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Natal Witness

Natal Witness 1883 BMDs

NATAL WITNESS BMD INDEX 1883  [including snippets from "Local News"and "Supreme Court" columns]  
ILLEGIBLE ENTRIES Illegible Entry Birth April 1883 Illegible Birth entry 04 Apr 1883
  Illegible Entry Death May 1883 Illegible Death entry 05 May 1883
ACUTT [no names given] Death June 1883 at Stornoway, Pietermaritzburg, infant son of Henry & Isabella Acutt, aged 3 months  [no age or date given] 30 June 1883
ADENDORFF Angenita Marriage 16 Apr 1883 Angenita, eldest dghtr of J.C. Adendorff, of "The Hope", near Newcastle, to Samuel Jacobus Martins 24 Apr 1883
AGNEW Andrew David C. Marriage 28 Dec 1882 at the Berea, Andrew David Carnegie, son of Rev. David C.A. Agnew, Edinburgh, to Minnie D. Buchanan 17 Jan 1883
AHRENS Karl Death 12 Nov 1883 at Luneburg, Transvaal, Karl Ahrens, age 24 years and one month.  "Media vita in morte sumus" 26 Nov 1883
AIRTH Alice Marriage 18 Mar 1883 at St.John's Church, Capetown, dghtr of John Airth, Aberdeen, Scotland, to Norman Lawrence  [date unclear] 24 Mar 1883
ALCOCK   Birth 10 Oct 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr J.R. Alcock, of a son 12 Oct 1883
ALLERSTON Hariet Marriage 01 Feb 1883 Harriet, youngest daughter of Mr W. Allerston, to Mr J.E. Beard 05 Feb 1883
ALLISON   Birth 28 Aug 1883 at "Ethel's Drive", the wife of A.T. Allison, of a daughter 11 Sep 1883
ALLISON Elia Maria Theodora Marriage 11 Oct 1883 at Hoffenthal, Up.Tugela, dghtr of Capt. Albt Bidden Allison, Rosenstein, Natal, to Eduard W. v Muschenbroek 17 Oct 1883
ANDERSON   Birth 15 Feb 1883 at Potchefstroom, Transvaal, the wife of Mr H.M. Anderson, of a daughter  [NB: Initials unclear] 22 Feb 1883
ANDERSON J. B. Marriage 14 Aug 1883 J.B. Anderson, 3rd dghtr of Rev. James Anderson, of Holy Trinity, Whitehaven, Cumbria, to J.W. Harvey 15 Aug 1883
ANDREWS   Birth 30 June 1883 at the Brickyards, the wife of J. Andrews, jun., of a son 09 July 1883
ANDREWS [Mrs.] Death 12 Sep 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs M.A. Andrews, senr., aged 55 02 Oct 1883
ARCHER George Horsley Marriage 14 Feb 1883 at St.Peter's, Pietermaritzburg, George Horsley Archer, of Pietermaritzburg, to Emily Jullettie Gilbert 15 Feb 1883
AYLWARD Alfred Marriage 07 July 1883 at Boston, U.S.A., Alfred Aylward, aged 38 [Transvaal Boer Commandant], to Carrie Van Hoesen 27 Aug 1883
BALLENDEN   Birth 04 Dec 1883 on the Town Hill, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of C.J. Ballenden, of a son 18 Dec 1883
BAMBER   Birth 22 Oct 1883 at Ashendon, New Hanover, the wife of William Bamber, of a son 25 Oct 1883
BARKER Alice Donthorn Marriage 30 Apr 1883 article re wedding at St.Peter's on page 3;  Alice Donthorn Barker, dghtr of Mr W. Risley, to Harry White 01 May 1883
BARKER Alice Donthorn Marriage 30 Apr 1883 widow of late R.D. Barker, Esq., Maritzburg, & dghtr of W. Risley, Esq., Maritzburg, to Harry White 02 May 1883
BARNES   Birth 01 Mar 1883 at Brookside, the wife of Mr Jas. Barnes, of a son 02 Mar 1883
BARTHOLOMEW   Birth 15 Feb 1883 at Dr Schultz's Sanatorium, Pietermaritz St., Pmburg, wife of John Bartholomew, New Leeds, of a daughter 24 Feb 1883
BASSAGE   Birth 27 Aug 1883 at Ladysmith, the wife of J.T. Bassage, of a son 31 Aug 1883
BAYLIS   Birth 04 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Leighton Baylis, of a son 06 Jan 1883
BEARD J. E. Marriage 01 Feb 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, by Rev. Slade, Wesleyan, Mr J.E. Beard, to Harriet Allerston 05 Feb 1883
BEATER Edwin Death 08 July 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, aged 36 years 12 July 1883
BEHRENS   Birth 15 July 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of C.G. Behrens, of a daughter 18 July 1883
BENNITT William Marriage 11 Jan 1883 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Pietermaritzburg, William Bennitt, to Lillia Priscilla Smith 23 Jan 1883
BENNITT   Birth 29 Sep 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr T. Bennitt, of a son 02 Oct 1883
BENTLEY William Wood Marriage 06 June 1883 by Rev ET Burgess, at St.John's Church, York, eldst son of Geo.Bentley, Helmsley, England to Eliza Jane Comins 19 June 1883
BERRY M.  [Mrs.] Divorce Mar 1883 Supreme Court; M. Berry applied for divorce on grounds of husband's desertion; article page 3 09 Mar 1883
BERRY J. H.  [Mr.] Divorce Mar 1883 Supreme Court; M. Berry applied for divorce on grounds of husband's desertion; article page 3 09 Mar 1883
BERRY M.  vs  J. H. Divorce 18 May 1883 see also Supreme Court; divorce granted; article on page 3 18 May 1883
BIRBECK   Birth 19 Jan 1883 at Kokstad, the wife of T.C. Birbeck, of a son 27 Jan 1883
BIRD Mary Louisa Marriage 01 Aug 1883 Mary Louisa, second daughter of John Bird, Esq., The Grove, Pietermaritzburg, to Thomas Carlyle Mitchell 04 Aug 1883
BIRKETT   Birth 22 Jan 1883 at Craig [?] Farm, the wife of Francis J. Birkett, of a daughter 26 Jan 1883
BLAINEY A. Marriage Aug 1883 married at St. Thomas' Church, Verulam to Miss Manning; see article entitled "Verulam Items" on page 3 10 Aug 1883
BOAST Arthur Death Mar 1883 Clerk to Resident Magistrate, Zululand, died from gun accident, brother of Alfred Boast; article on page 3 15 Mar 1883
BOERS Hencricus Wouterus Death 04 Jan 1883 at Marais Heuvel, Ladysmith, of apoplexy, in his 31st year 08 Jan 1883
BOLT Amy Grace Death 29 Dec 1882 at "Sutherland", Greytown, 4th daughter of late Henry Bolt, aged 10 years  [Death date unclear, possibly 20?] 05 Jan 1883
BOND Noel Edwin Death 23 Oct 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, aged 10 months, beloved son of Arthur & Emily Bond 26 Oct 1883
BOOCOCK William Death 02 Aug 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, William Boocock, of Leeds, Yorkshire, England, aged 57 years 07 Aug 1883
BOOKER Jeannie Henrietta Death 30 Apr 1883 nr Cradock, wife of WA Booker, MB., late of Durbanville, dgtr Thos. Hackett, Castle Armstrong, Ireland; 21 yrs 25 May 1883
BOTHA Louis  Death 05 July 1883 at Vrede, Harrismith, in his 56th year, Louis Botha, formerly of Umvoti 25 July 1883
BOWDITCH Cecil Gladstone Death 29 Dec 1883 aged 18 [?] months;  no other information   [NB: Age very unclear] 31 Dec 1883
BREDENKAMP Mary Marriage 07 Nov 1883 by Rev. GM Ritchie, Mary, 2nd dghtr of Mr G. Bredenkamp, to George James Ashbourne Payne 14 Nov 1883
BRIDGE   Birth 30 Aug 1883 the wife of W.C. Bridge, of a daughter 04 Sep 1883
BRISTOW [Mrs.] Death 08 Jan 1883 Wife of George Bristow, Durban. Died by suicide.  Article on page three 12 Jan 1883
BRISTOW George Marriage 10 Oct 1883 by Archdeacon Colley, at the Cathedral, George, 4th son of Chas. Bristow, Berea, Durban, to Matilda F. Tutton 20 Oct 1883
BRONKHORST   Birth 24 Sep 1883 at Estcourt, the wife of H.S. Bronkhorst, of a daughter 15 Oct 1883
BROWN John Death 06 Sep 1883 a Durban merchant, died at Howick from burst blood vessel near the heart;  article on page 3 08 Sep 1883
BROWN [Miss] Death 02 Dec 1883 suddenly, on Sunday afternoon, daughter of Mr W.A. Brown, of heart disease, aged 18 yrs; article pg. 3 05 Dec 1883
