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Natal Mercury

Natal Mercury 1852-1856 BMDs

NATAL MERCURY BMD INDEX : 1852 to 1856      
ACKERMAN   Birth 04 Apr 1853 on the farm Pompornneck[?], Upper Umvoti, the wife of Mr J.H. Ackerman, Teacher of Dutch, of a son 19 May 1853
ACKERMAN [no names given] Death 13 Apr 1853 at the farm Pompornneck[?], the infant son of Mr J.H. Ackerman, aged 9 days 19 May 1853
ACUTT W. H. Marriage 05 Aug 1853 at Inanda, by Rev D. Lindley, W.H. Acutt, Esq., of Durban, to Agnes Mary Williams 11 Aug 1853
ACUTT Julia Anna Marriage 20 Oct 1853 Julia Anna, niece to Robert Acutt, Esq., also of this place, to James Grundy 26 Oct 1853
ACUTT   Birth 17 Mar 1854 the wife of Robert Acutt, Esq., of this place, of a daughter 22 Mar 1854
ACUTT Herbert Death 13 Oct 1854 in the fifth year of his age, Herbert, son of Robert Acutt, Esq., of this place 18 Oct 1854
ACUTT   Birth 26 Oct 1885 at Durban, the wife of W.H. Acutt, Esq., of a daughter 02 Nov 1855
ACUTT   Birth 26 Nov 1855 Mrs Robert Acutt, of a son 30 Nov 1855
ACUTT Evelyn Death 12 Jan 1856 at Durban, aged one year & nine months, daughter of Robert Acutt, Esq., of this town 18 Jan 1856
ADAMS [Mrs.] Death 29 Dec 1852 wife of Mr. Adams, brickmaker, Durban, aged 44 years 06 Jan 1853
ADAMS   Birth 23 Feb 1853 on Wednesday, the 23rd [??] last, Mrs J.C. Adams, of a son  [NB: birth date unclear] 24 Feb 1853
ADAMS William Marriage 19 Oct 1854 by Rev. Nisbett, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Mr William Adams, to Miss Maria E.D. Strydom 25 Oct 1854
ADAMS [Miss] Marriage 29 Dec 1854 Miss Adams, of Birmingham, to the Rev. Joseph Gaskin 03 Jan 1855
ADAMS   Birth 16 Dec 1855 Mrs J.C. Adams, of a daughter 21 Dec 1855
ADAMS Alice Death 29 Jan 1856 at the Great Umhlanga, daughter of Mr G. Adams, Govt. Surveyor  [no age given] 07 Mar 1856
ADAMS Mary Death 29 Feb 1856 at the Great Umhlanga, daughter of Mr G. Adams, Govt. Surveyor  [no age given] 07 Mar 1856
ADLAM Sarah Death 12 May 1856 the wife of Mr J. Adlam, builder, Pine Terrace, aged 38 years 16 May 1856
AGAR   Birth 09 Aug 1854 the wife of Mr C. Agar, of a son 16 Aug 1854
AITCHESON John Murray Death 29 Sept 1855 at Cape Town, late of Surveyor-General Dept., Natal, Postmaster, Pmburg, merchant of this town [no age] 07 Dec 1855
AITCHISON James Carmichael Death 04 Aug 1854 at his residence, Buitenkant, Cape Town, age 28, late of "Aitchison Brothers" of this place, leaving a widow 13 Sept 1854
AKERMAN   Birth 16 Oct 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs J.W. Akerman, of a daughter 26 Oct 1855
ALLERSTON   Birth 15 Feb 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Allerston, of a daughter 29 Feb 1856
ALLISON Marianne Death 15 May 1854 Marianne, the beloved wife of A.B. Allison, Esq., of Pietermaritzburg   [no age given] 17 May 1854
ALLISON John Thurlow Marriage 29 Jan 1856 by Rev. Campbell, Presbyterian, Mr John Thurlow Allison, of the Natal Bank, to Elizabeth Mayne 08 Feb 1856
ANDERSON see THOMSON Death Dec 1853 see article "Murder at Pietermaritzburg", page 3 21 Dec 1853
ANDERSON Catherine  Marriage 25 July 1855 at residence of her brother/law, H.E. Knight, the 8th dghtr of Wm. Anderson, Ladysmith, to J.H.M. Struben 08 Aug 1855
ANDERSON Martha Marriage 07 Nov 1855 by Rev Chas. Scott, Presbyterian, Martha, ??th dghtr of Mr Wm. Anderson, Ladysmith, to William Field 16 Nov 1855
ANDERSON Amelia Elizabeth Marriage 18 May 1856 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mrs Amelia Elizabeth Anderson, to Mr James Miller 23 May 1856
ANDREWS John News June 1853 see article "Destructive Fire", page 4.  House, near Verulam, destroyed by fire.  Has six children 16 June 1853
ANDREWS   Birth 13 Sept 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr G. Andrews, of a son  [NB: birth date unclear] 19 Sept 1856
ARBUTHNOT George Death 30 July 1856 at Richmond, Illovo, eldest son of William Arbuthnot, Esq., of Dens, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, aged 24 15 Aug 1856
ARCHBELL John P. Death 22 Nov 1853 aged 28, son of James Archbell, proprietor of the "Natal Independent", after a short but severe illness [see pg.3] 30 Nov 1853
ARCHBELL John Philip Death 22 Nov 1853 see detailed Obiturary on page 5 07 Dec 1853
ARCHBELL Elizabeth Death 15 June 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, age 56 yrs, wife of Rev. Jas. Archbell; see obituary on page 2 21 June 1854
ARCHBELL James Marriage 31 May 1855 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Pietermaritzburg, James Archbell, Esq., of Pmburg, to Mrs Sarah A. Strickland 06 June 1855
ARCHBELL Jabez Samuel Marriage 06 Mar 1856 by Rev. Pearse, Wesleyan, Jabez Samuel, 4th son of James Archbell, Esq., Maritzburg, to Sarah Jane Turton 14 Mar 1856
ARCHER Cornelius Baptism 02 Apr 1854 son of Capt. George Archer, Pilot 05 April 1854
ARMSTRONG Arthur S. Death 05 Nov 1854 killed at Battle of Inkerman, Lieut. 40th Regt., nephew of Mr Henry Holmes Fisher, Pine Terrace, Durban 07 Mar 1855
ATTWOOD George Dare Death 20 June 1853 at Redland, Wentworth, near this town, aged 22, son of Mr Charles Attwood, of this place 23 June 1853
ATTWOOD see JACQUES, Anna Death 02 July 1853 nee Elizabeth Hannah Attwood - per British Settlers in Natal, Vol.1, by Shelagh O. Spencer 07 July 1853
AYRES Thomas Marriage 26 April 1855 by Rev. Posselt, at Cowies Hill, Thomas Ayres, eldest son of John Ayres, Esq., to Miss Willes [Willies?] 02 May 1855
AYRES   Birth 09 Mar 1856 at Glenayres, Cowies Hill, the wife of Mr Thomas Ayres, of a son 21 Mar 1856
BABBS   Birth 12 Nov 1854 at Clairmont, the wife of Mr R. Babbs, of a son 22 Nov 1854
BABBS Henry Andrews Death 30 Jan 1856 at Durban, Henry Andrews, infant son of Mr R. Babbs, of the Umlaas Plantation  [no age given] 01 Feb 1856
BAKER [no names given] Death 19 Feb 1854 10 yr old child, taken by an alligator, Peels Drift, Upper Umgeni;  see article "Another Fatal Accident", page 3 22 Feb 1854
BAKER Thomas Brenchly Death 26 Feb 1854 at his home near the Umgeni, age 42, leaving widow & young family; father of buy killed by alligator 19 Feb '54 01 Mar 1854
BAKER Mary Ann Marriage 05 May 1856 Miss Mary Ann Baker, of Cato's Manor, to Mr Thring, of Ladysmith 23 May 1856
BARAGWANATH Elizabeth Grace Marriage 20 Sept 1853 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Miss Elizabeth Grace Baragwanath, to Mr Alfred Mayatm; both of this town 21 Sept 1853
BARRATT [?]   Birth 30 Jan 1853 the wife of Mr Henry J. Barratt [or Barralt?], Holderness Farm, of a son 10 Feb 1853
BARRETT   Birth 23 Jan 1854 Mrs Henry Joseph Barrett, Durban, of a son 25 Jan 1854
BARRETT John Alfred Death 18 Feb 1854 aged 3 weeks, infant son of Mr Henry Joseph Barrett, of this place 22 Feb 1854
BARRETT Eliza Mary Marriage 11 Nov 1854 Eliza Mary, youngest daughter of John Barrett, Esq., late of Hull, Yorkshire, to John Sanderson 15 Nov 1854
BARTER Charles   Marriage 30 Apr 1853 at Woodside, Glenalbion, Pmburg, son of Rev. Chas. Barter, Cornwell, Oxfordshire, to Christian Trotter 05 May 1853
BARTER Christian Death 17 July 1853 at the residence of her father, Geo. Trotter, Woodside, near Pmburg, wife of Charles Barter  [no age given] 28 July 1853
BARTER Charles Marriage 05 Feb 1856 Charles, B.C.L., late Fellow New College Oxford, son of Rev. Ch. Barter, Sarsden, Oxon., to Emma H. Butler 08 Feb 1856
BARTON Augustus Death 13 Jan 1854 on board "The Lady of the Lake", aged 17, midshipman, late of Oakham, Rutlandshire 18 Jan 1854
BEACHCROFT Henry George Marriage 22 June 1854 by Rev. Jas. Grosvenor, at Durban, Mr Henry Geo. Beachcroft, of Stonyhurst, Tugela, to Elizabeth Robinson 28 June 1854
BEACHCROFT   Birth 05 Oct 1855 at Surcass[?], Umvoti County, the wife of Henry George Beachcroft, Esq., of a daughter 12 Oct 1855
BEATTIE   Birth 20 Mar 1856 at Fort Napier, the wife of Quarter-Master-Sergeant Beattie, 45th Foot, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 04 Apr 1856
BEHRENS Carl Gottfried Death 01 Feb 1856 at Aarnstadt, Thuringia, age 74 yrs, father of C. Behrens, Esq., Manager of the Natal Bank  [NB: age unclear] 01 Aug 1856
BELL Charles Tebbut Marriage 14 Dec 1854 by Rev. Wm. Campbell, at Durban, Charles Tebbut Bell, Esq., Govt. Surveyor, Klip River Div., to Jessie Wallace 20 Dec 1854
BELL   Birth 19 Sept 1856 at Danse[?] Kraal, in this district, Mrs Charles Tebbutt Bell, of a son 03 Oct 1856
BENINGFIELD Thomas Timothy Death July 1853 at Hutton, Essex, aged 83  [NB: death day unclear]; father of Mr Beningfield of this place 16 Nov 1853
BENINGFIELD Martha Death Aug 1853 relict of Thos. Timothy Beningfield, aged 77  [NB: death date unclear]; mother of Mr Beningfield of this place 16 Nov 1853
BENNETT John Baptism 23 Jan 1853 son of Mr Randall F. Bennett, late Chief Constable; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 27 Jan 1853
BEST   Birth 31 May 1855 the lady of Staff Surgeon Best, of a daughter 13 June 1855
