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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1902 1 January - March


4 January 1902

(Announcements inserted under this heading are charged for at a minimum of 5s., which in all cases must be prepaid. All notices must be properly authenticated.)


AMBLER, Mrs. H. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, Dec. 6, a daughter.
BRAND, Mrs. J. C., Somerset West, Cape Colony, Dec. 4, a daughter.
CHAPMAN, Mrs. S., Sea Point, Dec. 6, a daughter.
CROWLEY, Mrs. J. C., Maritzburg, Nov. 28, a son.
DIX, Mrs. H. H., Sea Point, Dec. 8, a son.
EDWARDS, Mrs. J. H., Newlands, Dec. 4, a daughter.
HEDLEY, Mrs. R. G., Wynberg, Dec. 1, a son.
HELY-HUTCHINSON—On the 26th ult., at Government House, Newlands, Cape Town, the Hon. Lady Hely-Hutchinson, of a son.
HOFFMAN, Mrs. C., Sea Point, Dec. 3, a son.
LEWIN, Mrs. A., Cape Town, Nov. 28, a son.
MACDONALD, Mrs. F., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, Dec. 4, a son.
MCKAY, Mrs. E. D., Cape Town, Dec. 3, a daughter.
NASH, Mrs. W. T., Cape Town, Dec. 3, a daughter.
PENTELOW, Mrs. W. B., Wynberg, Dec. 3, a daughter.
PHILIP, Mrs. A. A., Dordrecht, Dec. 3, a son.
POWRIE, Mrs. J., Rondebosch, Dec. 6, a daughter.
STEVENS, Mrs. F., Woodstock, Cape Colony, Dec. 4, a son.
THORN, Mrs. W., Worcester, Cape Colony, Nov. 28, a daughter.
WHITEHORN—On the 26th ult., at Harrismith, Orange River Colony, the wife of Arthur A. Whitehorn, of a son.


BELLIS, H.—CLEMENTSON, E. M., Woodstock, Cape Colony, Nov. 27.
BLAKE, C. A. W.—STEYN, E., Cape Town, Dec. 4.
COHEN, S. D.—ELLIS, A., Cape Town, Dec. 4.
COLMAN—WHITEHEAD—On Nov. 26, at St. Augustine’s, on the Berea, Durban, by the Rev. Canon Johnstone, Stuart Mill Colman, of Maritzburg, eldest son of Stuart Colman, of Sydenham, to Clara Marian, daughter of William H. Whitehead, of Sydenham.
FREEMAN, E. P.—CLARIDGE, L., Woodstock, Cape Colony, Dec. 4.
KIRSTEN, F.—JOUBERT, F., Cape Town, Dec. 2.
RUSHFORTH, T.—HOSKINGS, G. M., Cape Town, Dec. 3.
VAN NIEKERK, A.—VLOK, R., Piquetberg, Nov. 26.


BERGTHEIL—On the 26th ult., at 38, Warwick Road, Maida Hill, W., Jonas Bergtheil, late of Natal, aged 82.
BINDEMANN, L. L., Hopefield, Cape Colony, Nov. 25, aged 38.
BOSMAN, J. P., Stellenbosch, Dec. 1, aged 61.
COETZER, Rev. M. P. A., Klerksdorp, Nov. 18, aged 53.
DUK, C., Diep River, Cape Town, Dec. 7, aged 65.
GOODLIFFE—On the 24th ult., at Gloucester Road, Kew Gardens, Francis Gimber Goodliffe, late of Cape Town, and formerly of Cheshunt, Herts.
HUGO, H. J., Simons Town, aged 67.
LUCAS, P. W., Beaufort West, Nov. 30, aged 50.
PALMER, Harriet Elizabeth, the wife of Captain S. H. Palmer, of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, died in London, on Dec. 23, 1901, aged 52 years, and was interred in New Southgate Cemetery, on the 27th Ult.
PIERCE—On Dec. 24, at her uncle’s residence, Crettyard, Queen’s Co., suddenly, Mary Eleanor (Ellie), wife of John M. Pierce, of Johannesburg, and niece of H. Gore Haskins.
POSNO—On the 27th ult., Charles J. Posno, of 19, Finsbury Circus, E.C., and the Woodlands, Grove Park, Kent, in the 65th year of his age.
SCHRENDER, J. Darling, November 26, aged 65.
STOCKDALE, H. J., Robertson, Cape Colony, Dec. 5, aged 43.
THORN, G. H. C., Paarl, Nov. 29, aged 26.
TIPPETT, G. F., Rondebosch, Dec. 8, aged 46.

Miscellaneous Articles on Same Page:

The General Court-martial held at Kimberley in connection with the charges of embezzlement &c., preferred against Captain Leslie, Imperial Yeomanry, lat Commandant of Herbert District, concluded its sitting on December 7, when Captain Leslie was honourably acquitted of all charges.

A circular issued from the Emigrants’ Information Office states that in South Africa no one is allowed to land without a permit. This must be applied for at the Permit Office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W. The applicant must possess £100, or prove that he is in a position to maintain himself in South Africa. Applicants living within 50 miles of London must apply in person. These permits are no guarantee that the holders will be allowed to proceed inland. Only refugees, Government employes and persons engaged in a service of a public nature will be permitted to proceed to the Transvaal. Candidates for the new South African Constabulary in the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony should apply to the recruiting officer, King’s Court, Broadway, Westminster, S.W.; they must be good riders, good shots, single, strictly sober, and from 20 to 35 years of age; they will be given free passages to South Africa. Farriers also are wanted for this force.

11 January 1902


BAILEY, Mrs. J. W., Cape Town, December 10, a son.
BESSELL, Mrs. A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 8, a son.
BINNEY, Mrs. F., Durban, December 8, a son.
BORCHERDS, Mrs. H., Malmesbury, Cape Colony, December 10, a daughter.
CLAYDEN, Mrs. F., Newlands, December 5, a son.
DIX, Mrs. H. H., Sea Point, December 8, a son.
FLETCHER, Mrs. A., Mowbray, Cape Colony, December 11, a son.
HARRISON—On January 7, at Wynberg, the wife of A. H. Harrison, of a son.
HOLLAND, Mrs. A. H., Salisbury, Rhodesia, December 7, a son.
HOPPER, Mrs. A. W., Newlands, Dec. 9, a daughter.
JONES, Mrs. L. H. S., Newcastle, Natal, December 6, a daughter.
JONES, Mrs. W., Tokai, Cape Colony, December 9, a daughter.
KIRSTEN, Mrs. J., Muizenberg, Dec. 9, a daughter.
MANN, Mrs. A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 13, a daughter.
MEYER, Mrs. A. E., Somerset West Strand, Cape Colony, December 5, a daughter.
PEARSE, Mrs. F., Maritzburg, December 8, a son.
RICHARDSON, Mrs. S. W. F., Cape Town, December 8, a daughter.
SCHAFFER, Mrs. J., D’Urban Road, Cape Colony, December 6, a son.
SMUTS, Mrs. D. J., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 11, a son.
SONDHEIM, Mrs. S., Rosebank, Cape Colony, December 9, a daughter.
SOULE, Mrs. G., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, December 3, a daughter.
THOMAS, Mrs. R. V., Cape Town, December 4, a son.
WHATLEY, Mrs. J., Wynberg, Dec. 13, a daughter.
WOODSON, Mrs. T. W., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 9, a son.