BRUCE [BRACE?] John Death 03 July 1883 body found on the Vlei, supposed to have died of exposure;  article page 3 04 July 1883
BRUYNS Louisa Marriage 09 Jan 1883 by Rev. Bosman, Louisa, eldest dghtr of A.J. Bruyns, Esq., Noodsberg, to J.C. Rood 16 Jan 1883
BRUYNS Andrew Johannes Marriage 28 Mar 1883 at "Dirby", New Scotland, 2nd son of AJ Bruyns, Esq., of Noodsberg, to Maria Magdaline Van Rooyen 27 Apr 1883
BRUYNS Dinah Marriage 30 July 1883 by Rev. Bosman, at her father's home, 4th dghtr of AJ Bruyns, Welgelegen, Noodsberg, to Leopold H. Rainer 07 Aug 1883
BUCHANAN Minnie Dale Marriage 28 Dec 1882 by Rev. PM Martin, youngest dghtr of late David Dale Buchanan, Advocate & MLC, to Andrew D.C. Agnew 17 Jan 1883
BUCHANAN   Birth 23 Jan 1883 at West Hill, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr Justice Buchanan, of a daughter 06 Feb 1883
BUCHANAN   Birth 30 Jan 1883 at Newcastle, the wife of Edwin James Buchanan, of New Scotland, Transvaal, of a son 08 Feb 1883
BUCHANAN   Birth 30 Apr 1883 at New Howick, the wife of James Buchanan, of a son 18 May 1883
BUNCE George Death 29 Mar 1883 aged 14 yrs, thrown from a horse and killed; see article on page 3 31 Mar 1883
BUNTING   Birth 20 Oct 1883 at Lidgett, Weston, the wife of G.F. Bunting, of a daughter 24 Oct 1883
BURN John Gray Death 19 Apr 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, late of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, aged 68 yrs  [Entry very unclear] 23 Apr 1883
BURRUP Joseph Death 02 Feb 1883 at "Welverdient", near Greytown, aged 32 years 08 Feb 1883
BUTTON   Birth April 1883 at Ben Lomond, the wife of J. Button, of a daughter  [NB: Entry very unclear; birth date illegible] 11 Apr 1883
CAMERON   Birth 06 Oct 1883 the wife of Rev. H.M. Cameron, Verulam Mission Station, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear, query 8th?] 10 Oct 1883
CANHAM John F. Death 04 Feb 1883 accidental drowning, Back Beach, Durban;  full article on page three 06 Feb 1883
CARMICHAEL   Birth 21 Oct 1883 at Innellan, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of William C. Carmichael, solicitor, of a daughter 24 Oct 1883
CARR R. H. Marriage 22 Sep 1883 by Rev. Martin, at Durban, R.H. Carr, Inspector N.G.R., Ladysmith Extension, to Miss Mary Johnson 27 Sep 1883
CHATTERTON   Birth 23 Sep 1883 at Kenilworth, Town Lands, the wife of J. Chatterton, of a son 25 Sep 1883
CHOLES   Birth 23 Aug 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of F.J. Choles, Colonial Armourer & Storekeeper, of a son 24 Aug 1883
CINAMON Bernard Marriage 13 May 1883 at Durban, by the appointed officer Jewish marriages, Bernard Cinamon, of Pmburg, to Annie Moss 16 May 1883
CLARENCE   Birth 08 May 1883 at Kandy, Zwaartkop Valley, the wife of Beverley C. Clarence, of a daughter 17 May 1883
CLARK L.  [Mrs.] Divorce Jan 1883 Supreme Court; action brought by wife for divorce from William Clark; see article page 3 27 Jan 1883
CLARK William Divorce Jan 1883 Supreme Court; action brought by wife, Mrs L. Clark, for divorce from William Clark; see article page 3 27 Jan 1883
CLAYBOURN Charles Death 01 Nov 1883 Charles Claybourn, of Eastington, Yorkshire, at his residence, Boom Street, Pmburg, aged 83 03 Nov 1883
CLEMENTS R. W. Death 30 Dec 1882 at Grey's Hospital, of tumour on the brain, , late of Torquay, England  [no age given] 08 Jan 1883
CLEMENTS Richard William Death 30 Dec 1882 see article on page 3; Wilgefontein settler, arrived 1880, leaves widow and 7 children 08 Jan 1883
CLIFF William  [Rev.] Marriage 14 Feb 1883 by Rev. John Smith, Rev. William Cliff, of Umtata, to Mary Shackleton 17 Feb 1883
CLODE George John Marriage 13 Apr 1883 at the Drill Shed Church, George John Clode, to Katherine Inez Smith  [Entry very unclear] 17 Apr 1883
CLOSE Henry Shaw Marriage 05 Dec 1883 Henry Shaw, 2nd son of late Richard Close, Esq, Haigh Terrace, Kingstown, county Dublin, to Clara A. McLaren 05 Dec 1883
COCKBURN Eleanora Augusta Death 19 Jan 1883 at Kleinthal, Richmond, beloved wife of Mr J. Montagu Cockburn, aged 53 years 10 Feb 1883
COLENBRANDER Johan    Marriage 17 Dec 1883 at St.Thomas Church, Berea, Johan, 4th son of late T.C. Colenbrander, to Maria Mullins 27 Dec 1883
COLENSO John Wm. [Rt. Revd.] Death 20 June 1883 Bishop of Natal; obituary on pge 3  [Also pg.3 NW 22.06.1883, pgs 4 & 6 NW 23.06.1883 & pg.3 NW 25.06.83] 21 June 1883
COLEPEPER   Birth 21 Oct 1883 at Willamette, Berea, the wife of W. Colepeper, of a daughter 24 Oct 1883
COMINS Eliza Jane Marriage 06 June 1883 Eliza Jane, eldest dghtr of Mr John Comins, Newington House, near York, to William Wood Bentley 19 June 1883
COOK Jessie Death 17 Jan 1883 at the Central Gaol, Pmburg, of inflammation of the lungs, youngest daughter of Wm. Cook, age 5 yrs 8 mths 18 Jan 1883
COOKE [no names given] Death 11 July 1883 at Estcourt, beloved daughter of Joscelyn and Frances Cooke, aged 1 year and 8 months 16 July 1883
COOPER   Birth 23 June 1883 at Richmond, Natal, the wife of Arnold W. Cooper, agent, of a son 27 June 1883
COVENTRY Charles Marriage 24 July 1883 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, Charles Coventry, of Groot Hoek, Klip River County, to Sarah H.B. William 06 Aug 1883
COX [no names given] Death 23 Nov 1883 three year old daughter of Mr Cox, died at South Shepstone, from a snake bite; see page 3 03 Dec 1883
CRAGGS Agnes   Death 14 Aug 1883 at Edinglassie, Slangspruit, Pmburg, Agnes, beloved wife of Isaac Craggs, aged 32 years 17 Aug 1883
CULVERWELL John Death 11 Mar 1883 at Overstone, Noodsberg, yngest son of late Jas. Culverwell, Clavelshay, Brigdgewater, Somerset, age 26 yrs 14 Mar 1883
DALY   Birth 28 July 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of W. Daly, of Estcourt, of a daughter 07 Aug 1883
D'ARCY   Birth 29 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr Advocate D'Arcy, of a daughter 30 Jan 1883
DARTNELL   Birth 19 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Natal, the wife of Major Dartnell, C.M.G., of a son 24 Jan 1883
DAUNT Wm. R. Mordaunt Death 06 Oct 1883 aged 29, Capt. Royal Artillery;  see article on page 3 08 Oct 1883
DAVIES   Birth 01 Feb 1883 at Durban, the wife of G. Herbert Davies, of Mount Moreland, of a daughter 05 Feb 1883
DAVIS Alfred Death 17 Dec 1883 full obituary on page 3 and funeral notice on page 2 18 Dec 1883
DE HAAS   Birth 17 Oct 1883 at Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Gerard De Haas, of a daughter 22 Oct 1883
DE LA MARE Rebecca Death 20 Jan 1883 at Haskey, Humansdorp, wife of Thomas F. De La Mare, & eldest dghtr of late John Solomon, Pmburg, age 31 03 Feb 1883
DENBY George Death 06 Sep 1883 native of Yorkshire, came to Natal circa 1862, age 42, leaves widow & 7 children;  obituary on page 3 07 Sep 1883
DICKENS   Birth 17 Dec 1883 at The Laager, Noodsberg, the wife of W.J. Dickens, of a daughter 29 Dec 1883
DICKS J. Death July 1883 Mr J. Dicks, sen., of Howick; early colonist of Natal; obituary on page 3 21 July 1883
DICKS Jos. Death 18 July 1883 at the residence of his son, Greendale, Howick, aged 74 years and six months 31 July 1883