BIRCH Charlotte Marriage 22 Dec 1852 Charlotte, eldst dghtr of late Rev. Samuel Birch, Prebendary of St. Pauls Cathedral, London, to John Newton 16 June 1853
BIRD   Birth 18 Dec 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of the Hon. J. Bird, Esq., of a son  [Birth date unclear, possibly 13 December?] 20 Dec 1854
BISHOP Louisa   Marriage 11 Jan 1856 Louisa, relict of Frederick Wm. Bishop, Esq., 2nd son of late John Bishop, Sudbury, Mddx, to Wm. Hutchinson 25 Jan 1856
BLACKWOOD Grace Death 15 July 1856 beloved wife of Mr Blackwood, Durban, aged 33 years  [NB: age unclear] 18 July 1856
BLAINE   Birth 24 Aug 1854 at the Kahlamba Magistracy, the wife of B. Blaine, Esq., of a son 13 Sept 1854
BLAMEY   Birth 10 Sept 1854 Mrs J.C. Blamey, of  Mount Prospect, near Verulam, of a daughter 20 Sept 1854
BOLT Elizabeth Marriage 28 July 1856 Miss Elizabeth Bolt, to Mr Edward Dupont; both of this town 01 Aug 1856
BONIFACE Charles Ettienne Death 02 Dec 1853 at his house in Field Street, in this town, aged about 60; Teacher of Languages  [NB: age very unclear] 07 Dec 1853
BONIFACE Charles Ettienne Death 02 Dec 1853 see article "The Late Mr. Boniface", page 4 14 Dec 1853
BOTTOMLEY   Birth 12 July 1856 at Congella, the wife of Mr G. Bottomley, of a son 18 July 1856
BOULTON [Mrs.] Death 23 Feb 1856 at Sea View, Mrs Charles Boulton, of this place  [no age given] 29 Feb 1856
BOXER Caroline Death 06 Feb 1855 on board the "Natal", en-route home from the Cape, age 53/58[?], wife of Capt. J. Boxer, capt. of the ship 08 Aug 1855
BRESLER Frank Death Dec 1855 at Delagoa Bay, of fever, Mr Frank Bresler, of Pietermaritzburg  [no age given] 28 Dec 1855
BRICKHILL Joseph Chatterley Death 18 Mar 1853 at Prospect, the residence of his brother James Brickhill, Joseph Chatterley Brickhill, aged 20 years 24 Mar 1853
BRICKHILL Elizabeth Death 12 July 1855 at her residence, Umbilo, after painful attack of chronic heart disease, beloved wife of James Brickhill [no age] 18 July 1855
BRICKHILL James Marriage 23 Nov 1855 by Rev. Rood, at Prospect, James Brickhill, Esq., manager of Durban Branch, Natal Bank, to Mary R. Harvey 30 Nov 1855
BROUGHELL Anne Marriage 23 Aug 1853 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Miss Anne Broughell, to Mr Charles Wakelin; both of Durban 24 Aug 1853
BROWN Robert Marriage 10 Sept 1854 by Rev. Posselt, at New Germany, Robert Brown, butcher, of Durban, to Ann Young 20 Sept 1854
BUCHANAN   Birth 25 Oct 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs D.D. Buchanan, of a son 09 Nov 1855
BUCHANAN   Birth 13 Oct 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs E. Buchanan, of a daughter 24 Oct 1856
BURBURY Daniel Winter Death 05 Aug 1853 at the Umzimculu, Amaponda country, of dysentry, age 32. Son of late John Burbury, Wootten Grange, Warwick 31 Aug 1853
BURGE Sarah Ann     Marriage 15 May 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at Durban, Miss Sarah Ann Burge, to William Henry Stonell 19 May 1853
BUSHBY A.   Marriage 02 Apr 1856 Miss A. Bushby, of Durban, to Mr C. Shaw, of Verulam 04 Apr 1856
BUTLER   Birth 30 Mar 1853 at Durban, the wife of Rev. J.A. Butler, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 31 Mar 1853
BUTLER Emma Henrietta Marriage 05 Feb 1856 at St.Andrew's, Pmburg, yngst dghtr of James Butler, Esq., Ballybar House, Co. Carlow, Ireland, to Chas. Barter 08 Feb 1856
BUTTON James Death 17 June 1855 suddenly, at the Church Missionary Station, Mr James Button, father of a large family  [no age given] 27 June 1855
BYRNES Bridgetta Marriage 10 Aug 1853 Bridgetta, daughter of Mr Byrnes, H.M. 45th Regt. Comp., Natal, to Edward Hellier, private, 45th Regt. 18 Aug 1853
CALDECOTT A. T. Marriage 24 Jan 1856 by Rev. Pearse, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr A.T. Caldecott, to Miss Helen Healy; both of the same place 01 Feb 1856
CALDECOTT   Birth 04 Nov 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr A.T. Caldecott, of a son 13 Nov 1856
CALVERT Isabella Margaret Marriage 01 Aug 1853 Isabella Margaret, daughter of Mr Ralph Calvert, of Attercliffe, near Durban, to Thomas Poynton 18 Aug 1853
CALVERT Emily Frances Marriage 01 Aug 1853 Emily Frances, daughter of Mr Ralph Calvert, of Attercliffe, near Durban, to George Haigh 18 Aug 1853
CAMPBELL   Birth 18 July 1853 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Rev. William Campbell, Minister Presbyterian Church, of a daughter 21 July 1853
CAMPBELL [Mrs.] Marriage 19 Jan 1856 at the Wesleyan Mission House, Durban, Mrs Campbell, to Mr W.T. Kershaw; both of this town 25 Jan 1856
CATO Henry Christopher Death 20 Apr 1853 in Cape Town, aged 32 years 6 months and 12 days 02 June 1853
CATO see WARD, Elizabeth Marriage 30 May 1854 Miss Elizabeth Ward, step-daughter of C.J. Cato, Esq., to William Palmer; all of this place 05 April 1854
CATO   Birth 06 Feb 1855 Mrs C.J. Cato, of this place, of a daughter 14 Feb 1855
CATO John Pearson Marriage 24 July 1856 by Rev. Pearse, Wesleyan, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr John Pearson Cato, of Durban, to Sarah Palmer 01 Aug 1856
CHADWICK   Birth 11 Mar 1854 at Howards Vale, Umhlali, near Compensation, the lady of Capt. J.M.K. Chadwick, of a son 22 Mar 1854
CHAMPION   Birth 17 Feb 1856 at Verulam, Mrs T.J. Champion, of a daughter 29 Feb 1856
CHAPMAN John J. Marriage 21 Aug 1856 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mr John J. Chapman, of Durban, to Miss Sarah Lake 29 Aug 1856
CHAPPE Paul Lafitte Death 10 Aug 1855 of this place, formerly a Zulu trader and Master Mariner, leaving wife & 4 children  [no age given; date unclear] 15 Aug 1855
CHATTERTON   Birth 14 Sept 1856 at the Brick Yard, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr H. Chatterton, of a daughter 26 Sept 1856
CHURCHILL Frank Death 05 Nov 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, after a short illness, age 19 yrs, brother of Jos. P. Churchill of "Evans & Churchill", Durban 08 Nov 1854
CLARENCE   Birth 24 Aug 1853 at New Germany, Mrs Arthur Clarence, of a son 31 Aug 1853
CLARENCE   Birth 28 May 1855 at New Germany, Mrs Arthur Clarence, of a son 06 June 1855
CLARENCE   Birth 25 Nov 1856 at Mount Clarence, Umgeni, the wife of Ralph Clarence, Esq., of a son 04 Dec 1856
CLARK Mary Marriage 05 Nov 1855 Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Clark, of Clifton Farm, to Robert Garbutt 23 Nov 1855
CLARKSON Sarah Marriage 18 Feb 1856 by Rev. J. Green, at Pietermaritzburg, Miss Sarah Clarkson, to Mr George Jarvis 29 Feb 1856
CLOETE Henry D. Marriage 10 Apr 1856 at Chiltoor, Madras, 3rd son of Hon. Henry Cloete, Pusine Judge, Cape Good Hope, to Henrietta C. Sargeaunt 29 Aug 1856
CLOUGH   Birth 26 Aug 1856 at Assegai Kraal, the wife of Mr E.B. Clough, of a daughter 29 Aug 1856
CLOWES Stanfell Death 17 May 1856 in Wharton Street, London, late of this town, age 29, 2nd surviving son of J.E. Clowes, Esq., Brunswick Square 05 Sept 1856
COAKES   Birth 16 Feb 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Coakes, of a son 29 Feb 1856
COLBORNE   Birth 20 Apr 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of J.S. Colborne, Esq., of a son 02 May 1856
COLENBRANDER   Birth 01 Nov 1855 at Pine Town, Mrs Colenbrander, of a son 09 Nov 1855
COLENSO   Birth 23 Sept 1855 the lady of the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Natal, of a daughter 28 Sept 1855
COLLIER Edward Marriage 05 Sept 1856 by Rev. H. Pearse, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr Edward Collier, to Elizabeth Stabler 12 Sept 1856
COLLINS   Birth 13 Jan 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs W.M. Collins, of a son 17 Jan 1855
COOK Mary Ann Marriage 16 Sept 1856 at the Village Church, Byrne-on-Illovo, Mary Ann, eldst dghtr of Henry Wm. Cook, of Byrne, to Charles Dacomb 26 Sept 1856
COOKES   Birth 27 Sept 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr C. J. Cookes, of a daughter 19 Oct 1855
COOKMAN George Death 17 April 1856 at his residence, Stepney Lodge, Yorkshire, aged 82 [?], father of Mrs George Robinson, of this place 01 Aug 1856
COQUI   Birth 08 Jan 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs A. Coqui, of a daughter 18 Jan 1856
COSTER   Death 28 Nov 1855 widow of the late Mr Coster, painter, leaving 3 young children [NB: date unclear] 30 Nov 1855
COULSON Eliza Marriage 22 Sept 1853 by Rev WHC Lloyd, Eliza, 2nd daughter of Brian Coulson, F[??] C[??], late of Scarborough, to John Lofthouse 28 Sept 1853
COULSON Mary Jane Marriage 06 May 1854 Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Brian Coulson, to Mr Paul Henwood 10 May 1854
COULSON Emma Marriage 25 Oct 1856 at the residence of the father of the bride, Miss Emma Coulson, to Mr T. Heys 31 Oct 1856
COWEY   Birth 26 Aug 1854 the wife of Mr Henry Cowey, of a daughter 06 Sept 1854
COWEY   Birth 30 Apr 1856 the wife of Mr W. Cowey, of a daughter 09 May 1856
COWIE William Death 23 Oct 1856 in the Umvoti district, at his farm Umgeni, William Cowie, Esq., aged 50 years 13 Nov 1856
