIE, Leinster Regiment.
MCEWEN-HINGLE—On December 2, at Port Elizabeth, Kenneth MCEWEN to Florence Evelyn HINGLE.
ROSE-ROBINSON—On December 16, at Johannesburg, Albert ROSE to Pauline ROBINSON.
SMITH-BROWN—On December 9, at Newlands, Stephen SMITH to Maggie BROWN.
STILL-LITTLE—On December 4, at Maritzburg, Charles STILL to Ann LITTLE.
CARBONI—On December 15, at Cape Town, Lucy Carboni, in her 70th year.
COLEMAN—On December 14, at Middelburg, Charlotte, wife of Walter COLEMAN, aged 46.
DREYER—On December 15, at Somerset Hospital, Hendrick Cornilous DREYER, aged 66.
GREYBE—On December 13, at Woodstock, Gertrude Johanna Margareta GREYBE, aged 99 years and 11 months.
LLOYD—On December 15, at Mossel Bay, Cape Province, Bennett Wensor LLOYD.
MOORE—On December 6, at Port Elizabeth, Selina, widow of Edwin Henry MOORE.
OATES—On December 3, at Mooi River, Thomas OATES, of Harrismith, aged 74.
RADLOFF—On December 15, at Waterfall, District Ficksburg, O.F.S., C. G. RADLOFF, in his 75th year.
VAN OUDTSHOORN—On December 16, at Somerset Hospital, Theodore Ahrens van Reede VAN OUDTSHOORN, aged 52.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
A Conference with the East African Section of the London Chamber of Commerce
A meeting of the East African section of the London Chamber of Commerce was held on Wednesday afternoon at the offices, Oxford Court, Major E. H. M. LEGGETT, D.S.O., occupying the chair. There was a good attendance of members. His Excellency Sir Edward NORTHEY, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of British East Africa and Uganda, was present by invitation.
The Chairman welcomed Sir Edward. They would all appreciate the honour and kindness done them, which was the more apparent when it was considered that his time was so very much occupied.
Sir Edward, who was received with plaudits, said any country which, like East Africa, had been made a base of operations, had been particularly upset. They scarcely realized what the financial position actually was; they had been using up their own resources to meet demands, and their financial position was a difficult one. However, it was not an impossible one, and he hoped to be able to straighten this out ere long. New treaties would help to get affairs on an equable basis. He thought that the Customs duties would soon be put upon an up-to-date basis, which was highly necessary, as the general revenue of the country at present was largely dependent upon what was received from the railways. This did not seem to him to be a sound financial policy. He thought that any profits derivable from railways should go to maintain them and develop new branch lines from the main trunk, which were badly required. That was one of the difficulties he had experienced. “If I can get proper Customs dues, I can get everything on a better footing.” [Applause.] Among other matters which affected it was the rise in silver, which, as the Chamber no doubt realized, was a very difficult problem. Every person seemed to hold different views upon the subject, and a proposal which might suit one would not suit another. There were the two problems before them—one was exchange and the other currency. They should have been on the basis of local coinage equal to one-fifteenth of the pound sterling; but the rise in silver had sent the rupee up, and as it rose no action was taken. The result was that it had got out of control, and a most extraordinary condition of affairs had resulted. Civil officials, for instance, still drew salaries at the rate of fifteen rupees to the pound, when in reality the ratio should be between eight and nine. The values made all the difference between exchange and currency. They would have to get things back upon a basis where the local coin would bear a definite ratio to the sovereign, so that one engaged in commerce would be certain of getting pound for pound in value, and could buy and sell produce with definite valuation. The Colonial Office was helping him (Sir Edward) in every way. Loans were being negotiated for the purpose of extending branch railways, and he had every hope that these would be successful. There were many difficulties in the way, but he felt confident of success. He would be delighted to give every advice to those who desired information concerning the country. [Cheers.]
Discussion followed, after which Sir Edward NORTHEY said that he had found that the running of the affairs of the ports was not satisfactory, but the State was doing its best to get the port authority put upon a firm footing. He had been approached by representatives of shipping companies, who had drafted a rough scheme for the improvement of port and harbour matters, whereby they proposed to take over the running of cargoes from the ships to the customs sheds, and vice versa. He met them at Mombasa, and asked them to put the matter in concrete form, for the consideration of the Chamber of Commerce. If he decided that it was a good scheme, he was prepared to give it a trial; but the Mombasa Chamber had turned it down, and so it had gone no further.
The fourth item on the agenda was the consideration of the invitation from the British Empire Products Exhibition of 1921, that East Africa should take part. The Chairman said that the movement appeared to be progressing. The Crystal Palace, he heard, was not considered to be big enough, and there was some talk of utilizing Hyde Park for the purpose.
It was agreed that the section should give the Exhibition its support.
