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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1897 1 January - June

Tuesday, January 5, 1897

In Memoriam
Died at Aliwal North on Tuesday, December 29th, after a long and weary suffering, Merton Lane SEAR, Aged 32.  Solicitor, late of Queenstown and Westgate-on-Sea, Kent...

Died.- On the 22nd of December, 1896, Rupert Palmer, third and beloved son of William and Eleanor BARNES, of Oxkraal Drift, Whittlesea, aged 10 years and 8 months.

Died.- In the Hospital, at Johannesburg, from fever, on the 2nd December, 1896, Stanley, eldest son of Mr. And mrs. G. SAUNDERS, of Ida, Xalanga, aged 19 years and 9 months...

Sad Accident
Late on the evening of Tuesday 22nd December, while the wagon of Mr C BARNES was going from Queenstown to Hackney, Master Rupert BARNES aged 11 a son of Mr William BARNES, Ox Kraal Drift, accidentally fell from the wagon, near the Kei River and was killed.  One of the wheels had gone over him. ..
The funeral took place at Whittlesea on Thursday and was largely attended.  The Rev SPARGO, HILTON and Rev Jones HACKNEY were the officiating clergymen at chapel and graveyard.

Friday, January 8, 1897

Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
In the Estate of the late Charles Alfred LARTER, of Buffels Doorns, in the district of Lady Frere...

Birth,- At Queenstown, on 1st January, 1897, the wife of W.J. LOGAN, of a Daughter.

Tuesday, January 12, 1897

Sad Accident
On Sunday week, intelligence was received at Indwe of a sad accident. That morning a bright little lad, Jeff, the only son of Mr and Mrs Harry Gordon TURNER, was taken for a drive by his mother. As returning, a whilst crossing a bad rut close to Mr M COGHLAN’s farm, he jumped from his seat, which was next to the driver, for the purpose of whipping the wheelers with a small sjambok he had in his hand. At that moment, the cart went into the rut, and he was thrown out, the wheel passing over him  Mrs TURNER jumped out, picked up the poor little fellow, who did shortly after. On reaching home, the cart was met by the father, who had a terrible shock when he received the dead body of his son. The parents decided to inter the remains at Dordrecht, and at six on Monday morning there assembled in the neighbourhood of their residence a large and representative gathering, forming into procession to the station. The funeral at Dordrecht, notwithstanding the heavy rain that fell, was numerously attended, amongst those present being the Mayor.

Friday, January 15, 1897

Destitute Child
Whereas a European Lad named Herbert PATCHING, about 13 years of age, has been brought to this office in a state of destitution, notice is hereby given that unless the said Herbert PATCHING is claimed within six weeks from this date by some relative or friend, able and willing to maintain him, he will be apprenticed according to the law.
Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office, Queenstown, 16th Dec., 1896.

Tuesday, January 19, 1897

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Au jir Brock PARKER, of Queenstown...

The late Mr. W. FULLER
We regret to have to record the death of Mr. W. FULLER, of Clapton, Thomas River.  The deceased, who was 59 years of age, had lived on the farm for many years, and was well-known in Queenstown and King.  He had been complaining of not feeling well for some time, and on Wednesday he lay down, and had a doctor called in, unfortunately when it was too late, death taking place about nine o’clock on Thursday morning.  The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, when his remains were interred in the English burial ground, in a grave adjoining that of his brother John.  The deceased was a mason, one of the oldest members of the Star in the East Lodge, and a goodly number of its members attended the obsequies? To pay their last token of respect to the memory of their late brother.  Members of the family followed the remains to their last resting place, including Mr. P.D. BERTRAM from East London...

Friday, January 22, 1897

Died,- At his residence, Clapton Farm, Thomas River, district Cathcart, on the 14th day of January 1897, William FULLER, aged 59 years and 8 months...

Friday, January 29, 1897

Estate of the late Abrama Lodevica Charlotta LOMBARD (born PRETORIUS) of Sterkstroom...

Tuesday, February 2, 1897

Notice to Creditors & Debtors

In the Testate Estate of the late William FULLER, of Farm “Clapton,” in the district of Cathcart...

Marriage,- On the 27th Jan., 1897, at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Queen’s Town, by the Rev. Julius GORDON, M.A., J.R.K. BARKER, Assistant Inspector African Banking Corporation, Ltd., to Edith M. HALL, of England.

Birth,- At Queenstown, on Jan. 29th, 1897, the wife of W.K. MAGER, of a Son.

Tuesday, February 9 1897

Died,- At his residence, Queens’ Town, on the 2nd Feb., 1897, Alfred MOORCROFT, aged 77 years and 4 months.  Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends...
Died, At Queenstown, on Saturday, 6th February, 1897, David, infant son of W. And M. WOOD, late of Buluwayo.