CROKER Eliza Sarah Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, daughter of Mr James Croker, builder & stonemason, Pine Terrace 05 April 1854
CROKER Samuel Thomas Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, son of Mr James Croker, builder & stonemason, Pine Terrace 05 April 1854
CROWDER Fanny Marriage 19 Feb 1854 Fanny, widow of the late Mr James Crowder, to Charles Johnston 22 Feb 1854
CURRIE   Birth 22 Aug 1853 Mrs H.W. Currie, of a daughter 24 Aug 1853
CURRIE   Birth 10 Apr 1856 Mrs H.W. Currie, of a daughter 11 Apr 1856
CURRIE [no names given] Death 15 Apr 1856 the infant daughter of Mr Currie 18 Apr 1856
CURRIE see RUDDER, Sarah Death 29 Apr 1856 Mrs Sarah Rudder, the mother of Mrs H.W. Currie, aged 65 years 02 May 1856
DACOMB   Birth 13 Oct 1855 on board the barque Constance, en-route to Adelaide, the wife of Henry Dacomb, Esq., of a son 16 May 1856
DACOMB Henry Death 13 Oct 1855 en-route to Adelaide, Henry Dacomb, Esq., late of Walthamstow, Essex; lamented by his brothers in this colony 16 May 1856
DACOMB Alice Death 07 Oct 1855 on board the barque Constance, en-route to Adelaide, the daughter of Henry Dacomb Esq.  [no age] 16 May 1856
DACOMB Charles Marriage 16 Sept 1856 Charles Dacomb, Esq., of Richmond, son of late Wm. Dacomb, Walthamstow, England, to Mary Ann Cook 26 Sept 1856
DALES William Death 04 Nov 1856 at Durban, Mr William Dales, aged 28 years   06 Nov 1856
DAND Thomas Marriage 16 July 1854 by special licence, by Rev Nesbit, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Mr Thomas Dand, to Harriett Amelia Dryden 19 July 1854
DAND   Birth 22 Mar 1855 at Durban, Mrs Thomas Dand, of a son 28 Mar 1855
DAND Dryden Clark Baptism 18 Nov 1855 at St. Pauls Church, Durban, son of Mr Thomas Dand, of Durban 23 Nov 1855
DAND   Birth 22 Nov 1856 at Durban, Mrs Thomas Dand, of a daughter 27 Nov 1856
DAVENPORT [Miss] Marriage 14 Mar 1853 at Isipingo, by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Miss Davenport, to Mr Samuel Rose 24 Mar 1853
DAVIES John Birth 04 Oct 1854 at Durban, Mrs John Davies, of a son 11 Oct 1854
DAVIS   Birth 01 Aug 1854 the wife of the Rev. W.J. Davis, of a son 16 Aug 1854
DAVIS   Birth 11 Sept 1856 at Durban, Mrs J. Davis, of a daughter 19 Sept 1856
DEWAAL [no names given] Death Mar 1856 18 mth old child of Mr Dewaal, fell from wagon - see article "Accident near the Tugela", page 3 21 Mar 1856
DICKINSON Beverly Death 10 June 1855 in London, at his mother's residence, Dalton, 3rd son of late R.W. Dickinson, Ilfracombe, Devon, aged 22 yrs 07 Sept 1855
DIXON   Birth 07 Jan 1856 at Maritzburg, the wife of Mr E.R. Dixon, of a daughter 11 Jan 1856
DOVE [no names given] Death 19 Feb 1855 on Monday, the cottage of Mr Dove, near the Umlaas, destroyed by fire, and  little child burnt to death 21 Feb 1855
DOWNS Sarah Death 12 Apr 1853 Mrs Sarah Downs, wife of Mr W.P. Downs, builder, Durban, aged 34  [NB: age unclear] 14 April 1853
DRAKE [Mr.] Marriage 25 Jan 1853 at Pine Town, Mr Drake, to Miss Gillett 27 Jan 1853
DRAKE   Birth 12 Aug 1855 at Emberton, the wife of Mr Spencer F. Drake, of a daughter 17 Aug 1855
DRAKE   Birth 17 Nov 1856 at the residence of her father, New Germany, the wife of Mr Spencer F. Drake, of a daughter 20 Nov 1856
DRYDEN Harriett Amelia Marriage 16 July 1854 Miss Harrett Amelia Dryden, to Mr Thomas Dand 19 July 1854
DU BOIS   Birth 25 Aug 1853 the wife of Mr James Du Bois, of a daughter, still-born 31 Aug 1853
DU BOIS James Death 01 Aug 1856 at his residence in Smith Street, after 11 days of dysentery, leaving widow & eight children 08 Aug 1856
DU BOIS see HYSLOP Ed.W.C. Death 02 May 1856 at the house of his sister, Mrs Sawyer, New Town, Gosport, aged 28, and brother of Mrs Dubois, of this town 29 Aug 1856
DUNBAR MOODIE see MOODIE Birth 18 Aug 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of W.J. Dunbar Moodie, Esq., of a daughter 06 Sept 1854
DUNBAR MOODIE see MOODIE Birth 02 Sept 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of W.J. Dunbar Moodie, Esq., of twins 21 Sept 1855
DUNCAN A. Death April 1856 Capt. A. Duncan, lately of the Gitann, died at Cape Town, after an illness of some duration;  page 3 09 May 1856
DUPONT Edward Marriage 28 July 1856 at Durban, by Rev. Spensley, Wesleyan, Mr Edward Dupont, to Miss Elizabeth Bolt 01 Aug 1856
DURHAM Anne Death 29 Sept 1854 Anne, the wife of E.J. Durham, Esq., of this town, aged 33 years 04 Oct 1854
EAGAR Robert Daniel Marriage 20 Feb 1854 by Rev WHC Lloyd, at New Germany, eldest son of Edward Eagar, Esq., Cape Town, to Euphrosine M. Swaving 01 Mar 1854
EDMONSTONE   Birth 27 Feb 1853 at Congella Cottage, Mrs Edmonstone, of a son, still born 03 Mar 1853
EDMONSTONE [Mrs.] News April 1856 wife of Chas. Edmonstone, fell from wagon, recovery doubtful; see supplement article "Dangerous Accident" 11 Apr 1856
ERWOOD Thomas Snelson Death 17 June 1855 at Melbourne, Australia, painter & paper hanger, formerly an inhabitant of this town  [no age given] 09 Nov 1855
EVANS   Birth 18 Oct 1854 Mrs A.W. Evans, of a son 25 Oct 1854
EXALL Sarah Marriage 17 Mar 1856 Miss Sarah Exhall, of this town, to Mr Richard William Shadwell 21 Mar 1856
FAURE   Birth 09 June 1856 at the Parsonage, Pietermaritzburg, the lady of the Rev. Faure, of a son 20 June 1856
FIELD William Marriage 07 Nov 1855 at Ladysmith, William Field, Esq., J.P., Nelthorpe, County of Klip River, to Martha Anderson 16 Nov 1855
FIELD   Birth 06 Dec 1856 at Durban, Mrs E. Field, of a daughter 18 Dec 1856
FINNEY Alfred Death 10 Jan 1854 aged 10 years, son of Mr F.B. Finney, of West-hill Farm, Umhloti 18 Jan 1854
FISHER see ARMSTRONG, A.S Death 05 Nov 1854 killed at Battle of Inkerman, Lieut. 40th Regt., nephew of Mr Henry Holmes Fisher, Pine Terrace, Durban 07 Mar 1855
FOGGITT   Birth 03 May 1853 at Durban, the wife of Mr M. Foggitt, Deputy Sheriff, of a daughter 05 May 1853
FOGGITT Mary Marriage 19 Dec 1853 Mary, youngest daughter of Mr Foggitt, of Greystone House, near Thirsk, to Robert Raw 21 Dec 1853
FOGGITT   Birth 16 Mar 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr Foggitt, Town Clerk, of a daughter 21 Mar 1856
FOSTER Thomas Marriage 10 Dec 1853 at the residence of the Colonial Chaplain, Thomas Foster, Esq., of this place, to Ellen B. Swithenbank 28 Dec 1853
FOSTER Ellen Death 07 Jan 1856 wife of Thomas Foster, Esq., of Pietermaritzburg  [no age given] 18 Jan 1856
FOXON Edwin   Marriage 14 Aug 1856 at St. Andrews Church, Pmburg, Edwin, grandson of Col. Foxon, Cherrywillingham, Lincs., to Mary E. Perfect 15 Aug 1856
FRANCIS   Birth 23 Oct 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr J.O. Francis, of a son 09 Nov 1855
FULLER Jane Marriage 20 July 1856 Jane, daughter of Mr James Fuller, baker, of Durban, to Mr A. Knight 25 July 1856
FYSH Charles Marriage 26 Aug 1856 by Rev Pearse, Wesleyan, at Pmburg, Mr Charles Fysh, of Lynn Regis, Norfolk, to Frances Ann Singer 05 Sept 1856
GALBRAITH June Marriage 04 Sept 1855 at Sirling, N.B., June, daughter of William Galbraith, Esq., W.S., of that place, to His Hon. B.C.C. Pine 11 Jan 1856
GALLIERS Emma   Death 20 Mar 1856 at the Umbilo, Emma, daughter of Mr Galliers, aged 3 years 28 Mar 1856
GANNON F. Marriage 08 Jan 1856 at St. Andrew's Church, Pietermaritzburg, Sgt. F. Gannon, 45th Regt., to Miss Griffiths 18 Jan 1856
GARBUTT Robert Marriage 05 Nov 1855 at York, Mr Robert Garbutt, to Mary Clark 23 Nov 1855
GARBUTT   Birth 06 Dec 1856 Mrs Robert Garbutt, of a son 11 Dec 1856
GARDINER Charles Death 15 Nov 1856 aged 35 years  [NB: death date unclear] 27 Nov 1856
GARLAND   Birth 29 Apr 1856 the wife of Mr Garland, of a daughter 23 May 1856
GASKIN Joseph  [Rev.] Marriage 29 Dec 1854 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, the Rev. Joseph Gaskin, Wesleyan Missionary, to Miss Adams 03 Jan 1855
GASKIN   Birth 23 Sept 1856 at Indaleni, the wife of Rev. J. Gaskin, Wesleyan Missionary, of a son 03 Oct 1856
GILL   Birth 19 June 1856 at the Umgeni, Mrs David Gill, of a daughter 27 June 1856
GILLETT [Miss] Marriage 25 Jan 1853 at Pine Town, Miss Gillett, to Mr Drake 27 Jan 1853
GILLETT Ellen Maria Marriage 11 June 1853 Ellen Maria, 2nd dghtr of William Gillett, Klip Spruit, Illovo, to Joseph Tissiman 23 June 1853
GILLETT John Death 26 May 1854 see article "Serious Affair" Natal Mercury Supplement 24.05.54; and "Charge of Murder" 31 May 54 page 3. 31 May 1854
GILLETT see TISSIMAN, E.M. Marriage 22 July 1856 Ellen Maria Tissiman, 2nd daughter of John Gillett, Esq., New Germany, to Clement John Hill 01 Aug 1856
GILMORE [?] William Death 20 Apr 1853 at Beaufort, late of Cape Town, aged 64 years.  On his way from Bloemfontein.  [NB: Surname unclear] 16 June 1853
GOOD [Mrs.] Marriage 09 Dec 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Good, to Mr Alexander Jacques 18 Dec 1856
GOODEN David Death 01 Dec 1853 after a short illness, formerly of Romford, Essex, aged 30.  A consistent member of the Wesleyan society. 07 Dec 1853
