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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 05 May

Tuesday 3 May 1892

DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th April 1892, after a short and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation and fortitude, Ann (born DUFFIELD), the beloved wife of Joseph WRIGHT, aged 63 years and 9 months, deeply mourned by her sorrowing husband and family.
Day by day we shall miss her,
Words will fail our loss to tell,
When in heaven we hope to meet her,
Never more to part again.
Mr. WRIGHT and family beg to return their heartfelt thanks to the Rev. A.W. CRAGG and Dr. BECKER for their kind attention, and the many kind friends who assisted them in their great trouble.

Mr. S.R. PRINGLE (says the Bedford Enterprise) while getting a Cream Separator ready to start work, by some mischance touched one of the wheels, which was revolving at high speed. The hand was dragged in and the fingers were badly crushed.

William OGILVIE, who for the past twelve months has been a clerk in the De Beers Consolidated Mines (Ltd) offices in Kimberley, and who has rapidly risen, through his merits, to a prominent position on the clerical staff, was arrested last week at the company’s office on a charge of forgery. When searched at the police-station there was found in his pocket a snuffbox, which on being opened was found to contain eighty-one rough and uncut diamonds, all, with the exception of one or two coloured stones, of the pure white glassy description – gems which, it is said, must have been picked from about 5,000 carats of diamonds. The stones weighed 285 carats, and are valued at over £4,000. The largest stone was about 14 carats in weight. He was remanded on the charge of forgery, and committed for trial on a charge of being in illegal possession of diamonds.

Saturday 7 May 1892

In Bedford district the locusts have eaten the grass, and the caterpillars have stripped the trees: and the Enterprise is now waiting to see whether the locusts will eat the caterpillars, or the caterpillars eat the locusts. It is like the story of the American farmer, who said that he should like to see a fight between the grasshoppers and the Canadian thistles, and he did not care which whipped.

Tuesday 10 May 1892

DIED in Francis Street, May 8th, Robert Spears YOUNG, infant son of W. and J. YOUNG, aged 1 year and 10 months.

The Frontier Guardian reports the death of Dr. DUMINY at the age of 52 years, at his residence on the Willow Park Estate, after an illness of long duration. Last year he visited Europe to consult with the leading medical men there in reference to his complaint, but he derived little or no benefit from the change. The deceased was one of our most enterprising and energetic farmers, a Justice of the Peace, a member of the Wodehouse Divisional Council, and enjoyed a very considerable practice.

Thursday 12 May 1892

Walter BROWNE, the baritone of the late Standard Opera Company, attempted suicide last evening at the Clarendon Hotel, Durban, by taking laudanum. He was, however, secured before he could swallow the quantity intended, and was subsequently brought round.

Saturday 14 May 1892

BIRTH at Prince Alfred street, Grahamstown, on the 14th inst, the wife of John AMOS Jun. of a daughter.

DIED at Grahamstown, May 13 1892, Thomas BROOKSHAW, aged 65 years and 4 months.
The Funeral of the deceased will leave his late residence tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

We regret to hear just before going to press of the death of Mr. Thomas BROOKSHAW, one of our oldest citizens.

Tuesday 17 May 1892

On the 17th inst, by the Rev. G.W. Cross, J.W. GOUGH, son of the late Mr. C. GOUGH, to Florence Lucy, daughter of Mr. T. CHERRY.
[Sic - should be G.W. GOUGH. See here]

Mr. William JORDAAN, Lady DE VILLIERS’s brother, died at Worcester on the night of the 26th ult from the effects of a fall from his roof on the previous Saturday. He was a very heavy man, and fell with such force that he not only broke his leg below the knee, but the broken bone was sticking into the ground when his son found his poor father lying with his foot twisted under him. Drs. FORD and ESSELEN amputated the leg above the knee on Tuesday, but he died the following morning.

Very sad news comes from Bathurst, where the esteemed rector, Rev. W.S. MEADEN, has been stricken down by paralysis while out riding. He also appears to have injured his spine in the fall, being a heavy man.

Thursday 19 May 1892

On Thursday night (says the D.F. Advertiser) Mr. Harrison LOWDEN, having improved the scope of his contract work in De Beers Mine, and having satisfied himself as to the various blasting operations conducted by his men and native labourers, proceeded along the gallery in the 665 foot level, carrying the surplus dynamite cartridges in a box. Of course it is not yet known how the explosion took place, but the terrible result is almost too painful to chronicle. Poor Mr. LOWDEN’s body was found in the passage leading to the flat sheet at the 665 foot level in a terribly mangled condition, but it was evident that he must have been carrying the box containing the above-mentioned dynamite cartridges in his right hand, as the explosion had attacked with fearful result that side of his body. One or two natives in the immediate neighbourhood of Mr. LOWDEN, while he was proceeding along the gallery at the above level, were also injured, but not to any serious extent.

Saturday 21 May 1892

Henry Newton LOVE, a clerk employed by De Beers Consolidated Mines, has been committed for trial on a charge of forgery, for amounts in all of over £600.

In the Graaff-Reinet District two gentlemen have recently died of this disease, Mr. William BURGERS of the Camdeboo, from the effects of a relapse, and Mr. Andrew BRUCE of Graaff-Reinet after only a few days’ illness.

The friends of the Rev.W. FLINT, who recently returned from England, and has been appointed Wesleyan Minister at Maritzburg, will hear with interest that he was married on Saturday to Miss Margaret Jane McGREGOR, second surviving daughter of Mr. Alec McGREGOR, Foren Lodge, Rondebosch.

Monday 23 May 1892

A telegram from Durban confirms the report that Miss MURRAY, a saloon passenger from Port Elizabeth to Durban by the Dunottar Castle, is missing, and is supposed to have fallen overboard.

We sincerely regret to hear of the death of Mrs. PAXTON, senior, who passed suddenly away this morning, after a few minutes of indisposition, which was not regarded as serious.
Mrs. Geo. Val. DAVIES, only daughter of our townsman, Mr. J. COGAN, has also passed away at her husband’s residence, Port Elizabeth. She had been ailing for a very short time, and the news of her decease is as sad as it is unexpected. She leaves several young children behind her. To the bereaved families of both deceased we tender our sincere condolences.
[In consequence of the death of his sister, Professor COGAN has, of course, cancelled his Grey Reservoir engagement].

DIED on the 23rd instant, Sarah Elizabeth, the dearly beloved wife of William PAXTON, aged 75 years and 3 months.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul,
Therefore will I hope in him.

Thursday 26 May 1892

Married at Grahamstown on May 23rd 1892, Arthur George PIKE to Cecilia Josephine McNAMARA of Riebeck.

DIED at Western Road, Port Elizabeth on 20th May 1892, Elizabeth Ann DAVIES (born COGAN), the beloved wife of George Val. DAVIES, aged 36 years and 8 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

There was a very interesting and convivial meeting last night, when Mr. Robert STANTON Sen. celebrated the jubilee of his wedding day in the midst of his numerous relations and connections. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. STANTON on the happy occasion, and hope that they will live to celebrate a good many more anniversaries of the same day.

Tuesday 31 May 1892

(By the W.C.T.U.)
Miss PRIDE writes from the Paarl: “The Colonial W.C.T.U. is rapidly lengthening her cords and strengthening her status. From nearly every village and town where a branch has been formed, come most encouraging reports of increased membership and growing zeal in the cause of God, home and humanity.”

  • Hits: 1906