Friday, February 12 1897

BELL,- At Prospect, Queenstown, on the 29th January, the wife of E.R. BELL, of twins, one being stillborn.
Birth,- On Feb. 1st, at Queen’s Town, the wife of J.E.H. O’GRADY, St. Marks, of a Son.

Tuesday, February 16, 1897

Estate of the late William Thomas BROOKS, of Baileyton, district of Queenstown...

Birth.- On February 11th, at Queenstown, the wife of S.N. ARNOTT, Salisbury, Rhodesia, of a son.

Friday, February 26 1897

Found dead in a donga
On Tuesday Mr. Abraham LOMBARD of Sterkstroom, came to Queenstown to visit the Agricultural Society’s Show.  He parted from his friends at night apparently in the best of health, but on Wednesday morning his dead body was seen in a donga at the bottom of Joubert Street below Baileys bridge by Mrs STYLES, who sent a man named BAKER to inform the Chief Constable of what she had discovered.  The unfortunate man had evidently fallen a distance of 16 feet, alighting on his head on a stone.  He must then have rolled over, as his face was buried in the water, which was about six inches deep.  The body after being viewed by the C.C., was removed to the mortuary.  The deceased’s brother Mr. Anthony LOMBARD was in town at the time, and was informed by the police of the sad occurrence.

Tuesday, March 2, 1897

Married,- BECKLEY-DE VILLIERS, by special licence on 24th inst., by the Rev. RITCHIE, William James, eldest son of the late W.A. BECKLEY, Burford, Oxfordshire, England, to Lillie, Fourth daughter of the late John DE VILLIERS, Schoolfontein, district, Queenstown.

Birth.- On 20th Feb., 1897, at Essex Arms Hotel, the wife of Mr. J.M. BARROW, of a son.
Birth,- At Queenstown, on the 27th February, 1897, the wife of G.W. IMPEY, of Donnybrook, of a Daughter.

Friday, March 5, 1897

Birth.- At Burghersdorp on Friday, 19th February, 1897, the wife of H. HARDWICKE ANDREWS of a Son.

Tuesday, March 9, 1897

Married,- March 1st, 1897, by the Rev. J. GORDON, Walter ARNOT, of King Williamstown, to Sarah Everlyn READ, of Queenstown.

Birth,- At Queenstown on the 6th March, 1897, the wife of the Rev. C.K. HODGES, at Kamastone, of a Daughter.

Friday, March 12, 1897

Birth,- At Cheviot, on 27th February, 1897, the wife of W.A. PRICE, of a Daughter.

Tuesday, March 19, 1897

Married,- On Wednesday 17 March 1897 at the Wesleyan Church, Cathcart, by the Rev. Thos. SPARGO assisted by the Rev. Geo. JACQUES, Arthur Thomas EDKINS of Edendale.  Glen Grey, eldest son of Mr Thos. W. EDKINS of Queenstown, to Violet Evelyn DELL, eldest daughter of Mr. James DELL of Stanmore, Cathcart.

Friday, April 9 1897

Died.- At Engcobo on the 30th March, 1897, at the residence of her son in law (Mr. T.H. KELLY) Mary DIDCOTT, beloved wife of Mr. H.E. DIDCOTT, in her 69th year.
Intered at Lady Frere on the 31st March, 1897...

Tuesday, May 4 1897

Fashionable Wedding.- An extremely pretty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday, the 28th, at St Michael and all Angels, Queenstown, by the Rev Julius GORDON, assisted by the Rev J CATLING of Tarkastad, when Mr George Leach SMITH of East London was married to Miss Gertrade CALLAGHAN, eldest daughter of Mr Charles CALLAGHAN of “Blackwoods” Queenstown...

Friday, May 14 1897

Railway Accidents.
A sad accident occurred by which J.F.G. REIMER, son of Rev E.P.R. REIMER, East London, lost his life.  Deceased, who was 20, was on duty as a fireman on a railway engine at Toise River about 3.30 on Monday morning.  In the dark, as the engine moved, REIMER stumbled, and was afterwards found on the line shockingly injured.  He died three hours after.  The funeral took place at East London on Tuesday, and was attended by many sympathisers from the Railway Locomotive Department...

Tuesday, May 25 1897

Late Telegram.
Mrs ROWLAND, wife of Dr ROWLAND, district surgeon, died on Saturday and was buried this morning.  The funeral was largely attended by town and country residents.

Tuesday, June 1 1897

Birth, At Queenstown, on the 10th inst., the wife of F. MARSBERG, of a Daughter.
Birth.-  At Rwantsana, on 22nd May, the wife of R.R. MOSS of a son.

Married,- At St Michael’s Church, Queenstown, on the 26th May, 1897, by the Revd. J. GORDON, Mr. W. PAYNE COTTON, of Boksburg, S.A.R., to Miss A.C. COOPER, of Dordrecht.

