South Africa 1915 1 January - March
2 January 1915
ABBOTT—On November 20, at Kimberley, Mrs. Frank Abbott, a son.
ADAMS—On December 21, at Nairobi, to Mrs. C. H. Adams, a daughter
AITKEN—On December 1, at Boksburg, to Mrs. R. S. Aitken, a son.
DAVIDSON—On November 19, at Kimberley, Mrs. A. D. Davidson, a son.
DOBSON—On December 24, at Roodepoort, to Captain and Mrs. R. T. Dobson, a daughter.
GOLDMAN—At Germiston, Mrs. Lew Goldman, a son.
HUGHES—On November 29, at Johannesburg, Mrs. S. G. Hughes, a daughter
MACKENDRICK—On November 16, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, the wife of A. B. Mackendrick, a son.
MCNEIGHT—On December 18, at Pretoria, the wife of Guy McNeight, a daughters.
RISIEN—On December 23, at Cape Town, to Mrs. Miller E. Risien, a daughter.
ROBERTS—On November 29, at Bellevue East, Mrs. H. C. Roberts, a son.
HOGAN-UYS—On November 18, B. Uys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uys, of Venterstad, to Patrick Hogan, of Cape Town.
LOW-TRAILL—On December 1, at Cape Town, Arthur Low and Ruby Traill.
STEIN-SACKS—On November 18, at Johannesburg, Hyman Max Stein, of Vereeniging, to Minnie Sacks.
CROZIER—On December 27, at Norwood, Eleanor Roberta Crozier, widow of Frederick Crozier, of the Cape.
DUNCAN—On December 27, at Purley Downs, John Scarlett Duncan, late Manager the Natal Bank, Limited, 18, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.
KALLMAN—On November 26, at Ophirton, Lewis Peter Kallman, aged 70.
LASKER—On December 23, at 40, Blenheim Terrace, St. John’s Wood, N.W., Samuel Lasker, aged 86.
MCCARTHY—On December 27, at Aylesbury, Mary McNair McCarthy, wife of Edward T. McCarthy.
MORTON-NEVILLE—On November 18, at Kimberley, Annie Louisa wife of R. Morton-Neville.
NAPIER—On December 27, at Old Charlton, S.E., Charles Alexander Irvine Napier, of Umvuma.
PASTOLSKY—On November 24, at Elandskop, Hannah Pastolsky, aged 22.
ROSS—On November 24, at the New Modderfontein Gold Mine, John Ross, aged 24.
RUXTON—Killed in action, on November 25, near Upington, William Ruxton, Corporal Imperial Light Horse, aged 19.
SETZER—On November 19, at Kimberley, Philip Setzer, aged 36.
SHAW—On December 5, killed in action, Trooper Thomas Henry Shaw, at the capture of Beyers, Orange Free State.
WAITES—On November 25, at Vrededorp, Esther Frances Waites.
WINSER—On November 25, at Johannesburg, Henry Holman Winser, aged 49.
The death is announced of Mrs. E. P. Morgan, of Khaba ‘Nyana in the Thaba ‘Nchu district. The deceased lady, who was very well known in the Province, was the mother of the late Mr. C. H. Morgan, Chief Stock Inspector of the Free State.
9 January 1915
ALLINGHAM—On November 28, at Kimberley, to Mr. and Mrs. Allingham, a daughter.
BRYDEN—On December 4, at Johannesburg, the wife of C. L. Bryden, a daughter.
BUNDY—On December 5, at Johannesburg, the wife of J. P. Bundy, a daughter.
CHRISTIE—On November 28, at Griquatown, Mrs. H. Christie, a daughter.
HULTON—On January 3, at Fleet, the wife of Captain Hulton, R.F.A., a daughter.
JOHNSON—On December 5, at Kimberley, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, a daughter.
MACKINNON—On December 29, at Nairobi, to Mrs. Duncan Mackinnon, a daughter.
MARTIN—On December 4, to Mrs. Ralph Martin, a son.
MCCONNELL—On January 2, at Johannesburg, the wife of Gilbert M’Connell, a son.
PUNTIS—On December 5, at Pretoria, to Mrs. W. E. Puntis, a daughter.
THOMAS—On December 8, at Bellevue East, the wife of W. R. Thomas, a daughter.
COURSE-JACKSON—On December 3, William Course, of Mbabane, to Margaret Jackson, of Johannesburg.
CRONIN-SYKES—On December 8, at Braamfontein, Charles C. Cronin to Theresa Sykes.
LOW-VAN RYNEVELD—On December 2, Captain James Augustus Ireland Low to Nan Pauline Van Ryneveld, Johannesburg.
SINCLAIR-MACFARLANE—On December 1, at Johannesburg, Alfred R. Sinclair, A.M.I.C.E., to Jane Macpherson Macfarlane.
SPRATT-Williams—On December 28, at St. Mark’s Church, S. Farnborough, Lieutenant Norman C. Spratt, Royal Flying Corps, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosbey Spratt, of Maritzburg, to Blanche, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, of Southsea.
BELL—On December 8, at Cape Town, Katharine Ker, widow of John Bell.
BOYCE—On January 3, at Zeerust, Leonard Price Boyce, aged 57.
CHARLESWORTH—On January 5, Vernon John Charlesworth, aged 76.
DEACON—On December 7, at Johannesburg, Mary Deacon.
DEWSBURY—On January 3, in Maritzburg Hospital, of enteric fever, whilst on active service with “Botha’s Horse,” Conrad Burford Dewsbury, aged 32.
DOWSING—On January 2, at Chiswick, Elizabeth Jane Dowsing, in her 86th year.
HATHORN—On December 28, at Johannesburg, James Charles Murray Hathorn, late of the East Rand and Village Deep Mines.
MARKS—On December 7, at Johannesburg, Esther, aged 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks.
M’INTYRE—On November 27, at Addington, William Speedy M’Intyre.
REECE—On December 9, at Johannesburg, Sydney Webb Reece, aged 31.
RODICK—On December 31, at Sydenham, Jane, Widow of Edward London Rodick, aged 97.