GOODRICKE John Baptism 28 Dec 1852 son of John Richardson Goodricke, Esq.; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 06 Jan 1853
GOODRICKE   Birth 12 Feb 1855 the wife of Mr Advocate Goodricke, of a son 14 Feb 1855
GOODRICKE Frank Harry Death 16 Mar 1855 at Durban, infant son of Mr J.H. Goodricke  [NB: death day unclear] 28 Mar 1855
GORDGE / GUDGE Phoebe Marriage 19 Sept 1854 Phoebe, daughter of Mr William Gudge / Gordge [?], of Congella, to George Quested 20 Sept 1854
GRANT   Birth 04 Aug 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr S. Grant, of a son 15 Aug 1856
GREEN   Birth 13 Aug 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of Rev. J. Green, M.A., of a son  [NB: birth date unclear] 23 Aug 1854
GRICE Sidney Charles Death 28 April 1855 at New Germany, age 18[?], third son of John Grice, Esq., of this place  [NB: age and death date unclear] 02 May 1855
GRICE Louisa Jane Marriage 18 June 1856 by Bishop of Natal, 2nd dghtr of John Grice, Esq., late of Asheldam Hall, Essex, to Arthur Cesar Hawkins 20 June 1856
GRICE Marian Fanny Marriage 18 June 1856 at Durban by the Bishop of Natal, third daughter of John Grice, Esq., to Capt. Walter Lloyd 20 June 1856
GRICE Emma Hadden Marriage 26 Nov 1856 Emma Hadden, eldst dghtr of John Grice, Esq., late of Asheldham Hall, County Essex, to Arthur R. Orpen 27 Nov 1856
GRIFFIN   Birth 16 Oct 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr S.W.B. Griffin, of a son 24 Oct 1856
GRIFFITH Edward Marriage 25 Dec 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Drum-Major Edward Griffith, 45th Regt, to Miss Mary Hussey [?] 18 Jan 1856
GRIFFITHS [Miss] Marriage 08 Jan 1856 Miss Griffiths, daughter of Mr E. Griffiths, to Sgt. F. Gannon 18 Jan 1856
GROOM Thomas Marriage 26 April 1855 at the Wesleyan Mission House, Durban, Mr Thomas Groom, of Verulam, to Elizabeth Ward 02 May 1855
GROSVENOR   Birth 29 May 1854 the wife of the Rev. James Grosvenor, of this place, of a daughter 31 May 1854
GROSVENOR   Birth 16 July 1855 the wife of the Rev. J. Grosvenor, of this place, of a son 18 July 1855
GRUNDY James Marriage 20 Oct 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, James Grundy, Esq., of this place, Merchant, to Julia Anna Acutt 26 Oct 1853
GRUNDY   Birth 28 July 1854 Mrs James Grundy, of this place, of a son 02 Aug 1854
GRUNDY   Birth 18 Oct 1855 the wife of Mr James Grundy, of a daughter 19 Oct 1855
HAIGH George    Marriage 01 Aug 1853 by Rev WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Durban, George Haigh, farmer, Sea View, to Emily Frances Calvert 18 Aug 1853
HALEY  [HEALEY?] Michael Death 18 Aug 1854 see article "Sudden Death", page 3 23 Aug 1854
HANKEY [Mrs.] Death 23 Nov 1855 the wife of Mr Thomas Hankey, bootmaker, of this town, aged 42 years  [NB: age unclear] 30 Nov 1855
HANSMEYER Joseph Death 09 Nov 1855 at Pietermaritzburg; from 80 to 90 fellow citizens attended his funeral  [NB: death date unclear] 16 Nov 1855
HARDING   Birth 13 Feb 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of the Hon. W. Harding, Acting Recorder, of a daughter 22 Feb 1856
HARLEY   Birth 26 Aug 1855 at Pine Town, the wife of Mr John Harley, bricklayer, of a son 07 Sept 1855
HARLING Ludwig Wilhelm Death 22 Oct 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Colony of Natal, formerly of Hamburg  [no age given] 02 Nov 1855
HARRINGTON Maria Marriage 02 Feb 1853 Miss Maria Harrington, of Durban, to William Boyd Varty, of Mooi River 03 Feb 1853
HARRIS Samuel aka Frederick Death 12 May 1853 see article "Death by Drowning", page 3 & for full details "British Settlers in Natal", Vol.8, by Shelagh Spencer 19 May 1853
HARRIS A. M.  [Capt.] Death Aug 1854 in Zulu country, of fever, about a month ago, late Capt. 51st Regt., nephew of Sir William Harris 06 Sept 1854
HARTLEY   Birth 21 Dec 1853 the wife of W. Hartley, Esq., of this place, of a son 28 Dec 1853
HARVEY Agnes Marriage 05 Apr 1853 at Glasgow, Agnes, eldest dghtr of Alexander Harvey [Hervey?], Esq., Glasgow, to Mr W.T. Sanderson 02 June 1853
HARVEY Mary Rogers Marriage 23 Nov 1855 Mary Rogers, daughter of Mr Francis Harvey, Durban, to James Brickhill 30 Nov 1855
HAWKINS Emmeline Jane Death 05 June 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, wife of A.C. Hawkins, Esq., Resident Magistrate, Weenen  [no age given] 21 June 1854
HAWKINS Arthur Cesar Marriage 18 June 1856 at Durban, Arthur C. Hawkins, Res. Magistrate, Richmond, son of Sir John C. Hawkins, Bart., to Louisa J. Grice 20 June 1856
HAYES George Bevan Marriage 20 Oct 1854 by Rev. Nisbett, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Geo. Bevan Hayes, Esq., of Klip Spruit, to Miss Jessie Thompson 08 Nov 1854
HEALY Helen Marriage 24 Jan 1856 by Rev. Pearse, at Pietermaritzburg, Miss Helen Healy, to Mr A.T. Caldecott; both of the same place 01 Feb 1856
HEATHCOTE George Gage Death 01 Jan 1854 suddenly, at Sea View House, age 47, son of late Admiral Heathcote, leaving widow & six children 04 Jan 1854
HELLIER Edward    Marriage 10 Aug 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Durban, Edward Hellier, private, H.M. 45th Regt., to Bridgetta Byrnes 18 Aug 1853
HENWOOD Paul Marriage 06 May 1854 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mr Paul Henwood, to Mary Jane Coulson; both of this place 10 May 1854
HENWOOD James Death April 1854 at Hull, England, James Henwood, Esq., Banker, for 50 yrs, influential member of the Wesleyan Society 10 Aug 1854
HENWOOD   Birth 17 Aug 1855 the wife of Mr Paul Henwood, West Street, of a daughter 24 Aug 1855
HESLINGTON [Miss] Marriage 20 Sept 1855 Miss Heslington, Durban, and Wallarby [?] Lodge, Yorkshire, to William H. Savory 21 Sept 1855
HEYS T. Marriage 25 Oct 1856 at Durban, Mr T. Heys, tailor & draper, to Miss Emma Coulson 31 Oct 1856
HEYS     Anne Death 28 Jan 1856 at Durban, Anne, the wife of Mr T. Heys, tailor, aged 41 years 01 Feb 1856
HEYS  [or HAYES?]   Birth 20 Nov 1855 at the Umbilo, the wife of Mr G.B. Heys, of Klip Spruit, of a son  [NB: Birth date unclear] 07 Dec 1855
HILL Samuel Marriage 12 Mar 1855 by Rev. C. Spensley, at Verulam, Samuel Hill, of Verulam, to Mary Wood 28 Mar 1855
HILL   Birth 29 Jan 1856 at Verulam, the wife of Mr Samuel Hill, of a daughter 08 Feb 1856
HILL William Death 22 Mar 1856 in the hospital, Durban, aged 20 years 28 Mar 1856
HILL Clement John Marriage 22 July 1856 by Rev. Robertson, at Pinetown, Clement John, 2nd son of R.G. Hill, Hough Hall, Cheshire, to Ellen M. Tissiman 01 Aug 1856
HOBBS   Birth 17 Jan 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr R. Hobbs, of Umlaas Plantation, of a son 25 Jan 1856
HODGSON Isabella Forster Marriage 15 Mar 1854 only dghtr of late Rev. T.I. Hogdson, many years missionary in South Africa, to J.E. Methley, Esq. 06 Sept 1854
HOGARTH Thomas Death 01 Oct 1853 see article "Sudden Death", page 3 05 Oct 1853
HOLDEN [Mr.] Death April 1855 Mr Holden, of Harrismith, late of Caledon, attacked by male lion 31 March 1855; subsequently died of injuries 18 April 1855
HOLDEN / MULLEN Birth 11 Dec 1856 at Durban, the wife of the Rev. W. Mullen or Holden [? Surname unclear], of a daughter 18 Dec 1856
HOLDING William Marriage 08 Apr 1856 by Rev. H. Pearse, Mr William Holding, to Jane Russom 18 Apr 1856
HOLGATE [no names given] Death 18 Dec 1854 son of Mr Holgate, of Howick.  See article "Drowned", page 3 27 Dec 1854
HOLMES William Death 15 Aug 1856 William Holmes, of Durban, shoemaker, aged 31 05 Sept 1856
HORN   Birth 28 July 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr W. Horn, of a daughter 08 Aug 1856
HORNING   Birth 27 Nov 1856 at Mount Moreland, the wife of W.P. Horning, of a daughter 04 Dec 1856
HULL Daniel    Marriage 24 Aug 1854 at Mr Palmer's residence, by Rev. C. Spensley, Mr Daniel Hull, junior, to Mary Palmer 30 Aug 1854
HULL   Birth 27 Sept 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr Daniel Hull, jun., of a daughter 05 Oct 1855
HUNT Caroline Marriage 12 Sept 1854 Caroline, daughter of Samuel Hunt, Esq., to Arthur Spring; all of this town 13 Sept 1854
HUNT Edward Death 05 June 1855 at his residence, Camberwell, Surrey, deeply lamented by his family and friends  [no age given] 09 Nov 1855
HUSSEY [?] Mary Marriage 25 Dec 1855 Miss Mary Hussey [? Surname unclear], recently from the Cape, to Edward Griffith 18 Jan 1856
HUTCHINSON William Marriage 11 Jan 1856 at St. Andrew's Church, Pmburg, William, second son of late Wm. Hutchinson, Deal, Kent, to Louisa Bishop 25 Jan 1856
HUTTON   Birth 20 Sept 1855 at Northern Mill, Richmond, the wife of Mr H.J.C. Hutton, of a daughter 05 Oct 1855
HYSLOP Edward Wm. Charles Death 02 May 1856 at the house of his sister, Mrs Sawyer, New Town, Gosport, aged 28, and brother of Mrs Dubois, of this town 29 Aug 1856
INKSON John Death 10 Apr 1853 at his residence near the Umhlanga, aged 45 [46?], John Inkson, Esq. 14 April 1853
INKSON Anne Brownfield Death 01 June 1853 Anne Brownfield, of Woodlands, Little Umhlanga, relict of John Inkson, Esq.   [no age given] 02 June 1853