CATTO, J.—WRENSCH, M., Salt River, Cape Colony, December 11.
COWIN, N. T.—ELLIS, G. V., Kalk Bay, Dec. 10.
HOAL, S. H.—SEARLE, M. G., Cape Town, Dec. 11.
LEONARD, F. G.—WHITEHEAD, M. G., Newlands, December 12.
OVERELL, P. W.—BENNETT, A. B., Durban, Dec. 7.
PRICE, W. J. H.—DELL, J. J., Cape Town, Dec. 11.
ROBERTS, H. M. G.—LITTLE, E. C., Sea Point, December 11.
SIMPSON, H. W.—PENTZ, A., Cape Town, Dec. 5.
TAILBY—FIELDWICK—On January 7, at All Saints’, Margaret Street, London, Edward Mantle Tailby, of Birmingham, to Florence Mary Fieldwick, late of Durban.
WILKINSON, T. W.—BREWER, E. J., Salt River, Cape Colony, December 11.


ALBRECHT, G. H. A., Constantia, Dec. 9, aged 63.
FORDE, S., Cape Town, December 3, aged 25.
HARVEY, R., Cape Town, December 13, aged 53.
HERON, F. E., Richmond, Natal, Dec. 4, aged 48.
HIGGO, M. M. F., Salt River, Cape Colony, December 15, aged 20.
LANDSBERG, J. P., Rondebosch, Dec. 12, aged 65.
LOUW, J. M., Cape Town, December 12, aged 45.
MATHYSE, F., Cape Town, December 13, aged 84.
MILLER, W. L., Simon’s Town, Dec. 10, aged 23.
RUSSOUW, J. C., Cape Town, December 12, aged 49.
TREMBATH, S. A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 15, aged 20.
WARD, J. H., Cape Town, December 10, aged 62.
WILLIAMS, E. L., Ladismith, Cape Colony, December 2, aged 32.

25 January 1902


ADKIN, Mrs. J. B., Mowbray, Dec. 21, a daughter.
BONN, Mrs. A. L. M., Rondebosch, December 21, a daughter.
BUCHANAN, Mrs. A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 24, a son.
DANIEL, Mrs. H. H., Wynberg, December 18, a daughter.
FUGGLE, Mrs. C., Salt River, Cape Colony, December 19, a daughter.
GILBERT, Mrs. H. C., Mowbray, December 24, a son.
GRONITZSKI, Mrs. M., Cape Town, December 21, a son.
HENRY, Mrs. E., Wynberg, December 26, a son.
HOETS, Mrs. J., Green Point, Cape Colony, December 27, a daughter.
HOWE, Mrs. W. L., Stamford Hill, Natal, December 24, a son.
INGRAM, Mrs. J., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 21, a daughter.
JENKINS, Mrs. E. F., Sea Point, December 21, a daughter.
MCLEAN, Mrs. C., Howick, December 22, a son.
RETHMAN, Mrs. C. F., Flagstaff, Pondoland, December 18, a daughter.
ROBINSON—On January 19, at Mill Hall, Southall, the wife of Alfred Robinson, jun., of Scholtzfontein, District Kimberley, of a son.
RODGER, Mrs. D., Worcester, Cape Colony, December 17, a daughter.
SHEA, Mrs. J. M., Plumstead, Cape Colony, December 19, a daughter.
SHERRELL, Mrs. E., Durban, December 19, a son.
SMEETON, Mrs. S. W., Worcester, Cape Colony, December 26, a daughter.
TORRANCE, Mrs. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, December 18, a son.


BAILEY, R. H. G.—EATWELL, S. A., Claremont, December 25.
BIRCH, E. V.—CLARK, M. E., Dordrecht, Dec. 10.
BOYD, T.—STEVENS, T. B., Weenen, December 11.
CONNELL, R.—GUNNING, S. M., Durban, Dec. 18.
FLEMMING, F. R.—MABBETT, E., Durban, Dec. 16.
FINLASON—COLE—On January 20, at the Church of St. Matthias, Richmond, Charles E. Finlason, of Johannesburg, to Celia Gertrude, eldest daughter of H. A. B. Cole, of Somerton Lodge, Richmond.
FLIGHT, H.—BARROW, M. E., Cape Town, Dec. 24.
GOW, E. G.—ROSE, A. F., Cape Town, December 22.
SUMNER, W. L.—TAYLOR, D., Durban, December 19.
TATHAM, A.—MACDONALD, A. E., Durban, Dec. 18.
TOTTENHAM—PITT—On December 27, by special licence, at Victoria West, Henry Crawford, son of Loftus R. Tottenham, late Bengal Civil Service, to Maud Annie, only child of the late William Pitt, of Kimberley.
WILLIAMS, W. E.—DAVIDSON, K., Salt River, Cape Colony, December 21.
ZEEMAN, J. C. G.—SCOTT, A. E., Durban, Dec. 24.


BRINK, D. J., Norval’s Pont Camp, December 20, aged 30.
CHISM-WRIGHT, M. A., Claremont, December 21, aged 45.
GARDNER—On December 11, at Durban, Cecil, fourth son of the late William Wells Gardner, of Stamford Hill, and Mrs. Wells Gardner, Sutton, Surrey, aged 43.
HAYES, C. H., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 21, aged 57.
KNOX, S., Stanger, December 18, aged 63.
KURRESON, T., Cape Town, December 19, aged 65.
LARKAN, J. R. W., Ravenhill, Natal, December 18, aged 72.
RUSSELL, H., Barberton, December 6, aged 46.
SILLS, W. F. J. T., Durban, December 19, aged 42.
STYLES, A. E. J., Woodstock, Cape Colony, December 21, aged 49.
TEMPEST, M., Maritzburg, December 7, aged 73.
TOFFIN—On January 12, at Ladysmith, Natal, from a wound received November 12, at Klip River, Transvaal, Robert Miels Pilgrim Toppin, Waldron’s Scouts, the third and last surviving son of the Rev. G. Pilgrim Toppin, Vicar of Broad Town, Wilts, aged 20.
WALSH—On January 14, at Kroonstad, of enteric, in his 33rd year, Frederick Laurence Walsh, Lieutenant South African Light Horse, formerly 3rd Batt. Buffs, and late British Vice-Consul Chicago, U.S.A.

Miscellaneous Articles on the Same Page:

It is stated that four silver medals are being offered by the Canadian Government, through the Women’s Loyal Guild, for the four best essays on Canada by children in each of the four South African Colonies.

A handsome brass memorial tablet in memory of the 9th Lancers and C.M.R. who fell at the capture of Lotter’s commands by Lieut.-Colonel Scobell’s column in September is to be placed in St. James’s Church, Graaff-Reinet.

The death is announced from Durban of Mr. John James Grice, well-known in mining circles in Barberton and Johannesburg. Deceased was one of the pioneers of Barberton, and was connected with the Sheba, Victoria, Pigg’s Peak, and other mines. In Johannesburg he established the well-known business of Braithwaite and Co., which came to grief during the crisis of 1900. The deceased was a prominent member of the Church of England.