SCHUMACHER—On January 4, at Pallinghurst, Erwin Albert Schumacher, of 24, Princes Gate, S.W., in his 71st year.
TAYLOR—On December 15, Arthur Ernest Taylor, of Maritzburg.
WIRSING—On Decmeber 30, at Johannesburg, after and operation, Walter Middleton Wirsing of Mafeking.
16 January 1915
ELLIS—On January 7, at Blackheath, the wife of Dr. F. H. Ellis, of Salisbury, Rhodesia, a daughter.
FORSYTH—On December 15, at Krugersdorp, Mrs. J. L. Forsyth, a daughter.
GARRAWAY—On January 8, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, the wife of Major E.C.F. Garraway, a daughter.
GORDON—On January 9, at Walton-on Thames, the wife of W. S A. Gordon, a daughter.
HULTON—On Sunday, the 3rd January, 1915, at The Chase, Crookham, Fleet, Hants, the wife of Captain Hulton, R.F.A., of a daughter. Indian and South African papers please copy.
M’CONNELL—On January 2, at Johannesburg, the wife of Gilbert M’Connell, a son.
MCGILLIVRAY—On December 30, at Ladysmith, to Mrs. David M’Gillivray, a son.
BEAUMONT-TOLLER—On January 12, at Ilfracombe, Holland, son of the Hon. Sir William Beaumont, K.C.B., and Lady Beaumont, of Maritzburg, to Helen Toller.
BREESE-BATE—On January 14, at Hendon, George Fred Breese to Hilda May, only daughter of O. H. Bate, of Kenilworth.
CROWE-WILLCOCK—On December 1, at Kimberley, Ernest Crowe to Clarinda Emily Willcock.
HAIGH-COLE—On January 9, at St. Mary’s Scholing, Bernard Parker Haigh to Mildred May, daughter of the late C. J. Cole, of Cape Town.
MANN-JUDE—On December 12, at Johannesburg, Colin Mann to Isabella Jude.
MASON-WHITE—On December 2, at Barkly West, William Thomas Mason to Grada White.
MURRAY-FOURIE—On November 30, at Beaconsfield, Alexander Murray to Nettie Fourie.
NICHOLSON-O’RYAN—On November 12, at Mombasa, John Nicholson, A.M.I.C.E., to Margaret O’Ryan.
OWEN-MATHEW—On January 4, at Cape Town, Godfrey Felix Owen, South African Mounted Rifles, to Sylvia, daughter of Maynard Mathew, Resident Magistrate, Verulam
BENNETT—On December 9, at Braamfontein, Fred H. Bennett, aged 64.
BREDIN—On January 9, at Otopava, Teneriffe, Richard Bredin, M.D., aged 58.
BRYAN—On January 12, at Boksburg, Henry Hamer Bryan.
COOMBS—On December 12, at Randfontein, Edward Coombs, aged 51.
EWING—On January 9, at Bournemouth, William Ewing.
MOSENTHAL—On the 12th January, at 19, Green Street, Mayfair, after a brief illness, Harry Mosenthal, in his 65th year.
PIERCE—On December 8, at Johannesburg, John Pierce, aged 27.
ROBERTSON—On January 11th, at South Hayling, Hants, John Brass Robertson (of Johannesburg, South Africa), aged 58, second son of the late J. B. Robertson, of Liverpool and London.
STURROCK—On November 25, at Kimberley, Isabella Bowman, wife of Peter Sturrock.
TWENTYMAN—On January 9, at St. Quintin Avenue, North Kensington, Kate Susan, widow of George Holme Twentyman.
WATKINS—On December 2, at Kimberley, Trooper Charles Collyer Watkins, aged 17.
WOLFE—On January 5, at Port Elizabeth, Cecil Burleigh, eldest daughter of the late Mildmay Wolfe.
23 January 1915
ALDERSON—On December 7, at Kimberley, Mrs. E. C. ALDERSON, a daughter.
BACKHOUSE—On January 8, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, to Mr. and Mrs. H. O. BACKHOUSE, a daughter.
BAILY—On December 12, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Max BAILY, a daughter.
FORSYTH—On December 15, at the West Rand Consolidated Mines, Limited, to Mrs. J. L. FORSYTH, a daughter.
HARRIS—On December 20, at Johannesburg, Mrs. A. J. HARRIS, a daughter.
LEVY—On December 12, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Bernard LEVY, a daughter.
MARTIN—On December 10, at Johannesburg, the wife of Jack N. MARTIN, a daughter.
ROBINSON—On December 2, at Kimberley, to Mrs. F. H. ROBINSON, of Bloemhof, a son.
SWANEPOEL—On December 28, at Zastron, the wife of J. M. SWANEPOEL, M.D., a daughter.
SYMONS—On January 15, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Henry H. SYMONS, a son.
WERTHEIMER—On January 20, at 34, Ferncroft Avenue, N.W., Mrs. E. L. WERTHEIMER, a daughter.
BEGBIE-BAYNE—On January 14, at Mowbray, William, son of the late Thomas BEGBIE, of Middelburg, to Ethel BAYNE, of Hove.
DICKINSON-GROCOTT—On December 10, at Johannesburg, Charles Edgar Gower DICKINSON to Margaret Ellen GROCOTT.
FLOHR-WIENAND—On December 19, at Doornfontein, Albert Herman Christian FLOHR to Nelly Maskew WIENAND.
ROBERTSON-ASHWORTH—On December 14, at Johannesburg, Charles Clifford ROBERTSON to Gwladys Louie ASHWORTH.
DAVIES-BALDWIN—On January 16, 1890, at Benhilton, Frederick DAVIES, of Barberton, to Maud, third daughter of James William BALDWIN.
HOLE-RICKMAN—On the 23rd January, 1890, at the Cathedral, Cape Town, by the Very Revd. Dean C. W. BARNETT-CLARKE, Hugh Marshall HOLE, of Tiverton, Devon, and Kimberley, South Africa, to Ethel, only daughter of the late T. RICKMAN, of Longfleet, Dorset.
BURNSIDE—On January 16 at Glasgow, Annie M. Russell, wife of John BURNSIDE.