DIXON Eliza Agnes Marriage 31 May 1883 Eliza Agnes, youngest dghtr of Mr Wm. Dixon, Shipley Gate, Derbyshire, England, to Leonard Swete Kelly 04 June 1883
DOIG John Benjamin Death 03 July 1883 at Pietermaritz Street, eldest son of W.D.S. Doig, aged 14 years; see also article in News column page 2 05 July 1883
DONALDSON J. Marriage 17 Sep 1883 by Rev. Berry, at Richmond, J. Donaldson, Fair View, to Jane Kerr 26 Sep 1883
DOWNES Ellen Death 02 May 1883 at Oliver's Hoek, infant daughter of Alfred and M.J. Downes, aged six months 08 May 1883
DOYLE Sarah Elizabeth News 14 Aug 1883 Supreme Court; re breach of promise against John A. Levick - see article on page 3 15 Aug 1883
DOYLE Sarah E. News 21 Nov 1883 Supreme Court: breach of promise of marriage Sarah E. Doyle vs John A. Levick;  article on page 3 22 Nov 1883
DRIVER   Birth 26 May 1883 at Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of E.J. Driver, of a son 30 May 1883
DU BOIS Conrad William Death 15 July 1883 at Vergelegen, Biggarsberg, youngest son of late James Du Bois, aged 33 yrs; deeply mourned 03 Aug 1883
DUCK Francis Marriage 08 Aug 1883 at the Drill Shed, Francis Duck, A.V.D., to Edith Garrett 10 Aug 1883
DUNCUM Edith Marriage 11 Oct 1883 Edith, daughter of late Joseph Duncum, of this City, to Frank Harrison Evans 17 Oct 1883
DUNTON   Birth 17 Aug 1883 at Chapel Street, the wife of A.J. Dunton, of a daughter 22 Aug 1883
DYMES Harry R. Marriage 02 Aug 1883 at the Drill Shed Church, Harry R. Dymes, B.A., Cam., to Alice Maude Smith 03 Aug 1883
EDMONSTONE   Birth 23 June 1883 at Lomgmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of R.J. Edmonstone, of a daughter  [premature, still-born] 26 June 1883
EDWARDES   Birth 27 June 1883 at Craigside, Biggarsberg, the wife of Herbert Edwardes, of Newcastle, of a son 07 July 1883
EGNER   Birth 24 June 1883 Mrs. James M. Egner, of a daughter 28 June 1883
ELLIOTT [Dr.] Death 26 May 1883 of Estcourt, aged approx. 28 yrs; committed suicide in Pietermaritzburg; article on page 3 28 May 1883
ELLIS John Marriage 01 Nov 1883 at the Congregational Church, Sydenham, Mr John Ellis, of Durban, to Miss Mary Sparks; article on pg. 3 06 Nov 1883
ELY   Birth 27 Apr 1883 at Brynbella, near Estcourt, the wife of Robt. Ely, of a son 04 May 1883
EVANS Benjamin Bateman Marriage 13 Dec 1882 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, Pmburg, Benjamin Bateman Evans, of Mid-Illovo, to Elizabeth Large 18 Jan 1883
EVANS Alice Marriage 23 Apr 1883 Alice Evans, of Lillie Blom, near Cape Town, to Geo. H. Pugh 01 May 1883
EVANS Frank Harrison Marriage 11 Oct 1883 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, Frank Harrison Evans, to Edith Duncum 17 Oct 1883
EVANS   Birth 30 Nov 1883 at Mt. Alice, Town Hill, Maritzburg, the wife of David Evans, of a daughter 11 Dec 1883
EVANS Annie Death 19 Dec 1883 at Mount Alice, Townhill, daughter of David and S.E. Evans, aged 20 days 21 Dec 1883
FANNIN Florence Ellen Marriage 27 Jan 1883 Florence Ellen, eldest dghtr of late Thos. William Fannin, of Pmburg, to Alfred Clare Sewell 31 Jan 1883
FARTHING Priscilla  [Jessie] Death 22 July 1883 at Mrs Pope's Sanatorium, Pietermaritz Street, wife of Fredk. Wm. Farthing and mother, aged 41 24 July 1883
FEARNE [Rev.] Death 12 May 1883 at South Hill, Springvale, Venerable Archdeacon Fearne, M.A., J.P. for Colony of Natal, aged 73 years 01 June 1883
FERGUSON James Death 23 Sep 1883 aged 25; came to Natal 10 months ago for health reasons, native of Aberdeenshire;  see obituary on pg. 3 24 Sep 1883
FIELD Catherine Frances Death 11 Jan 1883 at Sevenoaks, Kent, England, wife of late Benjamin Field  [no age given] 27 Feb 1883
FLOREY Charles Death 04 Sep 1883 at Highlands, Umgeni, aged 34 years; deeply lamented by his sorrowing mother 08 Sep 1883
FOADEN Alfred Harry Marriage 20 Feb 1883 by Rev Mann, Alfred Harry, 2nd son of late John Foaden, Asburton, Devonshire, to Mary Ann F. Tyzack 27 Feb 1883
FOGGITT Mark Death 18 Oct 1883 Mayor of Kimberley;  see brief news article on page 3 19 Oct 1883
FORD S. E. Marriage 02 June 1883 by special licence, at St.Matthew's, Estcourt, S.E. Ford, to Annie Powell, both of Brynbella 06 June 1883
FORD Alfred Thomas Death 10 Oct 1883 age 35, leaves widow and one child;  obituary on page 2 12 Oct 1883
FORDER   Birth 07 June 1883 the wife of James Forder, Esq., R.M., Umgeni Division, of a son 08 June 1883
FORSYTH Mary Ann    Marriage 25 Oct 1883 at her father's residence, Boshoff Street, eldest dghtr of David Forsyth, Pmburg, to Alexander Sim Glennie 27 Oct 1883
FOSS Mary Death 02 Oct 1883 at Mount View, New England, beloved wife of Ambrose Foss, age 73 yrs.  Glasgow papers please  copy 08 Oct 1883
FOSTER   Birth 22 Feb 1883 the wife of Mr Frank Foster, of a son, which only survived its birth a few hours 23 Feb 1883
FRASER   Birth 20 Sep 1883 at Fern Hill, near Howick, the wife of Hugh Fraser, of a son  [NB: birth date indistinct] 16 Oct 1883
FREEMAN John Death 30 Jan 1883 at Pmb, eldest son of late John Freeman, Kingston/Thames, late of Clapton, London, age 35; NZ papers copy 31 Jan 1883
FYFE Agnes Boag Death 06 Aug 1883 at Deepdale, Boston, beloved wife of James Smith Fyfe, aged 67 years 09 Aug 1883
GADE Sophia Death 07 Apr 1883 at her residence, Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, widow of late Mr H. Gade, aged 67 years 10 Apr 1883
GAMLEY Helen Oswald Death 17 Mar 1883 at Ladysmith, after long illness, wife of David Gamley, late of Milkwood Kraal, Little Umhlanga, in her 38th yr 30 Mar 1883
GARRETT Edith   Marriage 08 Aug 1883 Edith, only daughter of late Walter Garrett, Middleton Weld, Yorkshire, to Francis Duck 10 Aug 1883
GAVIN Ann Death 13 May 1883 at Umlaas, near Camperdown, relict of late James Gavin, aged 55 years & 5 months 17 May 1883
GILBERT Emily Jullettie Marriage 14 Feb 1883 Emily Jullettie, eldest dghtr of C. Gilbert, Esq., of Richmond, Surrey, England, to George Horsley Archer 15 Feb 1883
GILL Evan  Marriage 02 Oct 1883 by Rev. Rowe, Wesleyan, at Pmburg, Mr Evan Gill, late of Ballaquaggan, Malew, Isle of Man, to Anna Raye 06 Oct 1883
GLENNIE Alexander Sim Marriage 25 Oct 1883 by Rev. J. Smith, Presbyterian, Alex. Sim, eldest son of Alex.Glennie, Eastbourne, Sussex, to Mary A. Forsyth 27 Oct 1883
GLOCKNER   Birth 03 Aug 1883 at Naffenthal, Upper Tugela, the wife of Rev. Th. Glockner, of a daughter 10 Aug 1883
GLYN   Birth 17 Apr 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of C.R. Glyn, of a son  [NB: Entry very unclear] 18 Apr 1883
GODFREY   Birth 06 Oct 1883 at Palmer Street, Durban, the wife of Mr R.[?] Godfrey, of a son 09 Oct 1883
GOULD-SMITH   Birth Dec 1883 at the Manse, the wife of the Rev. J. Gould-Smith, of a son  [NB: Birth date illegible] 12 Dec 1883
GRAINGER James Death Feb 1883 thrown from a horse and died; article on page three 10 Feb 1883
GRANT Walter Death 02 June 1883 aged 42, native of Derbyshire, came to Natal 1856, leaving widow & family; full obituary on page 3 04 June 1883