8 February 1902


BACON, Mrs. T., Rondebosch, Jan. 6, a daughter.
BENNIE, Mrs. W. G., Cala, January 4, a son.
BRINK, Mrs. D. S., Paarl, January 6, a daughter.
CARTLAND, Mrs. G., Cape Town, January 3, a son.
COATES, Mrs. A. G., Durban, Jan. 5, a daughter.
COOPER, Mrs. H., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 8, a son.
FORBES, Mrs. S., Robben Island, Jan. 1, a daughter.
HARRISON, Mrs. A. H., Wynberg, January 7, a son.
HENRY, Mrs. N., Mowbray, Jan. 6, a daughter.
HINDLEY, Mrs. C. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 8, a son.
HOPKINS, Mrs. C. M., Hope Town, December 28, a daughter.
HUNTER, Mrs. J., Durban, Jan. 2, a daughter.
JACKSON, Mrs. H., Maritzburg, Jan. 3, a daughter.
MACINNES, Mrs. N., Observatory Road, Jan. 5, a son.
MINORDS, Mrs. E., Wynberg, January 9, a son.
MURPHY, Mrs. F., Cape Town, January 1, a son.
PHIPSON, Mrs. E., Maritzburg, Jan. 3, a daughter.
ROBINSON, Mrs. M., Rondebosch, Jan. 5, a daughter.
ROODT, Mrs. D. P., Worcester, Cape Colony, Dec. 31, a daughter.
RUSSELL, Mrs., Sir Lowry’s Pass, January 1, a son.
STARKE, Mrs. W., Joostenberg, Jan. 5, a daughter.
TONKIN, Mrs. B. T., Mowbray, Jan. 8, a daughter.
WALKER, Mrs. J. J., Cape Town, January 5, a daughter.
WESTGATE, Mrs. W., Cape Town, January 8, a daughter.
WHITAKER, Mrs. L., Sir Lowry’s Pass, Jan. 7, a son.


BETHUNE, H.—ANDERSON, A. J., Observatory Road, January 1.
CLEGHORN, T. G.—JOHNSTON, L. J., Cape Town, January 7.
COOMBS, H. G.—JANISCH, M., Cape Town, Dec. 30.
CRAIG-WATSON, J.—DARTER, L. H., Claremont, January 7.
CURTIS—EATON—On February 4, at St. Matthias’s, South Kensington, by the Rev. H. G. Constable Curtis, Rector-Designate of Great Berkhamsted, Herts, Spencer Carey Curtis, Captain Army Post Office Corps, eldest son of Spencer H. Curtis, of 171, Cromwell Road, Kensington to Edith Mabel, younger daughter of the late T. J. Eaton, of Malmesbury, Cape Colony, and great grand-daughter of General Sir Benjamin Durban, K.C.B., K.C.H., Governor of British Guiana, and afterwards of Cape Colony.
FRANCES, J. D.—VAN BLERK, M., Cape Town, Jan. 6.
MANFORD, F.—WAINES, M., Woodstock, Cape Colony, January 4.
ROKEBY ROBINSON—CROCKETT—On January 19, at Davos Platz, Switzerland, by the Rev. J. Scudamore Emery, and at the British Consulate, Ernest Rokeby (Captain Imperial Yeomanry and 4th Royal Irish Rifles), youngest son of the late Major John Robinson, J. P., of Lydd, Kent, and Sandown, Isle of Wight, to Minnie Edith, elder daughter of the late John Crockett, of Wimbledon and China.
ROSENTHAL, L. H.—ROSENTHAL, A., Cape Town, January 5.


ANDERSON, T., Durban, January 3, aged 65.
DILLON, S. C., Diep River, January 4, aged 14.
EILERS—On January 30, at Kalk Bay, of consumption, Peter Henry, youngest son of J. B. Eilers, 12 and 13, Water Lane, Great Tower Street, London, E.C., aged 29.
GREEN—On January 18, at Newcastle, Natal, Richard Allen Green, of Allenvale, Orange River Colony, youngest son of the late Andrew Green, Esq., of Cockermouth, aged 71.
PLEUSS, S., Cape Town, January 7, aged 29.
ROSE, J. E. B., Cape Town, January 7, aged 76.
ROUSE, M. M. W., Stellenbosch, Jan. 1, aged 57.
SCULLARD, A. H., Cape Town, Jan. 7, aged 18.
WUD, S. J., Claremont, Jan. 6, aged 74.

Miscellaneous Articles on the Same Page:

Jem Turner, the well-known pugilist, has been fined £10, at Kimberley, with the alternative of a month’s hard labour, for assaulting a police-constable.

Another “bitter cry” of the Kimberley householder is as to the price of wood, from 4s. to 5s. being charged per 100 lbs. for uncut firewood on the public weighbridge.

James Cavanagh, agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Company, has been sentenced at Grahamstown to ten days’ imprisonment under martial law for altering the date on a pass to Port Alfred. At the same time his traveling companion, Dr. Bedenkop, an ex-Boer ambulance superintendent, was fined £10 for over-staying the date of his return, as specified on his permit.

Before the Kimberley Resident Magistrate, Conrad Selzer, a European farmer of Alexandersfontein, has been charged with fraud in connection with his claim before the War Losses Commission. The accused claimed £1343, and was awarded £886 of which £696 was for stock, the allegation being that the accused greatly over-estimated his losses under this head. Mr. Fleischer, Chairman of the Commission, gave formal evidence, and the case was adjourned.

15 February 1902


BAM, Mrs. G. J., Cape Town, Jan. 16, a son.
BRAND, Mrs. P. A., Clanwilliam, Jan. 19, a daughter.
CHARNOCK, Mrs. F., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 17, a daughter.
GILL, Mrs. F., Grahamstown, Jan. 3, a son.
GOULDING, Mrs. R. L., Durban, January 11, a son.
GRADWELL, Mrs. H. D., Adelaide, Dec. 19, a daughter.
PIETERSEN, Mrs. C., Doornfontein, Jan. 3, a daughter.
ROBERTSHAW, Mrs. A., Uitenhage, Jan. 5, a daughter.
RUST, Mrs. G., Port Elizabeth, Jan. 4, a son.
STEVENS, Mrs. W. G., Port Elizabeth, Jan. 8, a son.


CLARK, G. W.—ARTHUR, M., Maritzburg, Jan. 2.
FOSTER, P. J.—WOOD, A. A., Muizenberg, Jan. 16.
HOPPER, J. W.—BARTLETT, S. M., Grahamstown, January 9.
KREUSER, C.—RASPER, L., Port Elizabeth, Jan. 4.
ROBERTS, H. W.—LEE, A. T., Aberdeen, Cape Colony, January 8.
SMITH, A. R.—CAULFIELD, F. J., Walmer, Jan. 11.


ADAMS, C., Cape Town, Jan. 18, aged 101.
BERGNER, G. A. E., East London, Jan. 1, aged 59.
BRADFORD, J. J., Port Elizabeth, Jan. 12, aged 17.
FAURE, J. A., Eerste River, Jan. 19, aged 64.
INDER, W. S., Bloemfontein, Jan. 7, aged 22.
LOWDEN, J., Cape Town, Jan. 20, aged 74.
MCINTOSH, C. A., Maritzburg, Jan. 11, aged 26.
NORRIS, R. J., Port Elizabeth, Jan. 12, aged 18.
PIKE, J., Durban, Jan. 14, aged 56.

Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:


Mr. G. E. Hudson, of Laurence Pountney Lane, E.C., reports that the present season’s transactions in Cape fruit for the London market have opened well, and that there is every promise of satisfactory business being done. The firm has already dealt with four shipments, the last having been consigned by the Kinfauns Castle. This season’s imports to date are as follows: Plums, 1525 packages; peaches, 780; pears, 170; apricots, 110; and nectarines, 10. In respect to quality, the fruit imported shows a distinct improvement upon that previously received, the plums being remarkably fine. Prices, on the whole, are satisfactory, and it is pleasing to note that the unsettled condition of South Africa has in no way retarded the progress of one of the most promising of Western Province Industries.

