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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 09 September

Saturday 2 September 1893

MARRIED at Christ Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. M. Norton, on the 2nd inst, Richard Abel SKELDING to Louisa WALKER.

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on the 2nd September 1893, Charles Edward PERKINS, aged 39 years. Also on the 2nd Sept. 1893, Alfred William PERKINS, infant son of the above, aged 9 months. Deeply regretted.
The Funeral of the above will leave their late residence near the Burial Ground at 4pm tomorrow (Sunday). Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

Mr. Charles Edward PERKINS, a well-known citizen of this town, died suddenly this morning at about 1 o’clock. The deceased gentleman had had an attack of pleurisy on Sunday last, and late last night was taken very ill and died this morning. Mr. PERKINS was 39 years of aged leaves a widow and a family of six children. At about 9 o’clock this morning the late Mr. PERKINS’ infant son, who has been ailing for some time, also died. We offer our most heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family, who have thus to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind father and dear little infant. The double funeral will take place tomorrow at 4 o’clock.

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown, West Hill, Mrs. I’ONS, relict of F.T. I’ONS, Artist, aged 88 years and 3 months.
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course: I have kept the faith.”
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence at 3 o’clock on Sunday afternoon. Friends are invited to attend.

Thursday 7 September 1893

In the Estate of the late Mrs. Jessie Selina WILMOT (born THOMAS) of Hebron, Albany.
The Executor, Horace Richmond WILMOT, hereby gives Notice that all persons having Claims against the above Estate must file their Claims with him within six weeks from this date, and all persons indebted thereto must pay the amounts due by them within the same period.
6th September 1893.

MARRIED at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on Wednesday September 6 1893, by the Rev. A.W. Cragg, Eber BUTCHER, of Martindale, to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late F. SPARROW of Greathead’s Party.

Saturday 9 September 1893

A telegram received from Port Alfred announces that Mr. EATON, well known to everyone as the ferryman on the river, died early this morning. Mr. EATON, who has been unwell and confined to his bed for months past, was an efficient and respected servant of the public.

Tuesday 12 September 1893

Under This heading the D.F. Advertiser says: Flags are floating half-mast this morning in memory of Mr. George ANDERSON, the well-known soda water manufacturer, who died, at the early age of forty, on Sunday at 7:30pm. Mr. ANDERSON came her about 1870 and was fortunate in business, making a lucky hit in stand property. During the subsequent depression he bought up nearly all the well properties at the lower end of the town, where he erected a substantial factory and carried on a good business. Deceased was much liked for his sterling, rigged honesty and straight dealing, being a good friend to many. He died after a short illness (inflammation of the lungs) and received the last rights of the Church. R.I.P.
From the above statement of our contemporary we can only suppose that it is the very unhealthy state of Kimberley which causes the people to die at an early age, since the “oldest inhabitant” was only 40 years old.

Thursday 14 September 1893

We regret to have to report that Mr. Arthur SAMPSON, son of our well-known and respected fellow-citizen, Mr. D. SAMPSON, is very seriously ill. We learn this morning that there is no improvement in his condition, and the disease is pronounced to be an abscess on the lungs.