GREENSTOCK Mary Marriage 22 June 1883 Mary, eldest dghtr of Rev. Canon Greenstock, to Frederick Bryan Grey;  Cape Colony papers please copy 26 June 1883
GREER see MacMinn-Greer Marriage 19 Mar 1883 by special licence at the Drill Shed Church, G.R. MacMinn-Greer, District Surgeon Ixopo, to Charlotte G. Payne 20 Mar 1883
GREY Frederick Bryan Marriage 22 June 1883 by the father of the bride, at Springvale, 3rd son of Admiral the Hon. Geo. Grey, to Mary Greenstock 26 June 1883
GRIFFIS Edward    Death 31 May 1883 at Ladysmith, Natal, Edward, son of Chas. Tendal Griffis, late Major QOYC & 14th Light Dragoons, aged 37 yrs 04 June 1883
GRISSELL [no names given] Death Oct 1883 a child of Mr J. Grissell [son/law to Mr Leonard] died in wagon accident in Newcastle area;  article on pg. 3 19 Oct 1883
GRUNDY Edward Horton Death 17 Feb 1883 at 1am of wounds received on 5th at Mapochs Vlught Kraal, in his 29th year, eldst son of Jas. Grundy, Durban 05 Mar 1883
GUBBINS   Birth 25 Mar 1883 at Newcastle, on Easter Sunday, the wife of C. O'G. Gubbins, M.B., District Surgeon, of a daughter 30 Mar 1883
GUBBINS Chas. Fitzgerald B. Death 19 May 1883 at Newcastle, Charles Fitzgerald Beran, child of Charles O'Grady & Maud Gubbins, aged 1 year 7 mths 25 May 1883
GUILLOD   Birth 27 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of George Guillod, of a son 01 Feb 1883
GUTRIDGE   Birth April 1883 at Dundee Proper, the wife of John Gutridge, of a son  [NB: Entry very unclear; birth date illegible] 17 Apr 1883
HACKETT see BOOKER, J.H. Death 30 Apr 1883 nr Cradock, wife of WA Booker, MB., late of Durbanville, dgtr Thos. Hackett, Castle Armstrong, Ireland; 21 yrs 25 May 1883
HACKETT Edward Augustus Marriage 28 July 1883 Edward Aug., M.E., Asst. Engineer N.G.R., yngst son of Thos. Hackett, Castle Armstrong, Ireland, to E.E. Henry 31 July 1883
HALL Elizabeth Mary A. Death 08 Apr 1883 at Umsinga, Elizabeth Mary Ashbourn, only daughter of John W.F. Hall, aged 11 months 12 Apr 1883
HALL Frank Death 12 Aug 1883 at 23 Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, beloved son of William & Mary Hall, of Hornsey, England, aged 22 13 Aug 1883
HALL   Birth 22 Nov 1883 at Umsinga, the wife of John W.F. Hall, of a son 04 Dec 1883
HAMILTON F. J.  Marriage 23 Jan 1883 at the bride's residence, Greyling Street, F.J. Hamilton, to Catherine Mary Knights 30 Jan 1883
HAMILTON   Birth 13 July 1883 at Kettlefontein Hotel, the wife of D. Hamilton, of a daughter 16 July 1883
HAMMON Annie C. Divorce May 1883 Supreme Court: Petition by Annie C. Hammon to divorce her husband Walter John Hammon;  page 3 03 May 1883
HAMMON Walter John Divorce May 1883 Supreme Court: Petition by Annie C. Hammon to divorce her husband Walter John Hammon;  page 3 03 May 1883
HARDY [Mrs.] Death 18 Sep 1883 sudden death near the Railway Station, found in bed, had been ailing for some time, heart disease; see pg 3 20 Sep 1883
HARRIS Catherine Marriage 11 Mar 1883 Catherine, daughter of Charles Lachlan Harris, of Brighton, England, to Hew Stair Wardrop 28 Mar 1883
HARVEY J. W. Marriage 14 Aug 1883 at St. Saviour's, J.W. Harvey, of Oak Vale, Beaumont, eldst son of late Rich. Harvey, Verulam, to J.B. Anderson 15 Aug 1883
HENRY Emilie Elliott Marriage 28 July 1883 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, second dghtr of Capt. Henry, R.N., Ireland, to Edward Augustus Hackett 31 July 1883
HENWOOD   Birth 21 Sep 1883 at Rose Cottage, Estcourt, the wife of John Henwood, jun., of a daughter 28 Sep 1883
HENWOOD Alfred Marriage 10 Oct 1883 Alfred, elder son of Paul Henwood, Oakdene, New Barnet, & Natal, to Louisa [Louie] Wood 08 Nov 1883
HERBST [no names given] Death Dec 1883 the family of Mr P. Herbst, Klein Harts River, lost 8 of 11 sons within 18 days, due to throat pox; article pg. 3 07 Dec 1883
HINDLEY Harry C. Death 11 Sep 1883 at Town Lands, aged 31 years; deeply lamented by many friends  [see also article page 3] 13 Sep 1883
HODGSON Charles Henry Death 03 Feb 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, beloved child of Thomas & Marie Jane Hodgson, aged 3 mths 10 days 06 Feb 1883
HODSON Mary Gower Marriage 19 Sep 1883 Mary Gower, eldest daughter of James J. Hodson, of Caversham, to Henry James Stansfeld 26 Sep 1883
HOLDING John William Marriage 21 Nov 1883 at the Wesleyan Church, John William, only son of Mr Wm. Holding, to Rosalie Beatrice Lister 23 Nov 1883
HOLLIDAY [Mrs.] Death 05 July 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the dearly beloved wife of G.T. Holliday, aged 43 years 07 July 1883
HOOPER   Birth 17 Nov 1883 at Hilton Farm, Umvoti County, the wife of Mr R.G. Hooper, of a son 04 Dec 1883
HORSLEY   Birth 29 Apr 1883 at Warrock, near Ladysmith, the wife of Richard Horsley, of a son 09 May 1883
HOWDEN   Birth 05 Sep 1883 at Richmond, the wife of Robert Howden, of a daughter 07 Sep 1883
HULL Daniel Death June 1883 at Pinetown, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs Henry Cope, Daniel Hull, in his 86th year  [no date given] 29 June 1883
HUNTER [George ?] Divorce Dec 1883 Article page 3 re alleged infidelity : Mrs [James] Neilson and Mr George Hunter, Berea, Durban 04 Dec 1883
HYSLOP   Birth 24 Mar 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Thomas Hyslop, of a daughter  [NB: entry very unclear] 28 Mar 1883
IRELAND   Birth 03 June 1883 on the 3rd June, Prince Alfred Street, the wife of F. Ireland, of a son 03 July 1883
IZARD   Birth 06 Dec 1883 at Zwaart Kop Valley, the wife of Walter G. Izard, Maritzburg, of a son 08 Dec 1883
JACKSON [no names given] Death 03 Mar 1883 Nine year old son of John Jackson, farmer, Bellevue, Otto's Bluff, died from snake bite; article page 3 05 Mar 1883
JENKINS [Mr.] Death 21 Dec 1883 of the firm Simmer-Jenkins & Co., Church St., died Clarendon Hotel, Durban;  article on page 3 26 Dec 1883
JENKINS Evan Death 21 Dec 1883 at the Clarendon Hotel, Durban, Evan Jenkins, of Maritzburg.  Liverpool papers please copy 28 Dec 1883
JOHNSON Mary Marriage 22 Sep 1883 at residence of her sister, Commercial Rd., Durban, Miss Mary Johnson, of Berwick-on-Tweed, to R.H. Carr 27 Sep 1883
JONES Hubert Norris Marriage 03 Jan 1883 by Rev JR Wood, at the School Church, Mid-Illovo, Hubert Norris Jones, to Marianne Jane Large 18 Jan 1883
JONES George    Death Feb 1883 George Jones, formerly a sergeant in the Royal Artillery, committed suicide in Cape Town; see page 2 17 Feb 1883
KELLY Susanna Swete Death 26 Feb 1883 at her father's residence, 18 Loop St., eldest dghtr of Benjamin Swete Kelly, of this town, age 35 yrs 13 days 03 Mar 1883
KELLY Leonard Swete Marriage 31 May 1883 at the Congregational Chapel, second son of Benjamin Swete Kelly, Pmburg, to Eliza Agnes Dixon 04 June 1883
KERR Jane Marriage 17 Sep 1883 at Richmond, Jane, daughter of Mr J. Kerr, Mayfield, to J. Donaldson 26 Sep 1883
KERSHAW   Birth 28 Sep 1883 the wife of Mr A.W. Kershaw, of a daughter 01 Oct 1883
KILLGAN Tom Death Feb 1883 prev. employed by David James, farmer, New Leeds, gone missing before Xmas, body found; see pg. 3 13 Feb 1883
KNIGHTS Catherine Mary Marriage 23 Jan 1883 Catherine Mary, widow of late Wm. Knights, Armourer, to F.J. Hamilton 30 Jan 1883