JACQUES Anna Death 02 July 1853 at Durban, wife of Mr Alexander Jacques, of this town, aged 17 yrs; buried at Redland, Wentworth 07 July 1853
JACQUES Alexander Marriage 09 Dec 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mr Alexander Jacques, to Mrs Good 18 Dec 1856
JAMES Thomas Payne Marriage 15 Jan 1856 by Rev Callaway, by special licence, Thomas Payne James, Esq., to Maria Henrietta Genevevie Steele 18 Jan 1856
JAMES   Birth 10 Mar 1856 at the Point, the wife of Mr William James, port boatman, of twin daughters 14 Mar 1856
JAMES [no names given] Death 10 Mar 1856 the infant twin daughter of Mr w. James, port boatman. 21 Mar 1856
JAMES   Birth 06 Oct 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of R.W. James, of a daughter 17 Oct 1856
JARVIS George Marriage 18 Feb 1856 by Rev. J. Green, at Pietermaritzburg, Mr George Jarvis, to Miss Sarah Clarkson 29 Feb 1856
JOHNSON Jeannette Marriage 27 Dec 1854 at Lancaster, Jeannette, daughter of Christopher Johnson, Esq., Lancaster, to Edward Parke Lamport 11 April 1855
JOHNSTON Charles Marriage 19 Feb 1854 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Charles Johnston, Esq., Surgeon, of this place, to Fanny Crowder 22 Feb 1854
JOHNSTON Thomas Death 11 Aug 1855 infant son of Mr Johnston, of this place 15 Aug 1855
JOHNSTON   Birth 15 Apr 1856 at Durban, Mrs Johnston, of a son 18 Apr 1856
JORDAN James Death 07 Mar 1856 at Durban, clerk & sexton, St. Paul's Church, Durban, aged 62 years  [NB: age unclear] 14 Mar 1856
KAHTS   Birth 04 Dec 1854 at Durban, Mrs J.F. Kahts, of a son 13 Dec 1854
KAHTS   Birth 09 July 1856 at Durban, Mrs J.P. Kahts, of a son 11 July 1856
KERSHAW W. T. Marriage 19 Jan 1856 at the Wesleyan Mission House, Durban, Mr W.T. Kershaw, to Mrs Campbell; both of this town 25 Jan 1856
KING   Birth 19 Feb 1856 at Durban, Mrs Richard King, of a daughter 22 Feb 1856
KIRKHAM Sarah Ann  [Mrs.] Death 22 Jan 1853 at Durban, aged 50 27 Jan 1853
KIRKMAN Hannah Matilda Death 05 Dec 1853 daughter of Joseph Kirkman, of this place, aged 9 weeks and one day 07 Dec 1853
KNIGHT   Birth 06 Sept 1855 at Ladysmith, the wife of Humphrey Evans Knight, Esq., merchant, of a son 14 Sept 1855
KNIGHT A. Marriage 20 July 1856 by Archdeacon Mackenzie, at the temporary Church, Durban, Mr A. Knight, of this place, to Jane Fuller 25 July 1856
LAKE Sarah Marriage 21 Aug 1856 Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr J. Lake, of Algoa Bay, to John J. Chapman 29 Aug 1856
LAMPORT Edward Parke Marriage 27 Dec 1854 at the Parish Church, Lancaster, Edward Parke Lamport, Esq., of Port Natal, to Jeannette Johnson 11 April 1855
LAMPORT   Birth 02 Nov 1855 at Durban, the wife of E.P. Lamport, Esq., of a son 09 Nov 1855
LAMPORT William Edward Death 23 Nov 1855 at Durban, infant son of E.P. Lamport, Esq.  [NB: death day unclear] 30 Nov 1855
LENNOX Mary Anne Marriage 23 Aug 1854 Mary Anne, eldest daughter of Mr P. Lennox, to Frederick W. Reid; both of this place 23 Aug 1854
LENNOX Peter Death 17 Oct 1856 Peter, the infant son of Mr P. Lennox, of this town 24 Oct 1856
LEONARD Thomas Death 09 May 1856 at the Camp, Durban, of dysentery & pulmomary affection, aged 30 yrs; of the 45th Regt. Of Foot 16 May 1856
LESLIE William Marriage 08 Jan 1856 by Rev. Campbell, Presbyterian, at the farm Wheatlands, Mr William Leslie, to Miss Maria Martin 25 Jan 1856
LEUCHARS   Birth 16 Apr 1856 the wife of Mr H.J. Leuchars, of a daughter 18 Apr 1856
LISTER William Marriage 28 Sept 1854 William, youngest son of Wm. Lister, Esq., Greenhill Hall, Derbyshire, to Mary Clarke Walton 04 Oct 1854
LISTER   Birth 18 July 1855 at Red House Farm, Mrs W. Lister, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 23 July 1855
LISTER   Birth 10 Aug 1856 at Cad[?] House Farm, Umhlanga, the wife of Mr William Lister, of a daughter 15 Aug 1856
LLOYD   Birth 05 July 1853 at the Parsonage, Durban, the wife of Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplain, of a daughter 07 July 1853
LLOYD   Birth 20 May 1856 at Beach Cottage, Durban, the wife of Rev. W.H.C. Lloyd, Colonial Chaplain, of a daughter 23 May 1856
LLOYD Walter  [Capt.] Marriage 18 June 1856 Capt. Walter Lloyd, late Madras Army, son of Thos. Lloyd, Esq., Lord Lt. County Cardigan, to Marian F. Grice 20 June 1856
LLOYD   Birth 13 Sept 1856 the wife of Mr James Lloyd, Congella, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 19 Sept 1856
LOFTHOUSE John Marriage 22 Sept 1853 at the Parsonage, Durban, John, 3rd son of Edward Lofthouse, Middleton Grange, Yorkshire, to Eliza Coulson 28 Sept 1853
LOFTHOUSE Charles Henry Death 06 Dec 1856 aged 15 months, infant son of Mr John Lofthouse, of this place  [NB: date and age unclear] 11 Dec 1856
LOVATT   Birth 01 Dec 1856 at M[???] Hill, Little Umhlanga, the wife of Mr William Lovatt, of a son 04 Dec 1856
LUMB S. Death 03 Apr 1853 died in peace, at his residence, PMBurg, formerly of Leeds. An office bearer in the Wesleyan Church  [no age] 07 April 1853
LUND   Birth 08 Nov 1855 Mrs B. Lund, of a son 16 Nov 1855
MACFARLANE   Birth 06 June 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of John Macfarlane, Esq., Resident Magistrate, Weenen, of a son 13 June 1855
MACKENZIE William Marriage 30 Apr 1853 at Woodside, Glenalbion, Pmburg, 2nd son of Wm. Mackenzie, Muhton, Rosshire, to Isabella C. Trotter 05 May 1853
MACKENZIE Caroline Anne Marriage 02 Apr 1856 Caroline Anne, eldest dghtr of John Mackenzie, Esq., Umkomazi, to William H. Peddie 04 Apr 1856
MACLEROY George Marriage 14 Dec 1854 by Rev. Wm. Campbell, at Durban, George Macleroy, Esq., Registrar of Deeds Natal, to Agnes McBride 20 Dec 1854
MACLEROY   Birth 07 Nov 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of G. Macleroy, Esq., J.P., Registrar of Deeds, of a son 16 Nov 1855
MARILLIER Frederick W. H. Death 20 Mar 1856 at the Bluff, in the 34th year of his age  [NB: Death date unclear; possibly 30th March?] 04 Apr 1856
MARSH Samuel D. Death 11 Dec 1853 the Rev. Samuel D. Marsh, at his Station, Itafamasi  [see full obituary, pg. 4. Natal Mecury 04 Jan 1854] 14 Dec 1853
MARTIN Maria Marriage 08 Jan 1856 Maria, 4th daughter of late Mr John Martin, to William Leslie 25 Jan 1856
MARTIN John Death 09 May 1856 in the hospital, Durban, aged 31 years 16 May 1856
MASON [no names given] Death 16 Oct 1855 at Fort Napier, Pmburg, the only son of Sgt.-Major Mason, 45th Regt.  [no names or age given] 26 Oct 1855
MAYNE Elizabeth Marriage 29 Jan 1856 Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr C.W. Mayne, to John Thurlow Allison; both of Pietermaritzburg 08 Feb 1856
MAYTAM Alfred Marriage 20 Sept 1853 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Mr Alfred Maytam, to Miss Elizabeth Grace Baragwanath; both of this town 21 Sept 1853
McARTHUR   Birth 10 Apr 1853 at Albion Cottage, Mrs Alexander McArthur, of  daughter  [NB: birth date indistinct; possibly 19th April?] 21 April 1853
McARTHUR   Birth 01 Oct 1856 at Albion Cottage, Mrs Alexander McArthur, of a son 03 Oct 1856
McBRIDE Agnes Marriage 14 Dec 1854 Agnes, daughter of John McBride, Esq., of Albyn Cotton Works, Glasgow, to George Macleroy 20 Dec 1854
McDONALD Hugh Death 03 Apr 1853 after a protracted illness, aged 33 [53?], Hugh McDonald, Esq., of the Commercial Hotel, Durban 07 April 1853
McDONALD [Mr.] Death April 1853 see aticle "The late Mr McDonald", on page 3 07 April 1853
McDONALD   Birth 19 Mar 1854 Mrs Charles McDonald, of this place, of twin daughters 29 Mar 1854
McGHIE Robert Death 06 Dec 1855 in the Military Hospital, in this Garrison, age 35 yrs, Gunner, 5th[?] Battalion, Royal Artillery 14 Dec 1855
McGIBBON James Death 09 Feb 1856 at the Military Hospital here, aged 35 years, private in the 45th Regiment 15 Feb 1856
McLEAN W. Death 12 Dec 1855 at the Amatikulu, Zulu Country, of fever, Mr W. McLean, of this place, Zulu trader 21 Dec 1855
MEEK J. J. Death 24 April 1855 at Woodside, near Pine Town, after a long & painful affliction, leaving a widow & numerous family  [no age] 02 May 1855
MEEK Clarissa Marriage 02 Nov 1856 at Durban, Mrs Clarissa Meek, to Mr Josiah Ward  [NB: date from Family Search web site - Natal Marriages 13 Nov 1856
MELLEN  Susanna Maria Death 12 Feb 1854 infant daughter of Rev. William & Laurann W.F. Mellen, aged one week  15 Feb 1854
METHLEY J. E. Marriage 15 Mar 1854 at St.Cuthberts, Darlington, J.E. Methley, Esq., of Port Natal, South Africa, to Isabella Foster Hodgson 06 Sept 1854
MIDDLETON   Birth 06 June 1853 the lady of W.H. Middleton, Esq., of this place, of a son 09 June 1853
MIDDLETON   Birth 01 June 1854 the lady of W.H. Middleton, Esq., of this place, of a son 07 June 1854
MIDDLETON   Birth 31 Dec 1855 the wife of W.H.Middleton, Esq., Snaresbrook, near this place, of a son 04 Jan 1856
MILLAR   Birth 01 July 1856 the wife of John Millar, Esq., of a daughter 04 July 1856
MILLER Jessie Baptism 16 Jan 1853 daughter of John Miller, Esq.; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 27 Jan 1853
MILLER   Birth 28 June 1854 Mrs John Miller, of a son 05 July 1854