Yesterday at 2:30pm Miss Lillian Napier CROZIER and Mr. Lennox Llewellyn GIDDY, both of this city, were united in the bonds of holy wedlock. The Right Reverend the Bishop of the Diocese performed the ceremony, which took place in the Pro-Cathedral. The bride looked charming, and was dressed in a lovely costume, which was made at Messrs. Copeland & Creed’s establishment, and which consisted of a gown of matt white, the bodice and court train being of a lovely brocade of floral design, lined throughout with satin merveilleux, falling from the waist in graceful folds of three yards in length over a train petticoat of merveilleux trimmed with deep Irish point lace, the flounces being caught up at intervals with tiny bunches of lily of the valley. The same pretty flowers formed a girdle round the edge of the bodice, finishing on the left side with broad ribbon loops and trails of flowers. The bodice, which was particularly pretty, had a square of the same beautiful lace, with wide frills of broché over the shoulders, showing a tiny Swiss bodice of satin merveilleux, the edge of the collar being also trimmed with flowers to match. With a cluster of bridal flowers and ribbon on the left shoulder, the whole effect was most lovely and bride-like. The happy bridegroom was well supported by Mr. BAYLY, who has lately come to Grahamstown from East London. The bridesmaids were Misses Charlotte CROZIER, GIDDY, CURRIE and WRIGHT, who were dressed in charming dresses of heliotrope veiling, trimmed with white silk crepe and silver braid. Miss Nora CROZIER and Miss HUTTON were two sweet little flower girls, who were dressed in sweet little costumes of green veiling, trimmed with white silk crepe and silver braid, [and] were escorted by a page, Master Freddie SAUNDERS. The bride was given away by her uncle, Jno. E. WOOD Esq. M.L.A. Crowds of friend packed the church from end to end, and many could not obtain admission on account of the crush. Mr. and Mrs. GIDDY left last night for East London, where they intend spending their honeymoon. We wish them every happiness and success in life’s voyage.

Saturday 16 September 1893

MARRIED at the Pro-Cathedral, Grahamstown, on Wednesday Sept 12th 1893, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Very Rev. Dean Holmes and Rev. Mr. [Mosel], Lennox Llewellyn, third son of the late T.H. GIDDY Esq, Solicitor, of Kingwilliamstown, to Lillian Napier, fourth daughter of the late G.N.H. CROZIER Esq.

Tuesday 19 September 1893

Steynsburg is only a small village. Nevertheless a correspondent writing from there to a contemporary has to record the following sad events, all of which occurred within a week. Last Thursday a Mr. VANTER shot himself fatally, but whether it was an accident or not is not clear. On Saturday Miss Bettie BOTHA, daughter of Mr. Jan BOTHA, died of heart disease, and was buried on Sunday. Mrs. W.L. VAN HEERDEN Jun died yesterday of fever, and another victim of malarial fever at “Pay Vley” is a young Mr. COETZEE, who lately arrived. Mr. Hendrik KRUGER has also lost his daughter, Mrs. Jan DE WIT.

We beg to announce that Mr. Charles MORGAN, Dental Surgeon, from London, W., who has taken up his residence in Grahamstown, has been duly licensed to practise in the Cape Colony.

Thursday 21 September 1893

Married on September 19th 1893, by the Rev. Theo. Chubb, Frederick M. WEIGHILL, of Whitby, York, England, to Annie, eldest daughter of G.W. PRICE Esq, Grahamstown.

The P.E. telegraph states that a shocking accident occurred on the railway line near the Goods Shed on Saturday night. Jonathan FIELD, a shunter, was awaiting the arrival of the 10:15 pm train, and was standing on the metals, when a light engine came on, and striking the unfortunate man inflicted terrible injuries. He was taken to the hospital, and every care was taken for him, but he succumbed to his injuries during the night.

On Saturday afternoon whilst a man, named David YOUNG, was feeding a forage machine, in the store of Mr. PENTZ, Kimberley, one of his hands became entangled in the rollers. On trying to extricate it with the other hand, both hands ere seized by the machine, with the result that both hands were severed at the wrist. Dr. SCHOLZ attended the sufferer, who was conveyed to the hospital.

The funeral of Mr. Charles LEVEY took place on Monday last, the procession starting from his late residence in Chapel Street for the Wesleyan Cemetery, where the usual service was conducted by the Rev. W.F. EVANS. Mr. LEVEY, whose father came out to this Colony in 1817, three years before the settlers (he came in the Brilliant, which vessel afterwards brought out a number of the 1820 immigrants) was in his earlier days in the various wars which took place on the Border. He was wont to relate that on one of those occasions, when sudden flight from the Lower Albany Homestead was necessary, the family buried their chairs and tables, and pots and pans, in the ground, hoping to return in quieter times and unearth them; but when at last they were able to revisit their dwelling in peace, they found the natives had discovered the hiding-place, dug up the property, and carried it away.

