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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1892 01 January

Tuesday 5 January 1892

MARRIED on December 23rd in Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. Hy. Cotton, Fred. James, second son of Mr. J.W. ABBOTT, to Ida Emily, only daughter of Mrs. H. DAVIES.

DIED at her residence, Cathcart Vale, Seymour, on December 26th 1891, Catherine COMLEY, relict of the late John COMLEY, aged 59 years 11 months and 26 days.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord”.

Mrs. WESTHUIZEN, an Oudtshoorn farmer’s wife, is charged with murdering Spaas KLASSEN, a coloured woman, with whom the accused’s husband had admitted to have been guilty of indiscretion. The deceased was poisoned with rat poison. The prisoner has been remanded.

News has been received by telegraph of the death by drowning of Private AUSTIN of the Cape Police and a Mr. HILL, who is a schoolmaster to farmers’ children in the neighbourhood of [R...spruit]. It appears that they attempted to cross the Bokspruit at a drift near the residence of Mr. FAURE, in the district of Barkly East, and the river being swollen by recent rains they were washed down. The sad affair occurred at 8 o’clock on Christmas eve.

Last week Mr. J.W. GILL, an old Kimberley resident, committed suicide by blowing out his brains with a revolver. The deceased was formerly bookkeeper to Messrs. Town, Crowell & Co., and later on a salesman in the S.A. Mercantile Coy’s employ. For the last two or three months he has chafed under an enforced idleness, and suffered in spirits in consequence. An injury to his head some years ago rendered him unable to bear any excessive excitement without risk to his mental system, and it is supposed (the Advertiser says) that the anxiety of the past few weeks had unsettled his reason. He leaves a wife and some young children, with whom there will be widespread sympathy.

After a long illness, the Rev. P.D. LUCKHOFF, Rhenish Missionary, has passed away at Stellenbosch at the ripe age of 88. His work as a missionary extended over a period of 62 years.

Saturday 9 January 1892

DIED at his residence, Haddon, Adelaide, on the 8th January 1892, Robert Francis HOLLAND, aged 55 years.

MARRIED:- Mr. A.W. HOWELL, Chief Traffic Manager of the Cape Government Railways, was married in London on December 2nd to Mrs. COX, an English widow lady. Mr. HOWELL, it is understood, will return to the Cape in a few months.

At Johannesburg last week the house of Mr. LE ROUX was struck by lightning, and a playmate of Mr. LE ROUX’s children was struck dead. Mr. and Mrs. LE ROUX and children were all more or less injured. They are progressing favourably.

Tuesday 12 January 1892

BIRTH at Carlisle-street, Grahamstown, Jan 12th 1892, the wife of A.T. JAMIESON of a daughter.

At Porterville near Capetown two insurance agents and a third gentleman were examining a revolver in Dr. RETIEF’s study when the weapon accidentally exploded, the bullet passing through the lungs of W. RETIEF, who is not expected to live.

On Saturday (says the E.L. Dispatch) Mrs. John EDKINS was charged and knocked down by a cow near Sandvik terrace on the beach. Fortunately the charge was not renewed or the result might have been serious. This is the second incident of a similar nature that has occurred there.

A house in Swellendam occupied by Nella SEPTEMBER and her daughter Martha collapsed at midnight on December 31st. Nella escaped. Martha, in trying to rescue her infant, was buried under the ruins and killed. The child was rescued alive, the mother’s body having protected the infant.

On Saturday (says a Kimberley paper) two sons of Mr. GELDENHUIS, who were out on the veld in search of strayed mules, were struck by lightning. One of them (six years of age) was instantaneously killed, the other only received a slight shock. Great sympathy is felt for mr. GELDENHUIS in his bereavement.

J.H. WEBBER has opened an Accommodation House at Buffalo Kloof, about ten miles from Grahamstown, on the Kowie West Road, where you can obtain good Forage for your horses and the best provision for man. Plenty of Fresh Milk, Butter, Poultry, Vegetables and Good Beds at short notice. Also, Rooms for visitors by the week, with the best attention and low prices.
Mr. WEBBER wishes to inform Visitors to the above house that all those who stop over a week may be brought back to their home free of any charge.

The Times says that on a recent evening while a little girl, aged nine, the daughter of Mr. FOCK, farmer, Durban Road, was returning home from an errand, she was seized and dragged into the bush by a coloured man, aged about twenty-three, and criminally assaulted. The child was able to give a good account of her assailant, describing him as wearing a blue coat and elastic-sided shoes, and having two black eyes. On the matter becoming known this morning, a search party was formed to scour the bush in search of the rascal, he having been seen to enter the bush close to the railway station, but was not suspected at the time. The fugitive managed to elude his pursuers for a time, and was making his way to Capetown, when he was met by Mr. H. HAMILTON, of the Boston Hotel, who was returning in a gig from Woodstock, and who, being aware of the outrage, was keeping a sharp lookout for the man. Mr. HAMILTON compelled the man to get into the gig and drove him back to the house of the child’s father, and the child immediately recognised him. The fellow was then taken to Durbanville, and will probably be examined tomorrow. In order to disguise himself the man had turned his coat outside in, and had drawn his hat down over his face.