MILLER James Marriage 18 May 1856 Mr James Miller, of the 45th Regiment, to Mrs Amelia Elizabeth Anderson 23 May 1856
MILNE Jessie Marriage 13 July 1853 only daughter of John Milne, Esq., Resident Govt. Civil Engineer, of this place, to William Guild Robertson 14 July 1853
MOODIE   Birth 18 Aug 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of W.J. Dunbar Moodie, Esq., of a daughter 06 Sept 1854
MOODIE   Birth 02 Sept 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, the lady of W.J. Dunbar Moodie, Esq., of twins 21 Sept 1855
MOSSOP James Marriage 31 Aug 1854 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mr James Mossop, to Miss Ann Upjohn 06 Sept 1854
MUIRHEAD   Birth 15 Aug 1855 at Fort Napier, the wife of Colour & Paymaster-sargent A. Murihead, 45th Infantry, of a son 24 Aug 1855
MULLEN / HOLDEN Birth 11 Dec 1856 at Durban, the wife of the Rev. W. Mullen or Holden [? Surname unclear], of a daughter 18 Dec 1856
MURRAY   Birth 05 Mar 1853 at Pine Town, Mrs A.K. Murray, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 17 Mar 1853
MURRAY   Birth 06 Nov 1854 at Pine Town, Mrs A.K. Murray, of a son 08 Nov 1854
NEWTON John Marriage 22 Dec 1852 at St.James Church, Norland, Nottinghill, John Newton, late of this town, to Charlotte Birch 16 June 1853
NIMMO William R.B. Death 03 Feb 1854 son of Mr R. Nimmo, of this place, aged 11 months 15 Feb 1854
NIMMO   Birth 16 May 1856 at Durban, the wife of Robert Nimmo, Esq., of a daughter 23 May 1856
OFTEBRO   Birth 14 May 1854 at Durban, the wife of the Rev. O.C. Oftebro, of a son 17 May 1854
OFTEBRO   Birth 26 Oct 1855 at Empangeni, the wife of the Rev. O.C. Oftebro, of a daughter 07 Dec 1855
ORPEN Arthur Richard Marriage 26 Nov 1856 at St Pauls Church, Durban, 3rd son of late Rev. Chas. E.H. Orpen, Dublin & Colesberg, to Emma H. Grice 27 Nov 1856
OSBORNE William Death 06 Aug 1855 William, eldest son of Mr W. Osborne, of this place, aged 14 years  [NB: age unclear] 08 Aug 1855
OTTO Eliz. Catharina R. Marriage 01 June 1853 Elizabeth Catharina Reyniera, dghtr of P.A.R. Otto, Esq., Upper Saxony, to Gerrard Overbeek 16 June 1853
OTTO Louisa C. Marriage 26 July 1855 Louis C., 4th daughter of P.A.R. Otto, Esq., J.P., Upper Saxony, in this District, to George Cookman Robinson 01 Aug 1855
OTTO see OVERBEEK Death 17 Nov 1855 at Cape Town, aged 22 yrs, Mrs G. Overbeek, daughter of Mr P.A.R. Otto, Upper Saxony, Natal 28 Dec 1855
OTTO   Birth 31 Jan 1856 Mrs P.A.R. Otto, of a son 08 Feb 1856
OVERBEEK Gerrard Marriage 01 June 1853 at Pmburg, by Rev Faure, D.R.C., Gerrard Overbeek, to Elizabeth Catharina Reyniera Otto 16 June 1853
OVERBEEK [Mrs.] Death 17 Nov 1855 at Cape Town, aged 22 yrs, Mrs G. Overbeek, daughter of Mr P.A.R. Otto, Upper Saxony, Natal 28 Dec 1855
PAFORD William Marriage 23 July 1856 at Maritzburg, Mr William Paford, to Miss Woodhouse 08 Aug 1856
PALMER William Marriage 30 May 1854 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, William Palmer, Esq., Merchant, to Miss Elizabeth Ward 05 April 1854
PALMER Mary Marriage 24 Aug 1854 Mary, eldest daughter of Mr John Palmer, of Pietermaritzburg, to Mr Daniel Hull, junior 30 Aug 1854
PALMER   Birth 31 Dec 1854 Mrs William Palmer, of this place, of a son 03 Jan 1855
PALMER   Birth 26 July 1856 the wife of Mr William Palmer, of a daughter 01 Aug 1856
PALMER Sarah Marriage 24 July 1856 Sarah, eldest dghtr of Mr J.C. Palmer, of the above city, to John Pearson Cato  [was the above city Pmburg?] 01 Aug 1856
PARRY John Death Nov 1853 John Parry, of this place, drowned crossing the Tugela River; see article "Another Death by Drowning", page 3 30 Nov 1853
PAVERD see PAFORD, Wm. Marriage 23 July 1856 at Maritzburg, Miss Woodhouse, to Mr William Paford  [Paverd?] 08 Aug 1856
PEDDIE William H. Marriage 02 Apr 1856 by Rev. W. Ireland, American Mission, William H. Peddie, Esq., Postmaster, Durban, to Caroline A. Mackenzie 04 Apr 1856
PEPWORTH   Birth 07 Sept 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs H. Pepworth, of a son 21 Sept 1855
PERFECT Mary Eliza Marriage 14 Aug 1856 Mary Eliza, widow of George Perfect, Esq., of Town Malling, Kent, to Edwin Foxon, Esq. 15 Aug 1856
PERRY Joseph Death 27 May 1854 Joseph Perry, in the Zulu country, of fever, after a short illness  [no age given] 30 Aug 1854
PETTY Frances Caroline Death 30 May 1855 on the 30th ultimo, aged 11 months 13 June 1855
PETTY   Birth 20 Sept 1855 the wife of W.T. Petty, of a daughter  [NB: birth date very unclear; possibly 26th or 28th Sept.?] 05 Oct 1855
PINE B. C. C.  [His Hon.] Marriage 04 Sept 1855 at Stirling, N.B., His Honour B.C.C. Pine, Esq., Lt.-Governor of Natal, to June Galbraith 11 Jan 1856
PLANT Henry George Baptism 18 Nov 1855 at St. Pauls Church, Durban, son of Mr R.W. Plant, Botanical Gardens, Durban 23 Nov 1855
PLANT Mary Baptism 18 Nov 1855 at St. Pauls Church, Durban, daughter of Mr R.W. Plant, Botanical Gardens, Durban 23 Nov 1855
PLATT [no names given] Death Dec 1855 3 yr old son of Mr Sydney Platt, killed falling from a cart in motion, see "Distressing Accident", page 3 07 Dec 1855
PLAYER   Birth 24 Aug 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr Player, of a son 05 Sept 1856
POLKINGHORNE   Birth 08 Jan 1854 the wife of Mr J.T. Polkinghorne, of a son 11 Jan 1854
POLKINGHORNE   Birth 28 May 1856 the wife of Mr J.T. Polkinghorne, of a son 20 June 1856
POSSELT   Birth 18 Jan 1856 at New Germany, the wife of the Rev. C.W. Posselt, of a daughter 25 Jan 1856
POTTER   Birth 29 July 1853 the wife of Mr George Potter, of this town, of a son 04 Aug 1853
POTTER   Birth 20 Mar 1856 at Montpelier, the wife of Mr G. Potter, of a daughter 28 Mar 1856
POVALL   Birth 09 May 1856 the wife of Mr C. Povall, of a son 13 June 1856
POYNTON William    Death 21 Jan 1853 at his residence on the Berea, aged 54, father of Mr Thomas Poynton, builder, of this place 27 Jan 1853
POYNTON Thomas Marriage 01 Aug 1853 by Rev WHC Lloyd, at Parsonage, Durban, Thomas Poynton, builder, West Street, Durban, to Isabella M. Calvert 18 Aug 1853
PROUST Consuela P. R. Death 01 Apr 1853 at McDonald's Hotel, Durban, Consuela Pauline Roland, infant daughter of Mr F. Proust  [no age given] 07 April 1853
QUESTED George Marriage 19 Sept 1854 by Rev. Nisbett, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Mr George Quested, to Phoebe Gordge / Gudge [?] 20 Sept 1854
RADFORD   Birth 05 Nov 1855 at Pine Town, the wife of Mr John Radford, of a daughter 09 Nov 1855
RANDLE James   Marriage 10 July 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Durban, James Randle, of Durban, to Mrs Anne Elizabeth Richards 18 Aug 1853
RANDLE Elizabeth Pollitt Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, daughter of Mr James Randle 05 April 1854
RANDLE James Death 24 Oct 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mr James Randle, aged 41 years  [NB: age unclear] 02 Nov 1855
RAW   Birth 14 Oct 1854 the wife of Mr Councillor Raw, of this place, of a daughter 18 Oct 1854
RAW   Birth 26 Jan 1856 the wife of Mr Robert Raw, chemist, of a son   15 Feb 1856
RAW   Birth 27 Jan 1856 at Maritzburg, the wife of Mr James Raw, Town Clerk, of a daughter 07 Mar 1856
RAW  Robert Marriage 19 Dec 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Mr Robert Raw, Chemist, to Mary Foggitt 21 Dec 1853
RAWLINSON Alice Death 13 May 1853 at "Shooters Hill" farm, Umgeni, wife of Mr R.C. Rawlinson, formerly of West Place?, Lancaster  [no age given] 26 May 1853
RAWLINSON Samuel Robert Death 8? Sep 1853 at sea, on board the "Anne", from this Port to Table Bay, son of Mr R.C. Rawlinson, late of Natal  [no age given] 26 Oct 1853
REID Elizabeth Marriage 01 June 1853 by Rev. J. Thomas, Elizabeth, widow of late Mr W. Reid, Yarrow, Yorkshire, to Christopher Stockhill 02 June 1853
REID Frederick W. Marriage 23 Aug 1854 this morning, by Rev. D. Lindley, American Mission, Mr Frederick W. Reid, to Mary Anne Lennox 23 Aug 1854
REID [Mr.] News Nov 1854 see article "Missing", page 3 15 Nov 1854
REID   Birth 13 Feb 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr Reid, of a daughter 22 Feb 1856
RICHARDS Anne Elizabeth Marriage 10 July 1853 Mrs Anne Elizabeth Richards, of Durban, to James Randle 18 Aug 1853
RICHARDS Mary Anne Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, child of late Henry Richards, Esq. 05 April 1854
RICHARDS Henrietta Elizabeth Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, child of late Henry Richards, Esq. 05 April 1854
RICHARDS Henry John Baptism 02 Apr 1854 by the Lord Bishop of Natal, child of late Henry Richards, Esq. 05 April 1854
RIGBY William Robert Baptism 21 Jan 1853 son of Mr Robert Rigby; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 27 Jan 1853
RIVETT Alfred W. L. Marriage 21 Aug 1856 at Ekukanyeni Station, youngest son of Richard Rivett, Esq., Great Yarmouth, to Anna Mary Sanderson 29 Aug 1856
ROBARTS Martha Death 13 Aug 1855 after a long affliction, wife of Emery Robarts, boot & shoemaker, of this place  [NB: age unclear] 15 Aug 1855