O’GRADY,- Died on May 30th, 1897, at Qamata Poort, James O’GRADY, aged 60 years.

Friday, June 11 1897

Died.- At Queenstown, on Sunday June 6th, 1897, the son of Charles SMITH, of Indwe, age 5 months...

St. Marks
The late Mr. O’GRADY
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of James Edward O’GRADY (son of the late J.E.H. O’GRADY of Port Elizabeth), one of the oldest and most respected of our Transkeian neighbours.  The deceased was born in London on May 10th, 1837, and passed away very suddenly through the bursting of an aneurism on the chest on Sunday, May 30th.  The deceased was well known by Queenstown people, and it will be no doubt a surprise for them to hear of the suddenness of the death of an old friend who appeared to be in very good health...

Friday, June 18 1897

Birth,- At Queenstown, on 15th June, the wife of E.W. DALE of a son.

Died,- At Queenstown, on the 14th June, 1897, Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, aged 87 years.
Died,- At Lady Frere, on the 15th June, 1897, Edith May, aged 1 month and 3 days, infant daughter of H. And E. BERRY.

Friday, June 18 1897

In Memoriam
One of the most prominent citizens of Queenstown has been removed from amongst us in the person of that venerable missionary and clergyman the Rev. Henry Hare DUGMORE, of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa.  The deceased was more intimately connected with Queenstown and district than any other in South Africa.  He was a missionary at Haslope Hills in the Zwart Kei, when the Queenstown district was occupied by the Tambookie tribe.  He was appointed resident Wesleyan Minister to Queenstown shortly after the town was laid out, and for some time was the only clergyman resident here.  In the ordinary course of events he was removed to other circuits, but again returned, and made this his home.  He was a poet and musician, and many a pleasant entertainment was given by himself and family – everyone being a musician – for the benefit of the town he made his home...
...The Rev. H.H. DUGMORE was born in Birmingham, on 27th April, 1810; and came to this country with his parents, who formed a portion of a party of Settlers, in April 1820.  For some years he lived with the family on an allotment on the Kariega River, about 10 miles from Grahamstown.  The family afterwards moved into Grahamstown, where the subject of this sketch was employed by Mr. WRIGHT.  After his conversion he became a local preacher, and owed much to the wise counsel and guidance of the Rev. W. SHAW, who may be fitly termed the apostle to South Africa.  Under the auspices of Mr. SHAW, Mr. DUGMORE entered the ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church as an exhorter, then a local preacher, and three years after at the age of about 24 took charge provisionally of the Mount Coke station, under the superintendence of the Rev. W. SHEPSTONE.  Having no knowledge of the language, Mr. DUGMORE had to speak through an interpreter;  but be dissatisfied with their performance he set himself to learn the language, and in three months was able to conduct the services in Kafir himself, and before the year was out, the interpreters were laid aside.  Attempts at translation and composition followed and Mr. DUGMORE soon added to the number of Kafir hymns then in use.  He also translated the Prayer Book and Psalms into Kafir and this translation was in use for many years.  The war of 1835 found him at Mount Coke, he remained there for a great part of the war.
In the year of 1838 Mr. DUGMORE married Miss SIMPSON, a cousin of the Rev. W.B. BOYCE, and for 56 years she was a heipmeet to him in everything.  Her death in 1894 was a severe blow;  but the parting was not for long.
It is not possible to mention the various stations in Kafiirland at which Mr. DUGMORE was stationed;  but at all of them he laboured acceptably and with results which eternity alone will disclose.  If the memory of the writer is correct, Durban, close to Peddie, was the last purely mission station that Mr. DUGMORE occupied, with the exception of a year or two spent at Lesseyton.  From Peddie the move was to Grahamstown, and there Mr. DUGMORE was during the war of 1852.  Salem, Grahamstown, King Williamstown, Dordrecht and Queenstown were the chief scenes of his labours as a minister to the English;  and with the last mentioned place he was connected during the last years of his life, embracing a period of over 30 years.  After his retirement from full work in 1876 Mr. DUGMORE lived in Queenstown first with the eldest and during the last 14 years with his youngest daughter, in whose house he passed to his reward on Monday night, the 14th June, 1897, at the ripe age of 87 years and nearly 2 months.  For some time previous to his death the venerable minister of Christ suffered intensely from an internal disorder;  but the last month of his life was free from pain.  He gradually became weaker and weaker, and finally passed from sleep to life immortal without a struggle...
Mr. DUGMORE leaves behind him 5 sons and 3 daughters, and a large number of grandchildren and one great grand child...

Tuesday, June 29 1897

Birth- On 28th inst. The wife of ? MACKENZIE, of a Daughter.
Birth,- At Tarkastad, on the 22nd inst., the wife of T.H. MALLETT, of a Daughter.
Birth,- At Queenstown, on 15th June, the wife of E.W. DALE of a son.

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