KRETZSCHMAR Cyril Eveyln Death 11 June 1883 at Pietermaritzburg;  English papers please copy  [NB: Age not given] 15 June 1883
LAING [?] see SMITH Birth 27 Sep 1883 at Pinetown, Mrs F. Smith, nee Laing [?], of a daughter 01 Oct 1883
LAMOND Margaret Helena Death 14 Dec 1883 daughter of George & Nellie Lamond, born December 17th 1882  [NB: Entry very unclear] 17 Dec 1883
LARGE Margaret Mavinia Marriage 14 Dec 1882 Margaret Mavinia, 2nd dghtr of Robert Sheppard Large, Stertreimfontein, Natal, to Charles Power 18 Jan 1883
LARGE Elizabeth Marriage 13 Dec 1882 Elizabeth, eldest dghtr of Robert Sheppard Large, Stertreimfontein, Natal, to Benjamin Bateman Evans 18 Jan 1883
LARGE Marianne Jane Marriage 03 Jan 1883 Marianne Jane, 3rd dghtr of Robert Sheppard Large, Stertriemfontein, Natal, to Hubert Norris Jones 18 Jan 1883
LASCELLES Charles Death 03 Aug 1883 age approx. 50 yrs; see article on page 3 entitled "Death of a Local Musician" 06 Aug 1883
LAWRENCE Norman Marriage 18 Mar 1883 Dr. Norman Lawrence, District Surgeon, Ladysmith, & 2nd son of Dr. Lawrence of George, to Alice Airth 24 Mar 1883
LAWSON   Birth 31 Aug 1883 at Park Cottage, Richmond Road, Mrs J.H. Lawson, of a son 01 Sep 1883
LAWTON Georgina M. Marriage 08 Jan 1883 Georgina M., fourth daughter of late Richard Lawton, Knollebank, to Thomas Vear 10 Jan 1883
LAYMAN   Birth 11 May 1883 the wife of F. Layman, of a son 17 May 1883
LEASK Alex. Irvine Lyell Death 22 Mar 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Alexander Irvine Lyell Leask, aged 49 27 Mar 1883
LEASK Thomas Death 24 May 1883 suddenly, at Chapel Street, Pmburg, Thomas Leask, aged 88 years 26 May 1883
LEE Ada Emma Marriage 06 June 1883 Ada Emma, 2nd dghtr of Geo. Jas. Lee, Esq., Chairman Kimberley Mining Board, to Augustus E. St.Clair Liston 16 June 1883
LEECH   Birth 17 Dec 1883 at St.George's Hotel, the wife of Edwin Leech, of a son 20 Dec 1883
LEONARD Sarah Jane Marriage 17 July 1883 Sarah Jane, eldest dghtr of Mr William Leonard, of Rangeworthy, to John Umpleby 27 July 1883
LEONARD see GRISSELL Death Oct 1883 a child of Mr J. Grissell [son/law to Mr Leonard] died in wagon accident in Newcastle area;  article on pg. 3 19 Oct 1883
LEVICK John A. News 14 Aug 1883 Supreme Court; re breach of promise instituted by Sarah Elizabeth Doyle - see article on page 3 15 Aug 1883
LEVICK John A. News 21 Nov 1883 Supreme Court: breach of promise of marriage Sarah E. Doyle vs John A. Levick;  article on page 3 22 Nov 1883
LINDSAY   Birth 23 May 1883 at Rosemount, Mooi River, the wife of W.H. Lindsay, of a son 01 June 1883
LISTER Rosalie Beatrice Marriage 21 Nov 1883 Rosalie Beatrice, 4th daughter of Mr Wm. Lister, to John William Holding; both of this City 23 Nov 1883
LISTER   Birth Dec 1883 at [????], the wife of Mr William [??] Lister, of a son.   [NB: Entry very unclear] 11 Dec 1883
LISTON Augustus Ernest St.C. Marriage 06 June 1883 at the Drill Shed, Augustus Ernest St.Clair Liston, Natal Central Sugar Co. Mill, Mt Edgecombe, to Ada E. Lee 16 June 1883
LLOYD   Birth 05 July 1883 at Hidcote, the wife of C.B. Lloyd, of a son 18 July 1883
LLOYD   Divorce 06 Sep 1883 Supreme Court; wife's divorce application, lodge a year ago; separation granted; article on page 3 07 Sep 1883
LORAM   Birth 05 May 1883 at Burger Street, the wife of A.E. Loram, of a son  [NB: entry very unclear] 07 May 1883
LOVELL SCOTT T. J.  [Mr.] Death 13 Mar 1883 aged approx 33 yrs, died of bronchitis, leaving widow & bereaved relatives;  full obituary on page 3 14 Mar 1883
LUTTRELL   Birth 18 June 1883 at Quantock Lodge, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of F.F. Luttrell, of a daughter 23 June 1883
LYLE Alexander Death 18 Jan 1883 suddenly, at his residence, The Tannery, Pietermaritzburg, aged 51 years; full obituary on page three 20 Jan 1883
LYLE Elizabeth Hill Death 31 Mar 1883 at the Tannery, Pmburg, widow of late Alex Lyle, aged 40.  Deeply regretted;  Obituary on page 3 02 Apr 1883
MacCOLL Duncan Alexander Death 16 June 1883 at the Berea, aged 5 months 18 days, son of Duncan & Emily MacColl 20 June 1883
MACDONALD   Birth 26 Aug 1883 at Longmarket Street, Pmburg, the wife of Inspector Macdonald, Borough Police, of a son 27 Aug 1883
MacMINN-GREER G. R. Marriage 19 Mar 1883 by special licence at the Drill Shed Church, G.R. MacMinn-Greer, District Surgeon Ixopo, to Charlotte G. Payne 20 Mar 1883
MACPHERSON   Birth 04 Feb 1883 at Church Street, Pmburg, the wife of G.G.S. Macpherson, chemist & druggist, of a son 06 Feb 1883
MANN [Gunner] Death 28 Apr 1883 article re suicide of Gunner Mann; page 3 02 May 1883
MANNING [Miss] Marriage Aug 1883 married at St. Thomas' Church, Verulam to Mr. A. Blainey; see article entitled "Verulam Items" on page 3 10 Aug 1883
MARITZ Gerhardus Jacobus Death 07 Feb 1883 at Kimberley, 3rd son of late Gerhardus Maritz, founder of Pietermaritzburg, age 57 yrs; obituary page 3 28 Feb 1883
MARKWICK   Birth 15 June 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of E.E. Markwick, Esq., Ordnance Store Dept., of a son 20 June 1883
MARSHALL   Birth 03 May 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr J.H. Marshall, of a daughter 08 May 1883
MARSHALL George Marriage 04 July 1883 at St.Saviour's, Pmburg, Geo. Marshall, of the Dargle, to Sarah E. Pepworth, of Pmburg;  article on page 3 05 July 1883
MARSHALL George Marriage 04 July 1883 George Marshall, of Godalming, Surrey, late Capt. Mddx. Yeomanry Cavalry, to Sarah Eleanor Pepworth 06 July 1883
MARSHALL Penelope News 16 Oct 1883 Supreme Court; application removal interdict restraining plaintiff from interfering with wife; article pg. 3 17 Oct 1883
MARTINS Samuel Jacobus Marriage 16 Apr 1883 at Dutch Reform Church, Newcastle, 2nd son of CJ Martins, Fairfields, Umvoti County, to Angenita Adendorff 24 Apr 1883
MASTERMAN Robert Death 17 Aug 1883 at Bonnie Doon, Harding, aged 34 24 Aug 1883
MAYNE Charles Washington Death 16 Feb 1883 aged 85 yrs, last at Leeds, Yorkshire, England; for than 30 years a resident of this Colony 28 Mar 1883
McBRIDE   Birth 23 Sep 1883 at Bonnyton, Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Wm. C. McBride, of a daughter 25 Sep 1883
McCLEERY Jos. Death 13 Nov 1883 at Maritzburg, of dysentery, Mr Jos. McCleery, of Londonderry.  Home papers please copy 15 Nov 1883
McCULLOCH   Birth 24 Jan 1883 at Hawks Range, Mid-Illovo, the wife of James A. McCulloch, of a son  [still-born] 02 Feb 1883
McDONALD Angus Death 31 Oct 1883 at M.W.Stroom, Transvaal, Angus McDonald, late of Scotland & Boston, Lincs., in the 39th yr of his age 09 Nov 1883
McLAREN   Birth 09 Mar 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Longmarket Street, the wife of Mr J.C. McLaren, of a daughter 12 Mar 1883
McLAREN Clara Alice Marriage 05 Dec 1883 at St.Peter's Cathedral, Clara Alice McLaren, of Pietermaritzburg, to Henry Shaw Close 05 Dec 1883
McLAURIN   Birth 08 Feb 1883 at Glenaray, Verulam, the wife of James McLaurin, J.P., of a son 13 Feb 1883
McLAURIN Charlie Ryder Death 25 Feb 1883 at Glenaray, Verulam, infant son of James and A.J. McLaurin, aged 17 days 01 Mar 1883