ROBERTS Lucea Death 15 May 1853 at Mr. J. Boshoff's farm, Mooi River, wife of A.B. Roberts, Esq., Advocate, Pietermaritzburg  [no age given] 26 May 1853
ROBERTSON William Guild Marriage 13 July 1853 of 22nd Regt Madras Native Infantry, son of late Major Jas. R. Robertson, Craigheute,Perthshire, to Jessie Milne 14 July 1853
ROBERTSON   Birth 20 Jan 1856 at Milaw[?], East Indies, the wife of Capt. W.G. Robertson, Madras army, of a daughter 23 May 1856
ROBINSON Elizabeth Marriage 22 June 1854 Elizabeth, eldest dghtr of Mr George Robinson, of this place, to Henry George Beachcroft 28 June 1854
ROBINSON George Cookman Marriage 26 July 1855 at Upper Saxony, by Rev. Faure, Mr George Cookman Robinson, of Balmoral, county Umvoti, to Louisa C. Otto 01 Aug 1855
ROBINSON see COOKMAN, Geo. Death 17 April 1856 at his residence, Stepney Lodge, Yorkshire, aged 82 [?], father of Mrs George Robinson, of this place 01 Aug 1856
ROSE Samuel Marriage 14 Mar 1853 at Isipingo, by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Mr Samuel Rose, to Miss Davenport 24 Mar 1853
ROSS Thomas George Baptism Dec 1852 ? son of James Augustine Ross, Esq,;  baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 06 Jan 1853
ROYSTON Sarah Elcy Baptism 16 Jan 1853 daughter of Mr William Royston; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 27 Jan 1853
ROYSTON   Birth 10 July 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr William Royston, of a son 25 July 1856
RUDDER Sarah Death 29 Apr 1856 Mrs Sarah Rudder, the mother of Mrs H.W. Currie, aged 65 years 02 May 1856
RUSSOM Jane Marriage 08 Apr 1856 Jane, daughter of Mr J. Russom, to William Holding; both of Maritzburg 18 Apr 1856
RUTHERFORD   Birth 13 May 1854 Mrs Rutherford, wife of the Hon. Collector of Customs, of a son 17 May 1854
SANDERSON W. T. Marriage 05 Apr 1853 at Glasgow, Mr W.T. Sanderson, of Durban, to Agnes Harvey  [or Hervey?] 02 June 1853
SANDERSON   Birth 31 Dec 1853 at Lansdown Crescent, Glasgow, Mrs W.T. Sanderson, of a son 29 Mar 1854
SANDERSON John Marriage 11 Nov 1854 by Rev HA Wilder, at Attercliffe, John Sanderson, Esq., merchant, Durban, to Eliza Mary Barrett 15 Nov 1854
SANDERSON Anna Mary Marriage 21 Aug 1856 by Bishop of Natal, Anna Mary, 2nd dghtr of Joseph Sanderson, Esq, Park Field, Birkenhead, to Alfred WL Rivett 29 Aug 1856
SARGEAUNT   Birth 09 Aug 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, wife of Hon. Wm. C. Sargeaunt, Esq., Colonial Secretary, of a daughter 16 Aug 1854
SARGEAUNT Henrietta Charlotte Marriage 10 Apr 1856 4th dghtr of Rev. John Sargeaunt, Rector of Hanwick, Northamptonshire, to Henry D. Cloete, Esq. 29 Aug 1856
SAUNDERS   Birth 16 June 1855 at Durban, the wife of J.R. Saunders, Esq., of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear] 20 June 1855
SAVORY William H. Marriage 20 Sept 1855 at St. Pauls Church, Durban, William H. Savory, Esq., son of late Rev. S.H. Savory, Norfolk, to Miss Heslington 21 Sept 1855
SAVORY   Birth 21 July 1856 at Durban, wife of Mr W.H. Savory, of a son 25 July 1856
SAWYER see HYSLOP Ed.W.C. Death 02 May 1856 at the house of his sister, Mrs Sawyer, New Town, Gosport, aged 28, and brother of Mrs Dubois, of this town 29 Aug 1856
SCHWEGMAN Heinrich News Oct 1853 see article "Charge of Manslaughter at Pine Town", page 3 26 Oct 1853
SHADWELL Richard William Marriage 17 Mar 1856 at St. Paul's Church, Durban, Mr Richard William Shadwell, Zulu trader, to Miss Sarah Exall 21 Mar 1856
SHAW Annie Marriage 31 Mar 1853 Annie, youngest dghtr of late Mr W. Shaw, of Wakefield, Yorkshire, to Thomas Smith 07 April 1853
SHAW   Birth 23 July 1854 the lady of Major Shaw, Commandant of Detachment of 45th Regt., stationed here, of a son 25 July 1854
SHAW Charles Death 22 Oct 1854 aged 17 years;  see article "Death by Drowning" on page 3 25 Oct 1854
SHAW C. Marriage 02 Apr 1856 by Rev. Spensley, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Mr C. Shaw, of Verulam, to Miss A. Bushby 04 Apr 1856
SIMPSON   Birth 29 Sept 1856 at Nottingham Post, the wife of Sgt. Simpson, C.M.R., of a daughter 17 Oct 1856
SINGER Frances Ann Marriage 26 Aug 1856 at residence of Henry Pepworth, Pmburg, Frances Ann Singer, of Finchley Common, Middlesex, to Charles Fysh 05 Sept 1856
SMART   Birth 02 Sept 1856 at the Umlaas, the wife of Mr B. Smart, of a son 05 Sept 1856
SMERDON   Birth 06 Apr 1854 the lady of William Smerdon, Esq., of this place, of a son 12 April 1854
SMITH Thomas    Marriage 31 Mar 1853 by Rev. Scott, at Woodbourne, Umgeni, Thomas Smith, Esq., of Durban, to Annie Shaw 07 April 1853
SMITH [Mr.] Death 28 July 1853 see article "Suicide", page 3.  Was a widower with two children plus sister's children - all dependent on him 04 Aug 1853
SMITH   Birth 12 Jan 1854 at Durban, the wife of Mr Edward Smith, of this place, of a daughter 18 Jan 1854
SMITH [Miss] Marriage 16 July 1856 at York, Miss Smith, to Mr John Westell; both of York 08 Aug 1856
SPENCER Robert Death 07 Dec 1855 at Durban, in his 53rd year, eldest surviving son of late Henry Spencer, Esq., Chapel Allerton, Leeds, Yorkshire 14 Dec 1855
SPRING Arthur    Marriage 12 Sept 1854 by Rev. Nisbett, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Arthur Spring, Esq., to Caroline Hunt 13 Sept 1854
SPRING   Birth 20 Mar 1856 the wife of Mr Spring, of a daughter 28 Mar 1856
ST. GEORGE   Birth 25 Feb 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the Lady of Sir Theophilus St.George, Baronet, of a son 29 Feb 1856
STABLER Elizabeth Marriage 05 Sept 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr John Stabler, to Edward Collier, both of that city 12 Sept 1856
STAFFORD Edward Sparrow Marriage 28 June 1853 Edward Sparrow Stafford, of West Street, Durban, to Miss Mary Anna Walcott 18 Aug 1853
STAFFORD   Birth 30 July 1854 the wife of Mr E. Stafford, of a daughter 16 Aug 1854
STAFFORD   Birth 13 Oct 1856 the wife of Mr Edward Stafford, of a son 17 Oct 1856
STANGER William [The Hon.Dr.] Death 07 Mar 1854 see obituary, page 2  [and full obituary on supplement page Natal Mercury 22 March 1854] 15 Mar 1854
STEELE Maria Henrietta G. Marriage 15 Jan 1856 Maria Henrietta Genevevie, eldest dght of John Pollidore Steele, Esq., Pietermaritzburg, to Thos. P. James 18 Jan 1856
STOCKELL [Mrs.] Marriage 09 Feb 1856 Mrs Stockell, to Mr R. Surtees; both of Durban 15 Feb 1856
STOCKHILL Christopher Marriage 01 June 1853 at the lady's residence, Umgeni Cottage, Christopher Stockhill, "of that place, farmer", to Elizabeth Reid 02 June 1853
STOCKHILL Christopher Death 15 Jan 1854 aged 25, of Umgeni Cottage, near this place, farmer, formerly of Brompton Grange, near Northallerton 25 Jan 1854
STOCKHILL see STOCKHILL, Chrs. Death 15 Jan 1854 the brother of the deceased was drowned, whilst crossing the Umgeni, about a year ago [no first name given] 25 Jan 1854
STONELL William Henry Marriage 15 May 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at Durban, William Henry Stonell, to Miss Sarah Ann Burge 19 May 1853
STRETCH Charles Lennox Baptism 09 Jan 1853 son of Mr Charles St.Leger Stretch; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 27 Jan 1853
STRICKLAND Sarah Ann Marriage 31 May 1855 Mrs Sarah Ann Strickland, late of Leeds, Yorkshire, to James Archbell 06 June 1855
STRUBEN   Birth 05 Aug 1854 at Ladysmith, the wife of Capt. Struben, Resident Magistrate, of a son 23 Aug 1854
STRUBEN Fanny Sarah Death 25 Aug 1854 at Ladysmith, in her 37th year, beloved wife of J.H.M. Struben, Esq., Resident Magistrate, County Klip River 06 Sept 1854
STRUBEN J. H. M. Marriage 25 July 1855 by Rev C. Scott, at Ladysmith, J.H.M. Struben, Esq., Resident Magistrate Klip River, to Catherine Anderson 08 Aug 1855
STRYDOM Maria E. D. Marriage 19 Oct 1854 Miss Maria Elizabeth Dorothea Strydom, to Mr William Adams; both of this town 25 Oct 1854
SURTEES R. Marriage 09 Feb 1856 by Rev. Spensley, Wesleyan, at Durban, Mr R. Surtees, trader, to Mrs Stockell 15 Feb 1856
SWAVING Euphrosine Mary Marriage 20 Feb 1854 Euphrosine Mary, youngest daughter of late Justus Swaving, Esq., Cape Town, to Robert Daniel Eagar 01 Mar 1854
SWITHENBANK Ellen Bridget Marriage 10 Dec 1853 at the residence of the Colonial Chaplain, Miss Ellen Bridget Swithenbank, to Thomas Foster, Esq. 28 Dec 1853
SYMONS [no names given] Death 27 Aug 1854 little girl, 4 yrs of age, dghtr of Mr Symons, Maritzburg; see article "Distressing Accident", page 3 30 Aug 1854
TARN Edwin Horatio Death 27 Oct 1855 at Durban, aged 34   02 Nov 1855
TATE   Birth 20 Sept 1855 at Durban, the wife of Mr Tate, of a daughter  [NB: birth date unclear; possibly 26th or 28th Sept.?] 05 Oct 1855
TATHAM   Birth 29 April 1855 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Edmund Tatham, of a son 09 May 1855
TAYLOR   Birth 06 Mar 1854 the wife of Dr Taylor, of this place, of a son 08 Mar 1854
TAYLOR John Death Dec 1855 see article "Suicide", on page 3.   07 Dec 1855