On item 5, “to consider the town planning ordinance and the roads ordinance, and any other ordinances of British East Africa in which members of the section are interested,” the Chairman stated that a list of such ordinances had been circulated. The ordinance referred to provided that the Arbitrator to be appointed should be a single one, duly put in office by the Government. His decision in all matters of dispute should be final. There was to be no second Arbitrator or Umpire. It was taken from the British Act of 1909, but whether it would suit East Africa or not was a matter for consideration.
During the discussion which followed it was questioned whether it was only a draft ordinance or a Bill, or whether it had actually come in force.
Sir Edward said that to the best of his recollection the Bill had passed its third reading and had been assented to. The debate had been a free and open one and of considerable extent. The public had been given every opportunity of discussing it, and every point had received attention. However, he said that when he returned and opened the first elected Council, if the section would forward recommendations, he would put such before the members.
A suggestion was made that the London Chamber of Commerce be asked to give its support to the establishment of industrial schools in East Africa for the training of natives, and it was resolved that the establishment of such schools would be a help to overcome the difficulty of obtaining skilled native labour. It was decided to forward the finding of the meeting to the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies.
The meeting then terminated.
Viscount MILNER, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has appointed Mr. H. T. ALLEN, of the Colonial Office, to be his Assistant Private Secretary, in place of Mr. A. COOKE, who has been appointed Private Secretary to Colonel L. S. AMERY, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Sir George FIDDES, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, has appointed Mr. H. BECKETT to be his Private Secretary.
Messrs. Norman and Charles CUTLER, of Johannesburg, both returned soldiers, set out from Vereeniging recently to attempt what was predicted to be impossible, to navigate the Vaal River for nearly 250 miles to Bloemhof. They reached Schoemansdrift, a distance of 115 miles, whereat a two-stream policy proved fatal to them. The Vaal forks into two rapidly flowing streams divided by a big rock, and it was in negotiating this that their frail canoe was forced on to the rock, overturned, and partially smashed. A great deal of the adventurers’ kit was lost in the river, in spite of much diving and swimming, and the voyage came to an untimely end.
The Administrator, Mr. PLOWMAN, opened a new wing at Grey’s Hospital, Maritzburg, recently, and in doing so said the Institution was named after the Cape Governor, Sir George GREY. The present additions cost £18,000, and he reminded those present that a year before the Union the Natal Government grant to the hospital was only £7700, whereas in 1919 it was £17,000, and the estimate for 1920 was £21,500.
24 January 1920
AKERSTEN—On December 18, at Observatory, the wife of Carl AKERSTEN, of twin daughters.
ANDERSON—On November 15, to Mr. and Mrs. David ANDERSON, of Somerset West, a daughter.
BAYLES—On January 7, at Zomba, Central Africa, the wife of Laurence BAYLES, a daughter.
BRADLEY—At 19, Victoria Street, Dunbar, on the 8th January, the wife of Timothy BRADLEY, general merchant, a son; both doing well. (Canadian and South African papers, please copy.)
CHAPMAN—On December 17, at Rondebosch, the wife of Lieut. A. CHAPMAN, U.D.F., a daughter.
COWLES—On December 14, to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. COWLES, of Melrose, a son.
RODDY—On December 17, at Pretoria, the wife of Captain G. RODDY, a daughter.
SEMPLE—On December 2, at Parktown North, the wife of John SEMPLE, a daughter.
SOAR—On December 13, at Modderfontein, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. SOAR, a daughter.
VERSFELD—On December 15, at Ceres, to Mr. and Mrs. Max VERSFELD, a daughter.
WIEHAHN—On December 15, at Salt River, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. WIEHAHN, a son.
BRINK-BRAND—On December 23, at Worcester, Andries BRINK to Elizabeth BRAND.
CROCKART-CAMERON—On December 1, at Durban, James CROCKART to Lilian CAMERON.
GOODALL-WYATT—On December 16, at Claremont, Leonard GOODALL to Margaret WYATT.
GRUNOW-BRIDGER—On December 17, at Hoopstad, Ernst GRUNOW to Winifred BRIDGER.
THOMSON-BOSWELL—On December 9, at Cape Town, Andrew Pearson THOMSON, of Katanga, Congo Belge, to Alfreda Mary BOSWELL.
TURNBULL-FANNER—On December 3, at Hillbrow, Hugh TURNBULL to Muriel FANNER.
BESTER—On December 17, at Claremont Flats, Charlotte, wife of J. P. BESTER, aged 58.
COWAN—At Kimberley House, Oban, on January 20, 1920, Hugh COWAN, aged 85 years, late of Kimberley, South Africa.
DEAN—On December 17, at Cape Town, Norwood DEAN, aged 50.
FROST—On December 18, at Cape Town, Martha Mary FROST, aged 71.