MEEK Matilda Flood C. Death 23 Aug 1883 at Rose Cottage, Greytown, Mailda Flood Cutbush, youngst dghtr of Walter & A. Meek, aged 8 mths 18 days 28 Aug 1883
MIDDLETON Kate  Marriage 17 Apr 1883 at St.Thomas', Berea, Kate, 2nd dghtr of WH Middleton, Esq., Home Park, Berea, Durban, to Lennox G. Peel 26 Apr 1883
MILLWARD   Divorce 27 Nov 1883 Supreme Court: Millward vs Millward; application for restitution of conjugal rights;  article page 3 28 Nov 1883
MILNE Jessie Marriage 21 Aug 1883 Jessie, second daughter of Mr John Milne, Ruthven, Huntly, Scotland, to James Rhynas 24 Aug 1883
MILWARD Margaret Johanna Divorce June 1883 Supreme Court: Application to sue her husband William C. Milward,  for restitution of conjugal rights 13 June 1883
MILWARD William C. Divorce June 1883 Supreme Court: Application by Margaret Joh. Milward to sue husband Wm. C. Milward [living in O.F.S.] 13 June 1883
MITCHELL Thomas Carlyle Marriage 01 Aug 1883 by the Roman Catholic Bishop, at residence of bride's father, Thos. Carlyle Mitchell, to Mary Louisa Bird 04 Aug 1883
MONTGOMERY Nathaniel Death 22 Sep 1883 aged 45; Lt.-Col. 41st Welsh Regt., died from snake bite;  full obituary on page 3 24 Sep 1883
MOORE James F. Death 22 May 1883 at Harmony, Richmond, second son of the late Robt. Moore, aged 35 years 31 May 1883
MORCOM Richard Francis Marriage 07 Sep 1883 at the residence of Mr J.F. Churchill, Berea, Durban, Richard Francis Morcom, of Pmburg, to Nina Whalley 10 Sep 1883
MORLEY G. S.  Death 01 July 1883 son of Dr John Morley, Barton-on-Humber, aged 35 yrs;  obituary on page 3 03 July 1883
MORRISON   Birth July 1883 at Bosch Fontein, Caversham, Priscilla, wife of A.S. Morrison, tailor, Ladysmith, of a daughter [still-born] 18 July 1883
MOSS Annie Marriage 13 May 1883 by special licence, Annie Moss, of Adelaide, South Australia, to Bernard Cinamon; Australia papers plse copy 16 May 1883
MULLINS Maria Marriage 17 Dec 1883 Maria, second daughter of late John Mullins, of Mt. Pleasant, Umhlanga, to Johan Colenbrander 27 Dec 1883
MURPHY Mary Ellen Death 13 July 1883 age 19 yrs, daughter of Patrick Murphy; full report of murder on page 3 16 July 1883
MURPHY Mary Ellen Death 13 July 1883 see also entry for UJAN, executed 09 Oct 1883;  refer full article on page 3 10 Oct 1883
MURRAY   Birth 01 Mar 1883 at Cleland, the wife of Thos. K. Murray, of a son 03 Mar 1883
MURRAY Walter Keir Death 23 Mar 1883 at Maritzburg, on Good Friday, infant son of Thos. Keir and Annie Murray, aged 23 days 27 Mar 1883
MURTON F. M. Death 24 Dec 1882 at the Rectory, Bethlehem, O.F.State, F.M. Murton, of Maritzburg, aged 49 years 03 Jan 1883
NEILSON James Divorce Dec 1883 Article page 3 re alleged infidelity : Mrs [James] Neilson and Mr George Hunter, Berea, Durban 04 Dec 1883
NEWCOMB Amy Adelaide Death 10 Nov 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, only surviving daughter of Fred. & Margaret Newcomb, aged 10 yrs 7 months 13 Nov 1883
NOBLE   Birth 25 Sep 1883 at New Forncett, Boston, the wife of James Noble, of a son 06 Oct 1883
NOCK H.  [Mr.] Death 17 Feb 1883 a sergeant of the Durban Rifles, was interred with Military Honours; short news article page 2 24 Feb 1883
NORSWORTHY   Birth 20 May 1883 at Pomeroy, Umsinga, the wife of A.E. Norsworthy, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear, possibly 23/28?] 04 June 1883
NORSWORTHY [no names given] Death 29 May 1883 at Pomeroy, Umsinga, the infant daughter of Arthur and Agnes Norsworthy 04 June 1883
ORR Alice Mary Marriage 18 June 1883 Alice Mary, 2nd dghtr of Rev. R.H. Orr, Killinchy Rectory, County Down, Ireland, to Rev. HTA Thompson 19 June 1883
PAGE-WOOD Charles Douglas Death 17 Oct 1883 near Heilbron, result of a wagon accident, 2nd son of Rev. C. Page-Wood, Potchefstroom, age 4 yrs 3 mths 14 Nov 1883
PARKER   Birth 21 Aug 1883 at Ardlui, Mrs Hugh Parker, of a son 22 Aug 1883
PATE    Birth 29 Sep 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Fred. Pate, Curry's Post, of a son 02 Oct 1883
PATERSON [Mrs.] Death 04 May 1883 at Prince Street, Pmburg, the wife of A. Paterson, jeweller;  no age or other details given 07 May 1883
PAULSEN [no names given] Death 19 Nov 1883 the body of Paulsen, who was drowned at the Bar on Monday, has not been recovered - news item page 2 22 Nov 1883
PAYNE Charlotte Gertrude Marriage 19 Mar 1883 Charlotte Gertrude, 5th daughter of Mr T.A. Payne, of this City, to G.R. MacMinn-Greer 20 Mar 1883
PAYNE T. A.  [Mr.] Death 24 Mar 1883 at Pmb, late of Atherstone, Warwickshire, born 11 Dec 1817, arrive Natal 1850 on "Edward"; leaves 8 children 28 Mar 1883
PAYNE Thos. Ashbourne Death 24 Mar 1883 Obituary on page 3 02 Apr 1883
PAYNE Geo. Jas. Ashbourne Marriage 07 Nov 1883 at Pmburg, George James Ashbourne, 2nd son of late S.A. Payne, to Mary Bredenkamp 14 Nov 1883
PECHEY   Birth 21 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Sampson William Pechey, of a son 23 Jan 1883
PEEL Lennox Greenslade Marriage 17 Apr 1883 Lennox Greenslade, 3rd son of late Wm. Accrington Peel, Mayors Hoek, Upper Umkomaas, to Kate Middleton 26 Apr 1883
PEPWORTH Sarah Eleanor Marriage 04 July 1883 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, Sarah Eleanor Pepworth, of the City, to George Marshall, of the Dargle. 05 July 1883
PEPWORTH Sarah Eleanor Marriage 04 July 1883 [Nellie], eldst dghtr of late Henry Pepworth, J.P., & Mary Clarissa Pepworth, of Pmburg, to Geo. Marshall 06 July 1883
PFEIFFER H.  [Mr.] Death 10 Mar 1883 drowned whilst crossing the Incando; article on page 3 13 Mar 1883
PHOENIX Alfred Death 10 Apr 1883 at the residence of Mr Cheney, Alfred, 2nd son of James Phoenix, Bootle, Liverpool, England  [no age given] 14 Apr 1883
POCKLINGTON   Birth 29 Jan 1883 at the Echoes, Maritzburg, the wife of Roger J. Pocklington, Esq., of a son 30 Jan 1883
POWELL Annie Marriage 02 June 1883 by special licence, at St.Matthew's, Estcourt, Annie Powell, to S.E. Ford, both of Brynbella 06 June 1883
POWER Charles Marriage 14 Dec 1882 at Parish Church, Marston Maisy, Cha.s, son of Geo. Power, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, to Margaret M. Large 18 Jan 1883
PRELLER Johan Carl Death 01 Dec 1883 at his residence at Pretoria, aged 44 years 21 Dec 1883
PUGH Geo. H. Marriage 23 Apr 1883 by special licence, [at Pietermaritzburg], Geo. H. Pugh, of Pietermaritzburg, to Alice Evans 01 May 1883
QUESTED   Birth 16 Aug 1883 at Ladysmith, the wife of F.J. Quested, of a daughter 21 Aug 1883
RAINER Leopold Henry Marriage 30 July 1883 Leopold Henry, eldst son of Chas. Henry Rainer, Esq., of Haspe[?], Germany, to Dinah Bruyns 07 Aug 1883
RAMSAY   Birth 21 Aug 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of W.B. Ramsay, of a son 23 Aug 1883
RANDLES   Birth 24 June 1883 at Rose Cottage, Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Jno. Randles, of a son 26 June 1883
RAULINSON   Birth 24 Mar 1883 the wife of Edward Raulinson, of Lydstone, Harding, of a son   10 Apr 1883
RAWLINSON   Birth 19 Apr 1883 at Harlestone, Mooi River, the wife of Robert W. Rawlinson, of a daughter 02 May 1883