CAMPBELL—On the 18th January, at Durban, Natal, Archibald Mitchell CAMPBELL, J.P., aged 72 years.
DUNN—On January 9, Yarker Henry Woodham DUNN, formerly of the Cape Government Railway Service.
DUNSMORE—On January 11, at Durban, Henry DUNSMORE.
HARROWER—On January 11, at Johannesburg, Charlie HARROWER, late of Port Elizabeth, aged 33.
MENDELSSOHN—On January 17, at 174, Sutherland Avenue, W., Caroline, widow of Emanuel MENDELSSOHN, of South Africa.
PIGOT-MOODIE—Killed in action on January 13, Charles Alfred PIGOT-MOODIE, Rifle Brigade and of 10, Cadogan Gardens, S.W., younger son of the late George PIGOT-MOODIE, of Westbrooke, Rondebosch, South Africa, aged 24 years.
SMITH—On January 19, at Finchley, Fanny, wife of George Keeble SMITH, aged 72.
30 January 1915
BARRY—On January 22, at Nairobi, the wife of N. J. M. BARRY, Naivasha, a daughter.
CARPENTER—On January 24, at Durban, Mrs. Hugh Forbes CARPENTER, a son.
COLLINS—On January 22, at Frankfort, Orange Free State, the wife of J. C. COLLINS, a daughter.
GEILS—On December 27, at Kimberley, Mrs. A. E. GEILS, a daughter.
GLAZEBROOK—On December 21, at Kimberley, Mrs. J. W. GLAZEBROOK, a daughter.
GOSS—On December 13, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Roy G. GOSS, a son.
LEINBERGER—at Vogelfontein, the wife of Fritz LEINBERGER, a daughter.
LEWIS—On December 23, at Johannesburg, Mrs. D. I. LEWIS, a son.
LEWIS—On December 25, at Germiston West, the wife of C. LEWIS, a son.
NICHOLSON—On January 25, at Stellenbosch, the wife of Alfred NICHOLSON, a daughter.
WEST—On January 23, at Grahamstown, to the Rev. Chancellor and Mrs. WEST, a daughter.
WILKINSON—On December 23, at Durban, Mrs. L. S. H. WILKINSON, twin daughters.
AVERY-HIRSOHN—On January 26, at Maldon, John Stanley AVERY, M.B., B.S., Lieutenant R.A.M.C., to May Henrietta, eldest daughter of the late Max HIRSOHN, of Senekal, and of Mrs. MOSSOP, of Maldon.
BERNHARD-UPSON—On January 23, at Edinburgh, Philip Eric, youngest son of C. P. BERNHARD, of Kimberley, to Evelyn Mona UPSON.
DUBOURG-CLARENCE—On the 27th January, at Trinity Church, Bath, by the Revd. M. G. GREY, M.A., Charles Frederick, son of Mrs. DUBOURG, of The Mount, Wilton, Salisbury, to Mary L. CLARENCE (nee PEPWORTH), of Chadwell, Durban, Natal, South Africa.
HAILE-PALMER—On January 21, at Cape Town, Alfred John HAILE, M.A., of Tiger Kloof, to Dorothy Mary PALMER.
MACKAY-WILLIAMS—On December 22, at Nylstroom, James Rose MACKAY to Marie WILLIAMS.
ALLENBERG—On January 21, at Greenwich, Katherine Minett, widow of Alexander ALLENBERG, of Port Elizabeth, aged 64.
BROWN—On December 21, at Kimberley, Mrs. M. BROWN, aged 42.
HANSEN—On December 28, at Jeppe Extension, Max Otto HANSEN, aged 33.
HEATH—On January 23, at Cape Town, Lieutenant Frank Tahourdin HEATH, aged 34.
LEITH—On January 23, at Belfast, Transvaal, Florence Annie Stansfield LEITH.
MILLAR—On December 3, at Johannesburg, Hannah MILLAR, wife of James MILLAR, aged 43.
NIEBUHR—On January 21, at Ealing, Gustav NIEBUHR, late of South Africa.
PALSER—On January 13, Clement Ernest PALSER, of Muswell Hill, aged 67.
POLDEN—On January 23, died of wounds, in South Africa, Joseph J. A. POLDEN, Legion of Frontiersmen, 12th Pretoria Regiment, aged 42.
SLADDIN—On January 10, Frederick Robert Edwin SLADDIN, of Cape Town.
STODDART—On January 20, at Edinburgh, Helen Wilson MacKenzie, wife of Alexander STODDART.
WIENAND—On January 22, at Bedford, Cape Province, Frederick Fuldner WIENAND, aged 80.
WOLLASTON—At Voorspoed, O.F.S., on the 18th December, 1914, Mabel Florence Croghan, beloved daughter of Lieut.-Colonel WOLLASTON, aged 27.
6 February 1915
GANDAR—On January 29, at Durban, the wife of Harry Vine GANDAR, a son.
GLYN—On January 2, at the City and Suburban, Mrs. C. GLYN, a daughter.
HICKSON—On February 1, at Maritzburg, to Mr. Herbert HICKSON and Mrs. HICKSON, a son.
IVES—On December 31, at Johannesburg, Mrs. E. H. IVES, a son.
NIAS—On January 29, at “Prestwood,” Dyke Road Avenue, Brighton, the wife of Frederick Somerset NIAS, a daughter.
ROSENBERG—On December 29, at Johannesburg, Mrs. C. ROSENBERG, a son.
SIMPSON—At Johannesburg, Mrs. Errol Chaband SIMPSON, a son.
SIVE—On December 27, at Bellevue, Mrs. S. L. SIVE, a son and daughter.
DICKENSON-HINE—On December 30, at Johannesburg, J. B. HINE to A. A. DICKENSON.
HYLAND-ENGELBRECHT—On January 2, at Bethlehem, James George HYLAND to Sannie ENGELBRECHT.
JOWETT-KELLY—On January 4, at Beaconsfield, Arthur JOWETT, to Florence KELLY.
LOGAN-MCDONALD—On January 5, at Tyldendale, Queenstown, C.P., Rev. Norman Colhoun LOGAN to Helen Maude, eldest daughter of the late William MCDONALD, of Tyldendale.