TEBBUTT-BELL see BELL Birth 19 Sept 1856 at Danse[?] Kraal, in this district, Mrs Charles Tebbutt Bell, of a son 03 Oct 1856
THOMAS   Birth 17 April 1856 at Hoales[?] Fountain, Great Namaqualand, the wife of Rev. J. Thomas, of this place, of a son 04 July 1856
THOMAS S.  [Rev.] Death July 1856 see article "the late Murder of the Rev. S. Thomas", on page 3 04 July 1856
THOMPSON Jessie Marriage 20 Oct 1854 Miss Jessie Thompson, of Isipingo, to George Bevan Hayes 08 Nov 1854
THOMPSON Rose Marriage 18 Oct 1855 Rose, daughter of Mr Thompson, of the Isipingo, in this district, to James Thomson 26 Oct 1855
THOMSON [Mrs.] Death Dec 1853 see article "Murder at Pietermaritzburg", page 3 21 Dec 1853
THOMSON James Marriage 18 Oct 1855 by Rev. Campbell, Presbyterian, at Pmburg, James Thomson, Esq., Postmaster of that City, to Rose Thompson 26 Oct 1855
THRING [Mr.] Marriage 05 May 1856 at the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mr Thring, of Ladysmith, to Miss Mary Ann Baker 23 May 1856
TINLEY   Birth 09 Jan 1854 at Ladysmith[??], the wife of Mr E.W. Tinley, of a daughter  [NB: place name very unclear] 18 Jan 1854
TISSIMAN Joseph   Marriage 11 June 1853 by Rev WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Durban, Joseph Tissiman, late of Scarborough, Yorkshire, to Ellen M Gillett 23 June 1853
TISSIMAN [Mr.] Death March 1854 of Klip Spruit, Illovo, formerly Scarborough, Yorkshire; leaving a widow nee Gillett; see article "Murder", pg. 3 15 Mar 1854
TISSIMAN Ellen Maria Marriage 22 July 1856 Ellen Maria Tissiman, 2nd daughter of John Gillett, Esq., New Germany, to Clement John Hill 01 Aug 1856
TROTTER Isabella Cramand Marriage 30 Apr 1853 by Rev J Green, 1st dghtr of Geo. Trotter, Esq., J.P., Woodside, formerly of Stacks, Linlithgow, to Wm. Mackenzie 05 May 1853
TROTTER Christian Marriage 30 Apr 1853 by Rev J. Green, 2nd dghtr of Geo. Trotter, Esq., J.P., Woodside, formerly of Stacks, Linlithgow, to Chas. Barter 05 May 1853
TROTTER see BARTER, Ch. Death 17 July 1853 at the residence of her father, Geo. Trotter, Woodside, near Pmburg, wife of Charles Barter  [no age given] 28 July 1853
TURTON Sarah Jane Marriage 06 Mar 1856 at Stocklands, Upper Umgeni, Sarah Jane, 2nd dghtr of Josiah Turton, of Stinkhout Rand, to Jabez S. Archbell 14 Mar 1856
TYZACK   Birth 16 Sept 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr R.W. Tyzack, of a son 26 Sept 1856
UDUGUSA Instawa [?] Marriage 24 May 1853 by Rev. J. Gaskie, Wesleyan Mission, at the Native Chapel, Instawa[?] Udugusa, to Intombi Umtwalosa 26 May 1853
UMTWALOSA Intombi Marriage 24 May 1853 Intombi Umtwalosa, to Instawa[?] Udugusa; both of this town 26 May 1853
UPJOHN Ann Marriage 31 Aug 1854 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Miss Ann Upjohn, to Mr James Mossop 06 Sept 1854
VALE Eliza Death 15 Sept 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, Mrs Eliza Vale, wife of Mr E. Vale, formerly of that city 26 Sept 1856
VAN PROHN [?]   Birth 03 Dec 1855 at Pine Town, the lady of W. Van Prohn [?], Esq., of a son  [NB: Surname unclear] 07 Dec 1855
VARTY William Boyd Marriage 02 Feb 1853 at the Parsonage, by Rev WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin, Wm. Boyd Varty, of the Mooi River, to Miss Harrington 03 Feb 1853
VIALLS   Birth 06 Nov 1854 Mrs John Vialls, of this place, of a daughter 08 Nov 1854
VIALLS   Birth 03 Aug 1856 at Durban, the wife of Mr John Vialls, of a daughter 08 Aug 1856
WADE   Birth 27 May 1855 at Pine Town, the wife of Mr John Wade, of that place, of a daughter 06 June 1855
WAKELIN Charles Marriage 23 Aug 1853 in the Wesleyan Chapel, Durban, Mr Charles Wakelin, to Miss Anne Broughell; both of Durban 24 Aug 1853
WALCOTT Mary Anna Marriage 28 June 1853 by Rev. WHC Lloyd, at the Parsonage, Durban, Miss Mary Anna Walcott, to Edward Sparrow Stafford 18 Aug 1853
WALKER   Birth 27 Oct 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of A. Walker, Esq., of a son 06 Nov 1856
WALLACE Jessie Marriage 14 Dec 1854 Jessie, daughter of Wm. Wallace, Esq., of Kirnbrae, Dunoon, Argyleshire, Scotland, to Charles Tebbut Bell 20 Dec 1854
WALTON Mary Clarke Marriage 28 Sept 1854 married by her father, Rev. James Walton, at Grateful Hill, Umhlanga, to William Lister 04 Oct 1854
WARD [Mrs.] Death 30 Dec 1852 wife of Mr. Ward, bricklayer, Clairmont near Durban, aged 28 years 06 Jan 1853
WARD Elizabeth Marriage 30 May 1854 Miss Elizabeth Ward, step-daughter of C.J. Cato, Esq., to William Palmer; all of this place 05 April 1854
WARD Elizabeth Marriage 26 April 1855 at the Wesleyan Mission House, Durban, Elizabeth Ward, of Durban, to Thomas Groom 02 May 1855
WARD   Birth 12 May 1855 Mrs John Ward, of a son  [NB: birth date unclear] 23 May 1855
WARD John Christopher Death 21 May 1855 infant son of Mr John Ward 23 May 1855
WARD   Birth 05 Sept 1856 Mrs John Ward, of this place, of a son 05 Sept 1856
WARD Alfred Joseph Death 10 Sept 1856 at Durban, infant son of Mr John Ward 12 Sept 1856
WARD Josiah Marriage 02 Nov 1856 at Durban, Mr Josiah Ward, to Mrs Clarissa Meek  [NB: date from Family Search web site - Natal Marriages 13 Nov 1856
WATKINS   Birth 23 July 1856 at the Little Umhlanga, the wife of Mr T. Watkins, of a daughter 01 Aug 1856
WATLING   Birth 11 June 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr John Watling, of a daughter 20 June 1856
WATSON   Birth 21 Sept 1854 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr J.R.M. Watson, of a son 04 Oct 1854
WATSON [Mr.] Death April 1855 at the Upper Tugela, about 3 weeks ago; see article "Case of Drowning", page 3 02 May 1855
WATSON Alfred Francis Death 03 Jan 1856 at Bushmans River, 2nd son of Mr JRM Watson, aged 8 yrs, accidentally run over by a wagon previous fortnight 18 Jan 1856
WELSH Mary Anne Death 29 Dec 1855 the infant child of Mr Andrew Welsh, of this town 04 Jan 1856
WESTELL John Marriage 16 July 1856 at York, Mr John Westell, to Miss Smith; both of York 08 Aug 1856
WHITE   Birth 30 Dec 1855 at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr Henry Jeffreys White, of a son 18 Jan 1856
WHITLOCK Emily Virginia Marriage 09 Feb 1856 Miss Emily Virginia Whitlock, to Captain Lewis Wilson 15 Feb 1856
WIGGETT   Birth 25 Aug 1856 at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr J. Wiggett, of a son 05 Sept 1856
WILDER   Birth 24 Apr 1853 at Durban, the wife of Rev. H.A. Wilder, of the American Mission, of a daughter 28 April 1853
WILDER   Birth 14 Mar 1855 at the Umlazi[?] Station, the wife of the Rev. H.A. Wilder, of a son  [NB: place name unclear] 28 Mar 1855
WILKINSON Richard Death 29 Nov 1853 after a short illness, aged 36, Mr Richard Wilkinson, in the employ of Mr E.P. Lamport, of this place 30 Nov 1853
WILLES Sarah Marriage 26 April 1855 Miss Willes [Willies?], niece of late T.F. Hawkes, Esq., H.M. Dockyard, Devonport, to Thomas Ayres 02 May 1855
WILLEY Robert Beck  [jnr.] Death 24 May 1855 of fever, in the Zulu country, eldest son of Robert Willey, of the Umlaas Drift, near this town, and grandson of 04 July 1855
WILLEY Robert Beck  [jnr.] Death 24 May 1855 grandson of late Robt. Beck Willey, Pedwell, Somerset, & late Capt. John Palmer, R.N., Thorne Falcon, Somerset 04 July 1855
WILLIAMS Agnes Mary Marriage 05 Aug 1853 Agnes Mary, youngest dghtr of late Rev. John Harries Williams, rector Llanelieu, Brecknockshire, to W.H. Acutt 11 Aug 1853
WILLY [Mrs.] Death 31 Dec 1852 wife of R.B. Willy, Esq., Wentworth near Durban, aged 40 06 Jan 1853
WILSON   Birth 14 Feb 1853 the wife of Mr Cyrus Wilson, of a daughter 24 Feb 1853
WILSON Lewis Marriage 09 Feb 1856 by Rev WHC Lloyd, at Pine Town, Capt. Lewis Wilson, late Commander of the Annabella, to Emily V. Whitlock 15 Feb 1856
WIRSING Margaret Amy Baptism 28 Dec 1852 daughter of George Henry Wirsing, Esq.; baptised by Rev. WHC Lloyd, Colonial Chaplin 06 Jan 1853
WIRSING   Birth 17 Aug 1854 Mrs G.H. Wirsing, of a daughter 23 Aug 1854
WIRSING   Birth 01 Apr 1856 Mrs George H. Wirsing, of a son 04 Apr 1856
WOHLITZ [Mr.] Death Aug 1854 of Blauw Krantz Mill, died from effect of gun shot wound; see article "Klip River", page 3 30 Aug 1854
WOLHUTER   Birth 04 July 1856 at Maritzburg, Mrs F.M. Wolhuter, of a son 25 July 1856
WOOD James Riddall Death 06 Apr 1853 at his residence on the Cotton Lands, Mr James Riddall Wood, late Deputy Sheriff of Durban  [no age given] 14 April 1853
WOOD Mary Marriage 12 Mar 1855 Mary, daughter of the late Mr J.R. Wood, to Mr Samuel Hill 28 Mar 1855
WOOD Mary Ann Death 27 Oct 1855 Mary Ann, wife of Mr Willson [?] Wood, of this place, aged 32  [NB: Date of death unclear] 02 Nov 1855
WOOD [no names given] Death 31 Oct 1855 infant son [of Mary Ann and Willson? Wood], aged two months [?] 02 Nov 1855
WOODHOUSE [Miss] Marriage 23 July 1856 at Maritzburg, Miss Woodhouse, to Mr William Paford  [Paverd?] 08 Aug 1856
YOUNG Ann Marriage 10 Sept 1854 Ann, daughter of Mr James Young, upholsterer, of Durban, to Robert Brown 20 Sept 1854
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