South Africa 1914 3 July - September
4 July 1914
BARNARD – On June 9, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Arthur Barnard, a son.
AYMAN – On June 7, at Johannesburg, the wife of J. Hayman, a daughter.
LE MESURIER – On June 26, at O’okiep Rectory, Namaqualand, the wife of the Rev. T. Gerald Le Mesurier, a son.
NIXON – On May 24, at Kimberley, Mrs. Nixon, a daughter.
SMITH – On June 5, at the Simmer and Jack, Mrs. C. W. Smith, a daughter.
BROWN—ANDREW – On June 25, at Glasgow, Andrew Reid Brown to Eva Andrew.
EDMEADES—GEE – On June 3, at Oudtshoorn, Lionel Knipe Edmeades, second son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Edmeades, of Oudtshoorn, to Nora Gertrude Gee.
GODDARD—MACRAE – On June 27, at Edinburgh, Harold Warner Goddard to Jean, elder daughter of John MacRae, Johannesburg.
KETTLEWELL—DENISON CLARKE – On June 29, at Grahamstown, the Rev. Percy W. H. Kettlewell, Principal of St. Andrew’s College, Grahamstown, to Nina Mary, only daughter of L. Denison Clarke, of Hatfield, Highlands, C.P.
PALMER—ATKINSON – On July 2, in Kensington, A. R. B., second son of Thomas Palmer, M.A., LL.B., of Cape Town, to Mabel Atkinson.
SOLOMON—SOLOMON – On July 1, at the Waldorf Hotel, George Goodman Solomon to Dorothea Esther Solomon.
TAYLOR—CARNE – On June 27, at Finchley, William Horatio Taylor and Janet Evelyn Thompson Carne.
WATSON—BLACKWOOD – At New Kilpatrick Parish Church, N.B., on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. Fraser Graham, D.D., assisted by the Rev. J. H. Dickie, Robert Graham Watson, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, to Helen, youngest daughter of the late John Blackwood, Craigton, Milngavie.
WORSLEY—GUILLEMARD – On June 8, at Rondebosch, Lieutenant Francis Le Geyt Worsley, R.N., to Irene Beatrice, elder daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Guillemard, of Rondebosch.
ANDERSON—On June 23, at Wintertown, Jeanie, wife of George Anderson.
HYATT—On June 30, at Sydenham, Stanley Portal Hyatt, aged 37.
JARVIS—On the 27th ultimo, at 12, Avenue Mansions, Hampstead, N.W., Mary Coningesby, only daughter of the late Alfred and Sarah Jarvis.
LOUBSER—On the 29th June, at Oberhof, Thuringin, Germany, Matthew Michael Loubser, of Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg.
PARTINGTON—On July 1, at Mombasa, Hugh Basil Partington, late District Commissioner East Africa, aged 40.
RICHARDSON—On May 31, at Maritzburg, James Richardson, aged 39.
ROBERTSON—On June 30, at Bathgate, Robert Robertson, Malvern, Natal
STEDMAN—On June 25, at Arundel, General Sir Edward Stedman, G.C.B., K.C.I.E., aged 71.
TAYLER—On June 25, at Bournemouth, Charles Tayler, aged 72.
TUCKER—On June 10, at Durban, Bernard Somers, youngest son of Alfred and Georgina Tucker, of Entabene, Fourisburg.
TYLER—On June 26, at Douglas, Cape Province, Jessie Simpson Tyler.
BALFOUR, John, stone-cutter, late of Kirkcudbright, last heard of in South Africa. Inquirer, brother James.
MOUNSEY, George and William, left Liverpool 1876, supposed to have left Cape Town for the gold diggings. Inquirer, sister, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, 25, Browne Street, Bootle, Liverpool.
MULLIN, William, left Sheerness about 49 years ago, last heard of about 14 years ago, was engaged as working foreman on the Government Forts, Cape Town. Inquirer, Brother-in-law, Henry Spurrier, 130, Avenue Road, Portswood, Southampton.
SHAMP, Ted, left Cairo about 1896, said to be in South Africa about 1902. Inquirer, sister Criss, Address, c/o Postmaster, Ferozepore, Punjab, India.