SINCLAIR-MACFARLANE—On January 1, at Johannesburg, Alfred Robert SINCLAIR to Jane Macpherson MACFARLANE.
WOOLER-VAN RYNEVELD—On January 6, at Johannesburg, Henry Dudley WOOLER, of Graaff-Reinet, to Pauline VAN RYNEVELD, of Johannesburg.
ADAM—On January 8, at Muizenberg, Isobel FALCONER, wife of Dr. ADAM, of Brakpan.
BEER—On February 3, at Hythe, Captain Samuel BEER, late Commodore of Clan Line, aged 73.
BOSCH—On January 5, at Braamfontein, Dirk Willem BOSCH, aged 44.
BROWN—On January 5, at Johannesburg, Bernard BROWN.
CARLISLE—On January 5, at Johannesburg, Trendercast Bennett CARLISLE, aged 41.
COOKE—On January 26, at La Fleche, France, Alfred Theodore COOKE, late of White River, Transvaal, and of the French Foreign Legion, aged 53.
DELLEGATTA—On December 31, at Germiston, Rizieri Dellegatta, aged 39.
DINGLE—On January 2, at Johannesburg, William DINGLE, aged 42.
DOMET—On December 28, at Krantzpoort, Michael DOMET, aged 25.
DRURY—On January 26, at Cheltenham, Henry Charles Drury, aged 66.
FLETCHER—On December 28, at Grelingstad, George Dela FLETCHER, Manager, Standard Bank, Grelingstad.
FRYER—On December 31, at Bertrams, Alice FRYER, aged 29.
LEVY—On December 29, Pearl, wife of A. LEVY.
MATURIN—On January 29, in British East Africa, Lieutenant William Kyrle (Kay) Maturin, aged 29.
MCKENNY—On January 5, at Johannesburg, John MCKENNY, aged 41.
ROSS—On January 24, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Hugh W. ROSS.
SAVELL—On December 28, at Muizenberg, the wife of W. SAVELL.
13 February 1915
BURGESS—On December 29, at Kimberley, to Mrs. Allan BURGESS, a daughter.
DISON—On January 4, at New Primrose, the wife of S. DISON, a son.
DUNCAN—On January 3, at Jeppes, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. DUNCAN, a daughter.
GEORGE—On January 7, at Parktown West, the wife of Sidney W. GEORGE, a daughter.
KELSO—On February 2, at Annan, the wife of William S. KELSO, Pretoria, a son.
PRICHARD—On February 6, the wife of Captain W. O. PRICHARD, East African Medical Service, a son.
ROBINSON—On January 2, at Durban, to Mrs. Max ROBINSON, a daughter.
SEALE—On December 30, at Grahamstown, to Dr. and Mrs. SEALE, a daughter.
WORTHINGTON—On December 26, at Pretoria, to Mrs. A. G. WORTHINGTON, a daughter.
ATHERSTONE-ANDERSON—On February 2, at Edinburgh, Harold Damant ATHERSTONE, L.R.C.P.& S., Ed., to Ella Burn Brown ANDERSON.
BRUCE-PARK—On January 30, Horace Ottewill BRUCE to Lilian PARK.
HIRSCH-PADDON—On February 6, at East London, Major H. A. HIRSCH, Permanent Staff, Union Defence Force, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. HIRSCH, of Port Elizabeth, to Gladys Isobel PADDON.
LISTER-HAYES—On January 9, at Johannesburg, Henry Coryton LISTER to Elizabeth Grace (Daisy), daughter of the late J. C. HAYES, and niece of the late Dr. W. A. HAYES, of Wynberg.
WILLIAMS-FOXWELL—On February 6, at Lancing, Lieutenant Frederick Raban WILLIAMS, 9th South Staffords, and of Angola, Portuguese West Africa, to Mabel Ione FOXWELL.
WILLS-TELFER—On February 6, quietly, at All Souls, Loudoun Road, N.W., by the Rev. Charles TERRY, W. A. WILLS, Captain Essex Yeomanry, son of Mr. W. M. WILLS, of Broombank, Selsey, Sussex, to Adela Marie Wilhelmina TELFER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TELFER, of Ardrossan, St. Albans
CAMPBELL—On February 1, at Cromarty, Robert Gillies CAMPBELL, W. S., Captain 10th Service Battalion Seaforth Highlanders.
CLAYTON—On February 7, killed in action, Charles CLAYTON, 1st Rhodesian Regiment Union Forces, son of the late John Moy CLAYTON, of Newquay.
FERGUSON—At Tietsin Rising, Nyasaland, Robert FERGUSON.
FLEMINGTON—On December 30, at Wilkopalaagee, Maria FLEMINGTON
GODWIN—On February 9, at 2D Bickenhall Mansions, W. Harold Frederic GODWIN, aged 69.
GUTHRIE—On February 10, in London, after a short illness following an operation, Adam White GUTHRIE, of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, aged 65.
JONES—Killed in action in France January 11, Norman Keppel, youngest son of Mrs. Keppel JONES, of Cape Town, aged 25.
LIVINGSTONE—On January 23, at Magomero, William Jervis LIVINGSTONE.
REID—On February 11, at 20, Endsleigh Gardens, N.W., Alfred Wallace REID, J.P., of East London, in his 58th year.
THOM—On February 1, at Rutherglen, Eliza Macauley Hislop, wife of the late William THOM.
WILKIE—On January 8, at Humansdorp, Harry M. WILKIN.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
It is stated that Syrian hawkers are becoming very numerous in Kimberley.
The electrification of the West-End tramway at Kimberley is to be proceeded with.
The Belgian delegates at present in South Africa are to pay Kimberley a visit.
A concert, under the auspices of the Southern Rifles, was recently held in the Kimberley City Hall in aid of the Soldiers’ Aid Society.
A mixed bathing evening, followed by a dance, attracted a large attendance recently at the De Beers United Recreation Club, Beaconsfield.
The Kimberley Town Council have expressed thanks to Mr. H. E. Clark for services rendered in connection with the Mayor’s Relief Fund.
