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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1894 02 February

Thursday 1 February 1894

The Gazette contains a letter from the Acting State Secretary of the Transvaal, warning the public that the marriages of persons residing in the Transvaal solemnised outside the Republic are illegal unless by special permission of the President.

The Telegraph regrets to hear that Mr. BRISTER remains fierce in his determination to resign the office of mayor at the expiration of the month’s notice which he gave. His retirement from the position would be an almost irreparable loss to the town, for it would be exceedingly difficult for the Council to find anyone willing to take office who could in any way be regarded as equal to Mr. BRISTER.

At Steynsburg a lad of fifteen named SAUNDERS had inspanned some untried bullocks in his Scotch cart for cartage purposes, and was engaged near the Station, when the oxen took fright and overturned the cart, young SAUNDERS falling under the vehicle, which almost crushed him. Life was extinct when he was picked up, and he was buried the next day, a large number of townspeople attending the funeral to testify their sympathy with the poor hardworking parents.

Saturday 3 February 1894

Prt. GROVES of the Cape Police was entering the Police Stables at Bathurst on Wednesday last when he must have touched one of the horses, for the brute lashed out and kicked him fairly on the forearm, damaging it so severely that he [illegible...] to work and will have to keep his arm in a sling for some time to come. The doctor says that no bones are broken but that all the nerves are injured.

Yesterday afternoon Mr. John MAGILL had a very severe fall from his horse in Church Square. He was riding slowly up the Square when the animal slipped on a loose stone and fell, throwing its rider [illegible] off on to his head and face. Mr. MAGILL’s face and [nose] were badly cut, and he fell with such force that the hair on some parts of his face was shaved clean off. The only wonder is how he escaped being killed. He was picked up in a [dazed] condition and carried in to Mr. T.H. PARKER’s store, where the flow of blood was staunched. We are glad to learn this morning that Mr. MAGILL, although very stiff and much shaken, is getting on as well as may be expected.

Tuesday 6 February 1894

DIED at Grahamstown, South Africa on 6 Feb 1894, aged 42, Ebenezer William JAY, son of the late Thomas JAY, Town Missionary, of Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.
The Funeral of the late Mr. JAY will leave his residence, New-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

The Bedford Enterprise hears that on Sunday Mr. McDONALD, accountant of the Standard Bank, Adelaide, was thrown from his horse when riding close to Yellowoods. Unfortunately he fell on his head and fractured his skull. A doctor was sent for and his injuries were attended to, but we are informed that Mr. McDONALD is in a very precarious condition.

Thursday 8 February 1894

Yesterday, Feb 7th, were laid to rest the mortal remains of Mr. E.W. JAY, of this town, in the Wesleyan Cemetery. The Rev. W.F. EVANS officiated. The funeral was attended by many friends and neighbours of the deceased. Mr. JAY came out from England some 20 years ago in the Walmer Castle. He was the son of the late Mr. Thomas JAY, for 37 years Town Missionary in Tunbridge Wells. His mother is still alive, and not long before his death he had a letter from her, which was a great comfort to him. Mr. JAY took a lively interest in politics and the social life of this city, wishing to read his newspaper up to the very last. Many will remember the time when he was regarded as a man of good business ability; but latterly, struggling with a delicate constitution, and an infirmity which ruins the best and brightest of lives, he has been pushed into the background. He died a true penitent in the firm faith of a Christian, and his last days, though full of bodily pain, were cheered by the prospect of a better life beyond the grave. Great sympathy is felt with his widow, who so bravely nursed him to the end, and with his family. Dr. FITZGERALD, as medical attendant, aided by Sister Amelia, relieved and soothed the sufferings of Mr. JAY’s final illness. Mr. WILL conducted the funeral arrangements in his usual kind and orderly manner.

Thursday 15 February 1894

Feb 13th 1894, at West Hill Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W.F. Evans, Eddie, son of J. WEBSTER, Bedford, to Helen, only daughter of the late T.S.M. KNIGHT, Sussex, England.