Replying to the toast of his health at a West Country dinner on Monday night, General Buller said that the best guide he had had during the operations in Natal was a Crediton man, Mr. Mairs. He came across Mr. Mairs entirely by accident. Hearing Mr. Mairs speak he said he must be a Devonshire man, and Mr. Mairs replied “Yes, years ago from Crediton.” In the earlier stages of the war Mr. Mairs proved himself to be by far the best and most intelligent guide he had in Natal. On the day that the British broke through the Boer lines and got into Ladysmith he sent Mr. Mairs forward as a guide to the cavalry to see whether the Boer force had really retired. Mr. Mairs went into Ladysmith, and during a very rough night, whilst he (General Buller) was lying on the ground in a macintosh, the rain descending in torrents, Mr. Mairs came over miles of rough ground and over two ranges of mountains and found him. When he saw the General, Mr. Mairs shouted out “Wake up, wake up; we have already got into Ladysmith.” This was the splendid work of a Crediton man, who with his sons would give them a hearty Devonshire welcome when they went to Natal.

22 February 1902


ADAM, Mrs. W., Newlands, Cape Colony, January 23, a daughter.
BROOME, Mrs. W., Maritzburg, Jan. 21, a daughter.
FARRELL, Mrs. M., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 21, a son.
FIELD, Mrs. H. F., Durban, January 20, a son.
FOSTER, Mrs. H. E., Durban, Jan. 15, a son.
HODGSON, Mrs. C. G., Sea Point, Jan. 20, a daughter.
HOLTON, Mrs. H. J. H., Greyville, Natal, Jan. 16, a son.
HOOLE, Mrs. B. C., Laingsburg, January 19, a daughter.
HORWOOD-WATKINS, Mrs. E. H., Kenilworth, Cape Colony, January 17, a daughter.
JOB, Mrs. S., Maritzburg, January 21, a son.
LEWIS, Mrs. M., Durban, January 20, a daughter.
MYBURGH, Mrs. J. J., Cape Town, Jan. 20, a son.
TURNER, Mrs. D., Durban, January 17, a daughter.
VAN TOOREN, Mrs. A., Potchefstroom, January 15, a son.


BUCKE, E. T.—LINDSAY, C. L., Sea Point, Jan. 18.
FORFAR, J. J.—COCKERELL, L. L., Durban, Jan. 18.
HOLMES, B. J.—CHIVERS, H. F., Bedford, Cape Colony, January 15.
MILLAR, H.—FORDER, H. M., Maritzburg, Jan 23.
SCHOLTZ, F. L.—CORNWALL, C. L., Sea Point, January 21.
SPENCER, H. A.—SOLOMON, M. I., Bedford, Cape Colony, January 20.
STEAD, G. F.—MORUM, J. M., Queen’s Town, January 16.


Bain, B. C., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 23, aged 47.
BERRY, J., Dundee, Natal, January 17, aged 47.
BUTCHER, A., Maritzburg, January 23, aged 15.
GREEN, R. A., Newcastle, Natal, Jan. 17, aged 71.
HARLAND, R. S., Durban, January 18, aged 41.
KOHN, E. C. W., Retreat, Cape Colony, January 3, aged 65.
KOHN, D. L., Cape Town, January 18, aged 72.
SAUNDERS, M. H., Robben Island, Jan. 19, aged 43.
THOMSON, Mrs., Newlands, Cape Colony, January 21, aged 44.
TOWNING, S. A., Durban, January 18, aged 84.
TWENTYMAN—On February 7, at 17, Nevern Square, London, after a few days’ illness, Lawrence Burrell Twentyman (formerly of L. H. Twentyman and Co., Cape Town), aged 75 years.


In loving memory of Harriette Blanche Hoole, the beloved wife of Samuel Watson Jameson, who died at the Hillyers, Cookham, Berks, on February 24, 1899.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:


At a meeting of the Cape Town City Council, a report was submitted by the Public Works Committee with reference to a communication from Mr. Luscombe Searelle, dated December 11, inquiring as to whether the Council would be prepared to grant the right to construct a pleasure pier at the lower end of Adderley Street, at a cost of not less than £50,000. The Committee regretted that they were unable to recommend the Council to prosecute any negotiations with Mr. Luscombe Searelle, but still hoped that the Council might be successful in establishing their rights to the reclamation of the foreshore, in accordance with the proposals which the Council have already approved, and that ultimately facilities may be given, not only for the construction of a sea promenade and pier, but also for swimming baths, electric, pumping and other stations, and improvements which have been in contemplation for many years past.

The death is announced of Mr. R. A. Green, of Newcastle.

The Rev. Mr. De Pla has arrived in Pretoria with the view of establishing a Congregational Church there.

Anent an entertainment at the Theatre Royal, Durban, the Natal Mercury says: The “gods” were in their most boisterous mood. Superfluous spirits found vent in various ways, but when it came to swinging a vegetable marrow into the boxes by a string, and tossing coppers at the leading tenor, the management had to take decided steps, which later led to the descent of the curtain, with three numbers still on.

1 March 1902


BEYERS, Mrs. H., Stellenbosch, Feb. 1, a daughter.
BRINK, Mrs. A. J., Constantia, Jan. 21, a daughter.
CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. L., Maritzburg, Jan. 28, a son.
EATONLOWE, Mrs. F. A. St. V., Cape Town, January 29, a daughter.
FRYE—On February 2, at 93, Ashworth Mansions, Elgin Avenue, London, W., the wife of John Wilkie Frye (nee Wiley), of a son.
GIBSON, Mrs. P., Cape Town, Jan. 26, a son.
HAMER, Mrs. E., Quthing, Basutoland, January 16, a son.
HANRETTE, Mrs. C. J., Wynberg, Jan. 26, a son.
HASTIE, Mrs. W. G., Cape Town, Jan. 29, a daughter.
HEALEY, Mrs. J., Kimberley, Jan. 28, a son.
KANNEMEYER, Mrs. P. F., Plumstead, Cape Colony, January 23, a son.
LEE, Mrs. J. W. P., Durban, Jan. 29, a son.
MASCHMAN, Mrs. E., Woodstock, Cape Colony, January 26, a son.
POOL, Mrs. D. S., Stellenbosch, January 29, a son and a daughter.
PRIOR, Mrs. C. A., Cape Town, Jan. 25, a son.
REINBACH, Mrs. A. D., Cape Town, Jan. 29, a son.
ROBINSON—On February 19, at Pretoria, the wife of Mr. Charles Laurance Robinson, of a daughter.
SLADE JONES, Mrs. E. C., Sea Point, Jan. 31, a son.
STANNARD, Mrs. R. J., Maritzburg, Jan. 24, a son.
STARLING, Mrs. R., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, January 19, a daughter.
STEWART, Mrs. G., Cape Town, Jan. 28, a daughter.
TAMBLING, Mrs. W., Woodstock, Cape Colony, January 29, a daughter.
TEMPEST, Mrs. H. W., Maritzburg, Jan. 27, a son.
TOWNSEND, Mrs. E. C., Stellenbosch, Jan. 28, a son.
TUCKER, Mrs. F., Cape Town, Jan. 23, a son.