HEYTESBURY—On January 7, at Cape Town, Margaret Lady HEYTESBURY, widow of the third Baron HEYTESBURY.
LAGERWALL—On January 19, at Croydon, after many years of suffering nobly borne, Katherine, the beloved wife of E. LAGERWALL, in her 63rd year.
LAWSON-WALTON—On Thursday, the 1st January, at Nairobi, British East Africa, John Erskine LAWSON-WALTON (Ian), late Captain, 4th K.A.R., and barrister-at-law of Inner Temple, eldest son of the late Sir John LAWSON-WALTON, Attorney-General, and Lady LAWSON-WALTON, of Coombe Hill, Butler’s Cross, Bucks.
MOSTERT—On December 15, at Stellenbosch, Elizabeth Francina MOSTERT, aged 95.
SMALLBERG—On December 18, at Rondebosch Cottage Hospital, Nicholas SMALLBERG, aged 46.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Wales beat England on Saturday at Swansea by 19 points to 5. J. A. KRIGE (Guy’s Hospital) and F. W. MELLISH (Blackheath) were the South African players. The Times special correspondent says that KRIGE’s great fault was his failure to keep position. He ran across the field, bored LOWE on to the touch-line, and frustrated the few movements which looked at all promising. He served LOWE with only two passes during the game. One fell at the long-suffering wing’s feet and the other missed his back by a foot. KRIGE kicked badly and his tackling was erratic.
A disastrous fire occurred recently on the Western Province Rugby Football ground at Newlands, resulting in the total destruction of the grand stand. The sports meeting of Salt River workers was in progress when smoke was seen issuing from one of the rooms below the stand. The flames spread rapidly over the huge structure and rose to a great height, afterwards crossing the street behind the stand, where some trees were ignited and a villa was damaged. A sudden alteration of the wind put the caretaker’s cottage between the stand and the railway line in great danger, and the crowd commenced to remove the furniture, but further dangers were averted by the fire brigade, who had a hard fight with the conflagration. It is understood that the stand was insured for £1500 only, and that the Western Province Rugby Union will be heavy losers by the disaster.
DAGLEISH, Mrs. Christinia, left Edinburgh for Durban about 1902. David DAGLEISH, care of Mr. David LAWRIE, 97, Abbey Hill, Edinburgh.
DAGLEISH, or DOIG, Matilda, left Edinburgh for Durban about 1902. David DAGLEISH, care of Mr. D. LAWRIE, 97, Abbey Hill, Edinburgh.
GREEN, George, last heard of at Bulawayo, about 1914. Mrs. F. GREEN, 10, Haines Buildings, Dun’s Lane, West Bridge, Leicester.
HAGGETT, Edwin, last heard of in South Africa. Kate SMITH, 88, Trafalgar Road, Smethwick, Birmingham.
JACKSON, F., last heard of at Benoni, 1914. Corporal W. JACKSON, 15335, 7th Hussars, Cavalry School Netheravon.
KELLY, Mrs., nee GRIFFIN, last heard of in South Africa. Mrs. Clara E. A. BEDKIN, 68, Quarry Hill, York Road, Leeds.
PASSMORE, Augustus Charles, last heard of in South Africa about 1910. L. PASSMORE, 31, Kingsland Road, Broadwater, near Worthing.
PICKERING, Elizabeth (nee BIRD), last heard of eight years ago at Kroonstad. Brother William inquires.
SULLIVAN, John P., late of 1st Royal Dragoons, last heard of in Pretoria, 1914. Alex. BUTCHART, 11, Park Place, Tenby, Pem.
WHITEMAN, T. C., last heard of at Cape Town 1916. Mrs. A. WHITEMAN, 42, Chambord Street, Bethnal Green, E.
31 January 1920
BAILEY—On January 5, the wife of Dr. R. BAILEY, Laingsburg, a son.
GIBBONS—On January 4, at Claremont, the wife of William Henry GIBBONS, a son.
LARDNER—On January 4, at Sea Point, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank LARDNER, of Glencairn, a son.
MOBERLY—On January 22, at Benoni, to the Rev. and Mrs. R. H. MOBERLY, a son.
MULLETT—On January 4, at Durban, the wife of Rev. H. D. MULLETT, a daughter.
NURICH—On January 1, at Orangezicht, to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. NURICH, of Upington, a son.
PETRIE—On January 13, at Livingstone, Rhodesia, the wife of William PETRIE, a daughter.
PRYOR—On January 4, at Plumstead, to Mr. and Mrs. PRYOR, a daughter.
SHEMER—On January 1, at Riversdale, to Mr. and Mrs. R. SHEMER, a son.
SMITH—On January 5, at Salt River, the wife of F. E. SMITH, a son.