RAWLINSON [?] see Raulinson [?] Birth 24 Mar 1883 the wife of Edward Raulinson, of Lydstone, Harding, of a son   10 Apr 1883
RAYE Anna Marriage 02 Oct 1883 Anna, eldest daughter of Thomas Raye, late of Ballalona, Dalby, Isle of Man, to Evan Gill 06 Oct 1883
REED   Birth 26 Feb 1883 at 33 Burger Street, the wife of F. Reed, of Kimberley, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 28 Feb 1883
RHYNAS James Marriage 21 Aug 1883 by Rev. J. Gould-Smith, at Pietermaritzburg, James Rhynas, Inspector Natal Govt. Railway, to Jessie Milne 24 Aug 1883
RICE   Birth 23 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritz Street, Mrs James A. Rice, of a daughter 29 Jan 1883
RISLEY see BARKER, Alice D. Marriage 30 Apr 1883 widow of late R.D. Barker, Esq., Maritzburg, & dghtr of W. Risley, Esq., Maritzburg, to Harry White 02 May 1883
RITCHIE   Birth 01 Sep 1883 at Allandale, the wife of Rev. G.M. Ritchie, of a daughter 04 Sep 1883
ROOD J. C. Marriage 09 Jan 1883 at residence of Mr G. Bredenkamp, Pmburg, J.C. Rood, of Biggarsberg, to Louisa Bruyns 16 Jan 1883
ROOT   Birth 06 Sep 1883 the wife of Mr John Root, of a daughter 28 Sep 1883
ROSS   Birth 17 Mar 1883 at Maritzburg, the wife of W. Ross, of a daughter  [NB: Entry very unclear] 20 Mar 1883
RYAN John Death Feb 1883 accidentally killed by a tramcar, in Durban;  article on page three 10 Feb 1883
SALOMON   Birth 24 Feb 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs G. Salomon, of a son 27 Feb 1883
SALOMON Ludwig Gustav W. Death 13 Apr 1883 at his father's residence, Ludwig Gustav Willie, only son of G. Salomon/Salomen, aged 7 weeks 16 Apr 1883
SAMUELSON   Birth 21 Nov 1883 at York, the wife of S.O. Samuelson, of a son 28 Nov 1883
SARELL   Birth 12 Mar 1883 at Ixopo, the wife of C.J. Sarell, of a son 16 Mar 1883
SAULEZ Alma Emma Marie Death 11 June 1883 infant daughter of Margaret and Newton Saulez, aged 1 year 14 days; Hampshire & Cornish papers copy 19 June 1883
SCHROEDER [Rev.] Death June 1883 [murdered in Zululand, buried in Talana cemetery, Dundee, Natal]  See article on page 3 & eGGSA web site 02 July 1883
SCOTT see LOVELL SCOTT Death 13 Mar 1883 aged approx 33 yrs, died of bronchitis, leaving widow & bereaved relatives;  full obituary on page 3 14 Mar 1883
SCOTT   Birth 16 Dec 1883 at the Impolweni Mission, the wife of Rev. James Scott, of a son 19 Dec 1883
SEWELL Alfred Clare Marriage 27 Jan 1883 at St.Saviour's Cathedral, Pmburg, Alfred Clare Sewell, of Durban, to Florence Ellen Fannin 31 Jan 1883
SEWELL [Mrs.] Death Mar 1883 see obituary of late Mrs J.J. Sewell on page three 21 Mar 1883
SEWELL Annie Christine S. Death 20 Mar 1883 Annie Christine Sophia Sewell, nee Otto, aged 41, wife of J.J. Sewell 28 Mar 1883
SEWELL   Birth 09 Nov 1883 at Bellair, the wife of Alfred Clare Sewell, of a son 14 Nov 1883
SHACKLETON Mary Marriage 14 Feb 1883 at the residence of her uncle, Mr John Fleming, Pmburg, Mary Shackleton, to Rev. William Cliff 17 Feb 1883
SHEARS Mary Death 22 Aug 1883 at Pinetown, the daughter of Rev. Ernest H. and M.S. Shears, aged 3 [or 5?] years 27 Aug 1883
SHEPSTONE   Birth 12 Nov 1883 at Entabeni, Maritzburg, the wife of Arthur J. Shepstone, of a daughter 17 Nov 1883
SHERWELL   Birth 15 Jan 1883 at Winters Kloof, the wife of T.Y. Sherwell, of a son 20 Jan 1883
SIMPSON   Birth May 1883 at Vrede, Orange Free State, the wife of Mr F.W. Simpson, storekeeper, of a son  [Birth date illegible] 12 May 1883
SIMPSON Frederick Death 23 June 1883 at Vrede, O.F.S., aged 54 years.  Deeply regretted by a sorrowing family 02 July 1883
SIMPSON Frederick Death 23 June 1883 at the residence of his son, Vrede, O.F.S., after a short illness, age 54 yrs, formerly of Pmburg & Newcastle 04 July 1883
SIMPSON   Birth 11 Oct 1883 at the Town Hill, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of George W. Simpson, of a son 12 Oct 1883
SINCLAIR   Birth Mar 1883 at Craigdarrach, Upper Umgeni, the wife of A. Sinclair, of a daughter 22 Mar 1883
SMITH Katherine Inez Marriage 13 Apr 1883 at the Drill Shed Church, Katherine Inez Smith, to George John Clode  [Entry very unclear] 17 Apr 1883
SMITH Alice Maude Marriage 02 Aug 1883 Alice Maude, third dghtr of R.H.F. Smith, Esq., of Pietermaritzburg, to Harry R. Dymes 03 Aug 1883
SMITH   Birth 27 Sep 1883 at Pinetown, Mrs F. Smith, nee Laing [?], of a daughter 01 Oct 1883
SMITH see GOULD-SMITH Birth Dec 1883 at the Manse, the wife of the Rev. J. Gould-Smith, of a son  [NB: Birth date illegible] 12 Dec 1883
SMITH  Lillia Priscilla Marriage 11 Jan 1883 Lillia Priscilla, youngest daughter of Mr Jesse Smith, to William Bennitt 23 Jan 1883
SMITHWICK John Marriage 13 Jan 1883 at the Roman Catholic Church, John Smithwick, Superintendent Lunatic Asylum, to Sarah Williams 15 Jan 1883
SOLOMON see De La Mare, Reb. Death 20 Jan 1883 at Haskey, Humansdorp, wife of Thomas F. De La Mare, & eldest dghtr of late John Solomon, Pmburg, age 31 03 Feb 1883
SPARKS Mary Marriage 01 Nov 1883 Mary, 3rd daughter of Mr D. Sparks, of Sydenham, to John Ellis;  article on page 3 06 Nov 1883
SPEARMAN Sarah Death 01 Sep 1883 at Mount Alice, Little Tugela, the beloved wife of Geo. Spearman, jun., aged 52 years 07 Sep 1883
SPENCER David Divorce Mar 1883 Supreme Court; application for divorce on account of Mary Spencer's adultery;  full article on page 3 14 Mar 1883
SPENCER Mary Divorce Mar 1883 Supreme Court; application for divorce on account of Mary Spencer's adultery;  full article on page 3 14 Mar 1883
SPENCER George Death 22 June 1883 died as a result of an accident; article on page 3 25 June 1883
SPRAGGE   Birth 17 Dec 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Major C.H. Spragge, Commanding Royal Artilery, of a son 19 Dec 1883
STANSFELD Henry James Marriage 19 Sep 1883 by Rev. GM Slade, at Caversham, Henry James Stansfeld, to Mary Gower Hodson 26 Sep 1883
STANTON   Birth 21 Aug 1883 at the Bamboos, Northdene, the wife of F. Stanton, of a daughter 22 Aug 1883
STRACHAN   Birth 08 Oct 1883 at Bizweni, Umzumkulu[?], the wife of Donald Strachan, of a son 12 Oct 1883
STRANACK   Birth 14 Dec 1883 at Maritzburg, the wife of Mr S. Stranack, of a son 15 Dec 1883
SURTEES Elizabeth Death 10 June 1883 at Glenisla, wife of Robert Surtees, aged 59[?] years 25 June 1883
SUTTON   Birth 10 Sep 1883 at Fair Fell, Howick, the wife of Geo. M. Sutton, of a daughter 14 Sep 1883
SWAN   Birth 11 May 1883 at Howick, the wife of Mr J.W. Swan, of a son  [NB: birth date unclear] 26 May 1883
SWETE KELLY see KELLY, Susanna  Death 26 Feb 1883 at her father's residence, 18 Loop St., eldest dghtr of Benjamin Swete Kelly, of this town, age 35 yrs 13 days 03 Mar 1883
SWETE KELLY see KELLY, Leond. S. Marriage 31 May 1883 at the Congregational Chapel, second son of Benjamin Swete Kelly, Pmburg, to Eliza Agnes Dixon 04 June 1883
SYMONS   Birth 17 Jan 1883 at Kingsbury [the rest is illegible], the wife of John P. Symons, of a son 19 Jan 1883
TATHAM   Birth 03 Oct 1883 at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr George F. Tatham, of a son 08 Oct 1883