Thursday 14 January 1892

BIRTH at Kentbury Farm, January 11th 1892, the wife of E.C. FLETCHER of a son.

MARRIED at St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on January 12th 1892, by the Rev. Father Rizzonelli, James QUINLAN, of Witmos, to Maud, fourth daughter of the late John McCABE Esq. of Grahamstown.

We regret to have to chronicle this week the death of a very old native man, named James MUTAI, universally known as “old James”. He was sitting on the front of a wagon loaded with wheat-sheaves, and it seems the sheaves slipped out and pushed him off, the wheel passing over his body and causing severe injuries, which resulted in death in about half an hour. Deceased was, we believe, a grown man at the time of the arrival of the Settlers in 1820, so that he must have been about 90 years of age. He was a staunch old Wesleyan, and for many years did willing service as a local preacher among the natives, a second “Josiah HENSON”.
We also regret to state that an accident of a very painful nature happened to Miss GARDNER, daughter of Mr. Edward GARDNER. She was thrown from her horse, and it is thought the horse kicked her in the face, causing very serious and painful injuries. We hope that she will soon be quite restored.

Saturday 16 January 1892

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral by Special Licence on the 14th January 1892, by the Rev. J.H. Carter, Precentor of the Cathedral, John Theodore FERREIRA, of Atherstone, to Gertrude Rachel Rosina HOFFMEISTER (Kate), daughter of William HOFFMEISTER, Settler’s Hill.

There are no less than fourteen cases of typhoid fever in and about the little village of Steytlerville. Among the sufferers is the wife of Mr. H. WURDEMAN, photographer.

Mr. Peter CARMICHAEL BA, of Grey College, Bloemfontein, was found dead in bed on the 7th inst, at Robertson, Jammersberg’s Drift, where he had gone to spend his holidays. He was also a member of the Town Council.

The mystery of Miss DELAHUNT’s disappearance was solved in a sad manner on Saturday night when Mr. DE VILLIERS, walking along the Sea Point beach, observed something floating in a small cove called Botany Bay. He went closer, and found it was a human body. Assistance was sent for, and several men entered the water and endeavoured to bring the body in, but it was wedged so tightly among the rocks that, not until ropes were passed round it, and three strong men pulled for three quarters of an hour, did it yield. The body has since been identified as that of Miss DELAHUNT by her earrings and certain marks. The body was almost nude, the sea having torn everything off except a boot and stocking. The hair was torn off the head, and the face was unrecognisable. The body had probably been nearly seventeen days in the water. Miss DELAHUNT’s manner was very strange before her disappearance. The funeral took place next day.

Tuesday 19 January 1892

The Budget records the death of Mrs. WITHER, wife of Rev. P. WITHER of Somerset, at an advanced age. She was one of the oldest inhabitants of Somerset, having come to it in the beginning of 1846.

We regret to record the death of Mrs. ANDREWS, wife of Mr. C.W. ANDREWS C.C. & R.M. of Beaufort West. The deceased lady was a sister of Mr. Geo. GREAVES, of Cradock, and Mrs. METCALF, and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.

It is seldom this period of year passes without a bathing fatality at one or other of the watering places. Looking back for several years, it really seems as if every individual year had its own accident in this line. The Kowie has had several narrow escapes this time, but fortunately no fatality. Bushman’s River has not been so fortunate, for last Sunday morning Mrs. SCHEEPERS and her native maid were drowned there while bathing. The body of the former has been recovered.

A few months ago a Miss [BEUKES] was married to Mr. OOSTHUYSEN in Pretoria. The marriage festivities were held on the Johannesburg road near the Six Mile Spruit. In the evening a violent quarrel arose, when a young man named VAN DE SANDT, assisted by his brother, assaulted the bride severely, kicking her in the side. At the time the brothers were brought before the Landdrost and were let out on bail, on condition that they appeared within the next six months if called upon. Meanwhile Mrs. OOSTHUYSEN has been subject to apoplectic fits and unconsciousness, and last week news was brough to town that she is dead, whereupon warrants were issued for the arrest of the VAN DE SANDTs on a charge of murder.

This morning at 11 o’clock in the Cathedral, the Rev. F.W. FLACK, the esteemed rector of Port Alfred, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss POTE, eldest daughter of our townsman Mr. Peter POTE. The wedding, which was performed by the Bishop (assisted by the Rev. A.W. BRERETON), was a comparatively quiet one, but a large number of personal friends of the contracting parties were present to view the proceedings. The bride was attended by Miss Jessie and Miss Amy POTE, while the Rev. Mr. PARKHURST performed the duties of “bestman” for his old college friend. We wish Mr. and Mrs. FLACK every connubial happiness and a long life to enjoy it.

