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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1896 09 September

Tuesday 1 September 1896

At Johannesburg Circuit Court John YOUNGER was fined £30 or three months for shooting a Kafir in the face with an air gun. The accused was taking part in a shooting gallery competition while drunk.

Alicedale, Sunday. (From our Special)
Yesterday a sad accident happened at Groenfontein, near Prince Albert Road (Cape Colony). Two passenger trains running in duplicate collided, killing three passengers and injuring others. The train was delayed six hours and consequently it threw all the other trains out of the running.
Further particulars now to hand state the accident was caused by the second portion of the train dashing in to the station three minutes before time. Casualties: Mr. HARPNER killed: Mr. CRUIKSHANK (Pretoria) injured and his baby killed, and the Scotch nurse girl also killed: Mr. KELLY of the Travelling Post Office injured slightly. Damage to rolling stock £4,000. The occurrence seems inexplicable.

In a certain township not a thousand miles from Grahamstown the other day (writes a correspondent) an event happened which was most disconcerting to all concerned. A marriage had been arranged to take place during the day, and the bridegroom was a young farmer from the district. The bride turned up at the little church at the time appointed, and waited a long while, but no groom appeared. The party went to look him up and found him asleep at the house, and all their efforts failed to wake him. The ceremony came off next day after due and satisfactory explanation. Some friends confessed to a practical joke, they having infused some mild but sleepyfying drug in their farewell drink together. What the groom said to his friends is not recorded, but certainly the joke was a little too rough.

Saturday 5 September 1896

Professor of Music
Organist of Commemoration Church
Wishes to notify his Pupils and others of his Change of Address from Bathurst Street to “The Den”, Corner of Cross and Hill Streets.

We (P.E. Telegraph) regret to learn that Mr. J. SAVAGE is suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. His condition is considered very critical.

Dr. TURNER, the medical officer of health for the Colony, who has gone to Tarkastad to investigate the outbreak of typhoid fever there, states that 108 cases of fever were reported, 91 being Europeans and 17 coloured. Sixteen European and three coloured cases terminated fatally. No less than 17 of these cases took place in the town of Tarkastad. Dr. TURNER was still investigating the cause when he wrote his last letter to Capetown.

Tuesday 8 September 1896

MARRIED on September 7th, at Smithfield, O.F.S., by the father of the bridegroom, George Borries WOODROOFFE, M.B. B.C. Cantab, eldest son of Canon WOODROOFFE, to Elizabeth McFarlan, eldest daughter of Dr. Thomas JAMIESON R.N. of Streatham, Surrey.

PASSED AWAY at Cala, September 2nd 1896, John William HILL, second son of the late John HILL of Grahamstown, aged 62 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.

Thursday 10 September 1896

Principal: Rev. Theophilus CHUBB B.A. London
Headmaster: E.G. GANN M.A. London, late Truro College
Assistant Masters: P.D. HUNTER, London University; Dutch, F. EUVRARD; Drawing, W.H. SIMPSON; Music (advanced), T.E. SPEED M.C.O. London.
This Institution is intended to give a High Class Education on English Pubic School lines.
For terms for Board &c apply to the Principal or
Lorimer B. DOLD, Hon. Secretary.

FELL ASLEEP at Quaggas Mutz, Alexandria Division, on 2nd September 1896, Lydia Elvina, dearly beloved wife of Samuel REED, and fourth daughter of Charles and Elvina WATERS of Barville Park, aged 23 years 11 months.
Day by day we shall miss her,
Words can ne’er our thoughts express,
But in heaven we hope to meet her,
Where she now has gone to rest.
“Thy will be done”

Saturday 12 September 1896

ENTERED INTO REST at Kogel Bouts Kop, near Queenstown, August 30th 1896, Joseph RALPH, aged 80 years and 2 months. Deeply regretted by a sorrowing widow and a large circle of relations and friends.

Mr. Jos FISHER, who was a Farrier in [D....] Street, died very suddenly this morning, leaving a widow and seven children totally unprovided for. Mr. FISHER, who was well advanced in years, went to bed last night in good health apparently. At 3 o’clock this morning he woke complaining of pains in his chest, and asked his wife for a drink of water. She sent for the doctor, but her husband was dead before he arrived. Death is [illegible] to heart disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30.

Tuesday 15 September 1896

On Thursday evening a lady named THOMPSON, 21 years of age, committed suicide by throwing herself in front of a train on the Simonstown line. She was in a delicate state of health, and had had a little domestic tiff with her husband, a retired naval lieutenant in good circumstances. She thereupon took train to Simonstown, with a single ticket, walked along the line, and met the succeeding train, in front of which she deliberately threw herself, being dreadfully mangled.

Thursday 17 September 1896

The dead body of a man, apparently about 45 years of age, was found lying in an outhouse at the back of [Beg...’s] foundry, Johannesburg, on Saturday. The body has been identified as that of Mr. R.E. EVANS, a carpenter. It is understood that the deceased had been drinking heavily of late, and death is supposed to have been due to exposure. The matter was at once reported to the Fieldcornet.

At Capetown Mr. RUTHERFOORD jun., son of Mr. F.F. RUTHERFOORD, son of Mr. F.F. RUTHERFOORD, was found dead in his bed on Monday morning. The deceased was well known in town, the more so because owing to an accident in the Basuto War he had lost both his hands. Mr. RUTHERFOORD suffered much from sleeplessness and had recourse to narcotics. He took, it appears, an overdose of chloral, with fatal effect.