At a military swimming gala held at Beaconsfield, R. Carswell, the well-known Rand swimmer, won the 100 yds. open. Lieut.-Colonel Salaman presided.
At a recent meeting of the Kimberley Town Council, the Mayor (Councillor E. Oppenheimer) was thanked by the Council for his work in connection with the new Kimberley Regiment.
The Highland Brigade memorial at Magersfontein is inspected once a year by the Diamond Fields Scottish Association who have the grounds weeded and the various wreaths cleaned and everything kept in good condition. The Association recently paid their annual visit, and heather was placed on the various spots at the memorial. Mr. Hugh BISSET, the owner of the kopje on which the memorial stands, is boring for water, and he has suggested that if it is found trees should be planted at the outspan. There is a box for visitors’ card at the memorial, and when it was opened it was found that 113 visitors had placed their cards in it since July.
A body found near Wynberg Park has been identified as that of Patrick Coates, son of Lieut.-Colonel COATES.
Notice is given that it is intended to set aside a certain piece of land, being portion of the Hardekraaltje Outspan, situated near Bellsville Station, as a demarcated forest.
The death is announced at Grahamstown at the age of 75 of Mr. Benjamin B. ATTWELL, who took a part in local politics and was at one time a prominent South African Freemason.
An effort is again being made to establish a Sunday School Association for South Africa. The World’s Sunday School Associations offer of £150 per annum for two years towards the salary of an Organising Secretary has not yet been accepted.
20 February 1915
ABRAHAMS—On January 15, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. P. ABRAHAMS, a son.
ANDERSON—On January 16, at New Kleinfontein, to Mrs. A. J. ANDERSON, a daughter.
COLMAN—on February 6, at Cape Town, Mrs. Harry M. COLMAN, a son.
GIBBS—On December 30, at Kimberley, to Mrs. J. GIBBS, a son.
KYDD-COUTTS—On January 9, at Kenilworth, to Mrs. W. F. KYDD-COUTTS, a son.
MACKAY—On February 13, at Nakuru, Mrs. J. MACKAY, a daughter.
MACLACHLAN—On January 7, at Kimberley, to Mrs. MACLACHLAN, a son.
MOSENTHAL—On January 12, at Joubert Park, to Mr. and Mrs. B. P. MOSENTHAL, a daughter.
NEYT—On January 17, at Rosettenville, to Mrs. NEYT, twin daughters.
SHAW—On January 12, at Eldoret, to Mrs. J. C. SHAW, a daughter.
WINTER—On February 15, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Arundell John WINTER, a son.
YUILL—On February 10, at Cape Town, to Mrs. Wm. YUILL, a son.
BURNETT-HARRIS—On January 18, at Jeppes, Charles Stanley BURNETT to Ethelle Annie HARRIS.
HARDAKER-BURRIDGE—On January 9, at Sea Point, Robert HARDAKER to Hilda BURRIDGE.
HEWETSON-WILSON—On February 11, at Cape Town, W. M. HEWETSON, M.B., D.P.H., Sinoia, to Margaret Lily WILSON.
KINGWELL-RICKETTS—On January 6, at Kimberley, Arthur Derby KINGWELL to Edith Petronella RICKETTS.
ADAM—On January 8, at Muizenberg, Isobe Falconer, wife of Dr. ADAM, of Brakpan.
BECK—On February 16, in London, Arthur BECK, formerly of Durban, aged 60.
CROFT-MURRAY—On February 8, in British East Africa, Bernard CROFT-MURRAY, aged 56.
EYK—At Johannesburg, William Daniel VAN EYK, aged 67.
FLETCHER—On February 11, at Bulawayo, Alfred Leigh FLETCHER.
FRITH—On December 28, on the P. and O. Ballarat, between Las Palmas and Cape Town, Samuel Davy FRITH, aged 44.
HANAU—On February 12, at Wynberg, Harriet HANAU.
HARROWER—On January 11, at Johannesburg, Charlie HARROWER, aged 33.
LAZARUS—On January 10, at Kimberley, Solomon Joseph LAZARUS.
MACFARLANE—On February 14, at 16, Fitzjohn’s Avenue, N.W., from heart failure, James Golder MACFARLANE, in his 69th year.
NEETHLING—Killed at Kakamas, Lieutenant Jack NEETHLING, Union Defence Force, aged 24.
NESBITT—On February 16, at Port Elizabeth, Frances Amelia, widow of Lieut.-Colonel NESBITT, C.B., aged 73.
WALBURGH—On January 11, at Kimberley, Sophia Madelina WALBURGH, aged 73.
WESTON—On January 6, at Benoni, Thomas William WESTON.
WILLIAMS—On February 13, at 92, Clifton HILL, N.W., Elizabeth Mary WILLIAMS, aged 67.
WRIGHT—On January 20, at Zemba, Francis Staunton Silas WRIGHT, Paymaster, 1st King’s African Rifles, aged 49.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
To the Editor of “South Africa.”
Sir,--I regret to see in your issue of the 13th inst. that you do not approve of the hospital unit which has been sent from South Africa to aid the Allies in Europe. I also notice that you are under a misapprehension with regard to the conditions under which the unit offered itself for service in France.
On this point I am in a position to state that all correspondence with the British and French War Offices took place through the Union Government and that the ambulance left South Africa with the full knowledge and sanction of the Defence Department.
I may add that the formation of an Ambulance or hospital unit was decided upon immediately after the outbreak of hostilities in Europe and long before there was any definite knowledge of trouble or warfare in South Africa. When the rebellion broke out and we offered to serve in South Africa we were officially informed that there was no necessity to make any alteration in our original plans, as our proposed assistance to the allied cause met with complete approval.
The Union Defence Department is obviously the best judge of the medical needs of the forces in the field in South Africa. Owing to the closing down of the diamond mines and other causes more medical men are free to join the Union Forces than are in reality required. To such an extent is this the case that the South African Medical Record, in an editorial, directly recommended medical men to proceed to Europe and offer their help there where the casualties were out of all proportion to what can be expected from the fighting in South Africa.
Quite apart from the official point of view, the numerous subscribers to the fund were most emphatic in their decision to send this unit to Europe.
