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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 05 May

Thursday 4 May 1893

DIED at the residence of her grandparents, Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday 26th April, after a short and painful illness, Muriel Winifred VAUGHAN, dearly beloved daughter of John and Emily VAUGHAN, of Grahamstown, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Hark! those shining seraphs say –
Lovely stranger, haste away;
Come, a little cherub be,
Come, for lo! we wait for thee.

It is with deep sorrow that we (Imvo) report the death of Silas PANTSHWA of the Mission Station, Qekolkwani, near Umtata, which took place on the 6th of this month. Silas was a leading councillor of the late Tembu chief Ngaugeliawo; and his ideas have had much to do with the preservation of the tribe from the destruction and disintegration which have overtaken other South African tribes.

Tuesday 9 May 1893

FELL ASLEEP at Freshwater Poort, District of Peddie, on Friday 5th May 1893, Thomas ELLIOTT, third son of the late William ELLIOTT of Clumber, aged 66 years, 10 months and 6 days.
“He giveth His beloved sleep”
The bereaved family tender their heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who have assisted them in their time of trouble.

At the Johannesburg Circuit Court on Thursday Mrs. Hannah Florence BROWN sued Mr. John James COMMERFORD for £1,000 damages for slander. The slander was contained in certain statements with reference to the paternity of one of Mrs. BROWN’s children. Judgement was given in favour of the plaintiff for £50 damages and costs.

Thursday 11 May 1893

DIED at Kimberley on Wednesday May 10th, Martha Jane, dearly beloved wife of Mr. James JOHNSTON of Kimberley, and eldest daughter of the late Mr. B. CINNAMON of Grahamstown, aged 31 years and 8 months.
“Thy will be done”.

We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. James JOHNSTON, at Kimberley Hospital, yesterday afternoon. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. B. CINNAMON, of this city, and much respected. The sad event was due to typhoid fever. Her age was 31 years and 8 months. We tender our sincere sympathies with the bereaved family.

Saturday 13 May 1893

A most distressing occurrence is reported from Kokstad. Last Monday Mrs. WEBSTER, wife of Mr. WEBSTRER, Ordnance Officer, committed suicide by shooting herself through the head with a revolver. Mr. and Mrs. WEBSTER had only been married twenty-five days, and there is no reason whatever assigned for the rash act.

Tuesday 16 May 1893

(From a Correspondent)
We have had another illustration of the old legend that misfortunes come not singly. At Bushman’s River Hill on Tuesday, Mr. MULLER, of Beach Hoek, Alexandria, was run over by a wagon and had a leg fractured; and on the following day, also at Bushman’s River Hill, on the Alexandria side, a Mr. J. SCHEEPERS, better known as “Lange Jan”, also got a leg badly injured; both, we hear, were at once placed under the skilful hands of Dr. DREW. From the same locality news comes that Mr. John LONG has trapped a full-grown female tiger. Tigers have been very troublesome of late down that way.

Thursday 18 May 1893

News has been received of the death of Mr. Harry PAULING, the Beira Railway contractor. He had contracted fever, and had been down to Durban to recruit. It is supposed he had a relapse.

The following from Our Land reads painfully: “Captain MORFEE, of the cable ship Great Northern, died off the West Coast last Sunday week. His wife, a passenger by the Norham Castle from England, fully expected to have met him on her arrival at Capetown, in place of which the first news of him that awaited her was his death.”

A somewhat alarming report reaches us (Free Press) from Kamastone. Quite a number of dogs have recently died in different localities in that part of our district, foaming at the mouth and showing other suspicious symptoms. We would urge immediate inquiry into these cases. Should hydrophobia really break out among the dogs in the district we would advocate compulsory muzzling at once, for we have no Pasteur Institute in this country.

Saturday 20 May 1893

DIED at Prince Alfred Street, Grahamstown, on Thursday morning, 18th May 1893, Beryl Carmen, youngest daughter of James Montagu and Elizabeth Ann STONE, aged 3 years.