BROWN, E.—GOSLETT, S. C. C., Cape Town, Jan. 20.
ELTON, W. E.—THWAITES, F. M., Cape Town, January 25.
HERBERT-JONES, G.—HARBOTTLE, B., Durban, January 21.
HOLDEN, F.—EATON, C., Greyville, Natal, Jan. 29.
HOTCHKISS, E. K.—BARR, A. M., Verulam, Natal, January 27.
LYONS, W. J.—LANE, J., Durban, January 21.
PETTITT—OWEN—On February 22, at St. James’s, Norlands, Holland Park, by the Rev. E. S. Hassard, M. A., Lionel E. Pettitt, to Gertrude M. Owen.
ROAN, H. A.—MURDOCH, M. B., Durban, Jan. 29.


AURET, A., St. James’s, Cape Peninsula, January 28, aged 84.
BLYTH, T. H., Cape Town, January 30, aged 35.
BROWN, J. C., Claremont, January 28, aged 23.
COURTNEY, J. Lennoxton, Natal, Jan. 24, aged 69.
CULLIS, G., Woodstock, Cape Colony, January 31, aged 60.
EILERS, P. H., Kalk Bay, January 30, aged 28.
GABB, C. A., Cape Town, February 2, aged 17.
GARSDON, T., Wynberg, January 9, aged 22.
JOHNS, W., Durban, January 25, aged 25.
PALFREY, M., Johannesburg, Jan. 21, aged 41.
RINQUEST, A. W., Cape Town, January 25, aged 40.
SASMAN, G., Plumstead, Cape Colony, January 29, aged 50.
STORE—On February 26, at 28, Bryanston Street, London, Anna, the wife of Frederick Store, of Johannesburg, aged 37 years.
THIRLWALL—Killed in action at Katkop, South Africa, on February 7, Hugh Connop Thirlwall, 1st Imperial Light Horse, only son of Lawrence Connop Thirlwall, and grandson of the late Rev. Prebendary T. J. Thirlwall, late Vicar of Nantmel?, Radnorshire.
WAGNER, A. F., Claremont, February 1, aged 46.
WILL, A. W., Durban, January 20, aged 23.
WOCKE, A. G. J., Cape Town, January 31, aged (illegible).
WOOD, G., Cape Town, January 29, aged 41.
YOUNG, D. R., Cradock, Jan. 28, aged 49.

8 March 1902


ARMSTRONG, Mrs. J., Cape Town, Feb. 5, a daughter
BAIN, Mrs. J. M., Cape Town, February 5, a son.
BIRCH—On February 3, at 210, Berg Street, Maritzburg, the wife of J. E. Birch, a son.
CHATTERTON—On March 3, at Crosby, Lincs., the wife of Frank Chatterton, of a son.
CLEMITSON, Mrs. J., Mowbray, Cape Colony, Feb. 3, a son.
EHMKE, Mrs. J. F., Cape Town, February 4, a son.
FIENBURG, Mrs. M., Cape Town, February 5, a son.
HOWARD, Mrs. J., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 6, a son.
HUGHES, Mrs. A., Durban, February 4, a son.
LEVITAN, Mrs. A., Wynberg, Feb. 6, a daughter.
RUSSELL, Mrs. W. Y., Cape Town, Feb. 6, a daughter.
VAN NIEKERK, Mrs. M., Douglas, Cape Colony, February 12, a daughter.
VARRIE, Mrs. J. A., Cape Town, February 6, a son.
WINTERTON, Mrs. W., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 6, a daughter
WOOLLEY, Mrs. R. C. Maritzburg, Feb. 5, a daughter.


ABBOTT-MARKHAM—At St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, on February 10, by the Very Rev. the Dean of Cape Town, Willoughby Charles Abbott, of Johannesburg, to Maud Mary, eldest daughter of H. W. Markham, of Cape Town and Johannesburg.
ANDERSON-TAYLOR—On March 1, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Forest Hill, by the Rev. J. Jeffrey Johnstone, George Rennie Anderson, son of the late Patrick Anderson, to Jessie Isabella, eldest daughter of William G. Taylor, of Forest Hill.
CAVANAGH, H. J.—LANNIGAN, M., Cape Town, Feb. 1.
FROOME, G. E.—WILLIAMS, R. M., Durban, Feb. 4.
GREGORY, G. A.—HOWARTH, M. A., Cape Town, February 4.
LARA, G.—MOORE, K., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, February 4.
MARTIN, J. M.—THOMAS J., Mowbray, Cape Colony, February 3.
SMITH, W. H.—GULLETT, L. M., Durban, Feb. 5.
WEAVER, J. H.—MCINTYRE, H. A., Cape Town, February 6.


ABRAHAMS, L., Robben Island, February 4, aged 23.
BOULT—On February 25, at Elandslaagte, near Klerksdorp, killed in action, aged 29 years, Gordon Swinton Boult, fourth son of the late Frederic H. Boult, of Liverpool, Lance-Corporal Bechuanaland Rifles.
BUDDLE, C. C.—Muizenberg, February 4, aged 36.
COHEN—On March 3, after great suffering most patiently borne, Nellie, the beloved wife of Abner Cohen, of Krugersdorp.
COOKE—On February 25, suddenly, at Cape Town, Horace, the dearly-loved eldest son of Thomas Henry and Catherine Cooke, of 11, St. John’s Road, Putney, S.W., aged 25 years.
EVANS—On February 28, suddenly, at 23, Chestnut Road, West Norwood, Robert Evans, aged 63.
FRANCK, M. E., Three Anchor Bay, Feb. 4, aged 49.
HASWELL, J. P., Cape Town, February 7, aged 49.
HEWKE—On February 10, at Lichtenberg, of enteric fever, Herbert Geoffrey Hewke, third son of Herbert William Curtius Hewks, of Wimbledon, in his 21st year.
HOFFMAN, W. H. T., Hermanuspietersfontein, February 5, aged 50.
JEFTHA, G., Worcester, Cape Colony, Feb. 2, aged 9.
OVERWEY—On February 26, at Lindley, of enteric, William Overwey, son of Mrs. Lamond and the late C. W. Overwey, of Shanghai
POLLAS, L. C., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 5, aged 67.
PRATT-BARLOW—On February 26, at Lin???, Frederick Holden Pratt-Barlow, Lieutenant Battalion Imperial Yeomanry, of enteric, only son of Archibald Pratt-Barlow, Nottingham, aged 19.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:


Major-General Sir W. F. Gatacre inspected at Northampton, on Monday, the draft of the Northamptonshire Volunteer Regiment who leave today for South Africa. General Gatacre, in addressing the men, expressed the hope that when their duty in South Africa was ended, many of them would settle down there. There would be abundance of regular and well-paid employment. The Government had promised to assist settlers in every way, but he did not know what the Government intended to do in the way of land settlements. After they had been out there and put together a bit of money, however, then would be their opportunity to take a farm or a ranch and make themselves into bigger men. In the meantime there would be plenty of highly-paid employment in the towns, upon the railways, and in the constabulary. He wished them all the best of luck.

Information has been received at Salisbury Plain that the 3rd (Militia) Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment and the 3rd (Militia) Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment, the Militia battalions whose offer to proceed to South Africa on active service has been accepted, are to hold themselves in readiness for departure on March 15. On that day they will proceed to Southampton and embark on board the steamship Orient for the Cape.

Orders have been received somewhat unexpectedly at Northampton for the embodiment of the 3rd (Militia) Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment on March 17 for garrison duty at Colchester. It is believed that as soon as they are embodied the regiment will be invited to volunteer for South Africa.