Thursday 21 January 1892

MARRIED on Tuesday the 19th inst at the Cathedral Church of St.George and St.Michael, Grahamstown, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. A.W. Brereton (Incumbent of Stutterheim), Francis Walter FLACK MA, Incumbent of St.Paul’s, Port Alfred, to Sarah Juanita, daughter of Peter POTE Esq. of Grahamstown, and the Castle, Port Alfred.

BY CABLE. Died at Dunbar, Scotland, after a lingering illness, on the 15th January, Isabella Lindsay Morrison, widow of the late Alexander GIBB of Edinburgh, and sister of Mrs. SARGEANT, Mission House, Somerset West.

A very sad and melancholy accident happened at Worcester on Wednesday. Mrs. NEETHLING, wife of the Civil Commissioner’s clerk, was employed in the kitchen, when her dress caught fire. She was so seriously burnt that she expired next morning.

The Mercury learns that the Rev. T. ROPER, of Mount Coke, and his wife have lost their little boy, four years of age, from acute laryngitis. The circumstance is the sadder because of the illness of a young daughter, and the fact that another daughter died of the same disease some year or two ago.

The Bedford paper gives the following particulars: The funeral cortege proceeded from Christ Church, where the first part of the beautiful and solemn burial service of the English Church was most impressively rendered by the Rev. F. BARTON. The church was crowded to overflowing, and numbers had to remain outside of the sacred edifice. This being the time of the Quarterly Dutch Reformed Church Communion, the congregation gave up one of the services, and the Revs. MALAN and PIENAAR, with the whole Congregation, attended, whilst the aged pastor of the U.P. Congregation, the Rev. DAVIDSON, was one of the pallbearers. Everyone who possibly could be present attended, several having come over from Bedford, and I may safely state that amore imposing or more numerously attended funeral never took place in Adelaide. All the places of business had the “shutters up”, and a general hushed solemn sadness prevailed.

(From our Alexandria Correspondent)
On Saturday last (16th instant) a most distressing accident occurred at the mouth of the Bushman’s River, which resulted in the loss of two lives by drowning. As is no doubt well known, the Mouth is much frequented at this season of the year, and there are several families down there just now, Mr. Coenraad KROG’s family among the number. Mr. KROG’s sister (Mrs. C.F. SCHEEPERS) was staying with him, and it appears that on Saturday morning a party consisting of Mr. KROG, his wife and sister, and others crossed the river on to the Kareiga side, the ladies remaining just at the mouth to bathe, while the gentlemen went further on, The bathers had finished bathing and were almost dressed when it was noticed that a Hottentot girl (servant to Mrs. SCHEEPERS) who had, in defiance of orders, run back for a final dip, was struggling in the water out of her depth and apparently going out to sea. Mr. KROG’s daughter Bessie, joined by Mrs. KROG and Mrs. SCHEEPERS, at once rushed into the water to try and save the girl, and Miss KROG, finding she could not reach her, managed to get back; not so, however, with her mother and Mrs. SCHEEPERS (who are both very fine women), for they soon found themselves out of their depth and at the mercy of the waves. By dint of great exertion and the aid of her daughter and others, Mrs. KROG managed to get hold of the rocks and finally got safe out, after using every exertion to save her sister-in-law, and herself having a narrow escape from a watery grave. One can imagine the excitement and terror now going on. All the gentleman were away and nearly out of hail, and some precious minutes elapsed before they were made aware of what had happened. Young Coenraad SCHEEPERS was the first to come, and he at once plunged into the water and succeeded in seizing hold of his mother by her dress, and after the lapse of some minutes, during which he was nearly drowned himself, with the aid of others he managed to get the body out of the water, when resuscitating measures were resorted to, but life was found to be extinct. The body of the Hottentot girl was carried out to sea and has not yet been recovered. The place that the servant girl went into is a dangerous one, abounding with sharp rocks, and it is feared that Mrs. SCHEEPERS received a blow which rendered her insensible, as she appeared to be drowning almost as soon as she entered the water; and some of the others had a miraculous escape from the fate which has befallen Mrs. SCHEEPERS. The unfortunate lady, who thus risked and sacrificed her life endeavouring to save a disobedient servant, is the wife of Mr. Coenraad SCHEEPERS (Zwaart Coes), Brakfontein, and a daughter of the late Cornelis KROG. She was very highly esteemed and respected by the community for her many amiable and endearing qualities, and her tragic end is sincerely regretted, while profound sympathy is expressed on all sides for the bereaved husband, children, and other relatives. The circumstances attending Mrs. SCHEEPERS’ death strikingly illustrate her Christian character and humane principles, for here we have a woman in the prime of life, a mother, unhesitatingly rushing into deep water to rescue a servant who had disobeyed her mistress in going where she had. It is often said that the Dutch have no kind feelings for natives, but I think this lamentable incident will show that such is not always the case, and our friends with negrophilistic tendencies would do well to make a note of it. The funeral took place yesterday (Sunday) and was largely attended by relatives and friends of the deceased. The body was first taken to the D.R. Church, where an impressive service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. ROOS, at the conclusion of which the cortege wound its way to the Cemetery and the body was consigned to its last resting-place. Mrs. SCHEEPERS was a woman of magnificent physique, and only thirty-seven years of age.
[Transcriber’s note: There are two more accounts of this tragedy written by others, taking up a further two columns of the paper]