In conclusion, I may state that the South African hospital is now at work in France, and has been most gratefully accepted and supported by the French Service de Sante, after due inspection. The French Government, through no fault of its own, was caught unprepared, and in view of the very large number of wounded in France it is keenly felt that practical help is, above all, needed in the present serious circumstances.
I remain,
Your obedient servant,
Harry BAYON,
Pathologist and Registrar, S.A.A.
Windsor Hotel, S.W.,
February 18, 1915.
(This communication does not alter our view that the ambulance, as it has now developed, is a blunder. It admits that the circumstances in South Africa are very much more serious now than they were when the scheme was conceived. “The numerous subscribers to the fund” were quite at liberty to do what they pleased with their “hospital unit” provided they paid its expenses, as was the original basis of the scheme. We distinctly stated last week that had it continued to be self-supported from South Africa we should have regarded the ambulance as a private affair. We have taken strong objection to the name of South Africa being associated with what is apparently now but a somewhat presumptuous and needy effort affecting to be of substantial “aid to the allies in Europe.” It is preposterous, in our view, that South Africa should be identified with such patronizing apologies as that “the French Government, through no fault of its own, was caught unprepared” and other criticisms such as we printed in our last issue. We have ourselves quite recently seen on the spot how England’s mighty neighbour and ally across the Channel has risen like the great nation she is to the full needs of the situation. We regard it, therefore, as something more than fussy to send round the hat on her behalf. If there are too many doctors in South Africa at present, we are sure those who are superfluous are men enough to shoulder a rifle and so help to bring the war at their own doors to a speedier conclusion.—Ed. S.A.)
A civil servant in the Public Works Department at Pretoria, named A. D. DUNBAR, has been found dead on the bed of the Aapies River. It is surmised that he missed his footing when crossing the bridge that spans the canalized portion of the river.
(Extracts from “South Africa” of February 22, 1890.)
Sir Theophilus SHEPSTONE is serious ill.
A five-page report of a South African debate in Parliament.
Remenyi, the violinist, appears to be again creating a great sensation in Natal.
President Kruger says he is anxious to forward railway development as much as possible.
The return of President Reitz to Bloemfontein, with his bride, was made the occasion of much rejoicing.
The Grand Cross of the Lion of the Netherlands has been conferred upon President Paul Kruger, of the Transvaal.
Mining engineers of high class and world-wide experience are pouring into the Transvaal from all parts of the mining world.
Hardly ever before has such great interest been manifested in Parliament in South African affairs in general as has just been displayed in the debate on the Address.
The block at Port Elizabeth is assuming very serious proportions, and unless something is done promptly work will come almost to a standstill. The great want is jetty accommodation and cranage.
27 February 1915
CHRISTIE—On February 18, at Mandala, Blantyre, to Mrs. John Melville CHRISTIE, a son.
COHEN—On January 18, at Kimberley, to Mrs. B. COHEN, a son.
DUNCANSON—On January 11, at Cape Town, the wife of Howard DUNCANSON, Inhangnoo, a daughter, who only survived an hour.
MOGGRIDGE—On February 24, at Blantyre, Nyasaland, Norah, wife of Lewis Traherne MOGGRIDGE, Nyasaland Civil Service, a son.
RAMSAY—At Cape Town, to Mrs. D. M. RAMSAY, a son.
ROUILLARD—On January 21, at Durban-Roodepoort Deep, to Mrs. A. P. ROUILLARD, a daughter.
AITKINS-WOLTON—On February 18, at Lavenham, Ferdinand AITKENS, J. P., British Columbia, late Senior Commissioner North-West Rhodesia, to Kathleen WOLTON.
BEGBIE-BAYNE—On January 14, at Mowbray, William BEGBIE to Ethel BAYNE.
FINCH-SIMPSON—On January 23, at Johannesburg, J. M. SIMPSON to Elizabeth Isabella FINCH.
HONEY-HANNA—On January 18, at Johannesburg, J. H. K. HONEY to Irene Mary HANNA.
KAY-STAYT—On January 21, at Doornfontein, Noel Arthur KAY to Dorothy Estelle STAYT.
KEMPE-GARFORTH—On February 8, at Bombay Cathedral, Harry Christopher KEMPE, R.F.A., youngest son of Sir John KEMPE and Lady KEMPE, to Dorothy GARFORTH.
MURRELL-COOKE—On February 15, at Pretoria, Arthur Ernest MURRELL, of Port Elizabeth, to Annie Mary (Cissie) COOKE.
PAILLOTTE-SPACKMAN—On January 21, at Johannesburg, Jules Paillotte to Eileen SPACKMAN.
ROBERTS-GLASSON—On January 12, at Kimberley, Sydney ROBERTS to Esther GLASSON.
AUSTIN—On December 27, at Elisabethville, Katanga, Godfrey AUSTIN.
DAVIS—Killed in action on February 14, Herbert Gough DAVIS, Lieutenant 1st Battn. Norfolk Regiment.
DUNCAN—On February 16, at Edinburgh, Miss Elizabeth Comie DUNCAN, aged 94.
DU PLESSIS—On January 8, at Hillbrow, John Petrus DU PLESSIS, aged 22.
FISHER—On February 19, Richard Meredith FISHER, of Worthing, in his 82nd year.
KNOX—On January 8, at Boksburg, James KNOX, late of Brakpan Mine, aged 36.
MITCHELL—On January 12, at Johannesburg, Samuel John MITCHELL, aged 34.
MUNRO—On January 14, at Koomati Poort, James MUNRO.
SMITH—On February 16, at Nairobi, James Mackay SMITH.
STRANG—On February 16, at Lindley, William John STRANG, aged 30.
WHITE—On February 4, at Wynberg, Henrietta, widow of Henry Master White, Archdeacon of Grahamstown, aged 88.
JAMESON—In memory of Harriette Blanche Hoole, the beloved wife of Samuel Watson JAMESON, who died at the Hillyers, Cookham, Berks, on the 24th February, 1899.
6 March 1915
ALLEN—On February 27, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. W. Howard ALLEN, a daughter.