The third active service company of the King’s Own Royal Lancaster Volunteers, formed from the 1st and 2nd Battalions at Barrow and Lancaster, was embodied at Lancaster on Thursday, and leaves a fortnight hence to join the Line battalion in Natal.

The transport Montrose sailed from Southampton last Saturday with 21 officers and 521 men, 3rd West Staffordshire Regiment, 100 men of the Derbyshire Regiment, 100 men of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 48 men of the Royal Engineers, and details for South Africa. At Gibraltar two officers and 200 men will embark for South Africa.

The Union Castle Company’s intermediate steamer Goorkha sailed last Saturday for Cape Town, taking 11 officers and 242 men, various.

The 3rd Battalion of the Leicestershire Regiment (Militia), which was embodied at Dover a fortnight ago, has been notified to be held in readiness to embark for South Africa about the 27th inst.

No. 7 Mounted Infantry Company, at Shorncliffe, has been placed under orders to be held in readiness to embark for South Africa about the 15th inst.

Captain H. C. Laverton, 2nd Royal Highlanders, has been placed on duty with the drafts of non-commissioned officers and men, Army Ordnance Corps, Woolwich, under orders to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to South Africa at an early date.

The 4th (Militia) Battalion East Surrey Regiment is to embark in the Sicilian at Southampton on Saturday, March 15, for South Africa.


The trials of the armoured cruiser Good Hope have passed off satisfactorily, and the ship is now to be completed for sea as speedily as possible. It is hoped that she will be ready for the pennant in about three months-in other words, in ample time for the Coronation Naval Review. She was presented to the Empire, as everyone knows, by the Cape Colony, and her name in its entirety is almost a new one in the British Navy. There has been only one former Good Hope, and she was a hired ship of 34 guns and 130 men, which took her share in the battle of Sole Bay. But a Hope took part in the Armada fight; another took part in the battle of La Hogue in 1692: and when a Dutch squadron sent to recapture the Cape of Good Hope surrendered to our ships in Saldanha Bay in 1796 without any fighting taking place, a Hope was among the conquering fleet. It is expected that the present Good Hope will become the flagship of the cruiser squadron in the place of the St. George.


Major-General Baden-Powell has written to Lady Baden-Powell asking her to convey a message to those who so kindly sent Christmas gifts for the men of the South African Constabulary. Writing from the camp at Tweefontein, he stated that he had just been round the troops of the “B” and part of the “A” Division, and everywhere had received from all ranks a request to send their most grateful thanks to all the well wishers of the Force for the good things sent by them from Home. The General adds that it seemed wonderful to him, in traveling over so wide a country, that the things could ever have reached the men. Not only were the Christmas presents vastly appreciated, but the troopers felt deeply the kindness which prompted their dispatch.

Recruiting for the South African Constabulary proceeds apace. During the past month the number of recruits who offered themselves were 1400, and of this number 85 were finally accepted. These men will sail next Friday. Until further notice, 120 candidates will be accepted monthly instead of 80. In all, 8000 men have been sent out from England, and, including the troopers recruited in Canada and South Africa, the total strength of the corps is now about 10,000. Men serving in the Regular Army and Reserves will not be accepted in future, but Yeomanry and Volunteers are taken on when found to be suitable. Many applicants send their applications to wrong addresses. They should write to the Recruiting Officer, King’s Court, Broadway, Westminster. General Baden-Powell is reported well pleased with his men on the whole.


The transport Orient arrived at Southampton on Tuesday with more than 700 officers and men from the front. There were 53 lying-down cases when the vessel left the Cape, but only 29 were for Netley on arrival. The remainder left for their discharge depots and convalescent homes.

The transport Winkfield, from London and Southampton for South Africa, left Queenstown on Monday, after embarking 115 horses.

The transport Pinemore has arrived at Malta, and proceeded for Flume, where she will ship horses for the Cape.

The transport Wakool, from Bombay, on Wednesday arrived at Natal.

The Templemore, from Table Bay, reached Albany on Wednesday.

The transport Dilwara, from Southampton, arrived at Cape Town on Thursday.

The transport Lake Erie, from South Africa, arrived at Southampton yesterday, bringing the 3rd Battalion Welsh Regiment, consisting of 17 officers and 601 men.

The Philomel, cruiser, Captain J. E. Bearcroft, C.B., which recently returned from the Cape of Good Hope Station, is to be paid off at Devonport on March 18.

Surgeon-Captain Crean, of the Imperial Light Horst, who gained the Victoria Cross for gallantry in South Africa, arrived at Southampton in the Avoca on Monday.

A lift accident with a fatal termination, has occurred at Dix’s Café, Cape Town. It appears that the lift was undergoing some repairs, and that in an unthinking moment, Mr. F. A. Jones, who held a responsible position with Mr. Dix, got into it, with the result of a fall of about forty feet. He was at once conveyed to the Somerset Hospital, but in spite of all that could be done for him, the internal injuries received were of such a severe nature, that he expired the same evening.

15 March 1902


BURNS, Mrs. S. B., Mowbray, February 10, a son.
DOYLE, Mrs. P., Cape Town, February 13, a son.
DRAKE, Mrs. A., Sea Point, Feb. 11, a daughter.
EASTON, Mrs. F., Durban, Feb. 10, a daughter.
FITZGERALD, Hon. Mrs. S., Wynberg, Feb. 12, a son.
FLISHER, Mrs. W. M., Claremont, Feb. 8, a daughter.
FRANCES, Mrs. H. L., Reitfontein, Estcourt Division, February 5, a son.
GARDINER, Mrs. H., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 8, a son.
GREEN, Mrs. E. K., Sea Point, Feb. 9, a daughter.
HAMILTON, Mrs. C. D., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 11, a daughter.
HEDDERWICK, Mrs. J., Cape Town, Feb. 14, a son.
HERBERT, Mrs. J. B., Claremont, Feb. 12, a son.
HOLMES, Mrs. J. R. Dundee, Natal, February 2, a daughter.
KAISER, Mrs. J., Cape Town, Feb. 7, a daughter.
KUHN, Mrs. E. C., Cape Town, Feb. 13, a daughter.
MASSEY, Mrs. W. R., Durban, Feb. 9, a son.
MCCALLUM, Mrs. G. T., Cape Town, Feb. 13, a son.
OGILVIE, Mrs. A., Maritzburg, Feb. 8, a daughter.
PEARCE, Mrs. H., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, February 10, a son.
RHODES, Mrs. T. C. C., Mowbray, Cape Colony, February 12, a daughter.
RICH, Mrs. T. B. A., Cape Town, February 11, a daughter.
ROPER, Mrs. A. A., Maitland, February 7, a son.
SOUTHEY, Mrs. R. G., Plumstead, Cape Colony, February 11, a daughter.
VAN DER HORVEN, Mrs. C., Feb. 10, a daughter.
WOOLLARD, Mrs. J., Cape Town, February 11, a daughter.


BLACK, A.—JOHNSTON, E., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 11.
GAVIN, J. L. S.—KYNOCH, H. L., Cape Town, Feb. 13.
HAMMOND, A. C.—DISTIN, F. E., Maritzburg, Feb. 10.
JOELSON, S.—LEVENSTEIN, J., Wynberg, Feb. 11.
MANTLE, H.—JOHNSON, L., Salt River, Cape Colony, February 11.
RIDDEHOUGH, E.—COOPER, E. J., Sea Point, Feb. 11.
STEVENSON, F. S.—STEELE, I., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, February 14.
YELLOW, J.—WALKER, A., Durban, February 11.