STEAD—On January 3, at Kimberley, the wife of H. E. STEAD, a son
VILLERT—On January 4, at Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. VILLERT, a daughter.
BARNETT-STODEL—On January 14, at Cape Town, Louis BARNETT to Daisy STODEL.
CHRISTIE-RICHARDSON—At Cape Town, on January 14, George B. CHRISTIE, Chemist, Fordsburg, Transvaal, son of Peter CHRISTIE, 6, McKerrell Street, Paisley, to Williamina RICHARDSON, Lovedale, Paisley, youngest daughter of William RICHARDSON, postmaster, Oldham.
MARAIS—DE KOCK—On January 13, at Greyton, Manie MARAIS to Hannah DE KOCK.
SLOANE-FINCHAM—On January 5, at Wynberg, George SLOANE to Caroline FINCHAM.
WALTER-STOCKDALE—On January 6, at Cape Town, Morritt WALTER to Kathleen STOCKDALE.
CHURCHWARD—On December 19, at Pretoria, Edward Rycaut CHURCHWARD, in his 69th year.
CROSS—On January 4, at Salt River, Annie Maria CROSS, in her 56th year.
HAWORTH—On January 1, at Claremont, Mary, wife of Richard HAWORTH, in her 70th year.
LEEUWENDAAL—On January 3, at Wynberg, Francis LEEUWENDAAL, aged 39.
LE SUEUR—On January 3, at Sea Point, Petrus Ludovicus LE SUEUR, aged 63.
LOMBAARD—On January 6, at Claremont, Alexander Cornelius LOMBAARD, aged 24.
MABIN—On January 5, at New Somerset Hospital, Sarah, wife of G. W. MABIN, of Woodstock
POLLAK—On Monday, January 19, at 183, Cromwell Road, Earl’s Court, London, S.W. 5, Otto, the honoured and dearly-beloved husband of Eugenie POLLAK, passed away suddenly and peacefully. South African papers, please copy.
SCOTT—On January 5, at Cape Town, Florence Emily SCOTT, in her 32nd year.
SHEPHERD—On January 2, at Sea Point, James SHEPHERD, in his 75th year.
VAN DER BYL—On January 2, at Wynberg, Adriaan VAN DER BYL, in his 80th year.
WOODMAN—On January 16, at Broadstairs, Thomas WOODMAN, A.K.C., Priest, Rector of Felingham, Norfolk, and formerly Canon of Bloemfontein.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
At the request of Colonel W. E. C. TANNER, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Adjutant-General, Union Defence Force, Pretoria, who was formerly Brigadier-General in command of the South African Overseas Brigade in France, the Commandant of the Dispersal Camp, Cape Province, has dispatched to Durban an enemy machine-gun captured by the South African Brigade during the last phases of the war in France. The gun is given as a war trophy to the burgesses of Durban, where so many of the members of the South African Brigade were enlisted.
Mr. S. B. JOEL’s Dinant ran second in the Clarence Hurdle Race at Windsor.
Mr. Harry PENNEFATHER, a well-known Zululand farmer, went out to look for a native dog which had been killing his fowls, and accidentally discharged his shotgun whilst getting through a wire fence. The charge exploded and entered his chest, killing him instantly. The body was found by native servants who went to seek him when he did not return.
7 February 1920
DE JONG—On January 5, at Robertson, the wife of A. L. DE JONG, a son.
GROOM—On New Year’s Day, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. H. GROOM, a daughter.
HALL—On January 2, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HALL, of Durban, a son.
KNIGHT—On January 4, at Salt River, to Mr. and Mrs. F. KNIGHT, a daughter.
LESLIE—On January 4, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. LESLIE, a daughter.
MAROT—On December 25, at Tongaat, the wife of Mr. J. MAROT, a son.
MATHER—On January 1, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. MATHER, a son.
MCGREGOR—On January 7, at Maitland, the wife of James MCGREGOR, a son.
NATHAN—On January 4, at Doornfontein, to Mr. and Mrs. A. NATHAN, a daughter.
REYBURN—On December 24, at Hillary, to Mr. and Mrs. John REYBURN, a daughter.
BRADLEY—WAUGH—On January 10, at Cape Town, John Patrick BRADLEY to Florence Horatio Annie WAUGH, both of Cape Town.
DE BEER-MORGAN—On January 12, at Cape Town, Willem DE BEER to Sophia MORGAN, widow of the late Thomas MORGAN, both of Beaufort West.
DUDLEY-WINGROVE—On December 30, at Kimberley, Samuel Thomas DUDLEY, of Newlands, to Atoletta Ellen WINGROVE.
GUNNING-DESFOUNTAIN—On January 12, at Cape Town, Edward William GUNNING to Ethel Winifred DESFOUNTAIN.
