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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 11 November

Saturday 4 November 1893

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, on 2nd Nov, by the Rev. William IMPEY, grandfather of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. M. Norton, George William Impey WOOD, eldest son of Henry WOOD, Grahamstown, to Chrissie Oswald JOLLIE, eldest daughter of the late A. JOLLIE, of Leslie, Scotland.
[Transcriber’s Note: Many trees spell the bride’s surname as JOLLY, but her birth was registered in Leslie, Fife as Christina Oswald JOLLIE, daughter of Andrew JOLLIE and Mary CURRIE, born 13 September 1866]

On Thursday afternoon last Mr. W. WOOD, eldest son of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. Henry WOOD, was married to Miss Chrissie JOLLIE, of Johannesburg. The ceremony was performed at Christ Church by the Rev. W. IMPEY, grandfather of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. M. NORTON, Incumbent of Christ Church. The bridegroom was ably seconded by his brother, Mr. Kingsley WOOD, while the bridesmaids were Miss WOOD, Miss Gertrude WOOD and Miss Maud WOOD. The bride looked charming and was dressed in a very becoming dress of white, with hat to match. The bridesmaids were also dressed in white, relieved with canary coloured ribbons, and both bride and bridesmaids carried lovely bouquets of white and canary flowers and fine maidenhair. Punctually at 3 o’clock the bride’s carriage arrived at the Church, and she was conducted up the aisle by Mr. Peter GORDON, manager of the Standard Bank, who gave her away. Mr. T.E. SPEED M.C.C., Organist and Choirmaster of Commemoration Wesleyan Church, presided at the organ, and played the grand old “Wedding March” in his usual masterly style. After the ceremony the family and relatives of the bride and bridegroom repaired to the residence of Mr. GORDON, from which the marriage took place. The happy couple left for the Zuurberg on Thursday night. We wish them every happiness and prosperity in their journey through life.

Yesterday at the Police Court further evidence was taken in the case of James ROWE, a European, aged 73 years, who was charged with an indecent assault on a little idiot girl 8 years old. The case has been several times remanded for further evidence, but this morning the Magistrate found accused guilty and sentenced him to be imprisoned for six months with hard labour.

Tuesday 7 November 1893

Miss SLATER of Carnarvondale, near Sidbury, celebrated the anniversary of her one hundredth birthday on Sept. 18th last. This venerable lady was born in September 1793, and it will be remembered that she kept an academy for young ladies on Market Square some time ago, since when she has resided at her sister-in-law’s farm, Carnarvondale. Miss SLATER has become rather enfeebled of late years, but happily still retains the full faculties of her mind, and clearly remembers the French Revolution and other stirring incidents of her childhood. She is a sincere member of the Methodist Church of South Africa, and on her birthday the Rev. Mr. WHITESIDE, of Sidbury, came over and administered the Sacrament to her, which she was able to follow quite clearly. She has always been very industrious, even after she was well over ninety, making clothes &c for the natives in a style that would shame many younger people of the present day.

Thursday 9 November 1893

MARRIED at Mount Pleasant on the 31st October 1893 by the Rev. O. Carey, Alfred GARDNER, youngest son of the late Hezekiah GARDNER of the “Randt”, to Edna May GARDNER, only daughter of Capt. E. GARDNER, “Albany Mounted Rifles”.

The Umtata Herald hears that a sad accident took place at [Qekazina] on Friday last resulting in the death of a little son of Mr. H.W. TAYLOR, aged about four years. A native servant had placed a jug of boiling water on the edge of the table, and the child in the momentary absence of its parents pulled the jug over, causing the whole of its contents to flow over its face and chest. In spite of all that could be done the poor child died the next day.

Saturday 11 November 1893

A most appalling disaster overtook the COETZEE family living a Cahoek, near Lydenburg, upon Monday morning or Sunday night (says the Transvaal). The family had retired in the usual way, and during the night a thunderstorm passed over the farm. The household slept through it and no one noticed anything amiss. About 1 o’clock Mrs. COETZEE awoke with a strange feeling of uneasiness. She endeavoured to wake her husband but found him in a stupor; she then noticed that her own body was scorched (she had evidently just recovered consciousness from a shock received whilst sleeping). She managed at length to arouse her son, who was sleeping in the next room, and between them they awoke Mr. COETZEE, and then proceeded to the room occupied by their three daughters, where they were horrified to find that all three had been struck; one, the second, a girl of fifteen, was upon the floor quite dead; the eldest lingered in frightful agony until Tuesday morning, when she succumbed; she was nineteen years of age. The youngest child, although severely injured, is recovering slowly. The gable of the room had been knocked down by the current, and the bed and room were quite wet from the rain; so it must have been hours after the stroke had fallen before they were aware of it. We tender our heartfelt sympathies to the parents in their sad bereavement. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. M.P.A. COETZEE sen, brother of Mr. J. COETZEE. It is most singular that the house escaped from destruction by fire, as it is a thatched-roof house, and the lightning apparently went into the gable without touching the roof.

This issue contains three full page advertisements for Messrs. COPELAND & CREED

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Tuesday 14 November 1893

DIED at Vryburg on Nov 4th, Mary Anne, beloved wife of Thomas E. LANHAM of Mount temple, British Bechuanaland.

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday 13th Nov [sic] 1893, Gladys Myrtle, dearly beloved daughter of A. and C.M. ALDRIDGE, aged 9 months and 8 days.

Yesterday (says the Uitenhage Times) a squad of hard labour prisoners were taken to the Zwaartkops River to bathe, and immediately after dressing one of them, named Jacob PLAATJES, undergoing two months for stealing ostrich eggs, fell on his knees and commenced to vomit blood, and the constable at once sent off a messenger for medical assistance. Before the doctor arrived, however, PLAATJES fell back and expired. Heart disease was the cause of death.

