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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 05 May

Tuesday 1 May 1894

DIED at Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, on Sunday April 29th, Ruby, dearly loved infant daughter of John and Amy EATON, aged four weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. EATON tender their sincere thanks to Dr. ATHERSTONE and Mrs. W.A. SMITH for their unremitting attention during their trouble.

Thursday 3 May 1894

BIRTH at Prince Alfred Street, Grahamstown, on the [28th] April 1894, the wife of Mr. J. Montagu STONE, Solicitor, of a son.

It is our melancholy duty to chronicle the somewhat sudden decease of this highly esteemed gentleman, which took place on Wednesday night at Mr. Joseph MILDENHALL’s farm. The Dr. had not been in his usual health for some months past, but he faithfully fulfilled his onerous duties as headmaster of the local public school until within a few days of his regretted death. His [iron] will helped him to triumph over his increasing infirmities, and served to prove the value of the old-time maxim ”man is immortal till his work is done”. When the end came it found him peaceful and resigned, and in possession of all his faculties. Dr. DAVIDSON was summoned by the family but a few days prior to his decease. The late Dr. DALL was a graduate of Dublin University; a portion of his life he spent as Vice Principal of the celebrated Schreiner College, Eastbourne, England. Seventeen years ago he came to the Colony and was for some years Head of Graaff-Reinet College. After resigning this position he came to Fort Beaufort to occupy a similar post here, which he has held for about eight years with distinction and pronounced ability. Deceased was a native of Preston, Lancashire, where his father was engaged in cotton manufacture. Much loved by his scholars, and respected by all, the late Dr., who was in his 70th year, will be greatly missed. To the sorrowing family we tender our heartfelt and sincere sympathy in their bereavement. – F.B. Advocate.

*[Transcriber's Note: Schreiner College was New College, founded by Frederick Samuel SCHREINER (brother of Olive SCHREINER, author of "The Story of an African Farm",whose marriage was transcribed here in February 1894). An advertisement in the Surrey Comet for 8 May 1875 lists James DALL as the Vice Principal of New College, Eastbourne. It was probably the school shown here. The Comet advertisement reads:
The Vice-Principal, Dr. DALL (late Headmaster of Holbrooke House School, Richmond) has vacancies for a few gentlemen's sons as boarders.
Address Dr. DALL, Breadalbane-lodge, Eastbourne.]

Tuesday 8 May 1894

At Morningside United Presbyterian Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, on the 4th April, by the Rev. Alex. Mair DD, assisted by the Rev. C. Baxter DD, David MACEWAN MD, Dundee, to Bertha Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Robert TEMPLETON, of Grahamstown, South Africa.

DIED this morning at 8 o’clock, Mr. John ATHERSTONE, aged 73 years.

Thursday 10 May 1894

BIRTH at Hawkhurst House, Oatlands, Grahamstown on the 10th May 1894, the wife of H.J. JENNINGS Esq. of a daughter.

Saturday 12 May 1894

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th inst, the wife of F. PAXTON of a daughter.

MARRIED on May 10 at Commemoration Church, by the Rev. H. Cotton, Sergt. Major F.W. HARRIS C.M.R. to Mary Jenkins, second daughter of Mr. Henry WHITE of Port St.John’s.

DIED at Grahamstown on May 10th 1894, Robert CAMPBELL, aged 65 years and 9 months.

DIED at Grahamstown May 11th 1894, Robert SUTTIE, aged 44 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, African Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Members of the Caledonian Association and other friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

We deeply regret to announce the death of Mr. Robert SUTTIE, who was a highly esteemed resident amongst us. He was even better known in years past in Grahamstown when in business here, as his cheerful and friendly disposition made many friends. He was possessed of a splendid bass voice, which he was always ready to employ in the service of charitable and other entertainments. Some time since he removed to Kimberley having accepted a position in the employ of De Beer’s Company, in which he enjoyed their confidence, but unfortunately an attack of fever left him so weak that he was advised to return to this city for change for a while. We are very sorry to learn that the persistent malady has proved too much for his vital powers. The death of our friend, in the prime of life, and of usefulness, will be universally regretted.

We have seen copy of a testimonial given by Mr. PAGE jun. in favour of Mr. Charles ESTMENT which testifies to the value of Mr. ESTMENT’s services in connection with the treatment of disease in cattle, which from his long experience, and close attention to cases he has treated with much success for Mr. PAGE and other owners of stock. We are happy to mention this matter and to commend Mr. ESTMENT as able and ready to render good service in this line.