LINTON-LOUW—On January 6, at Observatory, James Carrick LINTON to Rachael Maria LOUW, of Mowbray.
MANN-ALGAR—On January 1, at Johannesburg, John Robert MANN, of Kingwilliamstown, to Alice Emily ALGAR, of Observatory.
DORMEHL—On January 6, at Claremont, Murdoch Morison DORMEHL, in his 41st year.
HUGO—On December 26, Johanna, wife of J. P. HUGO, of Victoria West.
LOWTHER—On January 1, at Durban, Edwin James LOWTHER, aged 43.
MILLER—On January 7, at Dundee, Natal, Charles Robert MILLER, Deputy Inspector of Mines, Natal, aged 50 years.
SEYMOUR—On December 22, at Krugersdorp, after a long illness, George SEYMOUR, late of Snaresbrook, Natal, aged 75.
WALKER—On December 30, at Hlabisa, Zululand, Alfred T. WALKER, Provincial ROADS Department, aged 54 years.
DAGLEISH, or DOIG, Matilda, left Edinburgh for Durban about 1902. David DAGLEISH, care of Mr. D. LAWRIE, 97, Abbey Hill, Edinburgh.
GREEN, George, last heard of at Bulawayo, about 1914. Mrs. F. GREEN, 10, Haines Buildings, Dun’s Lane, West Bridge, Leicester.
JACKSON, F., last heard of at Benoni, 1914. Corporal W. JACKSON, 15335, 7th Hussars, Cavalry School, Netheravon.
KELLY, Mrs. , nee GRIFFIN, last heard of in South Africa. Mrs. Clara E. A. BEDKIN, 68, Quarry Hill, York Road, Leeds.
MOORES, George, last heard of at Middelburg, 1905. L. OATES, Odcombe, Montacute, Somerset.
PASSMORE, Augustus Charles, last heard of in South Africa about 1910. L. PASSMORE, 31, Kingsland Road, Broadwater, near Worthing.
PICKERING, Elizabeth (nee BIRD), last heard of eight years ago at Kroonstad. Brother William inquires.
ROUTLEDGE, Charles, last heard of 1918 at Paarl, was for some three or four years in the employ of Mr. GIFFEN, Malherbie Street, Paarl. Please write to his brother, W. S. ROUTLEDGE, 24, Denmark Street, Watford, England.
WHITEMAN, T. C. last heard of at Cape Town 1916. Mrs. A. WHITEMAN, 42, Chambord Street, Bethnal Green, E.
28 February 1920
BIRTLES--On January 13, at Rondebosch, the wife of J. BIRTLES, a son.
BOOKER—On January 26, at Laingsburg, to Dr. and Mrs. BOOKER, a daughter.
CILLIERS—On January 20, at Cape Town, the wife of Abe CILLIERS, a daughter.
LADLAU—On January 18, at Umhlali, to Mr. and Mrs. G. P. LADLAU, a son.
MANUEL—On January 21, at Bellville, to Mr. and Mrs. T. MANUEL, a son.
NICOLSON—On January 18, at Pietersburg, the wife of C. S. NICHOLSON, a daughter.
OLIVER—On January 19, at Cape Town, to Mr. and Mrs. G. OLIVER, daughter.
PAGE—On January 20, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. PAGE, a son.
PALVIE—On January 13, at WOODSTOCK, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. PALVIE, a daughter.
RAE—On February 6, at Durban, the wife of Herbert L. RAE, engineer Lieutenant-Commander, late of Royal Navy, a daughter.
SINCLAIR—On January 13th, at Sea Point, to Mr. and Mrs. St. C. O. SINCLAIR, a daughter.
TICKNER—On January 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert TICKNER, of Wellington, a son.
WALTERS—On January 18, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. WALTERS, of Claremont, a son.
WHITE—On January 16, at Mowbray, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. WHITE, a son.
WINTER—On January 19, at Rosebank, to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. WINTER, a son.
HULLAH-COLES—On February 19, at St. Pancras Church, London, John HULLAH, Indian Civil Service, son of the late Robert HULLAH, of Grahamstown, to Kate, widow Harry Erskine COLES, Indian Police Service.
INGLIS-WEIR—On January 19, at Cape Town, James INGLIS to Nettie WEIR.
JACOBSON-MORRIS—On January 23, at Johannesburg, Jack JACOBSON to Dolly MORRIS.
MARKS-LYONS—On January 27, at Parktown, Sampson MARKS to Lillan Liebe LYONS.
SACKS-HERRING—On January 25, at Cape Town, Charles SACKS to Clara HERRING.
ASHLEY—On January 18, at Woodstock, Clement Charles ASHLEY, aged 42.
BEDBOROUGH—On January 26, at East Rand, Sarah, wife of A. N. H. BEDBOROUGH.