Thursday 16 November 1893

On Saturday last, the 11th inst, a boy about 10 years of age, a son of Mr. ben. RANDALL of Woodlands, Peddie District, was bitten by a puff-adder. The little fellow was herding ostriches at the time, and stepped on the snake as it was coiled up in the grass. He was bitten in the leg in three places, and the wounds bled profusely. The little fellow at once ran to the house, about three quarters of a mile distant, and Mr. RANDALL, who was at a similar distance in the opposite direction, was immediately called, and he rode off to the nearest shop for some “Croft’s Tincture”; but before his return the poison had taken such effect that the case was hopeless, and the poor fellow died on Sunday afternoon. Much sympathy is felt for the family, as this is the second child they have lost by accident.

Saturday 18 November 1893

We regret exceedingly to hear of the critical condition of Mr. Garrett BROWN of Cradock. The latest news to hand was that he was sinking fast and the medical men had given him up. {The death of Mr. BROWN is since reported.]

Thursday 23 November 1893

BIRTH at Frances Street, Grahamstown, November 5th, the wife of Richard B. OVERTON of a daughter.

DIED at Frances Street, Grahamstown, Nov 18th, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Richard B. OVERTON, second daughter of the late Thomas EMMS, of this city, aged 35 years.

Entered into Rest, on 21st November 1893, at Spero Villa, Grahamstown, Margaret, widow of Francis TUDHOPE. Aged 82 years.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. Francis TUDHOPE will take place from Trinity Church tomorrow (Friday) morning at 11 o’clock. Friends are hereby notified and respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

DIED at Salem of typhoid fever, on 16th November 1893, Betty, sixth daughter of the late Mr. S.B. SHAW, aged 15 years and 6 months.

Saturday 25 November 1893

We have this day carried to her last reasting place the remains of one who was a landmark in the history of our country, namely Mrs. TUDHOPE, widow of the late Mr. Francis TUDHOPE. Away in the Forties Mr. TUDHOPE was the teacher of the old Government School in Grahamstown. The building is situated opposite the Railway Hotel, and is, I believe, now used as a Native Chapel. In those days this was the only school on the Frontier. It was a very important institution, and was largely attended by both boys and girls – boarders and day scholars. Mr. and Mrs. TUDHOPE took in boarders (boys) in their home on Settlers’ Hill – the same now occupied by Mr. [WILL]. The sons of missionaries and traders were sent to them from such distant countries as Kaffirland, Basutoland, Matabeleland, Mashonaland and the countries now known as the Free State and Transvaal, and owing to the distance of these countries, and the difficulties of transport in those days, they boys from these far-away parts remained with Mr. and Mrs. TUDHOP year in and year out, and spent their holidays with them. (The write of this was one of those boys). Those who were then far removed from their homes and their parents can never forget the care, kindness and attention which they received from Mr. and Mrs. TUDHOPE. Mr. TUDHOPE not only took the greatest pains with our education and training, but Mr. TUDHOPE was in every sense of the word a mother to us – so kind and gentle, so loving and affectionate, and taking the warmest interest in our welfare – both spiritual and temporal. We were perfectly happy. Their old pupils are scattered over the whole of South Africa. Nearly all of them did, and are doing, well – some as farmers, some as ministers of religion, some in the Civil Service, some as politicians, others as merchants, and so forth; and we all attribute our success in life to the kind and motherly training, and to the good advice which we received from dear Mrs. TUDHOPE in our boyish days. And we all look back with the greatest pleasure and thankfulness to the very happy days which we spent under her care, and bless those days when it was our lot and good fortune to enjoy the privilege of having her guidance and advice, and of her instilling into us in our early days those principles which have been of such good service to us in our battles in life. Many and many will be the sore hearts throughout the country when it is known that the dear, good friend of our boyhood is now no more. Mrs. TUDHOPE discharged her duties and took trouble with us in a manner in which few persons would have done. She treated us, sons f missionaries and traders from different countries, as her own children, and took the greatest interest in us. And after we grew up to be men, and were engaged in the battle of life, she never lost sight of her “Boys”, as she was delighted to call us, but took the greatest interest in us, and in our welfare, and nothing delighted her more in her declining years than to find that she was never forgotten by her Boys, and nothing afforded her greater pleasure and happiness than when any of her Boys came to see her, and have a long chat with her about their doings and their families, and about the good old happy school days. And she was always so bright, cheerful and happy. I know that it would have touched the hearts of all her Boys, as it did mine, if they had been present at the funeral service which was held over her remains in Trinity Church, and to have heard the letter which she had written regarding her funeral, and which letter was read by the clergyman. That letter is very characteristic of her, and I hope the clergyman will have it published. Such mothers as Mrs. TUDHOPE cannot be forgotten. She welded into shape rough and raw youths, trained and led them into right paths, and prepared them to play important parts in the history of our country. These men have made the country what it is, and the country has to thank good, dear Mrs. TUDHOPE. She now rests from her labours. May she rest in peace!
I am,
An old “Boy”
24th Nov 1893.

Tuesday 28 November 1893

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Nov 25th 1893, the wife of Mr. Arthur MACLUCKIE of a daughter.

DIED on the 18th inst at her residence, Frederick St., Port Elizabeth, Ann Rebecca, beloved wife of Robert DOBSON, aged 69 years.

Thursday 30 November 1893

An exchange hears that a young fellow named Carl WALT, of Orange Grove, Humansdorp, while out shooting on Thursday, was killed by a bushbuck ram. He wounded the beast and followed it into a kloof, when the ram, turning on him, gored him in the abdomen, and when his friends found him half an hour later he was dead.

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