BELL—On February 19, at Hillary, Mrs. Thomas BELL, a daughter.
CHAPMAN—On January 25, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. T. H. CHAPMAN, a daughter.
CLARK—On January 25, at Johannesburg, Mrs. J. CLARK, a daughter.
MORRIS—On February 26, at Mbarara, Mrs. E. G. MORRIS, a daughter.
PARKER—On March 1, at Potters Bar, to Mrs. L. R. PARKER, a daughter.
RABINOWITZ—On January 24, at Benoni, Mrs. I. RABINOWITZ, a daughter.
WATT—On February 23, at Germiston, to Dr. and Mrs. Andrew WATT, a son.
COWPER-ATTWOOD—On January 20, at Wynberg, Charles Richard, eldest son of Major Sydney COWPER, C.M.G., M.P.C., Wynberg, to Marjory ATTWOOD.
LEON-SIMPSON—On February 28, at Johannesburg, Claude Harris LEON to Hilda Victoria, youngest daughter of the late Henry SIMPSON, of Johannesburg.
MURRAY-THOMSON—On February 25, at Cape Town, William Telfer MURRAY, Bloemfontein, to Elizabeth Margaret (Dona) THOMSON.
MURRELL-COOKE—On the 15th February, at Christ Church, Arcadia, Pretoria, by the Rev. H. GRIFFITHS, M.A., Arthur Ernest MURRELL, of Semer, Redhouse, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, to Annie Mary (Cissie) COOKE, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. COOKE, of Crossfield House, Winsford, Cheshire.
WALLER-TRUSCOTT—On March 2, at Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, Arthur Sydney WALLER, of Salisbury, Rhodesia, to Mary GUTHRIE, elder daughter of Sir George and Lady TRUSCOTT.
ADAMS—On January 10, at Florida, Charles ADAMS, aged 38.
CAIN—On January 19, at Maraisburg, Hilda CAIN.
CAMPBELL—On March 1, at Edinburgh, Charles CAMPBELL.
DAVIDSON—On January 9, at Rand Klipfontein, Alexander DAVIDSON, formerly Manager of the New Kleinfontein Company, aged 45.
DUMARESQ—On February 26, in London, Robert Hare Fitzroy DUMARESQ, aged 43 years.
GRANTHAM—Killed in action, near Ypres, on February 27, Edward Mason GRANTHAM, Captain, 3rd Lincolnshire Regiment, of Iniwa, Zululand, aged 45.
GROVES—On March 2, at Thickthorn Broadway, Montague GROVES, late of Rhodesia.
LEVY—On January 11, at Berea, Milly, wife of A. E. LEVY, aged 60.
MATELIN—On January 15, at Cape Town, C. MATELIN.
MCIVER—On January 15, at Pretoria, Roderick MCIVER, aged 73.
RAIKES—On March 3, at 28, Kensington Court Gardens, W., Arthur Edward Harrington RAIKES, formerly First Minister to the Zanzibar Government, aged 49.
SEIMERT—On February 7, at Dresden, Benno C. G. SEIMERT.
WITHEY—On January 26, at Benoni, Edward Tom WITHEY, aged 42.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Dr. Viljoen, speaking at a Normal College function at Bloemfontein, said that the 1914 session closed with some 300 vacancies, and the Department was at its wits’ end to know how to find the teachers. A large number of the vacancies had been caused by a plurality of circumstances on which he would not dilate. During the recess 300 appointments of teachers had been made by the Department of that Province. The great majority were, of course, temporary, as virtually the whole of the northern districts were disorganized, and many Committees and School Boards were non-existent. The Department still had to make about 250 appointments.
A peculiarity of the Swaziland natives is that they do not make voluntary use of the services of the medical officers. Even when treatment is given by doctors, the patient often consults and follows the advice of a native medicine man.
13 March 1915
DOUGLAS—On February 3, at Indore, India, the wife of Major W. B. DOUGLAS, a son.
KENNEDY—On March 10, at Bromborough, the wife of Captain A. J. R. KENNEDY, R.F.A., a son.
KING—On March 10th at Albert Court, South Kensington, the wife of Captain Frank KING, IV. Hussars, of a son.
MCCAUSLAND—On February 4, at Cape Town, the wife of Dominick E. MCCAUSLAND, M.A., a son.
MCCLELLAN—On March 3, at Naivaska, B.E.A., the wife of J. W. T. MCCLELLAN, a son.
MORGAN—On February 23, the wife of T. O. MORGAN, British East Africa, a son.
PARKER—On March 1, at Potters Bar, to Mrs. L. R. PARKER, a daughter.
CAMPBELL-HARROWER—On February 20, at Johannesburg, Andrew John CAMPBELL, African Banking Corporation, to Isa HARROWER.
LOWE-CASTLEMOUNT—On March 8, at Hendon, Second-Lieut. George H. A. LOWE, 7th K.O.Y.L.I. to Ethel May, widow of Sir Kenneth CASTLEMOUNT.
SKEAT-BROWN—On February 28, at East London, Edwin C. SKEAT, to Katherine A. G. BROWN
DOUGLAS—On March 5, at 5, Gatefield Mansions, Clarendon Road, Lewisham, London, John Walter DOUGLAS, late of Johannesburg.
HOLCROFT—On February 2, at Potchefstroom, Charles HOLCROFT, aged 55.
KING—On the 10th March, at Albert Court, South Kensington, Naomi Joan, the beloved wife of Captain Frank KING, IV.Hussars, and youngest daughter of George Henry and Edith S. RAW. Funeral Service at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, 15th at Holy Trinity Church, Consort Road, South Kensington. Interment at Brompton Cemetery. Please accept this the only intimation.
MANNERS—On March 2, at Grahamfield, James MANNERS, late of the Cape Town Highlanders.
ORD—On February 25, at Luderitzbucht, when on active service, Edward ORD.
RICHARDSON—On March 6, at Cambridge, the Right Rev. William Moore RICHARDSON, D.D., formerly Bishop of Zanzibar, aged 70.
WEBSTER—On March 8, at Dorset Square, Captain R. V. WEBSTER, late C.M. Rifles, aged 47.