SHAW, Thomas, of Appleby, Westmorland, left England about 1879 for Kimberley; last seen in Leicester, 1891. Inquirer, brother Frank.
SIMMONDS, Edward Henry, last heard of in Orange Free State. Inquirer, brother Fred, Ben Eden St., Waverley, Sydney, New South Wales.
STACKHOUSE, Cecil Hall, a designer, aged 20, disappeared from Manchester on October 25, 1913, and has not been heard of since. Father inquires.
STOREY, Herbert, also known as Frank Millar, late R.N. and B.S.A.P., served in Boer war, visited England, 1901, and returned to South Africa after a short visit. Father, sisters, and mother ask.
TAYLOR, Arthur, late of Cadishead, went to South Africa, 1911, and returned to Southampton the same year. Parents ask.
WOODS, Mrs. Frances Dorothea, last heard of in South Africa, 1897. Inquirer, sister Louie.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
Mrs. Albert Morum, as a memorial to her late husband, who was a leading merchant of Queenstown, is presenting a complete and up-to-date Rontgen Ray installation to the Frontier Hospital at that town.
The death is reported from Cape Town of Mr. James Naylor, Controller of the Money Order Branch, General Post Office, one of the pioneers of the Cape Telegraph Service, having been specially selected for transfer to that Service from the Imperial Service.
Through the generosity of Mrs. Alexander McGregor, of Forest Lodge, Rondebosch, the Cape Hospital Board has been put in possession of a property at Plumstead which it is intended shall be used as a convalescent home for persons of European descent.
11 July 1914
ALEXANDER—On July 3, at Nairobi, the wife of John E. Alexander, A.M.I.C.E., a son.
BOSWELL—On May 24, at Fordsburg, the wife of W. H. Boswell, a daughter.
BRAND—On June 29, at Durban, the wife of Andrew Nevill Brand, a daughter.
CLUNAS—On May 28, at Sea Point, the wife of J. J. W. Stuart Clunas, a son.
FARRANT—At Cradock, the wife of William Farrant, M.Inst.C.E., a son.
GOODMAN—On May 28, at Rosebank, the wife of N. Goodman, a daughter.
HARDY—On May 27, at Somerset Strand, the wife of Thomas F. Hardy, Bulawayo, a son.
OAKES—On July 2, at Surbiton, to Captain (R.E.) and Mrs. Richard Oakes, a son.
ROSS—On May 19, at Kimberley, Mrs. M. Ross, a son.
WHISH—On June 9, at Zanzibar, the wife of Captain J. K. T. Whish, a son (still-born).
BECKLES—DODSON—On June 4, in the Transvaal, Eustace Beckles to Gwendoline Dodson.
DAVIDSON—ALTON—On May 11, at Krugersdorp, Robert A. Davidson to Edith J. Alton.
FORREST—ARCHIBALD—On July 6, at Edinburgh, C. A. B. Forrest, Cairntoul, Cape Province, to Margaret Archibald, Detroit, Michigan.
FYVIE—YOUNG—On July 3, at St. Andrews, Walter Fyvie, of Johannesburg, to Agnes Simpson Young.
HENDERSON—DE COURCY MEADE—On July 1, at Johannesburg, Andrew Edward Firth Henderson to Annie De Courcy Meade.
LEWIS—PATTON—On May 16, at Sea Point, Alfred James Lewis, to Ivy May, youngest daughter of Mrs. Patton, Green Point.
MIDLANE—NIVEN—On May 21, at Cape Town, Edgar James, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Midlane, Newlands, to Kathleen, only daughter of Mr. W. R. Niven, Cape Town.
PALMER—ATKINSON—On July 2, at Kensington, A. R. B., second son of Thomas Palmer, M.A., LL.B., of Cape Town, to Mabel, eldest daughter of J. B. Atkinson, M.Sc., late H.M. Inspector of Mines, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
RAPHAEL—HART—On July 7, at St. John’s Wood Synagogue, Alfred Raphael, of Cape Town, to Emma Hart.
AUCAMP—On May 27, Johanna Esther, wife of Rev. Mr. Aucamp, and only daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. D. J. de Villiers.
