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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1893 03 March

Saturday 4 March 1893

DIED at Grahamstown Feb 28th 1893, Mary Ann, relict of the late Lewis BENNETT, aged 62 years.

At Vryburg the following is announced: “Mrs. COETZEE, a farmer’s wife, of her twentieth child! Mother and baby both doing well.” The husband, we should say, has need to be “doing well” too.

Mr. F.H.S. ORPEN, eldest son of the late Rev. Mr. ORPEN M.D. of Colesberg, died in his 69th year on the 22nd inst, on his farm St.Clair, Douglas, Herbert Division. He leaves a widow, and three daughters and three sons, all of age. One daughter is married to the Rev. Canon GOODWIN.

Tuesday 7 March 1893

DIED at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on March 5th 1893, the beloved wife of Joseph TABB (born WILLIAMS), aged 83 years. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED at Grahamstown March 7th 1893, Martha, beloved wife of John MAGILL. Aged 55 years and 6 days.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.

Mr. W.B. WYLLIE, one of the Chartered Company’s Land Surveyors, died on Thursday morning through loss of blood, as the result of an accidental gun-shot wound received near Salisbury. The gun was discharged while Mr. WYLLIE was mounting his horse. The sad ending of the affair has caused a considerable gloom, the deceased being a young and rising inhabitant.

Thursday 9 March 1893

Lady SHEPSTONE died at Maritzburg last Friday, aged 78. She went to Natal with her husband, now Sir Theophilus, from Capetown, where she was born, many years ago. The funeral was attended by the Acting-Governor, members of the Government, the Judges, and numerous other officers and leading people.

Saturday 11 March 1893

DIED at Frere Villa, the residence of her father, on Thursday 9th March 1893, Alice Jane, the beloved wife of John D. TYSON.

The funeral of this lady, who died on Thursday night, of an internal complaint, took place this morning, the procession starting from the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.R. GOWIE, in Beaufort Street, at 8am. The service at the Wesleyan Cemetery was conducted by the Rev. T. CHUBB, assisted by the Rev. A.W. GREGG. The pall bearers were Mr. AYLIFF, the Hon. W. AYLIFF, Mr. John E. WOOD M.L.A., Mr. T. BARRON, Mr. H. WOOD and Mr. J. SLATER. Universal regret is felt at the decease in the prime of life of a young lady who not long ago entered upon matrimony, and who was beloved by her many friends, and admired and esteemed by all who knew her.

Tuesday 14 March 1893

DIED suddenly at Bowdon on March 8th 1893, John Henry, eldest son of John T. and Sydney DUGMORE, aged 25 years and 11months. Will friends at a distance please accept this intimation.

The late Francis H.S. ORPEN J.P. of St.Clair, near Douglas, Griqualand West, was the eldest son of the Rev. Charles E.H. ORPEN M.A. of the London, Dublin and Edinburgh Universities and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland &c &c. Mr. Francis H.S. ORPEN held the appointment of Surveyor-General of Griqualand West, also Resident Magistrate for some time. For some years he was M.L.A. for Griqualand West. He was nephew of Sir Richard ORPEN J.P. of Ardtully, near Kenmare, Kerry, Ireland. Mr. F.H.S. ORPEN studied for the medical profession in Dublin and Edinburgh, but went to the Cape without taking his degree, having letters of introduction to Sir Harry SMITH from Lady COMBERMERE and others. He received an appointment from Sir Harry SMITH to survey what is now known as the Orange Free State, together with J.M. ORPEN J.P. (M.L.A. for Wodehouse and Barkly East) and the late Mr. John FORD of Grahamstown, with a few others. Mr. F. ORPEN laid out the town of Whittlesea, in the Queenstown district, and also the town of Harrismith, in the Free State, named after the then Governor of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. ORPEN was known in Grahamstown in connection with the surveys which he connected with the Admiralty surveys along the coast, a great help in the making of current maps of the Colony; he had much to do with the current system of surveys. He held high degrees as a Freemason and was a member of many lodges in this and other countries.

Thursday 16 March 1893

Near Klerksdorp last week Mr. CONRADIE of Speightfontein, who had been in the village, started on his return, riding one horse and leading another. A little distance out he joined another traveller going in the same direction. While quietly jogging along, a severe thunderstorm overtook them and Mr. CONRADIE’s fellow traveller took shelter under a tree, but Mr. CONRADIE was in a hurry to get out with the medicine, and pushed on. After the storm passed the man who had sheltered himself under the tree proceeded on his way, and was horrified to find a little further on the dead bodies of Mr. CONRADIE and the two horses lying in the road, having been struck by lightning flashes and killed on the spot.