BARRETT—On March 10, at Hong Kong, of typhoid, the wife of Lieutenant A. L. Barrett, and sister of Mrs. T. S. Flack, Inanda, Alleyn Park, West Dulwich, and Durban, aged 36.
BERRY, M. F., Cape Town, February 12, aged 75.
BEVAN, H. S., Heilbron, February 5, aged 43.
BUCK, J. G., Durban, February 8, aged 46.
CITTO, P., Cape Town, February 14, aged 44.
GROSCH, T. J. M., Cape Town, Feb. 12, aged 29.
HEWETT—On March 12, Harry Hyde Hewett, late of Native Affairs Office, Cape Town, and formerly Lieutenant in “Royal Bucks” Yeomanry, eldest son of Major J. M. M. Hewett, of Riplingham, Eastbourne.
SEALE—On March 5, at Wynberg, Captain John Whiteaway, Cape Police, recently appointed Assistant Paymaster of the Colonial Forces in Africa, second son of the late Edward Wilmot Seale, sen., Solicitor, of Lincoln’s-inn-Fields, in the 44th year of his age, of dysentery.
WILLIAMS, A., Robben Island, February 9, aged 75.
WINGROVE—On February 25, killed in action at Elandslaagte, Lieutenant Arthur Cecil H. S. Wingrove, 5th Imperial Yeomanry, only son of A. C. Wingrove, late of Patiala, India.
WOODWARD, A. H., Maritzburg, February 1, aged 43.
WYBERGH—On February 13, at Johannesburg, Wilfrid Hilton, aged 7 ½ years, only and dearly loved son of Wilfrid Wybergh, Commissioner of Mines, and Katherine, his wife.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:



For impersonating Isaac Lodge, V.C., who distinguished himself at Sanna’s Post, a man named William Barr was at the Central Criminal Court on Tuesday sentenced to eighteen months’ hard labour. Barr, to substantiate his story, had forged papers showing that he was entitled to a sum of £65 from the War Office. By this means he induced people to give him money, food, and lodgings. For a similar offence Barr had been previously court-martialled, sentenced to 112 days’ hard labour, and dismissed the Army with ignominy. He rejoined the Army, but afterwards deserted. Prisoner had never been to the front.


Messrs. Emms and Co., the old-established firm of diamond merchants, whose affairs have been the talk of Hatton Garden for some weeks past, presented their petition in bankruptcy on Wednesday, and the usual receiving order was made. The liabilities of the firm are nearly £70,000, and the assets considerably less. Among the creditors of Messrs. Emms and Co. are Messrs. Heymann, of Amsterdam, who failed for a large sum last month, and Messrs. Barovsky and Weinbaum, of Antwerp and London, who also failed recently for a considerable sum.


This was a petition by the Transvaal Lands Company, Limited, for the compulsory winding up of the Syndicate. The petitioners were the holders of 1000 shares, and the grounds of the petition were (1) that the substratum of the Company was altogether gone, (2) that it had done no business, and (3) that the affairs were at a deadlock.

Mr. Ashton Cross, in support of the petition, said that the Syndicate was formed for the purpose of acquiring certain options in South Africa, and it was not disputed that it had no property.

Mr. Vaughan Williams opposed the petition on behalf of the Company, contending that the war had prevented business being done in South Africa, and that there was no such cessation of business, as was contemplated by the Companies Acts as a ground for winding up a Company.

Counsel for shareholders to the amount of £3787 also opposed the petition, and suggested that the shareholders should be called together with a view of ascertaining their views.

Counsel for the Transvaal Exploring Company also opposed the petition.

Mr. Justice Byrne remarked that the Board of the Syndicate was very curiously constituted, and no balance sheet had been presented to the shareholders. Nobody seemed to know what had become of the money. He directed the petition to stand over until the second day on which these matters were taken next sittings, the Company undertaking to call a meeting to ascertain the true feeling of those interested in the Company and entitled to vote.


At the Westminster Police Court yesterday, Louisa Warren, aged 23, arrested on a warrant at Long Place, Bermondsey, was brought up on remand before Mr. Sheil charged with obtaining £45 by fraud and false pretences from the London Road Car Company. Mr. Moore presented. The Company made a compassionate allowance of 7s 6d. a week to the wives of men in their service called to the colours in South Africa. The prisoner claimed to be the wife of a man named George A. Warren, a Road Car conductor who served for two years in South Africa, whereas in fact she was his sister-in-law, in receipt of another allowance from the London General Omnibus Company in respect of her husband, also in South Africa. The prisoner, by her fraudulent representations, received allowances from the prosecutors in the aggregate amounting to £45. The imposture was not discovered until recently, when G. A. Warren returned from South Africa. The prisoner was also lately in receipt of an allowance of £3 a month from her husband since he joined the Johannesburg Police. Mr. Sheil said she ought to be ashamed of herself. It was an abominable fraud, and on the various charges he sentenced her to nine month’s hard labour.

Mr. Arthur E. Berrill leaves in the Walmer Castle today on a short business trip through South Africa for his firm, Messrs. Gordon and Gotch.

22 March 1902


ABERY, Mrs. H., Sea Point, Feb. 21, a daughter.
BELL, Mrs. J. L., Durban, Feb. 12, a son.
ELLERKER, Mrs. T., Maritzburg, Feb. 16, a son.
FINNISS, Mrs. C. R. H., Lady Grey, Cape Colony, Feb. 21, a son.
HEWITT, Mrs. W., O’okiep, Namaqualand, Feb. 9, a daughter.
LEON, Mrs. M., Johannesburg, Feb. 12, a daughter.
LEVENSTEIN, Mrs. A., Cape Town, Feb. 22, a daughter.
MCGIBBONY, Mrs. M., Maritzburg, Feb. 12, a son.
PEARSON—On March 18, at Alicedale, the wife of Maurice Grey Pearson, M.B., B. Sc., F.R.C.S., of a son.
PHILLIPS, Mrs. W. J., Durban, Feb. 12, a daughter.
REID, Mrs. H. D., Rondebosch, Feb. 15, a daughter.
ROGERSON, Mrs. S., Durban, Feb. 13, a son.
SARAFINE, Mrs. F., Woodstock, Cape Colony, Feb. 18, a daughter.
SCHARFFENORTH, Mrs. J. H., Newlands, Feb. 23, a son.
SHORT, Mrs. J., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, Feb. 16, a daughter.
SILOMO, Mrs. S., Rondebosch, Feb. 21, a son.
STEAD, Mrs. H. A., Newcastle, Natal, Feb. 11, a son.
VAN SCHOOR, Mrs. J. G., Stellenbosch, Feb. 17, a daughter.
WAKEFORD, Mrs. T., Klipdam, Feb. 16, a daughter.