BRANFORD—On July 2, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, Eric W. Branford.
BRINTON—On July 2, at Stourport, John Brinton, J.P., D.L., aged 87.
BUCKLE—On July 3, at Durban, Katharine Mary Helen, wife of Harry Osborne Buckle, Chief Magistrate of Johannesburg, aged 42.
DALGETY—On July 5, at Bedford, Colonel Edmund Henry Dalgety, C.B., late of the Cape Mounted Riflemen and Scots Fusiliers.
DICKSON—On May 22, at Felixburg, Rhodesia, William Dickson, aged 47.
MCPHERSON—On July 3, at Glasgow, Isabella Robertson McPherson, aged 80.
SANDERSON—On July 1, at Johannesburg, William Sanderson, Nelspruit.
TRAILL—On May 19, at Kimberley, Anthony Bowman Traill, aged 28.
VARDY—On July 7, at Hythe, Frances Lucy, wife of William Elliott Vardy, of Port Elizabeth.
WHISH—On June 27, at Zanzibar, Evelyne Ann, wife of Captain J. K. T. Whish, aged 32.
BALFOUR, John, stone-cutter, late of Kirkcudbright, last heard of in South Africa. Inquirer, brother James.
MOUNSEY, George and William, left Liverpool 1876, supposed to have left Cape Town for the gold diggings. Inqurer, sister, Mrs. Dorothy Taylor, 25, Browne Street, Bootle, Liverpool.
MULLIN, William, left Sheerness about 49 years ago, last heard of about 14 years ago, was engaged as working foreman on the Government Forts, Cape Town. Inquirer, Brother-in-law, Henry Spurrier, 130, Avenue Road, Portswood, Southampton.
SHAMP, Ted, left Cairo about 1896, said to be in South Africa about 1902. Inquirer, sister Criss, Address, c/o Postmaster, Ferozepore, Punjab, India.
SHAW, Thomas of Appleby, Westmorland, left England about 1879 for Kimberley; last seen in Leicester, 1891. Inquirer, brother Frank.
SIMMONDS, Edward Henry, last heard of in Orange Free State. Inqurer, brother Fred, Ben Eden St., Waverley, Sydney, New South Wales.
STACKHOUSE, Cecil Hall, a designer, aged 20, disappeared from Manchester on October 25, 1913, and has not been heard of since. Father inquires.
STOREY, Herbert, also known as Frank Millar, late R.N. and B.S.A.P., served in Boer war, visited England, 1901, and returned to South Africa after a short visit. Father, sisters, and mother ask.
TAYLOR, Arthur, late of Cadishead, went to South Africa, 1911, and returned to Southampton the same year. Parents ask.
TILL—MCCLARNON—Mrs. Frances Till (formerly McClarnon), last heard of in Kimberley, 1901. Inquirer, brother, William McClarnon, 9, Severn Street, of Meadow Road, Holbeck.
WOODS, Mrs. Frances Dorothea, last heard of in South Africa, 1897. Inqurer, sister Louie.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
A novel method of making money has been disclosed between the town of Kroonstad and Kopjes, in the Free State. In a dip in the road, rendered impassable by recent rains, many motor-cars stick. A genius stays in the neighbourhood with a span of oxen, and appears to turn up on each occasion at the crucial moment. Ten shillings a time for hauling the cars out of the dip is his charge, and he is becoming rich on the strength of the bad passage remaining so.
The programme of Colonial reliefs for 1914-15 just issued from the War Office states that on December 12 the Somali will leave Southampton with the 1st East Lancashire Regiment for Gibraltar, and on the return voyage bring the 2nd East Lancashire Regiment from Cape Town to Southampton to be stationed at Colchester, arriving Home on February 8. The 1st Royal Dragoons from Potchefstroom will leave South Africa by freight ship about the middle of December for Southampton, to be stationed at Longmoor.
18 July 1914
ASPINALL—On June 20, at Roodepoort, the wife of the late H. R. Aspinall, a son.
CAMERON—On July 9, at Johannesburg, the wife of the Ven. G. H. Cameron, Archdeacon of Johannesburg, a daughter.