ERICKSON—On January 16, at Durban, Gustaf Anders ERICKSON, aged 62.
JONES—On January 11, at Durban, Rolland Guest JONES, aged 34.
JONES—On January 18, at Woodstock, Jane Elizabeth JONES, aged 80.
KAVANAGH—On January 17, at Cape Town, Lawrence KAVANAGH, aged 78.
KIRKMAN—On January 18, at Bellville, Walter James KIRKMAN, aged 66.
MAASDORP—On January 17, at Milnerton, Charles Hermanus MAASDORP, aged 68.
NORTH—On January 14, at Durban, Mrs. George NORTH, aged 83.
VAN EEDEN—On January 17, at Heidelberg, Susana Catharina Maria VAN EEDEN, aged 30.
VAN WEZEL—On January 26, at Johannesburg, Louis Jacobus VAN WEZEL, in his 30th year.
WESTBROOK—On February 9, at Johannesburg, Laura, wife of Leslie WESTBROOK.
6 March 1920
BENNETT—On January 26, at Claremont, the wife of Bob BENNETT, a daughter.
BYREN—On January 25, at Newlands, the wife of A. E. BYREN, a son.
DAVIDSON—On January 16, at Cape Town, the wife of Ambrose J. DAVIDSON, a son.
DU PREEZ—On January 20, at Riversdale, the wife of Benjamin DU PREEZ, a daughter.
LEAVER—On January 22, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph LEAVER, a son.
NATHANSON—On January 25, to Mr. and Mrs. M. NATHANSON, of Braamfontein, a son.
PARRY—On Marych 4, at King’s Walden, Windsor, the wife of R. Heber PARRY, of South Africa, of a daughter.
PAYNTER—On January 25, at Germiston, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PAYNTER, a son.
PEROLD—On January 27, at Simondium, the wife of A. C. PEROLD, a son.
RAMSAY—On January 25, the wife of A. RAMSAY, of Salt River, a daughter.
RHODES—On February 20, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. RHODES, a daughter.
ROBERTSON—On January 25, at Woodstock, the wife of Jack ROBERTSON, a son.
STEVENSON—On February 8, at Woking, the wife of Captain C. Y. STEVENSON, R. E. (S. R.), Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Dar-es-Salaam, a son.
CRUYWAGEN-ROWLES—On January 26, at Simon’s Town, John Peter CRUYWAGEN to Marie Teresa, widow of John ROWLES.
GARDENER-COLEMAN—On January 22, at Rosebank, Guy Gardener to Constance Coleman.
HORNER-GOVEY—On January 28, at Rondebosch, Harold HORNER to Norah GOVEY.
LANGTON-MCWILLIAM—On January 27, at Cape Town, Major Arthur Victor LANGTON to Anne MCWILLIAM.
ROBERTSON-SMITH—On February 10, at Benoni, Leopold ROBERTSON to Cassie M’Farlane SMITH.
STAINSBY-EDLIN—On January 26, at Cape Town, William STAINSBY to Sophie EDLIN.
COUSINS—On January 17, at Bulawayo, Emily Harriett COUSINS, aged 76.
DA COSTA—On January 29, at Woodstock, Christina, widow of Thomas DA COSTA.
DU PREEZ—On January 26, at Riversdale, Maria Elizabeth DU PREEZ, aged 27.
JACOBS—On January 28, at Mowbray, Dora, wife of Isaak JACOBS, aged 37.
MARTIN—On January 28, at Newlands, Emma MARTIN, in her 94th year.
NAPIER—On January 28, at Lakeside, Cape Province, Colonel William NAPIER, C.M.G., of Rhodesia, aged 57.
PEACH—On February 24, at Bournemouth, Alfred PEACH, late of Kimberley, South Africa, aged 71.
RAMSAUER—On January 23, at Claremont, Anthonie RAMSAUER, aged 34.
ROBERTSON—On January 29, at Parow, Johanna Hendrika ROBERTSON, aged 27.
ROUS—On January 28, at Plumstead, Christiana Elizabeth ROUS, in her 81st year.
SOLOMONS—On January 25, at Cape Town, Janet Paulina SOLOMONS, aged 41.
WILSON—On January 28, at Cape Town, Leah, wife of W. WILSON, aged 68.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Emigration from this country to other parts of the British Empire, which was stopped altogether during the war, has since been greatly hampered by lack of shipping; but a large movement towards settlement in the Dominions is expected this year, and a report just issued by the Overseas Settlement Committee, appointed by the Government, with Viscount MILNER (Colonial Secretary) as its President, and Mr. L. S. AMERY (Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Colonies) as Vice-President, affords valuable information as to the needs of the situation and the steps which have already been taken to meet them.