ANDREW, J. C.—PROBART, E. H., Graaff-Reinet, Feb. 10.
ANDREWS, A.—BEEMING, M. E., Claremont, Feb. 11.
COETZEE, J. A.—VAN RYNEVELD, M., Umtata, Feb. 8.
CRUICKSHANK, J.—LAWSON, A., Durban, Feb. 15.
DUTHIE, R. C.—PIETERSON, H., Cape Town, Feb. 13.
GREEN—PERFECT—On March 15, at S. Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. C. E. Mayo, Curate-in-Charge, Arthur Lannoy Griffith, second son of the Rev. E. P. Green, late Vicar of S. Simon’s, Bethnal Green, to Adela Barbara St. John, eldest daughter of the Rev. H. T. Perfect, late Vicar of Stanton Drew with Pensford, Somerset.
INSOLL—CAMPBELL—On March 19, by the Rev. William Tees, at the Presbyterian Church, Durban, Laurence Hugh, youngest son of the late T. B. Insoll, of London, to Nina Isobel, younger daughter of the Hon. A. M. Campbell, M.L.C., Natal.
JONES—STUDLEY—On March 13, at Holy Trinity, Sloane Square, by the Rev. F. T. Holland, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, assisted by the Rev. W. M. Le Patourel, George Arthur Jones, of Hatherley Court, Gloucester, and Johannesburg, to Edith Alice, fourth daughter of the late Joseph Stone Studley, of Broad Windsor, Dorset.
KENWAY, H. C.—MEEKE, M. C., Maritzburg, Feb. 12.
SAMS, F.—POLKINGHORNE, R. M., Verulam, Natal, Feb. 13.
SMITH, L. F.—POWELL, C. E. J., Vryburg, Feb. 11.


FITZPATRICK—On March 13, suddenly, of angina pectoris, at Glion-sur-Territet, Switzerland, Jenny, widow of the late Mr. Justice Fitzpatrick, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope.
FRANCIS, E. M., Maritzburg, Feb. 16, aged 19.
HAAGNER, S., Green Point, Feb. 19, aged 50.
HARRIS, A., Rosebank, Cape Colony, Feb. 18, aged 74.
IRVINE—On March 19, at Harrismith, of enteric fever, Lieutenant D. W. Irvine, 31st Company Imperial Yeomanry, younger son of Charles Irvine, of Balham, aged 24.
LINDSAY, S. J. A., Woodstock, Cape Colony, Feb. 18, aged 38.
ROBERTSON—On March 17, in London, Major Matthew Wallace Robertson, C.M.G., Cape Mounted Rifles, of Cape Colony, aged 42.

29 March 1902


DA FONSECA, Mrs. S. T., Rondebosch, Feb. 22, a son.
DENNIS, Mrs. C., Retreat, Cape Colony, February 26, a daughter.
FINNISS, Mrs. C. R. H., Lady Grey, Cape Colony, February 21, a son.
GOBLE, Mrs. F. L., Durban, February 21, a son.
GRAVES, Mrs. E. R., Howick, Natal, February 22, a daughter.
LANG, Mrs. H., Wynberg, February 20, a son.
MULLER, Mrs. J. P., Cape Town, February 26, a daughter.
NOBLE, Mrs. J. N., Durban, Feb. 23, a daughter.
ROBERTSON—On February 28, at Durban, the wife of Vincent Robertson (of Rolfontein, Transvaal), of a son.
ROSCROW, Mrs. E. J., Cape Town, February 23, a daughter.
STOKES, Mrs. W. H., Kenilworth, Cape Colony, February 25, a daughter.
UPTON, Mrs. E. F., Cape Town, February 25, a son.
WIKE, Mrs. J. E., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, February 23, a son.
WRIGHT, Mrs. E. G., Woodstock, Cape Colony, February 24, a daughter.


BARRETT, G. A.—OKES, C., Rondebosch, Feb. 22
GIRD, W. R. P.—VAN REENEN, E. M., Malmesbury, Cape Colony, February 26.
SINCLAIR-MORGAN—On March 19, at St. Andrew’s Holborn Viaduct, by the Rev. Dacre Craven, M. A., Duncan Sydney Sinclair, youngest son of the late John Robert Sinclair, of Caithness, Brixton, to Lily Lawrence Morgan, elder daughter of the late Robert Augustus Morgan and Mrs. Morgan, of Hove, Sussex.


BAILEY—On March 23, at Yewhurst, East Grinstead, Caroline Mary, wife of Abe Bailey, of Johannesburg and Yewhurst, and elder daughter of the late John Paddon, of Sydenham, aged 27.
BENSON—On March 17, at Shepherd’s Bush, Henry Benson, late of Cliffdown and Kylemore, Eastbourne, aged 45.
BLACKBURROW, W. E., Maritzburg, Feb. 19, aged 82.
BUDGEN, J., Sea Point, February 23, aged 65.
CROFT, F., Daniel’s Kuil, February 18, aged 22.
DE KOCK, M. W., Wynberg, February 22, aged 78.
GEORGE, T., Muizenberg, March 2, aged 42.
GREEN, E. H., Paarl, February 28, aged 46.
JOHNSTON, J. J., East London, February 20, aged 47.
MCLEOD, C., Newcastle, Natal, Feb. 24, aged 39.
NOLTE, M. N., Somerset West, Cape Colony, February 27, aged 60.
PEARSON—On March 23, at Alicedale, the infant son of Maurice Grey Pearson, M.B., B. Sc., F. R. C. S.
PEMBERTON—On March 19, 1902, at Lindley, of enteric fever, Arthur Gore, aged 26 ½ years, of 24, Poet’s Road, Highbury, N., second son of the late Augustus Clarke Pemberton, of Kilburn, whilst on active service in the 106th Company (Paget’s Horse) Imperial Yeomanry.
RHODES—On March 7, killed in action at Klipdrift, Charles Alfred Rhodes, Sergt. British South Africa Police, elder son of James Alfred Rhodes, of 48, Great Marlborough Street, and 2c, Montagu Mansions, Portman Square, W., aged 34.
SCHAFER, G., Cape Town, March 1, aged 48.
THORNE, M. M., Observatory Road, Cape Colony, February 24, aged 62.
WHITE—On March 20, at Brighton, Alfred White, of No. 25, Abchurch Lane, E.C., beloved son of Lewis Abraham White, of 127, Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, W., aged 33 years, deeply mourned by all who knew him.

Miscellaneous articles on the same page:

It is reported that about 12,000,000 pounds weight of forage which had been grown in the district of Albany, Bathurst, and Alexandra this season, and which was commandeered by the military at a good price, results in about £60,000 coming into the district.

While on a voyage to Cape Town on board the steamship Galeka, the wife of Benjamin Raffle, on January 3, when in latitude 1 deg. 18 min. N., longitude 12 deg. 52 min. W., gave birth to a daughter, who was promptly named Mary Emily Gudron Galeka Equatoria.

A Mail for St. Helena will be forwarded by the steamer Matin, which is appointed to leave Millwall Docks today (Saturday, March 29), and is due at St. Helena about April 17. All correspondence and parcels for the island posted in time to be dispatched by the Matin, will be forwarded by her unless specially marked for transmission otherwise.

A distressing fatality occurred recently in the train from Port Elizabeth, near Mortimer. A passenger named W. J. van der Merwe, of Hanover Road, succumbed to an attack of hemorrhage. Dr. Greathead, who was on the train, rendered every assistance, but his efforts were unavailing. The body was removed from the train, and buried at Cradock.

A big cyclone has occurred at Beira. The damage in the town alone is estimated at £23,000, and nearly every house sustained some damage. The roof of the club was blown away. The telegraph office was deluged with water, and the Fontesvilla flats submerged. Ten miles of line, from 31 to 42 mile pegs, were practically washed away. Great damage was done to the shipping in the harbour. The railway shed on the pier was demolished and pier-master’s house and furniture wrecked. All the railway yard shops and buildings were more or less damaged.

A company formed for the purpose of constructing a railway from Durbanville to Durban Road, Cape Colony, has been registered through the efforts of Mr. John King, of Durbanville.

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