Tuesday 15 May 1894

BIRTH at Peddie on 11th May, the wife of W.E. [BRANN] of a son.

BIRTH at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown, on the 13th inst, the wife of Lorimer B. DOLD of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown, May 15 1894, Hannah Hunter HARDACRE, aged 81 years 9 months and 18 days.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence of her husband, Queen-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend. By special request no flowers.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Thursday 17 May 1894

DIED at Grahamstown on the morning of the 17th May 1894, Edward LOWDEN, aged 66 years.
Friends respectfully invited to attend at Trinity Church at 3 o’clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon tp attend the Funeral.

We deeply regret to announce the sudden decease of one of most esteemed citizens, Mr. Edward LOWDEN, who yesterday was in fair health and looked likely to live for years. Returning from the service held by Rev. Mr. McNEILL last night, he complained of feeling tired, and passed a restless night. This morning at about 6 o’clock Mrs. LOWDEN gave him a cup of tea, which he drank. Shortly after he sighed twice, and expired, it is supposed from heart disease. Mr. LOWDEN, who was 66 years of age at his death, was born at Sunderland, came to South Africa in 1859, and took up his residence in Port Elizabeth. In 1877 he came to Grahamstown, and became known to us as an energetic and honourable man of business, and a useful member of the Town Council. Subsequently he spent some years in Kimberley, but returned to Grahamstown, and was in business here at his death. Mr. LOWDEN was a valued member of Trinity Church, where he had long been an elder, and an active official; and his sincere Christian character, his intelligence and his kindly cheerful disposition made him universally loved. We learn that the funeral will take place at 3pm tomorrow. We offer our most hearty condolences to the bereaved family.

Saturday 19 May 1894

FELL ASLEEP on the 17th May, at Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, Ruby, the beloved infant daughter of F. and H.L PAXTON.

Wednesday 23 May 1894

BIRTH at Salem on 22nd May 1894, the wife of Charles PADDOCK of a son.

DIED at his Father’s residence, Grahamstown, May 22nd 1894, Arthur Milton, youngest son of F. and M.A.M. JARDINE, aged 13 years and 11 months.

Tuesday 29 May 1894

Mr. J.EATON having retired from the business of J. EATON & Co from May 14th, the undersigned will hold himself responsible for all debts contracted by the late firm, and all Money owing to the firm must be paid to him. The Business will be carried on as W.A. WALLER & Co from the 27th.

In the Insolvent Estate of Charles William WALLACE, a Butcher, of Beaconsfield, near Grahamstown.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, on Wednesday June 13th 1894 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the 24th May, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, May 4 1894

Thursday 31 May 1894

In the Estate of the late John Richmond WILMOT of Springvale in the Division of Albany
All persons having claims against the above Estate are required to file the same with, and those indebted thereto to pay the same amount of their indebtedness to, the undersigned within six weeks from date.
Attorneys for the Exors. Testy.
High Street, Grahamstown
18th May 1894

MARRIED by the Rev. Canon Mullins at St.Michael and All Angels, Middleton (residence of J.O. NORTON Esq M.L.A.) on the 26th May 1894, Duncan Fitzwilliams, second son of John OGILVIE Esq, of Alpherton, Fort Beaufort, to Caroline Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Evelyn CLOETE Esq, of Waterfall, Fish River Randt.

DIED at [Florida], near Johannesburg, on the 25th May 1894, Henry Benjamin, second son of G.E. and E.J.G. FRANKLIN of Grahamstown, aged 10 years and 10 months.

The body of a Mrs. Peter BENNETT has been exhumed by the authorities at Johannesburg and a charge of murder preferred against the husband, who is manager of the Glencairn gold mine, near Boksburg. He has been arrested and is in gaol. At the examination of the body in the Johannesburg gaol mortuary the head and various other parts of the body showed numerous wounds and abrasions. Mrs. BENNETT was found dead by a native servant in her room on Friday morning last, and buried in the Johannesburg cemetery. The servants are prepared to give sensational evidence. A doctor names STRACHAN gave a certificate that the woman died from heart disease. The doctor has also been arrested on instructions from the State Attorney, bail being refused.

  • Hits: 1899