CULLEN—On July 14, at Modderfontein, the wife of Mr. William Cullen, a son.
FRASER—On June 7, at Johannesburg, the wife of Alan Munro Fraser, a daughter.
LEWIS—On June 23, at Johannesburg, Mrs. Leon Lewis, a son.
MARAIS—On June 19, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. C. P. Marais, a son.
MCQUEEN—On June 18, at Germiston, the wife of Fred H. Powell, a daughter.
SETH-SMITH—On July 13, at Merrow Down, Caterham Valley, the wife of Gordon Seth-Smith (nee Daisy Watson), a son.
SIMPSON—On June 19, at Johannesburg, Mrs. A. E. Simpson, a daughter.
BEECH—DRUCE—On June 10, at Kimberley, Emma L. Druce to Edward Charles Beech.
BRUCE—ANDERSON—On July 11, at Johannesburg, John A. Bruce to Lisa Anderson.
CUBITT—SPRECKLEY—On May 26, C. E. Cubitt, of Johannesburg, to Muriel S. M. Spreckley, of Cape Town.
GARDINER—ADAMS—On July 14, at St. Stephen’s, South Kensington, Ernest Gardiner to Kathleen Eleanor, youngest daughter of Charles Adams, of Tarkastad.
MCILVEEN—WILLIAMS—On May 27, at Johannesburg, John McIlveen and Amelia Williams.
MCNAUGHTON—REID—At Cape Town, Alex. R. McNaughton, South African Railways, Matjesfontein, to Margaret Craik Reid.
MORRIS—DODDS—On June 10, at Pretoria, Walter F. Morris to Violet Katherine Dodds.
QUINTON—STEYTLER—On June 20, at Johannesburg, George Louis Quinton to Daphne Steytler.
TATTERSALL—STEWART—On July 2, at Bloemfontein, Arthur Tattersall to Mary Margaret Stewart.
WALKER—ROUSE—On June 9, at Kimberley, Mary Rouse to William B. Walker.
ADAMS—On June 9, at Krugersdorp, Wilhelmina, wife of Leo Adams, aged 25.
GALE—On June 9, at Johannesburg, Henry Gale, Publicity Department, S.A.R., aged 32.
HARRIS—On May 25, at Johannesburg, William Russell Harris, aged 45.
LUNT—On May 20, at Kimberley, William Henry Lunt, aged 65.
MACLEAN—On June 14, at Nairobi, Neill McNeill Maclean.
MCLACHLAN—On May 21, at Woodstock, John William McLachlan, late of Reibeek West.
MORGAN—On July 9, at Harding, Natal, Humphrey Stephen Sherborne Morgan, aged 35.
SHIPP—On May 26, at Kimberley, Emanuel Shipp.
SMITH—On May 28, at Simon’s Town, John Adam Smith, aged 57.
STANDEN—On May 29, at Johannesburg, Alice Edith Standen, aged 29.
STEIN—On June 2, at the Berea Hospital, Thekla, the wife of A. B. Stein, of Kinross, aged 33.
WOODROOFFE—On July 8, at Grahamstown, Elizabeth Marion, widow of Archdeacon Woodrooffe, aged 71.
The Mayor of Cape Town (Mr. John Parker) has given notice to move in the City Council: “That the Council do extend an official welcome to the Right Hon. Viscount Buxton, G.C.M.G., upon his arrival in the City on August 25, 1914, to take up the duties of the Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, and do present to His Excellency an address of welcome and congratulation, given under the Common Seal of the City, and that His Worship the Mayor be authorized to take all necessary steps in the matter on behalf of the Council.”
25 July 1914
BERNSTINE—On June 9, at Johannesburg, the wife of Joseph Bernstine, a daughter.
BOYD—On July 11, at Durban, the wife of Andrew B. Boyd, twins, son and daughter.
BOYD—On July 15, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. John W. Boyd, a daughter.
CULLEN—On July 14, at Modderfontein, the wife of William Cullen, a son.
DOBBIE—On June 16, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. Thomas Dobbie, jun., a daughter.
FELAT—On June 18, the wife of J. Felat, of Kinross, a son.