The beautiful morning of Tuesday was in every way [illegible] for the very happy occasion of the wedding of Mr. E.B. WEBSTER of Bedford and Miss KNIGHT of this city. The bride being so well known in Grahamstown, a very large gathering of her friends was present to witness the marriage ceremony, conducted by the Rev. W.F. EVANS in West Hill Church. The bride looked charming, being dressed in a [illegible] silk dress, made at Mr. R.R. STOCKS’s, with the orthodox wreath and veil, and was attended by Miss COGAN and Miss Ethel STEPHEN (niece of the bride) as her bridesmaids, the former being dressed in heliotrope [illegible], trimmed with shot silk and lace (made by Miss [F...]) and straw hat, the latter in cream nun’s veiling trimmed with yellow silk, straw hat and yellow roses. The bridesmaids each wore gold bangles, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. [R.] GOLDSWAIN did able duty as best man, [illegible] Mr. J. WEDDERBURN led the bride to the altar and gave her away. Miss RICHARDS very ably presided at the organ, and the happy party left the Church to the stirring peels of the Wedding March. A very happy time was spent after the ceremony at the house of Mrs. GOLDSWAIN, mother of the bride, when the usual toasts were proposed, responded to, and very enthusiastically received. The happy pair left, amid showers of rice, for Port Alfred by the 2:30pm train. The honeymoon trip will be completed by a visit to Hanover, when they will return to their new home in Bedford. In the evening the friends of the bride again met at the house of Mr. J. WEDDERBURN and had a very pleasant evening. We sincerely hope that the future of the happy couple may be bright and prosperous.

Mr. W.W. PALMER, a well-known man, with large private means, who has for many years lived at Spitzkop, near Lyndenburg, has shot himself. The letters left show that the act was deliberate, as they instruct a lawyer in the disposal of his property, and appoint executors. He belonged to a good English family. He was buried by the Fieldcornet.

Saturday 17 February 1894

At Pretoria on Wednesday, Mr. SMITH of the firm of Smith & Petrie, engineers, committed suicide by cutting his throat in his private office. The cause for this rash act is unknown. The deceased’s wife and family are in Scotland.

Tuesday 20 February 1894

Most distressing intelligence reached town yesterday of the loss of Mr. Robert KING from on board the Dunnottar Castle, on which steamer he and Mrs. KING had sailed for England. Mr. KING had for months past been in an ailing and depressed condition of body and mind, from insomnia and other causes, and had visited this town and other parts of the country in search of health. Returning to Port Elizabeth, and experiencing no improvement, he had been advised by his doctors to take a voyage to England. When near the Knysna, he was missed from the steamer, and the circumstances leave no other conclusion than that he had gone overboard. Mr. KING, who was still in the prime of life, had long been a successful man of business, first in the firm of Ryall, King & Co. and at the time of his death in the well-known Port Elizabeth firm of Baker & Co. He resided many years in Grahamstown, where he married, his wife being a daughter of our esteemed fellow-citizen John WEBB Esq. Not only in this city, and in Port Elizabeth, but widely throughout the Colony, he was highly respected. He took an active part until his late illness in Christian work; and both from business circles and from religious life he will be greatly missed. Ten children survive to mourn his loss, and to the afflicted widow and her children we can but offer sympathy under so terrible a calamity. The Cathedral bells were tolled yesterday out of respect to the deceased. It will be remembered that Mr. KING was the principal promoter of the erection of the bells, having himself collected some £800 in England for this object. The Great Bell bears his name inscribed, in memory of his liberality and exertions in procuring the peal.