The University sports at Oxford, which were concluded on Monday afternoon, were notable for a brilliant performance by the President, Mr. B. G. D. RUDD, of South Africa and Trinity. He beat previous records in the quarter-mile by covering the distance in 49 1/5 secs. The 120 yds. hurdles was won by Mr. H. P. JEPPE, of St. Andrew’s and Trinity, in 16 4/5 secs.; while Mr. RUDD easily won the half-mile in 2 min. 2 3/5 secs. On the first day Mr. RUDD won the long jump (20 ft. 6 ins.) and the first heat of the half-mile and 100 yds. And the second heat of the quarter mile, while Mr. JEPPE won the first heat of the 120 yds. hurdles.
With the object of demonstrating the great mineral and other resources of South Africa an exhibition will be held at the Albert Hall throughout the Easter holiday week. The organizers, among whom are a number of prominent Anglo-Africans, have arranged with the Union’s Trades Commissioner for the display of specimens of South African products, including gold and other minerals, grain, hides, tobacco, ostrich feathers, &c. Cinematograph films depicting orange growing, diamond mining, and ostrich farming will be shown twice daily, and other attractions will include the film version of “King Solomon’s Mines.”
A new Army Order announces that the King has approved of the Africa General Service Medal instituted in 1916 to commemorate local military operations against native tribes or rebels in the East, Central, and West Africa, with clasp, “East Africa, 1918,” being granted to all officers and men who served under the command of Major R. F. WHITE, Essex Regiment; Major H. RAYNE, M. C. King’s African Rifles; and Captain J. H. R. YARDLEY, D.S.O., Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, in the military operations against the Northern Turkana, Marille, Donyiro, and kindred tribes, in the vicinity of the Southern Sudan boundary to the west of Lake Rudolph, between April 20, 1918, and June 19, 1918. The grants of the medal and clasp will be limited to those who have official sanction to be present; and claims must be approved by the Army Council. Officers and men already awarded the medal, or who are in possession of the Africa General Service Medal instituted by King Edward VII, will receive the clasp only.
13 March 1920
BOSMAN—On January 26, at Malmesbury, Mrs. Berand BOSMAN, a son.
CLARKE—On February 8, at Cape Town, to Mr. and Mrs. J. CLARKE, a daughter.
CORMACK—On February 11, at Salt River, the wife of W. S. CORMACK, a daughter.
HALL—On March 2, at Kenilworth, Cape Town, the wife of E. Rowe HALL, a daughter.
HOSACK—On February 7, at Johannesburg, the wife of Lieutenant Valintine HOSACK, M.C., a daughter.
MATHEW—On February 8, at Malvern, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MATHEW, a daughter.
MAY—On February 22, at Springs, to the wife of Dr. Walter J. MAY, a son.
NASH—On February 8, at Matatiele, East Griqualand, the wife of Robert Sydney NASH of Jinga, Uganda, a son.
SONNENBERG—On February 9, at Yeoville, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles SONNENBURG, a daughter.
STEWART—On February 23, at Johannesburg, the wife of Major James Gordon STEWART, M.C., a daughter.
SUSSKIND—On February 6, at Yeoville, the wife of M. J. SUSSKIND, a daughter.
CLARK—EVANS—On February 9, at Kimberley, John CLARK to Ethel EVANS.
JAMIESON-BELL—On February 3, at Johannesburg, Crawford JAMIESON to Nurse Janie BELL.
O’NEIL-GEARY—On February 5, at Woodstock, George O’NEILL to Johanna GEARY.
TRUTER-CONNOR—On February 11, at Woodstock, Douglas TRUTER to Bessie CONNOR.
WALTER-TABERER—On January 22, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Captain G. L. WALTER, M.C., Special Reserve Coldstream Guards, to Kathleen TABERER.
BODEN—On the 1st March, in Natal, Winifred Mary BODEN, elder daughter of the late H. H. BODEN. (Inserted by Fowlie and Boden, 29-35, City Road, London, E.C.)
DICKINSON—On March 6, in London, Percival Garnet DICKINSON, of Kiaora, Ruiru, B.E.A., aged 45.
FURNESS—On February 9, at Mossel Bay, Captain J. FURNESS, in his 96th year.
HAYES—On February 4, at Wankie, Rhodesia, the effects of blackwater fever, Henry Joseph HAYES.
HUMPHRY—On February 6, at Port Elizabeth, Ellen, widow of William Henry HUMPHRY.
JOFFE—On February 6, at Doornfontein, L. H. JOFFE, aged 35.
JONES—On February 11, at Cape Town, William Jones, in his 63rd year.
LLOYD—On February 8, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Daniel LLOYD, aged 46.
MAY—On February 23, at Springs, the infant son of Dr. and Mrs. MAY.
ROSS—On February 21, at Sea Point, Thomas ROSS, of C. Freeman and Co., Cape Town.