Saturday 18 March 1893

DIED at Barberton on the 8th inst, Frances Harriet, beloved child of Charles and Frances GAGE, aged 20 months and 3 weeks.
Safe in the arms of Jesus
Safe on His gentle breast

Thursday 23 March 1893

BIRTH at the “Duveneck”, Grahamstown, March 21 1893, the wife of Dr. H. BECKER of a daughter (still-born)

We have to congratulate Mr. Robt. KING, of Baker, Baker & Co., Port Elizabeth, on his appointment of Justice of the Peace. The compliment was so unexpected that Mr. KING knew nothing whatever of it until he received the commission. Strange to say, the date of the commission is Mr. KING’s birthday (March 3rd).

Saturday 25 March 1893

At Johannesburg on Monday (says the Star) a shocking discovery was made by Mr. P. DIETRICH, of the Public Prosecutor’s Department. A lady came to his house, enquiring for Sister Theresa JOHNSON, a nurse belonging to the Wesleyan Church, who resided in a house at the back of the church. Mr. DIETRICH said he thought she was our nursing, as he had not seen her for several days. Eventually he went to the door of her house, and finding it locked, peered through the window, when, to his horror, he saw her dead body lying on the bed. He at once burst open the door and entered. Sister Theresa had apparently been dead about five days, as her body was fearfully swollen and quite black. Decomposition had set in. Mr. DIETRICH communicated with the Field-cornet, who viewed the body and certified for a post-mortem examination. Foul play is not suspected. The detectives are enquiring into the affair, but so far the cause of death has not been assigned. From the position of the body it is surmised that the deceased expired while attempting to get out of bed.

St.Aidan’s College has been cast into mourning by the rather sudden death of the Rev. Father MANNING, one of the most popular members of the teaching staff. The funeral of the deceased Priest took place yesterday morning and was very largely attended. The Right Rev. Bishop RICARDS officiated, and the other Fathers and Lay Brethren followed in full vestments, the whole procession forming a most imposing sight. The late Father MANNING was only 36 years old, having been born on April 7th 1856.

At the 11 o’clock service today the Bishop unveiled the new and handsome memorial window at the west end of the south aisle in the Cathedral. This window, which is one of the most striking ornaments of the building, is placed there by Dr. SAUNDERS in memory of his late wife. The subject is the Annunciation.

Tuesday 28 March 1893

[Transcriber’s Note: See entry for 23 February 1893]
The local agent of Reuter might (the King Mercury thinks) at least take the trouble to make enquiries before telegraphing all over the country that an action is threatened to upset the will of the late Mr. BAKER on the grounds of insanity. A more untenable position could not be taken up, seeing that he transacted most important business every day until the hour – the very minute indeed – of his death. If there is any action taken regarding the legality of the document, the point raised will probably be a very fine one indeed; but we think it is extremely doubtful if the lawyers ever get their cracker over that very rich nut.

Thursday 30 March 1893

In the death of Mr. John ROBERTS Grahamstown loses an old and respectable citizen, who had done more than most people are probably aware for the good of the town. He was the sole survivor of the Municipal Commissioners, having been elected a member of that ancient body in 1858. In conjunction with Messrs. HILL and POWELL he constituted then what corresponded to the more modern Board of Works, and superintended the construction of the Grey Reservoir from its commencement. Since those days he had served the town as Commissioner and Councillor for more than twenty years. He was one of five survivors of the first Town Council of Grahamstown appointed in 1861 or thereabouts, of whose members there only now remain Messrs. Jno. E. WOOD, C. RHODES, William WEBB and John WEBB. For many years Mr. ROBERTS was Chairman of the Board of Works, and he was so when the Douglass and Hamilton Reservoirs were built first. As a private member of the same Board he still interested himself heart and soul in municipal affairs, and the Mayor, in the Council Chamber yesterday afternoon, gratefully acknowledged the valuable and experienced assistance the late Councillor had rendered to himself (the Mayor) as Chairman of the Board. The interment took place in the Wesleyan Church Cemetery this morning, the late Mr. ROBERTS having been a consistent and attached member of the Wesleyan Church all his life. He was also one of the original trustees of the Commemoration Church, and highly respected by all who knew him. Owing to the short notice of the funeral, numbers of citizens were prevented from taking part in the procession to the graveyard. We would extend our sympathy to the bereaved family in their affliction.

The mortal remains of the late Mrs. STANDEN, widow of the former Manager of the Frontier Bank here, whom many will remember, were committed to the earth this morning in the Anglican Cemetery.

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