Tuesday 26 January 1892

Much regret (says the Cape Times) will be expressed amongst members of the Wesleyan community at the death of Mr. F.A. THORNE, an old and highly respected member of that denomination. Mr. THORNE, who was fifty-three years of age, had for some time [been] suffering from cancer, and died from the disease yesterday morning. For the past fifteen years, and up to the time of his death, Mr. THORNE had ably and faithfully fulfilled the duties of superintendent of the East-End Wesleyan Sunday-school, and occupied a position in Wesleyan Methodist circles which it will be difficult to refill.

Thursday 28 January 1892

At Cradock the death is recorded of Mr. Hugh DAVIES, aged nearly 70. Until a few days ago he appeared quite well and hearty. For many years Mr. DAVIES was a resident of Grahamstown, where he carried on a good business; but for the past few years he has lived in Cradock.
Mrs. A. FISHER, eldest daughter of Mr. A. STILWELL of Glenthorne, Queenstown district, and wife of Mr. Arthur FISHER, Bank manager of Newcastle, Natal. No particulars areto hand.
Mrs. BARRABLE, mother of D.S. BARRABLE Esq.

The late Postmaster-General, Mr. George William AITCHISON, was born in the Colony of Scotch parentage, received an excellent education, and was for a short time a teacher at Dr. CHANGULON’s school at Capetown in conjunction with Mr. Roderick NOBLE. Having passed the Civil Service Examination he was appointed a junior clerk in the general Post Office, Capetown, in the year 1850, became Clerk in the Audit Office in 1853, and was reappointed to the General Post Office as Secretary and Accountant in 1857; in 1869 he became Civil Commissioner of Tulbagh, and in 1873 was appointed Postmaster-General. Subsequently, when the Telegraph Department was joined to the Post Office, Mr. SIVEWRIGHT, the head of the former, retired on a pension, and Mr. AITCHISON had the united services under his control. His salary at the time of his death was £1,000 per annum, and having served upwards of forty years he had a right to retire on a pension amounting to two-thirds of his pay. Strange to say Mr. AITCHISON was never in England. He was in all respects a most excellent official and an upright honourable gentleman. He leaves behind him a numerous family, most of the members of which are married and settled in life, to whom we beg to offer our respectful sympathy.

Saturday 30 January 1892

The Dispatch hears of the death on Sunday last of Mr. ALBRECHT, a prosperous farmer in the Izeli district, after a short illness of cancer in the stomach.

In the matter of the suicide of Henry MUNDEN, formerly we believe a Police Sergeant at the Bay, and only recently admitted into the Asylum, Mr. HEMMING has held an inquest. It transpired that the unfortunate man, who was known to have suicidal proclivities, was kept under constant supervision by the attendants, not even being allowed to join the usual working-parties. He was last seen alive at a quarter after noon, when he had been doing a little work in the flower garden and having a quiet smoke. He then went to his room to wash for dinner, and when the vigilant attendant went to look for him in a few minutes’ time the man was sitting at the head of his bed, black in the face. A handkerchief noose around his neck and the other end round the bedstead head sufficiently showed that her had strangled himself by sitting down, and though he could easily have arisen again, and though life must have ebbed very slowly, his determination to die kept him in the sitting posture. He was quite dead when found, for though he was at once cut down, and his respiratory passage given free access to the air, his false teeth even being removed, and every process for inducing artificial breathing at once put into force, the usual post mortem symptoms soon appeared. That Dr. GREENLEES did his best to bring him back to life is evident from the fact that he had six men helping him with the artificial breathing and other restorative devices, and they did not give up hope for more than two hours and a half. MUNDEN had lately been much better apparently, and the doctor had sanguine hopes of effecting a cure, as the depressing delusions from which he suffered were disappearing, and he is much upset at the tragic occurrence. Deceased left an incoherent letter to his wife, written on the previous Sunday, in which some intention to take his life may be vaguely gathered. Mr. HEMMING found a verdict of “suicide while of unsound mind.”

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