TRAVERS—On February 2, at Maritzburg, Emily, wife of William George TRAVERS, aged 61.
WEINSTOCK—On February 6, at Yeoville, Arthur Ernest WEINSTOCK, aged 33.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Members of the Pretoria Wesleyan congregation of the church, presided over by the Rev. Amos BURNETT, farewelled him and Mrs. BURNETT prior to their leaving for England. Mrs. T. W. BECKETT presented Mrs. BURNETT with a beautiful fur coat, the gift of the women of the church. Both Mr. and Mrs. BURNETT replied, speaking with enthusiasm of the many years in Pretoria, and their regret at the work and friends they would leave behind them.
Major PRETORIUS recently carried out a great drive in the Addo Bush for the purpose of securing a bioscope film of elephants. The instrument was located on a platform, and, after a herd had been rounded up, the animals were gradually driven along a route which would take them past the camera. It was also Major PRETORIUS’s intention to shoot the remaining number of elephants he contracted for. At the psychological moment when the animals were approaching the platform and all was in readiness for the picture, native beaters lost their nerve and fled, with the result that the elephants broke back. It is reported that he has received a big offer from overseas for the rights of the films he has already secured of elephant hunting in the bush.
Considerable business is being done in the Upington district in burning “Melkbosch” from which carbonate of potash is derived. Apart from the value of the product, the destruction of the plant is said to benefit the soil.
At a recent sale at Bayville in the insolvent estate of Hendrik Frederick MULDER, portion of the farm “Class Kraal” of 11 morgen, was sold to Mr. P. KRUGE for £1800. The second portion of the same farm, about 18 morgen, fetched £2000, and was knocked down to the Strathsomers Estate Company.
27 March 1920
AUKETT – On February 17, at Cape Town, the wife of A. J. Aukett, a son.
DE KOCK – On February 23, at Robertson, the wife of D. de Kock, a son.
GOLDSMITH – On February 16, to Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Goldsmith, of Diep River, a son.
HERBERT—On February 22, the wife of Ewald Herbert, of Bellevue East, a daughter.
LANGSTEIN—On March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Langstein, of Yeoville, a son.
LEE—On February 25, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, a son.
LEVIN—On February 22, at Johannesburg, to Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Levin, a daughter.
LEVY—On February 29, at Johannesburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Levy, a daughter.
LOCKYER—On February 10, at Cape Town, to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lockyer, a daughter.
MACLACHLAN—On February 19, at Calvinia, to Mr. and Mrs. MacLachlan, a daughter.
PATERSON—On March 10, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Paterson, a son.
POLLACK—On February 27, to Mr. and Mrs. J. P. K. Pollack, of Randfontein, a son.
REID—On February 25, at Wolseley, to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Reid, a son.
SOUTHEY—On February 15, at Kenilworth, the wife of C. H. Southey, a daughter.
SWEENEY—On March 11, at Krugersdorp, the wife of Cecil James Sweeney, a son.
WARD—On February 24, at Sea Point, the wife of George Ward, a daughter.
MACFARLANE—MORGAN—On February 19, at Cape Town, John MacFarlane to Annie Morgan
MOXLEY—WEBBER—On February 17, at Sea Point, William Moxley to Lilian Webber.
PETERS – REID—On February 23, at Woodstock, Ernest Peters to Myrtle Reid.
SCHNIER – GIN—On March 7, at Bloemfontein, Israel Schnier to Maggie Gin.
DE VOS—On February 26, at Wynberg, Martha Johanna de Vos, aged 32.
GORDON—On February 26, at Kingwilliamstown, May, wife of Bruce Gordon.
INGLE—On February 24, at Claremont, John Ingle, in his 78th year.
LEASER—On February 25, at Cape Town, Henry John Leaser, aged 55.
LIPSCHITZ—On February 29, Rieve, wife of L. J. Lipschitz, of Wolhuter.
LLOYD—On the 22nd March, at Ravenhead, Beckenham, Kent, from pneumonia, Edward Lloyd, the dearly beloved husband of Annie M. Lloyd, and Chairman of Ellerman and Bucknall Steamship Company, Limited, in his 64th year.
MARTIN—On February 26, at Cape Town, William David Martin, in his 80th year.
NIBLOE—On February 24, at Johannesburg, Susan Elizabeth, wife of W. W. Nibloe.
PARE—On February 13, at Livingstone, N. Rhodesia, Mary, wife of V. L. Pare, of Cape Town.
SMUTS—On February 18, at Bellville, W. J. Smuts, in his 72nd year.
WATSON—On February 16, at Maritzburg, William Watson, aged 84.
WILLOUGHBY—On February 25, at Wynberg, George Willoughby, aged 57.
WISTAW—On February 13, at Wynberg, Bethsheba Wistaw, aged 72.
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