20 March 1915
ARROL—On March 11, at Durban, the wife of William Philips ARROL, Macequece, Africa, a son.
DOHERTY—On March 16, to Mrs. R. E. DOHERTY, a daughter.
GREPE—On February 7, at the Devon Stud Farm, District Bloemfontein, the wife of Hamilton Edward GREPE, a daughter.
JAMES—On February 1, at Beaconsfield, Mrs. G. R. JAMES, of Johannesburg, a daughter.
KALLENBACH—On February 9, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. N. KALLENBACH, a son.
PITCAIRN—On February 2, at Frankfort, Orange Free State, the wife of Thomas PITCAIRN, a son.
ROBERTS—On February 2, at Kimberley, to Mrs. W. A. ROBERTS, a daughter.
SKINNER—On January 28, at Flagstaff, to Mrs. J. Douglas SKINNER, a son.
SMITH—On March 11, at Nairobi, the wife of Alec SMITH, a daughter.
STEVENS—On January 25, at Kimberley to Mrs. J. STEVENS, a daughter.
STUTCHBURY—On March 16, at Nairobi, the wife of C. Hugh STUTCHBURY, a son.
WARD—On January 23, at Nairobi, to Mrs. Marriott WARD, a daughter.
BALL-LAIN—On February 3, at Kimberley, John Renton BALL to Winifred Grace LAING.
HOBSON-ILES-MATTHEWS—On January 21, at Johannesburg, G. Cawood HOBSON to Mrs. A. K. ILES-MATTHEWS.
MACLEOD-HARTLEY—At Bulawayo, Donald Alexander MACLEOD to Lilian Norah HARTLEY.
MORGAN-BUCKLEY—On January 23, in Rhodesia, Harold Riversdale MORGAN (Resident Magistrate at Mongu, North West Rhodesia) to Lydia Irene BUCKLEY.
PARRY-GREEN—On the 25th February, at St. Saviour’s Claremont, Cape of Good Hope, by the Rev. Saul SOLOMON, Dora Knollys, youngest daughter of H. R. GREEN and Mrs. GREEN, of Cape Town, to Reginald Heber, only son of the late Rev. Henry PARRY and Mrs. PARRY, of Llanfairisgaer, North Wales.
STARK-ARNOT—On March 9, at Mowbray, John W. STARK to Bessie ARNOT.
ZIMAN-GLUCKMANN—On February 3, at Johannesburg, Annie Gluckmann to J. N. ZIMAN.
DONALD—On March 12, at Cape Town, Robert DONALD.
DUNN—On February 8, at Cape Town, John DUNN.
GOLDIE—On February 18, at Port Elizabeth, Robert M. GOLDIE.
HALL—On January 24, at Johannesburg, Grace Olive HALL, aged 23.
KIRKNESS—On January 24, at Johannesburg, Hariet Elizabeth, wife of Peter KIRKNESS.
MITFORD—On March 11, at Kensington, Zima Helen MITFORD, widow of Bertram MITFORD, third daughter of the late Alfred EBDEN, of Rondebosch, aged 60.
PALM—On January 19, Lawrence Jacobus Erasmus PALM, aged 26.
PARK—On January 25, at Germiston, James PARK.
SALE—On March 9, killed in action in East Africa, Alexander Gordon SALE, Lieutenant, King’s African Rifles, aged 20.
SPENCE—On service, near Vryburg, Trooper James SPENCE, aged 35, Cullinan’s Horse.
TURNER—On March 12, at Colyton, Devon, Sir George TURNER, Kt., M.B. (Cantab.), aged 67.
27 March 1915
BRADSHAW—At The Grange, Steeple-Aston, on March 23rd, the wife of Arthur E. BRADSHAW, of a daughter.
CLARKE—On March 9, at Pretoria, the wife of Francis Priestley Courtney CLARKE, a daughter.
COUSINS—On February 27, at Malmesbury, the wife of Arnold COUSINS, a son.
CRESSWELL—On March 15, at Nairobi, the wife of W. Warneford Cresswell, a daughter.
ENGLISH—On March 24, at 51, Hanover Gate Mansions, Mrs. Cecil R. ENGLISH, a daughter.
GRANT MCDOWELL—On March 17, at Umtali, to Victor GRANT and Gladys MCDOWELL, a son.
RODWELL—On March 18, at Muizenberg, the wife of Cecil Hunter RODWELL, C.M.G., a daughter.
HARDY-KEVAN—On March 20, at Umtali, Edward Lynton HARDY to Edith M. KEVAN.
KIRKPATRICK-STEWART—On March 20, at Johannesburg, William James KIRKPATRICK to Annie Abbot STEWART.
PARKER-MURRAY—On March 24th, at St. Matthew’s Bayswater, Frederick Henry PARKER, F.R.C.S., second son of the late Rev. F. W. PARKER, of Montgomery, and Mrs. PARKER, of Cheltenham, to Elizabeth Maria (May), daughter of Dr. C. F. K. MURRAY, F.R.C.S., and Mrs. MURRAY, of Kenilworth, Cape Town, and granddaughter of the late Sir John Charles MOLTENO
REYNOLDS-MACPHERSON—On March 20, at Edinburgh, Second Lieutenant Sidney R. REYNOLDS, R.F.A., to Jean Barclay Stewart MACPHERSON.
BLISS—On March 20, at Beckenham, Alice B. BLISS, widow of Arthur BLISS, of Sydenham.
CLARKE—Killed in action, on March 6, in France, Rifleman Basil Heathcote CLARKE, 1st Batt. Queen Victoria’s Rifles, aged 21.
REID—On March 9, killed in action in East Africa, Guy E. H. Reid, Lieutenant, King’s African Rifles.
SISSISON—On February 15, at Wynberg, Major Joseph SISSISON, J.P.
THOMPSON—Killed in action in East Africa on March 9, Lieutenant A. D. THOMPSON, 4th King’s African Rifles, aged 27.
VINER-JOHNSON—Killed in action, March 14, Captain P. J. V. VINER-JOHNSON, 1st Battalion Wiltshire Regiment.
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