DIED at Palm Vale, Clumber, May 16th 1893, Daniel DAVIES, aged 76 years 8 months and 8 days, son of a British Settler of 1820.
His last words were: “Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.”

Our sincere sympathy is with Mr. J.M. STONE, in his recent bereavement, his bright little daughter Beryl, only three years old, having succumbed to a painful illness on Thursday morning.

Mr. SAGE, of the Nelson Hotel, near East London, was found one morning last week in bed lying in a pool of blood, quite dead. A revolver was in his right hand, and there was a bullet wound under the right cheek-bone. It appears that domestic troubles led to the unhappy man’s committing suicide.

Thursday 25 May 1893

Married at St.Patrick’s Pro Cathedral, on Wednesday 24th inst, by the Rev. Father Fitzhenry, John Edward, third son of Mr. Charles GRANT, to Bridget, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas LARKIN of this city. No cards.

Yesterday morning Mr. J.E. GRANT of this city was married to Miss Bridget LARKIN, eldest daughter of our well-known fellow citizen Mr. Thomas LARKIN. The ceremony took place in St.Patrick’s Pro-Cathedral and was performed by the Rev. Father FITZHENRY. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. J. LARKIN. The wedding gifts were of a variety and beauty which belies description. We tender the happy couple our heartiest good wishes for a prosperous voyage on life’s ocean.

Saturday 27 May 1893

On Saturday afternoon (says the Witness) a young man named EMMERTON, belonging to the Natal Royal Rifles, went to visit some friend living on a place known as Wheeler’s Farm, on the town lands adjoining New England. He took his rifle with him in order to have some shooting. On Monday morning, shortly after eight o’clock, he was examining his rifle when it went off, and the bullet lodged in the unfortunate young man’s chest, killing him on the spot. Information was at once sent to Durban and Dr. ALLEN, the borough surgeon, proceeded to the place, but was unable to do anything except certify the cause of death.

Tuesday 30 May 1893

The will (dated 28th May 1877) of Thomas Harrison COPELAND, who died at Grahamstown April 24th 1893, was filed on May 13th by his surviving spouse, Louisa COPELAND, who was constituted sole and universal heir, and to have the benefit of the estate until her death, when it is to be divided equally between the children, namely Helen Louisa, Henry Alfred, Mary Eliza, Walter Frank, Frederick Arthur George Edwin, Alice Ward and Percy Charles.
The will (dated the 11th February 1889) of Charlotte GUSH (born DENNISON) who died on the farm Woodbury, in the Albany district, on the 4th April 1893, was filed on the 13th May 1893 by her surviving spouse, Joseph GUSH. This was a joint will under which it was directed that the survivor should be sole and universal heir, and at his or her death the son Joseph John Gurney GUSH should become possessor of the farm Woodbury, with the buildings thereon, together with 1,000 morgen of the adjoining farm Schietkop, and the son George Richard GUSH the possessor of the residue of Schietkop and a sub-division of the farm Stilgenoeg, on condition that they pay £2,000 and £1,000 respectively into the general estate. Should they or either of them refuse to accept these conditions, then the landed property mentioned is to be merged in the general estate. To the daughters, Mary Ann and Priscilla Emma GUSH, is left a legacy of £100 each, and at the death of the surviving spouse the estate is to be realised, and divided in equal proportion between the daughters, namely Margaret (married to John Edward SLATER), Charlotte Edward [sic] (married to Ritchie LAWRIE), Letitia Oak (married to James THOMAS), Sarah Ann (married to David MASSON), Mary Ann and Priscilla Emma. The property in the estate consists of the farms Woodbury and Schietkop, a portion of the farm Stilgenoeg, and two locations at Salem, in the Albany district, four erven at Paterson in the Alexandria district, and four erven in Aiken’s and Monteith’s Flats, in the Bathurst district, together with ninety head of cattle, seventy oxen, sixty ostriches, carts, household furniture and farming implements.


  • Hits: 1922