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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1895 03 March

Saturday 2 March 1895

MARRIED on the 26th Feb at St.Peter’s Church, Mowbray, by the Rev. J. Daintree, Robert CROSBIE M.L.A., of Yarrow, Albany, to E.C. BARRY, only daughter of Sir John AKERMAN, of London.

At St.Peter’s Church, Claremont, on Tuesday, Mr. Robert CROSBIE, M.L.A. for Albany, was married to Mrs. E.C. BARRY, daughter of Sir John AKERMAN of London. We join with a host of other friends in wishing the happy couple every prosperity.

At Johannesburg on Tuesday a barmaid named Violet FRANCIS committed suicide. She had left her home in Natal a year or two ago under a promise of marriage, and subsequently went to Delagoa Bay. She returned last week, and found the man who promised to marry her about to be married to another woman. This preyed upon her mind, and she took a dose of poison, with fatal effects.

Tuesday 5 March 1895

DIED on the evening of 4th March 1895, Ellen, beloved wife of James HURLEY, aged 36 years. R.I.P.
The funeral of the late Mrs. HURLEY will leave the residence of Mr. M. CONNORS, Grey Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, undertaker.

Mr. William Hartley WOODLAND, a well-known resident of this city, who had long been ailing, died on Thursday last somewhat unexpectedly, at the age of 66. He was a man of excellent character and sincere piety, and did much good by his labours among the natives, and with prisoners in the Gaol. His funeral, which took place on Saturday, was conducted by Revs. J. PENDLEBURY and G. [K.....], a large number of native Sunday scholars and teachers, as well as Europeans, forming the procession to the Wesleyan Cemetery.

Thursday 7 March 1895

We regret to learn that Mr. Thomas HANN, formerly a well-known and respected citizen of Grahamstown, but for some years past resident at Port Elizabeth, where he was chief accountant for the firm of Messrs. Parker & Co, died on Tuesday morning last. Particulars have not reached us with regard to the cause of death, but we believe it was the result of an attack of fever. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. Mr. HANN, who was for a long time in business for himself in Bathurst-street, and subsequently was the City Marketmaster, will be regretted by many friends and acquaintances here, with whom we join in expressing sympathy and condolence for the bereaved family.

We congratulate Mr. Jos. GUSH on attaining the ripe old age of 74 on Monday last. Mr. GUSH has been a Divisional Councillor for 31 years, being elected just after Parliament sat in Grahamstown in 1864. Mr. GUSH is still vigorous and hearty and carries his years well.

Saturday 9 March 1895

BIRTH at Aberdeen on March 4th 1895, the wife of Sergt. NICHOLAS of a son.

MARRIED on the [18th] February at the Presbyterian Church, Alice, by the Rev. A. Hansworth, of Fort Beaufort, Jonathan S. QUAIL, of Grahamstown, to S.E. CAIRNS, sixth daughter of J.A. CAIRNS Esq, of Evergreen, near Alice.

DIED at his residence, Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday 6th inst, Mr. Thomas HANN, formerly of this City.

On Saturday at Johannesburg Mr. J.F. COLLIERS, who had just been re-elected for the Second [Read] by a majority of [68] over Mr. DE MEILLON, was seized with an apoplectic and paralytic stroke, and after lying at the Grand National Hotel, in an unconscious condition, he expired on Monday.

Thursday 14 March 1895

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th inst, the wife of T.F. HUTCHINSON of twin sons.

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday March 14th 1895, Mary Stone CAMPBELL, the dearly beloved wife of Robert CAMPBELL, aged 32 years.
The funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Carlisle Street, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, undertaker.

We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. Robert CAMPBELL, which took place this morning at a quarter to 1 o’clock, from puerperal fever, at her residence in Carlisle Street. The deceased leaves a husband and seven little children to mourn her loss. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock, from her late residence in Carlisle Street. The bereaves husband requests us to express his heartfelt thanks to Dr. SAUNDERS, and especially to Mrs. W.H. GILDER, who have been most kind and attentive during his wife’s illness.

Tuesday 19 March 1895

BIRTH at Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, on Saturday March 16th, the wife of Philip van der Riet COPEMAN of a son.

Klaas THOMAS [illegible], the murderer of Mr. and Mrs. GADD, will be executed at 6 o’clock on Tuesday morning [next] a week from now. The gallows is erected in the gaol yard and everything is ready for the execution.

Thursday 21 March 1895

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday March 20th, the wife of Fred. W. HARRIS of a daughter.