At Commemoration Wesleyan Church on Tuesday afternoon last, at 3 o’clock, the marriage of Mr. Frederick WEIGHILL, of Whitby, Yorkshire, England, to Miss Annie PRICE, eldest daughter of Mr. G.W. PRICE, of this City, took place. The large and commodious church was crowded with spectators, great interest being evinced in the proceedings. The Rev. Theophilus CHUBB BA, Chairman of the District, performed the ceremony, which was a fully choral one. Mr. T.E. SPEED M.C.O., Organist and Choirmaster of the Church, ably presided at the organ, and at the close of the ceremony treated the congregation to the grand old “Wedding March”. The bride looked lovely and was dressed in a beautiful gown of cream broché satin, trimmed with chiffon lace and orange blossom. Her tulle veil was surmounted by a wreath of orange blossom, and she carried a handsome bouquet of choice white flowers. The bridegroom was well supported by Mr. Frank HEPPELL, of Cookhouse. The bridesmaids were Miss Jessie BLACKBEARD and Miss Lilly PRICE, sister of the bride, and needless to say they looked charming. Miss BLACBEARD was attired in cream crepon, tastefully draped with soft lace, and trimmed with brocaded Sole d’Inde, with butterfly hat prettily arranged with yellow carnations and lace. Miss L. PRICE wore a pretty costume of cream crepon trimmed with cream figured silk. The bride’s mother was attired in a becoming costume of silver gey merveilleux, trimmed with silver gimp and Marie lace, with bonnet to match, and carried a bouquet of violets. The bride’s travelling costume consisted of cream silk poplin, figured green, trimmed with green silk velvet. Immediately after the ceremony a large number of friends of the happy couple assembled at the residence of the bride’s father, in Bathurst Street, to offer their congratulations. The health of the bride and bridegroom, the bridesmaids and the parents was drunk with great enthusiasm. Mr. and Mrs. WEIGHILL left on Tuesday night, amid a perfect shower of good wishes and rice, by the 9:20 train for the Zuurberg, where the honeymoon will be spent. The presents were numerous and costly and were greatly admired. The bridegroom presented the bride with a beautiful gold bracelet, and each of the bridesmaids with a gold brooch. May their whole life be one long honeymoon.

We have to record the sad death of Mr. Arthur James SAMPSON, fifth son of our fellow townsman, Capt. D. SAMPSON. Deceased had been in the B.B. Police, and also in the Natal Police, before taking his last appointment as Station-master at Longhope, near Cookhouse. In April last he had a serious fall while engaged in his duties, and the doctors state that the abscess on his lungs, which was the cause of his death, was due solely to this accident. He came home to Grahamstown on being taken ill, and after much suffering left this world for a better one at about 11:30 on Tuesday evening last. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3:30. We tender our heartfelt sympathy to Captain SAMPSON and family in their great trial.

Saturday 23 September 1893

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown, on Thursday the 19th September 1893, after a painful illness, Arthur James, who was the third surviving son of Mr. David SAMPSON, aged 25 years and 11 months.