The Mayor of Grahamstown yesterday received a telegram from Bedford with the sad intelligence that Mr. Francis KING, Mayor of Bedford, died yesterday morning at Port Elizabeth. Mr. KING, who was pf a well-known Settler family, was born in Grahamstown. His father will long be remembered as the builder of Commemoration Church, and his descendants have spread into various parts of the East, Messrs. George and Francis KING having settled at Bedford. As a family they have contributed greatly to the progress of stock farming, and the improvement of breeds of cattle and sheep. Mr. Francis KING, who was universally beloved and respected, had been ailing for some time past, and had we presume been staying at Port Elizabeth for a change of air.

Mr. RANDALL has returned from Capetown. He arrived last night, reaching Port Elizabeth by the Grantully Castle yesterday morning at 7 o’clock. The vessel passed the Dunnottar Castle, on board of which were the late Mr. Robert KING and Mrs. KING. Mr. RANDALL says the sea was very rough.

The K.L. Standard records the sudden death from heart disease of Mr. H.W. MEYER of the Railway Hotel of that town. Mr. MEYER will be remembered by the members of the Grahamstown Football Team who stayed at the Railway Hotel during their trip there in August last, for his cordiality and obliging nature.

Thursday 22 February 1894

We regret to chronicle that Mrs. FEATHERSTONE sen. of Beaufort Street met with a serious accident in the shape of a fall from some steps on Saturday evening last. The old lady, who has reached the venerable age of 90, was engaged in hanging up her bird cage, outside her house, when her foot slipped on the door mat and she lost her balance, falling down three stone steps into her garden, and dislocating the hip near the joint. Although the best medical attendance was speedily supplied by the skill of Drs. ATHERSTONE, CHEW and FITZGERALD, we regret to hear that so great has been the shock to her system that it is extremely doubtful whether she will recover.

We have to record an extremely painful accident which happened to a young man named HOWELL in the employ of Mr. W.W. HOLDEN of the Grahamstown Tinware Factory. Yesterday evening at about 5 o’clock her was cutting a sheet of tin into lengths, and let it fall. On stooping over the machine to pick it up he got his wrist into the cutter, gashing it terribly. The blood gushed out of the cut and was with difficulty staunched. He was taken up to Dr. BEGG-ROBERTSON, who carefully attended to the injury. The arm will be useless for some weeks to come.

Saturday 24 February 1894

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th inst, Francis KING J.P. of Bedford, in his 66th year, deeply regretted. Friends will please accept this intimation.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. William WATSON will leave the residence of her husband, African Street, tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 9 o’clock, and at the Cathedral at a quarter past 9. Friends respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to have to record the death of Mrs. Wm. WATSON of African Street, who died from a serious internal complaint at Somerset East yesterday, while staying with Mrs. Dr. LEGGE, whither she had gone for change of air. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 9 o’clock from her husband’s house in African St. We tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved family.

Tuesday 27 February 1894

BIRTH at Fort England, Grahamstown, Feb 24th 1894, the wife of W.F. CHAMBERLAIN of a son.

PASSED AWAY at Somerset East, at the residence of Dr. LEGGE, on Friday Feb 23rd 1894, Emily Matilda, wife of William WATSON, aged 48 years.

The funeral of this lamented lady took place on Sunday morning. There was a full choral service in the Cathedral, after which the procession was re-formed and proceeded to the cemetery, where the latter portion of the service was read, the Dean and Mr. Precentor HODGSON officiating. The chief mourners were the husband, the eldest son and a brother of the deceased. The pall was borne by Major NELSON, Messrs. John WEDDERBURN, J.W. HAYES, H.C. DELL, H. GUEST and W. PAGE jun. The whole of the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. WILL in his well-known correct and tasteful manner. Mrs. WATSON, who was a daughter of the late Mr. PASSMORE, builder, of this town, leaves seven children to mourn with their father their irreparable loss.

Miss Olive SCHREINER was married to Mr. S.C. CRONWRIGHT on Saturday at the house of the Magistrate at Middelburg. Mr. Thos. SCHREINER and Mr. C. WEBBER were the only friends present. The presents were numerous, including a bouquet from Lady LOCH.








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