Miss Mary SAGE, of [Darosler] tragedy notoriety, was married at King on Wednesday to Mr. William WILLARD, “her sister’s brother-in-law” as a local paper lucidly puts it.

Saturday 23 March 1895

We sympathise most deeply with Mr. W.H. BARNES in the loss of his wife, who died very suddenly at about 11 o’clock this forenoon. Mrs. BARNES was only taken ill this morning at 4 o’clock, and it is not certain yet what was the cause of the [illegible].

Tuesday 26 March 1895

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday March 23rd 1895, Anna Cecelia, the beloved wife of W.H. BARNES, aged 26 years.

Telegraphic news reached a contemporary the other day of the death while bathing of Mr. Melville SMITH, of the firm of [Ragnaut] & Smith, Humansdorp, at Jeffrey’s Bay. Further particulars to hand show that on Sunday morning deceased, accompanied by Mr. CLARKE, a schoolmaster, and Mr. VAN ONSELEN, drove down to the beach. They went in to bathe, and Mr. SMITH was carried out by the current and drowned. Mr. CLARKE was also carried out, and had a narrow escape, but was rescued by Mr. ONSELEN. The body of Mr. SMITH was recovered by a boatman.

The Cradock Register reports a sad accident occurred to a young girl named Catherine MEYERS last week at the Bath. It appears that she was one of the girls doing washing at that place, and when in act of hanging up the clothes to dry she received a slight prick under her foot as if from an ordinary thorn. She at once drew out what looked like a white thorn from her foot, and would have taken no further notice of it, but the pain that followed caused her to call for assistance, and she had to be led home. The next day her foot was frightfully swollen. Medical aid was obtained, but despite this and other watchful attention, she never recovered. The unfortunate girl, who was esteemed by her friends for her quiet manners, lingered on in great agony until Friday morning, when she expired.

Thursday 28 March 1895

DIED at Peddie, March 25th, Sarah Jane, beloved wife of George SMITH, formerly of Port Alfred.
Mr. SMITH and family desire to thank all their kind friends for their sympathy in the hour of their trial.

On Thursday afternoon (says the Despatch) Mr. SAVAGE of this port was married to Miss DUCKLES in the Wesleyan Church, Kingwilliamstown, by the Rev. T. CHUBB, who was attired in a gown during the ceremony. The church was crowded. Best wishes are expressed for the life and happiness of Mr. and Mrs. SAVAGE.

The Nautilus brings news from Walfish Bay [sic, presumably Walvis Bay in Namibia] of the death of R. LEWIS, whose connection with the concession bearing his name led to considerable trouble in the country, and ultimately to German military occupation. Mr. LEWIS (says the Argus) was bitten by a tiger, and was apparently recovering, but had a relapse, and ultimately succumbed to blood-poisoning. Mrs. LEWIS was anxious to go to her husband, who was 300 miles from his farm, but the lady is herself under the surveillance of the German authorities for offences against that Government, and was not permitted to leave. She sent her daughter, however, to her father’s help, but his death ensued. The action of the German authorities has given rise to some indignation in English circles, but the Germans on the other hand defend their action on the ground already stated. They also decline to allow Mrs. LEWIS to leave the country for the present, and have confiscated the bulk of the cattle on the farm, as well as a wagon and other property.

Saturday 30 March 1895

Organist and Choirmaster to Commemoration Church
Professor of Music at Wesleyan High School and St.Aidan’s College, Conductor at Philharmonic Society, [Local] Secretary to [] College.
Formerly Organist of Ellesmere and Burngreave Wesleyan Churches, Sub-Organist Parish Church and Albert Hall, Sheffield, England.
Organ, Piano, Singing &c, Preparation for Musical Exams, Practical and Theoretical.
Bathurst Street.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on March 28th 1895, the wife of Arthur W. SLATER, of Ashcombe, [Sandflats], of a daughter.

A Rouxville correspondent of De Burger relates how Mr. Adriaan HEVER met his sad end. He was out for a ride on a spirited horse the other day; the horse took its head and attempted to leap a wire fence. Mr. HEVER lost his seat, fell across the wires, was seriously and painfully injured by them, and three days later died.

Tuesday 2 April 1895

BIRTH at the Residency, Upington, on Sunday the 24th ultimo, the wife of J. Anchitel  ASHBURNHAM of a daughter.

At [Ceres] on Saturday a son of Mr. J.C. REYNOLDS J.P., whilst out shooting, accidentally shot his brother, killing him on the spot.

[Transcriber’s Note: The issue of 2 April is included here because there are no further issues available until 13 August 1896]

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