Saturday 19 September 1896

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday September 18th 1896, James MAITLAND, aged 58 years.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Beaufort-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

[Transcriber’s note: this notice is very faint and blurred, so very difficult to read]
The whole town was [..... and .....] yesterday at the news of the death of one of its most well known residents, Mr. James MAITLAND sen., who has for upwards of thirty years been carrying on a flourishing business as a builder and stone cutter in Beaufort-street. Deceased came out to the Colony in [1864] from [N.......], Aberdeen, Scotland and settled in Grahamstown. He formed one of the several parties who left for the Diamond Fields in [...] but was not sufficiently attracted by his success there to remain, and returned [to] town after a short absence. Mr. MAITLAND was one of the trustees of the Albany [..... .....] Society and a Director of the Grahamstown Brickmaking Company. He occupied a seat on the Town Council for a few months, where he was well known for his consistent voting, and on his retirement would have been re-elected but for his failing health. Deceased was one of the pillars of Trinity Church, with which place of worship he was long and honourably connected and held the office of Elder. He was a quiet and unassuming citizen, thoroughly straightforward and ever ready to take his part in anything for the good of the City, and had gained the confidence and good will of his fellow citizens. His death was caused through a complication of disorders, including pneumonia and other diseases. He was conscious to the last and died at ? o’clock yesterday morning. He was 58 years of age. The funeral will take place at 3 o’clock on Sunday.

Quite a shock was experienced in town on Friday morning (says the Vryburg News) when it became known that Mr. Wm. C. VAN WYK, the Chief Constable, had expired suddenly about a quarter to seven. He had been ill about a week with inflammation of the stomach and bowels, but felt so much better that he actually commenced to get up soon after six. He leaves a widow and two young children.

Tuesday 22 September 1896

Near Klerksdorp last week a man named Benjamin LEE fell down dead just after chopping wood, the cause of death being heart disease. The deceased leaves a wife and child.

Saturday 26 September 1896

DIED at Grahamstown on September 25th 1896, Rev. William IMPEY, aged 78 years 7 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Oatlands Road, tomorrow (Sunday afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The Rev. William IMPEY, who has been in a feeble condition of health, and during the last few days has been seriously ill, closed his honoured and useful life yesterday evening at 6 o’clock. He had previously suffered much from continued attacks of nausea, which greatly exhausted the venerable patient, but at last he passed away as calmly as if he had just dropped off to sleep. He was born at Whitby, in Yorkshire, in 1818, and was thus 78 years of age at his death. He came out to this Colony in 1836 as a Minister of the Wesleyan Church in company with another eminent missionary, Rev. W.B. BOYCE, and he continued as a Wesleyan Missionary till 1878. He was appointed Chairman of the Grahamstown District (then much more extensive than at present) on the return to England of the Rev. W. SHAW. His relations in that capacity with the other ministers of the District were remarkably cordial and friendly. In 1878, on account of some doctrinal differences, he resigned his connection with the Wesleyan Conference and joined the Anglican Church, and received orders in that Communion, being appointed as Priest Vicar in St.George’s Cathedral. Of late years Mr. IMPEY had retired from active service on account of declining health. He married a daughter of the Rev. Wm. SHAW, who survives him, and he leaves also one son, Mr. Ben IMPEY, and three surviving daughters, Mrs. H. DRIVER, Mrs. HEYMAN and Mrs. P. GORDON. Of one who has been so long and so intimately known to the citizens of Grahamstown, as well as to a much wider circle, it is not necessary to say much. He was a man of refined taste, and of a beautiful life and character the charm of which was acknowledged by all who have known him. His disposition was manly and tender and he was universally beloved. His memory will long be affectionately cherished by his friends everywhere, and the knowledge that this be so will surely tend to comfort the bereaved relatives of the deceased. The funeral will take place tomorrow starting from the residence, Oatlands Road, at 3:30 pm.

Tuesday 29 September 1896

In our last issue we chronicled the death of the Rev. Wm. IMPEY, giving a short but comprehensive obituary notice of the deceased gentleman. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and the attendance was very large. At 3:30 the solemn procession moved from Oatlands Road and wended its way to the Cathedral, where a beautiful and impressive service was conducted. The music was especially impressive. The service was conducted by the Bishop and the Rev. M. NORTON, incumbent of Christ Church. The procession then moved to the cemetery, headed by the [illegible], the choir and the clergy. The pall bearers were Hon. W. AYLIFF, Dr. GREATHEAD, Capt. RYNEVELD and Messrs. R. AYLIFF, J. HEMMING C.C. and R.M, W. WALKER and A.S. HUTTON. The chief mourners were Mrs. IMPEY, Mr. Ben IMPEY, Mrs. HEYMAN, Mrs. GORDON, Mrs. WOOD, Misses G. and M. WOOD, Miss IMPEY and Messrs. H. IMPEY, H.E. WOOD, Col. HEYMAN, and Masters W. IMPEY, B. IMPEY and Gordon WOOD. The mortal remains of Mr. IMPEY were laid to rest in the Wesleyan Cemetery in a well arranged vault. At the grave the Dean and Canon MULLINS performed the last rites. A touching sight was the number of natives who followed the procession after the long row of citizens and friends. The funeral was conducted by Mr. A. WILL in his usual decorous manner.

  • Hits: 1871