(Beaconsfield Budget)
A painful sensation was caused amongst the inhabitants of Beaconsfield by the report which was circulated on Wednesday evening last that a very old and popular resident, Mr. William CLARK, had committed suicide by shooting himself through the head. On making enquiries we found that the report was only too true. At about half past one the employees at the Langford Aerated Water Manufactory in Central Road were startled by the report of firearms in their immediate vicinity, and on proceeding through the yard to a room occupied by Mr. CLARK at the back of it, they found that gentleman lying under the verandah, his head reclining against one of the posts and blood streaming from his mouth. They were evidently afraid to go near the unfortunate gentleman, and it was not until Mr. BRITTON, one of the partners in the Langford firm, arrived that the actual state of affairs was discovered. Mr. BRITTON immediately – though convinced from a look at Mr. CLARK’s face that all was over – felt the pulse and heart, and found that death had been surely secured. A large army revolver lay between deceased’s legs, and a glance showed that he had shot himself through the mouth, that the bullet had found its exit through the back of his head, and had lodged itself in the post beyond, where it was ultimately discovered. At deceased’s side was a Bible, which was marked at the passage from Ecclesiastes, third chap. 19-22, beginning: For that which befalleth the son of man, befalleth beast etc.” The above passage has been the cause of prolonged arguments in which deceased took an energetic part, having lately taken an interest in the body known as Seventh day Adventists. Nothing very definite ca be ascertained as to what cause had driven him to take such a step. However, in the forenoon he is said to have made some very strange statements to some of the townspeople, indicating that death for him was not far distant, and he gave others to understand that he was worried by financial difficulties. Mr. CLARK was born in the Midlands, England. He came to the Colony many years ago and was for several years in Natal. Subsequently he came to the Diamond Fields and has been here over sixteen years. He has been a digger, speculator and debris-washer, and atone time was in very good circumstances. About eight years ago he built the large produce store, now used as the store of the North Eastern Bultfontein Ltd. He also built a store near to where he died. He was a member of the “Charles Warren” Lodge of Freemasons and the Peace and Harmony Chapter, and by his genial and generous disposition was highly esteemed by a very large circle of friends.
[We publish the above extract by request. Ed. Journal]

On Wednesday last, September 20th, Mr. and Mrs. J.B.H. LORING of this city celebrated their Golden Wedding. Being old and esteemed residents of Grahamstown they received a number of costly and useful presents, including several cheques. There was a gathering of their children, all being present except three, who were prevented from being present through some unforeseen event. We offer our sincere congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. LORING. May the next fifty years be as happy as the last have been.

The Uitenhage papers record with feelings of deep regret the death of Miss Margaretha VAN NIEKERK. This lady belonged to a long-lived family. She died at the age of 86. Her eldest brother died in his 87th year. A sister died twelve years ago, aged 77, and there are members of the family surviving who have long passed the allotted period of three score and ten.

The funeral of the late Mr. Arthur SAMPSON took place on Thursday afternoon last. The procession, which was the longest that has been seen for some time in Grahamstown, started from captain SAMPSON’s residence in Bathurst Street at 3:30 am [sic]. The pall bearers were Messrs. J.B. BROOKSHAW, W. ASHINGTON, A.J. SHACKLETON, E. ASHINGTON, A. COGAN and J.A. TOMLINSON. The “old boys” of both the St.Andrew’s College and Public School were well represented, deceased having been educated at both of the above institutions. The “Old Andreans” with kindly thoughts sent a beautiful wreath. The local Lodge of Freemasons to which Mr. SAMPSON belonged were strongly represented. The service at the grave was conducted by Mr. A. PITT, and the masonic part of the service by Bros. E.W. WELLS and A. DUFFIELD S.S.

Tuesday 26 September 1893

ENTERED INTO REST at the farm “Baltrasna”, Ellen BENNETT, aged 79 years and 8 months.
The funeral will leave Trinity Church, Hill Street, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Saturday 30 September 1893

BIRTH at Rocky House, Upper Hill-Street, 23rd inst, Mrs. W.I. CLARKE, Port Elizabeth, of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on Friday September 29th 1893, Ellen COLLEN, aged 77 years.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. COLLEN will leave the Albany Hospital tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past three o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Mr. G.E. CHATFIELD, late of Quaggafontein, Orange Free State, died at Kimberley on Wednesday, from pneumonia after a short illness. The deceased served with great distinction in the Free State war with the Basutos, and was highly esteemed throughout South Africa. He was well-known to take great interest in agricultural matters, and recently he had undertaken an enterprise in pastoral farming in Griqualand West, into which he had thrown all his energies. This promised great success is now cut short by the untimely death of one of South Africa’s most vigorous colonists. Mr. CHATFIELD was brother-in-law to Sir J. SIVEWRIGHT and the Hon. W. ROSS.

  • Hits: 1805