TAYLOR   Birth 07 Jan 1883 at Dorp Spruit Wool Works, the wife of W.L. Taylor, of a son 10 Feb 1883
TAYLOR Sydney Morgan Death 29 Apr 1883 infant son of W.L. Taylor, Town Bush Valley, aged 11 weeks 04 May 1883
TAYLOR Henry William Death 19 Nov 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, aged 14 years, eldest son of Mr R.C. Taylor, of Weston 22 Nov 1883
TEASDALE   Birth 31 July 1883 at Mooifontein, Caversham, the wife of William Teasdale, of a daughter 03 Aug 1883
THOMPSON William Birth 1860 St.Peter's Churchwarden has a copy of certificate for son of Jonah Thompson, bap. 06 June 1860; see page 3 10 Apr 1883
THOMPSON H. T. A.  [Rev.] Marriage 18 June 1883 at St.Saviours Cathedral, the Rev. H.T.A. Thompson, B.A., to Alice Mary Orr 19 June 1883
THOMPSON James Death 05 July 1883 farmer of Richmond; see article on page 3 entitled "Strange Case" and letter on page 3 of NW 13.07.1883 10 July 1883
THOMSON James Death 05 July 1883 at his residence, Rutherford, Richmond, aged 55; see also letter from widow Christina Thomson on page 3 13 July 1883
THOMSON James Death 05 July 1883 of Richmond, son of Adam Thomson, Roxburgh, Scotland; full obituary page 3 21 July 1883
THRING Edith Lester Death 02 July 1883 at Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, 2nd daughter of Alfred & Mary Thring, aged 20 years and one month 09 July 1883
TRUSLER vs TRUSLER Divorce Mar 1883 Supreme Court;  Trusler vs Trusler on account of Mr Trusler's infedility;  full article on page 3 14 Mar 1883
TURNER   Birth 30 July 1883 at Glenville, Greytown, the wife of Edward Turner, of a daughter 07 Aug 1883
TURNER   Birth 12 Dec 1883 at Hagley Villa, Temple Street, Maritzburg, the wife of J.A. Turner, of a daughter 15 Dec 1883
TUTTON Matilda Florence Marriage 10 Oct 1883 Matilda Florence, eldest dghtr of late Robert Curtis Tutton, Bayswater, England, to George Bristow 20 Oct 1883
TYZACK Mary Ann Frances Marriage 20 Feb 1883 at her father's home, Chelmsford House, Durban, 3rd dghtr of Mr RW Tyzack, to Alfred Harry Foaden 27 Feb 1883
UJAN [no surname] Death 09 Oct 1883 executed by hanging at Pmburg Gaol at 05:30 am for murder of Mary Ellen Murphy; see article page 3 10 Oct 1883
UMPLEBY John Marriage 17 July 1883 by Rev. A.P. Chaplin, at Acton Homes, John Umpleby, to Sarah Jane Leonard 27 July 1883
UPTON [Mrs.] Death Dec 1883 death by accidental poisoning;  see article on page 3 26 Dec 1883
VAN HOESEN Carrie Marriage 07 July 1883 at Boston, U.S.A., Carrie Van Hoesen, aged 21, of Brooklyn, King's County, N.Y., to Alfred Aylward 27 Aug 1883
VAN MUSCHENBROEK Eduard Willem Marriage 11 Oct 1883 second son of Jean Gisberto Pierre Herman van Muschenbroek, Groot Geluk, Natal, to Elia Maria Th. Allison 17 Oct 1883
VAN ROOYEN Maria Magdaline Marriage 28 Mar 1883 Maria Magdaline, eldest dghtr of DJ Van Rooyen, Transvaal, to Andrew Johannes Bruyns 27 Apr 1883
VEAR Thomas Marriage 08 Jan 1883 at St.Saviour's, Thomas, third son of Mr W. Vear, to Georgina M. Lawton 10 Jan 1883
VUYK Lindert Death Aug 1883 report of death at "the asylum"; article on page 3 11 Aug 1883
WALKER Frederick William Death 29 Sep 1883 at Potchefstroom, eldest surviving son of late Dennis Walker, Pietermaritzburg, aged 31 yrs eleven months 10 Oct 1883
WALKER Hereward Smarfit Death 14 Nov 1883 infant son of William Henry and Mary Walker, aged six months 17 Nov 1883
WALTON James  [Rev.] Death 21 June 1883 at the Rectory, Pinetown, in the 77th year of his age, Rev. James Walton, for 25 years Rector of that parish 25 June 1883
WALTON James  [Rev.] Death 21 June 1883 Obituary on page 3 25 June 1883
WARDROP Hew Stair Marriage 11 Mar 1883 at St. Saviour's Cathedral, Pmburg, Hew Stair Wardrop, of Cobham, to Catherine Harris 28 Mar 1883
WATSON Frank Death Jan 1883 farmer, found dead in a shallow spruit in Howick, death caused presumably by a fit;  see article page 3 27 Jan 1883
WEBB Mary Death 12 Aug 1883 aged 26, sister of late Capt. Matthew Webb, died at Ladysmith;  article on page 3 13 Aug 1883
WEEKS Wm. Death 10 Feb 1883 came to Natal in 1854[?] as a blacksmith, died of dysentery, property left to brother in England; see pg. 3 13 Feb 1883
WEEKS William Death 10 Feb 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, Mr William Weeks, aged 53 years;  see also article on page three 20 Feb 1883
WELCH Eliza Agnes Death 16 Apr 1883 at Harrismith, O.F.S., beloved wife of A.S. Welch, aged 35 09 May 1883
WESTRAY   Birth 15 Sep 1883 at Howick Grange, the wife of Mr George Westray, of a daughter 19 Sep 1883
WHALLEY Nina Marriage 07 Sep 1883 Nina, eldest dghtr of Rev. John Whalley, formerly of Pmburg, now Michigan, U.S.A., to Richard F. Morcom 10 Sep 1883
WHEELER   Birth 28 Jan 1883 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of A.C. Wheeler, of a son 31 Jan 1883
WHIPP J. Death 02 June 1883 died at Newcastle, resident in the Colony for many years, leaving widow & family; full obituary on page 3 04 June 1883
WHIPP John Death 03 June 1883 at Newcastle, John Whipp, aged 60 years; full article on page 3 08 June 1883
WHITE Harry Marriage 30 Apr 1883 at St.Peter's, eldest son of C.F.H. White, Esq., College House, Edmonton, Middlesex, to Alice D. Barker 02 May 1883
WHITE  Harry Marriage 30 Apr 1883 article re choral wedding at St.Peter's on page 3;  Harry White, to Alice Donthorn Barker, nee Risley 01 May 1883
WHITEAR   Divorce 31 July 1883 Supreme Court: application by Mrs Whitear for separation [from her husband];  article on page 3 01 Aug 1883
WHITELOCK   Birth 13 Feb 1883 at Woodlands, East Griqualand, Mrs C. Whitelock, of a daughter 09 Mar 1883
WILLIAM  Sarah Hester Bertha Marriage 24 July 1883 Sarah Hester Bertha, eldst dghtr of Mr Geo. William, Maritzburg, late of Manchester, to Charles Coventry 06 Aug 1883
WILLIAMS Sarah Marriage 13 Jan 1883 at the Roman Catholic Church, Sarah Williams, Matron Lunatic Asylum, to John Smithwick 15 Jan 1883
WILLIGEROD Herman Death 23 Mar 1883 Article on page 3 04 Apr 1883
WILLSON Alfred Death 27 Dec 1883 at Grey's Hospital, after a short illness, aged 37 years 28 Dec 1883
WILTSHIER E. Death Sep 1883 leaves widow and young children; obituary on page 3 entitled "Death of the Town Clerk" 07 Sep 1883
WOOD see PAGE-WOOD Death 17 Oct 1883 near Heilbron, result of a wagon accident, 2nd son of Rev. C. Page-Wood, Potchefstroom, age 4 yrs 3 mths 14 Nov 1883
WOOD  Louisa [Louie] Marriage 10 Oct 1883 at Wesleyan Chapel, New Barnet, Herts., yngst dghtr of late JG Wood, Wakefield, Yorks., to Alfred Henwood 08 Nov 1883
WOODHOUSE   Birth 28 Sep 1883 at Glower o'er em, Town Lands, the wife of F.P. Woodhouse, of a daughter 02 Oct 1883
WOOLLEY   Birth 25 Feb 1883 at Port Shepstone, Lower Umzimkulu, the wife of R.A. Woolley, Esq., of a daughter 09 Mar 1883
YOUNG [no names given] Death Dec 1883 two brothers; one [aged 13] died via accidental shooting at West Bank, East London;  article on page 3 13 Dec 1883
ZUNCKEL Evangeline Death 27 Dec 1882 died at New Germany, only daughter of F. and E. Zunckel, aged one year and nine months 03 Jan 1883
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