HYDE—On June 5, to Mrs. F. W. Hyde, of Windsorton, a daughter.
POTGIETER—On June 18, Mrs. Dan E. E. Potgieter, of Beaconsfield, a daughter.
SUSSMAN—On June 11, at Kimberley, Mrs. A. Sussman, a daughter.
WILLIAMS—On July 9, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, the wife of Rowland Owen Williams, a son.
BERNARD—DAVIS—On July 15, at Johannesburg, George Henry Brian Bernard to Alice Davis.
DOBBIE—STEPHEN—On July 15, at Troon, M. E. Dobbie, Nairobi, to Helen Ann Stephen.
FOX—MACINTYRE—On July 17, at Cape Town, Gilbert Fox, Natal, to Bessie Black Macintyre.
HAY—HOWIE—On July 9, at Durban, John Munro Hay to Margaret Howie.
MILLAR—BEATTIE—On July 20, at Torquay, Walter, son of the late Hon. John Millar, of Durban, to Isabel Mary Beattie.
ROBERTSON—FYFE—On July 14, at Cape Town, James Robertson to Mary Smith Fyfe.
SEVENING—ANGUS—On June 25, at Cape Town, Paul Sevening to Helen Angus, of Cape Town.
WISEMAN—BRODIE—On July 15, at Dublin, Harold Vincent Wiseman, of Johannesburg, to Isabella Nicoll Brodie.
ZOCCOLA—MAY—On July 21, Alex. R. Zoccola, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zoccola, of Johannesburg, to Violet May.
BIRRELL—On July 10, at Port Elizabeth, James Birrell.
DODDS—On June 4, at Pretoria, Hannah Dodds, aged 68.
EGNAL—On June 8, at Johannesburg, Rachel Rebecca Egnal, aged 16.
GRANVILLE—On June 22, at Johannesburg, Anne, wife of F. J. C. C. Granville, aged 68.
HUTTON—On July 14, at Glasgow, Mildred Ryder, wife of the late Thomas Hutton, Kimberley.
KEARNEY—On June 28, at Johannesburg, William St. John Kearney, aged 48.
PARK—On June 24, at Johannesburg, Mabel Mee Park, wife of Ernest H. Park.
ROBERTSON—On June 24, at Mowbray, Samuel Robertson, M.A. Edin., Education Department, Cape Town.
SLOAN—On June 24, at Johannesburg, Ida Sloan, wife of William J. Sloan, aged 31.
SMITH—On May 22, at Nairobi, Harold Smith.
TAYLOR—On July 9, at Johannesburg, Philip Shelbourne Taylor.
TUCKER—On June 10, at Durban, Bernard Somers Tucker, aged 24.
WHEELDON—On the 18th July, at St. George’s Hospital, Hyde Park, James Wheeldon, of the Cape Colony and the Transvaal, aged 62.
Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:
In the Active Citizen Force of the Union, His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint to commission rank the following with the ranks and in the units indicated: 10th Mounted Rifles (De Botha Ruiters), Lieutenant—K. E. Weiss. 15th Mounted Rifles (De Wet’s Ruiters), Major--P. J. Dry; Captain—F. J. van H. D. Denyssen. 4th Independent Mounted Rifle Squadron, Captain—C. J. Marais: Lieutenants—P. J. A. Oberholzer, J. H. van der Merwe, 5th I.M.R. Squadron, Major—W. H. Steyn; Lieutenants—J. H. J. V. Ackermann, C. J. du Plessis, P. J. Roos. 6th I.M.R. Squadron, Captain—J. R. H. Rood; Lieutenants N. B. Borcherds, H. L. le Riche, C. O’B. Smith. 11th Dismounted Rifles (Oranje Scherpschutters), Major—P. J. Strydom; Captains—H. T. Ham, G. J. Naude, D. P. Papenfus; Lieutenants—A. J. Bester, J. D. Burke, J. C. Gouws, P. C. le Roux, P. J. C. Maree, J. H. Oosthuizen, H. J. Otto, G. W. Stegmann, P. L. Uys, L. van der M. Vogel, C. F. van der Watt. Quartermaster, with rank of Lieutenant—J. E. Soltz. 4th Independent Dismounted Rifle Squadron, Lieutenant—J. O. Slabbert, 5th I.D.R. Squadron, Captain—J. S. de R. de Villiers; Lieutenants—D. H. Cilliers, H. H. Kluge, T. Moodie, C. Visser. 6th I.D.R. Squadron, Captain—H. O. Dugmore; Lieutenant—R. E. van der Merwe.
His Excellency approves the promotion to the rank of Colonel of the undermentioned officers: Lieutenant-Colonel H. Woodhead, C.M.G., V.D., 2nd Infantry (Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Rifles), and Lieutenant-Colonel W. Standford, M.V.O., D.S.O., V.D., 6th Infantry (Duke of Connaught and Strathearn’s Own Cape Town Highlanders).
Lieutenant D. M. Brown, of the 4th Dismounted Rifles, is appointed Adjutant, with the temporary rank of Captain.
5 September 1914
BASKIND—On August 8, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. H. Baskind, a son.
CELLIER—On August 7, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. Cellier, a daughter.
CHARTERS—On August 10, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. R. H. Charters, a daughter.
CHRISTIE—On August 29, at Pretoria, the wife of Charles Christie, a daughter.
HART—On July 25, at Benoni, to Mrs. A. C. Hart, a son.
HORKHEIMER—On August 3, at Kimberley, to Mrs. B. Horkheimer, a son.
LLOYD—On August 27, at Wynberg, to Mrs. A. C. Gore Lloyd, a daughter.
MORRIS—On August 8, at Johannesburg, to Mrs. Philip Morris, a daughter.
SYKES—On July 28, at Papkuil, the wife of Charles Sykes, a daughter.
DE VOY—DONALDSON—On August 31, at Hatting Spruit, John De Voy to Marion Donaldson.
HARPER—SMITH—On August 29, at Birch, Robert G. Harper, of Uganda, to Hilda Rose Smith.
HARTOG—AYRE SMITH—On August 24, at Pretoria, Gustave Hartog to Jane Clark (Tannie) Ayre Smith.
HOWARD—HUGHES—On August 20, at Boston, U.S.A., Leonard Lansden Howard, only son of James Howard, of Umtali, to Lilian Mary, widow of the Rev. John Hughes, of Rempstone.
KEET—CAMPBELL—On August 27, at Edinburgh, Peter William John Keet, M.B., Ch.B., to Primrose Elizabeth Campbell.
MCCORMACK—LOGAN—On September 1, at Brompton Oratory, Michael McCormack, of Johannesburg, to Dulcie Evelyn Logan.
SCHAAP—WILSON—On August 29, at Johannesburg, Henri J. Schaap, elder son of the late Joseph Schaap, Johannesburg, to Margaret Wilson.
SCOTT—PAGE—On July 20, at Shamva, William Scott to Lilian Page.
SIMMONS—LEVY—On August 4, at Doornfontein, Miriam Simmons to Barney Levy.
CHRISTIE—On August 2, at Doorn Vlei, James John Christie, aged 67.
CLARK—On August 12, at Johannesburg, Edward John Clark, aged 68.
CRAWFORD—At Pretoria, Jeanie Roy, wife of William Crawford.
DRYSDALE—On August 9, at Johannesburg, Janet Drysdale, aged 62.
LAMONT—On August 26, at Kildonan, Arran, William J. Lamont, H.B.M. Consul Belgian Congo.
MACKIE—On August 1, at Rutherglen, Annie Campbell Mackie.
MARSHALL—At Pretoria, Katharine Agnes, Sister of the Community of St. Mary the Virgin, Wantage, aged 33.
REID—On August 5, at Johannesburg, Judith Paarl Reid.
SANDERSON—On August 13, at Johannesburg, John Edward Sanderson, aged 48.
WATRIDGE—On August 1, at Stutterheim, Annie Watridge.
WINDISCH—On July 30, at Beaconsfield, Auguste Marie Albertine Windisch, aged 35.
WYNTER—The Rev. Reginald William Wynter, aged 61, drowned at sea returning from South Africa.
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